Obtaining Snakewater achievements/fr

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Obtenir les succès de Snakewater.

Représentant de Snakewater
Représentant de Snakewater
Remportez 141 rounds.
Difficulté: Facile
Comment l'obtenir: This achievement will naturally be obtained after a very, very significant amount of time playing on Snakewater.

Morsure de serpent
Morsure de serpent
Gagnez une manche pendant laquelle l'équipe adverse a tenté de capturer votre point de contrôle final.
Difficulté: Moyenne
Comment l'obtenir: After defending your last control point, make a strong push out and win the round. Core classes, such as soldier, demoman, medic, and heavy, can help you to gain ground.

Tuez 15 ennemis depuis le rondin au-dessus du point de capture central.
Difficulté: Facile
Comment l'obtenir: Soldiers and Scouts can easily control this high ground. Keep control of it while killing the enemy team to earn this achievement. Demoman can also spam this out from the low ground.

Éliminez l'autre équipe avec 12 joueurs ou plus sur le serveur.
Difficulté: Difficile
Comment l'obtenir: A team wipe occurs usually after a failed push by the enemy team. Chase down the enemy players with fast classes like the scout, and make sure no one survives! Note that 12 players in the server means 6 players per team.

Destruction aérienne mutuelle
Destruction aérienne mutuelle
Tuez un ennemi effectuant un saut propulsé avec une roquette en faisant en sorte que lui-même vous tue avec une roquette alors que vous vous trouvez tous les deux en l'air.
Difficulté: Très difficile
Comment l'obtenir: As a soldier, shooting other soldiers out of the air is difficult. Doing so while in midair yourself is highly difficult. Doing so, and then having that soldier kill you too is highly rare. Playing soldier and fighting around the middle point is the best way to attempt to earn this achievement.