El Duplicante

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Warning: Display title "El Duplicante" overrides earlier display title "Duplicante".

By the time your adversary races towards your 'body' to frisk you for cash and pull gold fillings out of your mouth, you'll already be behind him, poised for the killing blow.
— Dead Ringer publicity blurb

ElDuplicante (en inglés The Dead Ringer) es un gadget desbloqueables para la clase del Spy. Se trata de un reloj de bolsillo enchapado en oro con una inscripción de un colibrí en el exterior, símbolo de la vida eterna.

El principal atributo de esta arma hace invisible a los propietarios de él durante 6,5 segundos una vez herido, dejando tras de sí un cadáver falso para distraer y engañar a los enemigos. Para usarlo, el espía debe estar con el reloj activado antes de recibir daño. El falso cadaver es instantáneo, y puede generar matar falsas muertes, dominaciones, venganza e incluso logros. Heads will also be added to the Eyelander via a fake death. Cuando se hace efecto el reloj en una batalla de arena antes de que cualquier otro jugador sea asesinado, le otorga al atacante la sangre Primera. Provocando una falsa muerte en contra de un Spy en un duelo no subirá un punto a la puntuación de duelo.

During Cloak, the Dead Ringer blocks 90% of the damage from the activating hit. This allows the player to survive fully charged headshots by Snipers or backstabs from enemy Spies, as long as the user has a sufficient amount of Hit Points before the attack was made. Since backstabs have a base damage of 6 times the victim's current health, and the initial hit that activates the Dead Ringer does 10% damage, backstabs will deal 6/10 of the Spy's current health. Additionally, the watch prevents the Cloak from flickering upon impact with enemies or damage.

The Dead Ringer uncloaks with a very distinct sound. The uncloak noise is quite loud up-close, but rapidly fades with distance (this can be "fixed" with the Familiar Fez set). Its Cloak meter drains significantly upon uncloaking, and cannot be used again until fully recharged, though emerging from the Dead Ringer's Cloak drains up to 60% if the meter is at least 40% full. Like the standard Invisibility Watch, picking up ammo can replenish the Cloak. Resupply areas, Dispensers, and ammo can also replenish the Cloak meter. A large ammo box and medium boxes will restore 35% and small boxes 25%. If a Spy is cloaked for more than 6.5 seconds using the Dead Ringer, through collecting ammo or other sources, it will revert to a standard Cloak, losing the 90% damage reduction and letting the Cloak flicker if the Spy collides with an enemy or gets shot.

Activating the Dead Ringer while already on fire extinguishes it. The player must take evasive action, however, as they can be lit on fire again during Cloak. The Dead Ringer Cloak will activate even if the Spy was previously covered by Jarate (the increased damage will still be in effect however), but will short out if he is hit by Jarate while the Cloak is active. The Tribalman's Shiv or Southern Hospitality can inflict bleed which will cause the Spy to drop blood even while cloaked, allowing him to be tracked by sharp-eyed opponents.

Tiempo de función

Activates upon injury. The Spy will take only 10% damage from attacks while he is cloaked, including the initial triggering attack.

  • Cloak maximum duration: 6.5 seconds
  • Cloak recharge time (from 100% depletion): 16 seconds

Como un ingrediente de Fabricación

Duplicante Cazador Cuchilla Tribal
Item icon Dead Ringer.png + Item icon Huntsman.png = Item icon Tribalman's Shiv.png
Duplicante Metal Reciclado Extranjero
Item icon Dead Ringer.png + Item icon Reclaimed Metal.png = Item icon L'Etranger.png

Logros Relacionados

Agente dormido
Agente dormido
Mata a un enemigo en menos de 20 segundos desde que activó tu fingir muerte.

Problemas Técnicos

  • Reloading either the Revolver or the Ambassador, or taking out a Electro Sapper whilst holding the Dead Ringer up will cause the Spy to appear to have three arms.
  • If the Spy takes any damage (with the exception of taunt kills that stun the enemy like The Forajido) while taunting with the Dead Ringer activated, the Spy does not feign death and a fake watch is created. On the player's screen, the Spy can be seen holding the Dead Ringer, but they can still use their weapons. However, only the first hit will have reduced damage. Each hit after that takes full damage. The player can right click again to activate the actual Dead Ringer.


  • Using the Dead Ringer, it is possible to survive: a deadly fall (non-trigger), 16 stickies, taunt attacks, fully-charged headshots, backstabs, and the initial hit by a train or saw blade.
  • Though it is possible to momentarily survive a train hit, the train will plow into the Spy again and kill them unless they move quickly out of its path.
  • When ping and network transmission are not an issue, a Spy can bring up the Dead Ringer and be protected in less than 1/100th of a second. In the average online match this margin is greater, but the times serve to show that the Dead Ringer was designed with no real activation delay.
  • Dead Ringer is a phrase used to describe something or someone looking nearly identical to something or someone else. (e.g. 'He's a Dead Ringer for that BLU Spy we shot earlier!' )
  • The ability to feign death was present in Team Fortress Classic, and the Dead Ringer's function was likely inspired by that ability. However in Team Fortress Classic, the invisibility was limited instead to being rendered immobile and having to hope that the enemy would pass by.
  • Feign Deaths will not:
    • Be counted by Sentry Guns as kills or assists and thus will not contribute to revenge Crits for the Frontier Justice.
    • Trigger the 5 second Crit-boost for the Killing Gloves of Boxing.
    • Trigger the 75 health boost given by the Powerjack.
    • Display a "FISH KILL!" message from the Holy Mackerel, instead incrementing the hit counter, and will continue to increment if one manages to hit the cloaked Spy.
    • Trigger the "instantly disguised as the backstab victim" effect from the Your Eternal Reward.
    • Trigger a hit sound (dingaling) if enabled in multiplayer advanced options.
    • Increase the score of your dueling opponent.
  • Combined with The Saharan Spy set, the Dead Ringer's uncloaking noise will become that of the regular Invisibility Watch's noise, albeit greatly reduced, making a great combo.


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