Basic Spy strategy/es
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El Spy se especializa en el engaño y las debilidades del equipo enemigo. A pesar de ser débil y tener una de las armas de fuego mas débiles en el juego. Puede Apuñalar al los enemigos y Zapear las construcciones del Engineer. El Spya siempre opera detrás de las lineas enemigas, y para ese trabajo puede usar la Invisiblidad y sus Disfraces para moverse sin ser detectado. La habilidad de ver el nombre y la salud de los enemigos le permite escoger enemigos debilitados para matarlos con su Revolver.Sin embargo el Spy suele ser una amenaza, los enemigos harán con frecuencia Spy-checking a sus compañeros de equipo. Recuerda que las llamas del Pyro anulan la invisibilidad y tus disfraces convirtiendo a los Pyros en la clase mas peligrosa contra Spyes. Un buen espía se utilizan tanto en su Invisibilidad y su Kit de Disfraces para evitar llamar la atención del enemigo.
Armas Primarias
Revolver / Pistolon
Usa tu revolver cuando tu apuñalada falla, o cuando no te puedes acercar al objetivo con seguridad. Tiene muy buena precisión haciéndolo útil contra objetivos debilitados a distancia .
Usa la embajadora si tienes muy buena puntería la habilidad de críticos por disparo en la cabeza puede derribar a la mayoria de las clases con unos pocos disparos
El Extranjero convierte potencia de fuego en energía potencial. Hace una buena combinación Con el Embozador y el Duplicante. Puedes usar esta arma para recargar tu reloj de invisibilidad de una distancia segura
El aumento de daño del Ejecutor puede ser muy útil para duelo uno-a-uno lejos del campo de batalla. Pero aumenta el tiempo de activación de la invisibilidad. El Ejecutor es mejor usado con el Duplicante ya que eo duplicante tiene un tiempo de activación de invisibilidad instantánea.
Armas Secundarias
Electro Sapper
The Electro Sapper will instantly disable an Engineer's building and can only be removed by the Engineer or the Pyro's Homewrecker. You have an unlimited supply and can place them rapidly on any building within melee range. Typically, you'll first backstab an Engineer, then quickly sap any nearby buildings to prevent them from firing at you. Your weapons deal reduced damage to any building that has an Electro Sapper on it.
Melee Weapons
The Knife deals pitiful damage. Unless you can backstab an enemy, you're probably better off using your Revolver in fights, especially after you've been discovered. However, if only a little more damage is required to kill your target, the Knife makes a reliable finisher.
Your Eternal Reward
The inability to initially disguise will make you rely more on your Cloak ability to find good hiding places. Once you obtain a disguise, you are free to approach your enemies from behind. Do not rely on the "silent killer" aspect of the weapon; dead enemies will still be able to communicate using text or voice chat. If you're stuck with a slow disguise, you can Cloak or attack at any time to move at normal walking speed.
Conniver's Kunai
The Conniver's Kunai's health reduction will make you very, very frail. Unless you are under the effects of its overheal, you can be killed by just one stray projectile. When using the Conniver's Kunai, play aggressively and try to land continuous backstabs to maintain your health and eliminate any negative status effects such as afterburn. Using the Dead Ringer in conjunction with the Conniver's Kunai will allow you to quickly navigate behind enemy lines without dying to a random shot.
Big Earner
The Big Earner's health reduction does not make you as frail as the Conniver's Kunai but still allows you to instantly be killed by stronger weapons like the Soldier's Rocket Launcher. Play aggressively and get multiple kills to rapidly charge your Cloak for an easy escape. It pairs well with the Cloak and Dagger, which cannot be recharged using pickups, as well as the Dead Ringer, which will allow you to navigate behind enemy lines without dying to a random shot.
Disguise Kit
The Disguise Kit is one of your major infiltration tools. If near allies, it's best to disguise as another friendly class or an enemy Spy so that even if seen by an enemy, you will draw less attention. You can safely change your disguise while cloaked to throw off enemy suspicion. A disguise takes one second to become effective, so avoid the common mistake of approaching an enemy before the change is complete. Once you have successfully navigated behind enemy lines, try to not behave like a Spy; for example, reloading your Revolver while disguised will mimic your disguise's reload animation, allowing you to better blend into an enemy crowd. Even if you're disguised, don't linger in front of enemies for too long, as you are still vulnerable to Spy-checking.
Invisibility Watch / Enthusiast's Timepiece
Out of all your watches, the Invisibility Watch has the smallest margin of error but allows you to cover the furthest distance while invisible. Keep moving to decrease the chances of you being detected or cornered and grab metal pickups to keep your Cloak filled. While observant enemies may see the ammo box disappear, they probably won't be able to track you down.
Cloak and Dagger
The Cloak and Dagger is best used on maps with few metal pickups. You can use it to camp an area to pick off important targets, such as enemy Medics. Over the same amount of time, moving to a location slowly or in quick bursts will drain the same amount of Cloak. Continue to be mobile; enemies will be encouraged to Spy-check if you stay in the same area too long. Likewise, don't just use the Cloak and Dagger to stay out of harm's way; being alive does not necessarily mean being useful.
Dead Ringer
To make your feign death more convincing, consider letting the enemy damage you for a bit before taking out the Dead Ringer; simply "dying" from fall damage is a sure sign that you're a Spy. Even if you make your feign death completely obvious, the Dead Ringer's damage reduction while cloaked allows you to easily navigate across battlefields and behind enemy lines. While enemies will not see you if you bump into them, you are still vulnerable to revealing effects such as fire, bleeding, and Jarate. Know where metal pickups are so that you can quickly refill your Cloak for emergencies.
Item sets
The Saharan Spy
The Saharan Spy item set pairs best with the Dead Ringer. The set reduces the loud decloak volume significantly, making it easier to find suitable hiding places. Because your Cloak never shimmers when using the Dead Ringer, the increased Cloak blink is nullified.
The Man of Honor
The Man of Honor set is best used with the Dead Ringer; the instant cloaking time is not affected by the Enforcer's drawbacks while the damage reduction helps cover the Big Earner's health penalty. The Big Earner allows you to refill and repeatedly use your Cloak when on a killing spree, allowing you to use the Dead Ringer again and again.