Meet the Medic
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Meet the Medic | |
ビデオの基本情報 | |
リリース日: | June 23, 2011 |
再生時間: | 4:09 |
2011年3月、ユーザーの“Political Gamer”がワシントンはベルビューにあるValve本社を訪れ、Meet the Medicの制作を確認しました[1]。彼はそこで飛び立つ鳩とポーズを取るメディックが描かれたポスターの写真を撮りました[2]。
2011年5月5日のReplay アップデートと共に公開されたコミック、Meet the Directorのあるページではアドミニストレーターの背後にあるコントロールパネルにMeet the Medicからの多数のスクリーンショットが映しだされていました。
On June 8, 2011, a patch to Team Fortress 2 was released and included an update that placed several doves in various positions in Valve maps. The doves explode upon contact but do not cause players damage. On June 17, 2011, an additional patch was released which added a secondary dove model with animations. Later the same day, the page layout of the TF2 Official Blog was updated to feature three doves perched upon the title banner, which was covered by bird droppings. Each dove linked to three separate hidden images depicting a rundown hospital, an empty hospital waiting room, and a doctor's office.
Part of the rundown hospital seen in the first hidden image can be seen in the background of the Medic's page on the official site, fully modeled.
On June 20, 2011, Meet the Medic was confirmed by TF2 Official Blog, and its release was announced to coincide with the Uber Update, to be released on June 23.[3] The doves that were perched on the site banner of the TF2 Official Blog were removed as part of the website redesign.
"Meet the Medic" ビデオの概要
概要 |
[真っ暗の画面から一見平和な岩の斜面へ] [斜面の向こう側で爆発、REDのスカウトと車椅子に乗ったREDのデモマンが急いで丘を駆け下りる。緊張感のある音楽が流れ始める] スカウト: "どけどけ、一つ目ヤロー。どけよ!" スカウト: "いいぞ、いける、もうすぐ - あぁあああ!" [ロケット弾よって横に弾き飛ばされるスカウト。デモマンは逃げ続ける] [スカウトは地面に叩きつけられるが、それでもなお逃げようと試みる] スカウト: "ぐぅう、あぁああ。" [飛来音とともにスカウト目がけて飛んでくる3つのロケット弾] [ロケット弾の方を振り向くスカウト] スカウト: "うぉお、一体どいつが?" [爆発によってスカウトはじたばたしながら視聴者の方へ吹き飛ばされる] スカウト: "-あぁぁぁああああ!!" [スカウトが顔面を打ち付けた窓ガラスは割れ、中にいる鳩が驚く] スカウト: "メディック。" ["Meet the メディック"のタイトル画面] [カメラは室内へ、スカウトは窓からずり落ちカメラは徐々にチルトダウンして右方向にターン] ヘビー: "あぁっはっは、やめてくれ!" [ヘビーが大声で笑うのと同時にメディックは更に説明] メディック: "いや、いや - もっと凄いんですから。" [カメラはターンとチルトを継続しメディックを映しだす。陽気に会話するREDのヘビーは開腹されているが意識はある。メディックはヘビーの心臓を手にしており、頭上に設置された試作メディガンのビームはヘビーに当てられている] メディック: "患者が目覚めたとき、彼の骨が無くなっていて...その後患者から医者への連絡は無かったそうですぞ! あ、は、は!" [大笑いする] [ヘビーは暫し沈黙するが再び笑い出し、隣にある手術道具のトレーを叩く] メディック: "ま、何だかんだで...私はこうして医師免許を剥奪されたわけですわ。へっ。" [途端に不安になるヘビー] [鳩がヘビーの腹から顔を出し、二人を驚かせる] メディック: "アルキメデス、止めなさい!" [鳩を追い払う] "中は汚いんだ。おぇっ。" [ヘビーは少々驚いた様子でメディックを見るが、メディくは気づかない] メディック: "鳥類め、は、は、は。" [メディック微笑] [トレー上の人工心臓装置を映しだす。小さなチャージメーターと“Uber”の文字が確認できる] [メディックが“Uber”装置を掴む] メディック: "さて、ほとんどの心臓はこのボルテージに持ちこたえることは出来ない。[メディックはヘビーの心臓に装置を挿し込み、それにメディガンのビームを当てる] だが、あなたの心臓はほぼ確実に..." [ヘビーの心臓が破裂する] [三匹の鳩が映しだされ、アルキメデスはヘビーの心臓の破片で弾き飛ばされる] [メディックとその背後いるヘビーが映しだされる] ヘビー: "今の音は何だ?" [メディックはすぐさま驚きから立ち直り、“Uber”装置からヘビーの心臓の破片を何気なく取り除く] メディック: "進歩の音だ、友よ。" [Cut to Medic opening a refrigerator containing several hearts, a Sandvich, and a few beers. One exceptionally large heart is labelled "Mega Baboon"] メディック: "Ah... perfect..." [Medic grabs the baboon heart, revealing the decapitated head of a BLU Spy in the back of the fridge, somehow sustained by a battery] Spy Head: "Kill me." メディック: "Later." [Cut to Medic standing by the Heavy, baboon heart and Uber device in each hand] メディック: "Where was I? Ah, there we go." [Jams device into heart] [Cuts to Medic holding the cyborg heart in front of the medi beam] メディック: "Come on, come on..." [Heart starts beating, Medic starts laughing madly as the heart starts flashing unevenly.] [Heart glows red; Heavy laughs nervously] [Cuts to the Uber meter on the device going to full] [Cuts to Medic, who has stopped laughing and is leaning his head away, as if expecting the heart to explode] [Cuts back to perched doves for a brief moment. Archimedes has returned to his position on the perch, covered in blood, as the two doves on either side of him shuffle away from where he was standing when he was hit before] [Heart stabilizes and stops glowing, its texture changes to an Uber Texture.] メディック: "Oh, that looks good." [Medic drops the heart into Heavy's open chest] メディック: "Very nice here." [Heavy looks at the heart] ヘビー: "Should I be awake for this?" メディック "Ah heh. Well, no, heh." [Medic adjusts his glasses] "But as long as you are, could you hold your rib cage open a bit?" [Heavy moves his hand as if to adjust his rib cage as Medic is pushing the heart inside] "I can't... seem..." [Cuts to Heavy's face as he yells out in pain as a crack is heard] [Cuts to Heavy showing Medic a snapped off rib. Both look at it tentatively] メディック: "Oh, don't be such a baby..." [Medic takes the rib from Heavy] メディック: "...ribs grow back!" [Medic tosses the rib aside and turns to Archimedes sitting on top of the medigun] メディック (whispering to the bird): "No they don't." [Cuts to Archimedes, covered in blood, who cocks his head and flies away] [Medic swings the Medi Gun over to the open Heavy and raises the power] [The medigun completely heals the Heavy, as if by magic, even fixing his clothes] ヘビー (impressed): (Deep inhale) "What happens now?" [Medic helps Heavy up] メディック: "Now? (chuckles). Let's go practice medicine..." [Cuts to Medic putting on his gloves, coat, and prototype Medi Gun (the eventual Quick-Fix) while marching music plays] [Cuts to a door bearing the red cross opening to reveal the Medic and his doves along with angelic music] [Heavy runs past Medic with Sasha ready] [Cuts to show a battlefield outside Medic's office with an Engineer and Sniper hiding behind cover, the injured Scout on the ground, and the wheelchair bound RED Demoman wheeling frantically towards them] Demoman: "Medic!" [Demoman gets blown off his wheelchair by several rockets, landing face-first on the ground front of Medic] [Medic pushes his glasses up his nose and flips a switch on the Quick-Fix] [Music intensifies as a healing beam is fired at the Demoman, healing him completely. Demoman nods toward the Medic, picks up his Sticky Launcher and heads back towards the battlefield.] [Medic then fires the Quick-Fix at the RED Scout, fixing him up also] [The Scout leaps to his feet] スカウト: "Yeah!" [The Scout grabs his Bat from out of the air as he gets up and runs off] スカウト: "Woohoohoo!" [Heavy hides behind a red truck as the Scout runs past] [Scout runs up to a BLU Soldier and whacks him with his bat] スカウト: "Oh yeah!" [Cuts to show a massive horde of BLU Soldiers coming over the crest of the hill] ヘビー: "Doctor!" [Cuts to Heavy] ヘビー: "Are you sure this will work?!" [Cuts to Medic] メディック: "Ha ha ha, I have no idea!" [Medic flips a switch, and a panel lights up as a meter labeled "Voltmeter" reaches full. The words "Ubercharge Ready" can be seen on the panel, and the music swells again. Medic's backpack starts humming with power] [Medic fires the Quick-Fix at the Heavy, who pops out from his cover] ヘビー: "EYAAAAAAAAAH!" [Cuts to show Heavy's baboon heart beating rapidly, then cuts back to show Heavy glowing with Ubercharge power] ヘビー: "HA HA!" [Medic and the Ubercharged Heavy advance under rocket fire, and Heavy starts laughing] [RED Engineer, wielding the Frontier Justice, and RED Sniper, wielding the Sniper Rifle, watch bewildered as the Heavy glows with power and shrugs off volleys of rockets] [Cuts back to the Heavy, still advancing] ヘビー: "I am bulletproof!" [Heavy keeps moving, mowing down BLU Soldier after BLU Soldier] [Cuts to BLU Soldiers falling over dead in rapid succession] [Medic and Heavy climb atop a mountain of dead bodies and a flock of doves fly overhead] [Ending title card appears and accompanying music plays] [Cuts to waiting room where the rest of RED are waiting as they do things to pass the time, e.g. the Engineer playing his guitar] メディック (off-screen): "That looks good. Very nice here. Yes!" スカウト (off-screen): "Hey, thanks doc!" [A 'ding' is heard as the "Now Serving" sign changes to number 2] [Scout emerges from the operating room, his chest glowing.] スカウト (gallant): "Awhawhaw, man! You would not BELIEVE ... how much this hurts." [Muffled dove coos, and Scout's chest moves] メディック: "Archimedes?" |
- The hospital seen in one of the hidden images resembles the Pacific Medical Center in the Beacon Hill neighborhood of Seattle, Washington, close to Valve headquarters.
- A mysterious woman resembling Miss Pauling can be seen through the window at 0:56 and again at 1:22.
- At 1:03, the entire contents of the fridge can be viewed: three hearts, a Sandvich, three bottles of Red Shed beer, a BLU Spy's Head (alive), a battery for his head, and an ashtray for his cigarettes.
- Throughout the ヘビー's procedure, an X-Ray of his body can be seen in the background, which shows a bomb lodged inside. The extracted bomb can be spotted in a bucket behind the Medic. This is the same bomb seen in the "Meet the Medic" title card.
- Despite the Quick-Fix being incapable of providing invulnerability in-game, the Medic is able to use it to make the Heavy invulnerable via Ubercharge in Meet the Medic. The fourth day of the Uber Update explains that the Quick-Fix's first Ubercharge, seen in the video, permanently shorted out the invulnerability feature of the gun.
- In the waiting room at the end of the video, the Pyro can be seen reading a magazine, featuring The Insult That Made a "Jarate Master" Out of Sniper on the back cover.
- For a short period before the Uber Update, doves would sometimes fly out of Scouts after they were killed. This foreshadowed the final gag of the video, in which Archimedes is left inside the Scout's chest after his operation.
- One of the Medic's doves shares its name with "Template:W", the Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer.
- The Heavy's Minigun can be spotted in the background of a few operating room shots, resting on its own stretcher.
- The Medic's Overdose can be seen underneath the bucket containing the extracted bomb.
- A heart monitor can be seen working behind the Heavy early in the video. When his heart is destroyed, the line on the monitor goes flat. The next time it is seen, after the Medic retrieves a new heart, it resumes its old display.
- When the Demoman is fleeing from the Soldiers in the first battlefield scene, his Stickybomb Launcher rests on his lap and is his only visible weapon. In the second battlefield scene the Grenade Launcher replaced the Stickybomb Launcher, but after an explosion sends him flying out of his wheelchair the weapon that lands in front of him is, mysteriously, the Stickybomb Launcher instead of the Grenade Launcher he was just holding.
- When the デモマン is fleeing the BLU Soldiers in a wheelchair, he has a bandage over the top part of his head with an eyepatch on top of the bandage. Later, when the Demoman is healed by the メディック, he rips off the bandage with the eyepatch on it to reveal another eyepatch underneath the bandage.
- At 3:24, a rocket is shown deflecting off of the invulnerable heavy. Rockets never deflect off players in-game and simply explode without damaging the invulnerable target.
- In spite of the Medic believing otherwise, human ribs are actually capable of growing back when properly shortened.
- The Quick-Fix uses the Medi Gun's sounds.
- MeedTheMedicLithograph.png
- ↑ "Back from Valve" on Steam Users' Forums, Political Gamer, posted March 22, 2011. Accessed June 18, 2011.
- ↑ " Valve HQ Article posted April 1, 2011. Accessed June 20, 2011.
- ↑ "The Uber Update, Day One", TF2 Team, TF2 Official Blog, posted June 20, 2011. Accessed June 21, 2011.