Putrescent Pigmentation (halloween spell)
Putrescent Pigmentation is a tool item which allows users to paint a cosmetic item. When applied, the item's color shifts subtly between lighter and darker shades of yellowish-green, without the pulsation effect some other Spells with Paint Effects have.
This effect is only visible around Halloween or during a Full Moon; at other times of the year, it does not appear in gameplay, unless the server has Halloween mode enabled. However, items with the Spell applied can be equipped at any time and display their effect on the loadout screen, even when it is not visible during games.
Prior to Scream Fortress 2015, it could be found during Halloween events inside of Haunted Halloween Gifts on Ghost Fort, or from a Pile Of Curses.
[hide]Update history
October 26, 2012 Patch (Spectral Halloween Special)
- Halloween Spell: Putrescent Pigmentation was added to the game.
October 29, 2013 Patch (Scream Fortress 2013)
- Enabled Halloween Spell Potions
- Effects will only be visible during Halloween/Full Moon events.
- Enabled Halloween Spell Potions
- Updated Halloween Spells to be tradable
December 17, 2015 Patch (Tough Break Update)
- [Undocumented] Halloween spells are no longer tradable.
Brigade Helm painted Putrescent Pigmentation (click to animate).
- The backpack icon incorrectly uses the coloring overlay intended for paint cans.
- Any unused Halloween Spell items are removed at the end of a Halloween event.
- Items with Halloween Spells applied retain the properties of said Spell after the end of a Halloween event. Items with applied Spells can be traded indefinitely and their effects do not expire.