File:Tf danish.txt
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Tf_danish.txt (file size: 1.37 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes
May 15, 2017 Patch (previous patches)
1115811158"[english]TF_Bundle_SniperHalloween2011" "The Camper Van Helsing Bundle"
1115911159"TF_Bundle_SniperHalloween2011_Desc" "Fejr Halloween med disse genstande:"
1116011160"[english]TF_Bundle_SniperHalloween2011_Desc" "Celebrate Halloween using these items:"
11161N/A"TF_Bundle_EngineerHalloween2011" "Brundle-bundtet"
N/A11161"TF_Bundle_EngineerHalloween2011" "Brundle-bundt Bundtet"
1116211162"[english]TF_Bundle_EngineerHalloween2011" "The Brundle Bundle Bundle"
1116311163"TF_Bundle_EngineerHalloween2011_Desc" "Fejr Halloween med disse genstande:"
1116411164"[english]TF_Bundle_EngineerHalloween2011_Desc" "Celebrate Halloween using these items:"
1281212812"[english]TF_Item_BananaPeel_Type" "Banana Peel"
1281312813"TF_Item_BananaPeel_Desc" "Hvor blev bananen af? Sid ned til den næste del, for VI HAR INGEN ANELSE. Indrøm det, det er da lidt mystisk."
1281412814"[english]TF_Item_BananaPeel_Desc" "Where did the banana go? Sit down for this next part, because WE HAVE NO IDEA. Admit it, that's kind of mysterious."
12815N/A"TF_Item_BarnDoorPlank" "Barn Door Plank"
N/A12815"TF_Item_BarnDoorPlank" "Ladedørsplanke"
1281612816"[english]TF_Item_BarnDoorPlank" "Barn Door Plank"
1281712817"TF_Item_BarnDoorPlank_Type" "Planke"
1281812818"[english]TF_Item_BarnDoorPlank_Type" "Plank"
1622416224"[english]TF_Memory_Maker" "The Memory Maker"
1622516225"TF_Memory_Maker_Desc" "Minderne, du fik som Saxxy-finalist, vil for evigt leve videre i film. Andre minder - som den gang du forårsagede et brud i en eller anden dum Engineers kranie med et 8mm kamera - vil for evigt leve videre i dit hjerte."
1622616226"[english]TF_Memory_Maker_Desc" "The memories you made as a Saxxy finalist will live on forever in film. Other memories—like that time you fractured some jerk Engineer's skull with an 8mm camera—will live on forever in your heart."
16227N/A"TF_Clacker2012" "Saxxy Clapper Badge"
N/A16227"TF_Clacker2012" "Saxxy Klaptræsemblem"
1622816228"[english]TF_Clacker2012" "THe Saxxy Clapper Badge"
1622916229"TF_Clacker2012_Desc" "Udnyt Hollywoods tiltrækkende sorte magi med dette erindringsklaptræ - det samme, der bruges af faktiske filminstruktører. Nu kan DU fortælle Ryan Reynolds, hvad han skal gøre!"
1623016230"[english]TF_Clacker2012_Desc" "Harness the seductive black magic of Hollywood with this commemorative clapper board—the same used by actual movie directors. Now YOU can tell Ryan Reynolds what to do!"
1714617146"[english]TF_IronMask" "The Person in the Iron Mask"
1714717147"TF_IronMask_Desc" "Kalkun? Kylling? Vildhøns? Dit hoved? Denne støbte fjerkræsovn vil ryge alt, du smider i den."
1714817148"[english]TF_IronMask_Desc" "Turkey? Chicken? Game hens? Your head? This cast iron poultry furnace will smoke anything placed inside it."
17149N/A"TF_DoeBoy" "Doe-Boy"
N/A17149"TF_DoeBoy" "Doe-drengen"
1715017150"[english]TF_DoeBoy" "The Doe-Boy"
1715117151"TF_DoeBoy_Desc" "Beskyt de vigtige tanker i dit hoved -- dem som \"privilegier\", \"frihed\" og \"demokrati\" -- med god, ærlig hatteformet amerikansk stål. Denne hjelm løber ikke (indtil den er opvarmet til 1400° celsius)!"
1715217152"[english]TF_DoeBoy_Desc" "Protect the important thoughts in your head -- ones like \"liberty\" and \"freedom\" and \"democracy\" -- with good, honest, hat-shaped American steel. This helmet won't run (until heated to 2500°F)!"
1745717457"[english]TF_RoboCrate_Desc" "This crate is special.\nIts contents are unknown and requires a\nRobo Community Crate Key to unlock.\n\nThe Robo Community Crate contains Unusual effects that will only come from this crate."
1745817458"TF_ImportFile_EquipRegionLabel" "Udstyringsregion"
1745917459"[english]TF_ImportFile_EquipRegionLabel" "Equip Region"
17460N/A"TF_ImportFile_Bodygroups" "Bodygroup:"
N/A17460"TF_ImportFile_Bodygroups" "Kropsgruppe:"
1746117461"[english]TF_ImportFile_Bodygroups" "Bodygroup:"
1746217462"TF_ImportFile_Paintable0" "VMT1-maling"
1746317463"[english]TF_ImportFile_Paintable0" "Paint VMT1"
1769517695"[english]TF_robo_pyro_whirly_bird" "Pyro's Boron Beanie"
1769617696"TF_robo_pyro_whirly_bird_Desc" "Venner og familie vil kalde dig dum for at bære denne hat. \"Hey, idiot!\" kommer din mor til at sige. Men de vil ikke synes, at det er særlig sjovt, når du vinder bagvendt-svømningskonkurrencen i OL, og senere får frataget medaljen pga. snyd."
1769717697"[english]TF_robo_pyro_whirly_bird_Desc" "Friends and loved ones will call you stupid for wearing this hat. \"Hey, moron!\" your mother will say. But they won't think it's so funny when you win the Backwards Swimming competition at the Olympics, and are later stripped of your medal for cheating."
17698N/A"TF_robo_medic_otolaryngologists_mirror" "Halogen Head Lamp"
N/A17698"TF_robo_medic_otolaryngologists_mirror" "Halogenpandelampe"
1769917699"[english]TF_robo_medic_otolaryngologists_mirror" "Halogen Head Lamp"
1770017700"TF_robo_medic_otolaryngologists_mirror_Desc" "Dette medicinske vidunder forbedrer lægens overflødige hovedspejl ved at erstatte spejldelen med en lampe på 10.000 watt, der kan ses fra rummet. Kig ind i dine patienters sygdomsfyldte ører, næser og halse fra sikker afstand."
1770117701"[english]TF_robo_medic_otolaryngologists_mirror_Desc" "This medical marvel improves on the obsolete doctor's head mirror by replacing the mirror part with a 10,000 watt lamp part that can be seen from space. Peer inside your patients' disease-riddled ears, noses and throats from a safe distance."
1770717707"[english]TF_robo_medic_grimm_hatte" "The Virus Doctor"
1770817708"TF_robo_medic_grimm_hatte_Desc" "Hvad enten du er en pestlæge i det 17. århundrede, en professionel bryder eller en tjener i en familierestaurant med pesttema, så får denne hat dig til at se troværdig ud, mens du giver dit medmenneske den sidste olie, kaster ham i jorden eller serverer ham tallerken efter tallerken med fyldte jalapeños indrullet i bacon."
1770917709"[english]TF_robo_medic_grimm_hatte_Desc" "Whether you're a 17th century plague doctor, a professional wrestler, or a waiter at a plague-themed family restaurant, this hat lets you look the part while delivering last rites, a Tombstone Piledriver and/or plate after plate of bacon-wrapped jalapeño poppers."
17710N/A"TF_robo_engineer_texastingallon" "Texas Tin-Gallon"
N/A17710"TF_robo_engineer_texastingallon" "Texanerens Tin-Gallon"
1771117711"[english]TF_robo_engineer_texastingallon" "Texas Tin-Gallon"
1771217712"TF_robo_engineer_texastingallon_Desc" "Det er et historisk faktum, at stof var svært at få fat i, i cowboytiderne. Kreative cowboys holdt solen fra deres øjne ved at lave hatte ud af, hvad de havde i overflod: metalpladetræer og skruekaktusser."
1771317713"[english]TF_robo_engineer_texastingallon_Desc" "It's a historical fact that in cowboy times, cloth was hard to come by. Creative cowpokes kept the sun out of their eyes by making hats out of what they had in abundance: sheet-metal trees and bolt cactuses."
17714N/A"TF_robo_medic_tyrolean" "Titanium Tyrolean"
N/A17714"TF_robo_medic_tyrolean" "Titanium Tyrolerhat"
1771517715"[english]TF_robo_medic_tyrolean" "Titanium Tyrolean"
1771617716"TF_robo_medic_tyrolean_Desc" "Mød op til robotapokalypsen i stil med denne drilske sag. Perfekt til at infiltrere den sansende modercomputer, der befinder sig i den schweiziske pavillon i Epcot Center."
1771717717"[english]TF_robo_medic_tyrolean_Desc" "Meet the robot apocalypse in style with this puckish number, perfect for infiltrating the sentient mother computer located in the Swiss pavilion at Epcot Center."
1775517755"[english]TF_robo_demo_chest" "The Scrumpy Strongbox"
1775617756"TF_robo_demo_chest_Desc" "Denne nitrogenkølede likørbeholder kan kun åbnes ved at indtaste dens konstant udviklende, polyalfabetiske stream-kode, eller med den store metalnøgle tapet fast til bunden."
1775717757"[english]TF_robo_demo_chest_Desc" "This nitrogen-cooled liquor locker can only be opened by punching in its constantly evolving polyalphabetic stream cipher, or with the big metal key scotch taped to the bottom."
17758N/A"TF_robo_all_spybot" "Dual-Core Devil Doll"
N/A17758"TF_robo_all_spybot" "Dual-Core Djævledukke"
1775917759"[english]TF_robo_all_spybot" "The Dual-Core Devil Doll"
1776017760"TF_robo_all_spybot_Desc" "Disse smertesendere i ølstørrelse kombinerer haitiansk voodoos erotiske mystik med matematikkens dræbende kedsomhed."
1776117761"[english]TF_robo_all_spybot_Desc" "These pint-sized pain proxies combine the erotic mysticism of Haitian voodoo with the stultifying boredom of math."
1789917899"[english]TF_brotherhood_2" "The Brotherhood of Arms"
1790017900"TF_brotherhood_2_Desc" "Som hevet ud af 2Fort."
1790117901"[english]TF_brotherhood_2_Desc" "Straight outta 2Fort."
17902N/A"TF_riflemans_rallycap" "Well-Rounded Rifleman"
N/A17902"TF_riflemans_rallycap" "Velrundet Riffelmand"
1790317903"[english]TF_riflemans_rallycap" "The Well-Rounded Rifleman"
1790417904"TF_riflemans_rallycap_Desc" "De lige linjer på denne alsidige hat er øjeblikkeligt svagt bekendte for alle, der nogensinde har set en togkonduktør, er blevet arresteret i Frankrig eller deltog i den amerikanske borgerkrig."
1790517905"[english]TF_riflemans_rallycap_Desc" "The smooth lines of this versatile number will be instantly vaguely familiar to anyone who's ever seen a train conductor, been arrested in France, or fought in the U.S. Civil War."
1791917919"[english]TF_cloud_crasher" "The Cloud Crasher"
1792017920"TF_cloud_crasher_Desc" "Denne faldskærmsudspringers hjelm holder dit hoved sikkert, når du hopper ud af fly. Vis fuglene, hvem der bestemmer! Lad nogle bløde, små skyer vide, hvad du gør ved dem, hvis du nogensinde møder dem i din himmel igen!"
1792117921"[english]TF_cloud_crasher_Desc" "This paratrooper's helmet keeps your head safe while you jump out of planes. Show those birds who's boss! Teach some fluffy little clouds what they'll get if you ever catch them around your sky again!"
17922N/A"TF_facestabber" "Pom-Pommed Provocateur"
N/A17922"TF_facestabber" "Den Pomponede Provokatør"
1792317923"[english]TF_facestabber" "The Pom-Pommed Provocateur"
1792417924"TF_facestabber_Desc" "Den tykke, uldne pompon på toppen af skimasken er fyldt med gift i det tilfælde, at du bliver fanget, og de gerne vil vide, hvorfor du ser så latterlig ud."
1792517925"[english]TF_facestabber_Desc" "The thick woolen pom-pom stitched to the top of this ski mask is filled with poison, in case you are captured by people who want information on why you look ridiculous."
1802718027"[english]TF_ClaimCheck_July2013" "Summer Claim Check"
1802818028"TF_ClaimCheck_July2013_Desc" "Når den bruges, modtager du en\ntilfældig Summer 2013 Cooler."
1802918029"[english]TF_ClaimCheck_July2013_Desc" "When used, you will receive\na random Summer 2013 Cooler."
18030N/A"TF_Jul2013Crate_Early" "Summer Appetizer Crate"
N/A18030"TF_Jul2013Crate_Early" "Sommerforsmagskasse"
1803118031"[english]TF_Jul2013Crate_Early" "Summer Appetizer Crate"
1803218032"TF_Jul2013Crate_Early_Desc" "Indeholder det første sæt\naf guldstjerne-godkendte fællesskabs-\ngenstande fra værkstedets genstandsimportering-værktøj."
1803318033"[english]TF_Jul2013Crate_Early_Desc" "Contains the first set of\nGold Star approved Community Items\nfrom the Workshop item import tool."
18034N/A"TF_Jul2013Key_Early" "Summer Appetizer Key"
N/A18034"TF_Jul2013Key_Early" "Sommerforsmagsnøgle"
1803518035"[english]TF_Jul2013Key_Early" "Summer Appetizer Key"
1803618036"TF_Jul2013Key_Early_Desc" "Bruges til at åbne Sommer-appetitvækkerkasse."
1803718037"[english]TF_Jul2013Key_Early_Desc" "Used to open locked Summer Appetizer Crates."
1893518935"[english]TF_fall2013_hong_kong_cone" "Hong Kong Cone"
1893618936"TF_fall2013_hong_kong_cone_Desc" ""
1893718937"[english]TF_fall2013_hong_kong_cone_Desc" ""
18938N/A"TF_fall2013_weight_room_warmer" "Weight Room Warmer"
N/A18938"TF_fall2013_weight_room_warmer" "Vægtsrumsvarmer"
1893918939"[english]TF_fall2013_weight_room_warmer" "Weight Room Warmer"
1894018940"TF_fall2013_weight_room_warmer_Desc" ""
1894118941"[english]TF_fall2013_weight_room_warmer_Desc" ""
1909919099"[english]TF_hw2013_witching_ward" "The Alternative Medicine Mann"
1910019100"TF_hw2013_witching_ward_Desc" ""
1910119101"[english]TF_hw2013_witching_ward_Desc" ""
19102N/A"TF_hw2013_dragonbutt" "The Cauterizer's Caudal Appendage"
N/A19102"TF_hw2013_dragonbutt" "Svitserens Nedadvendte Vedhæng"
1910319103"[english]TF_hw2013_dragonbutt" "The Cauterizer's Caudal Appendage"
1910419104"TF_hw2013_dragonbutt_Desc" ""
1910519105"[english]TF_hw2013_dragonbutt_Desc" ""
1915119151"[english]TF_hw2013_medicmedes" "Medimedes"
1915219152"TF_hw2013_medicmedes_Desc" ""
1915319153"[english]TF_hw2013_medicmedes_Desc" ""
19154N/A"TF_hw2013_heavy_robin" "The Chicken Kiev"
N/A19154"TF_hw2013_heavy_robin" "Kylling Kiev"
1915519155"[english]TF_hw2013_heavy_robin" "The Chicken Kiev"
1915619156"TF_hw2013_heavy_robin_Desc" ""
1915719157"[english]TF_hw2013_heavy_robin_Desc" ""
1969919699"[english]TF_MVM_Victory_MannUpLoot" "Mann Up"
1970019700"TF_MVM_Victory_Loot_Notification" "Acceptér for at gennemse alles præmier igen."
1970119701"[english]TF_MVM_Victory_Loot_Notification" "Accept to review everyone's loot again."
19702N/A"TF_Item_Robits_Loot_01" "Pristine Robot Currency Digester"
N/A19702"TF_Item_Robits_Loot_01" "Uberørt Robot-møntfodsfordøjer"
1970319703"[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_01" "Pristine Robot Currency Digester"
1970419704"TF_Item_Robits_Loot_02" "Pristine Robot Brainstorm Bulb"
1970519705"[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_02" "Pristine Robot Brainstorm Bulb"
19706N/A"TF_Item_Robits_Loot_03" "Reinforced Robot Emotion Detector"
N/A19706"TF_Item_Robits_Loot_03" "Genforstærket Robot-følelsesdetektor"
1970719707"[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_03" "Reinforced Robot Emotion Detector"
19708N/A"TF_Item_Robits_Loot_04" "Reinforced Robot Humor Suppression Pump"
N/A19708"TF_Item_Robits_Loot_04" "Genforstærket Robot-humorundertrykkelsespumpe"
1970919709"[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_04" "Reinforced Robot Humor Suppression Pump"
1971019710"TF_Item_Robits_Loot_05" "Reinforced Robot Bomb Stabilizer"
1971119711"[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_05" "Reinforced Robot Bomb Stabilizer"
1971319713"[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_06" "Battle-Worn Robot Taunt Processor"
1971419714"TF_Item_Robits_Loot_07" "Battle-Worn Robot KB-808"
1971519715"[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_07" "Battle-Worn Robot KB-808"
19716N/A"TF_Item_Robits_Loot_08" "Battle-Worn Robot Money Furnace"
N/A19716"TF_Item_Robits_Loot_08" "Kampslidt Robot-pengeovn"
1971719717"[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_08" "Battle-Worn Robot Money Furnace"
1971819718"TF_Item_Robits_Loot_01_Desc" "Denne sjældne robotdel kan tilføjes til en drabsrækkefabrikator til skabelsen af et professionelt drabsrækkesæt."
1971919719"[english]TF_Item_Robits_Loot_01_Desc" "This rare Robot Part can be added to a Killstreak Fabricator in creation of a Professional Killstreak Kit."
2020920209"[english]TF_sbox2014_demo_samurai_armour" "Bushi-Dou"
2021020210"TF_sbox2014_fashionable_megalomaniac" "Den Velklædte Megaloman"
2021120211"[english]TF_sbox2014_fashionable_megalomaniac" "The Fashionable Megalomaniac"
20212N/A"TF_sbox2014_chefs_coat" "The Dough Puncher"
N/A20212"TF_sbox2014_chefs_coat" "Dejdaskeren"
2021320213"[english]TF_sbox2014_chefs_coat" "The Dough Puncher"
2021420214"TF_sbox2014_teutonic_toque" "Den Teutoniske Top"
2021520215"[english]TF_sbox2014_teutonic_toque" "The Teutonic Toque"
2153121531"[english]TF_sf14_turtle_shell" "A Shell of a Mann"
2153221532"TF_Set_SF14_Medic_Dog" "Canis Ex Machina"
2153321533"[english]TF_Set_SF14_Medic_Dog" "Canis Ex Machina"
21534N/A"TF_Set_SF14_Medic_Templar" "The Templar"
N/A21534"TF_Set_SF14_Medic_Templar" "Tempelridderen"
2153521535"[english]TF_Set_SF14_Medic_Templar" "The Templar"
2153621536"TF_Set_SF14_Scout_Hunter" "Tagtops-tageren"
2153721537"[english]TF_Set_SF14_Scout_Hunter" "The Rooftop Rebel"
2158321583"[english]TF_RobotPyro_Promo" "Robot Pyro Collectible Figure Promo"
2158421584"TF_RobotPyro_Promo_Desc" ""
2158521585"[english]TF_RobotPyro_Promo_Desc" ""
21586N/A"TF_Nabler" "The Nabler"
N/A21586"TF_Nabler" "Nableren"
2158721587"[english]TF_Nabler" "The Nabler"
2158821588"TF_Nabler_Desc" ""
2158921589"[english]TF_Nabler_Desc" ""
2185521855"[english]TF_EOTL_winter_pants" "Snow Stompers"
2185621856"TF_EOTL_pyro_sweater" "Nordpolarisk Uld"
2185721857"[english]TF_EOTL_pyro_sweater" "North Polar Fleece"
21858N/A"TF_EOTL_flat_cap" "Fur-lined Fighter"
N/A21858"TF_EOTL_flat_cap" "Pelsforet Kæmper"
2185921859"[english]TF_EOTL_flat_cap" "Fur-lined Fighter"
2186021860"TF_EOTL_furcap" "Boxcar Bomber"
2186121861"[english]TF_EOTL_furcap" "Boxcar Bomber"
2306023060"Attrib_SpeedBoostOnKill" "Få en hastighedsforøgelse ved drab"
2306123061"[english]Attrib_SpeedBoostOnKill" "Gain a speed boost on kill"
2306223062"Attrib_SpeedBoostOnHit" "Få en hastighedsforøgelse ved træffer"
23063N/A"[english]Attrib_SpeedBoostOnHit" "Gain a speed boost on hit"
N/A23063"[english]Attrib_SpeedBoostOnHit" "On Hit: Gain a speed boost"
2306423064"Attrib_spup_damage_resistance" "%s1% skaderesistens mens du er under 50% helbred og der spinnes op"
2306523065"[english]Attrib_spup_damage_resistance" "%s1% damage resistance when below 50% health and spun up"
2306623066"Attrib_stattrakmodule" "%s1 statistiktæller påmonteret"
2382723827"[english]TF_Invasion2015Case01" "Quarantined Collection Case"
2382823828"TF_Invasion2015Case01_Desc" "Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringskasse\n\nKræver Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringsnøgle for at åbne\n\nIndeholder usædvanlige effekter med Invasion-tema"
2382923829"[english]TF_Invasion2015Case01_Desc" "Invasion Community Update Case\n\nRequires Invasion Community Update Key to open\n\nContains Invasion-themed Unusual effects"
23830N/A"TF_Invasion2015Case01_AdText" "-Fællesskabskasse\n-Kræver Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringsnøgle for at åbne\n-Indhold er muligvis sært\n-Indeholder usædvanlige effekter med Invasion-tema"
N/A23830"TF_Invasion2015Case01_AdText" "-Fællesskabskasse\n-Kræver Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringsnøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært\n-Indeholder usædvanlige effekter med Invasion-tema"
2383123831"[english]TF_Invasion2015Case01_AdText" "-Community case\n-Requires Invasion Community Update Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange\n-Contains Invasion-themed Unusual effects"
2383223832"TF_Invasion2015Case02" "Fortrolig Samlingskasse"
2383323833"[english]TF_Invasion2015Case02" "Confidential Collection Case"
2383423834"TF_Invasion2015Case02_Desc" "Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringskasse\n\nKræver Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringsnøgle for at åbne\n\nIndeholder usædvanlige effekter med Invasion-tema"
2383523835"[english]TF_Invasion2015Case02_Desc" "Invasion Community Update Case\n\nRequires Invasion Community Update Key to open\n\nContains Invasion-themed Unusual effects"
23836N/A"TF_Invasion2015Case02_AdText" "-Fællesskabskasse\n-Kræver Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringsnøgle for at åbne\n-Indhold er muligvis sært\n-Indeholder usædvanlige effekter med Invasion-tema"
N/A23836"TF_Invasion2015Case02_AdText" "-Fællesskabskasse\n-Kræver Invasion-fællesskabsopdateringsnøgle for at åbne\n-Indholdet er muligvis sært\n-Indeholder usædvanlige effekter med Invasion-tema"
2383723837"[english]TF_Invasion2015Case02_AdText" "-Community case\n-Requires Invasion Community Update Key to open\n-Contents may be Strange\n-Contains Invasion-themed Unusual effects"
2383823838"Attrib_Particle91" "Bortførelse"
2383923839"[english]Attrib_Particle91" "Abduction"
2569025690"Attrib_TeleporterBuildCost" "%s1% metalomkostninger når du konstruerer eller opgraderer teleportere"
2569125691"[english]Attrib_TeleporterBuildCost" "%s1% metal cost when constructing or upgrading teleporters"
2569225692"Attrib_DmgBonusVsBurning" "%s1% skade mod brændende spillere"
25693N/A"[english]Attrib_DmgBonusVsBurning" "%s1% damage vs burning players"
N/A25693"[english]Attrib_DmgBonusVsBurning" "%s1% damage bonus vs burning players"
2569425694"Attrib_PierceResists" "Angreb gennembryder skaderesistens-effekter og -bonusser"
2569525695"[english]Attrib_PierceResists" "Attacks pierce damage resistance effects and bonuses"
2569625696"TF_use_min_viewmodels_option" "Anvend formindskede visningsmodeller"
2654726547"[english]TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_MatchOver" "Vote for the next map"
2654826548"TF_XPSource_Autobalance_Bonus" "Auto-balance"
2654926549"[english]TF_XPSource_Autobalance_Bonus" "Autobalance"
N/A26550"TF_taunt_scotsmans_stagger" "Hån: Svajende Skotte"
N/A26551"[english]TF_taunt_scotsmans_stagger" "Taunt: Scotsmann's Stagger"
2655026552"TF_taunt_scotsmans_stagger_Desc" "Demoman-hån"
2655126553"[english]TF_taunt_scotsmans_stagger_Desc" "Demoman Taunt"
2655226554"TF_taunt_scotsmans_stagger_AdText" "-Fællesskabsskabt Demoman-hån\n-Du er næsten bevidstløs og taler med dig selv, men stadig farlig!"
2663726639"[english]TF_LobbyContainer_Help" "Help"
2663826640"TF_LobbyContainer_Ping" "Ping-indstillinger"
2663926641"[english]TF_LobbyContainer_Ping" "Ping Settings"
N/A26642"TF_LobbyContainer_CustomPingButton" "Brug egen ping-grænse"
N/A26643"[english]TF_LobbyContainer_CustomPingButton" "Use Custom Ping Limit"
2664026644"TF_DataCenter_eat" "Seattle, USA"
2664126645"[english]TF_DataCenter_eat" "Seattle, USA"
2664226646"TF_DataCenter_lax" "Los Angeles, USA"
2671926723"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer4" "None of the above."
2672026724"TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer5" "Jeg spiller med jævne mellemrum Casual."
2672126725"[english]TF_SurveyQuestion_CasualInquiry_Answer5" "I play Casual Mode regularly."
N/A26726"TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo" "Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack-promo"
N/A26727"[english]TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo" "Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack Promo"
N/A26728"TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo_Desc" " "
N/A26729"[english]TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo_Desc" ""
N/A26730"TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo_Package" "Hvad er der i Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack-kassen?"
N/A26731"[english]TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo_Package" "What's in the Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack Box?"
N/A26732"TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo_Package_Desc" "Åbn Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack-kassen for at afsløre dens indhold."
N/A26733"[english]TF_TeamFortress2_Soundtrack_Promo_Package_Desc" "Open the Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack Box to reveal its contents."
N/A26734"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo6_Gold_Medal" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Ultiduo #6"
N/A26735"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo6_Gold_Medal" "ETF2L Ultiduo #6 Gold Medal"
N/A26736"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo6_Silver_Medal" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L Ultiduo #6"
N/A26737"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo6_Silver_Medal" "ETF2L Ultiduo #6 Silver Medal"
N/A26738"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo6_Bronze_Medal" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L Ultiduo #6"
N/A26739"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo6_Bronze_Medal" "ETF2L Ultiduo #6 Bronze Medal"
N/A26740"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo6_Participation_Medal" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L Ultiduo #6"
N/A26741"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Ultiduo6_Participation_Medal" "ETF2L Ultiduo #6 Participation Medal"
N/A26742"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander High/Mid"
N/A26743"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Gold" "ETF2L Highlander High/Mid Gold Medal"
N/A26744"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander High/Mid"
N/A26745"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Silver" "ETF2L Highlander High/Mid Silver Medal"
N/A26746"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L Highlander High/Mid"
N/A26747"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Bronze" "ETF2L Highlander High/Mid Bronze Medal"
N/A26748"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Playoff" "Playoff-medalje fra ETF2L Highlander High/Mid"
N/A26749"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Playoff" "ETF2L Highlander High/Mid Playoff Medal"
N/A26750"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L Highlander High/Mid"
N/A26751"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_HighMid_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander High/Mid Participation Medal"
N/A26752"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open2_Gold" "Guldmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Open 2"
N/A26753"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open2_Gold" "ETF2L Highlander Open 2 Gold Medal"
N/A26754"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open2_Silver" "Sølvmedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Open 2"
N/A26755"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open2_Silver" "ETF2L Highlander Open 2 Silver Medal"
N/A26756"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open2_Bronze" "Bronzemedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Open 2"
N/A26757"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open2_Bronze" "ETF2L Highlander Open 2 Bronze Medal"
N/A26758"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open2_Participation" "Deltagermedalje fra ETF2L Highlander Open 2"
N/A26759"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open2_Participation" "ETF2L Highlander Open 2 Participation Medal"
N/A26760"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Legatus_1st" "Førsteplads i Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus"
N/A26761"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Legatus_1st" "Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus 1st Place"
N/A26762"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Legatus_2nd" "Andenplads i Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus"
N/A26763"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Legatus_2nd" "Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus 2nd Place"
N/A26764"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Legatus_3rd" "Tredjeplads i Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus"
N/A26765"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Legatus_3rd" "Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus 3rd Place"
N/A26766"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Legatus_Participant" "Deltager i Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus"
N/A26767"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Legatus_Participant" "Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus Participant"
N/A26768"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Gladiator_1st" "Førsteplads i Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator"
N/A26769"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Gladiator_1st" "Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator 1st Place"
N/A26770"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Gladiator_2nd" "Andenplads i Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator"
N/A26771"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Gladiator_2nd" "Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator 2nd Place"
N/A26772"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Gladiator_3rd" "Tredjeplads i Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator"
N/A26773"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Gladiator_3rd" "Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator 3rd Place"
N/A26774"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Gladiator_Participant" "Deltager i Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator"
N/A26775"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_6v6_Gladiator_Participant" "Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator Participant"
N/A26776"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_1st" "Førsteplads i Chapelaria Ultiduo"
N/A26777"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_1st" "Chapelaria Ultiduo 1st Place"
N/A26778"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_2nd" "Andenplads i Chapelaria Ultiduo"
N/A26779"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_2nd" "Chapelaria Ultiduo 2nd Place"
N/A26780"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_3rd" "Tredjeplads i Chapelaria Ultiduo"
N/A26781"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_3rd" "Chapelaria Ultiduo 3rd Place"
N/A26782"TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Participant" "Deltager i Chapelaria Ultiduo"
N/A26783"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Chapelaria_Ultiduo_Participant" "Chapelaria Ultiduo Participant"
N/A26784"TF_TournamentMedal_RGB_LAN_Gold" "Førsteplads i RGB LAN"
N/A26785"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGB_LAN_Gold" "RGB LAN 1st Place"
N/A26786"TF_TournamentMedal_RGB_LAN_Silver" "Andenplads i RGB LAN"
N/A26787"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGB_LAN_Silver" "RGB LAN 2nd Place"
N/A26788"TF_TournamentMedal_RGB_LAN_Bronze" "Tredjeplads i RGB LAN"
N/A26789"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGB_LAN_Bronze" "RGB LAN 3rd Place"
N/A26790"TF_TournamentMedal_RGB_LAN_Participant" "Deltager i RGB LAN"
N/A26791"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_RGB_LAN_Participant" "RGB LAN Participant"
N/A26792"TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_Gold" "Førsteplads i CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl"
N/A26793"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_Gold" "CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 1st Place"
N/A26794"TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_Silver" "Andenplads i CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl"
N/A26795"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_Silver" "CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 2nd Place"
N/A26796"TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_Bronze" "Tredjeplads i CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl"
N/A26797"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_Bronze" "CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 3rd Place"
N/A26798"TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_Participant" "Deltager i CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl"
N/A26799"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CappingTV_Participant" "CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl Participant"
N/A26800"TF_Wearable_Turntable" "Pladespiller"
N/A26801"[english]TF_Wearable_Turntable" "Turntable"
N/A26802"TF_AudioFile" "Audiofil"
N/A26803"[english]TF_AudioFile" "Audio File"
File info
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![]() | This media is extracted from the game Team Fortress 2. The copyright for it is held by Valve Corporation, who created the software. |
File history
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Date/Time | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
current | 23:46, 2 August 2024 | (1.37 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch. |
20:03, 25 July 2024 | (1.34 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch. | |
01:08, 10 January 2024 | (1.34 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for January 9, 2024 Patch. | |
19:06, 20 December 2023 | (1.32 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch. | |
02:04, 19 December 2023 | (1.32 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for December 18, 2023 Patch. | |
21:05, 15 December 2023 | (1.32 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch. | |
00:49, 21 July 2023 | (1.27 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for July 20, 2023 Patch. | |
22:23, 12 July 2023 | (1.26 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch. | |
21:47, 30 March 2023 | (1.25 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for March 30, 2023 Patch. | |
18:37, 20 March 2023 | (1.25 MB) | PhoneWave (talk | contribs) | Uploaded new revision of tf_danish.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch. |
- You cannot overwrite this file.
File usage
The following 19 pages link to this file:
- Localization files
- Localization files/de
- Localization files/es
- Localization files/fr
- Localization files/hu
- Localization files/it
- Localization files/ja
- Localization files/ko
- Localization files/nl
- Localization files/pl
- Localization files/pt
- Localization files/pt-br
- Localization files/ro
- Localization files/ru
- Localization files/sv
- Localization files/tr
- Localization files/zh-hans
- Localization files/zh-hant
- User talk:LiquidFire
Hidden category: