Jak wiele gier, Team Fortress 2 znacząco zmieniło się podczas rozwoju gry. Wiele kwestii podlegało decyzji, jak ta, czy zostaną wykorzystane granaty, jak w grze Team Fortress Classic. Przedmioty mogłyby być usunięte z powodu lepszych pomysłów, jak medale Żołnierza. Czasami zawartość zostawała usunięta z powodu zmiany stylu gry. Lista na tej stronie pokazuje bronie, przedmioty, i inne rzeczy która zostały usunięte z gry, ale w większości przypadków, pozostałości modeli z plików .gcf gry.
Bronie pierwszorzędne
Secondary Weapons
Melee Weapons
The only projectile Grenades in Team Fortress 2 are those fired from the Demoman's Grenade Launcher and Loch-n-Load. The Jarate and Mad Milk weapons function somewhat like grenades, though they are never officially referred to as such, and also do not bounce in most situations. The Soldier does utilize a grenade for a taunt, but does not throw them.
They were a strong feature of Team Fortress Classic, and were scrapped during the early testing stages of Team Fortress 2. Developers have revealed this choice was due to gameplay concerns with how they were used, such as Spamming, certain potential exploits, and general over-reliance on them as a whole.
Each class was set to have primary and secondary grenades, with the primary grenades being Frag Grenades and secondary grenades possessing more specialized functions. There is still code pertaining to thrown grenades in the server_i486.so file
Several grenade types are modeled, some of which are updated versions of those found in Team Fortress Classic and some of which are new designs. Sounds for thrown grenades can also be found in the game files.
An unobtainable crafting item called a "Grenade Token" used to exist, but was removed with the Mann-Conomy Update.
Repair Node
Was to act as a replacement for the Teleporter or the Dispenser. Would automatically repair buildings when the Engineer was away from his base.
The original design of Team Fortress 2 appears to have had spawn room turrets; several different designs were created, including a large turret and a mini turret, but none of them made it into the final game.
In addition to weapons, several items were created for TF2 that were ultimately never fully implemented or used. All of the items on this page originated from the Team Fortress 2 .gcf files.
Prototype rideable cart models
Two prototype rideable cart bomb cars were created and leftover in the TF2 files. Neither model has textures, as both appear to be very early models. However, these rideable carts have been seen in some custom maps.
Prototype cart bomb
Listed as a Spytech cart bomb. Unfinished model based off of this piece of concept artwork.
Other items
World item
Its ultimate in-game purpose is unknown but is believed that it was a feature for recording without using demo files which can be made using the developer console. It has a highly detailed model, bearing the brand name Arr!, a play on the Arri line of cameras.
Old flags
World item
Prior to using Intelligence briefcases for CTF mode, several flags bearing the faces of Valve employees were used as placeholders.
Neutral Intelligence
World item
A grey-colored Intelligence briefcase. Has been used in several custom maps, though it has not been featured in any official maps.
Decapitation models
Aesthetic item
Released along with the Eyelander, assumed to be scrapped models that would have been placed at the player's neck, when decapitated by the Eyelander. Only the Soldier's model was included in the GCF, but it is assumed all players would have had their own model, in a similar fashion to Max's Severed Head and Modest Pile of Hat.
Included as part of the Australian Christmas update. Its intended use is unknown.
Ticket Booth
Included as part of the Australian Christmas update. Its intended use is unknown.
Unused Kill icons
Several unused kill icons exist in the game files, including an alternate Ambassador headshot image, an alternate level 1 Sentry Gun image, an environmental fire death image, and an explosion image.
Alternate Deathcam UI
User interface
Alternate version of the deathcam function. Would have depicted the F5'd deathcam picture landing on top of a pile of other pictures, all of which appear to have been taken from beta versions of the game.
Unused texture added in the Mac Update.
Unused Noise Makers
Two unused noise makers exist in the game files, through icons and sound files: one from the Scream Fortress updated called "Spooky," and one from the Shogun Pack called "Yell."
See also
Bronie beta i Nieużywana zawartość |
| Przed wydaniem |
Uzbrojenie |
Podstawowe | | | Pomocnicze | | | Do walki wręcz | | | PDA | | | Granaty |
| | Klasy | | | Konstrukcje | | | Inne | |
| | Otwarta beta TF2 Zamknięta beta TF2 |
Uzbrojenie |
Podstawowe | | | Pomocnicze | | | Do walki wręcz | |
| | Przedmioty ozdobne | |
| | Wycieki z reslist |
Uzbrojenie |
Podstawowe | | | Pomocnicze | | | Do walki wręcz | |
| | Przedmioty ozdobne | | | | |
| | Wycieki z listy tekstur wstępnego pobierania |
Uzbrojenie |
Podstawowe | | | Pomocnicze | | | Do walki wręcz | |
| | Konstrukcje | | | Drwiny | |
| | Wycieki z aktualizacji Piekło w dżungli |
Uzbrojenie |
Podstawowe | | | Pomocnicze | | | Do walki wręcz | | | PDA | |
| | Drwiny | |
| | Wycięte Nieużyte Eksperymentalne |
Uzbrojenie |
Podstawowe | | | Pomocnicze | | | Do walki wręcz | | | PDA | | | PDA2 | | | Rzucane | |
| | Konstrukcje | | | Przedmioty ozdobne | | | Przedmioty działania | | | Tryby gry | | | Klasy | | | Inne | |