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<div style="float:right;clear:right;background-color:white">
{{Video infobox
{{Infobox video
| class       = Demoman
| release_date = October 9, 2007
|release_date=October 9, 2007
| length       = 1:45
{{youtube tn|han3AfjH210}}
== "Meet the Demoman" Video Transcript ==
["Meet the [[Demoman]]" text appears"] 
== Video ==
[''Opening fanfare of "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxTN_KfUzBM Drunken Pipe Bomb]" plays as the Demoman narrowly escapes a massive explosion while jumping from a drop-down corridor in [[Gravel Pit]]'']
== Video transcript ==
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" width="100%"
! class="header" | Transcript
|[''Meet the [[Demoman]] Title Card'']
[''Opening fanfare of [[Drunken Pipe Bomb]] plays as the Demoman narrowly escapes a massive explosion while jumping from a drop-down corridor in [[Gravel Pit]].'']
[''Freeze frame'']
[''Freeze frame'']
Line 19: Line 20:
'''Demoman''': "What makes me a good Demoman?"
'''Demoman''': "What makes me a good Demoman?"
[''Cut to Demoman, sitting in a room full of explosives'']
[''Cut to Demoman, sitting in a room full of explosives.'']
'''Demoman''': "If I were a bad Demoman, I wouldn't be sittin' here, discussin' it with you now would I?"
'''Demoman''': "If I were a bad Demoman, I wouldn't be sittin' here, discussin' it with you now would I?"
Line 25: Line 26:
[''"Drunken Pipe Bomb" resumes playing'']
[''"Drunken Pipe Bomb" resumes playing'']
[''Demoman charges into battle along with Team [[RED]] while dodging a cascade of [[Rocket Launcher|rockets]]'']
[''Demoman charges into battle along with Team [[RED]] while dodging a cascade of [[Rocket Launcher|rockets]].'']
'''Demoman''': "Let's do it!"  
'''Demoman''': "Let's do it!"  
Line 33: Line 34:
[''Cut back to the Demoman's room, music pauses.'']
[''Cut back to the Demoman's room, music pauses.'']
'''Demoman''': "One crossed wire, one wayward pinch of potassium chlorate, one errant twitch...and '''''kablooie!'''''"
'''Demoman''': "One crossed wire, one wayward pinch of potassium chlorate, one errant twitch... and '''''kablooie!'''''"
[''Cut back to battle, music resumes.'']
[''Cut back to battle, music resumes.'']
[''The Demoman bounces a [[Grenade Launcher|grenade]] off a wall and [[Gibs]] a pursuing [[Pyro]]'']
[''The Demoman bounces a [[Grenade Launcher|grenade]] off a wall and [[gibs]] a pursuing [[Pyro]].'']
[''Cut to scene of the Demoman chugging from his [[Bottle]] of scrumpy'']
[''Cut to scene of the Demoman chugging from his [[Bottle]] of scrumpy.'']
[''A level 2 [[Sentry Gun]] upgrades to level 3'']
[''A level 2 [[Sentry Gun]] upgrades to level 3.'']
[''Cut to scene of the Demoman continuing to chug from his Bottle of scrumpy'']
[''Cut to scene of the Demoman continuing to chug from his Bottle of scrumpy.'']
[''Sentry Gun fires rockets at the Demoman'']
[''Sentry Gun fires rockets at the Demoman.'']
[''Cut to a close up of the Demoman's face, still chugging from his Bottle of scrumpy'']
[''Cut to a close up of the Demoman's face, still chugging from his Bottle of scrumpy.'']
[''The Demoman dodges the rockets as a nearby [[Scout]] is gunned down by the Sentry. The Demoman then fires two grenades, destroying the Sentry Gun'']
[''The Demoman dodges the rockets as a nearby [[Scout]] is gunned down by the Sentry. The Demoman then fires two grenades, destroying the Sentry Gun.'']
[''Cut back to Demoman's room, music stops.'']
[''Cut back to Demoman's room, music stops.'']
[''The Demoman slams the now empty Bottle down on the table, breathing heavily'']
[''The Demoman slams the now empty Bottle down on the table, breathing heavily.'']
[''Camera blurs.'']
'''Demoman''': "I got a manky eye. I'm a black, Scottish cyclops."
[''Camera blurs'']
[''The Demoman knocks a grenade off the table, arming it in the process (it begins to blink).'']
'''Demoman''': "I got a manky eye. I'm a black, Scottish cyclops. They've got more [''censored''] ...than they've got the likes of me."
'''Demoman''': They've got more f-[''long censored'']-s than they've got the likes of me."
[''The Demoman starts to drink from the empty Bottle, then notices the camera and becomes lucid again'']
[''The Demoman starts to drink from the empty Bottle, then notices the camera and becomes lucid again.'']
'''Demoman''': "So...."
'''Demoman''': "So...."
[''The ending segment of "Drunken Pipe Bomb" starts to play'']
[''The ending segment of "Drunken Pipe Bomb" starts to play.'']
'''Demoman''': "....T'all you fine dandies so proud, so cock-sure."  
'''Demoman''': "...T'all you fine dandies so proud, so cocksure."
[''The Demoman runs out to the final capture point in Gravelpit and is shocked to see a group of [[BLU]] team members charging towards him with smug expressions on their faces. A devious look comes over the Demoman's face and he runs with BLU in hot pursuit'']  
[''The Demoman runs out to the final capture point in Gravelpit and is shocked to see a group of [[BLU]] team members charging towards him with smug expressions on their faces. A devious look comes over the Demoman's face and he runs with BLU in hot pursuit.'']
'''Demoman''': "Prancin' aboot with your heads full of eyeballs! Come and get me I say! [''The Demoman covers a door frame in [[sticky bombs]]''] I'll be waiting on ya with a whiff of the 'ol brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable....with an unhappy bloody end!"
'''Demoman''': "Prancin' aboot with your heads full of eyeballs! Come and get me I say! [''The Demoman passes a door frame and covers it in [[Stickybomb Launcher|sticky bombs]]''] I'll be waiting on ya with a whiff of the 'ol brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable... with an unhappy bloody end!"
[''The Heavy notices the sticky bombs around the door frame, and his expression changes from smugness to one of shock. The Demoman throws a mock salute and activates the sticky bombs, [[Gibs|gibbing]] all his pursuers'']
[''The Heavy notices the sticky bombs around the door frame, and his expression changes from smugness to one of shock. The Demoman throws a mock salute and activates the sticky bombs, [[Gibs|gibbing]] all his pursuers.'']
[''The Demoman walks up to (presumably) a decapitated head, laughing merrily as body parts and blood rain down around him.'']
[''The Demoman walks up to (presumably) a decapitated head, laughing merrily as body parts and blood rain down around him.'']
'''Demoman''': "Oh, they're going to have to glue you back together....'''''in hell!'''''"  
'''Demoman''': "Oh, they're going to have to glue you back together... '''''in hell!'''''"
[''Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays, accompanied by bagpipes'']
[''Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays, accompanied by bagpipes.'']
[[Image:Sketches3.jpeg|thumb|right|Meet the Demoman Storyboard Concept Sketches]]
[[Image:Sketches3.png|thumb|right|''Meet the Demoman'' storyboard concept sketches.]]
*At the beginning of the trailer below the sign "Meet the Demoman" there is a note reading "Copyright LOLOLOL". This is a continuing gag with the 'Meet The...' video series.
*The Demoman's explosives are branded 'Gold Medal'.
*The Demoman's alcohol is made by '[[Red]] Shed'. The Red Shed Distillery is the RED team's base on the map [[Well]]. Red Shed also features in [[Meet the Sandvich]].
*The Demoman doesn't have any class emblems on his uniform in this video, just plain yellow circles.
*The Demoman keeps an open tin of cordite on his desk.
*A burning cigarette is lying on the shelf next to the Demoman. This is not a good idea, as the room is filled with explosives.
*A [[Dynamite Pack]] sits in the shadows of the table in the bottom right, under the cordite.
*The Demoman appears to be missing [[Demoman taunts#Primary|the smiley face drawing taped onto his crotch.]]
*During the interview, the Demoman has what appears to be a crudely-drawn map of Gravel Pit on his desk.
*On Gravel Pit, the RED team seems to be attacking while they usually defend in actual gameplay, and vice-versa for BLU.
*Amusingly, when the Demoman gibs the pursuing Pyro, the camera zooms in briefly on a sign reading "Danger: Explosives".
*The Demoman's grenade appears to kill the aforementioned Pyro on contact, despite it having bounced off a wall. The ability for grenades to detonate on contact after the first bounce was removed in a later patch for both the PC and 360.
*The closing screen features the following disclaimer: "All information regarding Demoman grenade behavior was obtained from Australians believed to be reliable at the time. It is submitted to the possibility of errors, omissions, or nerfing without notice."
*At around 00:20, just after the Demoman jumps down from the corridor, you can see what appears to be a Pyro being gibbed by a Soldier's rockets in the background.
*The probable gibbed Pyro gibs are actually BLU upon inspection.
*The Demoman's [[Bottle]] is branded 'XXX', typically meaning strong moonshine.
*The [[BLU]] Sentry Gun somehow upgrades itself to Level 3 without an [[Engineer]], although [[Wrench]] sounds can still be heard. The self-upgrade is possible since the [[July 8, 2010 Patch]], although this was not the case on the trailer's release.
*The Minigun and rocket of the Sentry Gun is facing the Demoman, yet the Scout dies. Furthermore, the Sentry Gun is seen firing its rockets directly at the Demoman, which should kill even a fully overhealed Demoman in that situation.
*The Sentry Gun that fires at the [[Scout]] does not provide the knockback effect on him. 
*The [[Dispenser]]'s screen is off, and does not show the indicator which tells players how much [[metal]] it has stored.
*The Dispenser next to the BLU Sentry Gun disappears after the Demoman fires at it.
*The Sentry Gun fires at the grenades as they head towards it. In-game, Sentry Guns only fire at living opponents and enemy buildings.
*While it is possible for two grenades to destroy a level 3 Sentry Gun, this is only possible if the grenades hit it directly. After bouncing, even at maximum damage it is impossible for two grenades to destroy even a level 1 Sentry Gun.
*The Demoman disappears after the Sentry Gun is destroyed by the grenades.
*At around 00:54, The Demoman knocks a grenade off the table which activates before falling off, but for some reason, does not explode.
*The animation of the Demoman running just before he notices the charging BLU team is jerky.
*The Heavy in the group of BLUs that chases the Demoman somehow stays at the front of the group for the whole chase. However, at one point, the Medic starts to gain on the Heavy, then mysteriously snaps back.
*A [[Spy]] rushes into battle, undisguised and uncloaked; an unusual tactic. During the chase scene, just behind the Spy, a [[Sniper]] also charges after the RED Demoman, which is, again, an unusual tactic for that class. Also, in front of the Spy, a Medic can be seen pursuing the RED Demoman with the Syringe Gun instead of healing either the Soldier or Heavy in the group, which is, in this situation, an unusual tactic for that class.
*Strangely, while they are chasing the RED Demoman, none of the BLU team members even try to shoot him.
*The BLU Sniper is seen charging the Demoman but disappears when the group reaches the sticky trap.
*At the end of the chase scene, the Demoman sets 16 [[sticky bombs]] on the doorframe. In game, the maximum number of stickies a Demoman can set at any one time is 8. Even with the later released [[Scottish Resistance]] (which he is not carrying,) the maximum number of sticky bombs one can set is 14.
*As the Demoman detonates all 16 of the sticky bombs, he is able to detonate them without pressing any button, one hand is holding his scrumpy Bottle, while the other is in motion. It is notable that in game he does not "press" a button when he blows up stickies either.
* When the Demoman explodes his sticky bombs, they seem to all detonate at different times. This is not possible unless you have the [[Scottish Resistance]], which he does not.
*Body Count for this trailer: 9 definite (6 BLU, 1 RED Scout, 1 RED Pyro, 1 Sentry Gun)
*The title card displays "COPYRIGHT LOLOLOL" on the bottom right corner, a recurring joke throughout the "Meet the Team" videos.
*During the censored portion, the Demoman actually says: [[Media:Demoman_censored.wav|"They've got more ''fecking sea monsters in the great Loch at Ness'' than they've got the likes of me"]].
*The music that plays during the battle sequence – "[[Drunken Pipe Bomb (Soundtrack)|Drunken Pipe Bomb]]" – did not originally appear on the [[Team Fortress 2 Official Soundtrack]] similar to "Magnum Force", the track that plays during ''[[Meet the Sniper]]''. [[Valve]] eventually released the song as a part of the Team Fortress 2 Official Soundtrack in the [[WAR! Update]] on December 17, 2009.
*During the video, the [[Demoman]] can be seen with blank badges on either shoulder. The ending shot of all nine classes shows the Demoman with his original dynamite badge, later changed to a generic bomb and finally to the current Stickybomb shoulder badge.
*The teams' roles are reversed from what they are in the game's [[Gravel Pit]]. [[RED]] is shown attacking while [[BLU]] defends. The RED team are also shown emerging from the BLU spawn, and later the BLU team members running from control point C seem to have come from the RED spawn.
*Several crates of beer can be seen behind the Demoman. These are made by '[[List of companies|Red Shed]]'. The Red Shed Distillery is the RED team's base on the map [[Well (Control Point)|Well]]. Red Shed is also featured in ''[[Meet the Sandvich]]'' and ''[[Meet the Medic]]''.
*The Demoman's unused [[Dynamite Pack]] weapon can be seen on his desk, most prominently at 0:31.
*The Demoman's [[Grenade Launcher|grenade]] bounces, then explodes on contact with the enemy Pyro. The ability for grenades to detonate on contact after the first bounce was removed in the {{Patch name|9|28|2007}} for the PC and a different patch for the Xbox 360.
**The closing screen features the following disclaimer: "All information regarding Demoman grenade behavior was obtained from Australians believed to be reliable at the time. It is submitted to the possibility of errors, omissions, or nerfing without notice."
*When the Demoman charges at the [[Sentry Gun]], a [[Dispenser]] is clearly seen. In the next shot when the Demoman destroys the Sentry Gun, the Dispenser is gone.
*When the Demoman shoots his grenades at the Sentry Gun, he only shoots one grenade, but in the next shot there is another grenade that appears out of thin air.
*When the Demoman fires his grenades at the Sentry Gun, it targets the grenades once they're in range and ignores the Demoman.
*At 0:56, the Demoman's hand bumps into the grenade on his desk and it becomes active, then falls off the desk; however, it does not detonate.
*Valve teamed up with KritzKast and ran a [https://web.archive.org/web/20121028153936/https://kritzkast.com/uncensored/ contest] to decipher what the Demoman said during those few censored seconds. Winners were selected for the most humorous clean lines, the most humorous obscene lines, and the lines most accurate to the original script.
*As a nod to the Demoman's Scottish origins, [[w:bagpipes|bagpipes]] can be heard in the outro 'flourish' as the video cuts to the team shot.
*When the Demoman sets the sticky trap for BLU in the doorway, sixteen stickies are dotted around it despite the [[Stickybomb Launcher]] only being able to lay eight at a time.
*The Demoman does not have a smiley face under his crotch plate in this video.
*A lit cigarette can be seen on the [[Demoman]]'s desk throughout the video, suggesting that he smokes.
*At 0:20 an explosion and [[BLU]] team gibs can be seen, despite there not having been any visible [[BLU]] team members nearby, or any stickybombs visibly placed.
* In the [https://youtu.be/z2A8cfMTci0 Russian Meet the Demoman], at around 0:21 you can see the wall and other parts of the map disappear. This is because the SFM had to be re-rendered for lip-syncing.
*As the Demoman laughs at the end of the video, a severed arm bounces off his shoulder.
== Related merchandise ==
*Meet the Demoman is currently available in English and Russian.
MeettheDemomanLithograph.png|[http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=P3415 Meet the Demoman Lithograph]
*The music that plays during the battle sequence did not appear on the [[soundtrack]] or in the game files in any form, similar to the track that plays during [[Meet the Sniper]]. [[Valve]], however, added the song as menu music in the WAR! update on December 17, 2009.
*Valve has teamed up with [[KritzKast]] to open a contest to decipher what the Demoman says during the few seconds of censored outburst in the trailer. The winners will be divided into three categories: funniest clean entry, funniest not-so-clean entry, and the entry most similar to the original. Prizes include Demoman hats, trading cards, and signed posters.
== Other versions ==
{| class="wikitable"
== External links ==
* [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2302719/ Meet the Demoman] on IMDb
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Latest revision as of 20:07, 13 August 2024

Meet the Demoman
Meet the Demoman Titlecard
Video Info
Released: October 9, 2007
Run time: 1:45


Video transcript


Meet the Demoman storyboard concept sketches.
  • The title card displays "COPYRIGHT LOLOLOL" on the bottom right corner, a recurring joke throughout the "Meet the Team" videos.
  • During the censored portion, the Demoman actually says: "They've got more fecking sea monsters in the great Loch at Ness than they've got the likes of me".
  • The music that plays during the battle sequence – "Drunken Pipe Bomb" – did not originally appear on the Team Fortress 2 Official Soundtrack similar to "Magnum Force", the track that plays during Meet the Sniper. Valve eventually released the song as a part of the Team Fortress 2 Official Soundtrack in the WAR! Update on December 17, 2009.
  • During the video, the Demoman can be seen with blank badges on either shoulder. The ending shot of all nine classes shows the Demoman with his original dynamite badge, later changed to a generic bomb and finally to the current Stickybomb shoulder badge.
  • The teams' roles are reversed from what they are in the game's Gravel Pit. RED is shown attacking while BLU defends. The RED team are also shown emerging from the BLU spawn, and later the BLU team members running from control point C seem to have come from the RED spawn.
  • Several crates of beer can be seen behind the Demoman. These are made by 'Red Shed'. The Red Shed Distillery is the RED team's base on the map Well. Red Shed is also featured in Meet the Sandvich and Meet the Medic.
  • The Demoman's unused Dynamite Pack weapon can be seen on his desk, most prominently at 0:31.
  • The Demoman's grenade bounces, then explodes on contact with the enemy Pyro. The ability for grenades to detonate on contact after the first bounce was removed in the September 28, 2007 Patch for the PC and a different patch for the Xbox 360.
    • The closing screen features the following disclaimer: "All information regarding Demoman grenade behavior was obtained from Australians believed to be reliable at the time. It is submitted to the possibility of errors, omissions, or nerfing without notice."
  • When the Demoman charges at the Sentry Gun, a Dispenser is clearly seen. In the next shot when the Demoman destroys the Sentry Gun, the Dispenser is gone.
  • When the Demoman shoots his grenades at the Sentry Gun, he only shoots one grenade, but in the next shot there is another grenade that appears out of thin air.
  • When the Demoman fires his grenades at the Sentry Gun, it targets the grenades once they're in range and ignores the Demoman.
  • At 0:56, the Demoman's hand bumps into the grenade on his desk and it becomes active, then falls off the desk; however, it does not detonate.
  • Valve teamed up with KritzKast and ran a contest to decipher what the Demoman said during those few censored seconds. Winners were selected for the most humorous clean lines, the most humorous obscene lines, and the lines most accurate to the original script.
  • As a nod to the Demoman's Scottish origins, bagpipes can be heard in the outro 'flourish' as the video cuts to the team shot.
  • When the Demoman sets the sticky trap for BLU in the doorway, sixteen stickies are dotted around it despite the Stickybomb Launcher only being able to lay eight at a time.
  • The Demoman does not have a smiley face under his crotch plate in this video.
  • A lit cigarette can be seen on the Demoman's desk throughout the video, suggesting that he smokes.
  • At 0:20 an explosion and BLU team gibs can be seen, despite there not having been any visible BLU team members nearby, or any stickybombs visibly placed.
  • In the Russian Meet the Demoman, at around 0:21 you can see the wall and other parts of the map disappear. This is because the SFM had to be re-rendered for lip-syncing.

Related merchandise

External links