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= Stratégies spécifiques aux classes =
= Stratégies spécifiques aux classes =
== {{class link|Scout/fr}} ==
== {{class link|Scout/fr|Scout}} ==
* Comme sur toutes les Cartes de Capture de Drapeau, un Scout employé dès le début de la partie peut potentiellement récupérer les Documents avant que l'équipe adverse soit prête à défendre, marquant un ou deux points pour son équipe.
* Comme sur toutes les Cartes de Capture de Drapeau, un Scout employé dès le début de la partie peut potentiellement récupérer les Documents avant que l'équipe adverse soit prête à défendre, marquant un ou deux points pour son équipe.

Revision as of 08:43, 22 April 2015

Community Turbine strategy
CTF Turbine Center.png
Informations de base
Développeur(s) : Inconnu
Informations sur la carte
Environnement : Industriel
Cadre : Usine
Photos de la carte
Photos dans l'écran de chargement.

Cet article traite de la Stratégie Communautaire sur Turbine. Cette Carte est simple, ne possédant que quelques variations et voies praticables, ce qui n'en fait pas pour autant une Carte facile.

Stratégie Générale ( toutes classe confondues )

Il faut tout d'abord noter que cette Carte est dépourvu d'"égouts" à travers lesquels les joueurs pourraient aisément passer d'une base à l'autre. Les Documents Secrets doivent être faits passer par la Salle des Turbines pour être ramenés à la base. Cela dit, prendre le contrôle de cette Salle des Turbine peut être beaucoup plus avantageux que de défendre directement dans la Salle des Documents.. Contrairement à certaines Cartes de CdD telles que Double Cross ou 2fort, le milieu de Turbine est très ouvert, ne comportant aucun point d'engorgement; il n'y a pas non plus de "Plate-forme pour Sniper" difficile d'accès pour la plupart des classes. Une équipe qui se renferme dans la Salle des Documents et laisse l'équipe adverse s'emparer de la Salle des Turbines se retrouvera en difficulté. Une équipe comportant un groupe d'Engineers capables faire de la Salle des Turbines une base avancée impregnable peut avoir des consequences dévastatrices pour l'équipe adverse.

  • Les Demomen placent régulièrement des bombes collantes d'un côté ou d'un autre des portes coulissantes en acier, en fonction de l'équipe de laquelle ils font partie. Les amas de bombes collantes sont également très communs dans les ventilations. Même les Spies sont vulnérables à ce genre de tactiques, le Demoman faisant sauter ses bombes dès qu'il voit les portes s'ouvrirent, qu'il voit sa victime ou pas. Les Spies utilisant la Dead Ringer, les joueurs invulnérables, et les Demomen utilisant la Scottish Resistance ou le Lanceur de Bombes rapides peuvent contrer efficacement ce genre de stratégies, rendant les pièges obsolètes sans mettre leur proper vie en danger.
  • Une autre tactique employée par les Demomen restant dans la Salle des Turbines consiste à tirer des grenades dans les ventilations adverses depuis les zones de réapparition des packs de soin. Il est presque impossible pour l'ennemi de les éviter. Cette technique peut immobilizer une grande partie de l'équipe adverse, étant donné qu'elle ne peut passer ni par les portes coulissantes, ni par les ventilations sont être grièvement blesse ou tuée.
  • Les ventilations étant particulièrement étroites, il est conseillé de brandir son arme de mêlée le temps de passer les coins. Vos adversaires auront du mal à survivre à une série de coups au corps à corps sans périr. Cette stratégie est également utile pour faire du Spy checking dans les ventilations.
  • Il est possible de se retrouver sur le petit rebord de la Salle des Documents qui se trouve juste au-dessus des rails de sécurité en sautant à l'aide du Lanceur de Bombes Collantes ou de l'Explo'Sauteur en tant que Demoman, en faisant un [[Rocket_jumping#Soldier_jumps/fr|Saut Propulsé en tant que Soldier ou à l'aide de la Force-de-la-Nature en tant que Scout. Cet emplacement permet au Demomen de défendre facilement les Documents Secrets.
  • Tourner autour de l'une des turbines de la Salle des Turbines peut procurer quelques instants de sécurité. Cette tactique fonctionne extrêmement bien sur les Heavies. Si vous parvenez à gagner assez de temps, un allié peut avoir eu le temps de disposer de votre agresseur.
  • N'importe quelle classe peut se retrouver sur la plate-forme de la salle de transition entre la Salle des Turbines et le Salle des Documents en faisant un premier saut sur le chariot, puis un deuxième directement sur la plate-forme. Les joueurs avaient l'habitude de se servir d'une plateforme invisible pour atteindre le plate-forme, qui a été remplacée par un chariot lors d'une mise à jour.
  • Descendre du pont surplombant la Salle des Turbines causera quelques dégâts de chute, rendant une fuite au Plan d'Évasion risquée. Cependant, atterrir sur l'un des conteneurs ou l'une des turbines annulera ces dégâts de chute. Sauter sur l'une des turbines permet de filer droit vers un pack de soin en évitant les tirs des Sniper, même si cette tactique comporte le risque de recevoir beaucoup de dégâts dus au spam.
  • Un bon Demoknight peut faire des ravages dans l'espace étroit que sont les ventilations; n'oubliez cependant pas d'utiliser votre Lance-Grenades pour toucher les adversaires hors de portée.

Stratégies spécifiques aux classes

Scout [[Scout/fr/fr|Template:Dictionary/classes/scout/fr]]

  • Comme sur toutes les Cartes de Capture de Drapeau, un Scout employé dès le début de la partie peut potentiellement récupérer les Documents avant que l'équipe adverse soit prête à défendre, marquant un ou deux points pour son équipe.
  • Le Strafing peut être très utile en cas de présence d'un Sniper sur l'une des plates-formes. Brandissez le Batte en entrant dans les ventilations, mais prenez gare aux armes explosives ou aux classes les plus lourdes, extrêmement avantagées dans des lieux si étroits.
  • Utiliser le double saut sur cette Carte permet d'accéder à des positions avantageuses plus vite que les autres classes. Cette stratégie est efficace contre les Engineers, les Medics, les Snipers, et les Heavies.
  • Servez-vous des turbines et des conteneurs de la Salle des Turbines pour vous mettre à couvert, prendre l'avantage de la hauteur ou contourner l'équipe adverse sans prendre de dégâts.
  • Évitez de passer par vos propres ventilations si l'ennemi a été repéré près de votre Salle de Réapparition ou contrôle la Salle des Turbines. Sans nul moyen de fuir ou d'esquiver, votre mort est assurée.
    • Cependant, utilizer le Marchand de Sable dans les ventilations est très efficace. L'ennemi n'ayant aucun moyen d'éviter la balle de base-ball, vous n'aurez aucune difficulté à disposer des classes les plus fragiles.
    • La Guillotine Volante est aussi efficace lorsque vous battez en retraite. Un allié peut se servir des dégâts infligés continuellement à l'ennemi pour achiever de le tuer.
  • Traverser les ventilations avec succès permet de se placer derrière les joueurs qui quittent leur Salle de Réapparition; un excellent moyen de se débarasser des Medics ennemis avant qu'ils deviennent un problème.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

  • From the large central room, it is easy rocket jump up to either team's deck to surprise enemies from there.
  • When attempting to capture the enemy's Intelligence room from the lower route, fire around the corners to get rid of any Sentry Guns set up there. A Sentry Gun placed in the back of the room can often be easily destroyed from outside of its range.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

  • Pyros should Spy-check near the vents and the hallway to the Intelligence room as well as the corner outside of the respawn door closest to the Intelligence room.
  • Due to their high damage output, a Pyro in the vents can be useful for more than just Spy checking. A single Pyro can bar all light classes from the vent entrance, and a Pyro skilled with the Compression blast can easily make the route completely off-limits to anything but an organized push.
  • In general, Pyros on Turbine will play one of two roles. More commonly, they are used in competitive matches for their Spy checking abilities to defend the Intelligence room, but on public servers, Pyros can also be used as forward support/offense, keeping Medics safe from Spies, extinguishing burning teammates and deflecting projectiles with their compression blast.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

  • The steel doors leading directly into the spawn area are a highly trafficked area, and as such is generally a good place to place sticky traps.
    A Sticky trap for a Demoman conducting defense. It cannot be seen from the other side.
  • The vents of either team can be ideal for sticky traps, with their enclosed spaces and sharp turns. Putting the stickies near or on the roof can help avoid them being knocked around by explosives. If caught in the vent while laying a trap, switch to the Grenade Launcher. The tight passageway means that the enemy will have little strafing room and the grenades will easily hit.
  • The hallway leading to the Intelligence is a prime choice for hidden Sticky traps, particularly with the Scottish Resistance.
  • The Sticky Jumper can be used to get on higher platforms to take a shortcut through the vents, where the Loch-n-Load can clear the path. When sneaking up on unaware players, the Ullapool Caber can kill Soldiers, Snipers, Scouts, or other Demomen in 1 hit to clear the way for you, but be aware, the Sticky Jumper can't do any damage to players or buildings, so don't take the shortcut to the opposing team's Intelligence room, or else you may get showered with sentry bullets and rockets. In addition, players using the Sticky Jumper cannot carry the intelligence, so be sure to have team support if you are using this strategy.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy

  • Turbine is a great map for the Heavy. The map is small and has plenty of corners, meaning that enemies will have a hard time avoiding the Minigun. For example, the narrow vents would be a good spot to trap enemies in a shower of bullets. If you are planning on using the vents, Natascha is highly recommended. Enemies will have no place to dodge and the slowdown will make escape almost impossible. On defense, if no Sentry Guns are deployed, the Brass Beast or Tomislav is especially useful.
  • Since there are no areas that are completely safe from enemy fire, think carefully before eating a lunchbox item. Generally the safest place to do so is among teammates or near a friendly Sentry Gun. If there is a break in the action, consider tossing down a lunchbox for a quick heal. Medium Health kits are awkwardly located and could place the slow Heavy in a dangerous situation if he were to make a run for one while taking fire.
  • Be careful when out in the middle area. While the blockades will stop most enemies, Scouts, Spies and Pyros can be devastating with a surprise attack from behind.
    • If unneeded for defense of the steel door, try to navigate to the exit of the enemy vent. Demomen and Soldiers have difficulty defending this spot from the floor of the main area, so a well-placed Heavy could help pick up the slack and effectively confine the enemy team to their side of the map.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

  • Engineers will do best working in teams on this map, as there are no Sentry Gun spots that do not have some disadvantage to them. When playing Engineer on Turbine, always mind fellow Engineers and lend them a hand if possible, especially with Sentry Gun setup. Demomen and Engineers can often work wonders together, with Engineers setting up in the Intelligence room and Demomen clearing out the vents and the hallway of any intruders.
  • In the hallway to the Intelligence, Engineers should get up onto the platform and build a strong defense there as most players will assault from that direction, due to the fact that they will not have to travel past the enemy spawn point. It is easily reached by jumping onto the prop next to the platform. This does leave the Vent and Resupply Area clear, allowing a good Scout to drop down the Vents and exit through the Resupply Area.
  • A good Sentry Gun spot in the Intelligence room is to the left of the Intelligence, facing the wall separating the two doorways into the hall that leads to the Turbine Room. The Sentry Gun cannot be hit or seen with the correct placement, but it will still cover most of the room and kill enemies who drop down from the vent.
  • A risky, but effective move is to build a nest in the enemy's vents. This will allow the team a swift route from the respawn area to the enemy Intelligence room. Beware though; an ÜberCharged Heavy will devastate such a setup in such close quarters. Also, this should not be attempted if the enemy has a Sentry Gun in their Intelligence room.
  • Another good spot to place a Sentry Gun is against the wall, to the left of the stairs, facing the small medkit. However be aware of enemies travelling through the vents, a Soldier can devastate a Sentry Gun with well-aimed shots, which may be unable to detect the attack.
  • A strategic place for a Teleporter Exit is near the vent exit that drops into the Intelligence room. This will likely expose any enemies who are coming through the vent, as most cannot resist taking down the Teleporter Exit. The exit can be of use to teammates, as well, as it can be used to help them clear out the vents or go through the hallway to the Intelligence room.
  • If the team manages to push the enemy team back to their spawn or Intelligence room, Engineers should jump onto the containers in the main hall and build Sentry Guns there. One on each container is a nearly unbreakable defense.
  • Engineers should build Dispensers and Teleporter exits at the own-team-faced side of the containers to provide quick movement and fast reloading/healing.
  • While a Sentry Gun is in the indent in the wall to the left of the stairs near the respawn area, a Dispenser built is just in the bend leading to the Intelligence room will block opponents from seeking shelter from the Sentry Gun.
  • Using the Wrangler with the deck may be a good idea. Place a Sentry Gun or Mini-Sentry Gun on the top platform in the Turbine Room. This will allow more control than an unwrangled Sentry Gun, as the opposite end of the Turbine Room is beyond the range of any Sentry Gun.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

  • ÜberCharge is essential to breaking through enemy defenses. Both passages to the Intelligence will be heavily guarded, either due to Sentry nests or proximity to the spawn. A charge from the Medi Gun will allow an initial bypass, hopefully skipping over the heavy front-line defense and allowing the pocket access to the Intelligence and straggling enemies. A charge from the Kritzkrieg can cause havoc around the spawn, critical stickies or rockets holding the majority of the enemy team in place as a Scout or third party makes off with the Intelligence.
  • Due to the open nature of the map, continuous movement is key. Avoid Snipers and spam by strafing constantly and be prepared before entering tight confines such as the vents or the staircase leading to the enemy spawn.
  • A common tactic with Engineers is to build their nest right on the intelligence. They are often difficult to destroy without a proper ÜberCharge, and result in stalemates. However, using the Quick-Fix's ÜberCharge on a Scout to dash in and out of the Intelligence room generally works in securing the Intelligence out of the room. If there is enough coordination with the Medic and Scout, this can prove an extremely effective off-the-wall tactic.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

  • There are two areas on Turbine that Snipers are very effective, the hallway that leads from the Turbine Room to the Intelligence room and the Sniper deck overlooking the Turbine Room. Both cover the Turbine Room and opposing Sniper areas. The deck is supplemented by a glass wall that can be used for cover.
  • Underneath the battlements leading to the vents in the Turbine Room is a surprisingly good place for Snipers to sit. On the left side, Snipers can walk back behind the door and into their spawn area if enemies get too close, and the right side (the path to the Intelligence) gives the Sniper a very good shot at the door where many players will exit their spawn area.
  • The Huntsman can be devastating in the vents. The enclosed space combined with a good sense of judgment will yield easy kills.
  • Due to Turbine's small size, Jarate is very effective. Throw it from the Sniper decks at potential high value targets. However, it can smash into the roof if aimed too high.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

  • Wait for a teammate to open the steel door, Cloak, and head out with them. Wary opponents will be tipped off to a Spy's presence if they see the door open with no visible players around. The Spy's Cloak is sufficient enough to allow safe crossing of the Turbine Room.
  • Traversing through the vents allows Spies to easily Backstab any enemy running down the stairs from respawn. Also, the vents provide an effective means of infiltrating the enemy base. Beware, in such tight quarters, detection is very likely if confronted, even if Cloaked or Disguised.
  • When you are disguised, don't go directly to the enemy's Intelligence room, where they will know you are a Spy. Instead, try to blend in with the opposing team and disguise near the steel door.
  • With the Cloak and Dagger, one can use jump on the turbines and stay there to recharge their Cloak.
  • With the Cloak and Dagger, one can straddle the edge of the upper walkway to recharge their Cloak. Though this is a risky maneuver as enemies jumping off the walkway can bump into you. To minimize this, use this tactic by the ends of the platform, as most players jump off near the center of the platform as they exit the vents.
  • Spies can take advantage of the many corners and sight breakers in this map to trick enemy players into thinking they turned corners when they did not. Cloak as you round a corner or break an enemy's line of sight and quickly turn back the way you came. Most of the time enemy players will round the corner or structure and keep running, as they think you went in that direction.

Team Strategy

Controlling the Turbine Room

As previously stated, the Intelligence must pass through the Turbine Room to be scored. Therefore the team that controls the main room can exert pressure onto the enemy team while simultaneously defending their own Intelligence. Engineers and Demomen are essential to this process. Demomen can set up sticky traps outside of the steel door that leads from the enemy spawn to the Turbine Room. With the spawn exit cut off, an Engineer can set up a Sentry nest outside the hallway exit, boxing the enemy team in. Be sure to set up Teleporters to keep constant pressure on the enemy team.

Even with adequate control of the Turbine Room it is still possible to lose a match. An enemy that makes good use of the Health kits on each side of the space can reach the safety of their own corridors despite an effective defense, so it is important to either control the area surrounding the kits or to have a plan in place if an enemy makes a dash for one. The kits are located in small indentations in the wall, so explosive weapons can be very effective in taking out healing enemies due to the concentrated splash damage caused by the close confines. If multiple Demomen are present, ask for one of them to patrol the Health kits while the other monitors the steel door.