Postacie niezależne

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Jesteś tą panienką, która pracuje z tą kobietą, która zawsze wrzeszczy na nas, gdy walczymy.
Demoman z RED do Panny Pauling

Postacie niezależne to te postacie w świecie Team Fortress 2, które nie są jedną z dziewięciu grywalnych klas. Większość z nich nie jest zamieszana w rozgrywkę, jednakże tworzą one dodatkowe tło w świecie Team Fortress 2.

TF Industries i jednostki zależne


Patrz: Administratorka.

Blutarch i Redmond Mannowie

Wprowadziłem w życie epicką kampanię lenistwa przeciwko pustoszejącemu czasowi. Czekam, aż natura zrobi to, co moi ludzie nie mogli dokonać. A mimo to jesteśmy tutaj. A on... nie... UMIERA.
Blutarch Mann, dyskutując o jego wojnie przeciw jego bratu.

Blutarch Mann i Redmond Mann to synowie Zefeniasza Manna. Są właścicielami BLU i RED. Obydwaj synowie są wciągnięci w kontrolowanie ogromnych połaci terenu pozostawionych przez ich ojca. Po śmierci Zefeniasza Manna Blutarch i Redmond wynajęli po drużynie składającej się z 9 najemników, którzy mieli w krótkim czasie pokonać drugiego brata, zagarniając jego ziemię. Jako że siły były zrównoważone, sytuacja szybko zamieniła się w wydłużony pat, który zmusił obu braci do uzyskania maszyny wydłużania życia autorstwa Radigana Conaghera. Każdy z nich miał nadzieję, że przeżyje tego drugiego, gdyż żaden z nich nie mógł wygrać walki przy użyciu siły. Patrząc na współczesny wygląd Blutarcha można stwierdzić, iż jego brat wygląda prawie identycznie. Kapelusze na ich głowach są bardzo podobne do czapki Szpiega, Melonika Oszczercy.


  • Sylwetkę Redmonda można ujrzeć na krześle zwróconym na urządzenia (prawdopodobnie maszynę do wydłużania czasu, którą stworzył Radigan) w niedostępnej części punktu odrodzenia drużyny RED w mapie Halloweenowej Mann Manor. Uzyskanie dostępu to tego pokoju poprzez komendę noclip ujawnia, iż tylko część jego sylwetki (ręka oraz głowa) jest wymodelowana.
    • W pokoju z punktem C w Mann Manor na ścianie można ujrzeć obraz muskularnego i uśmiechniętego Redmonda. Za nim stoi zła, gremlinopodobna postać Blutarcha. Podobny portret (w którym role są odwrócone) można zobaczyć w pokoju Blutarcha Manna w komiksie Loose Canon.
  • Bezimienna pani domu Blutarcha ma prawdopodobnie 140 lat. W komiksie Loose Canon ma ona prawdopodobnie 65 lat.


Kim ja jestem nie leży w twoim interesie.
Elizabeth o swym tajemniczym pochodzeniu

Elizabeth, której nazwisko nie jest obecnie znane, była służącą Zefeniasza Manna. Po jego śmierci pozostawił jej większość jego posiadłości, włączając w to wszystkie akty własności, konta i długi. Jest pierwszym znanym przodkiem Helen wplątanym w administrację drużyn RED i BLU.


W komiksie Loose Canon kobieta, która jest bardzo podobna do Elizabeth, przekonuje Radigana, aby skonstruował dwie dodatkowe maszyny wydłużające życie, a nie tylko jedną dla Blutarcha. Przekupiła go Australium. Nie jest wiadome, jak zdobyła sto funtów tego pierwiastka. Podejrzewa się, że Elizabeth jest jej matką, aczkolwiek jej imię i przodkowie nie zostali ujawnieni. W takim wypadku Administratorka Helen mogłaby być jej wnuczką, a posiadanie TF Industries mogłyby zostać przekazywane z pokolenia na pokolenie.

  • Oryginalne "druki" komiksu ukazują Elizabeth pod imieniem "Emily" co doprowadza czytelnika do wniosku, że było to zamierzone imię córki Elizabeth, a imiona obu postaci zostały pomieszane przez autora komiksu. Wygląda na to, że Emily mogła być w jakimś romantycznym związku z Redmondem Mannem. Choć jest to prawdopodobnie niekanoniczne, na mapie cp_manor_event jest ukryty portret Emily jako tzw. easter egg. Kanoniczność tego obrazu jest niepotwierdzona.

Panna Pauling

Panna Pauling
A właśnie, panie DeGroot? Szefowie pańskiego przyjaciela złożyli mu taką samą ofertę.
Panna Pauling prowokuje wojnę pomiędzy Tavishem DeGrootem i Jane'em Doe

Panna Pauling jest lojalną asystentką Administratorki. Do jej obowiązków należy składanie raportów o nietypowych badaniach środowiskowych, zamawianie transportów pewnych dóbr oraz otwieranie kanałów komunikacyjnych. Podczas jednego z takich badań Panna Pauling odkryła przyjaźń Demomana z RED i Żołnierza z BLU, co zostało zgłoszone Administratorce. Panna Pauling ogólnie stosuje się do poglądów jej szefowej ze strachu przed wywołaniem jej gniewu, nawet jeżeli niekoniecznie osobiście się z nimi zgadza. Gdy zapytana przez Administratorkę co dokładnie przyjaciele robią, odpowiada "Ee. Idą na łyżwy...oglądają katalogi z broniami....czasami po prostu rozmawiają..." Stwierdza, że Administratorka "nie jest taka zła, jeśli ją poznasz."

Z rozkazu swojej szefowej osobiście dostarczyła kilka broni niepewnego pochodzenia z firmy Mann Co. Żołnierzowi i Demomanowi w zamian za przysięgę zabicia tego drugiego.

We wpisie na blogu z dnia 22 grudnia 2010 (angielski) Administratorka stwierdza, iż Panna Pauling podarowała Klucze Upychacza Skarpetek podczas świąt wszystkim posiadaczom Team Fortress 2, podczas gdy Administratorka jest tym faktem obrzydzona.

Pan Bidwell

Pan Bidwell
Jesteśmy pod wielkim wrażeniem, sir. Pański poranny stek.
Pan Bidwell udowadnia swoje kulinarne zdolności.

Pan Bidwell jest jednym z asystentów Saxtona Hale'a, pracuje razem z Panem Reddym. Do jego obowiązków należy przygotowywanie posiłków Hale'a i zmaganie się z opiniami klientów. Pan Bidwell jest twórcą odświeżonego Katalogu broni firmy Mann Co., będąc łącznikiem pomiędzy Mann Co. i twórcami różnych produktów. Podczas pojawienia się po raz pierwszy Bidwell miał szerokie wąsy, lecz zostały później zgolone.

Pan Reddy

Pan Reddy
Jest pan teraz szóstym najbogatszym człowiekiem w Ameryce, panie Hale.
Mr. Reddy używa swojego wykształcenia księgowego.

Pan Reddy jest jednym z asystentów Saxtona Hale'a, pracuje razem z Panem Bidwellem. Do jego obowiązków należy zmaganie się z kontami Mann Co. oraz odbieranie telefonów Hale'a. Z rozkazu Hale'a Pan Reddy wysyła pięciu najbogatszym ludziom w Ameryce po gratulacyjnym bukiecie kwiatów oraz liście "Jesteś martwy". Podczas pojawienia się po raz pierwszy Reddy miał cienkie wąsy, lecz zostały później zgolone.

Tajemniczy Osobnik

Tajemniczy Osobnik
To jest to miejsce.
Tajemniczy Osobnik po zlokalizowaniu apartamentu Żołnierza z BLU.

Tajemniczy Osobnik jest, jak imię wskazuje, tajemniczym osobnikiem. Został ukazany podczas lokalizowania apartamentu Żołnierza z BLU i dostarczenie mu wiadomości poprzez ekran telewizyjny nadający Administratorkę podczas aktualizacji WOJNA!. Został wynajęty przez Administratorkę, aby znalazł Żołnierza z BLU i zwrócił go przeciwko jego przyjacielowi, Demomanowi z RED, co można odebrać jako fakt, iż jest on Szpiegiem dla TF Industries.

Saxton Hale

Patrz Saxton Hale.

Sylas Mann

Sylas Mann
Zobacz także: Bezkonny Bezgłowy Jeździec.
— Nie do końca dokładny nagrobek Sylasa Manna

Uznawany za brata Zefeniasza Manna, historia Sylasa w rodzinie Mannów jest spowita zagadkami. Wiadome jest, iż był on współtwórcą Kwartalnika Koncernu Zefeniasz Mann i Synowie, który w ostateczności stał się firmą Mann Co. Jego wkład w firmę to klucze oraz etykiety z nazwą. Sylas zmarł krótko po swoim bracie, lecz jego śmierć nie była dla niego końcem. Teraz Sylas wałęsa się po Mann Manor jako Bezkonny Bezgłowy Jeździec podobnie do swojego brata Zefeniasza, który nawiedza Harvest jako niebieski duch. Portret Sylasa Manna można znaleźć po kliknięciu słowa "Silas" na na grobku na stronie Aktualizacji Scream Fortress.

  • Sylas Mann pojawił się po raz pierwszy na pierwszej stronie aktualizacji Inżyniera, na wycinku z Kwartalnika Koncernu Zefeniasz Mann i Synowie: "Aktualizacja Inżyniera".

Nieznany Osobnik

Na w większości kompletnym portrecie rodziny Mannów można ujrzeć inną osobę pomiędzy przerwą dwóch części zdjęcia. Imię tej osoby jest nieznane i nie zostało nigdzie wymienione. Można go zobaczyć tutaj. Wygląda jakby trzymał coś w jego lewej ręce, lecz obiektu nie można zidentyfikować.

RED and BLU Family Members

Matka Skauta z BLU

Matka Skauta z BLU
Skaut z BLU: "A ty kim jesteś? Szefem jego fanklubu?"
Szpieg z BLU: "Nie... byłaby nim twoja matka!"
Skaut z BLU i Szpieg z BLU dyskutują o romansach Szpiega z RED

Matka Skauta jest krótko wspomniana i pokazana w Poznajcie Szpiega. Wychowała Skauta i jego siedmiu braci w Południowym Bostonie i jakimś cudem zachowała swoją figurę. Jest kochanką Szpiega z RED, który nazywa ją pieszczotliwie "ma petite chou-fleur" (francuski, dosł. "Mój mały kalafiorek", aczkolwiek prawidłowym tłumaczeniem byłoby "Moje kochanie"), chociaż brzmi to jak "ma petit chaud fleur". Skaut z BLU był tym faktem najwyraźniej zszokowany, choć jego prawdziwe uczucia nie są do końca znane, gdyż był on faktycznie Szpiegiem z RED przebranym jako Skaut z BLU w tejże chwili. Matka Skauta nosi klasyczną sukienkę i fryzurę z późnych lat 60. Na obrazku nosi ona tylko niebieskie ubranie; można więc założyć, że matka Skauta z RED nosi ubrania w kolorze drużyny jego syna. Siedem kompromitujących zdjęć, na których jest ona i Szpieg z RED trzymane są w bazie BLU w ściśle tajnym pliku oznaczonym "Matka Skauta". Matka Skauta jest jedyną kobiecą postacią, która nie posiada modelu zakładając, że Pyro jest mężczyzną. Szpieg ma na swoim Ambasadorze wygrawerowaną jej podobiznę.

Pani DeGroot

Pani DeGroot
Twój tata przeszedł piętnaście mil w deszczu, aby wysadzić Królową Anglii za nikla!
Pani DeGroot o rodzinnym fachu

Matka Demomana, Pani DeGroot, jest niewidomą, starszą kobietą, która ciągle wspomina Demomanowi o jego zmarłym ojcu. Nawet przy multimilionowym zarobku i posesji jego syna, nadal twierdzi, że nie pracuje on zbyt ciężko i stwierdza, iż jego ojciec przewracałby się się w grobie, gdyż miał on 26 prac. Nalegała, aby Demoman pozostał wierny swoim szkockim ideałom i żeby nie "zmarnował swojego daru". Powiedziała także: "Każdy Demoman warty jego siarki nigdy nie miał jakiegokolwiek oka w swojej głowie po trzydziestce!"

Wraz z ojcem Demomana zabrała młodego Tavisha ze szkoły dla sierot, ujawniając się jako jego prawdziwi rodzice. Wyjaśnili, że Demoman został porzucony po urodzeniu aż do chwili, w której udowodnił swoich umiejętności, które były częścią długiej, bolesnej i niekoniecznej tradycji wśród Góralskich Demomanów.

Radigan Conagher

Radigan Conagher
Radigan Conagher on monster-building-requests

The Engineer's Grandfather, Radigan Conagher, was hired by Blutarch Mann to build a machine to extend his life past his brother's. He agrees to build the machine for Blutarch. Later on he is approached by a woman, who bears a similar appearance to that of The Administrator. She offers him Australium to build Blutarch's Machine, under the stipulation that he covertly builds an identical machine for Redmond as well. Radigan Conagher also seemed to have been obsessed with Abraham Lincoln. In the first edition of The Engineer Update, several pages of notes can be seen that are totally dedicated to inventing an object that could have saved Lincoln from John Wilkes Booth. Some devices include: a hat that would shoot at the attacker, a chair that would swing over and under a balcony away from the attacker, and a teleporter.

Radigan goes through a drastic transformation as shown in the hidden links of The Engineer Update. He seems to have grown taller, grown a mustache, grown muscular, and has a fond thirst for beer. This matches the qualities of the stereotypical Australians in TF2. This is probably due to his exposure with Australium. One could even say he looks like an older Saxton Hale. In the photographs displayed on the Engineer Update webpage, Conagher is also shown holding what seems to be the very first Southern Hospitality. In the final stage of his transformation, it is shown that he replaced his left hand with a robotic arm, and his chest hair has grown into the shape of Texas, similar to Saxton Hale's chest hair in that appears as the shape of Australia. He also appears more "Australian" than before, as a large jovial man (in contrast to his previously reserved personality) with a big, bushy mustache and carrying a barrel of BLU Streak beer, a taste shared by his grandson Dell. One of the Paint Can colors is named after Radigan, and is called "Radigan Conagher Brown"

Sniper's Parents

"Put mum on the phone!"
I'll be honest with ya: my parents do not care for it.
The Sniper on being a sniper

The Sniper's parents were first mentioned in Meet the Sniper. The Sniper, being a dutiful son, makes sure to keep in touch with his parents via phone or mail to inquire about their well-being and keep them up to date with his latest adventures and exploits. Living in the Red House on the Left on Adelaide St. in Australia, the Sniper's parents do not approve of his occupation. The Sniper's dad is especially condemning, calling the Sniper a "crazed gunman," against the Sniper's insistence that he is an "assassin." In a bid to bring the arguments to an end, the Sniper wrote to his mom asking her to just tell his dad about how he makes more than a doctor, and finally asks her to just tell him that he is a doctor.

It is presumed that the BLU Sniper's parents live in a blue house on the right side of Adelaide St.

Other Individuals

Charles Darling

Charles Darling
A hunter needs his trophies, Saxton. You of all people should understand that. You were my best student, once. Before you gave it all up, for her.
Charles Darling on hunting.

Charles Darling is the former mentor of Mann Co. owner Saxton Hale. Formerly a hunter, Darling decided to give up a life of savagery for a more comfortable one of zoo-keeping. His and Hale's falling-out appeared to occur following Saxton's decision to abandon his training for 'her'. He is currently the owner and proprietor of Darling Zoos, whose collection of animals includes such rare species as pygmy rabbits, quaggas, tasmanian wolves, dodos, giraffes and sea cows. He is also thought to be based off of the famed evolutionist Charles Darwin.

Gentle Manne of Leisure

The Gentle Manne of Leisure and his Companion.
A-ha-ha! You are as PRESUMPTUOUS as you are POOR and IRISH. Tarnish notte the majesty of my TOWER of HATS.
— The Gentle Manne of Leisure observes the peasants around him

The Gentle Manne of Leisure is an English Victorian, who is rich enough to buy a tower of hats. He travels the streets of an English Victorian city with his companion (unnamed), informing the "peasants" that they are presumptuous, poor, and Irish. The Gentle Manne of Leisure wears a tuxedo, carries a cane, and is never seen without his most prized possession; his tower of hats. It is possible that he is referred to as "Sinclaire" by his Companion as they spectate their 'Hatless Commoners' Boxing.

King of Australia

King of Australia as shown on the Here's Some News, Mate, newspaper

The King of Australia appears as a man wearing a suit and a crown. Even though he is labeled as The king of Australia, he doesn't have a proper mustache. He was also the founder and conqueror of hills. (referring to the King of the Hill gamemode)


Self-portrait of Kicasso
Say, uh... That ain't an original Kicasso, is it?
Dell Conagher on Blutarch Mann's choice in art

A painter whose work is on display in the lobby of BLU's headquarters, and recognized by Dell Conagher. At one point, he went through a "Hunted in the Jungle" period of artwork. Most likely a play on the name of the famous artist, Picasso. The Artwork is a parody adaptation of Picasso's 'Self-portrait with Cloak', painted during his "blue period", which is a humorous reference within itself considering that the Kicasso is a part of Blutarch's Mansion.

Poopy Joe

Poopy Joe - "Taken too soon"
I have no idea what you're - ooo, right. That poor monkey.
Saxton Hale takes a moment to fondly remember the pioneering primate astronaut

Poopy Joe was a monkey astronaut who tragically died in an explosion before taking off, caused by Mann Co. in their unsuccessful attempt to rid themselves of weapons involved in a Senate investigation. Mann Co. takes no blame for his death and created commemorative plates that remember Poopy Joe and America's dream of conquering space. These plates were actually hints of the then-upcoming War! Update, depicting the Eyelander, the Equalizer and the Buff Banner's bugle.


Shakespearicles, the strongest writer who ever lived

Shakespearicles was the strongest writer who ever lived. He was the inventor of the two-story building, the stage play, America and the Rocket Launcher. Despite his powerful grasp of language and the ability to bench press 700 British pounds, several inventions eluded his iron grip—most tragically among them, stairs.

For the next three hundred years, people who needed to get to the second floor used the only method available to them, which was rocket jumping. This persisted until 1857, when the young bearded inventor named President Abraham Lincoln invented stairs.

Trent and Jessica

Trent and Jessica
...and the bullets biodegrade once they hit flesh, leaving nothing behind but a blog post.
Trent explaining Apple's advances in the Minigun market

Trent and Jessica are two young fellows (and, according to the Soldier, hippies) who work at the Apple store located just outside Dustbowl.

They offered items for sale to the RED Scout and Heavy, specifically a very small looking, yet identical headset for the Scout, and a white, black, and blue Minigun whose bullets add kills to the user's killcount on his blog. (If the user does not have a blog, the gun is programmed to create one.) They also managed to impress the RED Soldier by instantly cooking a pig with a device plugged through a firewire port. Jessica also explained Apple's newest product, the iBlewupthemoon, to Saxton Hale, impressing him and leading him to attempt to purchase the company and being turned down by a "Mysterious" figure that runs the store.

The Apple Store Manager

Let me see your manager.
Saxton Hale on blowing up the moon with Apple's latest product

The Apple Store Manager is the manager of the Apple store located on the outskirts of Dustbowl, and presumably the employer of Trent and Jessica.

When Saxton Hale wants to buy out the company, he denied the request with the words "No sale, Hale!" He is presumably one of Hale's curvy long time rivals.

The Mann Co. Ape

The Mann Co. Ape
WIN A PRIZE! If you order now, you'll be automatically entered in a free giveaway. An all-expenses paid trip, including first class airfare, and a limousine ride, will be given to a gorilla so he can come to your house and fight you!
— From the Mann-Conomy update page

The Mann Co. Ape appeared on the bottom of the Mann-Conomy update page, with the above caption next to it. At the time, many readers assumed that there would be some kind of actual prize draw for the first players to buy items from the Mann Co. Store, however the only bonus to buying items was receiving a Mann Co Cap. Additionally, when the mouse is hovered over the picture, the Ape on the update page closes one of its eyes when it is rolled over, looking as if it is winking. Clicking on the image of the Ape would take the user to a framed image of the Ape.

Old Nick

Nicholas Crowder, now known as "Old Nick"
The nice children are given the greatest gift of all -- they are not abducted along with the naughty ones and carted off to the South Pole.
Robin Walker on the story of Old Nick

On December 18, 1788 a man named Nicholas Crowder was on a voyage to Australia, and upon witnessing the heat and privations, decided to turn the boat around and set course to conquer the South Pole, where, according to legend, he still lives. Every December 18th, "Old Nick" as he is now known, returns to Australia to judge whether or not the children have been naughty or nice. The nice children get the gift of not being abducted and taken to the South Pole to work in Old Nick's workshop. The bad children make hats and weapons for Old Nick which are delivered to his Mansion on December 17. Old Nick sells any duplicate weapons and hats he has received online "practically giving them away".

Historical Figures


Abraham Lincoln

Wikipedia article: Template:W

In addition to being the nation's 16th president, Abraham Lincoln was also the BLU team's first Pyro when the war began in the 1800's. Abraham Lincoln is noted for his love of Arena Mode as shown in the Sniper vs Spy update. According to the WAR! Update, he was the inventor of stairs. According to the Engineer update, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John "Tower of Hats" Booth, although the WAR! Update attributes his death to rocket-jumping. Furthermore, according to the Loose Canon comic, there were blueprints for three "life-extender machines," the last one apparently built on the day of Lincoln's death. Whether or not the Abraham is still alive is open to debate.

George Washington

Wikipedia article: Template:W

The father of our country, George Washington, invented America, but historians agree his greatest failure was his inability to be permanently invisible. With the advent of the Cloak and Dagger, the Spy can succeed where the inventor of America failed.

George Washington first appeared in the Sniper vs Spy Update.


Fred Astaire

Fred Astaire

Wikipedia article: Template:W

Fred Astaire, born Frederick Austerlitz, was an American film and Broadway stage dancer, choreographer, singer and actor. His stage and subsequent film career spanned a total of 76 years, during which he made 31 musical films. He was particularly susceptible to projectile weapons fire.

John "Tower of Hats" Booth

John Booth

Wikipedia article: Template:W

John "Tower of Hats" Booth was the assassin of beloved president Abraham Lincoln. His last known photograph depicts him wearing his eponymous tower of hats. A wanted poster of him was published after the assassination, including an altered photograph depicting what he may look like after adding Abraham Lincoln's fearsome hat to said tower.



Australians in the 1890's
Every one of mankind's innovations now comes from the lager-pickled brain of an Australian.
The Administrator's ancestor on the mustache-sporting, beer-swilling, deathray-inventing Australians

Once thought of as nation of idiots, since 1850 Australians have become world leaders in technology, with every innovation including cloaking and teleportation, coming from the lager-loving nation. By the 1890's, Sydney had become a city of tomorrow, with flying cars, giant airships and self-grooming mustaches. Much like their national hero, Saxton Hale, every man, woman and child in the nation of Australia (with the exception of at least one) sports a glorious, full mustache. An ancestor of The Administrator theorized that the nation's incredible intelligence came from the rare element, Australium. This theory seemed to prove true, as the element amplified Radigan Conagher's intelligence to phenomenal levels, and also caused various Australian-related side effects, including rapid mustache growth, extreme masculinity, and the primal urge to take off his shirt.

BLU team (Original)

BLU, circa 1850
...I assembled a team of the world's deadliest mercenaries to take it all by force. What I did not expect was that my idiot brother would do the same.
Blutarch Mann on the original BLU team

The original BLU team was assembled by Blutarch Mann in the 1850's in an attempt to claim all of the land bequeathed to him and his brother, Redmond, by their father. Unfortunately for Blutarch, it appears that the original RED team was assembled at the same time, leaving both siblings at a stalemate. The original team consisted of the same nine classes as the current organization. The Scout (Billy the Kid) took on the appearance of a young cowboy, complete with spurred boots. The Soldier (Stonewall Jackson) dressed like a member of the Confederate Army, utilizing a rifle, rather than a Rocket Launcher. In keeping with tradition, the Demoman (Alfred Nobel) was a one-eyed dynamite-loving prospector. Unlike his modern Russian counterpart, the Heavy (John Henry) preferred to put his enemies out of commission with a monstrous sledgehammer, whilst the Sniper (Davy Crockett) partnered his trusty rifle with a coonskin cap. Prior to his appointment as President of the United States, the Pyro (Abraham Lincoln) used an experimental Flamethrower to aid his comrades in battle. BLU team's Medic (Sigmund Freud) appeared to retain his contemporary's love of the Bonesaw, whilst the team's Engineer (Nikola Tesla), was forced to make do with a satchel of blueprints, rather than a PDA. Finally, the Spy (Fu Manchu) eschewed a balaclava in favor of a domino-mask and equally-sinister moustache.

The members of Redmond's original counterpart team are unknown.

Zepheniah Mann and Company

From left to right: Barnabas Hale, Blutarch Mann, Zepheniah Mann, Mann's maidservant Elizabeth and Redmond Mann. A mysterious man is also seen just out of shot on the far right side. (First presumed to be Silas Mann, but later refuted by the right half of the portrait.)

Zepheniah Mann was a wealthy Englishman who was convinced by his dimwitted sons, Blutarch and Redmond, to purchase large areas of land in frontier America. He dreamed of turning the land into large pits of gravel for weapons manufacturing. On his journey over to see his newly purchased land, he was struck with almost every illness known to man, and was shocked to find his new land was an empty and useless desert. Eventually, he left a Last Will and Testament on his own skin, which had sloughed off his body due to illness:

  • To his maidservant Elizabeth, he left his estate, including all deeds, accounts and debts, his tobacco plantation and the remains of his fortune. Elizabeth bears a striking resemblance to Helen, the Administrator, and is very likely her ancestor.
  • To his aide and tracker Barnabas Hale, ancestor of Saxton Hale, he left complete control of Mann & Sons Munitions Concern.
  • To his "brain defective" sons, Blutarch & Redmond, he left a partnership. All of the new land they had convinced him to buy was now to be split evenly between them, so they would now have a reason to bicker endlessly. Blutarch and Redmond are still alive using life-extender machines built by Radigan Conagher.
  • The final entry of his will is obscured, reading only as: "Lastly to... I leave the entirety of my.... and swear you to utmost secrecy in its keeping." The person to whom it is directed is likely the figure mysteriously obscured from the family portrait.
  • In addition to the entries within the will, it is clear that Zepheniah's brother, Silas Mann, was also present. He however, was only revealed to have been at the event following the uncovering of another damaged photograph.

His will also leaves a curse to anyone who should use firearms near his grave, stating that he will deliver a haunting unlike any ever seen. True to his word, the ghost of Zepheniah will appear periodically on the event version of Harvest where he is buried, wearing his Ghastly Gibus hat. Any players who stray too close will flee in fear for several seconds, unable to jump or attack, similar to being stunned by the Sandman. He was first mentioned in the Halloween Update, as well as the above will.

Other Valve Characters


The Advertisement depicting Whitaker wearing Ellis' Cap while showing off the frying pan
RED, BLU -- your money's all green here.
Whitaker on the TF Industries War

Whitaker, a minor character in Left 4 Dead 2, wrote a blog update on the Official Team Fortress 2 blog advertising the promotional Ellis' Cap and Frying Pan one can get from purchasing or previously owning Left 4 Dead 2. Based on his opening paragraph, he is southern like the other Left 4 Dead 2 characters. It seems he is neutral towards the RED and BLU Corporations' feud, and also seems to know little-to-nothing about TF Industries other than "what he is told". It also appears that his existence is outside of Team Fortress 2's canonical storyline, as he refers to the war as an "infernal game called Team Fortress 2". However, this can be countered by the fact that he seems to be addressing the RED and BLU team members in the blog. Within Left 4 Dead 2, he is voiced by Dayton Callie.

  • This character has only been seen in the 10/06/10 TF2 Blog update as of yet, and may be non-canon. For more information unrelated to Team Fortress 2, refer here.

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