Pyro match-ups/nl
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Class | Strategy | ||
![]() Pyro |
vs | ![]() Scout |
De eerste les is om nooit een Scout/nl te onderschatten; net zoals jou, zijn ze het krachtigst wanneer ze dicht bij hun vijand zijn. Als een Scout te dichtbij komt, gebruik je je vlammenwerper om ze op een dwaalspoor te brengen en om ze te verbranden, maar pas op voor hun Scattergun/nl gezien deze dodelijk is van dichtbij. Alleen de besten of de moedigsten zullen doorgaan met vechten nadat ze zijn verbrand. Als ze buiten je berijk zijn probeer dan de Flare Gun of gebruik de Shotgun. Melee is moeilijk om te gebruiken op een bewegende Scout, maar sterk als het lukt - Als je een compressie shot gebruikt om hem tegen een muur te schieten wordt hij een makkelijker doelwit!. Het belangrijkste is om de schoten van een bewegende Scout te ontwijken tot de afterburn schade hem doodt of als je het zelf doet. Ontoud, als de Scout in brand staat gebruik het Mini-Crit/Crit voordeel van de Axtinguisher of de Flaregun op de Scout om hem uit te schakelen.. |
![]() Pyro |
vs | ![]() Soldier |
De sleutel in een Soldier matchup is om zijn raketten te onderhouden. Als je een vlammenwerper gebruikt met de luchtschot mogenlijkheid, schiet zijn raketten terug zo goed als je kan (onthoud dat deze Mini-Crit schade doen). Wanneer hij doorheeft dat je zijn eigen raketten terug schiet zal hij op willekeurige momenten schieten om je op een dwaalspoor te brengen of een ander wapen kiezen. Als hij voor zijn Shotgun kiest, gebruik dan je eigen secundaire wapen. De Pyro is namelijk sneller als de Soldier (tenzij de Soldier de Equalizer gebruikt), dus wees niet bang om hem met de Axtinguisher of de Backburner te verassen. |
![]() Pyro |
vs | ![]() Pyro |
Every Pyro is immune to afterburn; the Flare Gun deals less damage, the flamethrowers are only effective in ambush, and the Axtinguisher is almost completely useless. If he charges you with a Flamethrower, do the same while backpedaling - this will damage him more than it does you. Close-range Shotgun blasts are reliable, and melee swings from the Fire Axe or Powerjack are very useful if necessary. A Backburner can still fire Critical hits on a Pyro, and it does the most base damage of any Flamethrower. Compression blasts are also useful in putting distance between you and an enemy Pyro, allowing you to move just outside of the range of his Flamethrower while using a Shotgun to damage him at a safe distance. However if you have less health than the enemy Pyro running away is recommended as the Flamethrower can still finish you off very quickly. |
![]() Pyro |
vs | ![]() Demoman |
Much like the Soldier, reflected Grenades and Sticky Bombs are deadly to both you and the Demoman. Since he cannot fire bullets, your Shotgun and Flare Gun are both effective and unmatched. If he has equipped the Chargin' Targe, fire damage won't be as effective. Use well-timed airblasts to prevent charges and melee attacks. Shotgun blasts or a puff-and-sting Axtinguisher swipe are most useful no matter the Demoman's loadout. |
![]() Pyro |
vs | ![]() Heavy |
Dealing with a Heavy means staying out of the sights of his Minigun and Natascha. Taking on a Heavy head-on without some kind of surprise or health advantage is usually suicide. However, his gigantic back is a prime target for the Backburner. He is also susceptible to airblasts, particularly with environmental traps or minor falls. The Flare Gun, with multiple hits, can take a heavy down at long range. An old Pyro favorite is to sneakily "puff and sting" - light a Heavy up and swing the Axtinguisher twice - a tactic made even faster with a Degreaser. Having the Gas Jockey Gear against an Heavy, isnt really recommended, due to your increased vulnerability to bullets. |
![]() Pyro |
vs | ![]() Engineer |
An Engineer by himself is hardly a threat. With identical speed and a fifty-point health advantage, he is no match for any weapon. However, an Engineer with a Sentry Gun is very dangerous. Even with your high health, a Sentry can easily make quick work of you if you don't carefully execute your attack. Avoid a Sentry if you cannot attack it without being spotted, or go for the Engineer once he leaves the area. The Flare Gun can be useful for long-range sniping a neglected gun, just make sure that if the sentrygun is under control by an Engineer with the Wrangler, to stand in cover so it can't wound you. |
![]() Pyro |
vs | ![]() Medic |
As with all classes, a Medic is a high-priority target in any game mode. One-on-one, his needles pack a punch, but travel in fairly predictable paths. Light him up and avoid his shots for maximum efficiency. His natural health regeneration and Blutsauger prevent afterburn from being fully effective, so secondary and melee attacks are appropriate. If he's not alone, focus fire on the Medic. The airblast is perfect for separating a Medic from his healing target and prematurely ending an ÜberCharge deployed on another player. Never underestimate a Medic that is aware of you, however, because not only is he nearly 10% faster than you are, his weapons are more effective than yours at anywhere past medium range, doubly so for the Crossbow, your best bet for a Medic in medium range is to use your Shotgun or Flare Gun, but if you are up against a Medic that knows what he's doing at this range, it is advisable to avoid the fight completely, as he may end up killing you. |
![]() Pyro |
vs | ![]() Sniper |
The Sniper, perhaps the opposite of the Pyro, can be killed with any weapon in close combat. Beware of his Jarate, though, which can extinguish your flames, reduce your defense, and give him a shot at redemption. At longer ranges, stay out of sight if at all possible. Flare Gun shots can be deadly as well as any Shotgun damage that lands, since his aim will jump. However, the Sniper can kill any Pyro too slow or too predictable to dodge a headshot. Huntsman arrows are both difficult to reflect, and devastating if used effectively. He will be even easier to kill if he is carrying the Bushwacka, as he will take more fire damage. The quickest and most devastating way to finish of an unaware Sniper, is not through taunting with a Shotgun/Flaregun behind him, as he will hear you and possibly kill you, but with the Backburner from behind instead, as it will always Crit from behind. |
![]() Pyro |
vs | ![]() Spy |
The best way to find a Spy is to check every teammate who passes by with a quick puff from a Flamethrower, or any suspicious looking hiding spot. Once detected simply light the Spy up and use your favorite weapon. Dead Ringer Spies can, however, extinguish the fire with their watch, allowing a quick escape. Spray the area around his dead body, just in case. The Dead Ringer Cloak shields a burning Spy from damage, and generally cannot be killed until their Cloak wears off, seconds later. The Axtinguisher is still effective, although not as much as it's only doing about 20 damage per hit when the Dead Ringer is active. However, this can still finish off a damaged Spy. |
See also