Difference between revisions of "PASS Time/zh-hant"
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==== 傑克球的進階操控 ==== | ==== 傑克球的進階操控 ==== | ||
− | + | 各職業可以選擇在近戰武器不能接觸的一定距離之內有利於操控傑克球的主要武器和次要武器。一些武器只能做到將傑克球從運球者的手上推出去,而另外的一些武器卻能做到操控運球者手上的傑克球被拋出去的方向。傑克球的進階操控包括:在遠超出近戰武器攻擊範圍的距離撿起傑克球;在敵人的必殺區域內取回傑克球;在傑克球離自己相隔一段距離並無法撿起它的情況下將它推向隊員或在敵人面前推離它,抑或在傑克球重置機制啟動之前將它推向一個更為安全的位置。 | |
− | * [[Hitscan| | + | * [[Hitscan/zh-hant|子彈]]擊中傑克球時可以即時將它推走,就像它們會即時對子彈彈道內的玩家造成傷害一樣。這種效果同樣適用於在攻擊範圍之內的[[Short Circuit/zh-hant|脈衝電場放射儀]]。一些其它的投射物(如偵察兵的投射物)擊中傑克球時也會有著相似的效果,但是某些投射物卻沒有這樣的擊退效果。 |
− | * [[ | + | * 爆炸的火箭、榴彈、黏彈或是[[Scorch Shot/zh-hant|灼熱信號槍]]的投射物造成的[[Explosions/zh-hant|爆破]]可以使傑克球發生移動。玩家可以通過操控武器爆破的位置來操控傑克球移動的方向。 |
− | ** | + | ** 只有在這些爆破[[Projectiles/zh-hant|投射物]]擊中傑克球後在地面上產生爆破時才會使傑克球發生移動(如[[Scorch Shot/zh-hant|灼熱信號槍]])。 |
− | * [[Compression blast]] | + | * [[Compression blast/zh-hant|壓縮氣爆]]可以移動傑克球:然而,傑克球會「跟隨」準心所指的方向移動,恰恰與產生爆破時的發生移動方向相反。 |
* 投射物直接擊中傑克球可以將它推出去。 | * 投射物直接擊中傑克球可以將它推出去。 | ||
** [[Flying Guillotine/zh-hant|斷頭血刃]]、[[Mad Milk/zh-hant|瘋狂牛奶]]以及[[Jarate/zh-hant|瓶手道]]在擊中傑克球時都可以將它推出去。 | ** [[Flying Guillotine/zh-hant|斷頭血刃]]、[[Mad Milk/zh-hant|瘋狂牛奶]]以及[[Jarate/zh-hant|瓶手道]]在擊中傑克球時都可以將它推出去。 | ||
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* 正在讓任何一把[[Minigun/zh-hant|機槍(主要武器)]]運轉的重裝兵; | * 正在讓任何一把[[Minigun/zh-hant|機槍(主要武器)]]運轉的重裝兵; | ||
* 喝下了 [[Bonk!/zh-hant|Bonk!]] 的偵察兵; | * 喝下了 [[Bonk!/zh-hant|Bonk!]] 的偵察兵; | ||
− | * 正在進行[[Taunts/zh-hant | + | * 正在進行[[Taunts/zh-hant|嘲諷]]的任何職業。 |
==== 用腳運球 ==== | ==== 用腳運球 ==== |
Revision as of 16:35, 8 September 2017
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“ | 殺時間模式結合了《絕地要塞 2》裡最常見的快節奏血腥運動和現實中快節奏的足球、曲棍球以及籃球運動。
— 殺時間模式宣傳文
” |
殺時間模式(PASS Time)是一個由 Bad Robot、Escalation Studios 和 Valve 創作的、於2015年8月18日隨著測試地圖 Warehouse 一同釋出的遊戲模式。殺時間模式於2016年7月7日釋出的尋找配對更新成為官方遊戲模式之一,同時測試地圖 Warehouse 也重命名為 Brickyard 。
當前所有的殺時間模式地圖其結構都是成對稱形態的。在這個遊戲模式中,通常靠近地圖中心位置的開球點會生成一個中立的名叫傑克的球。玩家需要拿起這個球,並將它成功地拋進敵方的龍門。預設中 5 個進球是進球數量的上限,只要其中一隊在時間限制到達前他們的進球數量達到上限,這個隊伍就會獲勝。否則,當在時間限制到達時兩隊進球數量都未達到上限,就將由進球數量較多的一方獲勝。
運球者擁有可以透過墻壁看到場上所有玩家位置的能力。當一位玩家(通過近戰武器攻擊)偷走或攔下敵人持有的傑克球時 ,傑克球會給這位新的運球者提供短時間內移動速度加成、甚至是無敵的獎勵。無敵加成過後,倘若運球者附近沒有隊員,他會受到短暫的死亡標記;倘若運球者附近有隊員,他則不會受到死亡標記。所有運球者附近的隊友在運球者得到短時間內移動速度加成時同樣也會獲得速度加成。此外,運球者附近的隊員也會得到生命值的回復。
在殺時間模式地圖裡面,兩隊都有各自三個龍門:拋球龍門(Throw-In Goal)、運球龍門(Run-In Goal)和搶分龍門(Bonus Goal)。兩隊的龍門位於地圖上屬於各自的一側,並且只有可能被各自的敵人進球得分:換句話來說,一名紅隊的玩家是不可能將球拋進紅隊龍門的。
搶分龍門就像拋球龍門一樣,是一個具有團隊色彩的球洞,玩家需要將傑克球拋進龍門裡面從而進球得分。一般地,搶分龍門位於高處的墻面上,並且一般都需要透過跳板(Jump pad)才能接觸到它。搶分龍門與拋球龍門不同之處在於,通過搶分龍門進球隊伍可以獲得 3 分,並且只有在傑克球能量(JACK Power Meter)蓄滿之後,搶分龍門才會開放。
將運球龍門比作橄欖球運動裡的「触地區」(Touchdown zone)、將拋球龍門比作「曲棍球門」(Hockey goal)、將搶分龍門比作「籃筐」(Basketball hoop)會更有利於理解這三個龍門的作用。
將傑克球傳給隊員可以補充傑克球能量(JACK Power Meter),螢幕上方的抬頭顯示器會顯示傑克球能量條。只有在能量條充滿的情況下搶分龍門才會開放,讓隊伍獲得一次性得到 3 分的機會。假如傑克球被敵隊取得,傑克球能量不會重置,這表示隊伍可以使用敵隊累積起來的傑克球能量去開放搶分龍門並進球得分。在搶分龍門進球之後,或者在傑克球掉落在地上一段時間並重新生成新的傑克球之後,傑克球能量都會重置為零。傑克球能量也會在過一段時間後逐漸冷卻。
- 子彈擊中傑克球時可以即時將它推走,就像它們會即時對子彈彈道內的玩家造成傷害一樣。這種效果同樣適用於在攻擊範圍之內的脈衝電場放射儀。一些其它的投射物(如偵察兵的投射物)擊中傑克球時也會有著相似的效果,但是某些投射物卻沒有這樣的擊退效果。
- 爆炸的火箭、榴彈、黏彈或是灼熱信號槍的投射物造成的爆破可以使傑克球發生移動。玩家可以通過操控武器爆破的位置來操控傑克球移動的方向。
- 壓縮氣爆可以移動傑克球:然而,傑克球會「跟隨」準心所指的方向移動,恰恰與產生爆破時的發生移動方向相反。
- 投射物直接擊中傑克球可以將它推出去。
- 擊中傑克球的聖十字弩弓針筒會消失;
- 爆破信號槍;
- 信號槍;
- 擊中傑克球的強化組合弓和獵人長弓弓箭會粉碎掉;
- 正義狂牛;
- 火箭跳躍者;
- 黏彈跳躍者 (儘管黏彈直接擊中傑克球會使它移位);
- 除壓縮氣爆以外,使用火焰兵的任何一把火焰發射器(主要武器)都不會對傑克球產生任何的特殊效果。
- 搬運建築物的工程師;
- 裝備火箭跳躍者的火箭兵;
- 裝備黏彈跳躍者的爆破兵;
- 正在使用任何隱形手錶的間諜;
- 正在使用偽裝工具偽裝的間諜;
- 正在讓任何一把機槍(主要武器)運轉的重裝兵;
- 喝下了 Bonk! 的偵察兵;
- 正在進行嘲諷的任何職業。
在上述不能撿起傑克球的情況下,玩家可以嘗試用腳推球或運球。雖然總體效果比起運球更微弱,但是眾多職業中爆破兵似乎有著最強的用腳運球技術。而喝下了 Bonk! 的偵察兵踢起傑克球來通常比其他職業有著更快的速度。
- 當玩家正在進行嘲諷時無法撿起傑克球。
- 當玩家攜帶傑克球時不能進行某些特殊嘲諷(如神風特攻隊和末日毀滅之火),而其它嘲諷則是允許的。
- 運球者做出嘲諷時傑克球會掉落在地上。
- 假如有一名未偽裝的間諜在拿出偽裝工具的時候撿起傑克球,會有一個很小的機會做出「傑克球消失啦」嘲諷(傑克球不會掉落在地上)。
- 玩家在進行康加舞嘲諷時可以踢傑克球。
地圖名稱 | 圖片 | 檔案名稱 |
Brickyard | pass_brickyard
| |
District | pass_district
| |
Timberlodge | pass_timbertown
殺時間模式有著與這個模式相關的 2 個成就。
- 在攜帶傑克球的情況下,使用已裝填的背水散彈槍時仍可以開火。但是不能在攜帶傑克球的情況下裝填子彈。
- 在攜帶傑克球的情況下,使用已裝填的街友火箭炮時仍可以發射火箭。但是不能在這種情況下裝填火箭。
- 假如運球者在其他隊員的附近自殺,他們會得到永久的移動速度加成獎勵。
- 將新遊戲模式「殺時間模式」新增至《絕地要塞 2 測試版》中。
2015年8月18日更新 #2
- 修正一個導致當機的錯誤,這個錯誤與抬頭顯示器有關。
- 修正小暴擊會導致傑克球於遊戲中消失的問題。
- Fixed players being able to pick-up the Jack while they have weapons deployed that cannot be holstered.
2015年8月18日更新 #3
- Fixed a PASS Time sound bug related to carrying the Jack.
- Fixed disguised Spies not having a shield drawn for them in the HUD
- Fixed players being able to carry the jack while taunting (fixes an exploit with The Eureka Effect)
- Fixed being able to 'inspect' the jack while players are carrying it
- Fixed capturing the jack not incrementing Scout contract points
- Fixed scoring in your own goal if you change teams while the jack is in flight
- Fixed disguised and cloaked enemy Spies having a shield drawn for them in the HUD
- Fixed players sometimes not being able to throw the jack
- Fixed another case where players could teleport the jack with The Eureka Effect
- Fixed The Dead Ringer making it impossible to throw the jack or deactivate the Dead Ringer
- All global special abilities that are activated with alt-fire are now available while carrying the jack, unless you're actively aiming the jack
- Unlocked console variables for community servers to experiment with without requiring sv_cheats
- Fixed Scouts being able to pick up the jack while drinking
- Fixed disguised Spies being able to carry the jack in some situations
- Made weapon switch faster after throwing the jack
- Fixed not getting a speed boost if you score and then get the jack after it respawns
- Fixed a crash if mp_tournament was enabled and someone scored during pre-game
- Improved the way blocking works
- Fixed being able to cancel enemy taunts by hitting them with the ball
- Fixed seeing a phantom jack in your hand if you threw the jack and couldn't switch back to your previous weapon (jars, cleavers, etc.)
- If the jack is neutral for too long, it will automatically respawn
- If a player holds the jack for too long, teammates can steal the jack from that player
- Catching and intercepting a tossed jack is slightly easier
- Demoman can no longer charge or detonate while holding the jack
- Enabled melee-only for sudden death mode
- Rounds will continue after the timer expires until the jack becomes neutral or someone scores
- The jack will heal its carrier to full health
- Added
for testing unstable features - Unstable features
- Attack, defense, and support classes have different throwing arcs (
) - The jack inherits some of the thrower's velocity (
- Attack, defense, and support classes have different throwing arcs (
- Added an alternate version of
- Instead of scoring by throwing the jack into the goal, players need to carry the jack into the goal
- Trying out some new sounds
- Catching and intercepting a tossed jack is slightly easier
- Added convar
- Fixed an issue that prevented disguised Spies from receiving a pass from enemies
- Fixed a bug that allowed overloadable weapons to continue reloading while carrying the jack
- Fixed an issue that awarded a point to the wrong team during team switch
- Fixed an issue that prevented automatic jack respawn from working in some cases
- Fixed a wrong texture on goal visualizers
- Fixed pass lock sound not playing for the targeted player
- The announcer now says "overtime" at the appropriate time
- Updated
- Removed jump pads from the second floor of the warehouse
- Added more spectator cameras
- Added lateral jump pads to the middle arena
2015年10月28日更新 (Scream Fortress 2015)
- Fixed viewmodel/worldmodel when
is set - Added convar:
- Added entity:
- Updated PASS Time to fix not seeing the Halloween version of the Jack while it's being carried by a player
- Each class now has slightly different throwing power and arc
- During Overtime, the round doesn't end until the jack has been neutral for a few seconds (
) - All available enemy goals will show a reticle on the HUD while carrying the jack
- Added max pass range parameter to
- Jack won't automatically respawn unless it's been picked up at least once
- New map:
- Fixed a dedicated server crash related to dropped weapons and the jack in PASS Time mode.
- Experimenting with new HUD elements and art.
- Experimenting with new viewmodel animations.
- New testing feature '
' that shares pass, steal, and intercept bonuses with the whole team.
- Fixed workshop maps not loading correctly.
- Fixed being able to get inside jump pads.
- Removed Sandman long-distance steal.
- Added experimental cvars for playtesting.
2016年6月22日更新 #2
- Fixed PASS Time game mode showing up in the wrong quickplay UI categories.
2016年7月7日更新 #1 (Meet Your Match Update)
- PASS Time update
- No longer in Beta!
- New Items Available
- An Early Participation Pin will be awarded to everyone who played PASS Time during beta
- Two new achievements with item rewards
- Tune Merasmus's Multi-Dimensional Television
- Jackpot!
- Map Changes
- All maps are tweaked, polished, and out of beta
- Renamed
- Renamed
- Added a new city-themed map,
- An updated
for level designers will be released on http://www.escalation.com/news
- Game Mode Changes
- Changed the score limit from 3 to 5
- Tweaked various JACK throwing parameters
- Pack Running
- The JACK no longer heals the player carrying it
- A player carrying the JACK with no nearby teammates is marked for death
- Teammates near a player holding the JACK will be slowly healed, and can run as fast as the fastest nearby teammate
- JACK Power
- Passing the JACK increases a power meter
- The power meter will decay over time
- Filling the power meter unlocks a special goal worth extra points
- Art Changes
- New view model animations
- The HUD provides more information about goal type and status
- Player pips for Spies will reflect cloak and disguise status
- Misc Details
- Added cvar
- Added
entity that can be used to enable the glow effect on any entity - Updated
FGD entry to hide unimplemented features, temporarily - Spawnflag added to
to indicate to the HUD that a goal is unlocked by JACK power
- Added cvar
- Fixed the Jackpot! PASS Time achievement not tracking wins.
2016年7月14日更新 #1
- Updated several HUD materials to support mat_picmip
- Fixed seeing the wrong cap limit in the win panel
- Fixed achievement items (e.g. Civilian Grade JACK Hat) not cloaking with the Spy.
- Tweaks and fixes for all maps.
- Fix pack speed not being updated sometimes.
- Aiming players will no longer receive pack speed bonus.
- Some adjustments to reduce average round length.
- Overtime will end immediately if the winning team touches the ball.
- Overtime won't happen if it's impossible for the losing team to win.
- Updated PASS Time view model positions to support using FOV 70
- Fixed players being able to pick-up the PASS Time jack while they are stunned.
- Fixed PASS Time exploit related to bonus points.