User:Moussekateer/list of all bugs
[hide]- 1 2Fort
- 2 A Rather Festive Tree
- 3 Achievements
- 4 All-Father
- 5 Ambassador
- 6 Amputator
- 7 Ap-Sap
- 8 Aperture Labs Hard Hat
- 9 Apoco-Fists
- 10 Archimedes
- 11 Armageddon
- 12 Athletic Supporter
- 13 Atomic Accolade
- 14 Axtinguisher
- 15 Baby Face's Blaster
- 16 Backbiter's Billycock
- 17 Backburner
- 18 Backpack
- 19 Badwater Basin
- 20 Ball-Kicking Boots
- 21 Balloonicorn
- 22 Barely-Melted Capacitor
- 23 Bat Outta Hell
- 24 Bazaar Bargain
- 25 Beggar's Bazooka
- 26 Beta Pocket Rocket Launcher
- 27 Beta Pocket Shotgun
- 28 Beta Quick-Fix
- 29 Beta Sniper Club 1
- 30 Beta Sniper Rifle 1
- 31 Beta Split Equalizer
- 32 Big Country
- 33 Big Kill
- 34 Bigrock
- 35 Bird-Man of Aberdeen
- 36 Black Box
- 37 Black Rose
- 38 Bleeding
- 39 Bodygroup
- 40 Bombinomicon
- 41 Bonk Boy
- 42 Bonk! Atomic Punch
- 43 Bootlegger
- 44 Boston Boom-Bringer
- 45 Botkiller weapons
- 46 Bots
- 47 Brass Beast
- 48 Brown Bomber
- 49 Bruised Purple Footprints (halloween spell)
- 50 Brundle Bundle
- 51 Buff Banner
- 52 Buffalo Steak Sandvich
- 53 Buildings
- 54 Business Casual
- 55 Cadaver's Cranium
- 56 Candy Cane
- 57 Capture the Flag
- 58 Cheater's Lament
- 59 Chieftain's Challenge
- 60 Chromatic Corruption (halloween spell)
- 61 Clan Pride
- 62 Cleaner's Carbine
- 63 Cloak and Dagger
- 64 Coaching
- 65 Coaltown Event
- 66 Cold War Luchador
- 67 Compression blast
- 68 Concheror
- 69 Conniver's Kunai
- 70 Conscientious Objector
- 71 Corpse Gray Footprints (halloween spell)
- 72 Covering
- 73 Cow Mangler 5000
- 74 Crabmod
- 75 Crafting
- 76 Critical hits
- 77 Croc-o-Style Kit
- 78 Croissant
- 79 Crone's Dome
- 80 Crusader's Crossbow
- 81 Customize items
- 82 Dalokohs Bar
- 83 Dapper Disguise
- 84 DeGroot Keep
- 85 Dead Ringer
- 86 Deathcam
- 87 Decal Tool
- 88 Decoy
- 89 Degreaser
- 90 Demoman achievements
- 91 Description Tag
- 92 DethKapp
- 93 Detonator
- 94 Deus Specs
- 95 Diamondback
- 96 Die Job (halloween spell)
- 97 Digit Divulger
- 98 Dillinger's Duffel
- 99 Dischord
- 100 Disciplinary Action
- 101 Disguise
- 102 Disguise Kit
- 103 Dispenser
- 104 Domination
- 105 Doomsday
- 106 Doublecross-Comm
- 107 Dr. Grordbort's Crest
- 108 Dr. Whoa
- 109 Dueling Mini-Game
- 110 Dustbowl
- 111 Ebenezer
- 112 Egypt
- 113 El Jefe
- 114 Emerald Jarate
- 115 Engineer Robot
- 116 Engineer achievements
- 117 Enthusiast's Timepiece
- 118 Equip region
- 119 Escape Plan
- 120 Eureka Effect
- 121 Execution
- 122 Executioner
- 123 Exorcism (halloween spell)
- 124 Eyelander
- 125 Fallen Angel
- 126 Family Business
- 127 Fan O'War
- 128 Fancy Dress Uniform
- 129 Fast Learner
- 130 Feign Death (Classic)
- 131 Fencing
- 132 Festive weapons
- 133 Filamental
- 134 Fire
- 135 Fireproof Secret Diary
- 136 Fishcake
- 137 Fists of Steel
- 138 Flamboyant Flamenco
- 139 Flame Thrower
- 140 Flying Guillotine
- 141 Foster's Facade
- 142 FrankenHeavy
- 143 Freak Fortress 2
- 144 Freedom Staff
- 145 Frontier
- 146 Frontier Justice
- 147 Frontline Field Recorder
- 148 Frying Pan
- 149 Full Head Of Steam
- 150 Gangreen Footprints (halloween spell)
- 151 Gas Jockey's Gear
- 152 Ghastly Gibus
- 153 Ghost Fort
- 154 Gibs
- 155 Gloves of Running Urgently
- 156 Golden Wrench
- 157 Googly Gazer
- 158 Gorge
- 159 Gourd Grenades (halloween spell)
- 160 Gravel Pit
- 161 Grenade Launcher
- 162 Grimm Hatte
- 163 Gunslinger
- 164 Hadouken
- 165 Half-Zatoichi
- 166 Halloween Spells
- 167 Hallucination Grenade (Classic)
- 168 Hanger-On Hood
- 169 Haunted Halloween Gift
- 170 Haunted Metal Scrap
- 171 HazMat Headcase
- 172 Head Warmer
- 173 Headless Horseshoes (halloween spell)
- 174 Heads-up display
- 175 Heavy
- 176 Heavy achievements
- 177 Hermes
- 178 High Five!
- 179 Hightower
- 180 Holiday Punch
- 181 Holy Mackerel
- 182 Hoodoo
- 183 Horseless Headless Horsemann
- 184 Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker
- 185 Hotrod
- 186 Hound Dog
- 187 Huntsman
- 188 Huo-Long Heater
- 189 Hydro
- 190 Intangible Ascot
- 191 Iron Curtain
- 192 Items
- 193 Itemtest
- 194 Jag
- 195 Jarate
- 196 Jiggle bones
- 197 Junction
- 198 Kamikaze
- 199 Knife
- 200 Kritzkrieg
- 201 L'Etranger
- 202 Larrikin Robin
- 203 License to Maim
- 204 Loch-n-Load
- 205 Lollichop
- 206 Loose Cannon
- 207 Lugermorph
- 209 Machina
- 210 Made Man
- 211 Manmelter
- 212 Mann Co. Catalog
- 213 Mann Co. Store
- 214 Mann Co. Supply Crate
- 215 Mann vs. Machievements
- 216 Mann vs. Machine
- 217 Mantreads
- 218 Match outcomes
- 219 Medic
- 220 Medic achievements
- 221 Medicating Melody
- 222 Meet the Medic (taunt)
- 223 Merasmus
- 224 Mercenary
- 225 Minigun
- 226 Mountain Lab
- 227 Multiplayer options
- 228 Mysterious Treasures
- 229 Name Tag
- 230 Nanobalaclava
- 231 Napalm Grenade (Classic)
- 232 Nessie's Nine Iron
- 233 Nightfall
- 234 Ninja Cowl
- 235 Noble Amassment of Hats
- 236 Oktoberfest
- 237 Ol' Geezer
- 238 Ol' Snaggletooth
- 239 Original
- 240 Ornament Armament
- 241 Overdose
- 242 Overtime
- 243 Pain Train
- 244 Paint Can
- 245 Particle effects
- 246 Party Hat
- 247 Payload
- 248 Phlogistinator
- 249 Photo Badge
- 250 Pile Of Ash
- 251 Pip-Boy
- 252 Pipeline
- 253 Pomson 6000
- 254 Portal 2 crossover hats
- 255 Postal Pummeler
- 256 Power Up Canteen
- 257 Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol
- 258 Professor Speks
- 259 Professor's Pineapple
- 260 PropHunt
- 261 Pumpkin bomb
- 262 Purity Fist
- 263 Putrescent Pigmentation (halloween spell)
- 264 Pyro
- 265 Pyro achievements
- 266 Pyroland
- 267 Pyrovision Goggles
- 268 Quick-Fix
- 269 Rail Spikes
- 270 Rainblower
- 271 Razorback
- 272 Red-Tape Recorder
- 273 Replay
- 274 Rescue Ranger
- 275 Reserve Shooter
- 276 Respawn
- 277 Resurrection Associate Pin
- 278 Righteous Bison
- 279 RoBro 3000
- 280 Robo-Sandvich
- 281 Robots
- 282 Rocket Jumper
- 283 Rocket Launcher
- 284 Rogue's Col Roule
- 285 Rotten Orange Footprints (halloween spell)
- 286 Rump-o'-Lantern
- 287 Safe'n'Sound
- 288 Sandman
- 289 Sandvich
- 290 Sapper
- 291 Saxxy
- 292 Saxxy Clapper Badge
- 293 Scarecrow
- 294 Scorch Shot
- 295 Scottish Resistance
- 296 Scout achievements
- 297 Scrap Pack
- 298 Secret Saxton
- 299 Sentry Buster
- 300 Sentry Gun
- 301 Sentry Quad-Pumpkins (halloween spell)
- 302 Short Circuit
- 303 Shred Alert
- 304 Sight for Sore Eyes
- 305 Silver Dueling Badge
- 306 Sinister Staining (halloween spell)
- 307 Skewer
- 308 Sniper Rifle
- 309 Sniper Robot
- 310 Sniper achievements
- 311 Sniper taunts
- 312 Soda Popper
- 313 Soldier
- 314 Soldier achievements
- 315 Solemn Vow
- 316 SpaceChem Pin
- 317 Spectral Flame (halloween spell)
- 318 Spectral Spectrum (halloween spell)
- 319 Spinal Tap
- 320 Spiral Sallet
- 321 Spirit Of Giving
- 322 Splendid Screen
- 323 Spy
- 324 Spy Robot
- 325 Spy achievements
- 326 Spy-cicle
- 327 Squash Rockets (halloween spell)
- 328 Stealth Steeler
- 329 Steel
- 330 Sticky Jumper
- 331 Stickybomb Launcher
- 332 Stockbroker's Scarf
- 333 Strange
- 334 Strange Part
- 335 Stun
- 336 Styles
- 337 Summer Hat
- 338 Summer Shades
- 339 Swagman's Swatter
- 340 Sydney Sleeper
- 341 TF2Tightrope
- 342 Tank Robot
- 343 Taunts
- 344 Team Fortress 2 Beta
- 345 Team Fortress 2 Lobby
- 346 Team Spirit Footprints (halloween spell)
- 347 Teddy Roosebelt
- 348 Teleporters
- 349 Tf zombie
- 350 Tomislav
- 351 Tournament Medal - ETF2L Highlander Tournament
- 352 Trading
- 353 Train
- 354 Training Mode
- 355 Treasure Hat
- 356 Triad Trinket
- 357 Tux
- 358 Ubersaw
- 359 Ullapool Caber
- 360 Unarmed Combat
- 361 Upgrade Station
- 362 VS Saxton Hale Mode
- 363 Vaccinator
- 364 Violent Violet Footprints (halloween spell)
- 365 Virus Doctor
- 366 Vita-Saw
- 367 Voodoo-Cursed Demoman Soul
- 368 Voodoo-Cursed Heavy Soul
- 369 Voodoo-Cursed Sniper Soul
- 370 Voodoo-Cursed Soul
- 371 Voodoo-Cursed Spy Soul
- 372 Wanga Prick
- 373 War3Mod
- 374 Warrior's Spirit
- 375 Well (Capture the Flag)
- 376 What's in the Portal 2 Soundtrack Box?
- 377 Whiskered Gentleman
- 378 Widowmaker
- 379 Wiki Cap
- 380 Winger
- 381 Wingstick
- 382 World Traveler's Hat
- 383 Wrangler
- 384 Wrap Assassin
- 385 Wrench
- 386 Your Eternal Reward
- 387 References
- Currently, a Dispenser placed in the doorway to the Spiral Ramp will completely block enemy players and the owning Engineer on the BLU side of the map. A Dispenser placed in a similar position on the RED side of the map can always be bypassed by crouch-jumping over it.
- Players can jump in and out of the Sniper battlement window frames when playing 2Fort on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 version.
- On the corner of the top of the building near spawn near the BLU battlements there is an invisible clipping that allows Soldiers and Demomen to jump up to and see through the map.
- Demomen are able to sky walk above the RED battlements tower via sticky jumping to shoot grenades into the left and right battlements.
- If both teams are carrying the others' intelligence and one scores the winning point, the other carrier will drop the briefcase as Humiliation begins. During subsequent rounds, the briefcase's team-colored silhouette will remain on the map.
- The resupply area doors may remain open even when no player is passing through them.
A Rather Festive Tree
- The upper jiggleboned portions of the tree may sometimes not render.
- The jigglebones will remain active, even when the user is not moving, causing the tree to appear as though it is vibrating.
- The progress of unobtained cumulative achievements is reset when a player resets their stats.
- The Riftwalker achievement could be obtained by killing an enemy after spawning rather than teleporting.
- The Ready For Duty achievement may not be awarded if a player has already completed Soldier training prior to the achievement's addition. To earn the achievement, the player needs to redo Soldier training, including the portion on Dustbowl.
- The Escape The Heat achievement could be obtained by being a Pyro who is using a Detonator to light up himself on a water surfaced area.
- The counter of the achievement The Great Deflate can be increased by killing or triggering a fake death of a Spy disguised as a player with the Balloonicorn equipped, whether the Spy himself has it equipped or not.
- Occasionally, taunting will cause this item to partially disappear into the player's chin.
- Like all of the Spy's secondary weapons except the Revolver and the Enforcer, the Spy does not actually put any bullets into the cylinder while reloading.
- During Halloween, if the player performs the Thriller taunt, the Medicating Melody will still occur.
- There are no gibs when the Ap-Sap is removed from a building.
- Upon a feigned death with the Dead Ringer, neither a model is dropped nor a death response is heard by the user or other players.
- When an Engineer removes this Sapper from a building, the Ap-Sap may respond as if the building was successfully sapped.
- The Ap-Sap does not glow when crit-boosted.
- In Mann vs. Machine, after sapping a robot, the Ap-Sap will repeatedly continue to say hacking voice lines, once it has recharged.
Aperture Labs Hard Hat
- Upon death, the hat will assume the [classified] style, regardless of the style chosen by the player.
- The Apoco-Fists do not glow when crit boosted.
- Archimedes can occasionally become stuck facing backwards.
- During humiliation this taunt plays no animation, sounds or particle effects.
- The particles for the bubbles/fire for the beginning of the taunt are tilted incorrectly, making it look like they're shooting out of the bubble blower's side.
- Whilst seen outside of Pyroland, the Pyro's equipped flamethrower will appear to hover vertically next to the Pyro.
Athletic Supporter
- The orange sections and the Monday Night Combat logo are not visible in the loadout. Entering and exiting a game and then viewing the hat in the loadout fixes this bug.
Atomic Accolade
- An error in the .vmt file currently causes a shiny, over-saturated look when worn on the BLU team, whilst the color itself remains correct. The item's creator intended for it to have the same finish as when on RED.[1]
- The Axtinguisher will only mini-crit a Heavy who is under the effects of the Buffalo Steak Sandvich, regardless if he is on fire or not.
- The Festive variant does not glow when crits boosted.
- The ribbons on the festive variant will occasionally deform.
Baby Face's Blaster
- This weapon shares the Boost meter with Soda Popper's Hype meter; so when switching between weapons, the hype bar gets interchanged with the boost bar and vice-versa.
- Killing an enemy with the Home Run taunt won't fill the Boost.
- On 4:3 resolutions, the Boost Meter will overlap the objective HUD.
Backbiter's Billycock
- The backpack icon shows this hat as being grey, but it is team-colored unless painted.
- Upon dying whilst using this weapon, the Pyro will drop the default Flamethrower.
- Occasionally, due to various reasons, items may become "invalidly placed" when placing an item on top of a different item so that one of the items disappear. (Note: The item is not gone from the backpack. The player must then move around items to make it reappear.)
- With "Show quality colors" toggled on, if you drag an item into invalid space (Off the border, into the header) The item will reset without its quality color. The quality color will return when you switch the page or highlight the item.
- When "Show quality colors" is enabled, the name of the item in the icon will not be visible in the equip menu or crafting menu. However, this does not matter as a box appears with the name along with details of the item.
- You can receive items via Steam trade (not in-game) even if you have your backpack full. New items will not be shown in the game's backpack and can't be used in crafting but can be used in game and can be viewed in the Steam inventory. If you remove/trade enough of other items and resort backpack new items will be fully available. Note that sometimes new items can be removed from backpack with no warning after entering a game.
- When dragging an item to another page, the pop-up will display the wrong item in relation to where the cursor is.
- If you change your Anti-alias settings or resolution from the game's options, the text you get when mousing over an item becomes translucent. This is fixed by rebooting TF2.
- Upon selecting an item with settable styles and moving the cursor around using the arrow keys, one is able to view the model of applicable items selected, even if their style cannot be set.
Badwater Basin
- The spawn doors at BLU's second spawn occasionally fail to open, and will remain shut until the end of the match, guaranteeing victory for RED.
- Teleporter exits built very close to the white pipe near the first checkpoint will clip players into the wall.
- Engineers can build in the door frame of the center left hand door in BLU's spawn during setup.
- Players can get stuck in RED A/B spawn door exit once B is captured.
- Players can get stuck in the signs that pop up on capture of C.
- Engineers can sentry jump up onto the roof of the building across from the roof near checkpoint B and build Sentry Guns, Teleporters, and Dispensers on it.
- Engineers can build inside the RED base.
Ball-Kicking Boots
- The Soccer Ball can be destroyed by the Short Circuit.
- The Balloonicorn is sometimes visible to players not in Pyroland.
Barely-Melted Capacitor
- This item does not appear in the Mann Co. Catalog.
- This item is labeled as an Ash in-game.
Bat Outta Hell
- In Mann Vs. Machine the jigglebones will sometimes break, and on multiple occasions has caused the jawbone to disappear completely.
- This item's level does not show up in the backpack or loadout. This is because the item type is assigned to a text string that does not exist.
- Some voice commands with animations, like "Move Up", will cause this weapon to float in the air.
Bazaar Bargain
- The headshot counter won't show up in minimal HUD mode unless the Jarate is equipped.
- If an Eyelander, Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker or Nessie's Nine Iron wielding Demoman kills a Sniper with headshots on the counter, the number of headshots will be transferred over to the Demoman's head count.
- This weapon does not glow when crit boosted.
Beggar's Bazooka
- Rockets will occasionally hang stationary in the air until a player runs into it.
- Tapping the primary fire button will cause the shot to not play the firing sound.
- If a player on the losing team is loading rockets as a round ends, the sound will keep playing through Humiliation.
- If the player keeps holding the primary fire after losing, the Soldier will keep loading, then overloading, thus causing misfires, which can also be used to attack the winning team.
Beta Pocket Rocket Launcher
- As with all rocket-using primary weapons, excluding the Rocket Launcher, the Soldier does not load any rockets while reloading.
- This weapon can be preserved by not opening TF2, keeping the Beta Pocket Rocket Launcher in your backpack.
Beta Pocket Shotgun
- A Shotgun shell is always visible trailing after this weapon.
- This weapon can be preserved by not opening TF2, keeping the Beta Pocket Shotgun in your backpack.
Beta Quick-Fix
- ÜberCharge issues:
- The ÜberCharge may overheal the Medic by 1 health.
- Dying during an ÜberCharge may cause the ÜberCharge sound effect to play until the player disconnects or map changes, much like a previously patched bug with the Kritzkrieg.
- Healing Heavies under the effects of the Dalokohs Bar will not restore their health past the default 300 HP.
- Being deflected by a Pyro's compression blast or being set on Fire will cause the player to lose the team-colored overlay when under the effects of the ÜberCharge.
- When killed, the dropped Beta Quick-Fix will be RED regardless of team.
- If a Medic with a full Beta Quick-Fix ÜberCharge equips the Medi Gun and touches a resupply cabinet, the Medic will hold the Syringe Gun with the view model of a RED Medi Gun that looks as if it's attempting to heal a target every 5 seconds, regardless of team.
Beta Sniper Club 1
- This weapon can be preserved by not opening TF2, keeping the Beta Sniper Club 1 in your backpack.
Beta Sniper Rifle 1
- Like the Sniper Rifle when it ejects a shell, the shell comes out of the side opposite the ejection port.
- When equipped, the Sydney Sleeper darts will replace the bullets on the Sniper's vest.
- This weapon can be preserved by not opening TF2, keeping the Beta Sniper Rifle 1 in your backpack. Alternately, a new one can be crafted using tokens.
Beta Split Equalizer
- The weapon has the taunt and kill icon of the Shovel.
- The Beta Split Equalizer 1 does not prevent healing from Medics, nor does it suppress the Medic call, contrary to its description.
Big Country
- With the style Brooks, the hair clips slightly through the back sides of the hardhat.
Big Kill
- Like all of the Spy's secondary weapons except the Revolver and the Enforcer, the Spy does not actually put any bullets into the cylinder while reloading.
- Climbing to the top of the large rocks scattered throughout the map will render Spy Robots unable to reach their target.
- Over the Mann Co. sign in front of the spawn, the player can sticky jump and stand on the spawn building.
Bird-Man of Aberdeen
- The string for the level description is missing, so the level for this item does not show up in-game or on the Steam Community backpack viewer.
- The level is still transmitted over the Steam Web API, so most third-party backpack viewers still show the level. Backpack viewers that show the name alongside the level label it with its schema item type name, TF_Wearable_Animal.
Black Box
- If a long range rocket is fired, and the Soldier switches to his Escape Plan and receives the health benefit, he will still stay at the same speed, even if he was injured beforehand.
Black Rose
- When changing styles, the weapon preview will display slightly outside of the borders.
- If a new round on a map is started while a player is bleeding, that players screen will continue to flash as if the player is suffering from bleed damage until the player leaves the server or exits the game.
- Items that turn off specific bodygroups will not cast a shadow.
- Occasionally, bodygroups will disappear, leaving empty space on the model.
- Occasionally, items will fail to turn off the default bodygroup, leading to the original group clipping into the replacement model.
- Items that replace a removed group will not disappear when the player is backstabbed by Your Eternal Reward.
- The explosion effect still occurs when killed by a weapon that produces its own unique death effect: the Golden Wrench, Your Eternal Reward, Saxxy, Cow Mangler 5000, Righteous Bison, Short Circuit, Wanga Prick, Pomson 6000, Manmelter, Phlogistinator, Spy-cicle, and Neon Annihilator.
- No explosion occurs for feigned deaths.
- If a player who does not have the Bombinomicon equipped is killed and leaves behind a ragdoll, then equips the Bombinomicon before respawning, the ragdoll will explode when the player respawns.
Bonk Boy
- The lighting of the Bonk Boy is broken; the normals are flipped and askew.
Bonk! Atomic Punch
- On-hit effects, such as the Black Box and hitting a Scout covered in Mad Milk, will trigger as any normal attack would.
- The effects of Bonk! Atomic Punch will not protect the player from the damaging fires of torches on Egypt, or most other environmental hazards, as one would expect. This may or may not be intended.
- If the player uses the console command
to commit suicide while under the effects of Bonk!, the kill is awarded to the last player on the enemy team who dealt damage (using a weapon) against the original player, even if their character was temporarily invincible at the time the damage was taken. - If a Scout consumes Bonk! Atomic Punch and is pushed off any size ledge while still drinking Bonk!, the drink's bar will deplete completely and the temporary invincibility effect will not occur.
- Despite being unable to capture a control point while under the effects of Bonk!, if a Scout is standing on the point when it's captured, the Scout will still receive points for the capture.
- This weapon cannot be used to craft primary slot tokens.
Boston Boom-Bringer
- When starting a replay with this item equipped, all of the boombox sounds will play at once.
Botkiller weapons
- Robot Heavy heads may fall off of their Botkiller weapons, predominantly the Botkiller Minigun, and attach to other weapons.
- Robot Heavy heads stay attached to the player's ragdoll upon death, no matter which weapon was currently held upon death.
- In world view, the Carbonado Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher may appear as Scottish Resistance, though without a sensor camera.
- The loop attaching the robot head to the barrel of the Carbonado and Diamond Botkiller Medi Guns is not well-attached to the barrel and can swing partly or entirely through the barrel in the client view.
- On RED, in world view, the Gold Botkiller Minigun may appear as Natascha, though without an ammo belt.
- With flipped viewmodels enabled, the Botkiller Wrench's robot head, of all types, will have its normals inverted, making it appear to be see through.
- When bots use voice commands (such as "Spy!" and "Move Up!"), text versions of the voice commands do not display.
- Engineer bots can stand inside their own buildings.
- Bots are able to move while taunting.
- When typing in the console a specific team for a bot to spawn in, it is necessary to turn team unbalance off.
- Engineer bots may ignore their buildings until they're destroyed.
- Bots may try to walk/shoot through unmovable objects such as walls.
- Though rarely, bots may stand inside one another during usage of an Engineer's Teleporter, and get stuck (can't move).
- Currently, bots do not work on the following types of game modes, even with a generated navigation mesh:
Brass Beast
- During deployment, the sound of the weapon will pause for a brief second before resuming at a louder volume.
- Whilst firing, the bullets will seem to originate from the right of the weapon in client view.
- In some instances, it can appear as if the gun is shooting in a different direction to where it actually is. This can be encountered when a Heavy is shooting below him whilst on a ledge.
Brown Bomber
- It is possible for the Brown Bomber to sometimes "switch" styles when trading, for example if it was in the "Hunter" style, when traded it could change to the "Hipster" style, and vice versa.
Bruised Purple Footprints (halloween spell)
- Any Halloween Paints preserved after their expiration date that are applied in-game do not vanish from the item.
Brundle Bundle
- Spies disguised as an Engineer using the Brundle's Bundle set will not have high-pitched voice commands.
- With this set equipped, the Engineer's death sounds will not change pitch if he is killed.
Buff Banner
- The Buff Banner does not glow while being held when the player is crit-boosted. However, the crit electricity can be seen.
Buffalo Steak Sandvich
- The speed increase from the Buffalo Steak Sandvich overrides the speed increase from the Disciplinary Action, so a Heavy hit with the Disciplinary Action will move faster than a Heavy who has eaten a Buffalo Steak Sandvich and then hit with the Disciplinary Action.
- The Axtinguisher and Postal Pummeler will only mini-crit a Heavy who is under the effects of the Buffalo Steak Sandvich, regardless of whether he is on fire or not.
- If the Buffalo Steak Sandvich is the active weapon during Humiliation, it can still be thrown by using alternate fire.
- When a player consumes the Buffalo Steak Sandvich, it is possible that no bite marks will visibly appear in the first person view; other players will still see an eaten Steak.
- A redeployed level 2 or level 3 Sentry Gun will attempt to target enemy players at the brief instant between reaching a level and starting the animation to upgrade to the next level. If the Sentry is directly facing an enemy, it may even be able to fire before the upgrade animation.
- Engineers who taunt in front of a building and immediately pick it up will be able to walk around with an invisible toolbox. When doing so, they are able to attack with the current melee weapon equipped.
- If an Engineer changes classes, his buildings simply vanish; this is inconsistent with the behavior of the Engineer changing his melee loadout, changing teams, or leaving the game, where his buildings are destroyed.
- If a building is packed up while it takes damage, then redeployed, the building HUD may report it as damaged even after it is fully repaired.
- The metal cost of repairing a building during redeployment is not affected by how much health can actually be replenished.
- Buildings are not affected by gravity; if the floor underneath a building is removed, the building will remain floating in the air.
- Heavily damaged buildings may still show signs of being damaged (such as sparks and flames) that remain present even when the building is fully repaired. Hauling the building will remove them.
- Picking up and moving a Sentry into spawn will cause the Sentry to explode.
- Picking up a Sentry that has been built too near to spawn can also cause the Sentry to explode as well.
Business Casual
- The Business Casual may clip through the Spy's body while taunting.
Cadaver's Cranium
- When a Heavy wearing the Cadaver's Cranium is ÜberCharged, the hat will appear darker in areas, causing a noticeable difference between the hat and the Heavy's actual skin.
Candy Cane
- If a Sandvich-wielding Heavy at full health picks up a health pack dropped by the Candy Cane, it will not restore his Sandvich.
- The textures for this weapon lack a difference between low and medium texture quality settings.
Capture the Flag
- Occasionally, the status on the bottom center of the HUD will not change when a player takes or drops the Intelligence.
- Rarely some bomb-related responses can be pronounced when player carrying Intelligence is killed.
- When the player has the Intelligence and then reset the map, On the next round the player who had the Intelligence will still glow on the next round unless another player has picked up the intelligence or that player has died.
Cheater's Lament
- The Cheater's Lament doesn't cloak on friendly cloaked Spies.
- Some players have still yet to receive a Cheater's Lament from the second distribution.
Chieftain's Challenge
- When the Soldier is ÜberCharged, the back of the hat becomes invisible.
Chromatic Corruption (halloween spell)
- Any Halloween Paints preserved after their expiration date that are applied in-game do not vanish from the item.
Clan Pride
- The texture on the badge was added incorrectly on release. The default texture of the face of the badge was intended to be the Team Fortress 2 logo, as seen in the backpack. A fix for this has been confirmed to be coming in a future patch [2]. A fix has been created using the textures provided, and can be obtained here.
Cleaner's Carbine
- When viewed in the world view, the muzzle flash appears to be misaligned with the barrel.
Cloak and Dagger
- Activating the watch upon round start will sometimes cause the Spy using the watch to not hold up the watch.
- Although coaches cannot see certain buildings that are unseen by the student or members of their team, they can still see the Teleporter particle effects indicating its location.
- Coach commands will still be given when the coach is using the main menu or loadout screens.
- Joining a team after coaching a player will sometimes result in the player still seeing the former student's outline.
- The game does not distinguish between coaching requests sent from inside an inaccessible LAN game and requests sent from players on public TF2 servers.
- The coach/student attributes are reset at the end of each map or if one of the parties is disconnected. That means that whenever the map changes on a server, the coach is no longer able to talk directly to the student or guide them with instructions. Instead, the coach becomes a regular player.
- Currently, communication between student and coach is audible/visible to all players on the server.
- Students are not informed when a coach fails to join a server and, although the coach box appears on their screen, they are not explicitly told that a coach has connected.
- Coaches are not informed when a student leaves the server.
- Alerts do not always appear when in the main menu. Often alerts will only appear once a server is joined, forcing coaches to sign up, then launch into a server before invitations can be viewed and accepted.
- Once a coach has accepted an invitation to join a student's game as their coach, the coach is removed from the list of coaches, even if they fail to connect.
- Coaches are counted as Spectators (and therefore as the RED team) when calculating the announcer speech for when control points are captured, thus a coach for a member of the BLU team will still hear "Our control point is being captured" when the BLU team starts to capture a RED control point.
- When a student activates the Dead Ringer, the coach will be notified that the student has died.
Coaltown Event
- When playing with minimal HUD, the bar on the top will not display correctly.
- Some of the zombie reskins encountered on this map do not have an animation for jumping into the bomb hatch; as a result, they appear to simply vanish when the wave is failed.
- When Halloween costumes are not allowed, the zombies will appear as normal humans.
Cold War Luchador
- The backpack icon shows the hat's gold elements as being bright green.
Compression blast
- The Pyro can cause self-damage with deflected Rocket Jumper rockets.
- Reflected balls and baubles can only damage the Scout who shot them. While a deflected Wrap Assassin's bauble has no effect on the Scout's teammates, a deflected Sandman ball will stun them, but still deal no damage.
- Reflected Rescue Ranger bolts can deal critical damage with a headshot as if the reflected projectile was a Huntsman arrow.
- Reflected Loose Cannon cannonballs do not deal mini-crit damage.
- Even though the Pyro is credited for any kills given by a deflected Stickybomb that the Demoman detonates (including on the Demoman himself), this has no effect on the domination counter if the Demoman is not yet dominating the Pyro. However, if the Demoman is dominating the Pyro, a kill from the deflected Stickybomb's will reset the counter.
- Holding down the secondary fire button to continuously use a compression blast will cause the recoil animation to play only once before remaining static.
- Scoring a headshot on an enemy with a deflected arrow will have the kill icon of a normal headshot (as opposed to that of an arrow headshot).
- No kill icon appears when a deflected MONOCULUS eye destroys a building.
- If a player holds down the primary-fire button after the end of activation to keep a buff ready for deployment, the Soldier will lower the conch. The other backpack weapons have the Soldier keep his bugle held until the button is released.
Conniver's Kunai
- Switching to a different melee weapon while outside of a respawn area, obtaining a kill and then touching a resupply cabinet will double the overheal obtained using the Kunai, allowing for a maximum amount of 375 health overhealed.
Conscientious Objector
- The Conscientious Objector may have the incorrect decal in client view if multiple people have a Conscientious Objector on the same server.
- Some voice commands with animations, like "Move Up", will cause this weapon to float in the air.[3]
- An applied decal may temporarily disappear. This can usually be fixed by restarting Team Fortress 2 a few times, or simply waiting it out.
Corpse Gray Footprints (halloween spell)
- Any Halloween Paints preserved after their expiration date that are applied in-game do not vanish from the item.
- While the cvar
is set to 1, player model heads will not be tinted yellow when coated with Jarate.- Similarly, when thrown at a Sentry Buster, the "bomb" part of the model will not be tinted yellow; only the legs will be tinted.
- Jarate from Sydney Sleeper can be applied to ÜberCharged enemies, however they will not take damage.
Cow Mangler 5000
- The weapon will fire a charged shot even if the charging process is interrupted by getting stunned or the Soldier's team losing.
- Deactivating an enemy Sentry Gun during humiliation will cause them to reactivate afterward and shoot the winning team.
- If the player changes from the Cow Mangler 5000 to another Rocket Launcher using a Resupply locker while charging a shot, they will be stuck with the slower moving speed until they change classes or finish firing the charged shot.
- The laser can go through thin walls such as setup gates when fired at a correct angle.
- Rarely, after a moment of not firing, the Soldier will automatically reload the weapon's clip, regardless of the player's auto-reload setting.
- The fire damage self-inflicted on the Soldier by the weapon is treated as an environmental hazard. As such, the last enemy to injure the player will be credited in the kill feed should the Soldier die from the afterburn damage.
- It is still possible to taunt and quickly press alt-fire to charge a shot. The result is a laser fired from the Soldier's chest as he taunts.
- When killing a player going to destroy the cart in Hightower, the Soldier will be awarded with a Kamikaze kill.
- When minimizing the game with this weapon equipped, the ammo portion of the HUD may disappear. Looking at the scoreboard may fix this.
- If the player attempts to play with Your Eternal Reward equipped, the Spy's model will be forced into a Civilian-like reference pose. This is due to the fact that the server removes access to other weapons other than the Knife, and the Disguise Kit is not present.
- Some cases have been reported of players "finding" Scrap Metal. This is most often caused by player losing connection to Steam after clicking the craft button. This means the items are used in the craft recipe, yet the result of the craft remains uncollected until the player dies in a server: giving the "PLAYERNAME has found: METALTYPE" alert.
- Untradable metal, and items made with untradable metal, were reverted to tradable due to a glitch until a subsequent patch was released. This behavior was observed during the Scream Fortress Update event with the Voodoo Jujus and Spine-Chilling Skulls crafted using untradable Haunted Metal Scrap. Halloween Hats crafted prior to the November 10, 2010 Patch became tradable after the update, but hats crafted after that have reportedly remained untradable suggesting Valve has fixed the glitch.
Critical hits
- The vast majority of effects and achievements cannot tell the difference between a critical hit and a mini-crit, and as a result treat all mini-crits as regular crits. This makes it possible to gain crit-based achievements using only mini-crits.
- The "Mini Crit!" text is still displayed when combat text is enabled if a teammate assists you with a mini-crit, instead of showing the damage they dealt.
- Crit indicators are still displayed even if the "victim" is ÜberCharged and receives no damage.
Croc-o-Style Kit
- Snipers who have The Croc-o-Style Kit equipped can still die from a headshot if they have only 1 health point remaining. This is either a bug or misconception caused by the set's description.
- An additional small health pack and ammo box are hidden under the map.
Crone's Dome
- The Crone's Dome does not Cloak with the player.
Crusader's Crossbow
- When crouching, the bolts are fired from above the crossbow's actual location.
- The Crusader's Crossbow can heal soldiers with the Escape Plan equipped.
- The world reload animation was not sped up in accordance with the June 27, 2012 Patch increasing reload speed by 40%, so the animation is simply cut-off before the bolt appears loaded.
- When holding the primary fire button, the trigger will move as if shooting multiple bolts in succession.
Customize items
- The Demoman holds the Half-Zatoichi incorrectly in the Demoman loadout screen.
- Some items will become semi-transparent or lit incorrectly when appearing in the loadout screen.
- It is possible to break "The customize items menu" by pressing the left mouse button on any menu object and moving the cursor in any direction while continuing to hold the mouse button. This will cause the menu screen to freeze.
- If a player equips the same misc item in different slots of each preset, switching between the pages will un-equip the item.
- If the 'Headwear' slot is empty, and you have multiple pages of hats, it will show the first hat on any subsequent pages as 'Equipped', even though it is not.
- When playing on BLU team, your selected class may sometimes appear BLU on the loadout screen.
Dalokohs Bar
- The Heavy's base HP may remain at 350 after consuming, allowing a self-overheal to 400 HP if eaten thereafter.
- When a player consumes the Dalokohs Bar, it is possible that no bite marks will visibly appear in the first person view; other players will still see an eaten Chocolate.
Dapper Disguise
- The Dapper Disguise does not support the full range of the Spy's facial expressions which makes his real face glitch through the Dapper Disguise sometimes.
DeGroot Keep
- One of the gates in BLU's spawn area can become stuck and not open at the beginning of the round.
- It's possible to block gates with the Sandman's ball, as seen here.
- The keep gate may improperly appear open or closed. Players will still interact with it as they should, being unable to pass if it should be closed or passing through if it should be open.
- Players can stand on the ledge behind a tree on the cliffside.
- A Scout can get stuck in the roof of control point C using Double Jump. However, the game will count the Scout as standing on the point, so BLU Scouts will still cap the point and RED Scouts will still defend the point. This is shown here.
- If RED wins, the MVP list says that they captured all the points and displays the names of people who captured the last point for BLU under "Winning capture".
Dead Ringer
- The Cloak meter displayed on the watch does not properly correspond to the actual amount of Cloak available, similar to Enthusiast's Timepiece.
- If the Spy takes any damage while taunting – with the exception of taunt kills that stun the enemy like the Organ Grinder – with the Dead Ringer activated, the Spy does not feign death and a fake watch is created. However, only the first hit will have reduced damage. Each hit after that takes full damage. The player can right click again to activate the actual Dead Ringer.
- This will also work during Humiliation
- Feigning death on circumstances that should trigger an unique death scream will issue a normal death scream.
- The damage reduction from the Dead Ringer applies to drowning damage as well. However, the Spy will recover the full amount of health that would have been lost without the Dead Ringer, allowing players to heal themselves by intentionally drowning.
- Activating the watch upon round start will sometimes cause the Spy not to hold up the watch. This can only be fixed by dying.
- There is an occasional bug that occurs with the Dead Ringer where, once activated, the watch will report that the Spy's killer "got revenge" on him, even if they were not dominated or don't exist. When the Spy is killed by environmental hazards or fall damage, "ERRORNAME" will get revenge on the Spy. These messages are only broadcast to the other team, just like all faked mechanics of the Dead Ringer.
- Causing an enemy Spy to feign death with the Dead Ringer may trigger the domination sound cue and notification, even if said Spy was already being dominated by the player.
- When reloading the Revolver, changing weapon to the Sapper, or using the Sharp Dresser while quickly activating the Dead Ringer, three hands can be momentarily seen.
- Some achievements that involve killing cloaked Spies can be achieved by attacking a Spy with his Dead Ringer ready.
- Often the fake body will slide on the ground without moving its actual limbs upon faking your death for enemies.
- When killed by a Sentry Gun that is destroyed, no killcam occurs. If the Sentry is destroyed during the "zoom in" process, a variety of effects can occur, the most likely being that the "zoom in" will be interrupted (and the camera go back to focusing on the dead player) but the sound block-out still occurs (at varying degrees of loudness).
- Opening and closing the class change menu during the freeze frame may cause the class model to remain frozen against a black background that covers the left half of the screen until the freeze frame ends.
Decal Tool
- Decalable items may have the incorrect decal in client view if multiple people have same decalable items on the same server.
- Items that have been used with a Decal do not show the Decal in the trading interface to either trader.
- Engineers are currently able to place Teleporters in the top robot spawn. While robots can escape that area, players are trapped until death, unless they have bought the 2-Way Teleporter upgrade. Once on the spawn, it is possible to place other buildings such as Sentry Guns and Dispensers.
- On the right side of the house in the middle, bots can get stuck on the bomb if it is dropped there.
- When damage spread is enabled, the Degreaser can deal either 2 or 3 damage at any given tick. When damage spread is disabled, it always deals 2 damage per tick.
Demoman achievements
- Sticky Thump can sometimes be earned even with normal Stickybomb Launcher.
Description Tag
- Descriptions can only be removed from items that have custom names.
- Pressing "Backspace" will trigger Deleting the item, and it will ask to Delete whenever you press backspace to the item that you used the description tag on.
- Description Tags used on weapons that became vintage following the March 15, 2011 Patch cannot be removed.
- When looking at this item in the store, Stern and Slightly Off styles still have the hair attached.
- Being affected by the Detonation explosion (even by self damage) will remove the visual effects of Jarate and Bleeding from the user's screen.
- When an enemy is hit with a detonated flare, the blood particles will come from where the flare was detonated, instead of the player.
Deus Specs
- If a Spy is disguised as a Demoman wearing the Deus Specs, they will not appear to be broken.
- Players will not earn any critical hits for sapped buildings destroyed with regular Diamondback shots.
- Using the Diamondback or sapping buildings while under the effect of a Kritzkrieg Übercharge can cause crit boosts to stop working on the Spy until after a respawn.
- Destroying a building with the guaranteed crits from the Diamondback will earn another guaranteed crit; however, the counter will not increment to display this. Firing once will set the counter to the correct value.
- The crits counter overlaps with the Cloak meter when using the Minimal HUD advanced option.
- Like all of the Spy's secondary weapons except the Revolver and the Enforcer, the Spy does not actually put any bullets into the cylinder while reloading.
Die Job (halloween spell)
- Any Halloween Paints preserved after their expiration date that are applied in-game do not vanish from the item.
Digit Divulger
- The Digit Divulger resets to the Leather Open style on death.
Dillinger's Duffel
- The Dillinger's Duffel conflicts with equipping badges, although the two do not use the same equip region. This can be fixed by equipping the Dillinger's Duffel before equipping a badge.
- If the server has set
to 2 (Halloween mode), if attempting to perform the Dischord taunt and instead performing the Thriller taunt, this causes several guitar gibs to fall out of the player as soon as they start the taunt.- This can also happen if they player quick-switches away from the Frontier Justice after commencing the taunt.
Disciplinary Action
- The extra range allows the user to hit enemies completely behind them.
- When spectating a disguised Spy, the "X is currently holding" box may display weapons and items that actually belong to the player the Spy is disguised as.
- If a Spy is disguised as a member of his team and uses voice commands, the enemy is notified of these commands in chat as enemy voice commands.
Disguise Kit
- Switching classes in spawn while disguised hides some bodygroups of the player's model, such as the Pyro's gas mask and the Heavy's Fists.
- The BLU Spy has white cigarettes inside his Disguise Kit, despite them appearing brown on the player model.
- Lag might sometimes cause the player to undisguise automatically.
- Despite being unable to capture a control point while disguised as an enemy member, if a Spy disguised as an enemy member is standing on the point when it's captured, the Spy will still receive points for the capture.
- Rarely, the Dispenser's CRT screen will disappear, making it possible to see through it.
- The LOD of Level 2 Dispenser is broken, the players will see as Level 1 Dispenser at medium to long range.
- When the player upgrades Dispenser to Level 3, the texture will glitch. Making the top of the Dispenser black with the original texture squashed into the corner.
- If you trigger the feigned death of Dead Ringer Spies who were dominated or revenge-killed in their past life as any class, the kill feed will announce that you are dominating or have taken revenge upon them, but the scoreboard will say otherwise.
- Sometimes, after an autobalance moves a dominated player to the nemesis' team or vice-versa, the nemesis icon may remain visible above the player.
- The smoke from the explosion of Poopy Joe's rocket can be seen in the subsequent rounds.
- It is possible to clip through the rocket entirely. However, the cap cannot be clipped through, which may lead to players getting stuck between the rising elevator and the cap, and preventing the cap from opening.
- Players can clip through the drainage pipe just under the rocket platform, allowing them to (briefly) go outside the world.
- Only Sniper, Spy, and Medic bots spawned onto the map will move. Snipers and Spies will roam around the map while Medic bots will stay in spawn and move about to overheal various teammates.
- Bots will leave spawn once their team has captured the intelligence.
- While most projectiles will bounce harmlessly off of the lift itself, stickybombs can still be attached to the hull of the rocket. Any stickybombs left on the rocket after it launches will remain suspended in midair where the rocket used to be.
- If a player carrying the Australium falls into the pit, the Australium will not immediately return to the drop site.
- Occasionally, when worn by the Sniper, a miniature monocle will appear below the Doublecross-Comm's original one.
Dr. Grordbort's Crest
- The crest slightly hovers ahead of the wearer.
Dr. Whoa
- The localization files indicate that this item is supposed to have a description, yet there is none. This results in the item having an unusually large pop-up box.
Dueling Mini-Game
- If the teams are scrambled after a duel is set up, both duelists may be on the same team, but the duel is not ended.
- If two or more duels are going on concurrently in a server and one of them ends, the other duels may have their scores locked; the scoreboards of the remaining duelists will go back to normal, but the duels will only actually conclude when they would normally do so (if the round ends, etc.).
- If a Spy disguises as a player with the Dueling Mini-Game equipped in their action slot, pressing the action key will bring up the duel prompt, even if the Spy player does not have it equipped. However, selecting a player from the prompt will do nothing.
- On the console versions, Snipers and other classes are able to shoot through the grating and pick off enemies (see Differences between platforms).
- Inside the double gates of BLU spawn at Stage 3 between the two gates, stickies exploded alongside the wall on the outside will kill those standing inside.
- The projector noise present in the RED final spawnroom plays inconsistently.
- The torches placed across the map can hurt players under the effects of Bonk! Atomic Punch.
El Jefe
- The El Jefe is supposed to be in the item drop system, but it cannot currently be found in a random drop.
Emerald Jarate
- When equipped with the Quick-Fix, the whole loadout disappears on the class selection screen, while the Emerald Jarate is still visible.
Engineer Robot
- Unlike other robots, the Engineer robot does not, for the most part, have different animations from the human Engineer. The only unique animations it has are for swinging its Wrench, and for standing or running with a building or melee weapon. All other animations, such as taunts, are taken directly from the human Engineer.
- If the robots win the round, the Engineer Robot will use its Shotgun to try to attack the Defenders, but it will do no damage.
- The Engineer robot uses human voice lines upon being killed.
- If an Engineer robot's teleporter is destroyed by a Red-Tape Recorder, the teleporter icon will remain on the HUD.
- Engineers will not try to remove Sappers from their Teleporter if it is still doing its construction animation. This also means that they will never try to save their teleporter from Red-Tape Recorders.
- If a stock Sapper is placed on a robot teleporter, it will still have the animation, particle effects, pillar of light and sound as if it was still active, even though it is actually disabled. (If a Red-Tape Recorder is used instead, only the particle effect still appears.)
- The Engineer's entire head is self-illuminated, as opposed to just the eyes as seen on other robots.
- If an Engineer teleports into the map while a robot teleporter is active, it will briefly spawn on the teleporter first before appearing at its desired build location. This plays the teleporter sound and gives the Engineer 5 seconds of invulnerability.
Engineer achievements
- The Best Little Slaughterhouse in Texas achievement counts the activation of Dead Ringer feign deaths by Sentry Guns as kills.
- Patent Protection, Quick Draw and Get Along! may all fail to be rewarded under certain conditions possibly related to server number. The server number may be checked in the Console right after connecting. Attempting the achievement in a server with a server number of 1 may correct the issue.
Enthusiast's Timepiece
- The Cloak meter displayed on the watch does not properly correspond to the actual amount of Cloak available, similar to Dead Ringer.[4]
Equip region
- It is possible to equip two items with conflicting equip regions simultaneously in three conditions:
- If one item equipped in the slot is removed from the Backpack, or the slot is otherwise unused and vacant, and the item preferred is equipped in the slot in another loadout.
- If the connection between the user and the Steam's servers is slow.
- Using the quickswitch key function, which does not check region conflicts when equipping items.
Escape Plan
- Soldiers wielding the Escape Plan can still be healed using the Crusader's Crossbow.
- Medics looking at a Soldier wielding the Escape Plan will see the message "Equalizer blocks healing".
Eureka Effect
- Because the Eureka Effect's alt-fire functions like an instant respawn, it will still replenish metal, ammo, and health in Arena mode and during Sudden Death, remove stored Revenge Crits if the Frontier Justice is equipped, and remove any crit boost status (such as crits during Humiliation) or debuff status (such as Jarate and being marked for death).
- The hauling HUD prompt is still present when this weapon is equipped.
- The flare can go through thin walls such as setup gates when fired at a correct angle.
- Using the Execution taunt when out of ammo will still fire a flare.
- The firing sound can only be heard by other players, not the player that uses the taunt.
- Unusual particles for this hat are misplaced, coming out of the class' chest
Exorcism (halloween spell)
- Any Halloween Paints preserved after their expiration date that are applied in-game do not vanish from the item.
- Decapitating a Sniper using the Bazaar Bargain who has heads on his counter will collect those heads as if they were taken from another Demoman with the Eyelander, Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker or Nessie's Nine Iron.
- This bug is the result of the above weapons all counting Heads, which are counted as the same unit despite their different effects.
Fallen Angel
- When taunting, the wings can clip together.
Family Business
- The Heavy pumps the entire weapon when reloading and shooting.
- Spent shells eject out of the center of the screen in first person view.
- There is no muzzle flash when firing.
- In world view, the ejection port is invisible.
Fan O'War
- Spies who have activated the Dead Ringer will have the skull above their head even after feigning death.
- Occasionally, two skulls will appear over a target's head.
Fancy Dress Uniform
- The backpack icon for the Fancy Dress Uniform shows the default shoulder marks' color as white, while they are normally the same color as Soldier's helmet.
Fast Learner
- Upon death the Fast Learner will use the RED team paint if applied regardless of team.
Feign Death (Classic)
- As a Spy, use Feign Death as close as possible to a Dispenser, then have a friendly Engineer build a Teleporter Exit. Have the Engineer stand on the Dispenser and build the Teleporter Entrance on top of your body. This will cause you to go through the Teleporter and move around as a dead body.
- It is possible to hide part of your body while feigning death by turning your back towards a wall and feigning. Half your body will clip through the wall but you will see everything as though you were just laying next to it.
- The kill icon of the taunt applies to all weapons; There is no unique kill icon depending on the weapon used.
- On rare occasions, it is possible to kill enemies directly behind you while performing the taunt.
Festive weapons
- The lights of the 2011 festive items disappear on death.
- This item appears with a burning texture when the game is played on DirectX8.
- Items such as the Sight for Sore Eyes and the Professor Speks occasionally render as invisible when worn with this item.
- Burning ragdolls will not be extinguished when submerged in water.
- A burning player will cease to take damage if the enemy who inflicted the afterburn changes teams, but will visually remain on fire for the default duration.
- Being set on fire and then team-switched will cause HUD to stay on fire until player disconnects. However player will not say fire-related responses and receive damage, changing class will not cause HUD to reset.
Fireproof Secret Diary
- This item does not appear in the Mann Co. Catalog.
- The Heavy's base HP may remain at 350 after consuming, allowing a self-overheal to 400 HP if eaten thereafter.
- If a player crafts an untradable Fishcake, clicking on the Fishcake item in their backpack and pressing the Restore button will make it tradable.
Fists of Steel
- Damage from most taunt attacks are reduced by the Fists of Steel as if they were ranged attacks. In fact, only the Decapitation, Dischord, and Fencing taunt attacks are not treated this way.
Flamboyant Flamenco
- The hat is positioned incorrectly on the Pyro's head, and the jigglebones are currently broken. A fix has been submitted by the creator. [5]
Flame Thrower
- Rarely, when the Flame Thrower is turned off during full crits, the flame effect can still be seen though the fix of the loophole, unlike a similar bug with the Minigun, the "flame" can only be seen by the player.
Flying Guillotine
- The cleaver can go through thin walls such as setup gates when thrown at the correct angle.
- If the style is changed while the weapon is drawn, the appearance will not change in client view until the weapon is switched.
- Critical hit kills with this weapon do not trigger critical hit death screams, unless they are the result of a crit boost.
- Rarely, this weapon deals Critical hits on airborne enemies.
- Bleeding from this weapon may inflict Critical hits on stunned enemies for the duration of the stun.
- The recharge meter on the HUD may be labeled as "leaver" when using the minimal HUD setting.
- The Genuine version of the cleaver has no taunt.
- Reflected Flying Guillotines do not deal mini-crit damage on enemies other than the Scout who threw it.
Foster's Facade
- The map lighting of the item is inconsistent with the rest of the Pyro model.
- A decapitated Pyro wearing the Foster's Facade will still throw the original head gib with its original gas mask.
- Due to an error, sometimes the Foster's Facade and The Last Breath can both be equipped at the same time, even though they fall in the same Equip Region.
- While equipped, this set reduces the time taken to consume a lunchbox item, such as the Sandvich. This is due to the set taunt replacing the standard eating animation. However, this does not speed up the Sandvich's healing rate. Therefore, only 225 health will be healed after eaten instead of the full health received without the set equipped.
- When using the taunt, the Heavy's fingers sometimes form weird when he bends them.
Freak Fortress 2
- Bosses will drop the corpse of a "real" class after death.
- The items Schadenfreude, Director's Vision, High Five!, and Shred Alert can be used by the bosses but lack facial animations when used.
- Even though the Jarate effect is intended to disappear instantly, it remains for about a half-second.
- Demopan's Trade Spam ability may conflict with other server plugins using the in-game command r_screenoverlay. If this is the case, it may display incorrectly.
- Ninja Spy may get stuck if he attacks an enemy in an area that cannot be passed without crouching during slow motion.
- Occasionally, players resurrected by Seeldier can spawn on his enemy team.
- Occasionally, Vagineer will snap into civilian mode for no apparant reason, leaving him unable to attack. However, he can still uber himself, take damage and have a rage radius.
- On exceedingly rare occasions the christian brutal Sniper will be to take an unrealistic amount of damage. Thus when the command is entered "!halehp" it will display a negative number. However, this number never appears to be capable of reaching under -10,000 health. This is caused by an unknown reason.
Freedom Staff
- The golden eagle at the top of the staff does not glow when crit boosted.
- Some voice commands with animations, like "Move Up", will cause this weapon to float in the air.
- It is possible for the RED team to enter the BLU spawn area by allowing Li'l Chew Chew to advance slightly out of the respawn then getting on it when it starts to retreat.
- There is a tree stump with a small medi-pack on it, after the first point and just before the slope up to the second, that players can get permanently stuck behind.
- After the Payload cart has been delivered and the round has ended, the timer on the cart will still continue to drop.
- If a RED player is standing in the open door of BLU's second spawn point when the round ends, they will be instantly teleported across the map into the third spawn point.
Frontier Justice
- When dying while having revenge crits, occasionally the crit sound will continuously loop until the map changes or the player reconnects to the server.
- While performing the Thriller taunt, the guitar gibs still spawn in front of the Engineer.
Frontline Field Recorder
- This hat also can be acquired by uploading a video onto YouTube and editing the video views.
- This hat's textures show up as fire when viewed in DirectX 8 mode.
Frying Pan
- Some voice commands with animations, like "Move Up", will cause this weapon to float in the air.
Full Head Of Steam
- When the Sniper taunts with a melee weapon while wearing this item, he does not take off the hat.
- When the Spy uses Your Eternal Reward to backstab a player wearing this hat, the disguise does not wear the hat.
Gangreen Footprints (halloween spell)
- Any Halloween Paints preserved after their expiration date that are applied in-game do not vanish from the item.
Gas Jockey's Gear
- Due to how the bullet vulnerability is calculated, certain non-bullet weapons deal 10% more damage to a Pyro wearing The Gas Jockey's Gear. This includes the Syringe Gun, Chargin' Targe, and most kill taunts.
Ghastly Gibus
- When equipping the Ghastly Gibus from the loadout screen, the class will appear to have a second, upside-down Ghastly Gibus coming from their chest. This only affects the loadout screen and does not affect character appearance in game. Affects all classes but the Sniper.
Ghost Fort
- If the Wheel of Fate is spun and a card chosen while the player is respawning, the effect will be bestowed upon the player, though the icon will be missing from the bottom left side of the HUD.
- If the "Whammy" fate is selected and players are set on fire, the Pyro will take damage from the initial attack, but remain visually on fire for the duration of the afterburn. The afterburn deals no damage, however the Pyro is susceptible to damage increases from the Flare Gun and Axtingusher.
- Rolling the "Big Head" or "Small Head" fate can cause some hats and miscellaneous items, such as the MONOCULUS! or various pocket buddies, to flicker very quickly between the scaled size and their normal size.
- Bots do not react to the "Dance Off" effect properly. They are unable to fire their weapons and still play the taunt animation, but they can still move around during the effect.
- If several players fall through the bottomless pit at the same time, players may get stuck.
- The player can avoid being killed in Skull Island by deploying an ÜberCharge or being the recipient of one as the time-limited explosion occurs. The same can be done by drinking Bonk! Atomic Punch or having a deployed Dead Ringer.
- Backing far enough into the RED spawn will cause one of the Resupply cabinets to disappear until you move forward again.
- Notification boxes that label the body part appear on censored gibs, even in the censored versions of Team Fortress 2.
- The Engineer's right hand gib will always be his glove, even when the Gunslinger or Short Circuit is equipped.
- The Combat Mini-Sentry deployed by Gunslinger Engineers uses the same gibs as a destroyed Level 1 Sentry Gun.
- Gibs, like the ÜberCharge textures, with the exception of the Soldier's on BLU, do not show the class' final designs. For example, a gibbed Scout has a different shoe design and his socks have stripes.
- If a player wearing a hat is gibbed, their hat will either disappear or appear alongside the default hat in the player's gibs.
Gloves of Running Urgently
- Sometimes, the Marked For Death effect will occasionally still appear over the user when seen by another player.
- The Marked For Death attribute is listed as a positive instead of a negative one in the item's description.
Golden Wrench
- If a Spy's Dead Ringer is triggered by the Golden Wrench, the Spy will see his own death message in the kill feed even though he would normally not be able to see it.
- The Golden Wrench does not glow when crit boosted whilst in a thirdperson view.
Googly Gazer
- Upon switching teams, the eye retains the previous team color.
- After the first point is captured, BLU bots will not leave the spawn room.
- RED Engineers are still able to build on the forward spawn ledge if they stand on an outcropping below the ledge while doing so.
Gourd Grenades (halloween spell)
- Any Halloween Paints preserved after their expiration date that are applied in-game do not vanish from the item.
- This item cannot be applied to the stock Grenade Launcher. If attempted it will appear as if it is being applied, even prompting for confirmation, but the item is not consumed and the weapon is not modified.
Gravel Pit
- If a BLU Engineer builds a Teleporter exit in the BLU-only area outside the main spawn, it is possible for an enemy Spy to teleport into the BLU spawn.
- When in Pyrovision, Gravel Pit's sky is unaffected.
Grenade Launcher
- Damage inflicted on direct hits with the Grenade Launcher are affected by damage spread, even when damage spread is disabled.
Grimm Hatte
- The alpha texture for this hat shows a splotch of blood. This texture is incorrect, and is a remnant of a bloody style also submitted for the hat. [6][7]
- There is currently an exploit that allows players to use a Mini-Sentry by changing from the Gunslinger, while holding a Mini-Sentry toolbox, to any other Wrench outside of spawn.
- Weapon switching glitches can occur with the Gunslinger and any Wrench, which creates a glitched client view model of the Gunslinger holding the selected Wrench at the same time (which should be impossible as they are both melee weapons, and thus could not be used together). It is also possible for the Gunslinger to appear as the Engineer's default glove.
- It is possible to "store" combo hits if alt-fire is held during and after each hit. Releasing alt-fire will cancel out this effect. The same effect will be produced if another weapon is switched out after a punch while holding down fire and then returning back to the Gunslinger for the next hit. This can be exploited to store crit attacks.
- The right hand gib of the gibbed Gunslinger-wearing Engineer will still show his regular glove.
- If an ÜberCharge is deployed on the Engineer using the Gunslinger, it will show a wrong skin position of the invulnerable Engineer.
- The weapon does not glow when crit boosted.
- If connection to the item server is lost while equipped with the Gunslinger, the Engineer's left arm will be invisible on all weapons.
- Occasionally, the Gunslinger will not load in-game and the melee weapon slot goes missing. This glitch can be fixed by switching to a Wrench of any kind.
- Hitting a person on your own team will still count towards the guarantee critical.
- If the target dies from the afterburn of the Hadouken, it will show the Flamethrower's kill icon rather than the Hadouken's kill icon.
- If the player is in Pyroland, the first yell the Pyro utters is detected as a "pain" yell, and so will be replaced with laughter.
- The loadout screen shows the Demoman wielding the Half-Zatoichi one-handed. In-game, he wields it with two hands. A Spy disguised as a Demoman wields the Half-Zatoichi one-handed as well.
- It is possible to get the Demoman achievement Scotch Tap twice with this weapon.
- In Pyrovision, blood will not appear on the weapon after killing an enemy.
Halloween Spells
- When trying to apply a spell to a stock weapon, you are able to select it from the backpack and a confirmation message appears, but the effect is not applied and the spell is not consumed.
- Spells meant to be used with only one class can be applied to multiclass accessories, granting the spell's ability to whatever class wears the affected accessory.
- Disguised and Cloaked Spies wearing hats with footprint effects will still have the footprints appear as they move.
- When a weapon with the Exorcism spell activates a Spy's Dead Ringer, no ghosts appear.
- Gourd Grenades cannot be applied to The Sticky Jumper, and Squash Rockets cannot be applied to the Rocket Jumper.
- The Team Spirit Footprints spell will be the color of a disguised Spy's team as opposed to the team the Spy is disguised as.
- Players who have obtained this item but have not opened Team Fortress 2 after November 9th will still have this item listed in their inventory while trading.
- Any spells preserved after their expiration date that are applied in-game do not vanish from the item. However, only paint spells such as Die Job, Spectral Spectrum, Putrescent Pigmentation, Sinister Staining and Chromatic Corruption can still be viewed in-game.
Hallucination Grenade (Classic)
- If a player primes, but does not throw, the Hallucination Grenade when they are in the air at the same time that the grenade explodes, the grenade and its particle effect will bounce up and down until the grenade is depleted.
Hanger-On Hood
- The hat's styles have no localization text.
Haunted Halloween Gift
- A gift may appear in an unreachable corridor near the first control point on Mann Manor. In this situation, the gift remains unfound until the server map changes.
- A player who finds a gift in the underworld in Eyeaduct who subsequently dies of attrition damage will not receive the gift. This can be avoided by jumping into the fog and triggering a fall death instead.
- Collecting a gift in Eyeaduct and Ghost Fort for the first time will earn the player the Masked Mann achievement.
- Gifts and their particles will not appear in a Replay recording.
- When playing on certain non-Halloween maps during the Halloween event period, there is a small chance a player will be notified "The Haunted Halloween Gift has disappeared", although no gift was spawned.
Haunted Metal Scrap
- Some Haunted Metal Scrap items have become tradable due to a glitch involving Gift Wrap. Those wrapped before the patch became tradable and produced either a tradable Voodoo Juju, Spine-Chilling Skull, or Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker.
HazMat Headcase
- If this item is in Unusual quality, the particles come out of Pyro's chest, rather than out of the HazMat Headcase.
- Changing styles in backpack while connected to a server may sometimes cause a game-crashing bug.
- When equipped with the Pyrovision Goggles, Deus Specs or Sight for Sore Eyes, only the eyes will be visible and will be floating away from the HazMat Headcase itself.
Head Warmer
- In third person, when using unusual effects that circle around the player's head, the fluffy ball may seem to be broken.
Headless Horseshoes (halloween spell)
- Any Halloween Paints preserved after their expiration date that are applied in-game do not vanish from the item.
Heads-up display
- After a team switch, the HUD tabs may appear incorrectly colored, with a player on BLU having a RED HUD (but not vice-versa). This can be fixed by opening and closing the Advanced Options or by the console command
.- A similar bug can occur with the buildings panel, in which the panels of buildings left at the end of the previous round do not get grayed out after a team switch. Constructing new buildings fixes this.
- The HUD may load incorrectly if the game window isn't in focus when the map is loaded. The console command
can be used to fix this. - Changing loadout from a Demoman shield to a sticky launcher or using the command
may result in the HUD displaying "%A" or a blank instead of the number of stickies. This is fixed by dying or placing new stickies.
- Sometimes when the Heavy dies while firing the Minigun, a glitch appears after the respawn that shows a muzzle flash and the sound of shooting while the gun itself is unrevved.
- Depleting all of the ammo of any Minigun by lightly tapping the primary fire while keeping it spun-up with secondary fire allows the Heavy to appear to be firing indefinitely despite having no ammunition. Sounds will play and a muzzle flash is visible, but no damage will be dealt.
- A Heavy with any melee weapon as his active weapon can continue to attack while stunned, albeit with invisible animations.
- If a Heavy spins up his primary and taunts while keeping the secondary fire held down, the barrel will not spin. This can be fixed by firing or discontinuing to spin the barrel.
Heavy achievements
- Supreme Soviet can be earned through any invulnerability effects; not only from an Übercharge. For instance, spawn invulnerability used by various servers will increment it. It can also be earned through recieving a crit boost from making successive kills during the effects of the Killing Gloves of Boxing, escaping from the Underworld on Eyeaduct, or receiving the capture bonus in Capture the Flag.
- The Hermes has clipping issues with the back and top of the Scout's head. The creator has confirmed this and created a fix which has yet to be implemented.[8]
High Five!
- If the command
is set to 1, certain classes will not have their High Five! animations play. Instead, they will be stuck in the idle animation for their current weapon for the duration of the taunt. - If two players use the item while standing on an Engineer's Teleporter Entrance, both will be teleported.
- Taunting while using the Sandman or Wrap Assassin will cause the ball/bauble to disappear in client view.
- On occasion, a player will appear to be stuck in the High-Five position after holding the taunt between rounds. This does not hinder gameplay.
- The particle effect created by the High Five! where the two participants' hands collide can occasionally be seen through walls.
- There is a glitch that disables one of the teams' ability to push the cart, while the other team can still push theirs.
- When killing people about to destroy the cart with the Cow Mangler 5000 on this map, the Soldier is credited with a Kamikaze kill.
Holiday Punch
- If a player has initiated the High Five taunt, landing a critical hit on that player from the front with the Holiday Punch will cause the Heavy and his victim to High Five.
- The same will happen for two enemies if the players crits the enemy facing the one who initiated the High Five.
- This item does not glow when crit-boosted.
- The Strange Variant counts tickles as times the player has hit an enemy with a crit, therefore even if the enemy is already laughing or taunting, the counter will still rise. This also means that other Heavies wearing this item that are forced to laugh will not increase the counter.
Holy Mackerel
- The flipped viewmodel version of this weapon appears as if it has been turned inside out.
- If the player assists a fish kill, the kill icon will not be highlighted in the kill feed like other kills and assists.
- Due to a glitch with the jigglebones, this weapon's viewmodel will occasionally twist up, giving a deformed look.
- Rarely, the cart may begin to move on its own during set-up[9] and can only be stopped if a player from the BLU team goes near enough to push the cart himself, though this is only possible if a team member uses noclip.
Horseless Headless Horsemann
- The Horseless Headless Horsemann may in semi-rare cases move right into players, rendering them completely stuck and vulnerable to a quick and painful death.
- Sentry Guns will shoot the Horseless Headless Horsemann even when he is outside their normal range.
- Killing the Horseless Headless Horsemann with the Half-Zatoichi will not enable the player to sheathe the weapon.
- The flavour line in the Deathcam is influenced by the last enemy other than the Horseless Headless Horsemann to damage the player. As a result, it can say "by the late The Horseless Headless Horsemann", "again by The Horseless Headless Horsemann", "by the Sentry Gun of The Horseless Headless Horsemann", and so on.
- The Axtinguisher and Postal Pummeler deals the same damage tables as the Fire Axe towards the Horseless Headless Horsemann. Since there is random crit coding on both weapons, they deal 195 damage for the random crits as if a crit from the Fire Axe.
Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker
- Decapitating a Sniper who is using the Bazaar Bargain will receive all of the heads collected by the Sniper, as if they were taken from another Demoman who is wielding another head counting weapon such as the Eyelander, Nessie's Nine Iron, or Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker.
- A Spy disguised as an Engineer who is wearing a Hotrod will have the hat flip down over his face upon switching to any kind of Sapper.
Hound Dog
- When a Spy disguised as a Heavy with this item cloaks, the item itself sometimes won't Cloak properly.
- Flaming arrow issues:
- If an arrow is lit on fire while the Huntsman is drawn, cancelling the shot will cause the flaming effect to visually disappear. However, the withdrawn arrow is still considered lit and capable of setting enemies on fire.
- Although going underwater with a lit arrow will visibly extinguish it, it is still considered lit and capable of setting enemies on fire.
Huo-Long Heater
- The Ring of Fire can damage enemies while underwater.
- The Ring of Fire still can have an Afterburn effect on a Pyro, if the Pyro has been injured by another Huo-Long Heater.
- The boom barrier at the BLU Base entrance is solid when the Power Plant control point is owned by BLU, but not when it is owned by RED and the BLU Base is under attack.
Intangible Ascot
- After taunting with the Spy's Disguise Kit, the pipe will turn into a cigarette as soon as it is flicked away.
Iron Curtain
- The muzzle flash coming from the end of the Iron Curtain is further out than the actual barrel.
- If a player's internet connection is lost then regained while the Iron Curtain is being wound up, the sound of the Iron Curtain being wound up is heard, but the barrel doesn't spin up. This can easily be corrected by winding up the Iron Curtain again.
- Sometimes hats and other items (items unused for fighting such as the Razorback) will be found floating in the middle of nowhere as if the items have frozen in game in the position they would be on the player if still attached. Sometimes these items may get attached to a Spectator.
- Certain unlockable weapons, when spawned onto a player, will not work as intended. For example, Dalokohs Bar may be thrown, and weapons that change the ragdoll of a dead player also will not work (such as the Saxxy). This is because Itemtest will load the item's model, but not the unique stats, so the stats are shared with the default weapon the unlockable weapon is based upon. The same is true with hats, as team-colored paints will show RED team colors always, even if you are on BLU.
- It is possible to equip items to classes they are not intended for by spawning a bot of the class that can equip the item, and then using the itemtest menu to change the bot's class.
- Some items cannot be equipped, including the:
- The unusual effects added in the Very Scary Halloween Update currently cannot be equipped.
- In certain instances, the weapon will not remove the Sapper at the other end of a Teleporter.
- While the cvar
is set to 1, player model heads will not be tinted yellow when coated with Jarate. - Similarly, when thrown at a Sentry Buster, the "bomb" part of the model will not be tinted yellow; only the legs will be tinted.
Jiggle bones
- Currently, some items with jigglebones will appear to be fixed at their furthest position during movement. Whilst in this position they seem to vibrate.
- Items that can jiggle in a circular motion, such as the Holy Mackerel, may twist themselves in impossible ways, making the item appear X-shaped.
- Players can walk through a computer console in the area outside BLU's spawn.
- The taunt is recognized as a rocket jump by some achievements. For example, one can earn Death From Above by killing two opponents at once with the taunt.
- The player does not see a Bombinomicon explosion after using the Kamikaze while wearing the Bombinomicon.
- If the Soldier raises the grenade through a low ceiling during detonation, he can survive and possibly do damage to the players above.
- The explosion can kill enemies on the other side of a closed setup gate.
- If the Soldier explodes near a Scout who is under the effects of Bonk! Atomic Punch, the game will register that he has killed the Scout, but the Scout will survive.
- When the Knife is thrust forward during an attack, a stray polygon can be seen coming out of the Spy's wrist.
- When a player for the opposing team is standing on top of the Spy, the Spy can always perform a successful backstab regardless as to whether or not the Spy's aim falls within the regular backstab radius.
- On the loadout screen, the Medic's model may sometimes still appear to be holding the Medi Gun even when the Kritzkrieg is equipped.
- Taunting with the Kritzkrieg sometimes may not render the healing effects that the Medic inhales.
- Like all of the Spy's secondary weapons except the Revolver and the Enforcer, the Spy does not actually put any bullets into the cylinder while reloading.
Larrikin Robin
- Upon taunting with a melee weapon, the Larrikin Robin will clip through the Sniper's head.
License to Maim
- The License to Maim disappears on death.
- Grenades fired bounce off certain dynamic surfaces such as the moving walkways of Nucleus, as well as teammates.
- While reloading, the Loch-n-Load will occasionally appear to load a third grenade.
- The sight has been moved up the barrel, and is therefore not properly clipped into the correct position. [10]
- This weapon does not glow when crit boosted.
Loose Cannon
- Reflected cannonballs do not deal mini-crit damage.
- This weapon does not glow when crit boosted.
- There is a sound listed as loose_cannon_ball_impact.wav which resemble heavy metallic hit sound for cannonball impacts. It is implemented in-game though can never be precached.
- If the player taps the attack button and switch weapons before the weapon starts priming, the priming sound will still play.
- This also happens when the player dies as they are priming the weapon.
- If a player is killed by the impact of a cannonball, they will still be gibbed as if it was an explosive kill.
- When "Details" is selected for a Lugermorph obtained from Poker Night at The Inventory, the Mann Co. Catalog will jump to the first item, the Kritzkrieg, likely due to its separate internal item ID from the original.
- If two players from different teams enter the Underworld portal at the same time, both may get stuck in mid air after teleporting. They get un-stuck if either player dies or commits suicide.
- If MONOCULUS is not defeated and leaves, its health bar may persist on the HUD.
- Like the Horseless Headless Horsemann, the flavour line in the Deathcam is influenced by the last enemy other than MONOCULUS to damage the player. As a result, it can say "by the late MONOCULUS!", "again by MONOCULUS!", "by the Sentry Gun of MONOCULUS!", and so on.
- When MONOCULUS is active, the message telling players the point cannot be captured says "Waiting for teammate", which is incorrect.
- Killing someone with a deflected eyeball projectile still counts as a MONOCULUS kill.
- Being killed by standing on the control point when MONOCULUS emerges or from a pumpkin bomb detonated by its eyeball projectiles will be counted as a suicide/environmental death.
- If a player hit one of the MONOCULUS projectiles with a Sandman's ball or Wrap Assassin's bauble, it will freeze the projectile in place.
- Occasionally, the tracer round will stop around an enemy target despite the shot not registering as a hit.
- When firing under the effects of damage recoil, the Machina may appear to fire two bullets: one bullet firing towards the intended target, and the other firing a few degrees higher at a diagonal angle out of the barrel. This may be caused by the Machina's particle effect. The second shot deals no damage and costs no ammo.
- The unique sound effect for reloading the Machina currently does not work.
Made Man
- Currently, there is a known bug where paint will not be visible to the player once applied. Other players, however, will see the painted item.
- When this weapon's projectile is reflected, it is reflected as a flare.
- The critical hits counter does not show when the active weapon is not the Manmelter.
- Holding down the primary fire button after firing will cause the weapon not to fully go back to its resting position.
- Holding down the alt-fire button while taunting will cause the weapon's ash-sucking visual effect to be stuck even if the Pyro switches to a different weapon.
- While holding down alt-fire after having saved up charges, trying to fire while still holding alt-fire plays the animation of firing a critical shot. Saved critical shots are rapidly lost during this sequence.
- Occasionally the ash-suck particle effect may not appear.
Mann Co. Catalog
- A number of items are missing from the Catalog, such as the Winger, Atomizer, Machina, Build and Demolish PDA, Sapper and the Propaganda Contest winners' hats.
- The Festive Winter Crate Key and the Refreshing Summer Cooler Key were replaced with a 'normal' key after their respective events ended, resulting in the Mann. Co Supply Crate Key being listed three times.
- The catalog cannot be exited if it is accessed through the trade page.
Mann Co. Store
- The information and preview for the Über Update Bundle claims that there are items for 7 classes inside; however, the Pyro's Detonator is overlooked.
- If a bundle contains two hats for one class, such as the World War Wednesday Bundle or Manno-Technology Bundle, the preview will show both items being worn at once.
- Some items are erroneously categorized:
- The Apparition's Aspect, Brainiac Hairpiece, Large Luchadore, Last Breath and Scarecrow are listed as hats despite being miscellaneous items.
- The Tour of Duty Ticket, the Squad Surplus Voucher, the Meet the Medic (taunt), The Schadenfreude, the High Five, the Shred Alert and the Noise Maker Vuvuzela are listed as miscellaneous items despite being tools/action items.
Mann Co. Supply Crate
- Attempting to open a crate whilst disconnecting from a server will result in the timer being set to 1,000 seconds.
- Crates with expiration dates, such as the Festive Winter Crate and the Refreshing Summer Cooler Crate, will not disappear until Team Fortress 2 is started up after trading for them.
Mann vs. Machievements
- The Brotherhood of Steel achievement is not obtainable.
- The Frags to Riches achievement will not be obtainable for the rest of the mission if any wave is reset.
- The Kritical Terror achievement will be given even if the crits are random crits.
- The Real Steal achievement will be given if your sentry is destroyed while a Sentry Buster is preparing to explode next to it.
Mann vs. Machine
- Sometimes a menu such as team, class, or upgrade choice will freeze on screen, forcing the player to refresh the HUD. (This can be accomplished by typing hud_reloadscheme in the console or pressing TAB.)
- When killed by a dead bot, such as from afterburn, or when removing a destroyed Spy bot's Sapper, the kill feed may show that the bot has moved to spectator mode. This is due to the internal routine that reassigns bot players for the next attack.
- Sometimes after the wave is complete, the Administrator will continue to issue warnings about the bomb's progress. This does not impede progress in any way.
- Bots will occasionally become stuck when jumping down into the map from their spawn. On rarer occasions this will cause the bot to immediately die upon touching the ground.
- Giant bots have been known to die upon falling from a decent height, regardless of health remaining.
- Bots that are destroyed while speaking and players who are killed while using Mann vs. Machine-related responses will continue speaking after their destruction/death. Tank Robots that are destroyed as they stop to deploy the bomb will continue to play the buzz and ding sound sequence.
- It is possible for the Administrator to announce the team has failed the mission when they haven't, by destroying the bomb carrier as it is about to disappear into the bomb hole. The bomb hatch will be destroyed, but the game considers the bomb undeployed. In this case, the real bomb will never make it to the hatch as it will continue to kill anything that steps in to it.
- Hitting the F4 key will still toggle ready-up even if the ready-up command was set to another key.
- A rare bug that crashes the game can occur seemingly randomly. The game will freeze and go black, and the desktop will show. Reopening the game after the crash will not restore backpack items; in order to do so one must restart Steam and validate Steam files.
- Sometimes, when the map is finished, the loot screen shows up empty. This situation becomes recurrent for the player affected.
- There is a small number of Sentry Gun placements that are immune to Sentry Busters. If the target sentry is in one of these areas, the Sentry Buster will spawn, and without jumping down or exiting spawn, they will blow up. This does not show in the kill feed, and the Sentry Buster icon at the top of the screen will remain.
- Rarely the round will not be failed once the bomb has been deployed, instead leaving a hole that results in death/destruction for players/robots, this also results in making the round impossible to fail, aside from tanks.
- Rarely, before the round the bomb will appear at the top of the hill with no bot carrying it.
- Rarely, most of the robots' voice lines may not be roboticized at all.
- In some instances, the Mantreads will only deliver 30 damage upon a successful landing.
Match outcomes
- If the Medic has any secondary weapon out, his right arm will appear twisted and bent, occasionally clipping into his head while moving.
- The arm will reset if the player quick-switches to another weapon.
- If a player joins the victorious team during humiliation, their weapon will not glow (in first-person view) to signify it has been Crit-boosted.
- Your weapon will still deal Crit damage as normal. Crit particle effects will still be applied to projectiles and bullets, and melee attacks will show the Critical hit animation.
- During humiliation, the Medic's arm appears bent and clips through his head if the secondary weapon is equipped.
Medic achievements
- Some players have reported problems unlocking Family Practice. The cause may be related to resetting your stats as the achievement uses them to track progress.
- It is possible to obtain Medical Intervention by healing a teammate being stomped on by an enemy Soldier using the Mantreads.
- Infernal Medicine will still count even if the patient is a Pyro.
Medicating Melody
- The taunt will nullify crit boost effects on teammates.
Meet the Medic (taunt)
- Taunting while you are waist-high in water makes a loud sound from the dove entities colliding with the water.
- Taunting in Medieval mode causes the Medic to perform the taunt with their currently equipped weapon. This causes clipping issues and has the associated effects of taunting with the Amputator or Übersaw, if those are equipped.
- Owning the taunt may cause replay footage showing the aura as well as playing the sound around your player (regardless of the class in the replay).
- Doves can sometimes get stuck on doors such as resupply doors. They will only move out of the door when someone opens it.
- When Merasmus uses his long-distance attack to set nearby players on fire, the Pyro will take damage from the initial attack, but remain visually on fire for the duration of the afterburn. The afterburn deals no damage, however the Pyro can be specially affected by weapons that will deal Critical hits and Mini-crits on burning players (such as the Sun-on-a-Stick, Detonator or Axtinguisher) as if the Pyro was on fire.
- If Merasmus targets an ÜberCharged player to set on fire, the player will be ignited and use a "Fire!" voice response. The afterburn lasts as long as normal fire would when a Medic's beam is trained on the player and deals no damage.
- If Merasmus spawns after the round ends, the server will crash upon map change.
- In the class loadout screen, the Mercenary badge will sometimes appear as the Grizzled Veteran Badge with a Scout emblem.
- When a Spy is disguised as a player with the Mercenary badge equipped, it will show the Spy class emblem regardless of the player's class.
- Occasionally, when the Minigun is being fired as the player dies, the weapon firing effects and sound will still be shown/heard while the player is waiting to respawn. Once the player respawns, the Minigun will appear to be firing upwards, it will then stop "shooting", and move up and down several times, then continue in its normal state.
- If the Minigun is spun up with one bullet left, lightly tapping the firing button will cause the Minigun to appear to be firing without ammunition.
Mountain Lab
- Players can be killed through spawn room during setup next to the exit on the front left by either explosives or fire when standing right next to the left exit door.
- Players may become stuck on the ladder on the path to the walkway above the archway after point A.
Multiplayer options
- When viewmodels are flipped, the Spy's watch animation is not visible, unless looking down. The white meter on the HUD is still visible.
- When viewmodels are flipped, the Holy Mackerel's first person viewmodel will be twisted making the upper half of the weapon inside out.
- Play a sound when the Sniper Rifle is fully charged' will also cause the noise to be played when unscoping without firing.
Mysterious Treasures
- Along with Scorched Crates, Piles of Ash, and Scorched Keys, players who have obtained this item but have not opened Team Fortress 2 prior to the July 11, 2012 Patch will still have this item listed in their inventory while trading. If traded to a person who is currently in-game, that person can use the items as normal until he restarts the game.
Name Tag
- Renamed items do not properly appear on disguised Spies. For instance, if a Spy disguises as a Medic wielding a renamed Medi Gun, the customized name will not show up on the disguise when an enemy looks at them.
- Name Tags used on weapons that became vintage following the March 15, 2011 Patch cannot be removed.
- Community items with a Normal variant that were received before name tags were introduced cannot be named.
- The hat's LODs are out of order, making the hat have less detail at medium range than at long range.
Napalm Grenade (Classic)
- If a player primes, but does not throw, the Napalm Grenade when they are in the air at the same time that the grenade explodes, the grenade and its burning flames effect will bounce up and down until the grenade is depleted.
Nessie's Nine Iron
- Decapitating a Sniper using the Bazaar Bargain who has heads on his counter will collect those heads as if they were taken from another Demoman with the Eyelander, Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker or Nessie's Nine Iron.
- This bug is the result of the above weapons all counting Heads, which are counted as the same unit despite their different effects.
- During the Second stage, the red cart can become stuck at the last slope. The cart then flips upside down multiple times.
Ninja Cowl
- The facial flexes intended for the item do not work with high quality heads turned on.
Noble Amassment of Hats
- This hat clips with a portion of the Scout's hair at the front.
- The patch notes and in-game tips incorrectly state that the taunt heals +10 health, where community testing has determined that it actually heals +11 health.
Ol' Geezer
- Currently, the Ol' Geezer uses a RED texture for both teams. Mnemosynaut, the creator of the hat, has confirmed a BLU texture will be added in the future.[11]
Ol' Snaggletooth
- Occasionally, the Ol' Snaggletooth will appear brighter/dimmer than the surrounding area.
- The firing sound effect will not play when high quality stereo is enabled.
- The reloading sound effect does not play, instead, it defaults to the Rocket Launcher's reload sound.
Ornament Armament
- There is an unneeded "a" in the item's description.
- Sometimes when equipped, this item will be floating in the air behind the player.
- When equipped with Voodoo-Cursed Soldier Soul, the ornament balls will float in the air.
- If ÜberCharge is activated, then the Medic switches to the Overdose, the speed buff will stay at whatever percentage the ÜberCharge was at at the time of switch, instead of reducing while the charge drains.
- The trigger does not move when fired.
- When reloaded, no air cylinders are ejected, or inserted.
- If a Soldier is reloading any of his Rocket Launchers as a game goes into Overtime, when the Overtime starts, he will continue performing the reload action infinitely until he shoots it or is killed.
Pain Train
- Fire and projectile damage from the Huntsman may inadvertently be increased against the user.
Paint Can
- When using the +quickswitch command to change a user's loadout, painted items are not differentiated from regular items; this means that if a user has multiple painted variants of the same hat, all the variants are ignored (+quickswitch only shows one entry per item to prevent duplicates taking excessive space) and just one entry appears in the +quickswitch panel.
Particle effects
- The Nuts n' Bolts particle effect has a visual problem. When circle strafing around a player, the Nuts n' Bolts appear to slow right down or even stop moving. This is much easier to detect if crouched.
- On certain graphics drivers, particles no longer appear to have a distinct bright glow. This applies on the medibeam, unusual effects and energy based weapons. It has also has been reported by DirectX 11 users.
- Upon death or disconnect, particle effects often stay in the spot the player was, fully animated.
- The 'Marked for Death' particle effect sometimes appears when the user is not marked for death.
Party Hat
- When viewed in the class selection screen as Sniper or Taunt with melee weapons, the default animation is present. This results in tipping or taking of the Party Hat far from where it actually is.
- The cart may sometimes randomly spin vertically.
- The capture progress HUD sometimes does not report how many players are pushing the cart. It may also display the cart as being blocked when it is not.
- Dying due to the cart explosion causes the Deathcam to focus on a specific point of the map while displaying the name of an opponent, even if no enemy was involved in the player's death.
- It is possible to derail the cart as it is falling by launching it with an explosion. This works because it becomes a physics prop when it reaches the end of the track.
- A very rare glitch occurs when the doors to BLU will not open, and the map will stay in Setup Time. The cart will slowly push itself and cannot be blocked.
- In some cases, when the player switches from Pyro to another class, they will have only 50 ammo.
- If the player has less that 20 ammo left, 'Mmmph' will not be allowed to be activated via Alt-fire as if it was a compression blast. Activating it via taunting is however still possible.
- After activating 'Mmmph', the charged particle effect remains on the muzzle of the weapon. This can be easily fixed by switching to another weapon and then back again.
- After activating 'Mmmph' followed by switching class, the 'Mmmph' glowing particle effect will be present when taunting.
- 'Mmmph' gained is not reduced to reflect Damage Resistance. For example, hitting a Spy protected by the Dead Ringer will enable the Pyro to fill his 'Mmmph' gauge, despite the Spy not having enough health to do so normally.
- The canister does not glow when crit-boosted.
- In some cases, fire particles still in the air while activating 'Mmmph' will also be crit-boosted.
- If 'Mmmph' is activated and the round changes, the effect will continue until the 'Mmmph' bar is depleted.
- If the player is switched to the enemy team when the rounds end with a full 'Mmmph', the charged particle effect in client view will still be the old team's color.
- Using an Action slot taunt with a full 'Mmmph' will cause the charge particle effect to disappear. This bug can be fixed by switching weapons.
Photo Badge
- The texture on the badge was added incorrectly on release. The default texture of the face of the badge was intended to be the Team Fortress 2 logo, as seen in the backpack. A fix for this has been confirmed to be coming in a future patch [12].
- The badge appears to be floating on some classes' chests.
- Any decal tools applied to the item may disappear after relaunching the game and can not be recovered.
Pile Of Ash
- Along with Scorched Crates, the Mysterious Treasures, and Scorched Keys, players who have obtained this item but have not opened Team Fortress 2 prior to the July 11, 2012 Patch will still have this item listed in their inventory while trading. If traded to a person who is currently in-game, that person can use the items as normal until they restart the game.
- The Pip-Boy themed HUD for the Build and Destroy Menus will fail to display while playing with a gamepad.
- If the Engineer dies while the primary PDA is equipped, right after respawning, the player will be prompted with the generic build menu.
- In stage A, stickies placed on the gated wall at the starting gate can harm or kill players standing close enough on the other side, if detonated.
- In stage A, the stairs leading up to the central flank position can be looked out of from behind.[13]
Pomson 6000
- The shots fired by the weapon are fired slightly below the reticule.
- Rarely, after a moment of not firing, the Engineer will automatically reload the weapon's clip, regardless of the player's auto-reload setting.
- The world view reload animation will not appear to other players.
- All sound effects accompanying this weapon play alongside their corresponding Shotgun sound effect.
Portal 2 crossover hats
- When worn on P-body, the Pyro's Beanie loses its color in the team-colored sections of the hat.
Postal Pummeler
- The Postal Pummeler will only mini-crit a Heavy who is under the effects of the Buffalo Steak Sandvich, regardless if he is on fire or not.
Power Up Canteen
- The Buildings Upgrade Canteen has three bugs pertaining to carrying buildings and activating the canteen:
- Whilst carrying a Sentry Gun and activating the Buildings Upgrade Canteen, the Engineer will appear to have a Level 3 Sentry in front of him. When he places it, it will take damage, and be placed as a Level 1 Sentry Gun.
- Whilst carrying a Dispenser and activating the Buildings Upgrade Canteen, the Engineer will appear to have a Level 3 Dispenser in front of him. However, the Ammo screen will be blank. When he places it, it will take damage, however, it will remain at Level 3.
- Whilst carrying a Teleporter and activating the Buildings Upgrade Canteen, rings of light from an active Teleporter will be left where he was standing. When he places it, it will take damage, and the rings of light will disappear. Like the Dispenser, it will remain at Level 3.
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol
- The clip of the weapon sticks out of the gun after completing the reload animation, until the player switches weapons.
Professor Speks
- Performing the Sniper's melee taunt with this item equipped causes them to float and clip into his chest, as if part of the hat itself. This bug is also present with the Summer Shades.
Professor's Pineapple
- When playing with DirectX 8, the color of the substance inside the grenades is always white regardless of any paint added.
- Swapping between the other classes wearing this can result in the grenades being placed incorrectly on those classes.
- Choosing to play as the Demoman or Medic will result in the player ref-posing until a melee weapon is drawn out. When the melee weapon is selected as these two classes, the player cannot switch weapons. Note, however, that the Chargin' Targe may still be used, and set effects will apply.
- Any equipped miscellaneous items and hats will not be hidden while playing as a prop. While this can be hilarious, it is inadvisable. To work around this, it is advised to keep a loadout preset empty exclusively for PropHunt.
- Because some props aren't designed to be moved around sometimes they can be invisible from certain angles. (Control points are invisible from below for example)
- Any recently added weapons which have been added may not be removed from use in prophunt, such as the Festive Grenade Launcher or Vaccinator.
Pumpkin bomb
- Standing in a Pumpkin bomb's location when it spawns locks the player in place. Under normal play conditions, when a player is locked in such a manner, detonation of the pumpkin or dying is the only way to escape.
- A pumpkin bomb death caused by MONOCULUS or Merasmus will appear to be suicide.
Purity Fist
- This item's level does not show up in the backpack or loadout.
- If a Spy disguises as a Heavy with this item, the Spy will only have the arm robotic, but not the hand of the heavy
Putrescent Pigmentation (halloween spell)
- Any Halloween Paints preserved after their expiration date that are applied in-game do not vanish from the item.
- When a player is selecting a class in-game while on BLU team, the Pyro is holding a RED team Flamethrower instead of the BLU team Flamethrower.
- If a burning player enters a spawn area and changes to Pyro, they will change classes but still be ignited for the remainder of the original duration. The Pyro will not take damage from the afterburn but will still shout, "Fire!". During this time, fire-based critical hits such those from the Axtinguisher will affect the Pyro.
Pyro achievements
- Many Pyro achievements can be earned by using flaming Huntsman arrows and the Cow Mangler 5000.
- Charging Demomen's yells are not higher pitched.
- The Pyroland textures will not appear when using DX8.
Pyrovision Goggles
- If equipped on the Demoman and then equipped on another class, the left eye will not glow.
- A Fresh Pair of Eyes can be earned by dominating a Spy disguised as a player who is wearing the Pyrovision Goggles, even if the Spy is not wearing them.
- If the map has no Pyrovision pallet swap (most commonly on custom maps), the reflection in the lenses will be pure purple.
- Being set on fire will cause the player to lose the team-colored overlay when under the effects of the ÜberCharge.
- Dying during an ÜberCharge may cause the ÜberCharge sound effect to play until the player disconnects or map changes, much like a previously patched bug with the Kritzkrieg.
- Activating the ÜberCharge on a disguised Spy provides them with a healing aura of their team color instead of the disguised team's color.
- A Spy disguised as a Medic with the Quick-Fix equipped will have the regular Medic backpack.
- Despite stating otherwise, the ÜberCharge increases healing by 200% to 300% of normal, rather than raising it 300%.
Rail Spikes
- In DirectX 8, the spike textures are replaced with fire textures.
- This weapon does not glow when crit boosted.
- Occasionally the looping flame sound reverts to the Flame Thrower's looping sound.
- When in spectator mode and spectating a player with the Rainblower, the Rainblower shoots out show the default particles from the Flame Thrower.
- As with most other taunts, performing the Rainblower's taunt and sliding off a ledge or being knocked into the air will cancel the taunt but not its animation. However, it will also leave the taunt's particle effects at the place the taunt was initially performed, though it will not damage enemies.
- This will also occur if the player is killed during the taunt animation.
- If the Razorback is broken by any of the Spy's knives, and then quickly headshotted with the Huntsman the Sniper with the stabbed Razorback will dangle in mid-air, as if being pinned to an invisible wall.
- In Mann vs. Machine, Spy Robots' backstabs will ignore the Razorback and kill the player.
Red-Tape Recorder
- Sometimes, the Red-Tape Recorder does not downgrade sapped buildings.
- Occasionally when removing the Red-Tape Recorder from a Mini-Sentry, the Mini-Sentry will revert to a buggy level 2 Mini-Sentry.
- If a sapped building does not start with full health or is damaged during the deconstruction process, it will reach 0 health before the deconstruction animation completes, which will interrupt the animation and "snap" it into the toolbox state.
- If a Teleporter is sapped by the Recorder, and the Recorder is removed in-between upgrade animations, the arrows pointing to the other end of the Teleporter will be removed.
- If the Red-Tape Recorder is placed on and removed from a building that is still under construction, it will deal some damage to the building.
- The Red-Tape Recorder does not glow when crit boosted.
- Saving a replay movie with the TGA/WAV option only saves the .tga image sequence. The audio stream does not save as the game appears to have problems creating the .wav file:
WaveFixupTmpFile( '.mytempwave.WAV' ) failed to open file for editing Unable to rename d:\games\steam\steamapps\username\team fortress 2\tf\.mytempwave.wav to d:\games\steam\steamapps\username\team fortress 2\tf\replay\client\rendered\movie_path\audio.wav!
- It is possible to work around this bug by manually saving an empty .wav file (signed 16 bit, stereo, 44100kHz) named
to the user"team fortress 2\tf"
location with a WAV file editor. The workaround will need to be performed each time a movie needs to be saved.
- It is possible to work around this bug by manually saving an empty .wav file (signed 16 bit, stereo, 44100kHz) named
- Some viewmodels may appear incorrect or not appear at all in first-person mode. Some particle effects may also not be rendered.
- Replays which take place in maps with more than one light source may appear overlit if the last map played has uniform lightining.
- Upon creating, editing, and watching a Replay and then joining a match, no in-game text chat or voice commands will be displayed until the player opens the text chat box.
- The Administrator's responses in a Replay treat RED as the ally and BLU as the enemy, regardless of the Replay owner's team.
- Ragdolls in a Replay may fall or move differently each time the Replay is viewed and/or edited.
- The replay can be uploaded to a YouTube account before the account has an upload channel configured. After the upload finishes, a message indicating a connection problem is displayed.
- Kills made by Sentry Guns belonging to the Replay's owner are not counted on its statistics.
- Occasionally, if the owner of the Replay uses a Dead Ringer during its length, the Replay will end when their feign death activates.
- Sometimes, if you slow down or speed up time and change the view to first person, then change the time again, the speed will stay the same as if the time wasn't changed. Changing the view to third person or freecam usually fixes the problem.
- Servers running on Halloween event maps with Replay enabled won't show the Haunted Halloween Gift model or particles when it's recieved by a player.
- Critical hit sound cues aren't played in Replays.
- When starting a replay with Boston Boom-Bringer, all of the boombox sounds will play at once.
- If a replay starts while a Heavy has his Minigun spun up, he will appear to not have it spun up even though it will still fire albeit with a glitchy sound.
- When using slow motion, the backstabbing action is out of time and the victim dies and with a delay the knife action is played.
- Recording in pyrovision then watching a replay and putting it into pyrovision can reverse bodies and point them in the opposite direction with there weapon firing the way it did on recording.
- Switching from third person view to second in the Replay edit tool can make the active weapon disappear for a second and then appear.
Rescue Ranger
- Reflected bolts can deal critical damage with a headshot as if the reflected projectile was a Huntsman arrow.
- The Engineer achievement Texas Two-Step cannot be earned with the Rescue Ranger, despite it being a shotgun.
- When picking up a level 3 sentry from a distance, the player may be unable to deploy it.
- When being disabled by the Cow Mangler 5000, buildings cannot be repaired by the bolts.
- Bolts appear to repair redeployed buildings even when they cannot yet be repaired due to not having finished reconstruction.
- When crouching, the bolts are fired from above the actual location.
- The Rescue Ranger does not glow when crit boosted.
- The "Fires a special bolt that can repair friendly buildings" attribute is listed as an on-wearer attribute as opposed to an on-weapon one.
Reserve Shooter
- The world model for the Pyro's Reserve Shooter has the shell and slide sticking out below the shell loading port.
- When reloading the Reserve Shooter as Soldier, the reload pump animation provides no sound.
- When the Pyro equips the Degreaser alongside the Reserve Shooter, the added weapon switch bonuses will stack and the weapon change animation will be greatly increased but attacking immediately afterwards will result in a miss regardless of what weapon is active.
- Rarely, the player will be stuck in the respawn wave after dying. The time will reset whenever it reaches "Prepare to respawn".
- Upon touching the resupply locker after use, the associated meter will not reset when the item is used again. Instead, the meter recharges from the position it was at before the resupply locker was touched. For items that can be thrown and picked up, this bug may also occur if the item is thrown and then retrieved after the meter has recharged. This bug occurs with the following weapons:
Resurrection Associate Pin
- The Resurrection Associate Pin disappears upon death.
Righteous Bison
- This weapon's projectile can pass through doors and deal damage.
- If aimed at the correct angle while pressed up against the pre-round setup gates (it is not known what makes some angles work and other angles fail), the projectile can pass through these gates, but will not do damage to enemy players. This is not a client-side bug, as the other players can see these 'ghost' projectiles, too.
- Rarely, after a moment of not firing, the Soldier will automatically reload the weapon's clip, regardless of the player's auto-reload setting.
- In the client view, while crouching, the projectile will appear to fire much higher than the weapon model.
- When minimizing the game with this weapon equipped, the ammo portion of the HUD may disappear. Looking at the scoreboard may fix this.
RoBro 3000
- When a RoBro wearer's corpse is turned into solid Australium (like being when killed with Saxxy or Golden Wrench), the RoBro keeps moving its antenna.
- The "bite" bodygroup does not remove the original model, causing the bite model to clip into the regular model and rendering it twice.
- Scout robots do not appear to have a humiliation pose. Therefore, if stunned, they will enter the Civilian pose unless either stationary or airborne.
Rocket Jumper
Rocket Launcher
- While reloading, the Rocket Launcher will occasionally appear to load an extra rocket.
Rogue's Col Roule
- The Rogue's Col Roule has an issue with lighting, frequently becoming darker than normal or sometimes entirely black.
Rotten Orange Footprints (halloween spell)
- Any Halloween Paints preserved after their expiration date that are applied in-game do not vanish from the item.
- When worn by the Medic, the Rump-o'-Lantern is unaffected by paint.
- The Rump-o'-Lantern cannot be equipped with certain mediguns due to conflicting equip regions.
- A wrapped Safe'n'Sound will appear as "Engineer Earmuffs" on the gift's description thumbnail from within the sender's backpack.
- The Safe'n'Sound tends to lose its color and appear all black.
- Rarely, if a player throws the ball at a wall while the Scout is in close range and they pick it up off the ground, let it refill, or go to a Resupply locker, the recharge bar will be full but the baseball will be missing resulting in it not being usable until the player dies.
- In instances where the ball recharge meter is full and the Scout holds the ball ready, it cannot be launched.
- If the Scout kills an enemy while that enemy is stunned, he gains 1.5 points, for the kill and the assist.
- Stunning opponents while they are taunting will make them able to move at the reduced stun speed before the taunt's completion, unless a moonshot is achieved.
- If the High Five! taunt is performed while holding the Sandman, the ball will disappear from the Scout's hand. It will only reappear if the secondary attack is used, and the ball recharges or is retrieved.
- If the player throws the baseball directly on his feet, he will immediately retrieve the ball, leading the Scout showing the animation, but not launching the ball.
- It is possible to launch the ball through a thin wall by running at the wall, then launching it just before you reach the wall.
- If the Sandvich is the active weapon during Humiliation, it can still be thrown by using alternate fire.
- When a player consumes the Sandvich, it is possible that no bite marks will visibly appear in the first person view; other players will still see an eaten Sandvich.
- When a player consumes the Sandvich with The FrankenHeavy set equipped, the Sandvich's eating time is reduced to three seconds. However, the healing rate does not change so the Heavy only heals up to 225 health.
- The Festive variant does not count towards the Konspicuous Konsumption achievement.
- The Festive variant does not glow when crit boosted.
- The Strange Festive variant cannot have the Strange Part Allies Extinguished applied to it, even though it has the ability to extinguish team-mates.
- An issue can occur when the Sapper is placed on a building that upgrades to the next level at the same time; the Sapper will be unremovable by both Engineers or Pyros equipped with the Homewrecker, Maul or Neon Annihilator. Additionally, the sapped building will function as normal, albeit with draining health. Hauling the affected building corrects the problem.
- The idle animation does not play during a replay, causing the needle to remain still.
- Occasionally, if a Spy saps repeatedly one end of a Teleporter while an Engineer attempts to destroys the Sappers on the other end, the Sapper will be removed from the Engineer's end and not from the Spy's end.
- The Saxxy does not glow when crit boosted.
- Some voice commands with animations, like "Move Up", will cause this weapon to float in the air.
- Switching from the Saxxy to another stock weapon and switching back to the Saxxy will cause the Saxxy to have the attributes of the stock weapon, even when changing classes.
Saxxy Clapper Badge
- The Saxxy Clapper Badge does not Cloak with the player.
- The Scarecrow is marked as a hat in the Backpack.
Scorch Shot
- The flare can go through thin walls such as setup gates when fired at a correct angle.
- If the player taunts and is moved, the projectile will still fire from the original place.
- If the player fires the last flare and taunts, they are still able to do the kill taunt (until they stop pressing "G" repeatedly)
Scottish Resistance
- Stickybombs that automatically detonate after a fifteenth bomb is launched will not destroy enemy Stickybombs.
- If the player automatically reconnects to a server after they timeout, the stickies they have placed will lose their glows, but can still be detonated.
- Sometimes, under rare circumstances, the glow from placed Stickybombs cannot be seen through walls, though they are still there and can still be detonated. It is related to where the Demoman is standing and looking from, and moving to stand in a different spot will usually make them reappear. This is a separate bug from the bullet above, unrelated to connection issues. It may be related to visleaves, but that is just speculation.
- If the player disables Payload cart glow in Advanced multiplayer options running DX9, the Scottish Resistance's Stickybombs will also stop glowing.
- The launcher does not glow when Crit-boosted, only the laser sight will glow.
- If the Stickybombs are detonated while moving (i.e. immediately after they are pushed by Compression blast, rockets, grenades, or while in mid-flight) the kill feed will show the Stickybomb Launcher kill icon.
Scout achievements
- The Retire the Runner achievement can also be earned by killing a Heavy under the effects of the Buffalo Steak Sandvich.
Scrap Pack
- The Scrap Pack may occasionally vanish upon death and sometimes stay fixed to the ragdoll.
Secret Saxton
- A player can receive a Secret Saxton from themselves even while playing on a full server; the game will notify that they received the gift from themselves, but no item will be rewarded. [citation needed]
Sentry Buster
- It is possible for a wave to end without killing the Sentry Buster, in which case it will disappear and cause its beeping sound to loop.
- Defenders will occasionally announce its presence as a giant robot instead of as a Sentry Buster.
- Only the legs will tint yellow when soaked in Jarate, due to the material proxy required being missing from the material for the pressure mine segment of the model (demo_buster.vmt).
- In the Halloween mission Caliginous Caper, Sentry Busters will spawn with Demoman upper arms levitating at their sides, and Spine-Chilling Skull hats on their invisible heads.
- If the Defenders lose the round, and a Sentry Buster reaches a Sentry Gun, it will attack it as if it were wielding a broken Ullapool Caber, and will continue to do so until the round resets or the Sentry Gun dies
- In some occasions, a Pyro that airblasts the Sentry Buster as it loses its health or reaches its target will not animate its detonation or its associated sound, thus resulting with the Sentry Buster exploding without warning, usually in midair.
Sentry Gun
- The player has the ability to build the Combat Mini-Sentry Gun, while having any wrench equipped, by holding out the blueprints for the Sentry with the Gunslinger and then quickly switching to a wrench. The player will build a Mini-Sentry (it will still cost 100 Metal). This cannot be done vice versa (equipping the Gunslinger while having normal Sentry blueprints out.)
- The 3D sphere that represents the attack range on the Combat Mini-Sentry is smaller than the normal Sentry Gun 3D sphere; however, they both have the same attack range.
- The damage of a level 3 Sentry Gun's rockets has falloff based on the distance of its Engineer to the target.
- A Wrangled Sentry does not play its rocket-reloading animation.
- Wrangling a Combat Mini-Sentry Gun might result in it remaining in the Wrangled state even when the Wrangler is not the currently active weapon. Switching back to the Wrangler corrects the problem.
- When initially upgraded to level 3, a Sentry Gun may have 217 health instead of 216.
- Picking up and moving a Sentry into spawn will cause the Sentry to explode.
- Sometimes, placing a sentry will glitch the model.
- On exceedingly rare occasions, players can see the blueprints of other Engineers on their team when they are trying to place a building. Evidence of such a phenomena can be seen in this screenshot. This is not to be confused with various community-made achievement/idle maps where these 3D blueprints can be used as part of the map design.
Sentry Quad-Pumpkins (halloween spell)
- Any Halloween Paints preserved after their expiration date that are applied in-game do not vanish from the item.
- This item can be applied to the Gunslinger, despite the inability to build a level 3 Sentry Gun with it equipped.
Short Circuit
- The Short Circuit can be used to destroy the beach ball in Birthday mode as well as the soccer ball generated by the Ball-Kicking Boots.
Shred Alert
- Being damaged while taunting while using the Sandvich and reskin variants or Buffalo Steak Sandvich will cause it to enter cooldown.
- Taunting while using the Sandman or Wrap Assassin will cause the ball/bauble to disappear in client view.
- As with most other taunts, performing the Shred Alert taunt and sliding off a ledge or being knocked into the air will cancel the taunt but not its animation. However, it will also leave the taunt's particle effects at the place the taunt was initially performed.
- This will also occur if the player is killed during the taunt animation.
- Taunting as a Demoman while using the Ullapool Caber will taunt with the Ullapool Caber instead of the guitar.
- The guitar may be colored incorrectly when used with certain weapons.
Sight for Sore Eyes
- The Sight for Sore Eyes is hidden when equipped with Foster's Facade on most DirectX 9 setups. When playing the game in DirectX 8, the Sight for Sore Eyes shows up properly on Foster's Facade.
- The Sight for Sore Eyes turns invisible when worn with Apparition's Aspect.
Silver Dueling Badge
- The Silver Dueling Badge will occasionally be displayed as Gold in the character loadout screen.
Sinister Staining (halloween spell)
- Any Halloween Paints preserved after their expiration date that are applied in-game do not vanish from the item.
- While stunned, the Sniper can still stun and kill others with this taunt. This could be executed by pointing your cross-hair at the target and rapidly hitting the taunt key or pressing it at the correct moment.
- If a Pyro ignites the player's arrow and the player taunts, the arrow will appear unlit. The arrow will still burn after the taunt.
- When being attacked by projectile weapons or weapons with a delay (Any melee, Cow Mangler 5000 charged shot, Sandman/Wrap Assassin ball, Flying Guillotine, or the Huntsman), if a user Skewers the attacker after the attack is initiated but before it lands, they will still be hit, damaged, and possibly killed by it, often interrupting the damaging portion of the taunt.
- If two Snipers use the Skewer taunt at the same time while facing each other, both will be stunned, but neither killed.
Sniper Rifle
- When the Sniper Rifle ejects a shell, the shell comes out of the side opposite to the ejection port.
Sniper Robot
- The blue lasers often glitch, being visible through solid objects and walls, even after the Sniper Robot has been killed.
Sniper achievements
- Dead Reckoning can be earned by killing an enemy player after your own death in any way, not just with a Huntsman arrow. The achievement can also be earned by firing the Sniper Rifle, Sydney Sleeper or Bazaar Bargain at the exact same moment an enemy Sniper fires back, finishing off an enemy Soldier or Demoman who dies to their own explosive self-damage with the same rocket, grenade or Stickybomb that kills you, or causing an enemy to bleed to death with the Tribalman's Shiv after you are killed.
- If Jarate is used to assist in the killing of a Spy by another Sniper using a melee weapon, then the assist kill contributes to the Kook the Spook achievement.
- The Last Wave and Be Polite can be earned simultaneously while taunting with the Kukri active.
- Shoot The Breeze can be earned by activating the feign death of the Spy's Dead Ringer.
- All Jarate related achievement can be earned with the Mad Milk.
Sniper taunts
- When taunting with a melee weapon, some hats may not be taken off, but will instead remain on the Sniper's head.
- Sometimes no mouth animation is shown when taunting with the SMG.
Soda Popper
- This weapon shares the Hype meter with Baby Face's Blaster's Boost meter; when switching between weapons, hype and boost are interchangeable.
- On 4:3 resolutions, the Hype meter will overlap the objective HUD.
- When viewed in the class selection screen, a shell can be seen behind the Crit-a-Cola portion of the Soda Popper.
- If a Primary weapon is fired when the player is initially spawned into the game, a continuous loop of the reload animation can occur. This can be remedied by firing another shot or switching weapons.
- If the "Auto Reload" option was enabled and started reloading while taunting, the continuous loop of the reload animation will occur.
- If you taunt as you reload a primary weapon (other than the Cow Mangler 5000) a rocket will blink in and out of the Soldier's hand.
- Shooting with a Soldier weapon followed by a quick weapon switch will result in the sound being cut off. This excludes melee weapons.
Soldier achievements
- Death from Above and Duty Bound can be obtained by being launched into the air by enemy explosives instead of rocket-jumping.
- Death from Above can also be earned by killing two enemies with the Soldier's Kamikaze taunt.
- The Geneva Contravention icon currently displays a 5 instead of a 3, due to the achievement's original requirements.
- Despite the description, Geneva Contravention doesn't require the enemies to be defenseless. The achievement can be obtained by killing players on the winning team.
Solemn Vow
- The Solemn Vow appears to have a glossy texture while playing in DirectX 8 mode due to DirectX 8 not rendering normal maps.
- When looking at an enemy Soldier with the Equalizer or Escape Plan out, the "Equalizer blocks healing" note will appear.
SpaceChem Pin
- Several people have received this item without owning SpaceChem, with some even receiving it twice.
Spectral Flame (halloween spell)
- Any Halloween Paints preserved after their expiration date that are applied in-game do not vanish from the item.
Spectral Spectrum (halloween spell)
- Any Halloween Paints preserved after their expiration date that are applied in-game do not vanish from the item.
Spinal Tap
- The Spinal Tap taunt may occasionally stab the player behind the Medic instead of the player in front.[1]
Spiral Sallet
- Even if launched through Steam, the player will only receive Steam achievements (and therefore this hat) if logged in using Steam as opposed to a Spiral Knights account or Sega Pass account.
Spirit Of Giving
- The green part of the screen on the model is still visible while the player is Cloaked as a Spy.
- The Mann Co. Catalog describes the item's rank as being incremented by the number of duels (from the Dueling Mini-Game), instead of the number of gifts granted.
- A Secret Saxton bug will cause the initial user of the item to receive the gift, a current definite cause is to be on a completely empty server and use one. No item will be inside, but the Spirit Of Giving will still update its gift count.
Splendid Screen
- This weapon does not glow in the world view when crit boosted.
- Sometimes, the class the Spy is disguised as will appear to be carrying invisible or transparent weapons to the enemy team. This also includes weapons worn on the player, such as the Gunboats or Ali Baba's Wee Booties.
- Sometimes but rarely, and even if the Spy is disguised as Engineer, the enemy will still see the disguised Spy holding a Spy weapon.
- When exiting out of the current disguise in third person, the hats and miscellaneous items of the player the Spy is disguised as will appear on the Spy for a split second.
- Rarely, disguised spies show up with a decapitated model. Also, sometimes players will show without their respective hats or styles.
Spy Robot
- Spy robots use human voice lines when taunting nearby players.
Spy achievements
- The FYI I am a Spy achievement can be obtained by backstabbing a Soldier while his Battalion's Backup is active.
- The Is It Safe? achievement can be obtained by backstabbing enemies pushing a cart on Payload maps.
- A knife will not respawn with the player. In order to receive a new knife after death, the player must touch a resupply cabinet or wait for the meter to fill.
- In some cases, the frost effect that is supposed to surround the Spy-cicle is found at the Spy's feet.
- If a Spy gets hit by fire while stunned by the Razorback, the knife will not vanish but the knife bar will still recharge and the fire resistance will not extend beyond 2 seconds.
- Backstabbing an Engineer while he is hauling a Building will result in the killfeed displaying the Building's destruction to the enemy team.
- Backstabbing an invisible Spy will lead to an invisible 'Iced' corpse. This corpse will react exactly like a normal Iced victim, but cannot be seen by anybody.
- In Mann vs. Machine, if a Spy has placed a Sapper on a robot and then has their Spy-cicle melted while the Sapper is on cooldown and was their previous weapon, the Spy-cicle will extinguish Spy and enter cooldown period, however, the Spy-cicle will still be available for use.
Squash Rockets (halloween spell)
- Any Halloween Paints preserved after their expiration date that are applied in-game do not vanish from the item.
Stealth Steeler
- The Stealth Steeler, when unpainted, will sometimes appear metallic silver instead of its normal color.
- If a BLU Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, or Engineer uses their jump abilities to stand on top of BLU's door leading directly to B from spawn before setup ends, the door will appear to open, but will still block players and projectiles from passing it.
- In the first RED spawn, any class that is able to jump onto the suspended wooden beams above the area with the exits to point B and E can avoid being transferred to the other spawn after BLU captures B. Touching the ground again will immediately teleport them.
Sticky Jumper
- The Demoman achievement Second Eye sometimes can be earned with this weapon.
Stickybomb Launcher
- The Scottish Resistance-specific Achievement Sticky Thump can sometimes be earned with this weapon.
- When changing styles, the preview does not show the light blub.
Stockbroker's Scarf
- When frightened, in humiliation or during certain taunts, this item will stick out at a 90 degree angle from the Pyro's chest.
- Counters do not update in-game when you inspect another player's Strange weapon on the Deathcam.
- If a Strange weapon goes up a rank, it will appear to have the original rank prefix when switching weapons until the player respawns.
- The Holiday Punch levels up by successfully punching an enemy with a critical hit, regardless of whether laugh was caused.
- Trading a Strange PDA will not reset it's "Health dispensed to allies" counter
Strange Part
- Chargin' Targe and Mantreads can still equip the Buildings Destroyed Strange Part, but cannot raise the counter, even by killing an Engineer hauling an active building.
- The Robots Destroyed part does not track zombies killed in the Caliginous Caper Halloween mission.
- The Full Moon Kills Strange part counter will increase kills when playing on a server with
tf_forced_holiday 2
, even if there is no full moon. - It is possible to apply a Strange Part: Kills While Übercharged to an Equalizer or Escape Plan, even though having these weapons out means that you cannot be healed or ÜberCharged.
- Being stunned while taunting allows a player to move at the reduced stun speed before the taunt's completion.
- It is possible to perform melee attacks while stunned with any of the Heavy's melee weapons via alt-fire.
- Alternate styles on items sometimes will not show up in the loadout menu.
- If player changes the style of items that need to add or remove bodygroups while connected to a server, it will crash the game.
- Using the arrow keys on an item that has changeable styles to move to another item in your backpack will cause the set style button to appear regardless of whether that item has alternate styles or not.
- If the "OK" button is pressed after pressing the set style button on an item without changeable styles, it will crash the game.
Summer Hat
- The Summer Hat has an issue with lighting and frequently becomes darker than normal or entirely black.
- On death, the hat defaults to the Carefree Summer Nap style.
Summer Shades
- The Summer Shades do not display correctly on disguised enemy Spies.
- When worn by the Sniper, he will remove the Summer Shades as well as his hat when performing his melee weapon taunt. This bug is also present with the Professor Speks.
Swagman's Swatter
- When taunting with a melee weapon, the Sniper does not take off this hat.
- The backpack icon shows a different texture compared to its original model.
Sydney Sleeper
- Jarate can be applied to ÜberCharged enemies, however they will not take damage.
- When a player is crit boosted, the game recognizes the weapon as a Crit-boosted Sniper Rifle. The boosted player will deal the same amount of damage a crit-boosted Sniper with the Sniper Rifle would depending on the charge of his Rifle and accuracy of headshot.
- Players can enter the civilian pose by unequipping all their weapons with the unequip menu.
Tank Robot
- If multiple tanks are in a wave, the Administrator may sometimes state that a tank is halfway through the wave even though it would just have spawned.
- Some Kill taunts are affected by random damage spread and have a chance of not dealing 450+ damage, meaning an overhealed Heavy has a possibility of surviving a Kill taunt.
- Occasionally, a player may reload their active weapon while taunting, in cases where the weapon automatically reloads (such as if auto-reload is enabled or if the weapon's clip is empty).
- Running towards of a ledge or cliff and taunting as the player falls off will result in the taunt being interrupted, yet the player will finish the taunt animation. This will also occur if the player is knocked into the air while taunting.
- A player cannot perform a Kill taunt with this bug, as the taunt is interrupted and only the animation continues.
- If the server variable
is set to 1 or 2, the effects of lunchbox items are not applied to the player if they are activated by taunting, as the game automatically switches the player's weapons during the consumption animation instead of after the animation has completed. However, the item is considered "consumed" and the player must wait for it to recharge before using it again.- Using primary fire to consume such an item does not cause this to occur.
- It is sometimes possible to perform a Kill taunt while the player's model is facing the opposite direction. This can be done by quickly turning before performing a taunt; the player's model will be facing one direction, while the Kill taunt's effects occur in a different direction.
- If a taunt is done and the taunter is killed while performing it, the sounds and effects that are made may continue to play even if the player is dead.
Team Fortress 2 Beta
- The fix for dedicated servers running on FreeBSD doesn't work. [14]
Team Fortress 2 Lobby
- Users can leave at the very last second, meaning there aren't enough people to play, and with no way to retrieve a substitute.
Team Spirit Footprints (halloween spell)
- Any Halloween Paints preserved after their expiration date that are applied in-game do not vanish from the item.
Teddy Roosebelt
- The phong mask for the bear is incorrect. The creator had intended to make the phong weaker on the skin.
- Teddy Roosebelt will move out of its position while the player performs any taunt.
- If a teleporter exit is on a significantly sloped ground, any attempts to teleport will instead destroy the exit and leave the player on the entrance.
- Sometimes the teleporter circle effects are upright instead of flat on top of the teleporter.
- It is impossible to use an entrance that is underwater as the game will not see you as standing on top of it.
- When a level 3 teleporter becomes first active and a teammate or enemy Spy stands on the entrance, the teleporter attempts to teleport two times, until it succeeds at third try.
- Sometimes when a teleporter is placed in a tight corner of two walls, any player that uses the teleporter will travel through but be stuck at the exit.[15]
- In rare cases, the Teleporter will appear sideways when built. This glitch does not affect the teleporter in any way.
- Placing a Teleporter entrance at the top of a slope with the exit in the spot on the slope directly in front of it, so that the exit is beneath the entrance, the teleporting player will get stuck in the entrance and constantly teleport into the exit.
Tf zombie
- Direct Hit projectiles will not collide with the zombies, and instead simply pass through.
- Their ragdolls do not work correctly, as they simply stop once they lose all their health.
- Their hitboxes are incomplete, so they are immune to headshots, backstabs, and afterburn. They can however be killed with pure flame damage, and are targeted by Sentry Guns.
- They attack Spies, regardless of Cloak or disguise.
- They are unaffected by fall off, as well as all forms of crits.
- They will not target any player made buildings.
- The zombies are unaffected by any form of knockback.
- They are unaffected by taunt kills or taunt attacks.
- They only spawn around human players, and not bots.
- When firing, the muzzle flash may not be correctly displayed.
- The Tomislav's ambient occlusion bake is inconsistent with the model; the portion where the gun attaches to the barrel is inconsistent from where the AO bake shows the attachment's shadow should be.
Tournament Medal - ETF2L Highlander Tournament
- When this item is equipped upon the Spy, it visibly floats in front of his lapel.
- If a player is kicked from a server while waiting for a trade request, the timer at the home screen will show over 10,000 seconds.
- Stickybombs launched at a moving Train will be stuck in the air at the point where the Stickybomb and Train met, instead of moving along with the Train.
Training Mode
- In Spy training, the player is unable to switch to the Revolver at first. However, the player can switch to Revolver pressing quick-switch key. (default key 'Q')
- If the player destroys the Sentry Gun using Revolver, the game will say "Well done" and tell the player to backstab the targets. However, the targets will not appear.
- If the player goes to the spot that was previously indicated as cover from the Sentry Gun, then the game will tell the player to sap the already destroyed Sentry Gun, making this goal unobtainable and need to restart the training.
Treasure Hat
- The Treasure Hat sometimes has a visual glitch where the only visible texture is the gold lining of the chest and the rest of the hat has higher UV value with the texture.
- When changing styles of the Treasure Hat into the Bounty Hat coins still fall out of the treasure chest even though it is closed.
Triad Trinket
- Sometimes the item will appear half invisible.
- Sometimes, when a player's viewmode switches from first person to third person, such as when killed, the item will be inflated.
- Tux seemingly floats near the waist when equipped on Scout.
- It is possible to equip one of this item in both misc slots at the same time. If one of the Tuxes is unequipped, the other will be as well.
- On rare occasions the Übersaw will kill someone, but not charge up the Über meter.
Ullapool Caber
- The Ullapool Caber may sometimes appear detonated when it is not. This can occur after hitting a friendly building or the Resupply doors as they open. Additionally, switching to another weapon after detonating the Ullapool Caber may result in it appearing undetonated.
- When striking an enemy, the Ullapool Caber will sometimes not deliver the explosive damage. It still deals full explosion damage to the Demoman, but it only deals melee damage to the struck enemy. While the Caber appears broken after such an event has occurred, striking an object, wall, or enemy again causes a second explosion even without returning to a spawn cabinet.
- The weapon does not mini-crit when used with the Chargin' Targe or Splendid Screen.
- Attacking Pumpkin bombs does not explode the Ullapool Caber. However, the model will appear to have exploded.
- Killing yourself with the caber at the same time as being hit will show the kill icon as a caber instead of it saying you were finished off by the other person.
- While sticky jumping with the Ullapool Caber as your active weapon, Demoman may say lines which should normally be played when you strike someone.
Unarmed Combat
- The Unarmed Combat does not glow when crit-boosted.
- Assisted arm kills are not highlighted in the kill feed like other kills and assists.
- The weapon model, on rare occasions, will deform when it crits.
- This item's level does not show up in the backpack or loadout. This is because the item type is assigned to a text string that does not exist.
Upgrade Station
- Changing a weapon via loadout screen before walking up to the upgrade station, then buying a single upgrade, will prevent buying or selling any upgrades.
- The descriptions for the reload speed and firing rate upgrades are slightly misleading. Rather than making these actions a set percentage faster, they actually reduce the function time by the stated percentage. E.g. A weapon with a cumulative 60% faster reload time will reload in 40% of the normal time (i.e. 100% - 60%), not 62.5% (100% / 1.6).
- Occasionally, when on the Canteen charges page, clicking once on any upgrade's + sign will give the player two charges for the Canteen, at the same cost of purchasing one charge twice, though only one circle fills. The player will end up with those two charges upon clicking "accept", and the interface returns to the correct number of circles filled the next time the player goes to the kiosk.
VS Saxton Hale Mode
- When Saxton is defeated, depending on the version of VSH, his model may disappear and leave behind the ragdoll of the Soldier that Hale is played from.
- This is the same case with Vagineer, Horseless Headless Horsemann Junior, Christian Brutal Sniper and the Easter Bunny. They will leave an Engineer, Demoman, Sniper and Demoman ragdoll respectively.
- If a player uses the command explode in console to commit suicide, no gibs will appear.
- This is the same case with Vagineer, Horseless Headless Horsemann Junior, Christian Brutal Sniper and the Easter Bunny. They will leave an Engineer, Demoman, Sniper and Demoman ragdoll respectively.
- The Schadenfreude, Director's Vision, High Five, and Shred Alert taunts can be used by all of the boss characters, albeit without any facial movement.
- Occasionally, when a player's distance from Hale is too great to render him, the outline caused by the Sniper Rifle will stay in place instead of following Hale's position.
- Jarate is not immediately removed from Hale, but rather removed after a fifth of a second. Thus, Hale may take Mini-Crit damage for that small duration any time the Jarate effect is applied to him.
- When a boss scares an Engineer wearing the Hotrod, the mask flips down.
- If a player joins a VS Saxton Hale server and is fully in-game (e.g. at the MOTD) before a round starts but has not chosen a team or class, they may spawn in at any time during the round by selecting a team and class. This bug also occurs in Arena mode with the server variable tf_arena_use_queue 0.
- When a player is in Pyroland, the bosses' voices may or may not be pitch-shifted, or may be a combination of both states. This is not entirely unintentional.
- The class info displayed on spawn is outdated. According to the current developer, this will be rectified soon.
- If an attack is a critical hit or a mini-crit, the extra damage added on is not resisted for the proper 10% while healing and 75% during Über. More specifically:
- If an attack is a critical hit and is doing triple damage, only the original part of the damage (one-third) is resisted, resulting in a total resistance of only 3% while healing and 25% during Über.
- If an attack is a mini-crit and is doing 1.35x damage, the extra 35% damage is unresisted, resulting in a total resistance of only 7% while healing and 56% during Über.
- Being set on fire will cause the player to lose the team-colored overlay when under the effects of the ÜberCharge.
- This weapon does not glow when crit boosted.
- The backpack device always shows RED lights, regardless of the team in Mann Co. Store preview.
- If the Medic or his patient die during ÜberCharge, the shield will remain in the world for a few seconds.
Violent Violet Footprints (halloween spell)
- Any Halloween Paints preserved after their expiration date that are applied in-game do not vanish from the item.
Virus Doctor
- The model's VMT has a bug resulting in the whole hat being painted, rather than just the wires.
- If the Medic dies during an ÜberCharge, it is possible for the ÜberCharge meter to read 19% upon spawning. This is likely a rounding error, or the result of the charge being depleted slightly after it gets reduced to 20%.
Voodoo-Cursed Demoman Soul
- When the Bootlegger is equipped with the Voodoo-Cursed Demoman Soul, both feet wear shoes.
Voodoo-Cursed Heavy Soul
- When equipped with the Purity Fist, the Heavy's fingers disappear.
Voodoo-Cursed Sniper Soul
- Upon taunting with a melee weapon while wearing a hat that is not normally removed during the taunt, the Sniper will still take off the top part of his head. This can cause clipping issues.
Voodoo-Cursed Soul
- Currently, all Voodoo-Cursed Souls will not change the player's skin when the server has Halloween Mode enabled, thus, showing parts of the soul overlapping the original player model, however, this does not occur on Halloween or Full Moons.
Voodoo-Cursed Spy Soul
- When the Spy speaks with this item equipped, his balaclava animates, but his skull-face does not.
- Occasionally, eyes will show up in the eye-sockets and remain there until the game is restarted.
Wanga Prick
- Should the player die after switching Wanga Prick to the Knife, respawning may not be possible until they swap classes.
- Being auto-balanced or team-switched while holding Wanga Prick will cause the player to respawn with both the Disguise Kit and Wanga Prick equipped. Additionally, switching to the default Knife after switching teams once dead will result in the Disguise Kit being unavailable. These problems can be fixed upon death or accessing a Resupply locker.
- Backstabbing an Engineer while he is hauling a Building will result in the killfeed displaying the Building's destruction to the enemy team.
- Backstabbing the person you are disguised as while they are holding their melee will occasionally cause your disguise's world model to become Wanga Prick.
- If a Spy backstabs an enemy with the Wanga Prick while undisguised and in line of sight of a Sentry Gun, the sentry will continue to fire at the Spy until the line of sight is lost.
- Should the Wanga Prick be used to backstab an enemy who is then auto-balanced, the Spy will disguise as a friendly version of that class.
- Backstabbing a disguised Spy using the Wanga Prick will not grant the Spy achievement Counter Espionage.
- It is possible to carry the intelligence while disguised by acquiring it and backstabbing an enemy at the exact same time. [2]
- Skills that grant transparency, like the "Human Alliance's" Invisibility or the "Orcish Horde's" Wind Walker will not make the headwear, misc items, or Intelligence transparent, thus they will appear as normal.
- Sometimes weapons will not appear to be transparent in the first-person view, but in fact they are in the third-person view.
Warrior's Spirit
- For unknown reasons, the model for the Warrior's Spirit has very broken shadows. When brought out, the Heavy's shadow is reduced to a faint blur, and the map is covered in large black shadows that flicker rapidly as the Heavy moves, causing noticeable amounts of lag as the game tries to render them.
Well (Capture the Flag)
- Using the Sticky Jumper, players can launch themselves to the top barrier of the map allowing the player to be perched on top of the skybox. Also, a player can use this technique to leave the playing area of the map entirely.
What's in the Portal 2 Soundtrack Box?
- The Box does not lose its coloring when a paint tool or key is selected.
Whiskered Gentleman
- Some painted variants do not appear properly when exposed under certain lighting.
- Due to rounding, sometimes the amount of metal gained by a shot will be slightly less than the damage value displayed.
Wiki Cap
- When viewed in the class selection screen, the Sniper tips the Wiki Cap's brim off from the rest of the hat.
- The clip of the weapon sticks out of the gun after completing the reload animation until the player switches weapons.
- Despite being a Pistol, using this weapon does not count towards the achievement Gun Down.
- Because the Wingstick lacks team-colored yellow, on team BLU the wires attached to the item will not match the colors of the Engineer's power cord.
World Traveler's Hat
- The Earbuds' particle effect will override that of the World Traveler's Hat if worn together.
- Disguised Spies will sometimes wear a Bounty Hat instead of a World Traveler's Hat.
- Shield and laser effect issues:
- The laser emitted from the Sentry Gun while using the Wrangler may travel through some walls and occasionally move back and forth very quickly.
- Picking up a Wrangled Sentry will leave the Wrangler shield visual effect in place for a short time. Also, upon deploying the sentry and Wrangling it, the laser will emit from strange points, such as enemy Sentry Guns. This can be fixed by switching to another weapon then back to the Wrangler.
- Using a Wrangled Sentry while the Sentry is built on a moving platform will result in the shield being left behind when the platform and the Sentry move.
- There is currently a glitch which causes the targeting laser of the Sentry to be emitted from the eyes of allies when the player aims at them. This can make it somewhat harder to aim at enemies. The glitch is only present on the player's screen; no other players will see the effect.
- The Sentry Gun can retain the shield and laser effects even when the Wrangler is not the currently held weapon. It may still operate normally, without taking reduced damage, but may also retain the Wrangled behavior, including a functional shield, if the player builds the Sentry Gun and then changes his loadout to equip the Wrangler.
- The glitch persists upon the death of the Sentry Gun's owner, and can be fixed by switching to the Wrangler then switching away to another weapon.
- Using the Wrangler to kill enemies with Sentry Gun rockets will produce the level 3 Sentry Gun kill icon instead of that of the Wrangler.
- Once a Level 3 Sentry Gun is directed to fire rockets, it will not play the normal rocket reloading animation.
- If pointing the Sentry Gun at a far distance, the laser will appear to move rapidly away from the player's crosshair, but the Sentry Gun will still fire at the player's crosshair.
Wrap Assassin
- If a player is hit by a friendly Scout's ornament that was deflected by an enemy Pyro, he will take no damage, even though the bleed icon appears on his HUD.
- If a player changes teams with the weapon equipped while 'Waiting for Players' or in Setup time, the bauble will remain the previous team's color while the bat will change color to suit the current team.
- This item does not glow when crit-boosted.
- It is possible to launch the bauble through a thin wall by running at the wall, then launching it just before you reach the wall.
- With flipped viewmodels enabled, this weapon's robot head, of all types, will have its normals inverted, making it appear to be see through.
Your Eternal Reward
- Should the player die after switching Your Eternal Reward to the Knife, respawning may not be possible until they swap classes.
- Being auto-balanced or team-switched while holding Your Eternal Reward will cause the player to respawn with both the Disguise Kit and Your Eternal Reward equipped. Additionally, switching to the default Knife after switching teams once dead will result in the Disguise Kit being unavailable. These problems can be fixed upon death or accessing a Resupply locker.
- Backstabbing an Engineer while he is hauling a Building will result in the killfeed displaying the Building's destruction to the enemy team.
- Backstabbing the person you are disguised as while they are holding their melee will occasionally cause your disguise's world model to become Your Eternal Reward.
- If a Spy backstabs an enemy with the Your Eternal Reward while undisguised and in line of sight of a Sentry Gun, the sentry will continue to fire at the Spy until the line of sight is lost.
- Should Your Eternal Reward be used to backstab an enemy who is then auto-balanced, the Spy will disguise as a friendly version of that class.
- Certain problems exist with the weapon when using DirectX 8; enemy bodies do not fade away when backstabbed, and the weapon is visible when the Spy is cloaked.
- Backstabbing a disguised Spy using Your Eternal Reward will not give the Spy achievement Counter Espionage.
- Carrying the Intelligence while disguised can still be performed upon acquiring it and backstabbing at the exact same time.[16]
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