Short chat line with Dragos_mihai_94:
- RO|dragos_mihai_94: tu de cand ai cont pe wki?(Since when do you have a wiki account?)
- Vulturas: cred ca azi e o saptamana(I think today is a week since)
- RO|dragos_mihai_94: si ai fc asa multe in asa putin timp?:O(how did you make so much in so little time?:O)
- Vulturas: puteam sa fac mai multe daca nu dormeam...manca...merge la fac merg la invat...teme... o viaţăx.x(I could have done more if I didn't have to to the bathroom...get a bath...go to a life x.x)*334 edit count then, at first week*
User:Dragos mihai 94 16:36, 6 November 2010 (UTC) lol..:))
Famous Quotes
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He created, a romanian community for TF2. He's also a competitive player. These two things combine to create a massive ego and the willingness to rub it in your face CONSTANTLY — xxxexxxxm about nightbox
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Lol, quite. — WindPower about Vulturas talking too much
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Let me put it this way, after a recent problem I don't really consider people who mostly do translations when determining my vote anymore. — Lagg about Wiki Cap
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You're like a reverse WindPower. — Lagg about his spoken and written English
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He's a parasite, the problem with those is that ignoring them just makes them bite in deeper. — Lagg about Nightbox
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He acts all nice if he needs you, Like when he wanted me to help him with TF2MM. — Vi3trice warning about Nightbox
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- Annoying long chat with Nightbox(translated too)
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: defaot///actually
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: cine ti-a zis tie ? : ///who told you that ?:
- Vulturas: trebuiau sa-mi zica?:-/ ///they had to tell me?
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: ca tu nu ai nicio legatura cu asta///you have no business with this
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: hmm///hmm
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: il vad pe (censor) la tine la prietnei///I see (censor) at your friends
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: clar///clear
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: prietene///my friend
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: ti s-a pus prea mult rahat in fata///you were given too much shit in yer face
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: este o campanie de murdarirea a iamginei mele///it's a campaign for filthying my image
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: pentru ca am dusmani///because I have opponents
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: si am dusmani pentru ca am luptat pentru ceva///and I have opponents because I fought for something
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: si anume///that being
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: faptul ca in romania sa nu se promoveze non-steam///the fact that not to promote non-steam in romania
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: acele 3 persoane///those 3 people
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: care le cunosc dinainte sa ai tu tf2///that I have known before you to start tf2
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: sunt si au fost niste parteneri///they are and have been some partners
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: care au distrus o munca///that have destroyed some work
- Vulturas: staaai///hoooold it
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: si au promovat contrariul///and promoted the contrary
- Vulturas: sa vad ce ai scris///let me see what have you written
- Vulturas: asa///I see
- Vulturas: il am pe (censor) in lista fiindca sunt admin pe serverul lui o.o///I have (censor) in my list because I am an admin on his server
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: nu asta e ideea///it's not the point
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: ca nu te-am intrebat daca esti admin pe svu lui///I didn't ask if you were an admin on his srvr
- Vulturas: apropo, tu ai vorpit in video?///by the way, did you speak in the video?
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: da///yes
- Vulturas: ... parca ai fi indian/// sound indian
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: :))///:))
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: eram putin emotionat///I had a bit of stagefright
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: deh///deh
- Vulturas: emotionat pentru ? lol///lol
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: ca prezentat ceva///because of presenting something
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: si sa nu fac greseli///not to make mistakes
- Vulturas: matchbagging?"-.-///matchbagging?"-.-
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: :P///:p
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: making///making
- Vulturas: frate, foloseste microfonul pe serverele eng pana inveti sa vorbesti fluent, si inapoi la subiect///brotha, use the microphone on the english servers until you learn how to speak fluently, and back to the subject
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: eu nu am timp sa mai joc tf2///I don't have time to play tf2
- Vulturas: si spuneai ceva de (censor)?O.o///and what you were saying about (censor)?O.o
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: spuneam ca il ai la prieteni///I was saying that you have him at friends
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: => discuti cu el///=> talking to him
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: + e "dusman"///+ he's "enemy"
- Vulturas: discut cu el doar in caz ca prind pe cineva cu hackuri///I'm talking with him only if I catch someone with hacks
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: e logic ca ati discutat minim odata despre mine///it's logical that you have spoken about me
- Vulturas: crezi faimos o.o/// think you're famous o.o
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: ma cred cine sunt///I believe who I am
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: daca tu ma consideri faimos///if you consider me famous
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: eu ma consider "cunoscut"///I consider myself "known"
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: pentru ca nu sunt un random guy care joaca tf2///because I'm not a random guy that is playing tf2
- Vulturas: adica eu sunt randomguy?:p///that means I am a randomguy? :p
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: relativ///relatively
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: individual///individual
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: nu esten imeni random///no one is random
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: pentru persoanele care ma cunosc pe mine esti "random"///for the people that know me you're "random"
- Vulturas: bine, esti cunoscut, dar macar nu sunt ipocrit :p///okay, you're known, but at least I ain't a hypocrite
- Vulturas: te bagi prea mult in seama///you are bragging too much
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: IPOCRÍT, -A, ipocri?i, -te, adj., s. m. ?i f. 1. Adj., s. m. ?i f. (Persoana) care se arata altfel de cum este; (om) prefacut, fa?arnic. 2. Adj. (Despre manifestarile oamenilor, fizionomie etc.) Care tradeaza, arata ipocrizie. – Din fr. hypocrite.(Hypocrite definition, not traslating)
- Vulturas: se pare ca e corect!:D///it seems that's right!:D
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: din contra///on the contrary
- Vulturas: adica nu te dai mare cu arma aia community?///that means you weren't bragging with that community weapon?
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: mi-a picat dintr-un bug ?///it fell from a bug?
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: si fyi///and fyi
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: am fost pe ego cu un prieten acum 2 sapt///I was on ego(My thoughts:dunno wat it is) with a friend 2 weeks ago
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: fara sa zic nimic///without saying anything
- Vulturas: stai///hold
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: si mi-ai zis aia "pro"///and those guys told me "pro"
- Vulturas: ti-a picat dintr-un pug?///it fell from a pug?
- Vulturas: bug**///bug**
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: nu mi-a picat dintr-un bug///it didn't fell from a bug
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: mi-a dat valve///valve gave it to me
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: stii foarte bine///you know very well
- Vulturas: asta ai spus >.>///you said that>.>
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: si stii si pentru ce///and you know for what
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: am argumentat prin contraexemplu///I argumented using a counter-example
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: cat timp, i deserve it///while I deserver it
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: i deserve it///i deserve it
- Vulturas: err///err
- Vulturas:
- Vulturas: deci unde?///so where?
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: i l-am cedat asazisei persoane care am reclamt-o la valve///I gave it to the person whom I have told to valve(Thoughs: I didn't get it)
- Vulturas: ...romana?///...romanian?
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: nu mai ma ocup de tf2 romania///I'm not working on tf2 romania
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: cake se ocupa///cake is doing that
- Vulturas: atunci de ce mai ai community weapon?:po///then why are you stillm having a community weapon?
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: pentru tradus tf2 in ro ?///because I have translated tf2 in ro?
- Vulturas: lol///lol
- Vulturas: si nu mai traduci?>.>///and you're not translating anymore?>.>
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: sunt implicat intr-un alt proiect///I'm in another project
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: ma ocup doar de moderare///I'm just doing the moderation
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: si fyi: un proiect care probabil imi va aduce adoua arma :)///a project that it will probably earn me a second weapons :)(community)
- Vulturas: iar te dai mare///you're bragging again
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: iar sunt ipocrit / ///I'm a hypocrite again?
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: ? /// ?
- Vulturas: nu///no
- Vulturas: alt cuvant///another word
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: ma pot madri cu ce fac si ce am///I can take pride in what I'm doing and what I'm having
- Vulturas se duce sa caute Nightbox in dictionar/// Vulturas is going to search for Nightbox in the dictionary
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: care e problema ta / /// what's your problem?
- Vulturas: dar te mandresti peste masura :p///you're bragging too much
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: problem ? ///problem ?
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: spre deosebire de tine///in contrast with you
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: tu nu ai avut obstacole///you didn't have any obstacles
- Vulturas: ?///?
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: tu doar traduci///you're only translating
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: big shit
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: ca sa fac ce ti-am dat tie pe youtube///for what I have done in the youtube video
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: a trebuit sa invat sa fac asta///I had to learn for
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: si credema///and believe me
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: ai vrea tu sa inveti si sa faci ce-am facut eu in aceste 2 luni :)///you would wish to learn and do what I have done in these 2 months :)
- Vulturas: iar~ te dai mare>.>///you're bragging again~ >.>
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: vrei sa nu ma dau eu mare///you want me to stop bragging?
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: si sa ma dea altii mare ?///and others to brag me?
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: vrei ?///you want?
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: imediat///right now
- Vulturas: dea dea ai fanclub :p///yea yea you got a fanclub :p
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: fan club cu cei mai buni jucatori de tf din europa ?///a fanclub with the best players from europe?
- Vulturas: si ce mi-ar pasa?///and why would I care?
- Vulturas: sa te dea mare, dar tot te comporti cum te comporti///let them brag you, but you're still acting how you're acting
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: Nightbox has done more for the community than 99.9% of the people on this forum and as such deserves at least a semblance of respect.
I’ve managed to spend an evening helping him learn some PHP and MySQL so he can get this site off the ground and to be honest he’s picked up more in that one evening than every one of my friends from Uni learnt in a semester. That’s straight A students doing a Comp Sci degree.
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: dunc
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: liderul nationalei angliei :)///national leader of england :)
- Vulturas: zii sa ma bage in lista >.> vreau sa vad ceva///tell him to add me in hi list>.> I want to see something
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: crezi ca are timp de tine ?///you think he has time for you?
- Vulturas: pe scurt eviti intrebarea///for short, you're avoiding the question
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: actually e foarte ocupat///he's actually very busy
- Vulturas: ti-e teama///you're afraid
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: nu mie teama///I'm not afraid
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: asta sut cuvinte de copil ce zici///those are kid's words you're saying
- Vulturas: ti-e teama ca personalitatea ta adevarata va iesi la iveala///you're afraid that your true character will show up
- Vulturas: ti-e teama ca vei pierde tot :)///you're afraid that you will lose everyting :)
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: cine esti tu ca sa il pui sa se justifice ?///who are you to tell him to justity?
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: rationament de gradinita///kindergarted reasoning
- Vulturas: nu ii spun sa se justifice :)///I don't tell him to justify :)
- Vulturas: il intreb daca stie de personalitatea ta :)///I'm asking him if he knows about your personality :)
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2:
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: da-i add///add him
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: eu nu ii zic nimic///I'm not telling anything
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: te accepta///he accepts you
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: bravo tie///grats
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: eu nu ma duc la o persoana de 30 de ani sa ii zic///I'm not going at a 30 year old person and tell him that
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: da-i accept lu x ca vrea as te intrebe cv legat de mine///xomeone x wants do ask you something about me
- Vulturas: recunoaste macar ca nu ai comportamentul necesar///confess that you do not have the required comportament/character/mannerism
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: comportamentul necesar pentru ce ?///for what?
- Vulturas: dorintele si armele community care le tot vrei///yor wishes and community weapons that you crave for
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: rationament de gradinita///kindergarted reasoning
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: nu exista nici un comportament necesar pentru nimic///there aren't mannerisms needed for anything
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: eu am participat in sts///I've participated in STS
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: mi-am primit weapon///I've received my weapon
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: esti invidios / ///you're envious /
- Vulturas: deloc///not at all
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: nu se vede///not obvious
- Vulturas: daca as fi tu, cu comportament, si toate celelalte prostii, m-as sinucide///if I were you, with the mannerism, and the other crap, I'd suicide
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: gl///gl
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2:
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: asa fyi///so fyi
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: cat pot sa ma laud in///how much I can brag
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: 3 h in 2 saptamani de tf ?///3 h in 2 weeks of tf ?
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: grow up
- Vulturas: ai terminat?///did you finish?
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: nici n-am inceput///I didn't even start
- Vulturas: ...inca astept///...I'm still waiting
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: ce astepti ?/// what are you waiting for?
- Vulturas: ai spus ca nici nu ai inceput///you said that you didn't even start
- Nightbox | ty dood for l4d2: la intrebarea daca am terminat///at the question if I have finished
- Vulturas: ...ok.///...ok.
- Vulturas: pa///bye
Free time