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Revision as of 06:32, 1 December 2010
![]() | Denne siden er i ferd med å bli oversatt til norsk. Hvis du snakker norsk, post på diskusjonssiden eller snakk med de som har bidratt til siden ( ved å se på sidens historie). |
Demoman | |
https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/e/ec/Demoman_RED_3D.jpg?1701879328.7142653640,276,280,1,0,277,57,126,275,69,255,272,69,397,268,69,546,267,69,708,269,73,890,270,81,1079,269,92,1263,268,106,1428,267,106,1581,264,101,1720,261,97,1840,258,96,1949,254,86,2069,250,74,2201,248,64,2343,249,57,2489,254,49,2636,259,29,2795,265,13,2958,270,2,3123,274,0,3295,277,7,3464,278,27https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/9/9d/Demoman_BLU_3D.jpg?1701879407.3076783640,276,280,1,0,277,57,126,275,69,255,272,69,397,268,69,546,267,69,708,269,73,890,270,81,1079,269,92,1263,268,106,1428,267,106,1581,264,101,1720,261,97,1840,258,96,1949,254,86,2069,250,74,2201,248,64,2343,249,57,2489,254,49,2636,259,29,2795,265,13,2958,270,2,3123,274,0,3295,277,7,3464,278,27https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/1/19/Demoman_%C3%9CberCharged_RED_3D.jpg?1701879498.5408563640,276,280,1,0,277,57,126,275,69,255,272,69,397,268,69,546,267,69,708,269,73,890,270,81,1079,269,92,1263,268,106,1428,267,106,1581,264,101,1720,261,97,1840,258,96,1949,254,86,2069,250,74,2201,248,64,2343,249,57,2489,254,49,2636,259,29,2795,265,13,2958,270,2,3123,274,0,3295,277,7,3464,278,27https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/d/dc/Demoman_%C3%9CberCharged_BLU_3D.jpg?1701879655.225733640,276,280,1,0,277,57,126,275,69,255,272,69,397,268,69,546,267,69,708,269,73,890,270,81,1079,269,92,1263,268,106,1428,267,106,1581,264,101,1720,261,97,1840,258,96,1949,254,86,2069,250,74,2201,248,64,2343,249,57,2489,254,49,2636,259,29,2795,265,13,2958,270,2,3123,274,0,3295,277,7,3464,278,27 | |
Generell informasjon | |
Symbol: | 40px |
Type: | Defensive |
Helse: | 175 / 260 150 / 225 with the Eyelander equipped 225 / 335 with the Eyelander fully charged |
Fart: | 93% 79% with the Scotsman's Skullcutter equipped 123% with the Eyelander fully charged |
Meet the Demoman | |
![]() |
“ | One crossed wire, one wayward pinch of potassium chlorate, one errant twitch...and kablooie!
Klikk for å lytte
— The Demoman on occupational hazards
” |
Den alkohol-gurglende, monster-plagende sprengningseksperten fra det Skotske-høylandet, Demoman (virkelig navn Tavish DeGroot) er en av de mer allsidige medlemmene av laget. Selv om våpnene hans mangler 100% nøyaktighet over lengre avstander, er Demoman allikevel en kraftfull, og kanskje noe uforutsigbar, del av laget og kan håndtere så og si nesten enhver situasjon. Han er en mester av eksplosiver og utmerker seg i indirekte, mellom-rekkevidde kamp. Med sin Granat kaster og Klisterbombekaster, bruker Demoman sitt ene gode øye og kunnskap om sin omgivelser for velberegnete detonasjoner som sender fiendene til himmels, ofte i flere deler.
Demoman, som hans navn insinuerer, utmerker seg for rask demontering av fiendtlige Engineers utstyr, ved å sprette hans granater rundt hjørner for å ødelegge fiendtlige Sentry Guns mens ham selv forblir utenfor fare. Hans Klister bomber er det perfekte verktøy for område fornektelse og de kan holde fiender unna vognen, kontrollpunkter og intelligenskofferter som han anser som utenfor fiendens domene.
Basisk Strategi
- Press MOUSE1 for å skyte klister bomber, så press MOUSE2 for å detonere dem senere.
- Med Klisterbombekasteren, jo lengre du holder nede skyte knappen, jo lengre vil bomben fly.
- Eksploder klisterbomber under beina dine for å klisterbombe hoppe til store høyder.
- Skyt klisterbomber på vegger og tak der de er vanskelige å se.
Notat: Våpen skader er omtrentlig og oppført på base verdi. Se individuelle våpen sider for ytterligere tall.
Våpen | Ammunisjon Lastet |
Ammunisjon Tatt med |
Skade Rekkevidde | Notater / Spesielle evner | |
![]() Standard |
Granatkaster | 4 | 16 | På direkte treff:
Etter sprett:
Våpen | Ammunisjon Lastet |
Ammunisjon Tatt med |
Skade Rekkevidde | Notes / Special Abilities | |
![]() Standard |
Klisterbombekaster | 8 | 24 | Direkte Under:
![]() Prestasjons Belønning |
Chargin' Targe | N/A | N/A | Fulladet:
![]() Prestasjons Belønning |
Scottish Resistance | 8 | 36 | Direkte Under:
Klisterbombekaster alternativ:
Våpen | Ammunisjon Lastet |
Ammunisjon Tatt med |
Skade Rekkevidde | Notater / Spesielle Evner | |
![]() Standard |
Flaske | N/A | N/A | Base: 65
Kritisk: 195 |
![]() Prestasjons Belønning |
Eyelander | N/A | N/A | Base: 65
Kritisk: 195 |
![]() Konsturert |
Pain Train | N/A | N/A | Base: 65
Kritisk: 195 |
![]() Konstruert |
Scotsman's Skullcutter | N/A | N/A | Base: 78
Kritisk: 234 |
![]() Salgsfremmende |
Steke Panne | N/A | N/A | Base: 65
Kritisk: 195 |
1 Eksplosjons skade er beregnet ut fra lengen fra ekplosjonen.
Håne angrep
Angrep | Våpen | Varighet | Skade | |
![]() Nærkamp |
Decapitation | ![]() Eyelander |
5 sekunder |
Offisielle Klasse Avatarer
Offisielle klasseavatarer | ||
Originalt sett | RED ÜberLadet sett | BLU ÜberLadet sett |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Få TF2-avatarer på Steam: Orginal |
Hovedartikkel: Demoman achievements
- The Demoman is voiced by Gary Schwartz, who also voices The Heavy.
- The Demoman has 3 jobs, a $5 million salary, and lives in a mansion with his blind mother in the Badlands of New Mexico.
- The WAR!: The BLU Soldier and the RED Demoman became fast friends after meeting at a projectile weapons expo. They shared many experiences together including deep sea fishing, a trip to Las Vegas, and the 'Gravel Pits of America' scenic bus tour. After the Administrator's assistant Miss Pauling brought the matter to her attention (as friendships are forbidden by Mercenary contract), the Administrator decided to introduce a little 'healthy competition' to kill their blossoming friendship.
The Demoman lost the seven day War waged between him and the Soldier, thus losing out on his chance to obtain the Gunboats. Technically, more Soldiers were killed during the war than Demomen; the scales were tipped in favor of the Soldier by points awarded from the Propaganda Contest. - The Demoman was born to a clan of Scottish Demomen whose motto is "In regione caecorum rex est luscus", which roughly translates as "In the realm of the blind, the one eyed man is king." According to his mother, his father lost both his eyes before he was 30 and maintained 26 jobs until his dying day.
- The Demoman's Scottish accent is very broken, due to his voice actor being American, and not Scottish.
- The Demoman's class emblem is different from the emblem that appears on his sleeve, depicting a lit bomb rather than a stick of dynamite. However he uses neither type of explosive.
- The Demoman's old trading card bio is largely the same, except that his original parents are killed rather than his adoptive set.
- The Demoman is missing his shoulder emblem in the RED main menu splash screen. (Both in the original RED team picture and the Soldier/Demo Face-off picture.) He is also missing his shoulder emblems in Meet the Demoman.
- The HUD icon of the Demoman is inverted horizontally, as he is depicted as left-handed. The Demoman's patch is also on the wrong eye.
- The Demoman seems to be highly sensitive about his missing eye. A trip to the 'Eye Museum' with the BLU Soldier caused the RED Demoman to break into tears.
- The Demoman is a supporter of the 'Badland Brawlers'.
- The Demoman is the only class updated thus far to not receive a replacement for his primary weapon. However, in the Backpack, the Scottish Resistance and the Chargin' Targe are listed as primary weapons for crafting purposes.
- This being the case the Demoman is the only class who possess two primary weapon unlocks.
- As seen in Meet the Demoman the Demoman smokes as the lit cigarette seen on his desk is presumably his. This coupled with his drinking makes for a very dangerous habit, considering the materials he typically works with.
- The Demoman appears to undergo a personality change between Meet the Demoman and the WAR comic. In Meet the Demoman he is portrayed as drunken, angry and most likely somewhat mentally unstable; whereas in the comic he is well adjusted, able to hold civil conversation with both his mother and Miss Pauling, and seemingly sober.
- The Demoman and Soldier are the only two classes with both hands uncovered.
- The Demoman's crotch smiley note can never be seen in world view, it be seen only when the Demoman taunts while wielding the Grenade Launcher.
- The Demoman is the only class in the game who is not Caucasian (excluding Pyro's indeterminate race).
- The Demoman and the Medic are the only classes in the game who do not possess a bullet firing weapon.
- The Demoman, as well as the Heavy, are the only classes that wear any visible body armor.
- The Demoman, alongside the Heavy and the Pyro, has the most hats paintable by Paint Cans.
- The Demoman has the most melee weapons of any class. However, the honor of the most class-specific melee weapons actually goes to the Pyro, due to the fact that the Pain Train and the Frying Pan are usable by the Soldier as well as the Demoman.
- While many other classes mock the Demoman for his Scottish heritage in their Domination lines, the only class to refer to the Demoman as being black is the Spy, and only when quoting the Demoman in his self-description as a "black Scottish cyclops".
See også
- Meet the Demoman
- Demoman match-ups
- Demoman taunts
- Demoman responses
- Demoman voice commands
- Demoman User Guides
- Sticky jump
- Juggling
- Demoman strategy
- Demoman scripts
- List of references (Demoman)
Eksterne lenker
- WAR! Update
- WAR! Update - The Demoman Update
- The Demoman comic
- TF2 Official Blog- A Grim Bloody Fable!
- TF2 Official Blog- Attention Employees...
- TF2 Official Blog- The War Update!
- TF2 Official Blog- It's a Bloodbath!
- TF2 Official Blog- War, Day 2
- TF2 Official Blog- Casualties of War!