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* Spieler sollten den Raketenwerfer im geladen halten.  
* Spieler sollten den Raketenwerfer im geladen halten.  
<b>&lt;!-- Übersetzung in Arbeit --&gt;</b>
* Wenn man Klassen mit wenig Leben bekämpft, wie z. B. [[Scouts/de|Scouts]], [[Engineers/de|Engineers]] und [[Spies/de|Spies]], dann ist es nützlich nicht zwei Raketen, sondern nur eine auf diese abzufeuern und anschließend mit der [[Shotgun/de|Schrotflinten]] zu töten, damit der Spieler die Extrarakete bereit hat, falls sie nötig sein sollte.
* When fighting classes with limited health such as [[Scouts]], [[Engineers]] and [[Spies]], rather than using two rockets, players should fire one rocket then finish the enemy off with the [[Shotgun]]. This will ensure that extra rocket are loaded if needed.
* Man sollte versuchen die Gegner in der Luft zu [[Juggling/de|jonglieren]], indem man eine Rakete auf deren Füße schießt. Wenn sich diese in der Luft befinden ist es möglich zu erahnen wo sie landen und sie so einfacher zu verfolgen.
* Players should try to [[juggling|juggle]] or bounce an enemy by shooting a rocket at their feet. By throwing them up in the air, players will be able to predict where they will land and can follow up with ease.
<b>&lt;!-- Übersetzung in Arbeit --&gt;</b>
* The Rocket Launcher is often a better choice for Soldiers acting as Medic buddies than the [[Direct Hit]]. The wider splash radius makes protecting the Medic and attacking groups easier.
* The Rocket Launcher is often a better choice for Soldiers acting as Medic buddies than the [[Direct Hit]]. The wider splash radius makes protecting the Medic and attacking groups easier.

Revision as of 13:36, 4 March 2011

Der Soldier ist eine robuste, für alle Angriffe geeignete Klasse. Er ist einfach zu zu erlernen, aber schwer zu meistern, fähig, sowohl Fernangriffe zu starten, als auch im Nahkampf zu agieren. Seine langsame Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit täuscht über seine Bewegungsfähigkeit hinweg. Er kann Raketensprünge durchführen, um schnell Distanzen zu überqueren oder ungewöhnliche Orte zu erreichen und seine Waffen sind gegen alle Feinde effekiv.


  • Solang Spieler nicht den Direktschlag verwenden, sollten sie auf die Füße der Gegner zielen, sodass das der Flächenschaden der Rakete den Feind mit großer Sicherheit tangiert.
  • Spieler können durch Raketensprünge auf das Dach von Gebäuden gelangen, die keine andere Klasse erreichen kann (mit Ausnahme des Demoman). Feinde sind von erhöhten Punkten meist besser zu treffen als sonct und diese Position erschwert zusätzlich noch das Zurückfeuern der Feinde.
  • Es wird geraten, dass Spieler bei ihren Zielen vorhalten, da die Projekttilgeschwindigkeit von Raketen relativ gering ist. Nur der Direktschlag bietet eine geringere Flugzeit, sodass die Spieler die Position der Gegner anvisieren müssen, um eine hohe Trefferwahrscheinlichkeit zu erzielen.
  • Die Spieler sollten möglichst selten viele Raketen oder Schrotflintenpatronen in einer Reihe abfeuern, bevor der Kampf entschieden ist und sollten stattdessen einen Wechsel aus Feuern und Nachladen bei großen Entfernungen nutzen. Bei dieser Kampftechnik stellt man sicher, dass die Waffe immer voll geladen ist, bevor man den Gegner auf naher Distanz begenet.
  • Falls ein Spieler im Kampf sein gesamtes Raketenwerfermagazin verschießt, wird empfohlen zur Schrotflinte zu wechseln. Diese ist eine mächtige Sekundärwaffe und verteilt mit hoher Geschwindigkeit und auf kurzer Distanz viel Schaden. Dies ermöglicht Spielern dem Gegner kontinuierlich Schaden zuzufügen, anstatt nachzuladen und somit den Druck zurück zu nehmen.
  • Es ist oft nützlich, wenn Spieler sich selbst mit den Raketen zu verletzen, um Medics eine schnellere Überladung zu garantieren. Das kann aber in einem Gebiet voller Gegner gewagt sein. Hinzu kommt, dass diese Taktik nur seinen Zwech erfüllt, wenn die Vorbereitungszeit verstrichen ist, da während der Vorbereitungszeit die Überladungsrate des Medics sowieso auf Maximum ist.
  • Wenn Sentry Gun-Nester das Angriffsziel sind, ist es empfehlenswert mit allen Waffen, außer dem Direktschlagden Boden oder die Wand nahe der Sentry zu treffen, da somit die Möglichkeit besteht den Engineer ebenfalls zu verletzen, ohne Munition zu verschwenden.

Waffenabhängige Tipps

Eine Liste mit nützlichen Hinweisen zu den Werkzeugen des Soldiers.


Item icon Rocket Launcher.png

  • Spieler sollten den Raketenwerfer im geladen halten.
  • Wenn man Klassen mit wenig Leben bekämpft, wie z. B. Scouts, Engineers und Spies, dann ist es nützlich nicht zwei Raketen, sondern nur eine auf diese abzufeuern und anschließend mit der Schrotflinten zu töten, damit der Spieler die Extrarakete bereit hat, falls sie nötig sein sollte.
  • Man sollte versuchen die Gegner in der Luft zu jonglieren, indem man eine Rakete auf deren Füße schießt. Wenn sich diese in der Luft befinden ist es möglich zu erahnen wo sie landen und sie so einfacher zu verfolgen.

<!-- Übersetzung in Arbeit -->

  • The Rocket Launcher is often a better choice for Soldiers acting as Medic buddies than the Direct Hit. The wider splash radius makes protecting the Medic and attacking groups easier.
  • If a player is firing a rocket at an enemy who is very close, it can be useful to jump and fire a rocket at their feet. Doing so will minimize the amount of damage done to the player, while at the same time putting some additional distance between the player and the opponent.
  • The Rocket Launcher has one of the most devastating Krits in the game. If a player has any kind of Krit boost, they should immediately select the Rocket Launcher over any other weapon, as one crocket can take out multiple enemies at once.

Direct Hit

Item icon Direct Hit.png

  • Players should aim directly at the enemy and not their feet. The explosive radius is tighter than a Shotgun's spread, and therefore enemies can easily jump over the explosion.
  • Players should try to hit the lower half of the enemy if possible. This will push them into the air temporarily, allowing players to hit them a second time for an aerial Mini-Krit.
  • The Direct Hit can destroy any Engineer building with two rockets, rather than three. The Direct Hit therefore excels at destroying Engineer buildings, and can even be effective when the buildings are under constant repair.
  • The blast radius for self-damage with the Direct Hit is almost the same as the self-damage radius of the Rocket Launcher. This allows players to rocket jump effectively, but caution is advised due to the increased damage.

Black Box

Item icon Black Box.png

  • The Black Box holds fewer rockets but effectively gives players at least an extra 45 health in combat. If a player has plenty of time to reload and pressure the enemy, then this is an effective long-term choice. If players need immediate fighting power, such as when facing off against another skilled Soldier, they may wish to stick with the Rocket Launcher.
  • The healing provided from the Black Box along with the defense boost from the Battalion's Back-up can make a Soldier very difficult to kill, even more so if using the complete Tank Buster Set due to the reduced damage from Sentry Guns.
  • The Black Box's healing more than covers the damage players take while rocket jumping with the Gunboats. Due to this, players can remain mobile for a very long time with this combination.
  • If a player hits more than one enemy, they will be healed for 15 hp per enemy hit.


Item icon Shotgun.png

  • Players should not be afraid to use the Shotgun at medium to short range. It's as powerful as many primary weapons.
  • If facing an enemy Pyro who is skilled with the Airblast, players should consider switching to the Shotgun.
  • The Shotgun is useful against Demomen using the Chargin' Targe. Although they are resistant to the explosive damage of the Rocket Launcher, the Shotgun does normal damage.
  • Players can use the Shotgun to destroy an enemy Demoman's stickies.
  • One direct rocket and one Shotgun blast is enough to kill light classes in almost all circumstances.
  • If players are using the Direct Hit, it is highly advisable to use the Shotgun rather than the Buff-Banner, Battalion's Backup or Gunboats. If the rockets miss their target(s), players can still finish off the enemy with the Shotgun.


Item icon Buff Banner.png

  • Just like the Kritzkrieg, the Buff-Banner is best used with the Rocket Launcher or Black Box. The wider blast radius will make it easier to build Rage and it also makes the Mini-Krit boost more effective.
  • When a friendly Medic ÜberCharges a teammate, players should contribute to the rampage by using the Buff-Banner.
  • Players should note that the area of effect for the Buff-Banner is large and passes through walls and floors.
  • If the Buff-Banner is used next to an Engineer, his Sentry Gun will fire Mini-Krits no matter where it is on the map, even if it is nowhere near the player providing the buff or the Engineer.
  • If a Medic is using a Kritzkrieg on a player, the Critical Hits will quickly fill up the Soldier's rage bar and allow the player to follow up the Kritzkrieg up with their Buff-Banner. 2 Critical Hits is usually enough to fill a player's rage bar.

Battalion's Backup

Item icon Battalion's Backup.png

  • The Battalion's Backup is also useful on offense, as it allows the pushing team to absorb more enemy fire.
  • Since the Backup's Rage Meter is not dependent on the damage done to the enemy, players can also use it in conjunction with the Direct Hit in order to more effectively counter Sentry Guns.
  • The Battalion's Backup is well paired with the Black Box, allowing players to take more damage (and thereby build more rage) without dying.


Item icon Gunboats.png

  • When equipped, players should use the Gunboats often by rocket-jumping and finding high positions from which to launch attacks.
  • Players should use the Gunboats to traverse long distances quickly, and health packs can be obtained when the player has reached their destination.
  • Although players receive 60% less damage from rocket jumps, fall damage remains the same.
  • Since players will lack the Shotgun, it's often more effective if the Direct Hit is not used with the Gunboats unless the player is confident in their accuracy.

Shovel / Frying Pan

Item icon Shovel.png Item icon Frying Pan.png

  • The Shovel is a viable option as long as the player's health is above 120 or if they wish to be healed with their melee weapon equipped. Otherwise, the Equalizer is a superior option.
  • The Frying Pan is much louder than the Shovel but is otherwise identical. Due to the increased volume of the hit sound effect, players should be aware that they may lose the element of surprise.
  • Since the Shovel is only efficient at high health, using it with the Black Box minimizes the downsides of not having the Equalizer equipped.


Item icon Equalizer.png

  • Unless the player plans on using the Pain Train, the Equalizer should always be equipped. As player would not normally use melee when at full health, the Equalizer is essentially a straight upgrade over the Shovel.
  • The Equalizer can be used as a means of escape, as a highly-damaged Soldier can outrun most classes.
  • Due to its low damage when the Soldier is fully healed, players should not run into a fight alone with the Equalizer out. Players should only take out the Equalizer when at low health and and are already in the thick of combat.
  • The Equalizer prevents Medics from healing players when it is the currently equipped weapon. If players pull it out during an Übercharge, the ÜberCharge effect will be lost which will waste the Über and probably kill the player.
  • Players should be careful when equipping the weapon in front of an enemy player. It tells the enemy that the player is at low health and is an easy kill. Players should be aware that this can work to their advantage however, as pulling out the Equalizer when at relatively high health may tempt some enemies to attack them, effectively allowing the Soldier to to bait the enemy.

Pain Train

Item icon Pain Train.png

  • Players are advised not to equip the Pain Train on a CTF map or while defending in an attack/defend map. It grants no advantage in these situations, but still applies bullet vulnerability.
  • The Pain Train is a highly situational weapon. As such, players may wish to switch between the Pain Train and a different melee weapon in the middle of a round.

The Tank Buster

Tank Buster Set

  • The Set's damage resistance can be used in conjunction with the Battalion's Backup in order to halve the damage dealt by Sentry Guns.

See also