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{{User:General Cap/Table Of Contents: Header}}
| '''Demoman''':
| [[#Demomanhats|Hats]] {{md}} [[#Demomanmisc|Miscellaneous items]] {{md}} [[#Demomanprimary|Primary Weapons]] {{md}} [[#Demomansecondary|Secondary Weapons]] {{md}} [[#Demomanmelee|Melee Weapons]]
| '''Heavy''':
| [[#Heavyhats|Hats]] {{md}} [[#Heavymisc|Miscellaneous items]] {{md}} [[#Heavyprimary|Primary Weapons]] {{md}} [[#Heavysecondary|Secondary Weapons]] {{md}} [[#Heavymelee|Melee Weapons]]
| '''Engineer''':
| [[#Engineerhats|Hats]] {{md}} [[#Engineermisc|Miscellaneous items]] {{md}} [[#Engineerprimary|Primary Weapons]] {{md}} [[#Engineersecondary|Secondary Weapons]] {{md}} [[#Engineermelee|Melee Weapons]] {{md}} [[#Engineerpda|PDA Weapons]]
==Demoman Hats{{anchor|Demomanhats}}==
==Demoman Hats{{anchor|Demomanhats}}==

Latest revision as of 20:22, 27 July 2012

Page One: Offense Classes

Scout: Hats  ·  Miscellaneous items  ·  Primary Weapons  ·  Secondary Weapons  ·  Melee Weapons
Soldier: Hats  ·  Miscellaneous items  ·  Primary Weapons  ·  Secondary Weapons  ·  Melee Weapons
Pyro: Hats  ·  Miscellaneous items  ·  Primary Weapons  ·  Secondary Weapons  ·  Melee Weapons

Page Two: Defense Classes

Demoman: Hats  ·  Miscellaneous items  ·  Primary Weapons  ·  Secondary Weapons  ·  Melee Weapons
Heavy: Hats  ·  Miscellaneous items  ·  Primary Weapons  ·  Secondary Weapons  ·  Melee Weapons
Engineer: Hats  ·  Miscellaneous items  ·  Primary Weapons  ·  Secondary Weapons  ·  Melee Weapons  ·  PDA Weapons

Page Three: Support Classes

Medic: Hats  ·  Miscellaneous items  ·  Primary Weapons  ·  Secondary Weapons  ·  Melee Weapons
Sniper: Hats  ·  Miscellaneous items  ·  Primary Weapons  ·  Secondary Weapons  ·  Melee Weapons
Spy: Hats  ·  Miscellaneous items  ·  Primary Weapons  ·  Secondary Weapons  ·  Melee Weapons  ·  PDA Weapons  ·  PDA2 Weapons  ·  Buildings

Page Four: Usable Items

All-class: Hats  ·  Miscellaneous items  ·  Keys and Crates  ·  Item Customization  ·  Map Stamps

Demoman Hats

Main article: Hats

Demoman Miscellaneous

Main article: Miscellaneous items

Demoman Primary Weapons


Weapon Kill icon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Grenade Launcher
Grenade Launcher
Killicon grenade launcher.png 4 / 6 16 / 30 On direct hit:

Base: 100
Crit: 300

After bounce:

Base: 22–64
Crit: 190

Pictogram info.png Grenades have zero range falloff on a direct hit.

Pictogram info.png Grenades explode on contact with an enemy player or building, provided they have not bounced first.

Killicon loch-n-load.png 3 16 On direct hit:

Base: 100
Crit: 300

Pictogram info.png Grenades have zero range falloff on a direct hit.

Pictogram info.png Grenades explode only on contact with an enemy player or building.
Pictogram plus.png Deals 20% more damage vs buildings.
Pictogram plus.png Has 25% faster grenade travel speed.
Pictogram plus.png Grenades do not tumble when fired.
Pictogram minus.png -25% less clip size.
Pictogram minus.png -25% less explosion radius.
Pictogram minus.png Launched bombs shatter on surfaces.

Ali Baba's Wee Booties
Ali Baba's Wee Booties
N/A N/A N/A N/A Pictogram plus.png Increases maximum health by 25.

Pictogram plus.png Increases turning speed while charging by 200%.
Pictogram plus.png Melee kills refill 25% of your charge meter.
Pictogram plus.png +10% faster move speed on wearer with Chargin' Targe, Tide Turner or Splendid Screen.
Pictogram info.png Grants its abilities passively, does not need to be selected.

Loose Cannon
Loose Cannon
Killicon loose cannon.png 4 16 On direct hit:

Base: 30-50
Crit: 150

After bounce:

Base: 29-47
Crit: 90-140

Pictogram info.png Cannonballs have a fuse time of 1 second; fuses can be primed to explode earlier by holding down the fire key.

Pictogram info.png Holding down the fire key for too long will cause a misfire.
Pictogram plus.png Cannonballs push players back on impact.
Pictogram plus.png +20% faster projectile speed.
Pictogram plus.png Double-Donk: If a cannonball deals both impact and explosive damage to an enemy within half a second, explosive damage will be a mini-crit.
Pictogram minus.png Cannonballs do not explode on impact.
Pictogram minus.png Cannonballs must be charged for at least 0.10 seconds for Double-Donks.

Killicon loose cannon pushed.png
B.A.S.E. Jumper
B.A.S.E. Jumper
N/A N/A N/A N/A Pictogram info.png Allows player to activate a parachute whilst midair, slowing their descent.
Iron Bomber
Iron Bomber
Killicon iron bomber.png 4 16 On direct hit:

Base: 100
Crit: 300

After bounce:

Base: 29-47
Crit: 90-140

Pictogram info.png Grenades have zero range falloff on a direct hit.

Pictogram info.png Grenades explode on contact with an enemy player or building, provided they have not bounced first.
Pictogram plus.png Grenades have very little bounce and roll.
Pictogram plus.png Grenades explode 30% faster.
Pictogram minus.png -15% explosion radius.

Demoman Secondary Weapons


Weapon Kill icon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Stickybomb Launcher
Stickybomb Launcher
Killicon stickybomb launcher.png 8 24 Base: 103—138

Crit: 353

Pictogram info.png Primary fire launches the bombs, secondary fire (with any weapon deployed) makes all armed stickybombs explode at once. Holding primary fire launches the bomb farther.

Pictogram info.png Stickybombs stick to most surfaces and remain ready until the player either detonates them or dies.
Pictogram info.png Can lay up to 8 stickybombs at once.
Pictogram info.png Stickybombs may be attacked and destroyed with any bullet firing weapon, direct strike from a melee weapon, an enemy Scottish Resistance sticky, or an enemy Quickiebomb Launcher sticky detonating near it.

Chargin' Targe
Chargin' Targe
Killicon chargin' targe.png N/A N/A Full charge: 50
+ 5 per head (up to 5 heads)
Pictogram info.png Secondary fire (with any weapon deployed) makes the player charge forward at high speed in a straight line (turning is limited to very slight angles to the left or right). During the charge, the next melee swing is a guaranteed mini-crit at 25% charge or a critical hit at 60% charge. Any enemy hit by only the shield charge takes up to 50 damage (scales by distance), with additional damage based on the number of heads collected with the Eyelander, Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker or Nessie's Nine Iron.

Pictogram plus.png Charging removes debuffs.
Pictogram plus.png +50% resistance to fire damage.
Pictogram plus.png +30% resistance to explosive damage.
Pictogram info.png Grants its abilities passively, does not need to be selected.
Pictogram info.png Does not grant resistance to self-inflicted damage.

Scottish Resistance
Scottish Resistance
Killicon scottish resistance.png 8 36 Base: 103—138

Crit: 353

Pictogram info.png Primary fire launches the bombs, secondary fire (with any weapon deployed) makes all armed stickybombs under the crosshair, and directly under your feet, explode at once. Holding primary fire launches the bomb farther.

Pictogram info.png Stickybombs stick to most surfaces and remain ready until the player either detonates them or dies.
Pictogram info.png Stickies are visible through walls and any obstacle, and can be selectively detonated by aiming at them and pressing the secondary fire button.
Pictogram info.png Stickybombs may be attacked and destroyed with any bullet firing weapon, direct strike from a melee weapon, an enemy Scottish Resistance sticky, or an enemy Quickiebomb Launcher sticky detonating near it.
Pictogram plus.png Can destroy enemy stickies.
Pictogram plus.png +6 more stickybombs out at once (max is 14).
Pictogram plus.png +50% more ammo carried (max is 36).
Pictogram plus.png +25% faster firing speed.
Pictogram minus.png Stickybombs have 0.8 second longer priming time.

Sticky Jumper
Sticky Jumper
N/A 8 72 Base: 0

Crit: 0

Pictogram info.png Primary fire launches the bombs, secondary fire (with any weapon deployed) makes all armed stickybombs explode at once. Holding primary fire launches the bomb farther.

Pictogram info.png Stickybombs stick to most surfaces and remain ready until the player either detonates them or dies.
Pictogram info.png Stickybombs may be attacked and destroyed with any bullet firing weapon, direct strike from a melee weapon, or an enemy Scottish Resistance sticky, or an enemy Quickiebomb Launcher sticky detonating near it.
Pictogram plus.png +200% max secondary ammo.(max is 72)
Pictogram plus.png No self inflicted blast damage taken.
Pictogram minus.png -100% damage penalty.
Pictogram minus.png Unable to carry the intelligence and the PASS Time JACK.
Pictogram minus.png -6 stickybombs out.(max is 2)
Pictogram info.png No random critical hits (purely cosmetic, as they don't inflict any damage either).

Splendid Screen
Splendid Screen
Killicon splendid screen.png N/A N/A Full charge: 85
+ 8.5 per head (up to 5 heads)
Pictogram info.png Secondary fire (with any weapon deployed) makes the player charge forward at high speed in a straight line (turning is limited to very slight angles to the left or right). During the charge, the next melee swing is a guaranteed mini-crit at 25% charge or a critical hit at 60% charge. Any enemy hit by only the shield charge takes up to 85 damage (scales by distance), with additional damage based on the number of heads collected with the Eyelander, Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker or Nessie's Nine Iron.

Pictogram plus.png Charging removes debuffs.
Pictogram plus.png +20% resistance to fire damage.
Pictogram plus.png +20% resistance to explosive damage.
Pictogram plus.png +70% more charge impact damage.
Pictogram plus.png +50% charge recharge rate.
Pictogram info.png Grants its abilities passively, does not need to be selected.
Pictogram info.png Does not grant resistance to self-inflicted damage.

Tide Turner
Tide Turner
Killicon tide turner.png N/A N/A Full charge: 50
+ 5 per head (up to 5 heads)
Pictogram info.png Secondary fire (with any weapon deployed) makes the player charge forward at high speed in a straight line. During the charge, the next melee swing is a guaranteed mini-crit at 25% charge. Any enemy hit by only the shield charge takes up to 50 damage (scales by distance), with additional damage based on the number of heads collected with the Eyelander, Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker or Nessie's Nine Iron.

Pictogram plus.png Charging removes debuffs.
Pictogram plus.png +15% resistance to fire damage.
Pictogram plus.png +15% resistance to explosive damage.
Pictogram plus.png Full turning control while charging.
Pictogram plus.png Melee kills refill 75% of charge meter.
Pictogram minus.png Taking damage while shield charging reduces charge time.
Pictogram info.png Grants its abilities passively, does not need to be selected.
Pictogram info.png Does not grant resistance to self-inflicted damage.

Quickiebomb Launcher
Quickiebomb Launcher
Killicon quickiebomb launcher.png 4 24 Base: 88-117/109-147

Crit: 300/375

Pictogram info.png Primary fire launches the bombs, secondary fire (with any weapon deployed) makes all armed stickybombs explode at once. Holding primary fire launches the bomb farther.

Pictogram info.png Stickybombs stick to most surfaces and remain ready until the player either detonates them or dies.
Pictogram info.png Stickybombs may be attacked and destroyed with any bullet firing weapon, direct strike from a melee weapon, or an enemy Scottish Resistance sticky, or an enemy Quickiebomb Launcher sticky detonating near it.
Pictogram info.png Can lay up to 8 stickybombs at a time.
Pictogram plus.png Able to destroy enemy stickybombs.
Pictogram plus.png -0.2 sec faster bomb arm time.
Pictogram plus.png Max charge time decreased by 70%.
Pictogram plus.png Up to +35% damage based on charge.
Pictogram minus.png -15% damage penalty.
Pictogram minus.png -50% clip size.

Demoman Melee Weapons


Weapon Kill icon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Killicon bottle.png N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

Scottish Handshake
Scottish Handshake
Killicon scottish handshake.png
Frying Pan
Frying Pan
Killicon frying pan.png
Conscientious Objector
Conscientious Objector
Killicon conscientious objector.png
Freedom Staff
Promotional / Craft
Freedom Staff
Killicon freedom staff.png
Bat Outta Hell
Bat Outta Hell
Killicon bat outta hell.png
Memory Maker
Memory Maker
Killicon memory maker.png
Ham Shank
Ham Shank
Killicon ham shank.png
Necro Smasher
Necro Smasher
Killicon necro smasher.png
Crossing Guard
Crossing Guard
Killicon crossing guard.png
Prinny Machete
Prinny Machete
Killicon prinny machete.png
Killicon saxxy.png Limited item from the Replay Update.

Pictogram info.png Killed enemies freeze into solid Australium statues (purely cosmetic feature).

Golden Frying Pan
Golden Frying Pan
Killicon golden frying pan.png Limited item from the Two Cities Update.

Pictogram info.png Killed enemies freeze into solid Australium statues (purely cosmetic feature).

Killicon eyelander.png N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

Pictogram plus.png Has 50% longer melee range.

Pictogram plus.png Every killing blow decapitates the enemy, increasing its head counter. Every head taken raises user's speed (7.5%) and health points (15) to a maximum of 4 times.

Pictogram plus.png If a shield is equipped, every head taken raises shield damage by 5 to a maximum of 5 times.

Pictogram plus.png If you kill an enemy that has the Eyelander, any of its reskins, the Bazaar Bargain, or the Air Strike equipped, you steal their heads (or kills).
Pictogram minus.png Upon death: heads, and their bonuses, reset.
Pictogram minus.png 75% slower deploy and holster time.
Pictogram minus.png Lowers maximum health by 25 points.
Pictogram minus.png No random Critical hits.

Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker
Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker
Killicon horseless headless horsemann's headtaker.png
Nessie's Nine Iron
Nessie's Nine Iron
Killicon nessie's nine iron.png
Pain Train
Pain Train
Killicon pain train.png N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

Pictogram plus.png Increases user's capture rate by 1 for points and carts.

Pictogram minus.png Raises bullet vulnerability by 10%.

Scotsman's Skullcutter
Scotsman's Skullcutter
Killicon scotsman's skullcutter.png N/A N/A Base: 78

Crit: 234

Pictogram plus.png Has 50% longer melee range.

Pictogram plus.png Deals 20% more damage.
Pictogram minus.png 75% slower deploy and holster time.
Pictogram minus.png Lowers speed by 15% when active.

Claidheamh Mòr
Claidheamh Mòr
Killicon claidheamh mòr.png N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

Pictogram plus.png Has 50% longer melee range.

Pictogram plus.png Melee kills refill 25% of your charge meter.
Pictogram plus.png 0.5 sec increase in charge duration.
Pictogram minus.png 75% slower deploy and holster time.
Pictogram minus.png No random Critical hits.
Pictogram minus.png +15% damage vulnerability while active.

Ullapool Caber
Ullapool Caber
Killicon ullapool caber.png N/A N/A Base: 55 + 75

Crit: 165 + 225

Pictogram info.png The initial hit against an enemy or a solid object triggers an explosion that damages the user, who will also be propelled in the air, and every enemy standing in the explosion radius.

Pictogram minus.png Deals only melee damage if the head is destroyed.
Pictogram minus.png 20% attack speed penalty.
Pictogram minus.png No random Critical hits.
Pictogram minus.png 100% slower switch-to speed.

Killicon ullapool caber explode.png
Promotional / Craft
Killicon half-zatoichi.png N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

Pictogram plus.png Has 50% longer melee range.

Pictogram plus.png On kill: heals you 50% base health.
Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits.
Pictogram minus.png 75% slower deploy and holster time.
Pictogram minus.png This weapon is Honorbound and once drawn will be holstered for -50 HP unless it kills.
Pictogram info.png A single successful hit will kill an enemy wielding the same weapon.

Persian Persuader
Persian Persuader
Killicon persian persuader.png N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

Pictogram plus.png Has 50% longer melee range.

Pictogram plus.png Ammo can recharge charge.
Pictogram plus.png On Hit: +20% charge refilled.
Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits.
Pictogram minus.png -80% max primary & secondary ammo.
Pictogram minus.png Cannot refill ammo from ammo boxes unless charge meter is full.
Pictogram minus.png 75% slower deploy and holster time.

Heavy Hats

Main article: Hats

Heavy Miscellaneous

Main article: Miscellaneous items

Template:Heavy class hat table

Heavy Primary Weapons


Weapon Kill icon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Killicon minigun.png 200 N/A Base: 9

Crit: 27

[40 rounds / sec.]

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire spins-up the barrel without firing.

Pictogram info.png Fires 4 bullets per unit of ammo used.

Iron Curtain
Iron Curtain
Killicon iron curtain.png
Killicon natascha.png 200 N/A Base: 6.75

Crit: 20.25

[40 rounds / sec.]

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire spins-up the barrel without firing.

Pictogram info.png Fires 4 bullets per unit of ammo used.
Pictogram plus.png On hit: slows down enemy players.

Pictogram info.png Slowdown-on-hit effect is reduced over distance.

Pictogram plus.png +20% damage resistance when spun up and health is less than 50% of max.
Pictogram minus.png Deals 25% less damage.
Pictogram minus.png 30% longer spin-up time.

Brass Beast
Brass Beast
Killicon brass beast.png 200 N/A Base: 10.8

Crit: 32.4

[40 rounds / sec.]

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire spins-up the barrel without firing.

Pictogram info.png Fires 4 bullets per unit of ammo used.
Pictogram plus.png +20% damage bonus.
Pictogram plus.png 20% damage resistance when spun up and health is less than 50% of max.
Pictogram minus.png 50% slower spin up time.
Pictogram minus.png 60% slower move speed when deployed.

Killicon tomislav.png 200 N/A Base: 9

Crit: 27

[33 rounds / sec.]

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire deploys the barrel without firing.

Pictogram info.png Fires 4 bullets per unit of ammo used.
Pictogram plus.png 20% faster spin up time.
Pictogram plus.png 20% more accurate.
Pictogram plus.png Silent Killer: No spin-up sound.
Pictogram minus.png 20% slower firing speed.

Huo-Long Heater
Promotional / Craft
Huo-Long Heater
Killicon huo-long heater.png 200 N/A Base: 8.1

Crit: 24.3

[40 rounds / sec.]
8 / sec. × 7.5 secs.

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire deploys the barrel without firing.

Pictogram info.png Fires 4 bullets per unit of ammo used.
Pictogram plus.png Create a ring of flames while spun up.
Pictogram plus.png 25% more damage against burning players.
Pictogram minus.png Deals 10% less damage.
Pictogram minus.png Consumes an additional 4 ammo per second while spun up.

Heavy Secondary Weapons


Weapon Kill icon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Killicon shotgun.png 6 32 Base: 60

Crit: 180

[6 damage × 10 pellets]

N/A 1 N/A Pictogram info.png With primary fire or taunt key, restores 300 health over about 4 seconds.

Pictogram info.png With secondary fire, throws it for another player to restore 50% health.
Pictogram info.png When thrown and then picked up, restores recharge bar.
Pictogram info.png If injured, after use it must recharge (over about 25.7 seconds or with any health pickup when at full health) to be used again.
Pictogram info.png If your health is full, collecting any health pickup will completely fill the recharge bar.

Dalokohs Bar
Dalokohs Bar
N/A 1 N/A Pictogram info.png With primary fire or taunt key, restores 100 health over about 4 seconds

Pictogram info.png With secondary fire, throws it for another player to restore 20.5% health.
Pictogram info.png When thrown and then picked up, restores recharge bar.
Pictogram info.png Raises maximum health by 50 points for 30 seconds.
Pictogram info.png If injured, after use it must recharge (over about 10 seconds) to be used again.
Pictogram info.png If your health is full, collecting any health pickup will completely fill the recharge bar.
Pictogram plus.png If used when player is at full health, grants 50 points of overheal.

Buffalo Steak Sandvich
Buffalo Steak Sandvich
N/A 1 N/A Pictogram info.png While under effect:
Pictogram plus.png All damage dealt is Mini-Crits.
Pictogram plus.png  Grants 30% faster movement.
Pictogram minus.png  Player can only use melee weapons.
Pictogram minus.png  Damage taken is increased by 20%.

Pictogram info.png Effects last for 16 seconds.
Pictogram info.png With secondary fire, throws it for another player to restore 50% health.
Pictogram info.png When thrown and then picked up, restores recharge bar.
Pictogram info.png After use it must recharge (over about 25.7 seconds or with any health pickup when at full health) to be used again.
Pictogram info.png If your health is full, collecting any health pickup will completely fill the recharge bar.

Family Business
Family Business
Killicon family business.png 8 32 Base: 51

Crit: 153

[5.1 damage × 10 pellets]

Pictogram plus.png +33% clip size.

Pictogram plus.png +15% increased attack speed.
Pictogram minus.png -15% damage done.

Panic Attack
Panic Attack
Killicon panic attack.png 6 32 Base: 72

Crit: 216

[4.8 damage × 15 pellets]

Pictogram plus.png +50% bullets per shot.

Pictogram plus.png +50% faster weapon deploy time.
Pictogram plus.png Fires a fixed shot pattern.
Pictogram minus.png -20% damage penalty.
Pictogram minus.png Successive shots become less accurate.

Second Banana
Second Banana
N/A 1 N/A Pictogram info.png With primary fire or taunt key, restores 200 health over about 4 seconds

Pictogram info.png With secondary fire, throws it for another player to restore 20.5% health.
Pictogram info.png When thrown and then picked up, restores recharge bar.
Pictogram info.png If injured, after use it must recharge (over about 10 seconds) to be used again.
Pictogram info.png If your health is full, collecting any health pickup will completely fill the recharge bar.

Heavy Melee Weapons

Template:Class weapons table heavy melee

Engineer Hats

Main article: Hats

Template:Engineer class hat table

Engineer MiscellaneousTemplate:Anchor

Template:Main Template:Engineer class hat table

Engineer Primary WeaponsTemplate:Anchor

Template:Class weapons table engineer primary

Engineer Secondary WeaponsTemplate:Anchor

Template:Class weapons table engineer secondary

Engineer Melee WeaponsTemplate:Anchor

Template:Class weapons table engineer melee