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Helltower | |
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Informazioni di Base | |
Variants: | Hightower e Snowtower |
Sviluppatore/i: | Sconosciuto |
Informazioni mappa | |
Ambientazione: | Desert |
Scenario: | Nighttime, cloudy |
Pericoli: | Pitfall, Pumpkin bombs, Skeletons, Ghost |
Foto della mappa | |
Vista dall'alto | |
“ | Spingi un carrello con un cadavere lungo uno spaventoso terreno magico infestato di scheletri, fino alle fauci di fuoco dell'inferno in questa mappa di Corsa dei Carrelli a tema Halloween! Giusto per essere chiari: te la farai nei pantaloni, amico.
— Pubblicità di Helltower
” |
Helltower é la variante di Halloween di Hightower introdotta con lo Scream Fortress 2013 Update. I giocatori possono equipaggiare un Libro degli Incantesimi e raccogliere gli Incantesimi che compaiono in giro per la mappa, per poi usarli contro i propri nemici. É possibile che compaia un Gargoyle Fantasma ovunque nella mappa, che i giocatori possono collezionare.
L'obbiettivo di ciascuna squadra é spingere un Carrello pieno di ghiaia, contenente lo scheletro dei fratelli Mann, i fondatori delle squadre (Redmond per i RED e Blutarch per i BLU). All'inizio del round, Redmond chiederà alla squadra BLU di spingere il corpo di Blutarch fino all'inferno, e viceversa. Appena uno dei due fratelli viene portato in cima alla rispettiva Torre di Controllo, tutti i giocatori finiscono all'Inferno.
All'Inferno, i giocatori spawnano ai lati delle rovine della Torre Centrale, e devono raggiungere l'Isola del Teschio evitando di essere uccisi, o di cadere nella lava. Quando un giocatore muore all'Inferno, diventa un Fantasma. Come Fantasma non si puó infliggere danno a nessuno, e premere il tasto di attacco primario o usare qualunque comando vocale farà urlare "BOO!" al Fantasma. I giocatori che raggiungono l'Isola del Teschio ricevono un Grimorio Elegante vuoto (se non ne hanno ancora uno), che puó essere in seguito riempito di pagine, e usato per lanciare Incantesimi.
Soul Gargoyles spawn on the map for each player individually during game play. The first notification of the Soul Gargoyle is vocally announced to the player by Merasmus, and repeated notifications may appear until the player grabs the Pickup or it disappears. Only the player for which the Soul Gargoyle has spawned sees the notifications or the Pickup. During Halloween Events, picking up a Soul Gargoyle scores the player 10 additional collected souls.
L'Ora delle Streghe
L'Ora delle Streghe é un evento speciale introdotto insieme ad Helltower. L'evento comincia quando la lancetta dei minuti della Torre dellOrologio arriva a 12 in senso orario, e dura fino a quando suddetta lancetta compie un giro in senso antiorario e arriva di nuovo a 12. Ogni 2 minuti e 25 secondi, l'Ora delle Streghe dura per 40 secondi. Le campane della Torre suonano rumorosamente per avvisare i giocatori dell'inizio dell'evento. Nel mentre, le lancette dell'orologio ticchettano sempre piú forte, per segnalare l'evento incombente.
Durante l'Ora delle Streghe, numerosi Incantesimi appaiono in giro per la mappa, e due Ponti Magici compaiono per permettere ai giocatori di raggiungere la Torre dell'Orologio, ormai staccata dal resto della mappa e galleggiante sopra un mare di lava. I giocatori che attraversano i ponti e raggiungono l'Incantesimo Speciale nella Torre dell'Orologio vengono teletrasportati ai rispettivi punti di spawn, con un effetto di super guarigione e un breve boost di velocità.
Dalla 2^ Ora delle Streghe in poi, il Re degli Scheletri e 5 scheletri compariranno all'inizio di ogni Ora delle Streghe successiva.
Mann Brothers
The Mann Brothers, Redmond and Blutarch, serve as Helltower's Halloween-themed Payload carts. After being slain by their long-lost brother Gray Mann, the ghosts of the Mann Brothers endeavour to have their respective mercenaries send the other brother to Hell so that one may claim their father's inheritance, as described in Grave Matters. Thus, each team must push the corpse of the other team's boss to Hell while the ghosts of their respective employers bicker, report progress, and give instruction in place of the Administrator. Voice responses spoken by them are typically made in response to progression of the game, including environmental factors such as spells or newly spawned enemies.
While the initial push to the end works like a regular Payload race on Hightower, once a team has pushed their corpse to the end, the screen flashes white as all players are transported to what is believed to be Hell.
On first arrival, all players appear on separate sides of a small area surrounded by lava (along with a short dance-off). The team that successfully pushed their cart to the end receive a noticeable Overheal buff as both teams are to fight over winning a prize upon Skull Island; an Unfilled Fancy Spellbook.
At this point, the game turns into a short Arena match, with no respawns. Instead, killed players turn into maneuverable ghosts. The team that manages to make it to Skull Island and lower the gate around the book wins the match, even if they lost the Payload race.
Note: If you're having trouble with finding the locations listed here, you can scroll down to the Helpful overview section to see their exact position marked on the map.
- The Hightowers: Similar to the Hightowers in the Hightower map. There are movable platforms at the bottoms that when a Payload cart and at least one player is standing on it, will raise. Like the Hightower map, once a cart reaches the end of the track it detonates and kills all nearby players (which respawn in Hell shortly after).
- Central Tower: Includes a long pit/shaft, similar to Ghost Fort.
- Crossing':Just like with the Hightower, there is a crossing shortly before the ramp.
- The Ramp: Unlike Hightower, the carts do not roll back down the Ramp.
- Cliff-House: Its back wall is now opened up and can be fallen off of, and players can stand on the roof.
- Clocktower: Past the Cliff-House, a Clock tower can be accessed by bridges that appear during the Witching Hour. The ghost of Zepheniah Mann watches over the battle here but disappears during the Witching Hour. His haunting here prevents long-ranged players (e.g., Snipers) from using the location as an unassailable position.
- Balconies: At the end of the spawn hallways, like Hightower, are small balconies that overlook most of the battlefield.
- Tower Corridors: Some changes have been made here, including small puddle rooms on each side that players can drop down into, and small inaccessible tunnels, which can be used to teleport to the opposite tunnel when you are affected by the shrinking spell.
- The Bridge: Two bridges that allows players to access the Clocktower. They appear during the Witching Hour, replacing Zepheniah's ghost and disappear when it is over.
- Hell: When one of the caskets reaches its goal, both teams are sent to Hell. Hell takes on a slightly more demonic and lava-filled appearance than the map itself and still has the top half of the Central Tower. A route can be traveled across to Skull Island where surviving players can find the chatty Bombinomicon and receive a reward.
Postal Pummeler at the Clocktower.
The Bombinomicon in Hell
Regular Magic Spell
Helpful overview
1.Tower corridor 2.Balconies 3.Central Tower 4.Crossing 5.The Ramp 6.Cliff House 7.Clocktower
Blue diagonal lines: Blu spawn Red diagonal lines: Red spawn
Blue circle: Blu's Hightower Red circle: Red's Hightower
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Related achievements
Update history
- Added Helltower to the game.
- Updated the round restart event to remove spells after playing in hell.
- Updated Helltower to improve server stability.
- Fixed players keeping their spells if they were rolling for them while leaving hell.
- Fixed a dedicated server crash related to players becoming ghosts in hell.
- Fixed being able to instantly respawn by changing teams while a ghost.
- Fixed being able to get into the enemy spawn with the teleport spell in Helltower.
- Fixed an exploit caused by attempting to change teams while in hell.
- Fixed players sometimes not being able to select a team and spawn on Helltower.
- The carts do not destroy any buildings when passing over them.
- It is possible to go outside the map in certain spots.
- When the speed boost from exiting the clock tower runs out, any speed boost from a Disciplinary Action is also removed.
- Killing players with the Half-Zatoichi does not restore the user's health in Hell.
- It is possible for pumpkin bombs and Skeletons to spawn directly on the exit gates of a team's base, preventing them from opening.
- Environmental death in Hell is shown in the kill feed as bumper cars rather than the usual skull and bones, regardless of being finished off or falling in the lava.
- It is sometimes possible to escape Hell using the Eureka Effect.
- It is possible to hear footsteps from ghost players not flying around, but hovering just above the ground.
- Ghosts players in Helltower can be healed by friendly Medics and are affected by magic spells.
- If a player manages to get past the gate in hell before it has opened, the player will continually receive damage.
- Each Mann brother has a knife sticking out of his back. This is a reference to when Gray Mann stabbed them at the end of the Blood Brothers comic.
- However, Gray used only one knife to commit both murders, and he dropped the knife and left it on the floor.
- A Spy corpse (RED Spy for BLU and BLU Spy for RED) can be seen flying towards the lava next to the clock tower after the explosion, most likely serving as stand-ins for Blutarch/Redmond going to Hell.
- According to an unused line for Blutarch, Blutarch states that his laywers are watching from the clock tower at the end of the map, ensuring his team is doing their job.
- This unused reference to an "evil castle" and his lawyers there, as well as the presence of Merasmus's refrigerator, suggests that the tower was meant to be castle at one point.
- In Hell, there is a secret ledge at the bottom of the cliff with a skeleton leg.
- A hut is visible in the far right side of the normal Hightower; in this version, it is missing with a black spot, implying that it exploded.
See also
The Redmond Cycle:
- Helltower, Redmond is taken to Hell.
- Gorge Event, Redmond has escaped from Hell with his coffin; BLU assaults his mansion to send him back.
- Brimstone, Redmond is taken back to Hell.