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m (Trivia)
(Airblast is not really a special ability, but the afterburn immunity is)
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{{infobox class
{{Featured article tag}}<!--
-->{{Class infobox
|class=[[Image:Leaderboard class pyro.png|40px]]
| image = Pyro.png
| class = [[File:Leaderboard class pyro.png|40px]]
|health=175 <br> <small>(260 when buffed by a Medic)</small>
| type   = [[Classes#Offensive|Offensive]]
| health = '''{{Metrics/Health|C=pyro}}''' {{overheal tool|{{Metrics/Health|C=pyro}}}}
| speed  = '''{{Math/Relative speed|{{Metrics/Speed|C=pyro}}}}%'''<small><br />(''See [[#Speed|Speed]] below for further details'')</small>
{{Quotation|'''The Heavy''' on '''the Pyro''', [[Meet the Pyro]]|I fear no man. But that... ''thing''... It scares me.}}
{{Quotation|'''The Pyro''' on...Just about everything.|Mpphhh mphh mphhhh mphhh mhh!|sound=Pyro_specialcompleted01.wav}}
The '''Pyro''' is a pyromaniac [[Classes|class]] of indeterminate origin with a muffled voice and a burning passion for all things fire related. As shown in [[Meet the Pyro]], the Pyro may be delusional, visualizing themself in a utopian fantasy world known as ''[[Pyroland]]''.
A mumbling, besuited psychopath of indeterminate origin, the '''Pyro''' has a burning fondness for [[fire]] and all things fire-related. Wielding a home-made [[flamethrower]], the Pyro can set opponents aflame, whittling their health away over time with the ensuing burn damage. Due to the short range of the flamethrower, the Pyro relies heavily on ambush tactics to catch opponents off-guard. One of the primary roles of the Pyro is the vital task of [[Spy-checking]]; a puff of flame will ignite both [[cloak]]ed and [[disguise]]d Spies, and the Pyro will then proceed to hunt them down with the same mercy and goodwill shown all his opponents—which is to say, none.
The Pyro specializes in fighting enemies at close range using a homemade [[Flame Thrower]]. Enemies set on [[fire]] suffer from [[Fire|afterburn]] and take additional damage over time, allowing the Pyro to excel at hit-and-run tactics. Due to the Flame Thrower's short range, the Pyro is weaker at longer ranges and relies heavily on ambushing and taking alternate routes to catch opponents off-guard.
Though categorized as an offensive class, the Pyro can also be a useful asset in defense, protecting friendly [[sentry gun|Sentries]] from meddling Spies and sending whole attacking teams running back home in search of burn cream. In addition, the Pyro can also make use of [[compression blast]]s to reflect projectiles and [[sticky bombs]] right back to their owners, extinguish any friendly teammate that has been caught on fire and push enemies away. Pyros can also ignite a friendly Sniper's Huntsman arrow so it can ignite an enemy on a hit. The Pyro can also remove sappers from a [[Engineer]]'s buildings by using their trusty hammer, the [[Homewrecker]].
Due to the Flame Thrower's limited range and the slow firing speed of their [[Flare Gun (disambiguation)|flare guns]], the Pyro is fairly weak at mid-to-long range. The Flame Thrower's [[compression blast]], can reflect enemy [[projectiles]], extinguish burning teammates, and forcibly reposition enemies, even those who are invulnerable to damage.
Because enemies hit by fire visibly burst into flames, the Pyro is the best class for [[Spy-checking|catching Spies]], as briefly bathing an area or suspicious teammates in fire can instantly nullify an enemy [[Spy]]'s [[cloak]] and [[disguise]]. Additionally, they can use the [[Homewrecker]], the [[Neon Annihilator]], or the [[Maul]] to protect a friendly [[Engineer]]'s buildings from an enemy Spy's [[Sapper]] if the Engineer himself is not present.
While the Pyro does not have many mobility options by default, the [[Thermal Thruster]] can be used to launch the Pyro into the air and onto places normally inaccessible to the Pyro. Additionally, the [[Detonator]] and the [[Scorch Shot]] can be used to make much smaller [[Jumping#Flare jump|flare jumps]]. A skilled Pyro may even use an airblasted enemy projectile for mobility, delivering swift immolation to enemies who may have believed they were outside of the Pyro's range.
They wear an asbestos-lined suit that nullifies the afterburn of other Pyros and all flame-related weaponry (except for the [[Dragon's Fury]] and [[Gas Passer]]), although it does not provide any [[Damage#Resistance/vulnerability modifiers|resistance]] to direct fire damage. The three incendiary grenades that they carry are purely cosmetic and cannot be used.
The Pyro is [[Voice actors|voiced]] by [[Dennis Bateman]].
</noinclude><div style="clear: {{{clear|left}}}; margin-bottom: .5em; float: left; padding: .5em 0 .8em 1.4em; background: transparent; max-width: 20em;">__TOC__</div>
<div style="clear:right;"></div>
=== Bio ===
=== Bio ===
{{Class bio
{{Class bio
| name = N/A
| name = Unknown
| birthplace = Unknown
| birthplace = Unknown
| job = [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrotechnics Pyrotechnics]
| job = [[w:Pyrotechnics|Pyrotechnics]]
| motto = "Mmmphh mphhhh mphh"
| motto = "Mmph mmmph mph-mph mmph mmmmph!"
| description = Only two things are known for sure about the mysterious Pyro: he sets things on fire and he doesn't speak. In fact, only the part about setting things on fire is undisputed. Some believe his occasional rasping wheeze may be an attempt to communicate through a mouth obstructed by a filter and attached to lungs ravaged by constant exposure to his asbestos lined suit. Either way, he's a fearsome, inscrutable on-fire Frankenstein of a man. If he even is a man.
| specialability = [[Fire|Afterburn]] immunity
| description = Only two things are known for sure about the mysterious Pyro: he sets things on fire and he doesn't speak. In fact, only the part about setting things on fire is undisputed. Some believe his occasional rasping wheeze may be an attempt to communicate through a mouth obstructed by a filter and attached to lungs ravaged by constant exposure to his asbestos-lined suit. Either way, he's a fearsome, inscrutable, on-fire Frankenstein of a man - if he even is a man.<ref>[https://www.teamfortress.com/classes.php?class=pyro Pyro page on the Official TF2 Website]</ref>
| image = Placeholder Meet the Pyro.png
| image = Placeholder Meet the Pyro.png
== Basic Strategy ==
== Health ==
{{Main|Tips#Pyro|l1=Pyro tips|Pyro strategy}}
{{Class health pack and overheal table|overheal|pyro=yes}}
* Your Flamethrower does more damage the closer you are to the enemy.[[File:Pyroava.jpg|right]]
== Speed ==
* Ambush enemies to catch them in the short range of your Flamethrower. Use corners to your advantage.
{{Class speed table|pyro}}
* Your Flamethrower chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen weapons to refill your supply.
== Basic strategy ==
{{main|Tips#_Pyro|l1=Pyro tips|Basic Pyro strategy|Community Pyro strategy}}
[[File:Icon pyro.jpg|right|150px]]
* Switch to your shotgun if enemies retreat beyond the short range of your Flamethrower.
* Ambush enemies to catch them in the short range of your Flamethrower. Use corners to your advantage; however, be sure that the nozzle of the Flamethrower isn't visible from around the corner.
* Don't approach enemies head-on; they will notice you and use your short range to their advantage.
* Approaching enemies from the back is usually a much safer and stronger route to attack. This is an especially effective method when employed with the [[Backburner]].
* Your Flamethrower chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen ammo to refill your supply.
* You can often set enemies on fire and retreat, leaving them to die from the afterburn.
<!-- # NOTE:
    # Please *do not* add any new tips to this list.
    # Add new strategies to [[Basic Pyro strategy]] or [[Community Pyro strategy]] instead.
== Weapons ==
''Note: Weapon damage is approximate and listed at base value. See individual weapon pages for additional figures.''
* Your flamethrower is effective at rooting out Spies (known as [[Spy checking]]).
All flamethrowers and flare guns deal no damage when fired underwater and instead produce harmless bubbles. The aforementioned weapons will only deal damage if fired from above water at an enemy that is only partially immersed in water; however, the water will immediately extinguish the ensuing afterburn.  
* You can often set enemies on fire and retreat, leaving them to die from the burning.
{{Class weapons table pyro primary}}
* Hit the "MEDIC!" button to call for a Medic if you get hurt. Nearby Medics will be notified of your need.
{{Class weapons table pyro secondary}}
{{Class weapons table pyro melee}}
== Weapons ==
=== Taunt attacks ===
Note: Weapon damage is approximate and measured at point blank range. See individual weapon pages for additional figures.
| image = Pyrotaunt2.PNG
| weapon-1 = Shotgun
| weapon-2 = Flare Gun
| weapon-3 = Detonator
| weapon-4 = Reserve Shooter
| weapon-5 = Manmelter
| weapon-6 = Panic Attack
| weapon-7 = Gas Passer
| weapon-8 = Hot Hand
| special = Hadouken
| description = {{Main|Hadouken}}
The Pyro charges up and performs a Hadouken, complete with a burst of flame emerging from the hands.
| image = Pyro_Armageddon_Taunt.png
| weapon-1 = Rainblower
| special = Armageddon
| description = {{Main|Armageddon}}
The Pyro blows a stream of bubbles as a rainbow forms above, complete with a sparkling Balloonicorn in the center of the rainbow. The Pyro then leans over as foreboding music plays, causing the rainbow to become engulfed in flames. When seen outside of Pyroland, the rainbow does not appear, and the Pyro simply breathes a steady arc of fire before releasing an inferno.
| image = execution.PNG
| weapon-1 = Scorch Shot
| special = Execution
| description = {{Main|Execution}}
The Pyro adjusts its stance and fires one shot, killing an enemy at close range. If the shot misses, it will continue to travel as if fired normally, dealing standard damage.
| image = Gasblast.png
| weapon-1 = Thermal Thruster
| special = Gas Blast
| description = {{Main|Gas Blast}}
The Pyro takes out a match and a match box, striking the match against the match box and reaching between their legs to place the match in front of the rear area, and letting loose a magnificent burst of flame while watching over their shoulder. The Pyro then stops and jumps around again as the flame disappears.
The [[Flamethrower]], [[Backburner]] and [[Flare gun]] deal absolutely no damage when firing [[water|underwater]].
== Item sets ==
{{Set|Gas Jockey's Gear}}
{{Set|Infernal Imp|main=no}}
{| class="wikitable grid"
! class="header" |
! class="header" | Weapon
! class="header" | Ammo Loaded
! class="header" | Ammo Carried
! class="header" | Damage Range
! class="header" | Special Ability
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Flamethrower|icon-size=100x100px}}<br/><small>Standard</small>
| '''[[Flamethrower]]'''
| Fire: 200<br/>Air blasts: 10 max
| N/A
| Max: 122/sec [[Crit]] (Max): 366/sec <br/> Afterburn: 5-6/sec for 10 seconds.<sup>1</sup>
| Alt-fire blasts [[compression blast|compressed air]] which knocks back enemies, redirects enemy projectiles and extinguishes flames on teammates, using 20 ammo per blast. All reflected rockets/grenades/arrows Mini-crit. Airblasting enemies into environmental deaths awards the death credit to the Pyro.
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Backburner|icon-size=100x100px}}<br/><small>Unlock</small>
| '''[[Backburner]]'''
| 200
| N/A
| Max: 153/sec [[Crit]] (Max): 459/sec <br/> Afterburn: 5-6/sec for 10 seconds.<sup>1</sup>
| Guarantees [[critical]] damage when attacking an enemy from behind and deals 115% [[flamethrower]] damage. Lacks the compression blast ability.
{{Set|Moonman Pack|main=no}}
{| class="wikitable grid"
! class="header" |
! class="header" | Weapon
! class="header" | Ammo Loaded
! class="header" | Ammo Carried
! class="header" | Damage Range
! class="header" | Special Ability
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Shotgun|icon-size=100x100px}}<br/><small>Standard</small>
| '''[[Shotgun]]'''
| 6
| 32
| Base/Max: 60/90<br/> [[Crit]]: 180
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Flare gun|icon-size=100x100px}}<br/><small>Unlock</small>
| '''[[Flare gun]]'''
| 16
| N/A
| Base: 30 [[Crit]]: 90 <br/>Afterburn: 5-6/sec for 10 seconds.<sup>1</sup>
| Flares ignite any enemy that are hit by them. Flares [[Mini-crit]] burning targets within 800 units <small>(about the length of 2fort's bridge)</small>, and [[Critical hit]] burning targets at longer range.
{{Set|Burny The Pyrosaur|main=no}}
{| class="wikitable grid"
! class="header" |
! class="header" | Weapon
! class="header" | Ammo Loaded
! class="header" | Ammo Carried
! class="header" | Damage Range
! class="header" | Special Ability
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Fire axe|icon-size=100x100px}}<br/><small>Standard</small>
| '''[[Fire axe]]'''
| N/A
| N/A
| Base: 65<br/>[[Crit]]: 195
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Axtinguisher|icon-size=100x100px}}<br/><small>Unlock</small>
| '''[[Axtinguisher]]'''
| N/A
| N/A
| Base: 33<br/>[[Crit]]: 195
| Guarantees Critical damage on burning targets, otherwise lacks the ability to Crit, and inflicts only 50% damage on those who are not burning.
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Homewrecker|icon-size=100x100px}}<br/><small>Drop</small>
| '''[[Homewrecker]]'''
| N/A
| N/A
| Base: 49<br/>[[Crit]]: 146
| Deals 75% regular [[Fire axe]] damage against players, but deals 200% Fire axe damage against [[building]]s. It Can also kill sappers on friendly buildings in one hit.
<sup>1</sup>Fire damage is determined by particle range from flamethrower.
{{Set|Malice in Pyroland|main=no}}
===Taunt attack===
{{Set|Murky Lurker|main=no}}
{| class="wikitable grid"
{{Set|Ronin Roaster|main=no}}
! class="header" |
! class="header" | Attack
! class="header" | Weapon
! class="header" | Duration
! class="header" | Damage
! {{Icon weapon|weapon=Hadouken|icon-size=100x100px}}<br/><small>Secondary</small>
| '''[[Hadouken]]'''
| [[Shotgun]]/[[Flare gun]] (must have ammo)
| 3 Seconds
| 500 (Instant kill) plus [[fire]] effect.
{{Set|Fast Food Firestarter|main=no}}
{| class="wikitable grid"
!class="header" | Original
!class="header" colspan=2 | Classless
!class="header" colspan=2 | Community
| [[Pyro's beanie]]
| [[Brigade helm]]
| [[Respectless rubber glove]]
| [[Triboniophorus tyrannus]]
| [[Vintage merryweather]]
| [[File:Backpack Pyro's beanie.png|100px|center|link=Pyro's beanie]]
| [[File:Backpack Brigade helm.png|100px|center|link=Brigade helmet]]
| [[File:Backpack Respectless rubber glove.png|100px|center|link=Respectless rubber glove]]
| [[File:Backpack Triboniophorus tyrannus.png|100px|center|link=Triboniophorus tyrannus]]
| [[File:Backpack Vintage merryweather.png|100px|center|link=Vintage merryweather]]
{{Set|Sons of Arsonry|main=no}}
{{All class hat table}}
{{Set|Isolated Merc|main=no}}
==Miscellaneous Items==
{{Set|Automated Abnormality|main=no}}
{| class="wikitable grid"
| [[Whiskered gentleman]]
|[[File:Backpack Whiskered gentleman.png|100px|center|link=Whiskered gentleman]]
==Official class avatars==
== Cosmetic items ==
|Cosmetic items|l1=Cosmetic items
|List of Pyro cosmetics|l2=List of Pyro cosmetics
|List of All class cosmetics|l3=List of All class cosmetics
== Official class avatars ==
{{Class avatars}}
{{Class avatars}}
== Achievements ==
== Achievements ==
{{Main|Pyro achievements}}
*'''Pyro pack''': 35 achievements, 3 [[Pyro achievements#milestones|milestones]].
| [[File:Achieved.png|65px|left]]
*1 [[General achievements|General achievement]]
| {{Main|Pyro achievements}}
*'''Pyro pack''': 40 achievements, 3 [[Pyro achievements#milestones|milestones]].
*1 [[Achievements#General achievements|General achievement]]
== Update history ==
{{Update history|
'''{{Patch name|2|14|2008}}'''
* Added Flamethrower "sizzle" sound when the Pyro is hitting a target.
'''{{Patch name|6|19|2008}}''' ([[Pyro Update]])
* Added [[Compression Blast]] ability.
'''{{Patch name|1|28|2009}}'''
* Fixed Pyro model not animating in the class select menu.
'''{{Patch name|1|13|2010}}'''
* Added [[backstab]] death animation.
'''{{Patch name|9|30|2010}}''' ([[Mann-Conomy Update]])
* {{Undocumented}} Added unused "Hi-five" taunt.
'''{{Patch name|4|17|2012}}'''
* Fixed Red team Pyros being able to [[Griefing|grief]] teammates by attacking them with the flamethrower and then switching to team Spectator during the attack.
'''{{Patch name|9|12|2016}}'''
* Fixed Pyros griefing teammates by attacking them with the flamethrowers.
'''{{Patch name|11|17|2017}}'''
* Fixed a Pyro animation bug related to jumping.
'''{{Patch name|4|12|2018}}'''
* Added a stomp animation to Pyro that plays when coming down after blasting off from the [[Thermal Thruster]].
'''{{Patch name|9|26|2022}} #1'''
* Fixed missing polygon on Pyro's finger.
'''{{Patch name|12|15|2023}}'''
* Fixed the Pyro's right hand c_model not drawing correctly.
== Bugs ==
* Sometimes, if the Pyro dies while using the Flame Thrower, flames are left behind. The flames do not damage players and go away after a few seconds.
* Many times, after using the Flame Thrower and quickly switching weapons, flame particles appear to shoot out of the Flame Thrower. These flames do not damage players and do not consume ammo.
* The swing animation (on third-person) for Pyro used for [[Weapons#All classes|all class melee weapons]] is delayed, causing the melee hit to register way before the animation is actually over.
== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==
* The Pyro's [[Voice actors|voice actor]], [[Dennis Bateman]], also voices the [[Spy]].
*There is much debate about whether or not the Pyro is a female. Other classes' domination responses (Spy, Sniper, Scout, Soldier, Demoman) that refer to this speculation appear to be insulting the Pyro's fighting capability. The flowery purse/toiletry bag in her/his locker as well as the Pyro's humiliation stance being quite feminine have only served to further fan speculation. Additionally, the Pyro has been referred to as both "he" and "she" by Valve, including on their official [[blog]]. The prime example of this is in the UI introduced after the Mac update, which refers to the Pyro as either a he or a she in the challenge dialogue box and alternates randomly between the two. To date, Valve has yet to confirm the Pyro's gender, although its misc item, the [[Whiskered gentleman]] (see above) makes him seem masculine.
* The Pyro has the same voice for the English, German, Spanish, French, and Russian versions of ''Team Fortress 2''.
*Along with the [[Medic]], the Pyro does not yet have its own meet the class video. Ironically, they were the first two to receive updates.
* Three [[Napalm Grenade]]s, weapons from ''[[Team Fortress Classic]]'', appear strapped to the front of the Pyro's suit and were originally intended to be usable weapons in ''Team Fortress 2''. However, all thrown grenades were eventually scrapped for balancing purposes.
*The Pyro is voiced by [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0060794/ Dennis Bateman], the voice actor of the [[Spy]].
* The [[Non-player characters#BLU team (original)|first BLU team]] Pyro resembled [[w:Abraham Lincoln|Abraham Lincoln]].
*The Pyro's designated job and motto was not given in [[Trailer 2]].
* Just like the rest of the classes, the Pyro makes an appearance in the ''[[Saints Row: The Third]]'' in the form of a wearable head mask.
*Because of his/her flame retardant suit, the Pyro is the only class that does not suffer the [[afterburn]] effect that is caused by an enemy Pyro's flame based attacks.
* The Pyro is the mascot of "Pyro's Hamburgers", a brand of food sold in ''[[Left 4 Dead 2]]''.
*Although the Pyro is right handed, all of his/her melee weapons are held left-handed, meaning he/she could be ambidextrous.
* The Pyro is playable in ''[[Killing Floor]]'' as a promotional bonus character for those who have purchased both ''Killing Floor'' and ''Team Fortress 2''.
*The Pyro can perform a [[rocket jump]] by successfully deflecting a rocket at their own feet using the compression blast ability. The Pyro's lighter weight than the soldier makes him fly further and allows him to steer through the air easily, but as a result he also takes more self damage then the Soldier or Demoman.
* The Pyro appears in ''[[Worms: Reloaded]]'' as part of a playable stage. Additionally, the Pyro's gas mask is a selectable hat for the player's worms.
*The pressure tank on the Pyro's back contains air rather than fuel, as the fuel for the Flamethrower is contained in a large kerosene gas tank inside the Flamethrower itself.
* The Pyro's gas mask is wearable by the Tank class of ''[[Monday Night Combat]]'' under the name "Jet Guns Are Better".
*The Pyro's home-made Flamethrower is constructed from a converted gas pump and a canister of propane.
* The Pyro, alongside the [[Heavy]], [[Engineer]], and [[Medic]], appears as a familiar in the game ''[[w:Dungeon Defenders|Dungeon Defenders]]''.
*The Pyro carries several unusable [[napalm grenade]]s on his/her belt.
* The Pyro, [[Heavy]], and [[Spy]] are playable as one character called "Team Fortress" in the PC version of ''[[w:Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed|Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed]]''. Pyro drives the standard car, Heavy runs<!-- or pilots --> the boat, and Spy flies the plane.
*When the Pyro is shot from the left or right side towards his/her air tank it appears as if he/she has flesh in the tank, not air. This may be due to developer oversight.
* The Pyro, along with [[Saxton Hale]], is a playable character in the game ''[[w:Super Time Force|Super Time Force Ultra]]''.
*The Pyro's [[Flamethrower]] ignition flame does not go out when under water, as it is part of the model.
* The Pyro, along with [[Heavy]], [[Engineer]], and [[Medic]], is a playable character in the Australium Update in the game ''[[w:Dungeon of the Endless|Dungeon of the Endless]]''. Pyro is also given the name "Pat Bates" in the game.
*The Pyro's health is above most other classes (besides the Demoman's excessive drinking, the Sniper's possible kidney failure, the Spy's probable lung problems from excessive smoking, Heavy's possible overweight problems and Scout's possible radiation from Bonk! drinks), something to be questioned. As stated, the Pyro's suit is lined with asbestos, which can be incredibly dangerous to the condition to one's lungs. It is, however, possible that the Pyro's oxygen tank could be used to prevent such adverse effects if his gas mask were to also function as a respirator.
* The Pyro is a hireable character in the game ''[[w:Evil Genius 2: World Domination|Evil Genius 2: World Domination]]'', as part of the [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1531604 Evil Genius 2: Team Fortress 2 - Pyro Pack] DLC.
*Despite being unintelligible, the Pyro is the class that talks, or rather, attempts to talk, the most, aside from the Scout.
*The Pyro is the mascot of "Pyro's Hamburgers", a brand of food sold in [http://left4dead.wikia.com/wiki/Left_4_Dead_2 Left 4 Dead 2].
== Gallery ==
*The Pyro's HUD icon shows an earlier version of him, with a completely black gas canister instead of his current yellow one.
{{Related images|Pyro images}}
* Even though the canister on the Pyro's back contains air instead of fuel, he/she will still lose health from drowning.
<gallery widths=150px heights=150px>
*Pyro reloads his shotgun slower than the Engineer, Heavy, and the Soldier. He is the slowest of the four.
File:Pyroprofileconcept.png|Concept art of the Pyro.
**[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkMIi4SgTlY YouTube video of differing fire rates]
File:Pyro concept r.jpg|Concept art of the Pyro.
*When the Pyro uses the voice command, "Cheers" (C + 3) his muffled voice sounds as if he is saying, "Hand Camera!"
File:Pyro2.png|Concept art of the Pyro, maskless.
File:Pyrosill.png|Concept art of the Pyro.
File:Pyro back.jpg|[[Trading cards|Trading card]] front.
File:Pyro2.jpg|Trading card back.
File:Steam Game Card Pyro.png|Steam Trading Card.
File:Steam Profile Background Pyro.png|Steam Profile Background.
File:Icon pyro blue.jpg|Updated Class Portrait BLU.
File:Icon pyro.jpg|Updated Class Portrait.
File:Main menu pyro.png|Pyro's Appearance in the Main Menu.
File:Main menu zombie pyro.png|Pyro's Appearance as a Zombie in the Main Menu during Halloween.
File:Class card pyro.jpg|Pyro's Class Card.
File:Arsenal pyro.jpg|Pyro's Default Arsenal.
File:Pyro contract drawer.png|[[Contract drawer]] photo.
== Related merchandise ==
File:Merch Pyro Portrait.png|[https://web.archive.org/web/20160317074028/https://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=P3444 Pyro Poster As Shown In The Valve Store]
File:Flamethrower1.png|[https://web.archive.org/web/20150427123939/https://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=P0107 The Flamethrower Poster]
File:Pyrowristbandblu.png|[https://web.archive.org/web/20150410105734/https://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=A01133 Pyro Class Wristband - BLU]
File:Pyrowristbandred.png|[https://web.archive.org/web/20150410105724/https://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=A01123 Pyro Class Wristband - RED]
File:MeetthePyroshirt.png|[https://web.archive.org/web/20140902062909/https://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=CTF003 Meet the Pyro T-shirt]
File:PyroSunsetLithograph.png|[https://web.archive.org/web/20130530054551/https://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=P3434 Meet the Pyro - Sunset Lithograph]
File:MeetthePyrolitho.png|[https://web.archive.org/web/20130525100623/https://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=P3432 Meet the Pyro - Rainbow Lithograph]
File:Merch Pyro Plush.png|[https://web.archive.org/web/20131103061105/https://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=S0234 Pyro Plush]
File:Merch Pyro Figure RED.png|[https://web.archive.org/web/20130525091609/https://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF202 Pyro Action Figure - RED]
File:Merch Pyro Painting.png|[https://web.archive.org/web/20131103051558/https://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=PTF201 Pyro Painting Poster]
== See also ==
== See also ==
* [[Fire]]
* [[Compression blast]]
* [[Pyro match-ups]]
* [[Anti-Pyro strategy]]
* [[Pyro taunts]]
* [[Pyro responses]]
* [[Basic Pyro strategy]]
* [[Community Pyro strategy]]
* [[Pyro voice commands]]
* [[Pyro (Classic)]]
== References ==
*[[Compression blast]]
*[[:Category:Pyro User Guides|Pyro User Guides]]
*[[Pyro match-ups]]
*[[Pyro taunts]]
*[[Pyro responses]]
*[[Pyro scripts]]
*[[Pyro strategy]]
*[[Pyro voice commands]]
*[[List of references (Pyro)]]
==External links==
*[http://steamgames.com/tf2/pyro/ "The Pyro Update"]
== External links ==
* [https://www.teamfortress.com/classes.php?class=pyro Pyro page on the Official TF2 Website]
* [https://www.teamfortress.com/pyro/ "The Pyro Update"]
* [https://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=7254 TF2012 Announcement for Second Annual Saxxy Awards, a "secret project", and Meet the Pyro]
{{Class Nav}}
{{Pyro Nav}}
{{Pyro Nav}}

Revision as of 16:08, 2 September 2024

Basic Information
Icon: Leaderboard class pyro.png
Type: Offensive
Health: 175 /Medic emblem RED.png260
Speed: 100%
(See Speed below for further details)
Meet the Pyro
I fear no man. But that... thing... It scares me.
The Heavy on the Pyro, Meet the Pyro

The Pyro is a pyromaniac class of indeterminate origin with a muffled voice and a burning passion for all things fire related. As shown in Meet the Pyro, the Pyro may be delusional, visualizing themself in a utopian fantasy world known as Pyroland.

The Pyro specializes in fighting enemies at close range using a homemade Flame Thrower. Enemies set on fire suffer from afterburn and take additional damage over time, allowing the Pyro to excel at hit-and-run tactics. Due to the Flame Thrower's short range, the Pyro is weaker at longer ranges and relies heavily on ambushing and taking alternate routes to catch opponents off-guard.

Due to the Flame Thrower's limited range and the slow firing speed of their flare guns, the Pyro is fairly weak at mid-to-long range. The Flame Thrower's compression blast, can reflect enemy projectiles, extinguish burning teammates, and forcibly reposition enemies, even those who are invulnerable to damage.

Because enemies hit by fire visibly burst into flames, the Pyro is the best class for catching Spies, as briefly bathing an area or suspicious teammates in fire can instantly nullify an enemy Spy's cloak and disguise. Additionally, they can use the Homewrecker, the Neon Annihilator, or the Maul to protect a friendly Engineer's buildings from an enemy Spy's Sapper if the Engineer himself is not present.

While the Pyro does not have many mobility options by default, the Thermal Thruster can be used to launch the Pyro into the air and onto places normally inaccessible to the Pyro. Additionally, the Detonator and the Scorch Shot can be used to make much smaller flare jumps. A skilled Pyro may even use an airblasted enemy projectile for mobility, delivering swift immolation to enemies who may have believed they were outside of the Pyro's range.

They wear an asbestos-lined suit that nullifies the afterburn of other Pyros and all flame-related weaponry (except for the Dragon's Fury and Gas Passer), although it does not provide any resistance to direct fire damage. The three incendiary grenades that they carry are purely cosmetic and cannot be used.

The Pyro is voiced by Dennis Bateman.



Main articles: Health, Overheal
Class Health Overheal Quick-Fix Overheal
Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro 175 260 220


Main article: Speed
Condition Normal Backward Crouched Swimming
Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro
100 %
90 %
33 %
80 %
Wielding the Powerjack
115 %
104 %
38 %
92 %

Basic strategy

Main articles: Pyro tips, Basic Pyro strategy, Community Pyro strategy
Icon pyro.jpg
  • Ambush enemies to catch them in the short range of your Flamethrower. Use corners to your advantage; however, be sure that the nozzle of the Flamethrower isn't visible from around the corner.
  • Don't approach enemies head-on; they will notice you and use your short range to their advantage.
  • Approaching enemies from the back is usually a much safer and stronger route to attack. This is an especially effective method when employed with the Backburner.
  • Your Flamethrower chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen ammo to refill your supply.
  • You can often set enemies on fire and retreat, leaving them to die from the afterburn.


Main article: Weapons

Note: Weapon damage is approximate and listed at base value. See individual weapon pages for additional figures.

All flamethrowers and flare guns deal no damage when fired underwater and instead produce harmless bubbles. The aforementioned weapons will only deal damage if fired from above water at an enemy that is only partially immersed in water; however, the water will immediately extinguish the ensuing afterburn.


Fire damage is determined by particle range from Flamethrower.

Weapon Kill icon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Flame Thrower
Flame Thrower
Killicon flame thrower.png 200 N/A Base (Max): 153.5 / sec.

Crit (Max): 460.5 / sec.

8 / sec. × 10 secs.

Pictogram info.png On hit: ignites enemy.

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire blasts compressed air which knocks back enemies, redirects enemy projectiles, and extinguishes flames on teammates, using 20 ammo per blast. All deflected projectiles will inflict Mini-Crit damage.
Pictogram plus.png Extinguishing allies will heal you +20 HP.
Pictogram plus.png Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and shield resists by 20%.

Nostromo Napalmer
Nostromo Napalmer
Killicon nostromo napalmer.png
Killicon backburner.png 200 N/A Base (Max): 153.5 / sec.

Crit (Max): 460.5 / sec.

8 / sec. × 10 secs.

Pictogram info.png On hit: ignites enemy.

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire blasts compressed air which knocks back enemies, redirects enemy projectiles, and extinguishes flames on teammates, using 50 ammo per blast. All deflected projectiles will inflict Mini-Crit damage.
Pictogram plus.png Extinguishing allies will heal you +20 HP.
Pictogram plus.png Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and shield resists by 20%.
Pictogram plus.png Guarantees Critical hits when attacking from behind.
Pictogram minus.png Airblasts cost 150% more ammo to fire (50 instead of 20).
Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits.

Killicon degreaser.png 200 N/A Base (Max): 153.5 / sec.

Crit (Max): 460.5 / sec.

1 / sec. × 10 secs.

Pictogram info.png On hit: ignites enemy.

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire blasts compressed air which knocks back enemies, redirects enemy projectiles, and extinguishes flames on teammates, using 25 ammo per blast. All deflected projectiles will inflict Mini-Crit damage.
Pictogram plus.png Extinguishing allies will heal you +20 HP.
Pictogram plus.png Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and shield resists by 20%.
Pictogram plus.png +60% faster switch-to speed.
Pictogram plus.png +30% faster switch-from speed.
Pictogram minus.png Airblasts cost 25% more ammo to fire (25 instead of 20).
Pictogram minus.png Deals 66% less afterburn damage.

Killicon phlogistinator.png 200 N/A Base (Max): 153.5 / sec.

Crit (Max): 460.5 / sec.

8 / sec. × 10 secs.

Pictogram info.png On hit: ignites enemy.

Pictogram plus.png Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and shield resists by 20%.
Pictogram plus.png Upon dealing 300 fire damage, secondary fire initiates 'Mmmph', which gives guaranteed Critical hits over a short period of time. No damage and knockback is taken during the taunt.
Pictogram minus.png Cannot fire blasts of compressed air.
Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits.

Killicon rainblower.png 200 N/A Base (Max): 153.5 / sec.

Crit (Max): 460.5 / sec.

8 / sec. × 10 secs.

Pictogram info.png On hit: ignites enemy.

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire blasts compressed air which knocks back enemies, redirects enemy projectiles, and extinguishes flames on teammates, using 20 ammo per blast. All deflected projectiles will inflict Mini-Crit damage.
Pictogram plus.png Extinguishing allies will heal you +20 HP.
Pictogram plus.png Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and shield resists by 20%.
Pictogram plus.png On Equip: Visit Pyroland.
Pictogram minus.png Only visible in Pyroland.

Dragon's Fury
Dragon's Fury
Killicon dragon's fury.png 40 N/A

Against unignited enemies:
Base: 25
Crit: 75

Against ignited enemies:
Base: 75
Crit: 225

8 / sec. × 2 secs.

Pictogram info.png On hit: ignites enemy.

Pictogram info.png Secondary fire blasts compressed air which knocks back enemies, redirects enemy projectiles, and extinguishes flames on teammates, using 5 ammo per blast. All deflected projectiles will inflict Mini-Crit damage.
Pictogram info.png A single-shot flamethrower that launches a fast moving projectile that briefly ignites enemies.
Pictogram info.png Uses a shared pressure tank for Primary Fire and Alt-Fire.
Pictogram plus.png Extinguishing allies will heal you +20 HP.
Pictogram plus.png Deals 300% damage to burning players.
Pictogram info.png Bonus damage against a burning target requires the fireball's center to make contact with the target's hitbox.
Pictogram plus.png +50% repressurization rate on hit.
Pictogram minus.png -50% repressurization rate on Alt-Fire.
Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits.


Weapon Kill icon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Killicon shotgun.png 6 32 Base: 60

Crit: 180

[6 damage × 10 pellets]

Flare Gun
Flare Gun
Killicon flare gun.png 1 16 Base: 30

Crit: 90

8 / sec. × 7.5 secs.

Pictogram info.png On hit: ignites enemy.

Pictogram info.png This weapon will reload automatically when not active.
Pictogram plus.png Guarantees Critical damage on burning targets.
Pictogram plus.png Can be fired into water to damage enemies (no afterburn will be applied).

Killicon detonator.png 1 16 Base: 23

Crit: 68

8 / sec. × 7.5 secs.

Pictogram info.png On hit: ignites enemy.

Pictogram info.png Alt-fire: detonates flare in flight, creating a small explosion which ignites nearby players, but does less damage than a normal hit. The knockback can be used to flare jump.
Pictogram info.png Flares detonate on impact, with a greatly reduced explosion radius.
Pictogram info.png On detonation flare destroys enemy sticky bombs.
Pictogram info.png This weapon will reload automatically when not active.
Pictogram plus.png Guarantees Mini-Crit damage on burning targets, regardless of distance.
Pictogram plus.png Can be fired into water to damage enemies (no afterburn will be applied).
Pictogram minus.png 50% explosion self-damage vulnerability on user.
Pictogram minus.png 25% damage penalty.

Reserve Shooter
Reserve Shooter
Killicon reserve shooter.png 4 32 Base: 60

Crit: 180

[6 damage × 10 pellets]

Pictogram plus.png 20% faster weapon switch-to speed.

Pictogram plus.png 15% faster weapon switch-from speed.
Pictogram plus.png Mini-crits targets that are blast jumping, knocked back, launched by a Thermal Thruster stomp, or using the grapple hook.

Pictogram info.png Mini-crits only take affect within 5 seconds of deploying this weapon.

Pictogram minus.png Has 34% smaller clip size.

Killicon manmelter.png 1 Base: 30

Crit: 90

8 / sec. × 7.5 secs.

Pictogram info.png On hit: ignites enemy.

Pictogram info.png No extra damage on burning targets.
Pictogram info.png Alt-fire: extinguishes teammates. Doing so gives 1 guaranteed crit per teammate extinguished (can hold up to 35).
Pictogram info.png This weapon will reload automatically when not active.
Pictogram plus.png Extinguishing teammates will heal you +20 HP.
Pictogram plus.png Does not require ammo.
Pictogram plus.png +50% projectile speed.
Pictogram plus.png Can be fired into water to damage enemies (no afterburn will be applied).
Pictogram minus.png Does not get random Critical hits.

Scorch Shot
Scorch Shot
Killicon scorch shot.png 1 16 Base: 20

Crit: 60

8 / sec. × 7.5 secs.

Pictogram info.png On hit: ignites enemy.

Pictogram info.png This weapon will reload automatically when not active.
Pictogram plus.png Flare knocks back target on hit and ignites enemy in a small radius.
Pictogram plus.png Guarantees Mini-Crit damage and increased knockback on burning targets.
Pictogram plus.png Flare can be used to destroy stickybombs.
Pictogram plus.png Flare falls to the ground after directly hitting an enemy, lying there for a little while, potentially igniting those who touch it.
Pictogram minus.png -35% damage penalty.
Pictogram minus.png -35% self damage force penalty.

Panic Attack
Panic Attack
Killicon panic attack.png 6 32 Base: 72

Crit: 216

[4.8 damage × 15 pellets]

Pictogram plus.png +50% bullets per shot.

Pictogram plus.png +50% faster weapon deploy time.
Pictogram plus.png Fires a fixed shot pattern.
Pictogram minus.png -20% damage penalty.
Pictogram minus.png Successive shots become less accurate.

Thermal Thruster
Thermal Thruster
Killicon mantreads.png 2 N/A Pictogram plus.png Pushes nearby enemies away upon landing.

Pictogram plus.png Deals 3x the fall damage to an enemy you land on.
Pictogram plus.png Extinguish teammates at the beginning of your launch.
Pictogram plus.png Fall damage is decreased when a charge is used.
Pictogram info.png Has a 15 second recharge for each launch.
Pictogram minus.png 0.8 second locked holster penalty.
Pictogram minus.png 30% knockback from all damage sources when a charge is used.

Gas Passer
Gas Passer
Killicon flame thrower.png 1 N/A Pictogram plus.png Creates a horrific visible gas that coats enemies with a flammable material.

Pictogram plus.png Enemies covered in gas ignite into afterburn if they take damage (even enemy Pyros!).
Pictogram plus.png Gas meter builds with damage done and/or time.
Pictogram minus.png Spawning and resupply do not affect the Gas meter.
Pictogram minus.png Gas meter starts empty.
Pictogram info.png Has a 60 second recharge if no damage is dealt.


Weapon Kill icon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Fire Axe
Fire Axe
Killicon fire axe.png N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

Frying Pan
Frying Pan
Killicon frying pan.png
Conscientious Objector
Conscientious Objector
Killicon conscientious objector.png
Freedom Staff
Freedom Staff
Killicon freedom staff.png
Bat Outta Hell
Bat Outta Hell
Killicon bat outta hell.png
Memory Maker
Memory Maker
Killicon memory maker.png
Ham Shank
Ham Shank
Killicon ham shank.png
Necro Smasher
Necro Smasher
Killicon necro smasher.png
Crossing Guard
Crossing Guard
Killicon crossing guard.png
Prinny Machete
Prinny Machete
Killicon prinny machete.png
Killicon saxxy.png Limited item from the Replay Update.

Pictogram info.png Killed enemies freeze into solid Australium statues (purely cosmetic feature).

Golden Frying Pan
Golden Frying Pan
Killicon golden frying pan.png Limited item from the Two Cities Update.

Pictogram info.png Killed enemies freeze into solid Australium statues (purely cosmetic feature).

Killicon axtinguisher.png N/A N/A Base: 44

Crit: 131

Pictogram plus.png Mini-crits burning targets and extinguishes them.

Pictogram plus.png Damage increases based on remaining duration of afterburn.
Pictogram plus.png Killing blows on burning players grant a speed boost.
Pictogram minus.png -33% damage penalty.
Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits.
Pictogram minus.png -35% switch-from speed.

Postal Pummeler
Postal Pummeler
Killicon postal pummeler.png
Killicon homewrecker.png N/A N/A Base: 49

Crit: 146

Pictogram plus.png Deals double damage against enemy buildings.

Pictogram plus.png Able to remove Electro Sappers (in one hit).
Pictogram minus.png Deals 25% less damage against players.

Promotional / Craft
Killicon maul.png
Killicon powerjack.png N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

When weapon is active:
Pictogram plus.png On kill: restores 25 health points.
Pictogram plus.png +15% faster move speed on wearer when active.
Pictogram minus.png Raises damage vulnerability by 20% when active.
Back Scratcher
Back Scratcher
Killicon back scratcher.png N/A N/A Base: 82

Crit: 244

Pictogram plus.png Deals 25% more damage.

Pictogram plus.png When picking up health packs, 50% extra health is given on wearer.
Pictogram minus.png When receiving health from other sources, such as a Dispenser or Medi Gun, 75% less health is given on wearer.

Sharpened Volcano Fragment
Promotional / Craft
Sharpened Volcano Fragment
Killicon sharpened volcano fragment.png N/A N/A Base: 52

Crit: 156

8 / sec. × 10 secs.

Pictogram plus.png On Hit: target is engulfed in flames.

Pictogram minus.png Deals 20% less damage.

Third Degree
Third Degree
Killicon third degree.png N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

Pictogram plus.png Damage transfers to all players connected by Medic beams.
Killicon lollichop.png N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

Pictogram plus.png On Equip: Visit Pyroland

Pictogram minus.png Only visible in Pyroland

Neon Annihilator
Promotional / Craft
Neon Annihilator
Killicon neon annihilator.png N/A N/A Base: 52

Crit: 156

Pictogram plus.png 100% critical hit vs wet players.

Pictogram plus.png Able to remove Electro Sappers (in two hits).
Pictogram minus.png -20% damage penalty vs. players.
Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits.

Hot Hand
Hot Hand
Killicon hot hand.png N/A N/A Base: 28

Crit: 84

Pictogram info.png On attack: dishes out two consecutive slaps.

Pictogram plus.png Gain a speed boost when you hit an enemy player.
Pictogram minus.png -20% damage penalty.
Pictogram info.png Broadcasts every successful hit on an enemy player over the death-notice area.
Pictogram info.png Kills are labelled as "SLAP-KILL" in the death-notice area.

Taunt attacks

Pyrotaunt2.PNG Associated items DescriptionKill icon
Main article: Hadouken
The Pyro charges up and performs a Hadouken, complete with a burst of flame emerging from the hands.
  • Killicon hadouken.png
Pyro Armageddon Taunt.png Associated item DescriptionKill icon
Main article: Armageddon
The Pyro blows a stream of bubbles as a rainbow forms above, complete with a sparkling Balloonicorn in the center of the rainbow. The Pyro then leans over as foreboding music plays, causing the rainbow to become engulfed in flames. When seen outside of Pyroland, the rainbow does not appear, and the Pyro simply breathes a steady arc of fire before releasing an inferno.
  • Killicon armageddon.png
Execution.PNG Associated item DescriptionKill icon
Main article: Execution
The Pyro adjusts its stance and fires one shot, killing an enemy at close range. If the shot misses, it will continue to travel as if fired normally, dealing standard damage.
  • Killicon execution.png
Gasblast.png Associated item DescriptionKill icon
Main article: Gas Blast
The Pyro takes out a match and a match box, striking the match against the match box and reaching between their legs to place the match in front of the rear area, and letting loose a magnificent burst of flame while watching over their shoulder. The Pyro then stops and jumps around again as the flame disappears.
  • Killicon gas blast.png

Item sets

Main article: Item sets
The Gas Jockey's Gear
Backpack The Gas Jockey's Gear Bundle.png

Leave a Calling Card on your victims

The Infernal Imp
Item icon Infernal Imp.png

No effect

Burny The Pyrosaur
Item icon Burny's Boney Bonnet.png

No effect

Malice in Pyroland
Item icon Scorched Skirt.png

No effect

The Murky Lurker
Item icon Vicious Visage.png

No effect

The Ronin Roaster Pack
Item icon Combustible Kabuto.png

No effect

The Fast Food Firestarter Pack
Item icon Employee of the Mmmph.png

No effect

The Sons of Arsonry Pack
Item icon Lunatic's Leathers.png

No effect

The Isolated Merc
Item icon MK 50.png

Increased Nostromo Napalmer damage against Isolationist Pack set
Increased Melee damage taken from Isolationist Pack set

The Automated Abnormality
Item icon Arsonist Apparatus.png

No effect

Cosmetic items

Main articles: Cosmetic items, List of Pyro cosmetics, List of All class cosmetics

Official class avatars

Official class avatars
Original set RED ÜberCharged set BLU ÜberCharged set
Pyroava.jpg Buffed red pyro.jpg Buffed blu pyro.jpg
Get TF2 avatars on Steam: Original


Main article: Pyro achievements

Update history

February 14, 2008 Patch
  • Added Flamethrower "sizzle" sound when the Pyro is hitting a target.

June 19, 2008 Patch (Pyro Update)

January 28, 2009 Patch

  • Fixed Pyro model not animating in the class select menu.

January 13, 2010 Patch

September 30, 2010 Patch (Mann-Conomy Update)

  • [Undocumented] Added unused "Hi-five" taunt.

April 17, 2012 Patch

  • Fixed Red team Pyros being able to grief teammates by attacking them with the flamethrower and then switching to team Spectator during the attack.

September 12, 2016 Patch

  • Fixed Pyros griefing teammates by attacking them with the flamethrowers.

November 17, 2017 Patch

  • Fixed a Pyro animation bug related to jumping.

April 12, 2018 Patch

  • Added a stomp animation to Pyro that plays when coming down after blasting off from the Thermal Thruster.

September 26, 2022 Patch #1

  • Fixed missing polygon on Pyro's finger.

December 15, 2023 Patch

  • Fixed the Pyro's right hand c_model not drawing correctly.


  • Sometimes, if the Pyro dies while using the Flame Thrower, flames are left behind. The flames do not damage players and go away after a few seconds.
  • Many times, after using the Flame Thrower and quickly switching weapons, flame particles appear to shoot out of the Flame Thrower. These flames do not damage players and do not consume ammo.
  • The swing animation (on third-person) for Pyro used for all class melee weapons is delayed, causing the melee hit to register way before the animation is actually over.



Ico camera.png Related images:

Related merchandise

See also


External links