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[[File:Leaderboard class engineer.png|right|エンジニア]]
'''挑発'''はキャラクター特有のアニメーションであり、手動で使用することができます。[[Engineer/ja|エンジニア]]にもいくつかの挑発があり、全てのアニメーションと声の説明を以下に記載しています。このページでは、[[Engineer responses/ja|セリフ]]や[[Engineer voice commands/ja|ボイスコマンド]]は記載していません。
| image = Engineertaunt1.PNG
| weapon-1 = Shotgun
  image = Engineertaunt1.PNG|
| weapon-2 = Widowmaker
  weapon-1 = Shotgun|
| weapon-3 = Pomson 6000
  description = エンジニアが歓声とともにホーダウンのダンスをします。
| weapon-4 = Rescue Ranger
| weapon-5 = Panic Attack
| description = エンジニアが歓声とともにホーダウンのダンスをします。
:[[Media:Engineer_battlecry07.wav|"ヘヘーィ! ヒーハーッ!"]]<br/>'''※全てカウボーイの掛け声が元になってます'''
:[[Media:Engineer_battlecry07.wav|"ヘヘーィ! ヒーハーッ!"]]
  image = EngyGuitarSmash.png|
  weapon-1 = Frontier Justice|
| image = EngyGuitarSmash.png
  special = Dischord|
| weapon-1 = Frontier Justice
  description = {{See also|Dischord/ja|l1=ギター叩き}}
| special = Dischord
| description = {{See also|Dischord/ja|l1=ギター叩き}}
:([[Media:Taunt eng smash1.wav|スマッシュ音1]])
:([[Media:Taunt eng smash2.wav|スマッシュ音2]])
:([[Media:Taunt eng smash3.wav|スマッシュ音3]])
  image = Engineertaunt2.PNG|
| image = Engineertaunt2.PNG
  weapon-1 = Pistol|
| weapon-1 = Pistol
  weapon-2 = Lugermorph|
| weapon-2 = Lugermorph
  description = [[Pistol|ピストル]]を片手でクルクル回しながら[[Media:Engineer_laughevil05.wav|不敵に笑い]]、銃口(ルガーモーフの場合、銃口の横あたり)に息を吹きかけます。
| weapon-3 = Wrangler
| weapon-4 = Giger Counter
| description = [[Pistol|ピストル]]を片手でクルクル回しながら[[Media:Engineer_laughevil05.wav|不敵に笑い]]、銃口({{Item name|Lugermorph}}の場合、銃口の横あたり)に息を吹きかけます。
| image = Engineertaunt3.PNG
| weapon-1 = Short Circuit
| description = エンジニアが膝を叩いて指をさしながら、[[Media:Engineer_laughlong01.wav|いやらしく笑います]]。
  image = Engineertaunt3.PNG|
| image = Engineertaunt3.PNG
  weapon-1 = Wrench|
| weapon-1 = Wrench
  weapon-2 = Golden Wrench|
| weapon-2 = Golden Wrench
  weapon-3 = Southern Hospitality|
| weapon-3 = Southern Hospitality
  description = エンジニアがかかとを打ち指をさしながら、[[Media:Engineer_laughlong01.wav|いやらしく笑います]]。
| weapon-4 = Jag
| weapon-5 = Eureka Effect
| weapon-6 = Saxxy
| description = エンジニアが膝を叩いて指をさしながら、[[Media:Engineer_laughlong01.wav|いやらしく笑います]]。
| image = EngyGunslinger.png
| weapon-1 = Gunslinger
| special = Organ grinder
| description = {{See also|Organ Grinder/ja|l1=オルガン粉砕}}
{{Item name|Gunslinger}}の義手を激しく回転させ、前方に突き出します。
| image = EngyEurekaEffect.png
| weapon-1 = Eureka Effect
| description =
The Engineer throws his arm into the sky, which gets struck by lightning. He then teleports back to spawn, or his teleporter exit.
== アクションアイテム ==
=== エンジニア専用 ===
| image =Taunt Bucking Bronco.png
| weapon-1 = Bucking Bronco
| description = The Engineer will mount and ride a mechanical bull until it bucks him off.
:[[Media:Eng_bronco 01.mp3|"Yee-haw!"]]
:[[Media:Eng_bronco 02.mp3|"Woo hoo! Hoo hoo! Yeah! ''Yee-haw!''"]]
:[[Media:Eng_bronco 03.mp3|"Yeeeeeee-haw!"]]
:[[Media:Eng_bronco 04.mp3|"Yeeeeee-''haw!''"]]
:[[Media:Eng_bronco 05.mp3|"Yeeeee-haw!"]]
:[[Media:Eng_bronco 07.mp3|"Ah hah!"]]
:[[Media:Eng_bronco 09.mp3|"Whew! Hoo hoo!"]]
:[[Media:Eng_bronco 12.mp3|"Mmh! Huh ha hoo! This is ''not'' doing my spine any favors!"]]
:[[Media:Eng_bronco 16.mp3|"Ha ha! Come on, spinal column, don't let me down now!"]]
| image = Taunt dueling banjo.png
| weapon-1 = Dueling Banjo
| description =  A haystack appears behind the Engineer while he pulls out a banjo; he then sits down and begins playing it. Pressing {{key|MOUSE2}} makes the Engineer play faster, causing smoke to come out of his hands; pressing {{key|MOUSE1}} makes him return to normal speed. When ending the taunt, the Engineer places the banjo next to the haystack and gets up after which the props will disappear behind him.
| image = Taunt jumping jack.png
| weapon-1 = Jumping Jack
| description = The Engineer pulls a jackhammer out of his tool pocket and rides on it. When ending the taunt, the Engineer jumps off it and puts it back in his tool pocket. While riding, the jackhammer makes a loud noise and creates a smoke trail. The player can freely move around during this taunt.
| image = Taunt Rancho Relaxo.png
| weapon-1 = Rancho Relaxo
| description = The Engineer unfolds a toolbox, which contains a lawn chair, a small umbrella, and several beer bottles. He then sits down, drinks beer, belches, and occasionally says:
:[[Media:Demo guzzle 01.wav|"[glugging, smacks lips]"]]
:[[Media:Taunt demo burp 03.wav|"[Burps]"]]
:[[Media:Eng guzzle 02.wav|"[glugging] Ahhh!"]]
:[[Media:Eng guzzle 03.wav|[loud slurp]]]
:[[Media:Eng guzzle 04 burp.wav|"[Belch] Ooh, mmmh that's good!"]]
:[[Media:Eng guzzle 05.wav|"Ahhhh!"]]
:[[Media:Eng guzzle 06.wav|"[gluggin]. Aaaah, life of Reilly! Mmm."]] ([[W:The Life of Riley|See: living the life of Reilly]])
:[[Media:Taunt engineer lounge button press.wav|[beep]]]
:[[Media:Taunt engineer lounge toolbox open.wav|[steam hissing and gears clanking]]]
:[[Media:Taunt engineer lounge sit.wav|[settling into a comfortable position]]]
:[[Media:Taunt engineer lounge toolbox close.wav|[electric crackling and clanking]]]
  image = EngyGunslinger.png|
| image = Taunt Texas Truckin'.png
  weapon-1 = Gunslinger|
| weapon-1 = Texas Truckin'
  special = Organ grinder|
| description = The Engineer drives a miniature farm truck around, occasionally saluting and looking around.<br><br>The player will continuously move forward during this taunt, only being able to turn left and right.
  description = {{See also|Organ Grinder/ja|l1=オルガン粉砕}}
=== 全クラス ===
  image = EngyGuitarPlay.png|
| image = Burstchester Engineer.png
  description = エンジニアがギターを用意して、おもむろに演奏をします。
| weapon-1 = Burstchester
| description = A creature resembling a [[Bread monster]] partially comes out of the Engineer's chest; he just looks at it, perplexed.
:[[Media:Engineer_jeers04.wav|"Ah, good night, Irene!"]]
:[[Media:Engineer positivevocalization01.wav|"Well, don't that beat all?"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps lose 25.wav|"You low-down scoundrel."]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps lose 29.wav|"Well, that sours ''my'' milk."]]
* [[Soldier taunts/ja#未使用|ソルジャー]][[Demoman taunts/ja#未使用|デモマン]]と同様にエンジニアにもハイタッチのモーション(成功時と失敗時、各2種)が追加されていましたが、残念ながら未使用のギター演奏と一緒にゲームデータから削除されてしまったようです。
| image = Conga_Engineer.png
| weapon-1 = Conga
| description = The Engineer bounces in rhythm to the Latin beats while saying:
:[[Media:Eng taunt cong fun 02.wav|"Yuh duh doo doo!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt cong fun 04.wav|"Woo! Yeah yee yah!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt cong fun 08.wav|"Ho ho, dee diga dee!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt cong fun 09.wav|"Ho ho, yee hah!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt cong fun 10.wav|"Ho ho, woowhee!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt cong fun 13.wav|"Yehaw, yehaw, yehaw!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt cong fun 14.wav|"Ye-eah!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt cong fun 16.wav|"Ho ho!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt cong fun 20.wav|"Oom bah, oom bah, omm bah, oom bah! Yeah ye-yeah!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt cong fun 26.wav|"Yeah, giddiyup, giddiyup, giddiyup!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt cong fun 30.wav|"Yeah, that's living!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt cong fun 33.wav|"Mmmh, garsh, go!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt cong fun 34.wav|"Yeah, yeah!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt cong fun 35.wav|"Oh hee, hee, hee, hee, hee!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt cong fun 36.wav|"Doon dookaloon dookloon doon doon!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt cong fun 42.wav|"Mmmmmhmmmn!"]]
| image = Engineer Director.png
| weapon-1 = Director's Vision
| description = エンジニアが軽く跳ねて腰を落とし、親指と人差指を立てて顔の前に箱型を作りカメラレンズのアングルを決めるような仕草をします。
| image = Fist Bump Engineer.png
| weapon-1 = Fist Bump
| description = The Engineer closes his right hand into a fist and slaps it twice before extending his right arm forward and inviting others for a fist bump.
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 41.wav|"''Come on, now!''"]]
While waiting, he moves his left hand's fingers in anticipation and then looks right and left as he says:
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 44.wav|"Who's with me?!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 23.wav|"Let's go..."]]
The Engineer then slaps his thighs and claps his hands before punching the other player's fist.
:[[Media:Eng taunt cong fun 42.wav|"Mmmmmhmmmn!"]]
After a successful fist bump, he raises his left hand, closes it into a fist, and pumps it down twice while [[Media:Engineer cheers02.wav|cheering]].
| image = Flippin Awesome Engineer.png
| weapon-1 = Flippin' Awesome
| description = The Engineer will bend his knees slightly with his hands interlocked to form a platform for players to flip themselves off. If he is being flipped, the Engineer will perform a somersault in mid-air.
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip int 01.wav|"Flippin' time!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip int 04.wav|"Let's get some air!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip int 08.wav|"Who wants a flip?"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip int 11.wav|"Who wants a flip?"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip int 13.wav|"Get a foot in!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip int 14.wav|"Get a ''foot in''!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip exert 14.wav|(strained) "Uhhh, up you go!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip exert 23.wav|(strained) "Uuuup ya go!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip exert 24.wav|(strained) "Get up there!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip exert 26.wav|"Get up there!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt exert 30.wav|"Ughh!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt exert 44.wav|"Urgh!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt exert 46.wav|"Urgh rah!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt exert 47.wav|"Uragh!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip fun 01.wav|"Woooo!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip fun 06.wav|"Wooo!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip fun 07.wav|"Woo hoo!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip fun 25.wav|"Up I go!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt exert 05.wav|"Hee-yah!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt exert 07.wav|"Zah!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt exert 08.wav|"Urgh!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt exert 10.wav|"Ooh, dosido!!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt exert 12.wav|"Hoowhoo!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt exert 15.wav|"Yeehaw!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt exert 19.wav|"Whoowhew!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt exert 24.wav|"Yeeehaaaw!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt exert 29.wav|"Whoo hoo!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip end 01.wav|"Giddyup!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip end 04.wav|"''Giddyup!''"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip end 08.wav|"Ha hah!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip admire 01.wav|"Yah yah!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip admire 02.wav|"Yee haw!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip admire 03.wav|"Yah, yah, yah!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip admire 04.wav|"Yah, giddiyup!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip admire 06.wav|"Hyup, yah spur, spur!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip admire 07.wav|"Yeah!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip admire 09.wav|"Ah, hyup! Perfect landing!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip admire 10.wav|"Hmm, hah! Nicely done"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip admire 11.wav|"Nicely done!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip admire 12.wav|"Hah!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip admire 14.wav|"All right!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt flip admire 15.wav|"Ha! All right!"]]
| image = Engineer_hifiveSuccessFull.png
| weapon-1 = High Five!
| description = エンジニアがハイタッチを求めます。:
:[[media:Engineer yes02.wav|"Heck yes!"]]
He then adjusts his glove, slaps the other player's hand, and kicks to the sides in a dance.
| image = Kazotsky Kick Engineer.png
| weapon-1 = Kazotsky Kick
| description = The Engineer will kick from side to side.
| image = Mannrobics Engineer.png
| weapon-1 = Mannrobics
| description = The Engineer will go through an aerobics routine with the option of a class-specific animation.
:[[Media:Eng aerobic 02.mp3|"Hmm hmm hmm! Hmm hmm hmm! (panting)"]]
:[[Media:Eng aerobic 03.mp3|"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Yeah! Hooyah! Go doggie! Hmm!"]]
:[[Media:Eng aerobic 32.mp3|"Hmm hehehehe! Hmm ha ha ha ! Light as a feather!"]]
:[[Media:Eng aerobic 43.mp3|"Heh heh! Feel the burn now!"]]
:[[Media:Eng aerobic 45.mp3|"Haha! Ya'll ain't ready for ''this''!"]]
:[[Media:Eng aerobic 71.mp3|"Hah, this is ''all'' self-taught!"]]
:[[Media:Eng aerobic 92.mp3|"Yes, sir! I'm ''all'' fired up!"]]
:[[Media:Eng aerobic 98.mp3|"I'm running hotter than Hell's basement!"]]
:[[Media:Eng aerobic 103.mp3|"Le's see a sentry track this!"]]
:[[Media:Eng aerobic 111.mp3|"All right, time to take it to Level 3!"]]
:[[Media:Eng aerobic 123.mp3|"Okay body, time to Teleport ''you'' to a world of physical fitness! Phew!"]]
(While [[Gunslinger]] is equipped):[[Media:Eng aerobic 129.mp3|"Haha! I don't even need my good hand for this!"]]
| image = Engineer rock paper scissors.png
| weapon-1 = Rock, Paper, Scissors
| description = エンジニアは、ジャンケンをしながら激しいバトルを繰り広げます。
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps int 01.wav|"''Rock, paper, scissors!''"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps int 03.wav|"Rock, paper, scissors, boys!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps int 07.wav|"Who's up for a throw?"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps exert 01.wav|"One!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps exert 02.wav|"Two!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps exert 03.wav|"Three!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps exert 07.wav|"On three!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps win 06.wav|"Scissors cut paper, hoss!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps win 07.wav|"Paper covers rock, boss!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps win 10.wav|"Rock beats scissors, son!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps win 17.wav|"Like a hog to slaughter!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps win 26.wav|"You're all wore out boy!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps win 31.wav|"All hat, no cattle!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps win 33.wav|"Quit your belly-aching!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps lose 22.wav|"Damn this game to blazes."]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps lose 25.wav|"You low-down scoundrel."]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps lose 27.wav|"Well, that sours my milk."]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps lose 29.wav|"Well, that sours ''my'' milk."]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt rps lose 31.wav|"Nice work."]]
| image = Engineer_taunt_laugh.png
| weapon-1 = Schadenfreude
| description = エンジニアが[[media:Engineer laughlong02.wav|大笑い]]をしながら腰に両手を当ててふんぞり返り、笑いすぎでむせつつ左手の人差指を突き出します。
| image = Second Rate Sorcery Engineer.png
| weapon-1 = Second Rate Sorcery
| description = The Engineer takes out a staff with a skull on its top and a tag reading "99¢" while dancing in place. He attempts to cast a [[media:engineer sf13 spell teleport self01.wav|Shadow Leap spell]] with the staff, failing to create anything but green sparkles. He gives the staff a quick look and then shrugs while [[Media:Engineer negativevocalization09.wav|grumbling]] before putting it away.
| image = Engineer Shred Alert taunt.png
| weapon-1 = Shred Alert
| description = The Engineer summons a guitar and plays an [[Media:Shred Alert.wav|intense solo]] as flames and lightning spout from behind.
| image = Skullcracker Engineer.png
| weapon-1 = Skullcracker
| description = The Engineer will gesture towards his head and then perform a head butt with another player.
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 02.wav|"Let's do this!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 03.wav|"''Let's do this!''"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 05.wav|"Let's do this."]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 09.wav|"Alright!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 10.wav|"''Alright!''"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 11.wav|"Alright."]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 12.wav|"Alright..."]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 13.wav|"''Alright.''"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 19.wav|"Let's go!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 21.wav|"''Let's go!''"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 22.wav|"Let's go."]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 23.wav|"Let's go..."]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 24.wav|"''Let's go.''"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 25.wav|"Let's GO."]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 31.wav|"Let's do this!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 36.wav|"Come on now!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 37.wav|"''Come on now!''"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 38.wav|"''Come on'' now!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 39.wav|"Come on now."]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 41.wav|"''Come on now..."]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 44.wav|"Who's with me?"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt int 46.wav|"''Who's with me?''"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt head end 07.wav|"Whoo!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt head end 08.wav|"Yeah!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt head end 13.wav|"All right!"]]
| image = Square Dance Engineer.png
| weapon-1 = Square Dance
| description = The Engineer will swing his partner 'round and 'round while saying:
:[[Media:Eng taunt dosi int 02.wav|"Do-si-do time!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt dosi int 03.wav|"Let's do-si-do!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt dosi int 04.wav|"Do-si-do, boys!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt dosi end 01.wav|"I'm a ''dancing'' fool!"]]
:[[Media:Eng taunt dosi end 02.wav|"Yeeehaw!"]]
| image = Victory Lap Engineer.png
| weapon-1 = Victory Lap
| description = The Engineer jumps into a team-colored [[Bumper Cars|bumper car]]. Pressing {{key|MOUSE1}} makes him honk the car's horn. The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt.
| image = Engineer yetipunch.png
| weapon-1 = Yeti Punch
| description = A wooden cutout of a [[Yeti]] appears in front of the Engineer. He dances while a banjo plays, then kicks the cutout, destroying it. He then leans forward while putting his right hand close to his chin, looks both sides, and returns to his original position while laughing.
| image = Engineer yetismash.png
| weapon-1 = Yeti Smash
| description = The Engineer turns into a Yeti, beats his chest while roaring, and slams the ground with his fist; he then turns back to normal and slaps his right knee while standing back up.
| image = Zoomin' Broom Engineer.png
| weapon-1 = Zoomin' Broom
| description = エンジニアは魔女のホウキを取り出して乗り、地面をホバリングします。
== 未使用のコンテンツ ==
| image = EngyGuitarPlay.png
| description = エンジニアがギターを用意して、おもむろに演奏をします。
| image = EngyVomit.png
| description = エンジニアが気分悪そうに震え嘔吐します。
== アップデート履歴 ==
{{Update history |
'''{{Patch name|7|8|2010}}''' ({{update link|Engineer Update}})
* {{Undocumented}} {{Item name|Frontier Justice}}、{{Item name|Gunslinger}}用の挑発を追加した。
* {{Undocumented}} ゲーム中に使われていないハイタッチとギター演奏のアニメーションを追加した。
'''{{Patch name|9|30|2010}}''' ({{update link|Mann-Conomy Update}})
* {{Undocumented}} ゲーム中に使われていなかったハイタッチとギター演奏のアニメーションを削除した。
'''{{Patch name|5|5|2011}}''' ({{update link|Replay Update}})
* Director's Visionの挑発を追加した。
* {{Undocumented}} ゲーム中に使われていないハイタッチとギター演奏のアニメーションを再び追加した。
'''{{Patch name|6|23|2011}}''' ({{update link|Über Update}})
* Schadenfreudeの挑発を追加した。
'''{{Patch name|10|13|2011}}''' ({{update link|Manniversary Update & Sale}})
* {{Item link|Wrangler}}でピストルの挑発が出来るようになった。
* High Five!の挑発を追加した。
'''{{Patch name|12|15|2011}}''' ({{update link|Australian Christmas 2011}})
* ユーレカ・エフェクトの挑発を追加した。
* {{Undocumented}} 嘔吐の挑発を追加した。
'''{{Patch name|2|18|2013}}'''
* Shred Alertの挑発を追加した。
'''{{Patch name|1|23|2014}}'''
* ショート・サーキットでエンジニアの近接武器の挑発が使えるようになった。
'''{{Patch name|6|18|2014}}''' ({{update link|Love & War Update}})
* {{item link|Conga}}、{{item link|Square Dance}}、{{item link|Skullcracker}}、{{item link|Flippin' Awesome}}、{{item link|Rock, Paper, Scissors}}、そして{{item link|Rancho Relaxo}}の挑発を追加した。
'''{{Patch name|7|2|2015}}''' ({{update link|Gun Mettle Update}})
* Kazotsky Kickがゲームに追加された。
'''{{Patch name|10|6|2015}}''' ({{update link|invasion update}})
* Burstchesterがゲームに追加された。
'''{{Patch name|10|28|2015}}''' ({{update link|Scream Fortress 2015}})
* Zoomin' Broomがゲームに追加された。
'''{{Patch name|11|3|2015}}'''
* ラウンド開始前の硬直時間中に挑発をしても動けないようになった。
'''{{Patch name|12|17|2015}}''' ({{update link|Tough Break Update}})
* Bucking BroncoとMannrobicsがゲームに追加された。
{{Taunt nav}}
{{Taunt Nav}}
{{Engineer Nav|coluncolstate=collapsed}}
{{Engineer Nav|state=collapsed}}
[[Category:Taunts/ja| ]]

Latest revision as of 21:07, 8 January 2024




Engineertaunt1.PNG 用意する武器 説明文
"ヘヘーィ! ヒーハーッ!"
EngyGuitarSmash.png 用意する武器 説明文キルアイコン
関連項目: ギター叩き


  • Killicon guitar smash.png


Engineertaunt2.PNG 用意する武器 説明文
Engineertaunt3.PNG 用意する武器 説明文


Engineertaunt3.PNG 用意する武器 説明文
EngyGunslinger.png 用意する武器 説明文キルアイコン
関連項目: オルガン粉砕
  • Killicon arm blender.png
EngyEurekaEffect.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Engineer throws his arm into the sky, which gets struck by lightning. He then teleports back to spawn, or his teleporter exit.



Taunt Bucking Bronco.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Engineer will mount and ride a mechanical bull until it bucks him off.
"Woo hoo! Hoo hoo! Yeah! Yee-haw!"
"Ah hah!"
"Whew! Hoo hoo!"
"Mmh! Huh ha hoo! This is not doing my spine any favors!"
"Ha ha! Come on, spinal column, don't let me down now!"
Taunt dueling banjo.png 用意する武器 説明文
A haystack appears behind the Engineer while he pulls out a banjo; he then sits down and begins playing it. Pressing MOUSE2 makes the Engineer play faster, causing smoke to come out of his hands; pressing MOUSE1 makes him return to normal speed. When ending the taunt, the Engineer places the banjo next to the haystack and gets up after which the props will disappear behind him.
Taunt jumping jack.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Engineer pulls a jackhammer out of his tool pocket and rides on it. When ending the taunt, the Engineer jumps off it and puts it back in his tool pocket. While riding, the jackhammer makes a loud noise and creates a smoke trail. The player can freely move around during this taunt.
Taunt Rancho Relaxo.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Engineer unfolds a toolbox, which contains a lawn chair, a small umbrella, and several beer bottles. He then sits down, drinks beer, belches, and occasionally says:
"[glugging, smacks lips]"
"[glugging] Ahhh!"
[loud slurp]
"[Belch] Ooh, mmmh that's good!"
"[gluggin]. Aaaah, life of Reilly! Mmm." (See: living the life of Reilly)



[steam hissing and gears clanking]
[settling into a comfortable position]
[electric crackling and clanking]
Taunt Texas Truckin'.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Engineer drives a miniature farm truck around, occasionally saluting and looking around.

The player will continuously move forward during this taunt, only being able to turn left and right.


Burstchester Engineer.png 用意する武器 説明文
A creature resembling a Bread monster partially comes out of the Engineer's chest; he just looks at it, perplexed.


"Ah, good night, Irene!"
"Well, don't that beat all?"
"You low-down scoundrel."
"Well, that sours my milk."
Conga Engineer.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Engineer bounces in rhythm to the Latin beats while saying:


"Yuh duh doo doo!"
"Woo! Yeah yee yah!"
"Ho ho, dee diga dee!"
"Ho ho, yee hah!"
"Ho ho, woowhee!"
"Yehaw, yehaw, yehaw!"
"Ho ho!"
"Oom bah, oom bah, omm bah, oom bah! Yeah ye-yeah!"
"Yeah, giddiyup, giddiyup, giddiyup!"
"Yeah, that's living!"
"Mmmh, garsh, go!"
"Yeah, yeah!"
"Oh hee, hee, hee, hee, hee!"
"Doon dookaloon dookloon doon doon!"
Engineer Director.png 用意する武器 説明文
Fist Bump Engineer.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Engineer closes his right hand into a fist and slaps it twice before extending his right arm forward and inviting others for a fist bump.


"Come on, now!"

While waiting, he moves his left hand's fingers in anticipation and then looks right and left as he says:

"Who's with me?!"
"Let's go..."

The Engineer then slaps his thighs and claps his hands before punching the other player's fist.


After a successful fist bump, he raises his left hand, closes it into a fist, and pumps it down twice while cheering.
Flippin Awesome Engineer.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Engineer will bend his knees slightly with his hands interlocked to form a platform for players to flip themselves off. If he is being flipped, the Engineer will perform a somersault in mid-air.


"Flippin' time!"
"Let's get some air!"
"Who wants a flip?"
"Who wants a flip?"
"Get a foot in!"
"Get a foot in!"


(strained) "Uhhh, up you go!"
(strained) "Uuuup ya go!"
(strained) "Get up there!"
"Get up there!"
"Urgh rah!"


"Woo hoo!"
"Up I go!"
"Ooh, dosido!!"
"Whoo hoo!"


"Ha hah!"
"Yah yah!"
"Yee haw!"
"Yah, yah, yah!"
"Yah, giddiyup!"
"Hyup, yah spur, spur!"
"Ah, hyup! Perfect landing!"
"Hmm, hah! Nicely done"
"Nicely done!"
"All right!"
"Ha! All right!"
Engineer hifiveSuccessFull.png 用意する武器 説明文
"Heck yes!"
He then adjusts his glove, slaps the other player's hand, and kicks to the sides in a dance.
Kazotsky Kick Engineer.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Engineer will kick from side to side.
Mannrobics Engineer.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Engineer will go through an aerobics routine with the option of a class-specific animation.
"Hmm hmm hmm! Hmm hmm hmm! (panting)"
"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Yeah! Hooyah! Go doggie! Hmm!"
"Hmm hehehehe! Hmm ha ha ha ! Light as a feather!"
"Heh heh! Feel the burn now!"
"Haha! Ya'll ain't ready for this!"
"Hah, this is all self-taught!"
"Yes, sir! I'm all fired up!"
"I'm running hotter than Hell's basement!"
"Le's see a sentry track this!"
"All right, time to take it to Level 3!"
"Okay body, time to Teleport you to a world of physical fitness! Phew!"
(While Gunslinger is equipped):"Haha! I don't even need my good hand for this!"
Engineer rock paper scissors.png 用意する武器 説明文


"Rock, paper, scissors!"
"Rock, paper, scissors, boys!"
"Who's up for a throw?"


"On three!"


"Scissors cut paper, hoss!"
"Paper covers rock, boss!"
"Rock beats scissors, son!"
"Like a hog to slaughter!"
"You're all wore out boy!"
"All hat, no cattle!"
"Quit your belly-aching!"


"Damn this game to blazes."
"You low-down scoundrel."
"Well, that sours my milk."
"Well, that sours my milk."
"Nice work."
Engineer taunt laugh.png 用意する武器 説明文
Second Rate Sorcery Engineer.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Engineer takes out a staff with a skull on its top and a tag reading "99¢" while dancing in place. He attempts to cast a Shadow Leap spell with the staff, failing to create anything but green sparkles. He gives the staff a quick look and then shrugs while grumbling before putting it away.
Engineer Shred Alert taunt.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Engineer summons a guitar and plays an intense solo as flames and lightning spout from behind.
Skullcracker Engineer.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Engineer will gesture towards his head and then perform a head butt with another player.


"Let's do this!"
"Let's do this!"
"Let's do this."
"Let's go!"
"Let's go!"
"Let's go."
"Let's go..."
"Let's go."
"Let's GO."
"Let's do this!"
"Come on now!"
"Come on now!"
"Come on now!"
"Come on now."
"Come on now..."
"Who's with me?"
"Who's with me?"


"All right!"
Square Dance Engineer.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Engineer will swing his partner 'round and 'round while saying:


"Do-si-do time!"
"Let's do-si-do!"
"Do-si-do, boys!"


"I'm a dancing fool!"
Victory Lap Engineer.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Engineer jumps into a team-colored bumper car. Pressing MOUSE1 makes him honk the car's horn. The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt.
Engineer yetipunch.png 用意する武器 説明文
A wooden cutout of a Yeti appears in front of the Engineer. He dances while a banjo plays, then kicks the cutout, destroying it. He then leans forward while putting his right hand close to his chin, looks both sides, and returns to his original position while laughing.
Engineer yetismash.png 用意する武器 説明文
The Engineer turns into a Yeti, beats his chest while roaring, and slams the ground with his fist; he then turns back to normal and slaps his right knee while standing back up.
Zoomin' Broom Engineer.png 用意する武器 説明文


EngyGuitarPlay.png 用意する武器 説明文
None エンジニアがギターを用意して、おもむろに演奏をします。
EngyVomit.png 用意する武器 説明文
None エンジニアが気分悪そうに震え嘔吐します。


2010年7月8日 パッチ (Engineer アップデート)
  • [非公開] Frontier Justice、Gunslinger用の挑発を追加した。
  • [非公開] ゲーム中に使われていないハイタッチとギター演奏のアニメーションを追加した。

2010年9月30日 パッチ (Mann-Conomy アップデート)

  • [非公開] ゲーム中に使われていなかったハイタッチとギター演奏のアニメーションを削除した。

2011年5月5日 パッチ (Replay アップデート)

  • Director's Visionの挑発を追加した。
  • [非公開] ゲーム中に使われていないハイタッチとギター演奏のアニメーションを再び追加した。

2011年6月23日 パッチ (Über アップデート)

  • Schadenfreudeの挑発を追加した。

2011年10月13日 パッチ (Manniversary アップデート&セール)

  • Wranglerでピストルの挑発が出来るようになった。
  • High Five!の挑発を追加した。

2011年12月15日 パッチ (Australian Christmas 2011)

  • ユーレカ・エフェクトの挑発を追加した。
  • [非公開] 嘔吐の挑発を追加した。

2013年2月18日 パッチ

  • Shred Alertの挑発を追加した。

2014年1月23日 パッチ

  • ショート・サーキットでエンジニアの近接武器の挑発が使えるようになった。

2014年6月18日 パッチ (Love & War アップデート)

2015年7月2日 パッチ (Gun Mettle アップデート)

  • Kazotsky Kickがゲームに追加された。

2015年10月6日 パッチ (Invasion コミュニティアップデート)

  • Burstchesterがゲームに追加された。

2015年10月28日 パッチ (スクリームフォートレス 2015)

  • Zoomin' Broomがゲームに追加された。

2015年11月3日 パッチ

  • ラウンド開始前の硬直時間中に挑発をしても動けないようになった。

2015年12月17日 パッチ (Tough Break アップデート)

  • Bucking BroncoとMannrobicsがゲームに追加された。