Scottish Resistance

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Get your thinking pants on, because the Scottish Resistance is the thinking Demoman's sticky bomb launcher.
— Demoman Update blurb

The Scottish Resistance (SR) is an unlockable secondary weapon for the Demoman. Replacing the traditional sticky bomb launcher, the SR can lay down six extra stickies in exchange for a longer priming rate and a direction-dependent detonator. Sco-Res sticky-bombs are also unique in that they can also destroy sticky bombs laid by enemy Demomen. The Scottish Resistance also uses a different model of stickybomb; a heavier-looking variety, with larger, blunted spikes.

Unlike the normal sticky bomb launcher, the Scottish Resistance allows for selective detonation of laid bombs by only detonating ones within a certain angle of your crosshair when the detonation button is pressed. Bombs that are in this radius will glow your team color when looked at, allowing to to determine which bombs will detonate when you do. If you require a group of bombs larger than you can select at once to detonate, you can either move further away to encompass more bombs in your crosshair or hold down the detonate button whilst moving your crosshair past all the bombs you wish to detonate. Take note of the added time it takes to turn and face your bombs to detonate them as this can make watching several different bomb traps very difficult.


  • Base: 120
  • Max Ramp Up: 115% (138 damage)
  • Max Fall Off: 50% (60 damage)
  • Mini-Crit: 162
  • 6 ft from explosion: 47-90
  • Self damage: 45-114 (depending on how far you are from the explosion)
    • Critical Hit: Deals same amount of self damage as a regular sticky (45-114)

Note: Explosive damage varies depending on how it hits a player, the larger the classes hit box and the closer you are to the explosion the more damage you will take, the further away from the explosion the less damage you can take. Explosions do the most damage when they happen at the mid point of a player model, the explosion will cover more of the hit box and thus do the most damage. Base damage is the damage done at 512 units before damage variance or bullet spread. Ramp up maxes out at 0 units. Fall off maxes out at 1024 units. Damages are approximate and determined by community testing.

Another Note: Sticky bombs suffer from damage falloff like that of most weapons for the first five seconds of its life. Similarly to the rocket launcher, the multiplier at point blank is reduced from 150% to 115%. After those 5 seconds, the sticky bomb's distance multiplier becomes 1.0

Function times

  • Attack Interval: 0.6
  • Reload Base: 1.09
  • Additional Reload: 0.67
  • Sticky Bomb Initialization: 1.32

Reload base is the time it takes to reload the first ammo. Additional reload is the time it takes to reload each ammo after the first. Sticky bomb initialization is the time from when the sticky bomb leaves your weapon to when you're allowed to detonate it. All times are in seconds. Times are approximate and determined by community testing.

Note: Sticky bombs that are close to your feet can be detonated before their initialization period. Because of this, it's possible to detonate a sticky as soon as it leaves your weapon, damaging yourself.

Projectile Speed

  • Charge Acceleration: Each second of charge increases sticky speed by 32.5% or 261.63 Hammer Units/16.35 feet per second.
  • Minimum (0 seconds charge): 805 Hammer Units per second / 50.3125 feet per second / 34.28 MPH / 55.16 KPH
  • Maximum (4 seconds charge): 1850 Hammer Units per second / 115.625 feet per second / 78.84 MPH / 126.87 KPH

Sticky bomb models

The original and default Sticky bomb model. The Scottish Resistance Sticky bomb model. The 1st "rejected" Sticky bomb model. The 2nd "rejected" Sticky bomb model.


  • The Scottish Resistance is the second weapon (after Natascha) to use a modified version of the default model.
  • For crafting purposes, this weapon is in the primary slot.
  • This weapon's name was teased as "SCO- RES-" during an earlier stage of the WAR! Update.[1]
  • The Scottish Resistance's world model doesn't have the sensor above the barrel.
  • In the Team Fortress 2 .gcf files, there are two 'rejected' SR stickybomb models: one is similar to the original stickies but without any spikes, and the other is a larger model of sticky-bomb with dozens of tiny spikes all over its surface.
  • SR stickies that automatically detonate after a fifteenth sticky is launched will NOT destroy enemy sticky-bombs.
  • The Scottish Resistance was originally supposed to be able to fire 16 stickies, but it was reduced to 14 due to a glitch.
  • There is an unused particle effect that was most likely a laser for the Scottish Resistance.
  • When you taunt with the Scottish Resistance, the crosshair will remain where it was when you taunted, so you can detonate stickies you could detonate when you began the taunt, but moving the view camera around will not allow you to alter which to detonate until the taunt is complete.
  • The SR's HUD icon is the only one of which the weapon points opposite directions, as opposed to the other icons which point bottom left.
  • There is currently a bug with both the Stickybomb Launcher and the Scottish Resistance: upon death, while holding either weapon, you will always drop a Stickybomb Launcher if on RED, and a Scottish Resistance if on BLU, regardless of which weapon you were actually holding.
  • You do not have to actually see SR stickybombs to detonate them, instead only have your crosshair pointing at where they currently are. This means they can be detonated through walls and in other hidden areas that within your line of sight.

See also

External links