솔저를 만나다

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솔저를 만나다
Meet the Soldier Titlecard
영상 정보
공개일: 2007년 8월 22일
재생 시간: 1:27

'솔저를 만나다' 영상 대본


  • This video was the first to feature both intro text and the updated group picture at the end.
  • Sun Tzu was an honorific title bestowed upon Template:W (c. 544 BC – 496 BC), the author of Template:W, an immensely influential ancient Chinese book on military strategy.
    • The quote the Soldier recites at the beginning of the video is from chapter 10 of The Art of War.
  • 병법 음악은 영상에서 첫번째로 삽입되었고, 이후 패치로 게임상에서의 메인메뉴 음악으로 추가되었습니다.
  • The video uses a modified version of Granary. The RED team goes completely around the building that connects the 1st and 2nd control points into an area that is normally a dead end.
  • The titlecard displays "COPYRIGHT LOLOLOL" on the bottom right corner, a recurring joke throughout the "Meet the Team" videos.
  • 영상에서 솔저는 보통의 로켓을 발사하는데도 이것을 무시하고 치명타 소리를 냅니다.
  • 솔저가 스파이의 얼굴을 삽으로 가격할 때, 배경에 있는 벽에 붙여진 포스터에는 '금연'이라고 씌여있습니다."
  • 로켓 점프로 파이프 위에 올라간 솔저는, 구조물에는 치명타의 추가 피해를 입지 않는 것을 무시하고 엔지니어센트리 건을 같이 없애버립니다.
  • At the end when you see all of the decapitated heads of the BLU team except the Scout, you can see that the decapitated Spy head is missing a tooth, meaning that this is the head of the earlier Spy that the Soldier hit in the face with his Shovel.
    • However, the Spy still has a cigarette in his mouth, despite it being knocked out at the exact same time as the tooth.
  • The Soldier's helmet appears to have a slight dent in it, visible when he is talking to the heads on the fence, that is not in the actual game model.

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