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같이 보기: Team Fortress 2 Beta
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팀 포트리스2 비공개 베타 버전은 2009년에 경쟁력 있는 선수들에 의해 시험되는 실험 베타 무기와 기능을 포함하는 팀 포트리스 2의 버전이다. 이 무기들은 팀 포트리스 2에 출시되지 않고, 베타 참가자들의 공감대나 욕구를 반영하는 것도 아니다.

On December 2, 2010, an open beta version of the game was made available to all Team Fortress 2 owners, with the intent of testing new weapon variants without affecting gameplay in the official game.

시험중인 아이템 목록

새 무기 정보

병과 피해 거리 Notes / Special Abilities
Leaderboard class heavy.png
Gloves of Running Urgently
Gloves of Running Urgently Beta 1
Base: 33

Crit: 98

Pictogram plus.png +30% faster move speed on wearer.
Pictogram minus.png -50% damage done.
Pictogram minus.png Decrease max health by 100.

Gloves of Running Urgently
Gloves of Running Urgently Beta 2
Base: 33

Crit: 98

Pictogram plus.png +30% faster move speed on wearer.
Pictogram minus.png -50% damage done.
Pictogram minus.png Reduce health gained from healing sources.

Gloves of Running Urgently
Gloves of Running Urgently Beta 3 1
Base: 33

Crit: 98

Pictogram plus.png +30% faster move speed on wearer.
Pictogram minus.png -50% damage done.
Pictogram minus.png -6 health drained per second on wearer.

Leaderboard class engineer.png
Item icon Wrench.png
P.D.Q. 2
Base: 65

Crit: 195

Pictogram plus.png Improve wrenching build speed by 150%.
Pictogram minus.png Cannot upgrade buildings.

Leaderboard class spy.png
Firesuit large.png
Fire retardant suit Beta 1

Pictogram comment.png Makes the user take 90% less damage from fire.

Firesuit large.png
Fire retardant suit Beta 2

Pictogram comment.png Makes the user immune to afterburn effects.

변경된 무기 정보

병과 아이템 예전 새것
Leaderboard class medic.png
블루트자우거 베타 1

무작위 치명타 없음.

Pictogram minus.png 착용시 25 최대 체력 감소.

블루트자우거 베타 2

무작위 치명타 없음

기본 피해량: 10
치명타: 30

Pictogram minus.png 25% 피해량 감소

기본 피해량: 7
치명타: 23
Medi Gun
메디건 베타 1


Pictogram plus.png 과치료가 소멸되지 않습니다.
Pictogram minus.png -50% 치료 속도.

우버톱 베타 1


기본 피해량: 65
치명타: 195

Pictogram minus.png 25% 피해 감소

기본 피해량: 49
치명타: 146
우버톱 베타 2


Pictogram minus.png 착용시 25% 최대 체력 감소

1 This version of the G.R.U. was added to the normal game during the Mann-Conomy Update, making it the only closed beta weapon to be implemented to date.

2 The idea for this weapon seemingly evolved into the Gunslinger, which builds a non-upgradable Combat Mini-Sentry at 4x the normal speed, without wrenching. The Jag is also very similar to this, except it only builds 30% faster while wrenching but can still upgrade buildings.
