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Killicon skeletons.png
生命值: 骷髅王: 1000
普通骷髅: 50
小骷髅: 50
造成伤害: 骷髅王: 100
普通骷髅: 30
小骷髅: 20
• 军队的支援: No
• 原子能饮料: Yes
• 糖果手杖: No
• 冲锋盾: Yes
• 死亡之铃: Yes
• 炮艇: ?
• 迷你爆击: Yes
• 超能冲锋: Yes
分布: HelltowerGorge EventHellstoneBrimstoneGravestoneCauldronSlasher
仅限稀有魔咒召唤: Carnival of CarnagePit of DeathMoonshine EventMonster Bash
— 雷德蒙德·曼恩

骷髅战士(Skeletons,以下多处简称为“骷髅”)是一种由AI控制的实体,它们最初在地图 ​Helltower 中出现,并陆续加入到其它万圣节地图中。 它们也可以通过在 sv_cheats 指令激活的情况下通过控制台来进行生成。

骷髅战士可能以 2 种阵营类型生成:团队色骷髅或绿色骷髅。团队色骷髅只会攻击对立颜色阵营的玩家,也只会受到这些玩家的伤害,而绿色骷髅会同时与两支队伍敌对。团队色骷髅只能够通过玩家在服务器中使用一种稀有的骷髅召唤魔咒来生成。

骷髅战士可能以 3 种尺寸类型生成:小骷髅(“宝宝”骷髅),普通骷髅(中等骷髅)以及戴着王冠的骷髅王。普通骷髅即可以独立生成也可能成群出现,但小骷髅只能从普通骷髅被摧毁后的碎骨中再生成。而唯一的骷髅王,它有着比其它骷髅更宽大的体格与高得多的生命值,它通常生成在一堆普通骷髅当中。





所有的骷髅战士在地图上游荡时都以 300 Hammer 单位/秒的速度移动,并大约每秒进行一次攻击。

  • 小骷髅有 50 点生命值,每次攻击造成 20 点伤害。
  • 普通骷髅有 50 点生命值,每次攻击造成 30 点伤害。
  • 骷髅王有 1000 点生命值,每次攻击造成 100 点伤害。




  • 火焰兵的处决嘲讽仍然会进行一次正常的焦化枪射击,因此可以对骷髅战士造成伤害,并且能够通过两次射击摧毁许多小骷髅和普通骷髅,尽管其效率远不如直接进行常规射击。
  • 士兵的神风特工队嘲讽能够对离他够近的骷髅造成相当的爆炸伤害,足以摧毁任何附近的小骷髅和普通骷髅,然而这个嘲讽的进行未免太慢了。


​Skeletons spring from the ground at the spawn points. ​Normal Skeletons and Skeleton Kings spawn with recognizable sound cues that vary between maps (for example, chiming bells or Merasmus's incantations).

Once spawned, they run towards players, maneuvering around obstacles. They are unable to jump or crouch​.

​Once they are close enough to a player, they will start to melee attack them. Upon destroying a Normal skeleton, 3 glowing skulls will be scattered to the immediate surrounding area. These will spawn Small skeletons, which then continue attacking players. Once the target is killed, or has gotten to an inaccessible point (such as a roof in which there are no solid pathway connections), the Skeletons will move on to the next nearest player. Should no players be present to target, all Skeletons will stop in place and stand still. All types of Skeleton will gib on the spot after being on the playing field for an extended period of time without being destroyed.

Skeletons will target all bots that take up player slots, such as TFBots or puppet bots, but will not target any Engineer buildings or bosses such as the Horseless Headless Horsemann, Merasmus, or MONOCULUS. All TFBots, Sentry Guns, and team-allied MONOCULUS will target the Skeletons, however. Skeletons created with a Magic spell have the same stats and navigation, but will attack both the opposing team and other Skeletons that are not on the team of the summoner. ​


参见 骷髅战士社区战术


Pumpkin.png 2013 年万圣节成就(Bereavements)

杀死 99 名骷髅战士


In order to enable the spawning of Skeletons on a non-Halloween map, the server must be running Halloween mode. The server administrator can manually enable this mode by using the command tf_forced_holiday 2. The server is also required to have cheats (sv_cheats 1) enabled, which will disable obtaining achievements. TF Zombie entities can be manually spawned with the command ent_create tf_zombie.

指令 描述
tf_halloween_zombie_mob_enabled If non-zero, enables skeleton spawning.
语法: tf_halloween_zombie_mob_enabled <integer>
Either 1 or 0. Default is 0 (disabled).
示例: tf_halloween_zombie_mob_enabled 1 will enable the skeleton horde on all AI-noded maps.
On maps without Skeleton spawns, this command will spawn 20 Normal Skeletons every 8 minutes at predetermined out-of-sight spots relative to the nearest player. ​
tf_halloween_zombie_mob_spawn_count Determines the total number of skeletons to spawn each wave.
语法: tf_halloween_zombie_mob_spawn_count <integer>
Whole number between 0 and how many skeletons to spawn each wave. Default is 20.
示例: tf_halloween_zombie_mob_spawn_count 5 will spawn 5 skeletons per wave.
tf_halloween_zombie_mob_spawn_interval Determines the time between consecutive skeleton waves.
语法: tf_halloween_zombie_mob_spawn_interval <integer>
Whole number between 0 and how many seconds before the next wave. Default is 480.
Setting the spawn interval to 0 will cause skeletons to continuously spawn and can cause the server to crash.
示例: tf_halloween_zombie_mob_spawn_interval 40 will spawn a wave of skeletons every 40 seconds.
tf_halloween_zombie_damage The amount of damage a skeleton hit does. This command no longer works as of the Scream Fortress Fifth Annual Helloween Special.
语法: tf_halloween_zombie_damage <integer>
Whole number between 0 and how much damage each skeleton melee attack will perform. Default is 10.
示例: tf_halloween_zombie_damage 20 will make skeletons do 20 damage every hit.
tf_halloween_zombie_speed The speed at which the skeletons move at. This command was removed as of the Scream Fortress Fifth Annual Helloween Special, so skeletons always move at the same speed.
语法: tf_halloween_zombie_speed <integer>
Whole number between 0 and how much fast the zombies will move in Hammer units. Default is 300.
Setting the speed to around 1000 and higher will cause the zombies to damage themselves and die while moving.
示例: tf_halloween_zombie_speed 400 will make the skeletons move at 400 Hammer units.
tf_max_active_zombie Sets the maximum skeletons allowed to exist at once. If the limit is exceeded, the new skeletons will instantly gib.
Whole number between 0 and how much skeletons will exist at once. Default is 32.
示例: tf_max_active_zombie 512 will allow up to 512 active skeletons at once.


  • 游戏文件中还存在 3 种未使用的骷髅:一种不会发光的白色骷髅,一种以橙色发光的骷髅,以及一种以紫色发光的骷髅。


  • ​骷髅战士能够穿过某些墙体或其它障碍物对它们攻击范围内的玩家发动攻击。典型的例子包括,在地图 ​Helltower 中,骷髅王和普通骷髅可以透过双方基地正对的带窗墙壁发动攻击,而骷髅王可以直接对站在它上方露台的玩家发动攻击。
  • 在某些罕见的情况下,被双方队伍召唤的骷髅战士将会静止,不会进行移动或攻击而变得无用,但它们仍然可以正常受到伤害。这种情况通常会在它们被召唤到缺少导航网格(Navigation Mesh)的区域时出现。
  • Skeletons do not spawn on AI-noded maps if there are no players on both teams, even with bots present.


  • ​If spawned through the console using the command ent_create tf_zombie before the Scream Fortress Fifth Annual Helloween Special, the Skeleton would be a random class wearing a Voodoo-Cursed Soul, with an invisible melee weapon.
  • Skeletons use modified Sniper animations while moving and attacking, in a similar vein as Merasmus.


  • 骷髅王戴着一顶塔维什王子的皇冠(附有红队材质的宝石)。
  • 当骷髅战士通过稀有魔咒而被召唤或通过被摧毁的普通骷髅而生成时,它们会使用混混的菜刀的攻击音效。

