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Det er en rekke med juksekoder spiller kan bruke på tjenere satt til sv_cheats 1
. Juksekoder kan bli brukt for flere forskjellige applikasjoner.
Ulikt å hacke eller å jukse, som aldri er lov, kan alle spillere bruke juksekoder som de vil på aktuelle tjenere (om de har lov fra tjeneroperatøren). Man kan ikke oppnå Prestasjoner med juksekoder på. Gjenstander vil fortsatt bli tilfeldig anskaffet om en tjener er satt til sv_cheats 1
sv_cheats 1
er ikke noen form for ekstern hacking eller juksing. Bruken av sv_cheats 1
vil ikke gi brukeren en VAC-utestengelse.
[hide]Liste over juksekoder
-kommandoen gir spilleren en effekt. addcond
-kommandoen må ha et nummer etter seg, for eksempel addcond 5
. Hvor lenge den varer kan bli bestemt av å ha enda et nummer etter det første, som addcond 5 10
, hvor 10 er hvor lenge den varer i sekunder. Effektene kan vanligvis bli slettet av å skrive removecond
og det tilsvarende nummeret, og BOT-er kan bli gitt effekter av å bruke bot_command
med addcond
Forskjellige nummere har forskjellige effekter som blir listet her:
ID | Description | Internal Name |
0 | Saktegjort (Som når man revver en mitraljøse eller når man zoomer inn med snikskytterrifler). Viser spillerfiguren i klassens zoomet inn/revver-pose (for klasser uten denne animasjonen, bruker denne Referanseposen). | TF_COND_AIMING
1 | Snikskytterriflens zoom. Hvis effekten blir slått på i tredjeperson, vil spilleren bli usynlig. Om man bytter våpen mens denne effekten er aktiv når våpenet ikke kan bli zoomet inn med, vil spille krasje. | TF_COND_ZOOMED
2 | Forkledningsrøyk. | TF_COND_DISGUISING
3 | Forkledningspåføring. | TF_COND_DISGUISED
4 | Usynlighetseffekt. Å bruke denne effekt som Spy aktiverer usynlighet uten lyd (Med den valgte PDA-ens utplasseringseffekt). Om den er brukt av en klasse utenom Spy, vil spilleren umiddelbart bli synlig igjen uten lyd. | TF_COND_STEALTHED
5 | Helsepistolens Uskadelighetseffekt. Effekten blir deaktivert om brukeren får helbredelse fra en Dispenser, Nyttelastvogn eller Medics Sekundær Helsepistol. Effekten blir også deaktivert på en Medic om han aktiverer eller kommer til slutten av hans egen Überladning. Medics selvhelbredelse har ikke noen effekt på den. | TF_COND_INVULNERABLE
6 | Teleporterstøv. | TF_COND_TELEPORTED
7 | Er ment for å være hån. Gjør ingenting via addcond , men kan bli brukt med removecond får å umiddelbart slutte å håne.
8 | Überladningens slutteffekt, om spilleren er Überladet. | TF_COND_INVULNERABLE_WEARINGOFF
9 | Blinkeeffekt om man er usynlig. Den blir slettet med engang. | TF_COND_STEALTHED_BLINK
10 | Ment å være effekten for teleportering. Lar deg ikke gjøre det du valigvis ikke kan gjøre når du teleporterer (f.eks. å plukke opp Etterretningen). | TF_COND_SELECTED_TO_TELEPORT
11 | Gir Krits (Kritzkrieg, Hevn-krits). Slutter under de samme effektene som 5. | TF_COND_CRITBOOSTED
12 | Det er ment at denne effekten skal være en midlertidig skadeøkning. Gjør ingenting. | TF_COND_TMPDAMAGEBONUS
13 | Gir Dobbeltgjengerens usynlighetsbeskyttelsesøkning, virker med alle klokker som Spy. Vil automatisk aktivere effekt 4. | TF_COND_FEIGN_DEATH
14 | Bonk! Atomkraft-effekten. | TF_COND_PHASE
15 | Det er ment at dette skal være Utslått-effekten, men den legger bare til saktegjøringseffektikonet på HUD-en uten noe forandring på bevegelsesfart. Kan bli brukt med removecond for å ta bort en utslåelse.
16 | Motivasjonsbannereffekten. | TF_COND_OFFENSEBUFF
17 | Våpenskjoldeffekten. Vil få alle klasser til å bevege seg forover med en begrenset snufart, som å storme. (Demomans fart vil øke til 750 HE/s, og for Demomaner will effekten gå bort når stormmeteret tømmes). | TF_COND_SHIELD_CHARGE
18 | Det er ment at dette skal være den glødende øyeeffekten til Øyelenderens hodetakning. Kan bli brukt med removecond for å ta bort glødeeffekten.
19 | Krit-a-cola– /Biffsmørbrød– /Krypskytterens Karabin-effekten. | TF_COND_ENERGY_BUFF
20 | Medikerende Melodi-effekten (Helbreder ikke, legger kun til ringer rundt spillerens føtter; ringene er tatt bort etter et hån slutter, men effekten fortsetter å være påslått). | TF_COND_RADIUSHEAL
21 | Det er ment at dette skal være effekten fra f.eks. Helsepistoler og dispensere. Kan bli brukt med removecond for å slette en sånn effekt.
22 | Reaksjonen for å ta fyr (lyd og tale, men ingen brann). Kan bli brukt med removecond for å slukke etterbrenning.
23 | Denne er ment til å vise Overhelbredelse. Den gjør ingenting. | TF_COND_HEALTH_OVERHEALED
24 | Jarateeffekten. | TF_COND_URINE
25 | Det er ment at dette skal være blødningseffekten. Kan kun bli brukt med removecond for å slutte å blø.
26 | Bataljonens Bistand-effekten. | TF_COND_DEFENSEBUFF
27 | Mannevond Melk-effekten. | TF_COND_MAD_MILK
28 | Kvikk-fixens visuelle effekter og tilbakeslagsmotstand (ingen helbredelse). Slettes under de samme effektene som 5. | TF_COND_MEGAHEAL
29 | Erobrereffekten. | TF_COND_REGENONDAMAGEBUFF
30 | Krigsvifteeffekten (dødsmerket). | TF_COND_MARKEDFORDEATH
31 | Alle angrep er mini-kriter (våpenet gløder ikke, men effekter og lyder skjer). Spilleren kan ikke bli helbredet på noen måte. | TF_COND_NOHEALINGDAMAGEBUFF
32 | Disiplinærstraffeffekten. | TF_COND_SPEED_BOOST
33 | Gir halloweengresskarens kritiske treff. | TF_COND_CRITBOOSTED_PUMPKIN
34 | Gir Hjelpefeltsflaskens kritiske treff. Gir kritiske treff og dobler Sensorvåpenets skytehastighet. | TF_COND_CRITBOOSTED_USER_BUFF
35 | Spillerens våpen får krit-glødeffekten og krit-lyder som når man stormer (men får ikke kritiske treff). Automatisk lagt til av effekt 17 når spillerens stormeladningsmeter går under 75%. | TF_COND_CRITBOOSTED_DEMO_CHARGE
36 | Hypereffektens flerhopp. På klasser utenom Scout, gir denne kun den lilla glødeeffekten på våpen, men ingen ekstrahopp er gitt. | TF_COND_SODAPOPPER_HYPE
37 | Gir kritiske treff som når man får et Første drap. | TF_COND_CRITBOOSTED_FIRST_BLOOD
38 | Kritiske treff gitt til seirende lag. | TF_COND_CRITBOOSTED_BONUS_TIME
39 | Gir kritiske treff som når en etterretning blir sikret. | TF_COND_CRITBOOSTED_CTF_CAPTURE
40 | Gir kritiske treff fra våpen som gir kritiske treff fra drap (Kameratens Gromme Boksehansker). | TF_COND_CRITBOOSTED_ON_KILL
41 | Kan ikke bytte fra nærkampsvåpen (som når man spiser et Biffsmørbrød). | TF_COND_CANNOT_SWITCH_FROM_MELEE
42 | Spilleren tar 35% mindre skade (50% mindre fra sensorvåpen), og får lagfargede forsterkningsringer. Dette er brukt på bombebærerens forsvarsforsterkning i Mann vs. Maskin. Dette er som efffekt 26, men uten ikonet ovenfor helsemeteret i HUD-en. | TF_COND_DEFENSEBUFF_NO_CRIT_BLOCK
43 | "Omprogrammert". Denne effekten virker ikke lenger. Forrige funksjon: bytter spilleren fra BLU til RED til effekten er ferdig. Å fjerne denne effekten gjør at spilleren bytter fra RED til BLU. Legger til gnister på spillerens hode. Legger automatisk til effekt 15 og saktner ned spilleren for 5 sekunder. | TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED
44 | Kritiske treff fra Mmmph. | TF_COND_CRITBOOSTED_RAGE_BUFF
45 | Forsvarsforsterkningen til Mmmph. | TF_COND_DEFENSEBUFF_HIGH
46 | Fokuseffekten. Dette har kune effekt på Sniper sine primærvåpen, men ikke klassikeren, jegeren eller trimmet trinsebue. Alle andre våpen får fortsatt lyneffektene. | TF_COND_SNIPERCHARGE_RAGE_BUFF
47 | Fjerner håndheverens 20% skadebonus, som når den skyter for å fjerne en forkledning. | TF_COND_DISGUISE_WEARINGOFF
48 | Selv-markert for døden (som med å hale redningspatrjulen). | TF_COND_MARKEDFORDEATH_SILENT
49 | Å dukke gjør at spilleren ser ut som en ladestasjon fra fiendelaget til fiendespillere. Som en sideeffekt, tvinger den spillerens fart til å bli 450 Hammer Units per sekund (skrå bevegelse er på 520 HU/s. Å bytte våpen under denne statusen vil gjøre at spilleren kjapt stopper bevegelse, men etterpå beveger de seg igjen i 450 HU/s. Denne effekten gjør også at sensorvåpen ignorerer spilleren. Dette ble kanskje brukt for en Spy-forkledning som senere ble skrotet. | TF_COND_DISGUISED_AS_DISPENSER
50 | Legger til gnister på spillerens hode (brukt når man Sapper en robot i Mann vs. Maskin). | TF_COND_SAPPED
51 | "Hemmelig" Überladning (spilleren ser seg selv som Überladet fra førsteperson, men de ser ikke u som det før de blir truffet av en skadekilde, ettersom spilleren da ser Überladet ut for flere sekunder. Veldig likt roboter i en Mann vs. Maskin bølge før de går inn i kamparenaen). | TF_COND_INVULNERABLE_HIDE_UNLESS_DAMAGED
52 | Hjelpefeltflaskens Überladning. Forminsker skade til sensorvåpenet ditt. Dette brukes også i Mannsterk som spawn-beskyttelse. | TF_COND_INVULNERABLE_USER_BUFF
53 | Spilleren blir tvingt inn i tredjeperson og hører Bombinomicons replikker, som om hodet deres ble gjort om til en bombe. Hvis Merasmus er ute på kartet, vil spillerens hode bli til en bombe. Denne tilstanden kan gjøre at spilleren krasjer hvis den er lagt til på et kart som ikke er Ghost Fort. | TF_COND_HALLOWEEN_BOMB_HEAD
54 | Spilleren kan ikke bevege seg og hører dansemusikken fra Ghost Fort. Alle hån gjort blir til Thriller-hånet. | TF_COND_HALLOWEEN_THRILLER
55 | Legger automatisk til tilstand 20 og 21 og gjør at spilleren og alle lagkamerater i nærheten helbredes som om de blir helbredet av en amputør. Spilleren får poeng på tabellen om han/hun helbreder noen rundt seg. Tilstand 20 og 21 blir fjernet på slutten av et hån, men tilstand 55 forblir (selv om den ikke gjør noe lenger). | TF_COND_RADIUSHEAL_ON_DAMAGE
56 | En diverse «kritiske treff»-effekt. Sannsynligvis brukt for skjebnehulets kritiske treff. | TF_COND_CRITBOOSTED_CARD_EFFECT
57 | En diverse überladningseffekt. Sannsynligvis brukt for skjebnehjulets überladningseffekt. | TF_COND_INVULNERABLE_CARD_EFFECT
58 | Vaksinatørens überladningsskuddbeskyttelse. | TF_COND_MEDIGUN_UBER_BULLET_RESIST
59 | Vaksinatørens überladningsseksplosjonsbeskyttelse. | TF_COND_MEDIGUN_UBER_BLAST_RESIST
60 | Vaksinatørens überladningsbrannbeskyttelse. | TF_COND_MEDIGUN_UBER_FIRE_RESIST
61 | Vaksinatørens vanlige skuddbeskyttelse. | TF_COND_MEDIGUN_SMALL_BULLET_RESIST
62 | Vaksinatørens vanlige eksplosjonsbeskyttelse. | TF_COND_MEDIGUN_SMALL_BLAST_RESIST
63 | Vaksinatørens vanlige brannbeskyttelse. | TF_COND_MEDIGUN_SMALL_FIRE_RESIST
64 | Spilleren blir umiddelbart usynlig. Brukt for usynlighetstrylleformelen. | TF_COND_STEALTHED_USER_BUFF
66 | Spilleren blir ignorert av fienderoboter og sensorvåpen, og blir usynlig med vanlig hastighet. Å angripe gjør spilleren synlig, men spilleren blir raskt usynlig igjen. Spilleren kan ikke angripe mens han/hun er usynlig. Spilleren får en skygget «Stealth»-ramme på skjermen. Brukt når usynlighetstrylleformelen holder på å avslutte. | TF_COND_STEALTHED_USER_BUFF_FADING
67 | Spilleren tar ingen skade fra skudd. | TF_COND_BULLET_IMMUNE
68 | Spilleren tar ingen skade fra eksplosjoner. | TF_COND_BLAST_IMMUNE
69 | Spilleren tar ingen skade fra brann. | TF_COND_FIRE_IMMUNE
70 | Spilleren overlever all skade til helsen deres når 1, deretter vil tilstanden automatisk bli fjernet. Skade som hadde vært dødelig vises ikke som kamptekst over spillerens hode til angriperen. | TF_COND_PREVENT_DEATH
71 | MvM robot porterobrelse utslåelse (slår automatisk ut roboter og legger til en radioeffekt over hodene deres, men har ingen effekt på menneskelige spillere). | TF_COND_MVM_BOT_STUN_RADIOWAVE
72 | Player gains speed boost, firing rate boost, reload speed boost, and infinite air jumps. Used for the Minify Magic spell. | TF_COND_HALLOWEEN_SPEED_BOOST
73 | Quick-Fix-like healing effect. Automatically adds condition 21 for the duration of the effect, as well as condition 28 for a brief period. Used for the Healing Aura Magic spell. | TF_COND_HALLOWEEN_QUICK_HEAL
74 | Player is doubled in size, but movement speed, melee range, and damage remain unchanged. The player's max health is scaled upwards by 10 and any ammo lost while under this effect is regenerated instantly. The player is forced into the Medieval thirdperson shoulder view. | TF_COND_HALLOWEEN_GIANT
75 | Player is halved in size, although head size, movement speed, melee range, and damage remain unchanged. The player is forced into thirdperson. Used for the Bumper Cars in Carnival of Carnage and Gravestone. | TF_COND_HALLOWEEN_TINY
76 | Player gains condition 77 upon death, used for when the player is in Hell. | TF_COND_HALLOWEEN_IN_HELL
77 | Player becomes a Ghost; can be reverted with removecond .
78 | Unknown. Intended to be mini-crit boost from mini-crit-on-kill weapons (like the Cleaner's Carbine before the 17 desember 2015 Patch), but is unused. | TF_COND_MINICRITBOOSTED_ON_KILL
79 | Player has a 75% chance to dodge every time damage is taken (dodged damage causes the MISS! effect from condition 14 to appear). | TF_COND_OBSCURED_SMOKE
80 | Player gains a parachute if airborne. Removed upon landing. | TF_COND_PARACHUTE_ACTIVE
81 | Player gains fire rate bonus on the Air Strike. | TF_COND_BLASTJUMPING
82 | Player gains Bumper Car movement, controls and bumper car model. Associated HUD is not visible. | TF_COND_HALLOWEEN_KART
83 | Player's Field of View increases, with their world model playing the Bumper Car boosting animation, and if the player has condition 82, the player is forced to move forwards at a boosted speed until the condition is removed or upon collision with a wall or an enemy player. | TF_COND_HALLOWEEN_KART_DASH
84 | Player gains a larger head and lowered gravity. | TF_COND_BALLOON_HEAD
85 | Player is forced to use melee weapons. Automatically adds conditions 32 and 75 when added. | TF_COND_MELEE_ONLY
86 | Player can swim in air, and gains vision effects as if underwater or covered in Jarate. | TF_COND_SWIMMING_CURSE
87 | Player is locked in place and cannot turn, attack, or switch weapons. The player can still taunt, however. | TF_COND_FREEZE_INPUT
88 | Player gains a cage surrounding them. Automatically adds condition 87 when added. This is used for the Scream Fortress Halloween bumper car minigames. This crashes the game unless the player is on a map that supports bumper cars. | TF_COND_HALLOWEEN_KART_CAGE
89 | Player is considered as holding a Mannpower powerup. Using the dropitem command (default key: L) drops a powerup pickup (usually Strength) and removes this condition.
90 | Player gains double damage for all weapons and distance damage fall-off immunity. Used for the "Strength" powerup in Mannpower mode. | TF_COND_RUNE_STRENGTH
91 | Player gains double firing rate, reload rate, clip size, and max ammo count. Movement speed is also increased by 30%. Used for the "Haste" powerup in Mannpower mode. | TF_COND_RUNE_HASTE
92 | Player periodically regenerates ammo, health, and metal. Health regeneration rate is inversely proportional to maximum health. Used for the "Regen" powerup in Mannpower mode. | TF_COND_RUNE_REGEN
93 | Player gains a 50% resistance to all incoming damage, as well as an immunity to all critical hits. Used for the "Resistance" powerup in Mannpower mode. | TF_COND_RUNE_RESIST
94 | Player gains the ability to receive HP based on damage dealt, a 25% damage resistance, and a 40% increase in maximum HP. Used for the "Vampire" powerup in Mannpower mode. | TF_COND_RUNE_VAMPIRE
95 | Player gains the ability to reflect damage dealt to them back at the attacker, although this cannot directly cause death. Player additionally gets a 50% increase in max HP. Used for the "Reflect" powerup in Mannpower mode. | TF_COND_RUNE_REFLECT
96 | Player gains a drastic decrease in bullet spread, as well as damage falloff immunity. Projectiles fired by the player gain a 250% increase in projectile speed. Sniper rifles deal double damage, gain faster damage ramp-up, and re-zooms quicker after firing. Used for the "Precision" powerup in Mannpower mode. | TF_COND_RUNE_PRECISION
97 | Player gains an increase in movement speed, grapple speed, and jump height. The player can instantly switch between their weapons. Used for the "Agility" powerup in Mannpower mode. | TF_COND_RUNE_AGILITY
98 | Added when a player fires the Grappling Hook. Addition or removal via commands has no effect. | TF_COND_GRAPPLINGHOOK
99 | Added when a player's Grappling Hook begins pulling them. Removed when the player lands. Addition or removal via commands has no effect. | TF_COND_GRAPPLINGHOOK_SAFEFALL
100 | Added when a player's Grappling Hook latches to a wall, and removed when player disengages the Grappling Hook. Addition of this condition causes the player's world model to play the Grappling Hook shoot animation briefly, then does nothing. | TF_COND_GRAPPLINGHOOK_LATCHED
101 | Added when a player is latched by another player's Grappling Hook. Adding this condition does not initiate bleeding, but does show the icon in the HUD. | TF_COND_GRAPPLINGHOOK_BLEEDING
102 | Added when a player activates their Dead Ringer, giving them immunity to afterburn. | TF_COND_AFTERBURN_IMMUNE
103 | Player is restricted to Melee and their Grappling Hook, has their max health increased by 150 and becomes immune to knockback. They also do 4x damage to Buildings. Used for the "Knockout" powerup in Mannpower mode. | TF_COND_RUNE_KNOCKOUT
104 | Added when player gains the Mannpower Revenge powerup. Prevents pickup of the Mannpower Crit or Uber powerups. | TF_COND_RUNE_IMBALANCE
105 | Mannpower Crit powerup. | TF_COND_CRITBOOSTED_RUNE_TEMP
106 | Added whenever a player intercepts the Jack/Ball in the PASS Time gamemode. When added, displays the distortion effect. | TF_COND_PASSTIME_INTERCEPTION
107 | Player can swim in air, similar to condition 86, but without swimming animations, forced third-person perspective, and underwater overlay. | TF_COND_SWIMMING_NO_EFFECTS
108 | "Purgatory", used for Eyeaduct when the player enters the Underworld. When added, refills health and adds 1 second of ÜberCharge to the player. When removed, displays "<playername> has escaped the underworld!", additionally granting the effects of escaping the Underworld if the player had condition 108 when removecond was used.
109 | Player gains an increase in max health, health regen, fire rate, and reload rate. Used for the "King" powerup in Mannpower mode. | TF_COND_RUNE_KING
110 | The Plague powerup from Mannpower. | TF_COND_RUNE_PLAGUE
111 | The Supernova powerup from Mannpower. | TF_COND_RUNE_SUPERNOVA
112 | Plagued by the Plague powerup from Mannpower. Player bleeds until they pick up a health kit, touch a Resupply locker, or die. Blocks the health regen and team buff from the King powerup. | TF_COND_PLAGUE
113 | The area-of-effect buffs from the King powerup from Mannpower. Player gains an increase in health regen, fire rate, and reload rate. | TF_COND_KING_BUFFED
114 | Enables glow outlines on friendly players and buildings. Used when player respawns. | TF_COND_TEAM_GLOWS
115 | Used whenever a player is under the effects of Compression blast. Removed when the player touches the ground. | TF_COND_KNOCKED_INTO_AIR
116 | Applied when the player is on the competitive winner's podium. | TF_COND_COMPETITIVE_WINNER
117 | Applied when the player is on the loser team in competitive match summary. Prevents taunting. | TF_COND_COMPETITIVE_LOSER
118 | The healing debuff added by the Pyro's Flamethrower. | TF_COND_HEALING_DEBUFF
119 | Applied when the player is carrying the Jack in PASS Time with no nearby teammates. Marks the player for death. | TF_COND_PASSTIME_PENALTY_DEBUFF
120 | Used when a player with the Grappling Hook is grappled to another player. Prevents taunting and performs some grappling hook movement logic. | TF_COND_GRAPPLED_TO_PLAYER
121 | Unknown. Checked when attempting to set the target for a grappling hook. | TF_COND_GRAPPLED_BY_PLAYER
122 | Added when deploying the B.A.S.E. Jumper. | TF_COND_PARACHUTE_DEPLOYED
123 | Gas coating effect from the Gas Passer. | TF_COND_GAS
124 | Afterburn effect applied to Pyros when hit by the Dragon's Fury projectile. | TF_COND_BURNING_PYRO
125 | Applied when the boosters on the Thermal Thruster activate. Removed when the player touches the ground. | TF_COND_ROCKETPACK
126 | When added while moving, decreases the player's friction, causing them to slide around. Removed when the player stops moving. | TF_COND_LOST_FOOTING
127 | Used whenever a player is under the effects of an air current (such as Compression blast). Applies a multiplier on air control and surface friction. | TF_COND_AIR_CURRENT
128 | Used whenever a player gets teleported to Hell. Does nothing when added, but stops the gradual healing effect from the teleport when removed. | TF_COND_HALLOWEEN_HELL_HEAL
129 | Used in Mannpower when a player has a high kill count compared to the rest of the players in the game. Reduces the strength of the currently equipped powerup. | TF_COND_POWERUPMODE_DOMINANT
Most of the conditions added with
remain for an indefinite duration if no duration is specified, ending when the user dies, changes classes, or manually removes the condition with the removecond
command. Some conditions (e.g. 5, 11) can be removed by being healed by a Medic.
Invalid condition numbers use the closest valid condition.
- See also Bots
Bots can both be spawned and given commands.
Prevents lethal damage to the user (can still take damage, but doesn't cause health to go below 1 in most cases). Toggle.
Please note that in rare cases, you may die from sustained damage.
Debug commands
Debug commands are generally cheats. They are used to test game mechanics. Some noteworthy ones are
: Performs a console print every time anyone takes damage, giving information about damage variables such as the distance of the attack and health left of the target.tf_debug_flamethrower
: Allows you to see the hitboxes of fire particles as well as visual information about when targets are hit by fire.
Deals damage to the command user. The hurtme
command must be followed by a number, such as hurtme 50
. Players can use negative values to bring their health well beyond normal limits (a maximum of 16383), which usually displays incorrectly on the HUD. Health that is raised above the normal limit wears off as a normal overheal, but excessive use of hurtme
in this way can cause the user's health to drain continually until dying.
The impulse
command is used for both cheats and non-cheats (the most common non-cheat being paint spray, which is impulse 201
). The impulse
command must be followed by a number, such as impulse 101
. Different numbers have different effects, as listed below.
ID | Description |
101 | Refills all weapons and health (like Resupply). |
102 | Spawns human skull. |
106 | Identifies model being aimed at. |
107 | Identifies texture being aimed at. |
200 | Plays holster/draw animations. |
201 | Sprays your selected spray. |
202 | Plays a custom sound to players who have set cl_customsounds 1 . The sound is configured using cl_soundfile filename.wav .
203 | Removes object being aimed at like ent_remove and ent_fire _____ kill, but doesn't print "Removed [entity name] (Name)" in the console. |
221-239 | If the player is a Spy, starts the disguise process. 221-229 are for a RED disguise, while 231-239 are for a BLU disguise (230 is non-functional). The final digit selects the disguise class, but this number does not correspond to the class numbers shown on the class selection screen. |
Lets the player fly around and go through walls as if they were a free-roam spectator. Players can still take damage, such as from environmental hazards. Toggle.
Changes your view to third-person, similarly to the third-person Spectator view. Can be undone with firstperson
or taunting.
Gives a specified amount of credits in Mann vs. Machine. The maximum appears to be 30000 credits; excessive amounts may crash the server. For example, currency_give 10000
gives you 10,000 credits. It can also be used to take away credits with a negative number.
ent_create entity_soldier_statue
- spawns Soldier statue.ent_create merasmus
- spawns Merasmus.ent_create eyeball_boss
- spawns a BLU team-colored Monoculus just like the one summoned from the Helltower spell.ent_create headless_hatman
- spawns Horseless Headless Horsemannent_create tf_zombie
- spawns skeletons. Before the Scream Fortress Fifth Annual Helloween Special, this would spawn a random class wearing a Voodoo-Cursed Soul, with an invisible melee weapon. Use the teamnum parameter to change the spawned skeleton's class.- Additional entity Keyvalues (Halloween Bosses):
teamnum <0/2/3>
- Team Number (Any/RED/BLU) If set to 0, the Skeleton(s) attack both teams.modelscale <float>
- Sets boss scale.- Examples
ent_create eyeball_boss teamnum 2 modelscale 5
- Spawns Huge Monoculus on the RED team, using a red skin and only attacking BLU team membersent_create eyeball_boss teamnum 5
- Spawns the original Monoculus boss.
- Additional entity Keyvalues (Halloween Bosses):
ent_create tf_spell_pickup
- Spawns a Halloween spellbook which grants the player a random magic spell when picked up, see Magic spells.- Additional entity Keyvalues (tf_spell_pickup):
tier <0/1>
- Spellbook Type 0 - Normal, 1 - Rare.- Examples
ent_create tf_spell_pickup tier 1
- Spawns a rare spellbook which grants the player a random rare magic spell when picked up, see Rare Magic Spells.
- Additional entity Keyvalues (tf_spell_pickup):
ent_create tf_halloween_pickup
- Spawns a Duck from Carnival of Carnage. These ducks respawn after 10 seconds of being picked up.ent_create tf_pumpkin_bomb
- Spawns a Pumpkin Bomb.ent_create tank_boss
- Spawns a Tank Robot from Mann Vs. Machine. On Payload maps, the tank attempts to follow the cart's path. If the tank collides with the cart, it explodes and drops money.- Additional entity keyvalues (tank_boss):
speed <number>
- Sets movement speed the tank.modelscale <float>
- Sets tank scale.health <number>
- Sets tank health.- Examples
ent_create tank_boss speed 1
- Spawns an extremely slow moving MvM Tank.ent_create tank_boss modelscale 5
- Spawn a gigantic MvM Tank.ent_create tank_boss health 100
- Spawns a MvM Tank with 100 health.ent_create tank_boss speed 999 modelscale 2 health 100000
- Spawns a big, extremely fast moving MvM Tank with a lot of health.
- Additional entity keyvalues (tank_boss):
ent_create ghost
- Spawns a Ghost. It usually disappears or falls through the map, depending on the location.ent_create item_powerup_rune
- Spawns a Strength powerup, see Mannpower#Powerups.ent_create npc_handgrenade
- Spawns a grenade that explodes instantly, dealing splash damage.ent_create hightower_teleport_vortex teamnum 2 lifetime 5
- Spawns a RED Monoculus purple vortex that sucks in any player that gets close to it.ent_create item_teamflag GameType 1 TeamNum 3 flag_model models/props_td/atom_bomb.mdl
- Spawns a Mann vs. Machine bot bomb.- Additional entity keyvalues (item_teamflag):
gametype <0/1/2/3/4/5/6>
- Gamemode 1 - CTF, 2 - MVM, 3 - Invade, 4 - SD, 5 - RD, 6 - PD.teamnum <0/2/3>
- Team Number (Any/RED/BLU) If set to 0, the flag spawned is white, and can be picked up by both teams.model <string>
- Sets flag's model path.
- Additional entity keyvalues (item_teamflag):
ent_create prop_dynamic solid 6 model models/player/Engineer.mdl defaultanim taunt01
- spawns an Engineer model with a looping taunt animation using the default Shotgun taunt for Engineer.- Prop Dynamic Keyvalues:
solid <0/2/6>
- Prop's collisions 0 - Not Solid, 2 - Use Bounding Box, 6 - Use VPhysics.model <string>
- Sets prop's model path.modelscale <float>
- Sets model scale.defaultanim <string>
- Sets prop's animation path.
- Prop Dynamic Keyvalues:
ent_create ambient_generic message ui/gamestartup18.mp3 health 10
- spawns Rise of the Living Bread music or any sound from the game.- Additional entity keyvalues (ambient_generic):
message <string>
- Sets sound path.health <float>
- Sound volume.pitch <float>
- Sound pitch.
- Additional entity keyvalues (ambient_generic):
ent_create obj_sentrygun
- spawns in a level 1 Sentry Gun where the player is aimingent_create obj_dispenser
- spawns in a level 1 Dispenser where the player is aimingent_create obj_teleporter
- spawns in a level 1 Teleporter where the player is aiming- Additional entity keyvalues (Engineer Buildings):
modelscale <float>
- Sets model scale.teamnum <2/3>
- Team Number (RED/BLU) (If 0 is used, it spawns a sentry on the Unassigned team and can be attacked by both teams).defaultupgrade <0/1/2>
- Building Level (1/2/3)spawnflags <number>
- Examples include spawnflags 2 for invulnerability, 4 to make the building upgradable, and 8 to give Sentry infinite ammo. Adding up the spawnflags can give you multiple effects, for example, 14 would make the building invulnerable, upgradable, and have infinite ammo. This can also be used on any other entity that has the spawnflags output.- Examples
ent_create obj_sentrygun teamnum 2 defaultupgrade 2 spawnflags 8
- spawns a level 3 RED Sentry Gun with infinite ammo
- Additional entity keyvalues (Engineer Buildings):
ent_create info_particle_system start_active 1 effect_name cinefx_goldrush
- spawns Payload cart explosion effect with no sound or damage.- Additional entity keyvalues (info_particle_system):
effect_name <string>
- Sets Particles, see VDC Particle List.
- Additional entity keyvalues (info_particle_system):
ent_create light_dynamic
- spawns dynamic light.- Additional entity keyvalues (light_dynamic):
_light (<Red> <Green> <Blue> <Alpha>)
- Sets the light color.brightness <float>
- Sets the light brightness.distance <float>
- Sets the light distance.style <float>
- Sets the light style, See VDC Light Appearances.- Examples
ent_create light_dynamic distance 256 brightness 10 style 2 _light "255 255 255 255"
- spawns a white strong pulse light that has full bright and small distance
- Additional entity keyvalues (light_dynamic):
Attempting to create an entity that doesn't exist may result in spawning an error model instead or just nothing at all.
Certain entities may crash the game when spawned.
ent_remove can be used standalone to remove the entity that the crosshair is pointed at, such as an AI bot or spawned model. It can also be used as ent_remove_all to remove all instances of a specific type of entity from the match, such as ent_remove_all merasmus to remove all Merasmus entities.
- ent_fire team_round_timer addtime <seconds>, adds/removes a specified amount of time to/from the stopwatch timer. For example, ent_fire team_round_timer addtime -60 removes 60 seconds from the clock.
- ent_fire team_round_timer pause/resume, pauses/unpauses the timer.
- ent_fire team_round_timer disable/enable, disables/enables the timer. If disabled, the timer is essentially paused but also removed from the HUD.
- ent_fire !picker setbuilder !self while looking at an unnamed building makes the player the owner.
- ent_fire player SpeakResponseConcept HalloweenLongFall forced all players to scream
Power Play
Power play is a hidden command that grants Valve employees the ability to cheat on any server. (Even if sv_cheats
is off). Two covertly named console commands condump_on
and condump_off
are used to toggle power play. If there is any string after the powerplay command is executed, (for example, condump_on 1
) it activates powerplay for the whole team the developer is on rather than only the developer issuing the command. When activated, power play grants all Medi Gun effects at once. This includes damage invulnerability from the Medi Gun; 100% critical hits from the Kritzkrieg; bullet, explosive, and fire resistance from the Vaccinator, and knockback immunity from the Quick-Fix. Under the effects of power play, the player appears on fire and frequently utters an evil laugh, taunting helpless victims.
Changes to the game since power play was introduced has caused a few bugs. Players lose their Medi Gun effects over time if they are not continually healed by a Medic. The Quick-Fix ÜberCharge is applied, but has no healing effect, but does grant knockback immunity.
Currently, only nine Steam accounts have access to power play. They are listed below.
Name | Link to profile |
Robin Walker | 76561197960435530 |
Erik Johnson | 76561197960265731 |
Eric Smith | 76561197960265749 |
Matt Boone | 76561197962783665 |
Dhabih Eng | 76561197991390878 |
StupidRatCreature | 76561197979187556 |
driller | 76561197960269040 |
Tony Paloma | 76561197968459473 |
Jill | 76561197989728462 |
See also: SourceMod plugin that allows server administrators to grant power play on any player.