Obiecte promoționale

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Artă promoțională pentru Poker Night at the Inventory.
Dacă comanzi acum o să te bat de două ori, complet gratuit.
Scout-ul, despre oferte excelente

Obiectele promoționale din Team Fortress 2 sunt o categorie de obiecte ce pot fi obținute din urma parteneriatului dintre Valve și alte companii sau jocuri. Jucătorii care cumpără jocuri sau obiecte promovate de la partenerii promovați de către Valve, de obicei într-o fereastră specificată de timp, vor primi obiectele promoționale. Dacă un joc a fost cumpărat în perioada promoției și a fost păstrat sub forma unui cadou netrimis, persoana la care îi este dăruit jocul va primii obiectul promoțional asociat indiferent de cât timp a trecut de la sfârșitul perioadei de promoție.

Felurile în care obiectele promoționale pot fi obținute diferă. De obicei, aceste obiecte sunt date jucătorilor care cumpără un joc specificat, un pluș sau un set de CD-uri muzicale. În unele ocazii, obiecte promoționale au fost date jucătorilor prin alte metode, ca de exemplu prin obținerea realizăriilor în acele jocuri. Earbuds au fost dați jucătoriilor care au intrat pe Team Fortress 2 de pe un dispozitiv MacOS.

Unele grupuri și evenimente organizate de comunitate distribuie des obiecte ce pot fi obținute prin participarea la activități speciale cum ar fi Lo-Fi Longwave (distribuit de KritzKast) sau prin concursuri periodice. Medalii de comunitate sunt date pentru completarea operațiunilor Mann vs. Machine sau pentru donarea cauzelor filantropice. Jucătorii competitivi primesc des medalii de turnament pentru participarea la aceste evenimente.

Obiectele promoționale adăugate în joc înainte de Patch-ul din 3 februarie 2011, cu excepția celor obținute prin realizări, nu mai pot fi obținute decât prin schimburi cu alți jucători sau cadouri. De când a fost introdusă calitatea Autentic, majoritatea obiectelor promoționale au putut fi obținute prin alte metode: fabricare, cumpărare din magazin sau prin sistemul de primit obiecte. Obiectele promoționale obținute prin aceste metode nu sunt de calitatea Autentic.

Multe obiecte promoționale vechi au fost glitcht-uite din calitatea lor originală Unic în calitatea Vintage, unele dintre aceste obiecte primind și atribute speciale. Aceste obiecte sunt foarte rare și procesul prin care au putut fi create a fost reparat odată cu introducerea calității Autentic.





Alien Swarm
Vezi și: Alien Swarm (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Alien Swarm Parasite
Alien Swarm Parasite
Accesorii Patch-ul din 19 iulie 2010 Dat jucătorilor care au obținut realizarea Hat Trick în jocul de pe Steam Alien Swarm.

Disgaea PC
Vezi și: Disgaea (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Prinny Machete
Prinny Machete
Patch-ul din 7 iulie 2016 Dat în calitate Autentică jucătorilor care au cumpărat Disgaea PC de pe Steam.
Prinny Hat
Prinny Hat
Prinny Pouch
Prinny Pouch

Vezi și: Gunpoint (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Crosslinker's Coil
Crosslinker's Coil
Accesorii Patch-ul din 10 iunie 2013 Dat în calitate Autentică jucătorilor care au cumpărat Gunpoint de pe Steam.

Left 4 Dead 2
Vezi și: Left 4 Dead 2 (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Frying Pan
Frying Pan
TF2 crosshair orange.png
Toate clasele (înafară de Engineer și Spy)
Patch-ul din 6 octombrie 2010 Dat jucătorilor care au cumpărat Left 4 Dead 2 de pe Steam.
Ellis' Cap
Ellis' Cap

Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Vezi și: Octodad: Dadliest Catch (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Dadliest Catch
Dadliest Catch
Accesorii Patch-ul din 29 octombrie 2014 Dat în calitate Autentică jucătorilor care au cumpărat Octodad: Dadliest Catch de pe Steam.

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad
Vezi și: Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Accesorii Patch-ul din 2 august 2011 Dat în calitate Autentică jucătorilor care au cumpărat Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad de pe Steam înainte de 13 Septembrie 2011, sa jucătorilor care au cumpărat Red Orchestra 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition.

Vezi și: SpaceChem (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Patch-ul din 28 aprilie 2011 Poate fi fabricat folosind obiectele promoționale obținute din SpaceChem.
SpaceChem Pin
SpaceChem Pin
Moustachium Bar
Lingou de Moustachium
Crafting anvil.png
Fabricare Dat jucătorilor care au completat nivelele bazate pe Australium în jocul de pe Steam SpaceChem.
Spacemetal Scrap
Spacemetal Scrap

Spiral Knights
Vezi și: Spiral Knights (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Spiral Sallet
Spiral Sallet
Accesorii Patch-ul din 14 iunie 2011 Dat jucătorilor care au obținut realizarea Mission Accomplished în jocul de pe Steam Spiral Knights.


Această secțiune documentează obiectele obținute prin participarea în evenimente făcute de comunitate. Pentru o listă cu toate medaliile ce pot fi obținute din turnamente comunitare, vezi pagina Medali Turniejowych.
Medaliile date persoanelor care au donat filantropiilor pe periada limitată a unui eveniment creat de comunitate vor fi incluse aici.
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Lo-Fi Longwave
Lo-Fi Longwave
Accesorii Patch-ul din 10 iunie 2011 Dat în calitățiile Clasic sau Unic participanților și câștigătorilor diferitelor concursuri și tombole ținute de către KritzKast.

Wiki-ul oficial Team Fortress
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Wiki Cap
Wiki Cap
Accesorii Patch-ul din 30 septembrie 2010 Dat în calitatea Community persoanelor ce au contribuit major Wiki-ului Oficial Team Fortress.


Ipecac Recordings
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
What's in the Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack Box?
Ce e în cutia cu coloana sonoră a Team Fortress 2?
Obiecte de acţiune 1 martie 2017 [Actualizare la serverul cu obiecte] Dat jucătorilor care au cumpărat Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2 de pe Magazinul de muzică Ipecac (nu este în stoc) sau de pe Amazon și care au folosit codul promoțional inclus.

Daca obiectul este folosit după Patch-ul din 20 aprilie 2017, jucătorul primește un Fișier audio de calitatea Autentică.

Magazinul Mann Co.
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Mann Co. Cap
Mann Co. Cap
Accesorii Actualizarea Mann-Conomy
Patch-ul din 30 septembrie 2010
Dat jucătorilor care au cumpărat un obiect din magazinul Mann Co.
World Traveler's Hat
Pălăria Călătorului prin Lume
Patch-ul din 17 decembrie 2010 Dat jucătorilor care au cumpărat un Timbru de hărți din magazinul Mann Co.
Mann Co. Store Package
Mann Co. Store Package
Obiecte de acţiune Patch-ul din 11 mai 2012 Dat jucătorilor care au cheltuit cel puțin $20 deodată în magazinul Mann Co.
Mann Co. Online Cap
Mann Co. Online Cap
Accesorii Mecha Update
Patch-ul din 20 decembrie 2012
Dat jucătorilor care au cumpărat un obiect din magazinul oficial online Mann Co.

[[Account types/ro|]]
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Professor Speks
Professor Speks
Accesorii Über Update
Patch-ul din 23 iunie 2011
Dați jucătorilor recomandați de către alt jucător, atunce când acesta își schimbă contul într-unul premium.

Recomandăriile alterioare vor crește numărul de recomandări vizibil în descrierea acestui obiect.
Proof of Purchase
Proof of Purchase
Dat tuturor jucătorilor care au cumpărat Team Fortress 2 înainte de Über Update, lansată pe data de 23 Iunie 2011.

Mai poate fi obținut dacă jucătorul activează o versiune plătită a jocului pe Steam sau dacă acesta cumpără Cutia Portocalie.

Rock Paper Shotgun
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Accesorii Patch-ul din 27 august 2014 Dat în calitatea Autentică tuturor jucătorilor care s-au abonat la Rock Paper Shotgun și au folosit codul promoțional care le-a fost trimis.

Evenimente speciale
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Party Hat
Party Hat
Accesorii Patch-ul din 23 august 2011 Dat jucătorilor care intră pe Team Fortress 2 pe data de 24 August din fiecare an, începând cu 2011.
Noise Maker - TF Birthday
Noise Maker - TF Birthday
Noise Maker
Antique Halloween Goodie Cauldron
Căldare Antică cu Bunătăți de Halloween
Obiecte de acţiune Very Scary Halloween Special
Patch-ul din 27 octombrie 2011
Awarded to players who played Team Fortress 2 during the Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special, or any following Halloween event. Only awarded once.

Upon using the item, the player receives the Seal Mask and one unique costume part from the nine released costumes.Dat tuturor jucătorilor care au jucat Team Fortress 2 în timpul Very Scary Halloween Special sau în oricare alt eveniment de Halloween începând de atunci. Nu este primit decât odată.

Când este folosit, jucătorul primește Seal Mask-ul și o parte unică dintr-un costum din cele nouă costume lansate.
Spirit of Giving
Spirit Of Giving
Accesorii Australian Christmas 2011
Patch-ul din 15 decembrie 2011
Dat jucătorilor care au jucat Team Fortress 2 în timpul Australian Christmas 2011 sau în oricare alt eveniment Smissmas începând de atunci.
Noise Maker - Winter Holiday
Noise Maker - Winter Holiday
Noise Maker
Secret Saxton
Saxton Secret
Obiecte de acţiune

Weta Workshop
Vezi și: Weta Workshop (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Dr. Grordbort's Crest
Dr. Grordbort's Crest
Accesorii Patch-ul din 20 iulie 2011 Dat jucătorilor care au cumpărat Pachetul Victoriei al lui Dr. Grordbort din magazinul Mann Co.
Dr. Grordbort's Copper Crest
Dr. Grordbort's Copper Crest
Patch-ul din 15 decembrie 2011
Dr. Grordbort's Silver Crest
Dr. Grordbort's Silver Crest
Dat jucătorilor care au cumpărat Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack sau pachetul Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double din magazinul Mann Co.


Any remaining codes that grant a promotional item may still be redeemed, even if its associated promotion has expired.


Alliance of Valiant Arms
Vezi și: Alliance of Valiant Arms (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Black Rose
Black Rose
Patch-ul din 14 februarie 2012 Awarded to players who had earned the 1st One Down achievement in Alliance of Valiant Arms on Steam.

As of June 29, 2018 this achievement item is no longer obtainable due to the game shutting down.
Alien: Isolation
Vezi și: Alien: Isolation (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Nostromo Napalmer
Nostromo Napalmer
Patch-ul din 17 septembrie 2014 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Alien: Isolation on Steam before October 7, 2014.
Alien Cranium
Alien Cranium
Biomech Backpack
Biomech Backpack
Xeno Suit
Xeno Suit
MK 50
MK 50

Assassin's Creed: Revelations
Vezi și: Assassin's Creed Revelations (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Sharp Dresser
Sharp Dresser
Patch-ul din 23 noiembrie 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Assassin's Creed: Revelations on Steam before December 1, 2011.
Dashin' Hashshashin
Dashin' Hashshashin

Vezi și: Awesomenauts (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Russian Rocketeer
Russian Rocketeer
Accesorii Patch-ul din 2 august 2012 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Awesomenauts on Steam before September 5, 2012.
Lone Star
Lone Star
Awesomenauts Badge
Awesomenauts Badge

Batman: Arkham Knight
Vezi și: Batman: Arkham Knight (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Arkham Cowl
Arkham Cowl
Accesorii Patch-ul din 4 decembrie 2015 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Batman: Arkham Knight on Steam before November 16, 2015.
Fear Monger
Fear Monger

BioShock Infinite
Vezi și: BioShock Infinite (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Accesorii Patch-ul din 22 februarie 2013 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased BioShock Infinite on Steam before March 26, 2013.
Person in the Iron Mask
Person in the Iron Mask
Blind Justice
Blind Justice
Pounding Father
Pounding Father
Vox Diabolus
Vox Diabolus
Sydney Straw Boat
Sydney Straw Boat
Steel Songbird
Steel Songbird

BioShock Infinite - Season Pass
Vezi și: BioShock Infinite (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Big Daddy
Big Daddy
Accesorii Patch-ul din 7 februarie 2014 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased the BioShock Infinite Season Pass on Steam before March 24, 2014.
First American
First American
Mister Bubbles
Mister Bubbles

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Vezi și: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Accesorii Patch-ul din 3 decembrie 2014 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth on Steam before December 10, 2014.

BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
Vezi și: BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Buck Turner All-Stars
Buck Turner All-Stars
Accesorii Patch-ul din 15 februarie 2013 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien on Steam before February 26, 2013.

Vezi și: Brink (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Accesorii Patch-ul din 3 august 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased Brink on Steam before August 8, 2011.

Brütal Legend
Vezi și: Brütal Legend (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Brütal Bouffant
Brütal Bouffant
Accesorii Patch-ul din 18 februarie 2013 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Brütal Legend on Steam before February 26, 2013.
Shred Alert
Shred Alert

The Cave
Vezi și: The Cave (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Grizzled Growth
Grizzled Growth
Accesorii Patch-ul din 8 ianuarie 2013 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased The Cave on Steam before January 23, 2013.
Last Straw
Last Straw
Prize Plushy
Prize Plushy

Company of Heroes 2
Vezi și: Company of Heroes 2 (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Heavy Artillery Officer's Cap
Heavy Artillery Officer's Cap
Accesorii Patch-ul din 21 septembrie 2012 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Company of Heroes 2 on Steam before June 25, 2013.
Combat Medic's Crusher Cap
Combat Medic's Crusher Cap
Heroic Companion Badge
Heroic Companion Badge

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Vezi și: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
AWPer Hand
Patch-ul din 15 august 2012 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on Steam before August 21, 2012.

CrimeCraft GangWars
Vezi și: CrimeCraft (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Bolt Action Blitzer
Bolt Action Blitzer
Accesorii Patch-ul din 27 iunie 2012 Awarded to players who had completed the CrimeCraft GangWars achievement Key to the City.

As of August 31st, 2017, this achievement item is no longer obtainable due to the game shutting down.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Vezi și: Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Short Circuit
Short Circuit
Manno-Technology Bundle
Patch-ul din 18 august 2011
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Deus Ex: Human Revolution on Steam before August 23, 2011.
Purity Fist
Purity Fist
Company Man
Company Man
Deus Specs
Deus Specs

Vezi și: Dishonored (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Lacking Moral Fiber Mask
Lacking Moral Fiber Mask
Accesorii Patch-ul din 27 septembrie 2012 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Dishonored on Steam before October 9, 2012.
Whale Bone Charm
Whale Bone Charm

Don't Starve
Vezi și: Don't Starve (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Ham Shank
Ham Shank
TF2 crosshair orange.png
Toate clasele (înafară de Engineer și Spy)
Patch-ul din 12 martie 2013 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Don't Starve on Steam before April 23, 2013.
Wilson Weave
Wilson Weave

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Vezi și: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Dragonborn Helmet
Dragonborn Helmet
Accesorii Patch-ul din 3 august 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on Steam before August 8, 2011.

Faerie Solitaire
Vezi și: Faerie Solitaire (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Faerie Solitaire Pin
Faerie Solitaire Pin
Accesorii Patch-ul din 29 noiembrie 2012 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased Faerie Solitaire on Steam before December 13, 2012.

Fallout: New Vegas
Vezi și: Fallout: New Vegas (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Accesorii Patch-ul din 3 august 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased Fallout: New Vegas on Steam before August 8, 2011.

Football Manager 2012
Vezi și: Football Manager 2012 (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Ball-Kicking Boots
Ball-Kicking Boots
Accesorii Patch-ul din 13 octombrie 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Football Manager 2012 on Steam before October 21, 2011.
Merc's Pride Scarf
Merc's Pride Scarf
Noise Maker - Vuvuzela
Noise Maker - Vuvuzela
Noise Maker

From Dust
Vezi și: From Dust (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Mask of the Shaman
Mask of the Shaman
Accesorii Patch-ul din 29 iulie 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased From Dust on Steam before August 17, 2011.

Hero Academy
Vezi și: Hero Academy (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Void Monk Hair
Void Monk Hair
Accesorii Patch-ul din 10 august 2012 Awarded to players who purchased Hero Academy on Steam.

As of April 8th, 2019, the servers for Hero Academy shut down, and these items are no longer obtainable.
Tribal Bones
Tribal Bones
Grenadier Helm
Grenadier Helm
Ninja Cowl
Ninja Cowl

Hitman: Absolution
Vezi și: Hitman: Absolution (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Patch-ul din 16 noiembrie 2012 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Hitman: Absolution on Steam before November 19, 2012.
Chief Constable
Chief Constable
Siberian Sophisticate
Siberian Sophisticate
Deadliest Duckling
Deadliest Duckling
That '70s Chapeau
That '70s Chapeau
Hitt Mann Badge
Hitt Mann Badge

Vezi și: Homefront (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Hero's Hachimaki
Hero's Hachimaki
Accesorii Patch-ul din 28 februarie 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Homefront on Steam before March 15, 2011.

Jagged Alliance - Back in Action
Vezi și: Jagged Alliance - Back in Action (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Battle Bob
Battle Bob
Accesorii Patch-ul din 2 februarie 2012 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Jagged Alliance - Back in Action on Steam before February 7, 2012.
Bushman's Boonie
Bushman's Boonie
Merc Medal
Merc Medal

Killing Floor
Vezi și: Killing Floor (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Foster's Facade
Foster's Facade
Accesorii Patch-ul din 13 decembrie 2010 Awarded in Vintage quality to players who purchased Killing Floor on Steam before December 14, 2010, or Unique quality if purchased between December 14, 2010 and January 4, 2011.
Stockbroker's Scarf
Stockbroker's Scarf

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Vezi și: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Accesorii Patch-ul din 17 ianuarie 2012 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning on Steam before February 7, 2012.
Bolgan Family Crest
Bolgan Family Crest
Warsworn Helmet
Warsworn Helmet

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
Vezi și: Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Jungle Booty
Jungle Booty
Accesorii Patch-ul din 3 decembrie 2014 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris on Steam before December 9, 2014.
Crown of the Old Kingdom
Crown of the Old Kingdom
Tomb Readers
Tomb Readers

Left 4 Dead 2
Vezi și: Left 4 Dead 2 (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Bill's Hat
Bill's Hat
Accesorii Patch-ul din 2 noiembrie 2009 Awarded to players who pre-purchased Left 4 Dead 2 on Steam before November 17, 2009.

Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012
Vezi și: Magic: The Gathering (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Planeswalker Goggles
Planeswalker Goggles
Accesorii Patch-ul din 3 iunie 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 on Steam before June 15, 2011.
Planeswalker Helm
Planeswalker Helm

Magicka: Nippon
Vezi și: Magicka: Nippon (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Conjurer's Cowl
Conjurer's Cowl
Accesorii Patch-ul din 31 mai 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased Magicka: Nippon on Steam before June 5, 2011.

Monday Night Combat
Vezi și: Monday Night Combat (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Essential Accessories
Essential Accessories
Accesorii Patch-ul din 24 ianuarie 2011 Awarded to players who purchased Monday Night Combat on Steam before February 1, 2011.
Athletic Supporter
Athletic Supporter

Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword
Vezi și: Mount&Blade: With Fire & Sword (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Hetman's Headpiece
Hetman's Headpiece
Accesorii Patch-ul din 28 aprilie 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword on Steam before May 3, 2011.
Janissary Ketche
Janissary Ketche

PC Gamer
Vezi și: PC Gamer (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Killer Exclusive
Killer Exclusive
Accesorii Patch-ul din 15 septembrie 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who redeemed a code found within PC Gamer UK issue 232 (Retail), or purchased PC Gamer Digital Episode 1.

Plants vs. Zombies
Vezi și: Plants vs. Zombies (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Brain Bucket
Brain Bucket
Accesorii Patch-ul din 28 aprilie 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased Plants vs. Zombies on Steam before May 5, 2011.
Dead Cone
Dead Cone

Poker Night at the Inventory
Vezi și: Poker Night at the Inventory (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Dealer's Visor
Dealer's Visor
Accesorii Patch-ul din 3 noiembrie 2010 Awarded to players who pre-purchased Poker Night at the Inventory on Steam before November 22, 2010.
Iron Curtain
Iron Curtain
Patch-ul din 22 noiembrie 2010 Awarded to players who earn the Special Item: The Heavy achievement in Poker Night at the Inventory on Steam.
Enthusiast's Timepiece
Enthusiast's Timepiece
Awarded to players who earn the Special Item: Tycho achievement in Poker Night at the Inventory on Steam.
Awarded to players who earn the Special Item: Max achievement in Poker Night at the Inventory on Steam.

This version of the Lugermorph can only be obtained in Unique quality.
Dangeresque, Too?
Dangeresque, Too?
Accesorii Awarded to players who earn the Special Item: Strong Bad achievement in Poker Night at the Inventory on Steam.
License to Maim
License to Maim
Awarded to players who earn the Special Item: Max achievement in Poker Night at the Inventory on Steam.

Any existing owners of Poker Night at the Inventory may still receive its achievement items, if the associated achievements are earned.

Poker Night 2
Vezi și: Poker Night 2 (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Long Fall Loafers
Long Fall Loafers
Accesorii Patch-ul din 12 martie 2013 Awarded to players who earn the Personality Goes a Long Way achievement in Poker Night 2 on Steam.
Awarded to players who earn the Book 'Em achievement in Poker Night 2 on Steam.
Samson Skewer
Samson Skewer
Awarded to players who earn the Orb 'n' Legends achievement in Poker Night 2 on Steam.
Awarded to players who earn the Banjo Hero achievement in Poker Night 2 on Steam.
Dapper Disguise
Dapper Disguise
Awarded to players who earn the Trophy Wife achievement in Poker Night 2 on Steam.

Any existing owners of Poker Night 2 may still receive its promotional items, if the associated achievements are earned.

Portal 2
Vezi și: Portal 2 (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Companion Cube Pin
Companion Cube Pin
Accesorii Patch-ul din 15 aprilie 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Portal 2 on Steam before April 19, 2011.

Quake 4
Vezi și: Quake 4 (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Patch-ul din 3 august 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased QUAKE 4 on Steam before August 8, 2011.

Quantum Conundrum
Vezi și: Quantum Conundrum (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Accesorii Patch-ul din 31 mai 2012 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Quantum Conundrum on Steam before June 21, 2012.
Professor's Pineapple
Professor's Pineapple
Atomic Accolade
Atomic Accolade

Vezi și: RAGE (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Accesorii Patch-ul din 3 august 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased RAGE on Steam before August 7, 2011.

Red Faction: Armageddon
Vezi și: Red Faction: Armageddon (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Patch-ul din 3 iunie 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Red Faction: Armageddon on Steam before June 9, 2011.

Vezi și: RIFT (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Patch-ul din 3 februarie 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased RIFT on Steam before March 1, 2011.
Sharpened Volcano Fragment
Sharpened Volcano Fragment
RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code
RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code
Indisponibil Utilitare Awarded to players who completed the Team Fortress 2 achievement Riftwalker before the Patch-ul din 2 noiembrie 2011.

Activating the item creates a redemption code for use in the game RIFT, which rewards players with a "Well Spun Hat" item.

Saints Row: The Third
Vezi și: Saints Row: The Third (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Patch-ul din 10 noiembrie 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Saints Row: The Third on Steam before November 15, 2011.
Cold War Luchador
Cold War Luchador
Mark of the Saint
Mark of the Saint

Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse
Vezi și: Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Big Kill
Big Kill
Patch-ul din 15 aprilie 2010 Awarded to players who purchased Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse on Steam before April 26, 2010.

The promotion was also extended to players who purchased the game from the Telltale Games store within the same deadline and redeemed the promotional code they were eligible to claim.

All Lugermorphs acquired from this promotion have been changed to Vintage quality.
Max's Severed Head
Max's Severed Head

Scribblenauts Unlimited
Vezi și: Scribblenauts Unlimited (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Accesorii Patch-ul din 16 noiembrie 2012 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Scribblenauts Unlimited on Steam before November 20, 2012 in North America or February 15, 2013 in other regions.

Shoot Many Robots
Vezi și: Shoot Many Robots (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Scrap Pack
Scrap Pack
Accesorii Patch-ul din 22 martie 2012 Awarded in Genuine quality quality to players who pre-purchased Shoot Many Robots on Steam before April 6, 2012.

Sleeping Dogs
Vezi și: Sleeping Dogs (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Flying Guillotine
Flying Guillotine
Triad Pack
Patch-ul din 2 august 2012
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Sleeping Dogs on Steam before August 14, 2012.
Neon Annihilator
Neon Annihilator
Huo-Long Heater
Huo-Long Heater
Red-Tape Recorder
Red-Tape Recorder
Champ Stamp
Champ Stamp
Triad Trinket
Triad Trinket
Human Cannonball
Human Cannonball

Super Monday Night Combat
Vezi și: Super Monday Night Combat (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Accesorii Patch-ul din 10 mai 2012 Awarded to players who had earned the All-Star Agent achievement in Super Monday Night Combat on Steam.

As of May the 24th, 2018, this achievement item is no longer obtainable due to the game shutting down.
Flamingo Kid
Flamingo Kid
Awarded to players who had earned the Rookie Agent achievement in Super Monday Night Combat on Steam.

As of May the 24th, 2018 this achievement item is no longer obtainable due to the game shutting down.

Vezi și: Thief (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Fortified Compound
Fortified Compound
Patch-ul din 11 februarie 2014 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Thief on Steam before March 7, 2014.
Gilded Guard
Gilded Guard
Accesorii Patch-ul din 19 februarie 2014
Dread Hiding Hood
Dread Hiding Hood
Criminal Cloak
Criminal Cloak
Baronial Badge
Baronial Badge

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
Vezi și: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Cross-Comm Express
Cross-Comm Express
Accesorii Patch-ul din 17 mai 2012 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier on Steam before June 26, 2012.
Cross-Comm Crash Helmet
Cross-Comm Crash Helmet

Tomb Raider
Vezi și: Tomb Raider (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Tomb Wrapper
Tomb Wrapper
Accesorii Patch-ul din 4 martie 2013 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased Tomb Raider on Steam before March 12, 2013.
Croft's Crest
Croft's Crest
Fortune Hunter
Fortune Hunter

Total War Franchise
Vezi și: Total War: Shogun 2 (Wikipedia)
Vezi și: Total War: ROME II (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Fan O'War
Fan O'War
Pachetul Shogun
Patch-ul din 10 martie 2011
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Total War: SHOGUN 2 on Steam before March 15, 2011.
Conniver's Kunai
Conniver's Kunai
Dread Knot
Dread Knot
Geisha Boy
Geisha Boy
Noh Mercy
Noh Mercy
Noise Maker - Koto
Noise Maker - Koto
Noise Maker
Freedom Staff
Freedom Staff
TF2 crosshair orange.png
Toate clasele (înafară de Engineer și Spy)
Patch-ul din 27 septembrie 2012 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased the Total War Master Collection, or owned all of the games in the collection, before October 1, 2012.

Can still be obtained by activating a retail version of Total War Master Collection on Steam, or owning all of the games in the collection.
King of Scotland Cape
King of Scotland Cape
Accesorii Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased Medieval II: Total War or Total War Battles: SHOGUN on Steam before October 1, 2012.

Can still be obtained by activating a retail version of Medieval II: Total War, Total War Battles: SHOGUN or Total War Master Collection on Steam.
Stovepipe Sniper Shako
Stovepipe Sniper Shako
Awarded in Genuine quality quality to players who purchased Napoleon: Total War or Empire: Total War on Steam before October 1, 2012.

Can still be obtained by activating a retail version of Napoleon: Total War, Empire: Total War or Total War Master Collection on Steam.
Foppish Physician
Foppish Physician
Distinguished Rogue
Distinguished Rogue
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased Medieval II: Total War, Empire: Total War or Total War Battles: SHOGUN on Steam before October 1, 2012.

Can still be obtained by activating a retail version of Medieval II: Total War, Empire: Total War, Total War Battles: SHOGUN or Total War Master Collection on Steam.
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased Total War: Shogun 2 or Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai on Steam before October 1, 2012.

Can still be obtained by activating a retail version of Total War: Shogun 2, Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai or Total War Master Collection on Steam.
K-9 Mane
K-9 Mane
Awarded in Genuine quality quality to players who purchased Rome: Total War on Steam before October 1, 2012.

Can still be obtained by activating a retail version of Rome: Total War or Total War Master Collection on Steam.
Beastly Bonnet
Beastly Bonnet
Accesorii Patch-ul din 13 iunie 2013 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased Total War: ROME II on Steam before September 3rd 2013.
Cheet Sheet
Cheet Sheet
Steel Sixpack
Steel Sixpack
Tartan Shade
Tartan Shade
Hardy Laurel
Hardy Laurel

Trine 2
Vezi și: Trine 2
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
War Head
War Head
Accesorii Patch-ul din 16 noiembrie 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Trine 2 on Steam before December 6, 2011; or players who purchased the collector's edition while it was available.
Point and Shoot
Point and Shoot

Tropico 4
Vezi și: Tropico 4 (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
El Jefe
El Jefe
Accesorii Patch-ul din 30 august 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Tropico 4: Steam Special Edition before September 1, 2011.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
Vezi și: The Witcher 2 (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Three-Rune Blade
Three-Rune Blade
Patch-ul din 12 mai 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings on Steam before May 17, 2011.
Hero's Tail
Hero's Tail
Sign of the Wolf's School
Sign of the Wolf's School

Wolfenstein: The New Order
Vezi și: Wolfenstein: The New Order (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Der Maschinensoldaten-Helm
Der Maschinensoldaten-Helm
Accesorii Patch-ul din 24 aprilie 2014 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Wolfenstein: The New Order on Steam before May 20, 2014.
Die Regime-Panzerung
Die Regime-Panzerung

Worms Reloaded
Vezi și: Worms: Reloaded (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Lumbricus Lid
Lumbricus Lid
Accesorii Patch-ul din 25 august 2010 Awarded to players who pre-purchased Worms Reloaded on Steam before September 2, 2010.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Vezi și: XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Area 451
Area 451
Accesorii Patch-ul din 4 septembrie 2012 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased XCOM: Enemy Unknown on Steam before October 9, 2012.
Crafty Hair
Crafty Hair
Vigilant Pin
Vigilant Pin


Reddit's April Fools 2013
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Conspiracy Cap
Conspiracy Cap
Accesorii Patch-ul din 3 aprilie 2013 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who participated on the Orangered team in Reddit's April Fools 2013 event and who linked their Reddit accounts to their Steam accounts.
Public Accessor
Public Accessor
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who participated on the Periwinkle team in Reddit's April Fools 2013 event and who linked their Reddit accounts to their Steam accounts.


Adult Swim
Vezi și: Adult Swim (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Robot Chicken Hat
Robot Chicken Hat
Accesorii Patch-ul din 27 iunie 2012 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who signed up for the Adult Swim newsletter before midnight July 4, 2012 and redeemed the promotional code emailed to them.

Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Boiling Point
Boiling Point
Batjocură Smissmas 2016
Patch-ul din 21 decembrie 2016
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased the Joule sous-vide cooker and redeemed the promotional code sent to them.

The Great Gift Pile
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Accesorii Patch-ul din 15 decembrie 2011 Awarded by random chance when completing objectives or crafting coal during the Steam Great Gift Pile event between December 28, 2011 through January 1, 2012.
Holiday Headcase
Holiday Headcase

The Great Steam Treasure Hunt
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Bounty Hat
Bounty Hat
Accesorii Patch-ul din 7 decembrie 2010 Awarded to players who completed at least 5 out of 28 objectives in The Great Steam Treasure Hunt.
Treasure Hat
Treasure Hat
Awarded to players who completed at least 15 out of 28 objectives in The Great Steam Treasure Hunt.
Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect
Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect
Awarded to players who completed all 28 objectives in The Great Steam Treasure Hunt.

Pachetul de Caritate pentru Japonia
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Humanitarian's Hachimaki
Humanitarian's Hachimaki
Accesorii Pachetul de Caritate pentru Japonia
Patch-ul din 23 martie 2011
These items were available for purchase from the Mann Co. Store between March 23 and April 6, 2011, with all proceeds (excluding taxes) going to fund American Red Cross relief operations in Japan following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami.
Benefactor's Kanmuri
Benefactor's Kanmuri
Magnanimous Monarch
Magnanimous Monarch
Noise Maker - Bell
Noise Maker - Bell
Noise Maker
Noise Maker - Gong
Noise Maker - Gong

Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Accesorii Mann vs. Machine
Patch-ul din 15 august 2012
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who had purchased an Archimedes Plush from the official Valve Store and redeemed the code that came with it.
Pyromania Update
Patch-ul din 27 iunie 2012
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase an Inflatable Balloonicorn from the Valve Store and activate the code sent with it.
What's in the Portal 2 Soundtrack Box?
Ce e în Portal 2 Soundtrack Box?
Obiecte de acţiune Patch-ul din 17 octombrie 2012 Awarded to players who had purchased the Portal 2: Songs to Test By Soundtrack from the official Valve Store or any retail store and redeemed the code that came with it.

Upon using the item after Patch-ul din 12 martie 2013, the player will receive the Ap-Sap in Genuine quality.
Accesorii Patch-ul din 2 octombrie 2013 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased the Exclusive Team Fortress 2 Chess Set from ThinkGeek or the Valve Store and redeemed the code that came with it.
Patch-ul din 13 august 2014 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased a Spycrab Plush from the Valve Store or WeLoveFine and activated the code sent with it.

NECA Action Figures
Vezi și: National Entertainment Collectibles Association (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Brigade Helm
Brigade Helm
Accesorii Patch-ul din 1 februarie 2013 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Pyro action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Glengarry Bonnet
Glengarry Bonnet
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Demoman action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Tyrant's Helm
Tyrant's Helm
Patch-ul din 5 iunie 2013 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Soldier action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Stainless Pot
Stainless Pot
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Soldier action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Respectless Rubber Glove
Respectless Rubber Glove
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Pyro action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Scotsman's Stove Pipe
Scotsman's Stove Pipe
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Demoman action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Officer's Ushanka
Officer's Ushanka
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Heavy action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Tough Guy's Toque
Tough Guy's Toque
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Heavy action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Engineer's Cap
Engineer's Cap
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Engineer action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Texas Ten Gallon
Texas Ten Gallon
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Engineer action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Backbiter's Billycock
Backbiter's Billycock
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Spy action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Camera Beard
Camera Beard
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a BLU Spy action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Bonk Helm
Bonk Helm
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Scout action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Otolaryngologist's Mirror
Otolaryngologist's Mirror
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Medic action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.
Master's Yellow Belt
Master's Yellow Belt
Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase a RED Sniper action figure and redeem the code that comes with it.

Oculus Rift
Vezi și: Oculus Rift (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Accesorii Patch-ul din 19 martie 2013 Awarded in Genuine quality to players that pre-purchased an Oculus Rift development kit from the official developer website before April 1st, 2013, or backed the official Kickstarter campaign at any level.

Potato Sack
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Aperture Labs Hard Hat
Aperture Labs Hard Hat
Accesorii Patch-ul din 5 aprilie 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased the Potato Sack bundle on Steam before April 5, 2011.
Resurrection Associate Pin
Resurrection Associate Pin
Patch-ul din 7 aprilie 2011 Awarded in Unique quality to players who played all the games in the Potato Sack bundle on Steam before April 19, 2011.

Special Events
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Accesorii Actualizarea Mac
Patch-ul din 10 iunie 2010
Awarded to players that launched Team Fortress 2 through the Mac OS X version of Steam before August 16, 2010.
Manniversary Package
Pachetul Manniversary
Obiecte de acţiune Manniversary Update & Sale
Patch-ul din 13 octombrie 2011
Awarded to players who played Team Fortress 2 during the Manniversary Update & Sale.

Upon using the item, the player will receive the Manniversary Paper Hat, with a rare chance of the player receiving one additional Manniversary item.
Pyrovision Goggles
Pyrovision Goggles
Accesorii Pyromania Update
Patch-ul din 27 iunie 2012
Awarded in Vintage quality to players who played Team Fortress 2 during the Pyromania Update event (between June 27, 2012 and July 5, 2012).
Patch-ul din 14 februarie 2013 Awarded to players that launched Team Fortress 2 through the Linux version of Steam between February 14 and March 1, 2013.

Serverul de Traduceri Steam
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Steam Translation Bundle
Steam Translation Bundle
Obiecte de acţiune Patch-ul din 10 august 2012 May be given to users of Steam Translation Server for any applied string.

Steam Winter Sale 2013
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Randolph the Blood-Nosed Caribou
Randolph the Blood-Nosed Caribou
Accesorii Patch-ul din 18 decembrie 2013 Awarded by random chance when crafting badges during the Steam Winter Sale 2013.
Smissmas Caribou
Smissmas Caribou
Sack Fulla Smissmas
Sack Fulla Smissmas
War on Smissmas Battle Socks
War on Smissmas Battle Socks
War on Smissmas Battle Hood
War on Smissmas Battle Hood
Portable Smissmas Spirit Dispenser
Portable Smissmas Spirit Dispenser

Summer Adventure 2014
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Summer Starter Kit
Summer Starter Kit
Obiecte de acţiune Patch-ul din 18 iunie 2014 Awarded by random chance when crafting badges during the Steam Summer Adventure 2014.
Summer Adventure Pack
Summer Adventure Pack
Towering Pillar Of Summer Shades
Towering Pillar Of Summer Shades

Reduceri pentru tabăra de vară
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Summer Shades
Summer Shades
Accesorii Reduceri pentru tabăra de vară

Patch-ul din 1 iulie 2011
Awarded to players who redeemed it with three tickets during the Reduceri pentru tabăra de vară.

ThreeA Toys
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
What's in the Companion Square Box?
Ce se află în Companion Square Box?
Obiecte de acţiune Patch-ul din 10 iulie 2012 Awarded to players who purchased the Companion Square toy sold at San Diego Comic Con 2012 and redeemed the code that came with it.

Upon using the item after septembrie 21, 2012, the player will receive the Friends Forever Companion Square Badge and the Triple A Badge in Genuine quality.
What's in the Sandvich Box?
Ce e în cutia de Sandvich?
Awarded to players who purchased the 1:1 Sandvich toy sold at San Diego Comic Con 2012 or any of its limited re-releases and redeemed the code that came with it.

Upon using the item after septembrie 21, 2012, the player will receive the Robo-Sandvich and the Triple A Badge in Genuine quality.
Little Bear
Little Bear
Accesorii Patch-ul din 1 aprilie 2014 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased the RED or BLU Heavy Robot toy from ThreeA Toys and redeemed the code that came with it.
Patch-ul din 10 noiembrie 2014 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchased the Pyro Robot Set toy from ThreeA Toys and redeemed the code that came with it.

Weta Workshop
Vezi și: Weta Workshop (Wikipedia)
Item Folosit de Type Lansat Observații
Righteous Bison
Righteous Bison
Patch-ul din 20 iulie 2011 Awarded in Genuine quality to players who redeemed a coupon code handed out by Weta Workshop at San Diego Comic Con 2011.