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{{Quotation|'''エリザベス'''<ref>[[Loose Canon/ja|Loose Canon]]、8ページ。</ref>|私が誰であるかは、あなたには'''関係ありません'''。}}
''[[Team Fortress 2/ja|Team Fortress 2]]'' にはストーリーモードやシングルプレイヤーのキャンペーンモードは存在しませんが、ゲームの'''ストーリーライン'''や背景は幾つかの[[comics/ja|コミック]]や[[Meet the Team/ja|Meet the Team]]ビデオ、そしてメジャーアップデートなどによって徐々に明らかとなっています。
2009年10月の[[October 29, 2009 Patch/ja|Halloween アップデート]](それと2010年10月の[[October 27, 2010 Patch/ja|Halloween アップデート]])、 2009年12月の[[December 17, 2009 Patch/ja|WAR! アップデート]]、2010年7月の[[Engineer Update/ja|Engineer アップデート]]はそれぞれ様々な方法でTeam Fortressの公式設定を供給しました。''Team Fortress 2''コミックページの考察と同様にこれらのページの[[Hidden pages/ja|隠しリンク]]はタイムラインの様々な日付を提供します。
''[[Team Fortress 2/ja|Team Fortress 2]]'' にはストーリーモードやシングルプレイヤー用のキャンペーンモードは存在しませんが、ゲームの'''ストーリーライン'''や背景はいくつかの[[comics/ja|コミック]]や [[Meet the Team/ja|Meet the Team]] ビデオ、そして[[Patches/ja#メジャーアップデート|メジャーアップデート]]などによって少しずつ明らかになっています。例えば、2009年10月の[[October 29, 2009 Patch/ja|ハロウィーン]]アップデート(また2010年、2011年の10月の[[October 27, 2010 Patch/ja|ハロウィーン]]アップデート)、 2009年12月の[[December 17, 2009 Patch/ja|WAR! アップデート]]、2010年7月の[[Engineer Update/ja|Engineer アップデート]]はそれぞれが様々な方法で Team Fortress の公式設定を供給しました。''Team Fortress 2'' コミックページの考察と同様に、これらのページの[[Hidden pages/ja|隠しページ]]は時系列の様々な日付を提示しています。
'''マン・ファミリー'''のバックストーリーは19世紀のイギリス人資産家、[[Zepheniah Mann/ja|ゼファナイア・マン]]から始まります。ゼファナイアは[[Mann Co./ja|マン・カンパニー(Mann Co.)]]の前身として知られるマン&サンズ・ミューニションズ・コンサーンズ(Mann & Sons Munitions Concerns)のオーナーであり創立者でした。Zepheniah Mann & Sons Coという名前もありましたが、Mann Co.としてよく知られています。彼の妻のベッド(Bette)、1822年9月2日に[[Redmond Mann/ja|レドモンド]]、[[Blutarch Mann/ja|ブルターク]]、[[Gray Mann/ja|グレイ]]の3人の子供をもうけましたが、出産時に彼女は亡くなってしまいました。レドモンドとブルタークには何も健康に問題はありませんでしたが、グレイは低体重で、また子宮の中で言葉を学びました。ゼファナイアは赤ん坊を窒息死させるよう命じましたが、赤ん坊は『1822年オオワシの惨劇』によってワシにさらわれてしまいました。残された2人のマン兄弟は、行方不明の兄弟のことを知らずに育ちました。
[[File:Family Portrait.jpg|200px|thumb|左から右へ: バルナバ・ヘイル(Barnabas Hale), ブルターク・マン(Blutarch Mann), ゼフェニア・マン(Zepheniah Mann), マンの使用人エリザベス(Elizabeth), レドモンド・マン(Redmond Mann)。写真の右端には謎の男が写っている。]]
[[File:Family Portrait.jpg|200px|thumb|左から、バーナバス・ヘイル(Barnabas Hale)、ブルターク・マン(Blutarch Mann)、ゼファナイア・マン(Zepheniah Mann)、マンの使用人エリザベス(Elizabeth)、レドモンド・マン(Redmond Mann)。写真の右端には[[Non-player_characters/ja#謎の男(Unknown_individual)|謎の男]]が写っている。]]
''Team Fortress 2'''のバックストーリーは1850年、イギリス人資産家の[[Zepheniah Mann/ja|ゼフェニア・マン]]から始まります。マンは[[Mann Co./ja|マン・カンパニー(Mann Co.)]]の前身として知られるマン&サンズ・ミューニションズ・コンサーンズ(Mann & Sons Munitions Concerns)のオーナーであり創立者でした。彼は軍需産業拡大のため二人の息子、[[Blutarch Mann/ja|ブルターク]]と[[Redmond Mann/ja|レドモンド]]と共にアメリカへと進出しましたが、アメリカに到着した時{{botignore|[[Gravel Pit/ja|グラベルピット(Gravel Pit)]]}}と{{botignore|[[dustbowl/ja|ダストボウル(Dustbowl)]]}}の土地が使いものにならないことを知りました。その上いくつもの病気にかかり死んでしまいました。そしてゼフェニアの遺言状によって''Team Fortress 2''の物語は動き始め、彼の息子達は分け与えられた土地を巡る争いに生涯を捧げることとなります。
1850年代、ゼファナイアは軍需産業拡大のため二人の息子、[[Blutarch Mann/ja|ブルターク]]と[[Redmond Mann/ja|レドモンド]]と共にアメリカへと進出しましたが、アメリカに到着した時{{botignore|[[Gravel Pit/ja|グラベルピット(Gravel Pit)]]}}と{{botignore|[[dustbowl/ja|ダストボウル(Dustbowl)]]}}の土地が使いものにならないことを知りました。その上いくつもの病気にかかり死んでしまいました。そしてゼフェニアの遺言状によって ''Team Fortress 2'' の物語は動き始め、残された息子達は分け与えられた土地を巡る争いに生涯を捧げることとなります。Mann Co. was given to Barnabus Hale who was his former private detective and deputy. He also left [[Elizabeth/ja|Elizabeth]] the "miracle gravel" cache that he discovered on a trip to "Terra Australis". According to him, Gray had resurfaced the year before and wanted to blackmail him for it, so he entrusted Elizabeth with it, to keep it secret and safe.
===RED vs. BLUの始まり===
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=== {{anchor|A Loose Canon}}ラディガン・カーデナー ===
ブルタークは土地を奪うために、ビリー・ザ・キッド(初代[[Scout/ja|スカウト]]), ストーンウォール・ジャクソン(初代[[Soldier/ja|ソルジャー]]), エイブラハム・リンカーン(初代[[Pyro/ja|パイロ]]), アルフレッド・ノーベル(初代[[Demoman/ja|デモマン]]), ジョン・ヘンリー(初代[[Heavy/ja|ヘビー]]), ニコラ・テスラ(初代[[Engineer/ja|エンジニア]]), ジークムント・フロイト(初代[[Medic/ja|メディック]]), デヴィー・クロケット(初代[[Sniper/ja|スナイパー]]), フー・マンチュー(初代[[Spy/ja|スパイ]])からなる傭兵チームを構成しました。
{{Main|Loose Canon/ja|Life Extender Machine/ja|l1=Loose Canon|l2=Life Extender Machine}}
REDチームとBLUチームはそれぞれがマン兄弟の為に相手チームの壊滅と土地の奪取を試み、そして長期の膠着状態へと入りました。<br clear="all">
40年後、<ref>[[Loose Canon/ja|Loose Canon]]、5ページ</ref> ブルタークとレドモンドは今なお勝利なき戦争を続けていました。
老衰によって死期が近づくブルタークはエンジニアの[[Radigan Conagher/ja|ラディガン・カーデナー]](Radigan Conagher)を呼び寄せ、「俺を怪物にしろ」と[[Life Extender Machine/ja|機械による延命]]を要求。ラディガンはこれを了承しました。その後、エリザベスの子孫(恐らく娘)がラディガンに接触し、レドモンドにも延命装置を与えるよう依頼し、ラディガンは同じく受け入れました。
40年後、ブルタークとレドモンドは今なお勝利なき戦争を継続していました。老衰によって死期が近づくブルタークはエンジニアの[[Radigan Conagher/ja|ラディガン・コナー]](Radigan Conagher)を呼び寄せ、“俺を怪物にしろ”と機械による延命を要求。ラディガンはそれを受け入れました。しかしその後エリザベスの子孫(恐らく娘)がラディガンに接触し、レドモンドにも延命装置を与えるよう依頼。ラディガンはこれも受け入れました。
彼女は報酬として100ポンドの[[Australium/ja|オーストラリウム]](オーストラリアでのみ見つかる強力な力を持った元素。この力によって無知で野蛮な国家が[[Teleporter/ja|テレポーテーション]]及び[[Invisibility Watch/ja|クローキング]]技術を開発する程の科学的進歩を遂げた)を支払い、ラディガンはそれにより素晴らしい知能を手に入れました。その後、彼はブルタークとレドモンド(そして3人目の未知の人物)のための延命装置を開発しました。<br clear="all">
彼女は報酬として100ポンドの[[Australium/ja|オーストラリウム]](オーストラリアでのみ見つかる強力な力を持った元素。この力によって無知で野蛮な国家が[[Teleporter/ja|テレポーテーション]]及び[[Invisibility Watch/ja|クローキング]]技術を開発する程の科学的進歩を遂げた)を支払い、ラディガンはそれにより素晴らしい知能を手に入れました。その後、彼はブルタークとレドモンド(そして3人目の未知の人物)のための延命装置を開発しました。<br clear="all">
[[File:Engineerupdatewait.png|130px|right|thumb|Dell studying Radigan's papers.]]
1968年の夏、Reliable Excavation & Demolition(RED)とBuilders League United(BLU)はレドモンドとブルタークによる終わりのない戦争を継続するため9人の傭兵 - スカウト、ソルジャー、パイロ、デモマン、ヘビー・ウェポンズ・ガイ、エンジニア、メディック、スナイパー、スパイ - を募集しました。エリザベスの子孫、[[The Administrator/ja|ヘレン]](Helen)は9人の傭兵の監視役を努めます。バルナバ・ヘイルの子孫、[[Saxton Hale/ja|サクストン・ヘイル]]は武器・[[headwear/ja|帽子]]ビジネスで有名なマン・カンパニーのオーナーを務めます。同社はアドミニストレーター(Administrator)が陰で糸を引く企業、[[TF Industries/ja|TF インダストリーズ]](TF Industries)の子会社として機能しています。
=== デル・カーデナー ===
ブルターク・マンは自身の延命装置の故障に気づき、[[Engineer Update/ja|装置を修理させるため]]ラディガン・カーデナーの孫であるBLUエンジニアのデル・カーデナーに接触します。
Blutarch provides Dell with his grandfather's papers, robbed from Radigan's desecrated grave.  Dell repairs and [[:File:Bloodbrothers6.jpg|improves]] the design of the Life Extender Machines. The design of the [[Sentry Gun/ja|セントリーガン]] manufactured and sold by TF Industries, and widely employed in the Gravel and Robot Wars, is credited to Dell Conagher, although the original design is his grandfather's.
=== 砂利戦争(Gravel War) ===
:''This is the main setting for the in-game events of [[Team Fortress 2/ja|Team Fortress 2]].''
1968年の夏、Reliable Excavation & Demolition(確実な発掘と解体、頭文字を取ってRED)とBuilders League United(建設者同盟連合、頭文字を取ってBLU)はレドモンドとブルタークによる終わりのない戦争を継続するため9人の傭兵 - スカウト、ソルジャー、パイロ、デモマン、ヘビー・ウェポンズ・ガイ、エンジニア、メディック、スナイパー、スパイ - を募集しました。
[[Image:Announcer.png|thumb|200px|アドミニストレーター(The Administrator)]]
エリザベスの子孫の[[The Administrator/ja|ヘレン]](Helen)は、9人の傭兵の監視役を努めます。バーナバス・ヘイルの子孫、[[Saxton Hale/ja|サクストン・ヘイル]]は武器・[[headwear/ja|帽子]]ビジネスで有名なマン・カンパニーのオーナーを務めます。同社はアドミニストレーター(Administrator)が陰で糸を引く企業、[[TF Industries/ja|TF インダストリーズ]](TF Industries)の子会社として機能しています。
=== {{anchor|最近の情勢}}WAR! ===
{{Main|WAR! Comic/ja|l1=WAR!コミック}}
REDデモマンとBLUソルジャーが爆発物コンベンションで出会い、友人となってしまったことで、アドミニストレーターは、仕事の情報を共有し同じ人間のもとで働いていることに気づかれる恐れから激怒します。サクストン・ヘイルの支援の下、彼女は互いを殺させようと彼らを騙し、[[The WAR! Update/ja|血生臭い戦い]]の口火を切りました。
===Senate investigation===
[[Image:Announcer.png|thumb|100px|アドミニストレーター(The Administrator)]]
[[File:Poopy Joe Administrator.png|250px|right|thumb|Shocking testimony.]]
REDのデモマンとBLUのソルジャーが爆発物コンベンションで出会った時、最初のメジャーイベントが起こりました。彼らが友人となってしまった事に激怒したアドミニストレーターはサクストン・ヘイルの支援の下、お互いを殺させようと彼らを騙し、[[The WAR! Update/ja|血生臭い戦争]]の口火を切りました。
: ''"Dear Lord in Heaven." — Senator Mitchell Gray (D-California)''
In an attempt to rid themselves of weapons involved in a Senate investigation, Mann Co. sends a "monkeynaut" named [[Non-player characters/ja#プーピー・ジョー(Poopy Joe)|プーピー・ジョー(Poopy Joe)]] into space. The rocket is originally fueled with liquid Australium, with the entire national reserve of the United State's Australium being committed to the project. Shortly before takeoff, Saxton Hale replaces the Australium with defective suitcase explosives. As a result, the rocket [[Doomsday/ja|crashes]], killing Poopy Joe. Saxton unsuccessfully tries to cover up the event in [http://www.teamfortress.com/pyromania/thepoopyjoefiles/ subsequent Senate hearings]. Moreover, after the crash, no trace of the supplied Australium was found.
ブルターク・マンが自身の延命装置の故障に気づいた時、次なるメジャーイベントが発生します。ブルタークは[[Engineer Update/ja|延命装置を修理させるため]]BLUのエンジニア(ラディガン・コナーの孫)と接触します。
The Senate investigation is promptly closed when a Ms. [redacted], under questioning before the executive session, states her actions and objectives regarding the Australium.
その後、サクストン・ヘイルはインターネット(1960年代には存在しなかった)を発見し、プレイヤーが武器やアイテムを購入するためのオンライン[[Mann Co. Store/ja|Mann Co. ストア]]を[[Mann-conomy Update/ja|オープン]]しました。
=== Mann Co. オンライン ===
その後、サクストン・ヘイルは(翌年の1969年までは存在しなかった)インターネットを発見し、プレイヤーが武器やアイテムを購入するためのオンライン[[Mann Co. Store/ja|Mann Co. ストア]]を[[Mann-conomy Update/ja|オープン]]しました。
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ゲームの発売以来、パイロの正体は多くの議論の対象となりました。パイロはいずれ[[Meet the Team/ja|Meet the Team]]ビデオで紹介される2つのクラスのうちの1つで、彼または彼女の人物像や経歴は殆ど知られていません。
{{Main|Blood Brothers/ja|l1=Blood Brothers}}
<!-- This really must be trimmed! IMO -->Seeking to take control of [[RED/ja|Reliable Excavation and Demolition]] and [[BLU/ja|Builder's League United]], [[Non-player characters/ja#グレイ・マン(Gray Mann)|Gray Mann]] sent two tear-stained letters to each of his brothers in secret, hoping to get them to meet with each other. Redmond and Blutarch rented the Alamo, and apparently transported it to New Mexico for their meeting, guarded by a group of Engineers under Redmond's employ. Blutarch proposed the idea of a truce, and foolishly suggests the idea of a pregnancy machine, stating that they can use it on one of them to produce an heir, ignorant of the absurdity of the plan. Blutarch states that because of the pointless fighting all of their life, the Mann Family Line would die out. Redmond agreed, and the two shook hands, each thanking each other for "sending" the tear-stained letter to the other.
After the two shake, Gray enters the Alamo, having killed Redmond's Engineers, leaving the three alone. He introduces himself to the two as Gray Mann, their brother, and explains that ''he'' sent the letters. Unfortunately, the two appear to be suffering some sort of cognitive disorder, and Blutarch and Redmond apparently forget who Gray is just seconds after he introduces himself. It is noted that Gray appears to be wearing some sort of mechanical device on his spine, possibly of his construction, it is later revealed that this is an improved version of the Life Extender Machines. Gray begins to recount the tale of the brothers' birth, and explains how he was taken by an eagle shortly after he spoke with their father. He explains how he was raised by the eagle as one of its own, and how he later killed it and her children to feed himself.
He goes on to explain how, unlike how Redmond and Blutarch had their empires handed to them, he had to build his own out of scratch. Gray tells Redmond and Blutarch that he watched for a hundred and fifty years as they both wasted their father's fortune over an "asinine war, over worthless pits of gravel." He asks them to consider their '''true''' birthright, and tells them that it's "the only thing in this hell-blasted landscape actually worth fighting over", which appears to be Mann Co. Redmond dismisses his claims, stating that gravel powers the world's steam engines, showing how uninformed about the world he actually is. Gray grows tired of his responses, and kills both Redmond and Blutarch by stabbing them in the back.
[[Grave Matters|That night]], the ghosts of Redmond and Blutarch argue over who outlived the other. After fighting for a while, they settle on contacting a [[Soldier|lawyer]], who turns out to be the Soldier, to decide who is the victor. He tells them that the true winner would be decided when the other's spirit passes on. The two then arrange for the mercenaries of RED and BLU to push carts containing the other brother's corpse to [[Helltower|Hell]]. With one team winning, the opposing brother drags both teams to Hell with them. One team manages to beat the other to a [[Fancy Spellbook|spellbook]] and escape back to the surface, presumably leaving the other behind.
[[File:Doomsday secret map.png|200px|right|thumb]]
{{Main|A Fate Worse Than Chess/ja|Mann vs. Machine (update)/ja|l1=A Fate Worse Than Chess|l2=Mann vs. Machineアップデート}}
After years of [[Mann vs. Machine (update)#Pre-announcement references|signs and rumors]], Gray makes his move against Mann Co., sending a massive robot army to attack all of the company's facilities three days after slaying his brothers. Saxton Hale was too busy wrestling a [[Non-player characters/ja‎#イエティ|イエティ]] to deal with the crisis himself, so he sends a video message to the remaining RED and BLU mercenaries informing them that with Redmond and Blutarch dead, the Gravel War has finally ended and they no longer have jobs. He then immediately re-hires the team to defend Mann Co. against the robots.
{{Main|Shadow Boxers}}
The Robot War continues for about a year, with the cooperating mercenaries successfully defending hundreds of Mann Co. facilities in the Badlands and [[Two Cities Update/ja|worldwide]].​ ​​​Miss Pauling becomes the active leader of the mercenaries. Soldier emerges as an erstwhile "tactical mastermind"; devising decoy facilities and infiltrating Gray's island base.
After continuous defeats, Gray Mann develops a more intelligent [[Engineer Robot/ja|メカエンジニア]], but never-the-less fails in the following assault on [[Bigrock/ja|Mann Co. Headquarters]].
=={{anchor|Unhappy 1972}}1972年のはじめ頃==
===Takeover of Mann Co.===
{{Main|Ring of Fired/ja|l1=Ring of Fired}}
After the Mercenaries successfully defend Mann Co. against the robot attacks, wary of another intractable stalemate, Gray decides to change his approach. He goes directly to Saxton Hale at Mann Co.'s headquarters, and declares that the war is over — he ''gives up''. But then he says he is there for the ''Mann Co. Challenge'', offering a fight with Hale for the ownership of the company, a policy Hale made himself. After Hale grabs and punches Gray with ease, Gray declares that he is not the one who will be fighting, but instead Gray's daughter named [[Non-player characters#Olivia Mann|Olivia]], an underage girl, will fight Hale. Hale refuses to fight her, ultimately granting Mann Co. ownership to Gray. Gray proceeds to fire the mercenaries, and the Administrator orders Miss Pauling, her assistant, to hide. The mercenaries scatter, but Scout and Spy are arrested before they escape [[Teufort]].
== 1972年のおわり頃==
==={{anchor|Six Months Later}}Assemble the team.===
{{Main|Ring of Fired/ja|l1=Ring of Fired}}
Six months after the loss of Mann Co. to Gray, Pauling receives a message to "​​Assemble the team."
The mercenaries have scattered. Three mercenaries remained in the Southwest; Soldier gives guided tours to homes of the stars, Pyro is an engineering company CEO, and Demoman is a drunkard living with his mother. Sniper has "gone bush" in Australia. Heavy has returned to his family home in Siberia.  Medic has some ''important'' position and is unreachable. The whereabouts of Engineer (Dell) are unknown to the rest of the team.
Posing as a policeman, Miss Pauling first recovers Soldier, but not before setting [[Merasmus]] up to take the rap for Soldier’s murder of [[Non-player characters#Tom Jones|Tom Jones]].  She easily entices Pyro and Demoman from their current situations, and drives the three to Teufort to save Scout and Spy.
==={{anchor|Unhappy Returns}}Trial at Teufort===
{{Main|Unhappy Returns/ja|A Cold Day in Hell/ja|Blood in the Water/ja|l1=Unhappy Returns|l2=A Cold Day in Hell|l3=Blood in the Water}}<!-- the day at Teufort is split over three comics, they are joined here into a single storyline -->
Arriving at Teufort, the group splits up.
Miss Pauling takes Pyro with her on her tasks. Pauling first meets in an alley with the "Administrator" (a very aged woman who keeps her actual appearance hidden from Pauling).  The woman claims to have collected 89,000 tons of Australium and gives Pauling instructions to get the "one last cache of Australium".  Miss Pauling and Pyro then go to the Teufort library to locate and destroy genealogy records.  They burn the paper copies, learning that the microfiche copies had been destroyed a year earlier.
Demoman and Soldier go to the courthouse to locate Scout and Spy, but they reveal themselves to the court and are arrested.  The four mercenaries are tried at court, convicted of municipal misfeasance, and sentenced to hang.  Miss Pauling arrives just in time to save the four by clearing up questions of mayoral duties.
Close on their heels, Gray Mann is looking for the same records as Pauling, but only finds a burnt scrap of a birth record showing the name "Helen".
=== {{anchor|Finding Heavy}}{{anchor|Finding Sniper}}ヘビーとスナイパーの家族 ===
[[File:Mundyphoto.jpg|200px|right|thumb|The Administrator threatened Heavy's and Sniper's homes and families.]]
{{Main|Meet the Director/ja|A Cold Day in Hell/ja|Blood in the Water/ja|l1=Meet the Director|l2=A Cold Day in Hell|l3=Blood in the Water}}
Through the Director's filmed interviews, the Administrator learned details of Heavy's and Sniper's families. She located their families and had photographs taken and sent to Sniper and Heavy as threats against talking to anyone about their jobs. Heavy and Sniper vowed to kill whoever threatened their families. After the loss of Mann Co., while most of the other mercenaries remained around the Badlands region, Sniper and Heavy left the country to join their families.
After the Teufort trial, Miss Pauling's team splits up again. Soldier, Scout, and Pyro are in Siberia to locate Heavy, while Miss Pauling, Spy, and Demoman leave for Australia to find Sniper. They learn what has happened to the respective families:
: ''"Big girls who do not need bossy old Misha anymore." — Heavy (''[[A Cold Day in Hell]]'')''
Heavy's mother and sisters were attacked by "bad men" before Heavy returned to Siberia. Heavy's sisters dealt harshly with the attackers, killing them all.  His sisters and mother follow him to America; Zhanna in particular joining the mercenaries as Soldier's girlfriend and then fiancé.
: ''"So you're a [[w:Kiwi_(people)|Kiwi]]<!-- Kiwi is slang for New Zealander --> now, huh?" — Miss Pauling (''[[Gun Mettle Campaign]]'')''
Sniper's parents died near the time the Administrator vanished. Their death was convenient, since Sniper then discovered that he was adopted and so is willing to go to New Zealand with Miss Pauling to locate his birth parents, who just happen to have the Australium cache that Miss Pauling was sent to acquire.
===Darling’s team: サクストン・ヘイルとマギー ===
[[File:HaleMagJerryJump01.png|350px|right|thumb|Joining the fight against the robots! But on who's side?]]
{{Main|Bidwell's Big Plan/ja|Unhappy Returns/ja|A Cold Day in Hell/ja|Blood in the Water/ja|The Naked and the Dead/ja|l1=Bidwell's Big Plan|l2=Unhappy Returns|l3=A Cold Day in Hell|l4=Blood in the Water|l5=The Naked and the Dead}}
After losing Mann Co., Saxton Hale seeks help from his mentor, now nemesis, Charles Darling.  However, Hale was so incensed by Darling's zoo that he burned most of it down. For this crime, he spent months in jail. Upon his release, Saxton is met by his ex-girlfriend, Maggie, who now works for Darling.
[[File:CharlesDarling02.png|120px|left|thumb|Charles Darling]]
The Darling family has been connected with the Mann family since the beginning; so, Charles is well-aware of the properties of Australium. Darling recruits Saxton Hale for his own plan to collect a cache of Australium with the promise of helping Hale get Mann Co. back.
Saxton and Maggie encounter Scout and Heavy at Ayers Rock. Neither Heavy nor Saxton tells the full truth to the other; Saxton and Maggie do not disclose that they are working for Darling, while Heavy is misleading in his statement that they were sent by "the old woman". Saxton and Maggie transport Heavy and Scout to Gray’s base, supply Pauling’s team with weapons, and join the fight against Gray’s last robot army.
マップ上で見られるパイロのロッカーに花柄のハンドバッグが置かれていることから、パイロは女性であるとの説が有名です。またその説を裏付ける証拠としてパイロの女性的な敗北ポーズや''[[Director's Vision/ja|Director's Vision]]''の罵倒、''[[Madame Dixie/ja|Madame Dixie]]''および他クラスからの女性に対する言葉を含む制圧用のセリフが挙げられています。
[[File:MaybeNot01.png|350px|right|thumb|Gray Mann opening the Mann Co. cache.]]
{{Main|Loose Canon/ja|A Cold Day in Hell/ja|Blood in the Water/ja|l1=Loose Canon|l2=A Cold Day in Hell|l3=Blood in the Water}}
Rare as is its, there have been multiple large caches of Australium. Several parties are seeking the remaining caches; Gray Mann, to use its immense power and to fuel his Life Extender Machine, Charles Darling, to extend the lives of his collection of "last of their breeds", Helen, for reasons secret to even her closest associates, and at least one other unknown party who seems to be beating all of them to the caches.
The cache at Mann Co. [[Doomsday|Monkeynautics facilities]] was emptied before Gray Mann could locate it, with only a single bar of Australium and a lipstick-stained cigarette butt left behind.  Darling’s and Pauling’s teams in Australia learn that the Australian supply at a [[w:Uluru|Ayers Rock]] went missing a few months later.  Pauling’s squad discovers that Sniper’s birth father, [[Non-player characters#Bill-Bel and Lar-Nah|Bill-Bel]], has wasted the entire New Zealand cache as paint for his failed spaceships. Sniper’s birth mother, [[Non-player characters#Bill-Bel and Lar-Nah|Lar-Nah]], escapes with the last spaceship, which was the last Australium in that cache.
===Team Fortress Classic===
[[File:Acolddayinhell68.jpg|200px|right|thumb|Elderly TFC mercenaries.]]
{{Main|A Cold Day in Hell/ja|Blood in the Water/ja|Old Wounds/ja|l1=A Cold Day in Hell|l2=Blood in the Water|l3=Old Wounds}}
Meanwhile in New Zealand, Sniper meets his real parents along with Pauling and the mercenaries. Conveniently the last bit of Australium was there too and in the possession of Snipers parents. Unfortunately Snipers unhappy mom takes off in the rocket (composed of the missing Australium) and the remaining batch of the Australium due to collect was gone. Having the rocket launch blast a hole in the ceiling of the underwater dome, the place was flooding and Sniper's dad took off in the submarine Pauling and the mercenaries took there. Having found the Mann Co. cache emptied, Gray Mann hires the aging ''[[Team Fortress Classic]]'' mercenaries (with TF2 Medic) to find the woman who took the Mann Co. Australium cache and recover the Australium. The Classic mercenaries track and capture Pauling, five mercenaries, and Zhanna at New Zealand, killing Sniper after the rocket incident.
The TFC mercenaries take the TF2 team to Gray Mann’s base for interrogation to learn of "Her" location. TFC Heavy figures out that the Australium is the source of Mann’s longevity. He turns on Gray Mann, intending to capture the Australium cache for himself and his aging team. He rips the Australium out of Gray’s Life Extender Machine, effectively killing him in short order.
しかしながら多くの考察はエイブラハム・リンカーンがまだ生きており、1850年代の初代チームからパイロの役割を務め続けているとの考えを中心に展開されています。Engineer アップデートから3つの証拠が挙げられています。
===TFC vs TF2===
{{Main|Old Wounds/ja|The Naked and the Dead/ja|l1=Old Wounds|l2=The Naked and the Dead}}
The sharp fragments of Gray’s shattered Life Extender Machine give Zhanna the means of escaping her handcuffs.<!-- leave the details as an exercise to the reader --> The prisoners thereby begin their escape, killing TFC Pyro, Spy, and Demoman. Medic revives Sniper. TFC Heavy unleashes Gray’s blood-sucking robots on the escaped TF2 mercenaries. Toxic-blooded Demoman single-handedly fights off the blood-suckers while Medic revives Miss Pauling and the others.  TFC Heavy throws the remainder of Gray’s robot army at the unarmed mercenaries, who are then joined by Scout, Heavy, Saxton Hale, Maggie, Jerry, and a planeload of weapons.
The robots and remaining TFC mercenaries are eliminated; TFC Heavy being defeated by Heavy and Medic, with some grudging intervention from the [[Non-player characters#Devil|Devil]]. However, the fate of the TFC Engineer, assumed killed by Spy, is unconfirmed as TF2 Spy was seen disguised as Fred (TFC Engineer) when confronting TFC Sniper.
* エイブラハム・リンカーンは1950年代の初代パイロでした。
* ラディガン・コナーの作業台に置かれた概略図には、あごひげをたくわえシルクハットを被った人物がトラップドア通じて落下し、砂漠へとテレポートされる奇妙な機械が描かれています。また近くには“LIN...”の文字やリンカーンが描かれた1セント銅貨も確認できます。これらはリンカーンがジョン“タワー・オブ・ハット”ブース(John "Tower of Hats" Booth)による暗殺から逃れた方法を描いている可能性を示唆します。
* ラディガン・コナーは未知の人物のために三台目の延命装置を製造しました。幾つかの証拠として装置の製造日が4月14日(リンカーンが暗殺された日)であることが挙げられていますが、レドモンドとブルタークの装置を製造した年、少なくとも1894年までコナーは三台目の延命装置を製造することができなかったと思われます。リンカーンが生存している可能性を示す説明は以上です。
: ''"He's not here, is she?"'' — '''''スカウト''' ([[Meet the Pyro/ja|Meet the Pyro]])
ゲームの発売以来、パイロの正体は多くの議論の対象となりました。[[Meet the Pyro/ja|Meet the Pyro]]では、パイロが自分の周りの世界や自分の行動を子供のように喜んでいることが示され、ミス・ポーリングもパイロに対し[[Media:Plng_give_contract_rare_pyro_03.mp3|子供に話かけるように]]話します。パイロの性別や経歴については、コミュニティのポピュラーな憶測や、コミックや動画などで問題になっていますが、明確な証拠はありません。
更にアドミニストレーターの秘書として傭兵を監視する[[NPC/ja#Miss Pauling|ミス・ポーリング]](Ms. Pauling)がパイロであるとの説も提示されています。その根拠としてポーリングは文学趣味に加えて傭兵のみが知り得る専門知識を持っており、[[Revolver/ja|リボルバー]]の扱い方も知ってことなどが挙げられています。
: [[:File:Oldwounds55.jpg|''"I know '''exactly''' what she would do with that kind of bower.<!-- leave as the linked comic page says she said it through her bloody nose. --> And I'll be '''right there with her''' when she does it, ...."'']]'' — '''Miss Pauling''' ([[Old Wounds]])''
The hidden pages and comics of ''Team Fortress 2'' bring to light that the "[[Administrator]]" has been stockpiling the world's [[Australium]] supply for 150 years in order to settle an old score. Women, perhaps Helen herself, or [[Non-player characters#Administrator lineage|bearing a familial resemblance]] have been, by various accounts, charged with keeping Zephania Mann's [[Australium]] away from Gray Mann, stockpiling the largest supply of Australium in the world, or completely running out of her life extending supply. Perhaps will be explained in the next comic which is marked as "coming soon"
: [[Media:Plng give contract rare spy 01.mp3|''"Hey Spy. Pauling. I took care of that DNA test for you. You owe me one ...."'']]'' — '''Miss Pauling''' ([[Gun Mettle Campaign]])''
{| cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
With the [[Meet the Spy|introduction]] of RED Spy's romantic interest in BLU Scout's Mother came suggestions that Spy is Scout's biological father.  Several scenes or gags in the comics reference this suspicion. Certain comments [[:File:BloodInTheWater017.jpg|made by other characters]] suggest they know or suspect something of a connection between Scout and Spy. [[:File:TheNakedandtheDead158.png|A strongly emotional scene]] plays out after the battle with the last of Gray's robots; Spy comforts a dying Scout with an apparent fiction that Scout is the son of [[Non-player characters#Tom Jones|Tom Jones]]. Spy may be Scout's actual biological father, or he may have otherwise over time developed a deep fatherly concern and affection for Scout.
| style="background-color: #FBB917;" | 最後に、(判読不明)には私の全ての(判読不明)
| style="background-color: #FBB917;" | (判読不明)
| style="background-color: #FBB917;" | (判読不明)
| style="background-color: #FBB917;" | を残すとともに、最大限の秘密保持を誓わせるものとする。
* In the image of the RED Team on the cover of ''[[Blood Money]]'', the BLU Spy stands behind the Scout; while on the last page, the Spy holds a book, ''How to Beat a DNA Test''.
* In Comics and Movies, Spy literally runs out on Scout; [[The Naked and the Dead]] [[:File:TheNakedandtheDead133.png|page 133]], [[Jungle_Inferno (Video)|Jungle_Inferno 1:05]].
* In ''[[Invasion (Video)|Invasion]]'', the Spy, disinterested in the movie, shows a disapproving glance at the Scout's immaturity.
: [[:File:RingofFired65.png|''"Medic? I'd forget about '''him'''. He's got hisself a '''fancy''' job now."'']]'' — '''The Demoman''' ([[Ring of Fired]])''
The Medic's Bavarian/Frankenstein/Reanimation/Xenotransplantation/Male pregnancy arc:
* [[:File:Bloodbrothers8.jpg|Blood Bothers]] <small>(As a proxy for the Medic, [[Archimedes]] flies [[:File:Bloodbrothers2.jpg|around the Alamo]]; while inside, Blutarch proposes male pregnancy technology)</small>
* [[Rottenburg]]/[[Monster Bash]] <small>(Medic studies [[Reanimator|reanimation]] in Frankenstein's Bavaria)</small>
* [[The Sound of Medicine]] <small>(Medic perfects portable gib reanimation equipment)</small>
* [[:File:Oldwounds68.jpg|Old Wounds]] <small>(Medic demonstrates perfected corpse reanimation through surgical [[w:xenotransplantation|xenotransplantation]], TFC Heavy repeatedly calling the Medic "Frankenstein")</small>
* [[:File:TheNakedandtheDead256.png|The Naked and the Dead]] <small>(Medic demonstrates perfected male pregnancy)</small>
Will Scout's romantic devotion to Miss Pauling ever be requited, or is she just not all into that?
=== その他 ===
* What was [[Non-player characters#Silas Mann|Silas Mann's]] role in the family events? Why did he become the [[Horseless Headless Horsemann]]? Why was [[:File:Portrait 1 skin 1.png|this portrait]] in [[Mann Manor]]?
* Who is the missing person in the [http://www.teamfortress.com/screamfortress/family_portrait/ Family Portrait]? [[Non-player characters#Charles Darling|Charles Darling's]] grandfather?
== 詳細な年表 ==
== 詳細な年表 ==
==Alternate universe/spin-off timeline==
{| class="wikitable"
Note: events in this timeline are not considered canon. <ref>KritzKast interview with Valve's Andrew Wilson. '' 'Anything canon should come from the team here; we view the comic as a possible alternate universe. ... While we don’t want too many people steering the canon for TF, we love to see where the characters are taken.' '' "[http://www.kritzkast.com/kritzkast-interviews-robotic-boogaloo KritzKast interviews Robotic Boogaloo]." May 26, 2013.</ref>
! colspan="1" | 凡例
| style="background:powderblue;" | 重要な出来事
{|class="wikitable grid sortable plainlinks" cellpadding=10px width="100%"
== 参照 ==
<references />
!class="header" style="width: 20%"| 日付
!class="header unsortable" | 出来事
== 関連項目 ==
!class="header unsortable" style="width: 15%"| ソース
* [[Comics/ja|コミック]]
* [[Patches/ja#Major updates|メジャーアップデート]]
!colspan="3" | 18世紀
* [[Movies/ja#Meet the Team|Meet the Team]]
* [[Non-player characters/ja|ノンプレイヤーキャラクターの一覧]]
|1788年 - 12月18日
|オーストラリア航海中の[[Non-player characters#Old Nick/ja|オールド・ニック(Old Nick)]]は南極を征服するために船の向きを変えた。
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/australianchristmas/ リンク]
!colspan="3" | 19世紀
| 1808年
| [[Demoman/ja|デモマン]]の[[Bottle/ja|スクランピー]]が製造された。
| [[:File:XXX.png|リンク]]
| 1814年 - 6月
| Gentle Manne's MonthlyにてGentle Manne of Leisureとその友人を主役にした時事漫画“An Editorial Cartoon of Some Insighte,”が公開。
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/hats/ リンク]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1850年
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [[Zepheniah Mann/ja|ゼフェニア・マン]]が残した遺言が実行された。
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/04.html リンク]
| 1850年
| オーストラリアが世界の最先進国となる。
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/pumpkinpatch/the_last_will_and_testament_of_Zepheniah_Mann/ リンク], [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/09.html リンク]
| 1857年
| エイブラハム・リンカーンが[[rocket jumping/ja|ロケットジャンプ]]に代わる“階段”を発明。
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/war/victory/ リンク]
| 1862年 - 8月5日
| Scientists in Australia "nervously assure the world" that there is "no [[Australium|gold]] after all." Gold prospectors turns gaze to Canada.
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/v00.php リンク], [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/radigan/ リンク]
| 1865年
| Abraham Lincoln holds his Second Inaugural Address, stating, "I say this to you with unvarnished factualism of plain talk: I love [[Arena]] Mode."
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/sniper_vs_spy/day02_english.htm リンク]
| 1865年 - 4月20日
| 陸軍省がエイブラハム・リンカーンを暗殺したジョン“タワー・オブ・ハット”ブースの手配書を発行。
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/v00.php リンク]
| 1869年
| [[List of companies/ja|シャイニーズ・ブリオン(Shiny's Bullion)]]が設立。
| [[:Image:Shinys_bullion.jpg|リンク]]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1880年
| - style="background:powderblue;" | エミリー(Emily)がオーストラリウムの収集を開始。
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/09.html リンク]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1890年
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [[Blutarch Mann/ja|ブルターク・マン]]が[[Radigan Conagher/ja|ラディガン・コナー]]に延命装置の作成を命令。
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/05.html リンク]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1890年
| - style="background:powderblue;" | エミリーが[[Redmond Mann/ja|レドモンド・マン]]の延命装置も作成するようコナーに依頼。
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/09.html リンク]
| 1890年
| [[List of companies/ja|ビッグス(Biggs)]]が鋼棒の製造を開始。
| [[:File:Biggs steel rods.jpg|リンク]]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1894年 - 4月14日
| - style="background:powderblue;" | ラディガン・コナーが未知の人物のための延命装置を完成させる。
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/13.html リンク]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1894年 - 7月17日
| - style="background:powderblue;" | ラディガン・コナーがブルターク・マンのための延命装置を完成させる。
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/13.html リンク]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1894年 - 8月3日
| - style="background:powderblue;" | ディガン・コナーがレドモンド・マンのための延命装置を完成させる。
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/13.html リンク]
| 1895年 - 1月15日
| オーストラリアにて“丘が発見!”、“不可解な新しい地理学上の塊はオーストラリアの科学者を混乱させます。"
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/geographic_lumps/ リンク]
| 1895年 - 3月6日
| “War, Mate!” Two months later, the king of Australia declares war on hills, stating “There will be time to study these so-called hills after they are dead.”
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/war/ リンク]
| 1895年 - 4月5日
| “King Conquers Hill!” It is reported that the “Coward Mound Surrendered Without a Fight.”
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/coward_mound/ リンク]
!colspan="3" | 20世紀
| 1900年 - 1月23日
| “[[Mann Co/ja|マン・カンパニー]]が'Ro-Bot'を発明” 世紀の変わり目にマン・カンパニーが “オーストラリアの巨大武器産業” である事が明らかにされる。記事ではマン・カンパニーの職員が “これらの機械人形は単に暴力のためだけに使用されるだろう” と述べ、 “Ro - Bot” に対する人々の不安を和らげようと試みた。その他、世論調査によってオーストラリアで最も人気がある少女の名前は “ロビン” であることがで明らかとなった。
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/populace/ リンク]
| 1900年
| オーストラリアはこの時点で宇宙を植民地化しようとしていたが、失敗したと思われる。
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/v00.php リンク]
| 1901年
| ニューウェル・アンド・サンズ(Newell and Sons)から、爆発性の“リアルタイム”ゲームプレイが楽しめる“ターン不要”のボードゲーム、''Teams and Fortresses 2''がデビュー。
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/119/teams_and_fortresses.html リンク]
| 1921年
| フランクリン・D・ルーズベルト(Franklin D. Roosevelt)がロケットジャンプで両脚を失う。その結果、彼は現在あるような階段を完成させる。
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/war/victory/ リンク]
| 1923年
| [[List of companies|Red Shed]] beers are distilled in Tougaloo.
| [[:File:Tf2 red shed.jpg|リンク]]
| 1937年
| [[List of companies/ja|レッドストーン(Redstone)]]が設立。
| [[:File:Redstone.png|リンク]]
| 1941年 - 9月
| [[Heavy/ja|ヘビー]]の父親が反革命によって殺害され、ヘビーとその家族は北シベリア矯正労働収容所に送られる。
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/meetthedirector/?p=4 リンク]
| 1941年 - 12月
| 北シベリア矯正労働収容所が全焼し全ての警備員が拷問を受けて死亡。[[Heavy/ja|ヘビー]]とその家族を含む全ての囚人が脱走する。
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/meetthedirector/?p=4 リンク]
| 1949年
| ポーランドでナチを殺しまくっていた[[Soldier/ja|ソルジャー]]は戦争が4年以上も前に終わっていた事を知る。
| [http://www.teamfortress.com/soldier.htm リンク]
| 1961年
| ''Saxton Hale’s Thrilling Tales''がニューススタンドに初登場。
| [http://teamfortress.com/images/posts/001/sharks.jpg リンク]
| 1962年
| ''Saxton Hale's Jungle Brawl''がアメリカ合衆国でデビュー。
| [http://teamfortress.com/images/posts/001/ape.jpg リンク]
| 1963
| 高齢者には4つのアイテムだけが生産されています。帽子、肉、棺、そして''Saxton Hale's Mildly Thrilling Tales''です。
| [http://teamfortress.com/images/posts/001/mild.jpg リンク]
| 1964年 - 3月
| 最初で最後の巻となる''Saxton Hale's Mail Storm''が発行。
| [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/c/c2/Mailstorm_large.jpg リンク]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1965年
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [[Engineer/ja|エンジニア]]がTFインダストリーズ(TF Industries)との契約の下、[[Sentry Gun/ja|セントリーガン]]などの機械兵器を開発。
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [http://storefront.steampowered.com/Manuals/440/SentryManual_web.pdf リンク]
| 1968年
| ''Boy's Adventure with Saxton Hale''が青少年に悪影響を与えると、上院小委員会から非難を受ける。
| [http://teamfortress.com/images/posts/001/girlscouts.jpg リンク]
| - style="background:powderblue;" | 1968年 - 6月
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [[Team Fortress 2/ja|Team Fortress 2]]の主設定。
| - style="background:powderblue;" | [[:File:Calendar B.jpg|リンク]]
== 関連項目 ==

Latest revision as of 00:30, 4 November 2021

Immortality machine.png

Team Fortress 2 にはストーリーモードやシングルプレイヤー用のキャンペーンモードは存在しませんが、ゲームのストーリーラインや背景はいくつかのコミックMeet the Team ビデオ、そしてメジャーアップデートなどによって少しずつ明らかになっています。例えば、2009年10月のハロウィーンアップデート(また2010年、2011年の10月のハロウィーンアップデート)、 2009年12月のWAR! アップデート、2010年7月のEngineer アップデートはそれぞれが様々な方法で Team Fortress の公式設定を供給しました。Team Fortress 2 コミックページの考察と同様に、これらのページの隠しページは時系列の様々な日付を提示しています。



マン・ファミリーのバックストーリーは19世紀のイギリス人資産家、ゼファナイア・マンから始まります。ゼファナイアはマン・カンパニー(Mann Co.)の前身として知られるマン&サンズ・ミューニションズ・コンサーンズ(Mann & Sons Munitions Concerns)のオーナーであり創立者でした。Zepheniah Mann & Sons Coという名前もありましたが、Mann Co.としてよく知られています。彼の妻のベッド(Bette)、1822年9月2日にレドモンドブルタークグレイの3人の子供をもうけましたが、出産時に彼女は亡くなってしまいました。レドモンドとブルタークには何も健康に問題はありませんでしたが、グレイは低体重で、また子宮の中で言葉を学びました。ゼファナイアは赤ん坊を窒息死させるよう命じましたが、赤ん坊は『1822年オオワシの惨劇』によってワシにさらわれてしまいました。残された2人のマン兄弟は、行方不明の兄弟のことを知らずに育ちました。




左から、バーナバス・ヘイル(Barnabas Hale)、ブルターク・マン(Blutarch Mann)、ゼファナイア・マン(Zepheniah Mann)、マンの使用人エリザベス(Elizabeth)、レドモンド・マン(Redmond Mann)。写真の右端には謎の男が写っている。

1850年代、ゼファナイアは軍需産業拡大のため二人の息子、ブルタークレドモンドと共にアメリカへと進出しましたが、アメリカに到着した時グラベルピット(Gravel Pit)ダストボウル(Dustbowl)の土地が使いものにならないことを知りました。その上いくつもの病気にかかり死んでしまいました。そしてゼフェニアの遺言状によって Team Fortress 2 の物語は動き始め、残された息子達は分け与えられた土地を巡る争いに生涯を捧げることとなります。Mann Co. was given to Barnabus Hale who was his former private detective and deputy. He also left Elizabeth the "miracle gravel" cache that he discovered on a trip to "Terra Australis". According to him, Gray had resurfaced the year before and wanted to blackmail him for it, so he entrusted Elizabeth with it, to keep it secret and safe.


RED vs. BLUの始まり



もっと詳しく: Loose Canon, Life Extender Machine

40年後、[2] ブルタークとレドモンドは今なお勝利なき戦争を続けていました。

老衰によって死期が近づくブルタークはエンジニアのラディガン・カーデナー(Radigan Conagher)を呼び寄せ、「俺を怪物にしろ」と機械による延命を要求。ラディガンはこれを了承しました。その後、エリザベスの子孫(恐らく娘)がラディガンに接触し、レドモンドにも延命装置を与えるよう依頼し、ラディガンは同じく受け入れました。



Dell studying Radigan's papers.


ブルターク・マンは自身の延命装置の故障に気づき、装置を修理させるためラディガン・カーデナーの孫であるBLUエンジニアのデル・カーデナーに接触します。 Blutarch provides Dell with his grandfather's papers, robbed from Radigan's desecrated grave. Dell repairs and improves the design of the Life Extender Machines. The design of the セントリーガン manufactured and sold by TF Industries, and widely employed in the Gravel and Robot Wars, is credited to Dell Conagher, although the original design is his grandfather's.


砂利戦争(Gravel War)

This is the main setting for the in-game events of Team Fortress 2.

1968年の夏、Reliable Excavation & Demolition(確実な発掘と解体、頭文字を取ってRED)とBuilders League United(建設者同盟連合、頭文字を取ってBLU)はレドモンドとブルタークによる終わりのない戦争を継続するため9人の傭兵 - スカウト、ソルジャー、パイロ、デモマン、ヘビー・ウェポンズ・ガイ、エンジニア、メディック、スナイパー、スパイ - を募集しました。

アドミニストレーター(The Administrator)

エリザベスの子孫のヘレン(Helen)は、9人の傭兵の監視役を努めます。バーナバス・ヘイルの子孫、サクストン・ヘイルは武器・帽子ビジネスで有名なマン・カンパニーのオーナーを務めます。同社はアドミニストレーター(Administrator)が陰で糸を引く企業、TF インダストリーズ(TF Industries)の子会社として機能しています。


もっと詳しく: WAR!コミック


Senate investigation

Shocking testimony.
"Dear Lord in Heaven." — Senator Mitchell Gray (D-California)

In an attempt to rid themselves of weapons involved in a Senate investigation, Mann Co. sends a "monkeynaut" named プーピー・ジョー(Poopy Joe) into space. The rocket is originally fueled with liquid Australium, with the entire national reserve of the United State's Australium being committed to the project. Shortly before takeoff, Saxton Hale replaces the Australium with defective suitcase explosives. As a result, the rocket crashes, killing Poopy Joe. Saxton unsuccessfully tries to cover up the event in subsequent Senate hearings. Moreover, after the crash, no trace of the supplied Australium was found.

The Senate investigation is promptly closed when a Ms. [redacted], under questioning before the executive session, states her actions and objectives regarding the Australium.

Mann Co. オンライン

その後、サクストン・ヘイルは(翌年の1969年までは存在しなかった)インターネットを発見し、プレイヤーが武器やアイテムを購入するためのオンラインMann Co. ストアオープンしました。



もっと詳しく: Blood Brothers

Seeking to take control of Reliable Excavation and Demolition and Builder's League United, Gray Mann sent two tear-stained letters to each of his brothers in secret, hoping to get them to meet with each other. Redmond and Blutarch rented the Alamo, and apparently transported it to New Mexico for their meeting, guarded by a group of Engineers under Redmond's employ. Blutarch proposed the idea of a truce, and foolishly suggests the idea of a pregnancy machine, stating that they can use it on one of them to produce an heir, ignorant of the absurdity of the plan. Blutarch states that because of the pointless fighting all of their life, the Mann Family Line would die out. Redmond agreed, and the two shook hands, each thanking each other for "sending" the tear-stained letter to the other.


After the two shake, Gray enters the Alamo, having killed Redmond's Engineers, leaving the three alone. He introduces himself to the two as Gray Mann, their brother, and explains that he sent the letters. Unfortunately, the two appear to be suffering some sort of cognitive disorder, and Blutarch and Redmond apparently forget who Gray is just seconds after he introduces himself. It is noted that Gray appears to be wearing some sort of mechanical device on his spine, possibly of his construction, it is later revealed that this is an improved version of the Life Extender Machines. Gray begins to recount the tale of the brothers' birth, and explains how he was taken by an eagle shortly after he spoke with their father. He explains how he was raised by the eagle as one of its own, and how he later killed it and her children to feed himself.

He goes on to explain how, unlike how Redmond and Blutarch had their empires handed to them, he had to build his own out of scratch. Gray tells Redmond and Blutarch that he watched for a hundred and fifty years as they both wasted their father's fortune over an "asinine war, over worthless pits of gravel." He asks them to consider their true birthright, and tells them that it's "the only thing in this hell-blasted landscape actually worth fighting over", which appears to be Mann Co. Redmond dismisses his claims, stating that gravel powers the world's steam engines, showing how uninformed about the world he actually is. Gray grows tired of his responses, and kills both Redmond and Blutarch by stabbing them in the back.

That night, the ghosts of Redmond and Blutarch argue over who outlived the other. After fighting for a while, they settle on contacting a lawyer, who turns out to be the Soldier, to decide who is the victor. He tells them that the true winner would be decided when the other's spirit passes on. The two then arrange for the mercenaries of RED and BLU to push carts containing the other brother's corpse to Hell. With one team winning, the opposing brother drags both teams to Hell with them. One team manages to beat the other to a spellbook and escape back to the surface, presumably leaving the other behind.


Doomsday secret map.png
もっと詳しく: A Fate Worse Than Chess, Mann vs. Machineアップデート

After years of signs and rumors, Gray makes his move against Mann Co., sending a massive robot army to attack all of the company's facilities three days after slaying his brothers. Saxton Hale was too busy wrestling a イエティ to deal with the crisis himself, so he sends a video message to the remaining RED and BLU mercenaries informing them that with Redmond and Blutarch dead, the Gravel War has finally ended and they no longer have jobs. He then immediately re-hires the team to defend Mann Co. against the robots.

もっと詳しく: Shadow Boxers

The Robot War continues for about a year, with the cooperating mercenaries successfully defending hundreds of Mann Co. facilities in the Badlands and worldwide.​ ​​​Miss Pauling becomes the active leader of the mercenaries. Soldier emerges as an erstwhile "tactical mastermind"; devising decoy facilities and infiltrating Gray's island base.

After continuous defeats, Gray Mann develops a more intelligent メカエンジニア, but never-the-less fails in the following assault on Mann Co. Headquarters.


Takeover of Mann Co.

もっと詳しく: Ring of Fired

After the Mercenaries successfully defend Mann Co. against the robot attacks, wary of another intractable stalemate, Gray decides to change his approach. He goes directly to Saxton Hale at Mann Co.'s headquarters, and declares that the war is over — he gives up. But then he says he is there for the Mann Co. Challenge, offering a fight with Hale for the ownership of the company, a policy Hale made himself. After Hale grabs and punches Gray with ease, Gray declares that he is not the one who will be fighting, but instead Gray's daughter named Olivia, an underage girl, will fight Hale. Hale refuses to fight her, ultimately granting Mann Co. ownership to Gray. Gray proceeds to fire the mercenaries, and the Administrator orders Miss Pauling, her assistant, to hide. The mercenaries scatter, but Scout and Spy are arrested before they escape Teufort.


Assemble the team.

もっと詳しく: Ring of Fired

Six months after the loss of Mann Co. to Gray, Pauling receives a message to "​​Assemble the team."

The mercenaries have scattered. Three mercenaries remained in the Southwest; Soldier gives guided tours to homes of the stars, Pyro is an engineering company CEO, and Demoman is a drunkard living with his mother. Sniper has "gone bush" in Australia. Heavy has returned to his family home in Siberia. Medic has some important position and is unreachable. The whereabouts of Engineer (Dell) are unknown to the rest of the team.

Posing as a policeman, Miss Pauling first recovers Soldier, but not before setting Merasmus up to take the rap for Soldier’s murder of Tom Jones. She easily entices Pyro and Demoman from their current situations, and drives the three to Teufort to save Scout and Spy.

Trial at Teufort

もっと詳しく: Unhappy Returns, A Cold Day in Hell, Blood in the Water

Arriving at Teufort, the group splits up.

Miss Pauling takes Pyro with her on her tasks. Pauling first meets in an alley with the "Administrator" (a very aged woman who keeps her actual appearance hidden from Pauling). The woman claims to have collected 89,000 tons of Australium and gives Pauling instructions to get the "one last cache of Australium". Miss Pauling and Pyro then go to the Teufort library to locate and destroy genealogy records. They burn the paper copies, learning that the microfiche copies had been destroyed a year earlier.

Demoman and Soldier go to the courthouse to locate Scout and Spy, but they reveal themselves to the court and are arrested. The four mercenaries are tried at court, convicted of municipal misfeasance, and sentenced to hang. Miss Pauling arrives just in time to save the four by clearing up questions of mayoral duties.

Close on their heels, Gray Mann is looking for the same records as Pauling, but only finds a burnt scrap of a birth record showing the name "Helen".


The Administrator threatened Heavy's and Sniper's homes and families.
もっと詳しく: Meet the Director, A Cold Day in Hell, Blood in the Water

Through the Director's filmed interviews, the Administrator learned details of Heavy's and Sniper's families. She located their families and had photographs taken and sent to Sniper and Heavy as threats against talking to anyone about their jobs. Heavy and Sniper vowed to kill whoever threatened their families. After the loss of Mann Co., while most of the other mercenaries remained around the Badlands region, Sniper and Heavy left the country to join their families.

After the Teufort trial, Miss Pauling's team splits up again. Soldier, Scout, and Pyro are in Siberia to locate Heavy, while Miss Pauling, Spy, and Demoman leave for Australia to find Sniper. They learn what has happened to the respective families:

"Big girls who do not need bossy old Misha anymore." — Heavy (A Cold Day in Hell)

Heavy's mother and sisters were attacked by "bad men" before Heavy returned to Siberia. Heavy's sisters dealt harshly with the attackers, killing them all. His sisters and mother follow him to America; Zhanna in particular joining the mercenaries as Soldier's girlfriend and then fiancé.

"So you're a Kiwi now, huh?" — Miss Pauling (Gun Mettle Campaign)

Sniper's parents died near the time the Administrator vanished. Their death was convenient, since Sniper then discovered that he was adopted and so is willing to go to New Zealand with Miss Pauling to locate his birth parents, who just happen to have the Australium cache that Miss Pauling was sent to acquire.

Darling’s team: サクストン・ヘイルとマギー

Joining the fight against the robots! But on who's side?
もっと詳しく: Bidwell's Big Plan, Unhappy Returns, A Cold Day in Hell, Blood in the Water, The Naked and the Dead

After losing Mann Co., Saxton Hale seeks help from his mentor, now nemesis, Charles Darling. However, Hale was so incensed by Darling's zoo that he burned most of it down. For this crime, he spent months in jail. Upon his release, Saxton is met by his ex-girlfriend, Maggie, who now works for Darling.

Charles Darling

The Darling family has been connected with the Mann family since the beginning; so, Charles is well-aware of the properties of Australium. Darling recruits Saxton Hale for his own plan to collect a cache of Australium with the promise of helping Hale get Mann Co. back.

Saxton and Maggie encounter Scout and Heavy at Ayers Rock. Neither Heavy nor Saxton tells the full truth to the other; Saxton and Maggie do not disclose that they are working for Darling, while Heavy is misleading in his statement that they were sent by "the old woman". Saxton and Maggie transport Heavy and Scout to Gray’s base, supply Pauling’s team with weapons, and join the fight against Gray’s last robot army.


Gray Mann opening the Mann Co. cache.
もっと詳しく: Loose Canon, A Cold Day in Hell, Blood in the Water

Rare as is its, there have been multiple large caches of Australium. Several parties are seeking the remaining caches; Gray Mann, to use its immense power and to fuel his Life Extender Machine, Charles Darling, to extend the lives of his collection of "last of their breeds", Helen, for reasons secret to even her closest associates, and at least one other unknown party who seems to be beating all of them to the caches.

The cache at Mann Co. Monkeynautics facilities was emptied before Gray Mann could locate it, with only a single bar of Australium and a lipstick-stained cigarette butt left behind. Darling’s and Pauling’s teams in Australia learn that the Australian supply at a Ayers Rock went missing a few months later. Pauling’s squad discovers that Sniper’s birth father, Bill-Bel, has wasted the entire New Zealand cache as paint for his failed spaceships. Sniper’s birth mother, Lar-Nah, escapes with the last spaceship, which was the last Australium in that cache.

Team Fortress Classic

Elderly TFC mercenaries.
もっと詳しく: A Cold Day in Hell, Blood in the Water, Old Wounds

Meanwhile in New Zealand, Sniper meets his real parents along with Pauling and the mercenaries. Conveniently the last bit of Australium was there too and in the possession of Snipers parents. Unfortunately Snipers unhappy mom takes off in the rocket (composed of the missing Australium) and the remaining batch of the Australium due to collect was gone. Having the rocket launch blast a hole in the ceiling of the underwater dome, the place was flooding and Sniper's dad took off in the submarine Pauling and the mercenaries took there. Having found the Mann Co. cache emptied, Gray Mann hires the aging Team Fortress Classic mercenaries (with TF2 Medic) to find the woman who took the Mann Co. Australium cache and recover the Australium. The Classic mercenaries track and capture Pauling, five mercenaries, and Zhanna at New Zealand, killing Sniper after the rocket incident.

The TFC mercenaries take the TF2 team to Gray Mann’s base for interrogation to learn of "Her" location. TFC Heavy figures out that the Australium is the source of Mann’s longevity. He turns on Gray Mann, intending to capture the Australium cache for himself and his aging team. He rips the Australium out of Gray’s Life Extender Machine, effectively killing him in short order.

TFC vs TF2

もっと詳しく: Old Wounds, The Naked and the Dead

The sharp fragments of Gray’s shattered Life Extender Machine give Zhanna the means of escaping her handcuffs. The prisoners thereby begin their escape, killing TFC Pyro, Spy, and Demoman. Medic revives Sniper. TFC Heavy unleashes Gray’s blood-sucking robots on the escaped TF2 mercenaries. Toxic-blooded Demoman single-handedly fights off the blood-suckers while Medic revives Miss Pauling and the others. TFC Heavy throws the remainder of Gray’s robot army at the unarmed mercenaries, who are then joined by Scout, Heavy, Saxton Hale, Maggie, Jerry, and a planeload of weapons.

The robots and remaining TFC mercenaries are eliminated; TFC Heavy being defeated by Heavy and Medic, with some grudging intervention from the Devil. However, the fate of the TFC Engineer, assumed killed by Spy, is unconfirmed as TF2 Spy was seen disguised as Fred (TFC Engineer) when confronting TFC Sniper.



"He's not here, is she?"スカウト (Meet the Pyro)

ゲームの発売以来、パイロの正体は多くの議論の対象となりました。Meet the Pyroでは、パイロが自分の周りの世界や自分の行動を子供のように喜んでいることが示され、ミス・ポーリングもパイロに対し子供に話かけるように話します。パイロの性別や経歴については、コミュニティのポピュラーな憶測や、コミックや動画などで問題になっていますが、明確な証拠はありません。


"I know exactly what she would do with that kind of bower. And I'll be right there with her when she does it, ...."Miss Pauling (Old Wounds)

The hidden pages and comics of Team Fortress 2 bring to light that the "Administrator" has been stockpiling the world's Australium supply for 150 years in order to settle an old score. Women, perhaps Helen herself, or bearing a familial resemblance have been, by various accounts, charged with keeping Zephania Mann's Australium away from Gray Mann, stockpiling the largest supply of Australium in the world, or completely running out of her life extending supply. Perhaps will be explained in the next comic which is marked as "coming soon"


"Hey Spy. Pauling. I took care of that DNA test for you. You owe me one ...."Miss Pauling (Gun Mettle Campaign)

With the introduction of RED Spy's romantic interest in BLU Scout's Mother came suggestions that Spy is Scout's biological father. Several scenes or gags in the comics reference this suspicion. Certain comments made by other characters suggest they know or suspect something of a connection between Scout and Spy. A strongly emotional scene plays out after the battle with the last of Gray's robots; Spy comforts a dying Scout with an apparent fiction that Scout is the son of Tom Jones. Spy may be Scout's actual biological father, or he may have otherwise over time developed a deep fatherly concern and affection for Scout.

  • In the image of the RED Team on the cover of Blood Money, the BLU Spy stands behind the Scout; while on the last page, the Spy holds a book, How to Beat a DNA Test.
  • In Comics and Movies, Spy literally runs out on Scout; The Naked and the Dead page 133, Jungle_Inferno 1:05.
  • In Invasion, the Spy, disinterested in the movie, shows a disapproving glance at the Scout's immaturity.


"Medic? I'd forget about him. He's got hisself a fancy job now."The Demoman (Ring of Fired)

The Medic's Bavarian/Frankenstein/Reanimation/Xenotransplantation/Male pregnancy arc:


Will Scout's romantic devotion to Miss Pauling ever be requited, or is she just not all into that?




Alternate universe/spin-off timeline

Note: events in this timeline are not considered canon. [3]


  1. Loose Canon、8ページ。
  2. Loose Canon、5ページ
  3. KritzKast interview with Valve's Andrew Wilson. 'Anything canon should come from the team here; we view the comic as a possible alternate universe. ... While we don’t want too many people steering the canon for TF, we love to see where the characters are taken.' "KritzKast interviews Robotic Boogaloo." May 26, 2013.
