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Jailbreak est un mode de jeu personnalisé basé sur le mode pour Counter-Strike du même nom.
Les joueurs du mode Jailbreak sont divisés en deux équipes, l'équipe RED devient l'équipe des "Prisonniers" tandis que les BLUs sont les "Gardiens". L'un des Gardiens est choisi aléatoirement pour devenir le "Directeur" et a la capacité de donner des ordres aux prisonniers et de leurs initier des épreuves. Les Prisonniers qui échouent ces épreuves sont éliminés jusqu'à ce qu'il en reste qu'un seul.
L'équipe RED (les Prisonniers) commencent la partie dans leurs cellules et sont en général restreints à leurs armes corps-à-corps. L'équipe BLU (les Gardiens) apparaissent dans une salle appelée l'Armurerie, qui contient de multiples Kits de Santé et Boîtes de Munitions de grand format. Les Prisonniers ne sont pas admis dans l'Armurerie, sous peine d'être abattus. Les REDs ne peuvent habituellement pas entrer dans l'Armurerie d'eux-même par la porte principale, elle ne s'ouvrira tout simplement pas pour eux; en revanche, la plupart des cartes possèdent des entrées secrètes dissimulées derrière un obstacle que les joueurs doivent surmonter ou détruire.
Toutes les cartes de Jailbreak possède une Infirmerie, une salle dans laquelle tous les joueurs blessés peuvent se réfugier afin de régénérer leur santé.
Bien qu'obéir au Directeur demeure la manière la plus certaine pour les Prisonniers de gagner la partie, certains tenteront de se rebeller contre les Gardiens en tentant de tuer toute l'équipe BLU. Néanmoins, il est souvent très difficile d'affronter les Gardiens sans une excellente coopération et une stratégie bien étayée, puisque les Prisonniers n'ont rien d'autre que leurs armes corps-à-corps tandis que les Gardiens ont accès à toutes leurs armes et ont parfois même des coups critiques garantis.
À certaines occasions, les Prisonniers auront droit à une "Journée Libre", durant laquelle ils n'auront pas à obéir aux Gardiens ou au Directeur. Les Journées Libres peuvent s'appliquer pour des Prisonniers spécifiques ou pour tout le monde. Une Journée Libre est un choix assez commun lorsque vient le temps de faire les Dernières Volontés, mais peut aussi survenir si le Directeur est tué et que personne ne se présente pour le remplacer d'ici un certain temps.
Certains serveur offrent au Directeur ou à tous les Gardiens des coups critiques garantis.
Dernière Volonté
Lorsqu'il ne reste qu'un Prisonnier, une "Dernière volonté" lui est offerte.
- Journée Libre : Durant les Journées Libres, le Prisonnier ayant choisi cette requête n'a pas à obéir aux Gardiens durant le prochain round et est libre de faire ce que bon lui semble. Néanmoins, s'il attaque un garde, il se verra sa Journée Libre révoquée et pourra être abattu. Le Prisonnier peut aussi choisir la Journée Libre pour Tous, ce qui signifie que tous les Prisonniers n'auront pas à suivre les ordres des Gardiens durant le prochain round, mais peuvent toujours être tués s'il tentent de se rebeller.
- Directeur RED : Le Prisonnier restant devient le Directeur, tous les Gardiens devront maintenant lui obéir.
- Hunger Games : Durant la période des Hunger Games, le tir ami est activé et tous les Prisonniers se dispersent sur la carte et sont livrés à un combat durant lequel il devront s'entre-tuer jusqu'au dernier. Les Gardiens sont en général confinés dans l'Armurerie durant toute la durée des hostilités. Bien que ce ne soit pas une faute passible de bannissement, les Gardiens s'aventurant en dehors de l'Armurerie risquent de se faire tuer par les REDs.
- Cache-Cache : Les Gardiens reçoivent l'ordre de rester dans l'Armurerie durant 45 secondes pendant que les Prisonniers iront trouver un endroit où se cacher. Après 30 secondes, les Prisonniers sont en mode Humiliation, ils se déplacent moins vite et sont laissés sans défenses. Après un certain temps, si les Prisonniers n'ont pas tous été trouvés par les Gardiens, les REDs retrouvent leurs armes corps-à-corps et leur vitesse de déplacement normale et peuvent attaquer les BLUs.
- Nuke Day : Plusieurs serveurs offrent la requête "Nuke Day", qui offre aux REDs une vitesse de déplacement accrue de 173% ainsi qu'un Lance-Roquette Valve. Les portes des cellules s'ouvrent automatiquement et le tir ami peut être activé ou non.
Some servers have additional rules, such as:
- A microphone requirement for Blu team members (admins on this type of servers will from time to time do microphone checks).
- Rules moderating or prohibiting "Freekilling," where Guards kill Prisoners who aren't rebelling (most servers give severe consequences to freekillers, though the level of punishment varies. Some servers will automatically ban players who are freekilling over time, others require an admin to manually ban freekillers; also, the ban length varies as well, mostly depending on how severe the freekill was, or if the freekiller was banned for freekilling in the past).
- Blus who taunt or walk near Reds are called "Baiters" and can be attacked by Reds without it being illegal.
- Certain class restrictions (most commonly for Engineer & Spy).
Weapons are limited for Red, as they start out with only melee weapons. Food can be used, but only by discarding or consuming it before the match begins, though this is frequently discouraged. Some servers allow Medi-guns and Shields to be used.
Some classes are frequently banned such as the Engineer and Spy, as their Sentry Guns and backstabs (respectively) are difficult to counter given the game's restrictions.
Certain weapons may also be banned, due to their ability to allow reds to easily bend the rules. Commonly banned weapons are:
- The Sandman and Wrap Assassin due to the ranged advantage they give Reds, and the Sandman's ability to easily disable Blus.
- The Holiday Punch due to its ability to easily disable Blus.
- The Eureka Effect due to how Reds can easily escape to the cells with its teleport ability.
- The Uber saw due to the ability to build Uber from baiters or friendly fire, making it easier to rebel.
Various types of minigames can be played on jailbreak servers. Minigames are usually organized by the guards and the warden, and is carried out by the prisoners.
Dépendants de la carte
Examples of common minigames that are map-dependent.
Fall Game: Red players are placed in a small, enclosed room with square tiling. A random square will begin glowing red, then fall into an environmental hazard. Red must survive until all but one square has fallen or until one person is left.
Jeopardy: Played much like the gameshow, Red players must answer trivia questions. Failing to answer or answer correctly will result in the player dying.
Deathrun: Red players are placed in a hallway with traps. Blu players will activate traps from behind a wall. Game goes on until last rights are given, or until the Warden decides it should stop.
Crush Game: Red players are placed in a room similar to the fall game room, the main difference being that the squares are coloured. A colour will be shown on the wall, and any player failing to stand in that square will be killed. Lasts until last rights or the Warden decides to end it.
Obstacle Course: Most commonly referred to as: Obby. The red players start out at an entrance and must overcome different obstacles such as: Death pits, Parkour Courses, Etc., in a similar fashion to Deathrun. The main difference is that the traps do not need to be triggered and are based on the red team's decisions.
Sweeper: Red players are put on top of pedestals above a hazard. The guards will start the minigame, causing the hazard to activate and a pole to spin round over the pedestals. The pole will kill the red players on touch, and the red players must jump over the pole without dying. The minigame is stopped when the warden feels like it or if there is 1 person left.
Dodgeball/Soccer: Players must hit the ball at opponents; if the ball hits someone hard enough, the victim will die. Some maps have a different variation of soccer where players have to score points by hitting it into a goal.
Minefield: Players must traverse a field full of mines that explode and damage the player upon contact.
Nine Square: Players are pitted in an area with nine squares. The announcer will countdown, and bars will separate the other squares from each other so that the players don't move from one another. From there, a random square will sink, and any players on it will be killed. The minigame ends if the warden feels like it, there is one player remaining, or there is one square left.
Four Corners: Players are put in an area with four large green squares. The players will be given a set time to choose which square they would like to be on, and when the time is up, a random square will flash red; anyone standing on that square will be killed. The minigame ends if the warden feels like it or there is one player remaining.
Kitchen/Diner: Players make up various foods, then the guards decide whether it was good or not. If the majority is on good, the player will go to the back of the line; if the majority is not good, then they will be killed.
Theater: Players are put on the stage, where they will do one of three things; tell a joke, show off their cosmetics (know as Hat Day), or show off their sprays. The guards will then judge whether that was good or not, with the rules being the same as Kitchen/Diner.
Arena: Players are put in a specific area and must fight each other after friendly fire is turned on. While there are usually specific areas for arena in most maps, sometimes the Warden will pit the players in the Pool. The minigames ends if the Warden feels like it or there is one player remaining.
Russian Roulette: Players are put in cells that have a trap underneath the floor. A random floor will break, and whoever is in the cell with that floor will be killed.
Rock, Paper, Scissors: Two players are put into cells, where they have three buttons: Rock, Paper, and Scissors. Both must choose, and the rules of the original game applies (Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beats Paper, and Paper beats Rock). Another variant of these game is to have two players simply use the taunt.
Stairway to Heaven: Player must climb extremely thin platforms and make it to the goal without being killed.
In addition to map specific minigames, there are Warden minigames, which may be played anywhere. The most common are:
Jeux de société
Examples of common minigames that are not map-dependent. These minigames are based off of communication and orders given by the warden/guards.
Simon Says: Sometimes called Warden says, the Warden gives orders in the form of "Simon says do X"; any player that doesn't do the action is killed. If the Warden says an action without "Simon says" at the beginning, any player who does the action is killed.
First Reaction, Last Reaction: Similar to Simon Says, RED players must do the action the Warden says. Instead of saying "Simon says", the Warden will either say "First reaction" or "Last reaction". The first person to do the action during a first reaction round will be killed, and the last player to do the action during a last reaction round will be killed.
Pool: The Warden chooses a random Blu. to kill as many Red players in the Pool as they can before he is killed by the remaining Red players.
Pokémon: The Warden chooses a random Red player (usually the first to answer a question correctly) to be the Red Pokemon master. The Red Pokemon master chooses a teammate to melee fight a Blu player chosen by the Warden.
Cell Wars: Friendly fire is enabled at the start of the round and Reds must kill everyone else in their cell.
War day: The Warden chooses somewhere for the Blus to camp. The Reds are allowed into the armory and must fight the Blus.
Theatre: Reds must show the Blus a hat, taunt, joke or spray, and Blus must vote whether or not they like it. If voted "No" they are killed.
Kitchen: Reds must type in chat what they cook for the warden. If the warden does not like their offer, they are killed.
- Jailbreak maps usually have pop-culture references; these include, but are not limited to some Doctor Who, Pokémon, and Minecraft references.