[Camera pans away from windmill, then frame changes to wide shot of a barn. Angle changes to front side of the barn, viewed around the truck. Camera moves inward between the bard doors, Engineer is seen leaning near the projector.]
Capitaine John: "Soyez sur le qui-vive, Docteur Fisher. Notre exploration peut très bien tourner, (légère pause) au danger."
Docteur Fisher: "Danger, Capitaine ? Mais, d'où le danger peut-il provenir ?"
Capitaine John : "Nul part. Cette planète sans vie est complètement dépourvue de vie. No life forms living on it whatsoever. Except for (pause, turns to Dr. Fisher) the creatures that live here. From our gathered intelligence, we know that these monsters are among the most deadly in the entire cosmos."
[Camera shows from left: Demoman, Soldier, Heavy, Medic, and Sniper watching the movie, except Demo is not wearing 3D glasses. Demoman examines the glasses, Heavy eats popcorn, Soldier takes a sip from his drink. The camera pans over left to Scout cradling himself and Spy hunched facing the adjacent wall.]
Capitan John: "These bloodthirsty beasts are creatures of hate and habitual violence. All we know, all their kind has ever known, is to kill. And we're pretty sure they can shoot lasers out of their eyes."
Doctor Fisher: "Oh, Captain..."
Captain John: "Never fear, Doctor. We'll be able to get off this rock once we sample the tachion energy crystals, use it to re-energize the ship's warp drive, and use the resonating positrons to refuel our ship with the power of atomic energy."
[Engineer chuckles.]
Doctor Fisher: "I couldn't have said it better than myself."
[Engineer hears something outside, turns around and walks.]
Doctor Fisher: "Captain! Your radar!"
Captain John: "I'm picking up reading of tachion crystals nearby. Doctor, I need you--"
[L'Engineer marche vers l'extérieur et trouve le Pyro assis. Le Pyro pointe le ciel et montre à l'Engineer. L'Engineer regarde vers le haut et ouvre sa mâchoire. Le sol est désormais vert.]
Docteur Fisher: "Capitaine ? John ?! Est-ce vous ?"
[La caméra change et se dirige vers les autres membres de l'équipe BLU à l'intérieur de la grange. Le Spy se lève et sort son couteau. Le Scout est aperçu vers un seau sur la tête, le Soldier sort une pelle, pour qu'au final, tout le monde se lève.]
Doctor Fisher: "John, êtes-vous là ?! Dîtes quelque chose !"
[Le Pyro regarde une pierre léviter du sol. La caméra zoom sur le film]
Docteur Fisher: "AAH !"
[Film ends and a crack in the wall is seen behind the projector screen. The barn begins to shake as items fall from tables. Outside, Engineer watches a truck sound off and levitate in the air. The barn continues to tear apart with a green aurora as members of the BLU team watch in fear. Pieces of the barn float in a circle, the truck is tossed in the air almost hitting the Engineer. The rest of the wreckage falls to the ground. The screen blackens. Demoman looks around, when a bright green light shines on the BLU team. The camera pans up to a flying saucer. The camera takes a full view of the saucer and where the barn was standing. The camera zooms out from the ground into space. Four large crop circles can be seen in the distance. The camera continues to pan out away from earth showing many more flying saucers and mother ship]
[Le logo "Invasion Update" apparaît, suivi au dessus de celui-ci, du logo de Team Fortress 2. Enfin, les crédits défilent]
[Les mercenaires continuent à regarder les OVNI's. Le Soldier court devant le Demoman, cris et commence à tirer sur l'OVNI.]