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BrazilianNut (talk | contribs) (→Salto com foguete básico) |
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− | == Soldier | + | == Pulos com Soldier == |
− | === | + | === Salto com foguete básico === |
+ | Um salto com foguete é qualquer salto assistido pelo coice explosivo dos [[Rocket Launcher/pt-br|foguetes]] do próprio {{cl|Soldier}}. Um Soldier pode se arremessar através de grandes alturas e distâncias, geralmente ao custo de parte de sua [[Health/pt-br|vida]]. Esta técnica geralmente é usada para alcançar locais incomuns do mapa, cobrir terreno rapidamente, ultrapassar barreiras e pegar inimigos de surpresa. Para ajudar em saltos com foguetes , o Soldier tem uma resistência a [[Damage/pt-br|dano]] de 40% de qualquer foguete que ele disparar que o acerte enquanto ele está no ar. Esta resistência entra em efeito até mesmo se um inimigo foi atingido pelo mesmo foguete usado para o salto, diferentemente das {{item link|Gunboats}}. [[Critical hits/pt-br|Acertos críticos]] não causam dano autoinfligido ou coice adicionais ao Soldier, logo eles não o lançam para mais longe. Soldiers saltando com foguetes ficam com as botas em chamas e soltando fumaça até aterrissarem, assim como o {{cl|Demoman}}. | ||
− | + | Para executar um salto com foguete, simultaneamente pule e atire um foguete no chão abaixo. O ângulo do disparo e a distância da explosão determinam a velocidade e a altura do salto. Saltar agachado antes de disparar o foguete lança o jogador significativamente mais longe. Quanto mais cedo a explosão ocorrer após pular, mais longe e mais rápido o voo do Soldier. | |
− | + | O {{item link|Market Gardener}} causa acertos críticos letais (195 de dano) enquanto o usuário estiver saltando. Conectar um desses acertos pode ocasionalmente resultar em uma morte bastante impressionante e satisfatória. Foguetes, granadas e stickies inimigos contam para saltos explosivos se o jogador não for morto pela explosão. Jogadores experientes podem ocasionalmente usar isto para atingir acertos críticos em inimigos. Jogadores também podem usar [[Glossary of player terms/pt-br#Bhopping|''bunnyhops'']] no chão com muita precisão antes de atingirem alguém para garantirem um crítico. O {{item link|B.A.S.E. Jumper}} também pode ser utilizado para manter o jogador no ar enquanto ataca inimigos com o {{item name|Market Gardener}}. | |
− | + | Para manter a consistência, dano autoinfligido causado por foguetes sempre usa o mesmo dano base e raio de explosão independente do lança-foguetes usado, resultando em força de lançamento consistente para todas as armas para saltos explosivos, com reduções de dano autoinfligido de armas como o {{item link|Liberty Launcher}} sendo aplicadas posteriormente e não afetando a força do salto. | |
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=== Overload jump === | === Overload jump === |
Revision as of 03:29, 29 December 2022
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“ | Ei, dá pra ver minha base daqui!
Clique para escutar (em inglês)
— O Scout após um Pulo Quádruplo
” |
Pular ou saltar é uma habilidade básica que todas as classes são capazes de realizar, a qual move o jogador 50 unidades Hammer verticalmente e tem o potencial de alcançar 72 unidades através de pulos agachados. Pulos podem ser usados para alcançar posições elevadas, reduzir distâncias ou evitar fogo inimigo. Por padrão, saltos são realizados ao pressionar Space no Windows, Mac ou SteamOS/Linux, no Xbox 360 ou no PlayStation 3.
Além dessa habilidade básica de pulos inerentes de altura limitada, a maioria das classes possui métodos de saltos técnicos que se aproveitam de armas ou outros efeitos para alcançar alturas muito maiores.
Armas associadas
Lista de armas associadas a pulos | ||||||||||
Classe | Compartimento | Item | ||||||||
Primário | ||||||||||
Força da Natureza† | Refrispingarda | |||||||||
Secundário | ||||||||||
Ala | ||||||||||
Corpo a corpo | ||||||||||
Batedor de Boston | Lâmina de Três Runas | Atomizador | ||||||||
Primário | ||||||||||
Lança-Foguetes† | Tiro Certo | Caixa Preta† | Lança-Foguetes de Treino | Lançador da Liberdade | Avacalhador 5000 | Original | Lança-Foguetes do Lamentável | |||
Ataque Aéreo | ||||||||||
Secundário | ||||||||||
Canhoneiras | Coturnos de Macho | Saltador de B.A.S.E. | ||||||||
Corpo a corpo | ||||||||||
Pá-raquedista | ||||||||||
Primário | ||||||||||
Lança-Chamas† | Lançarco-íris | Lança-Napalm de Nostromo | Queima-Costas† | Desengraxante | Fúria do Dragão | |||||
Secundário | ||||||||||
Detonadora | Queima-Roupa | Propulsor Térmico | ||||||||
Primário | ||||||||||
Lança-Granadas† | Pavio Curto | Saltador de B.A.S.E. | Bombardeiro de Ferro | |||||||
Secundário | ||||||||||
Lança-Stickybombs† | Tarja de Investida† | Resistência Escocesa | Lança-Stickybombs de Treino | Escudo Esplêndido | Descobridor dos Sete Mares | Lança-Rápibombs | ||||
Corpo a corpo | ||||||||||
Tora de Ullapool | ||||||||||
Secundário | ||||||||||
Peão† | Contador Giger | |||||||||
Secundário | ||||||||||
Quebra-Galho | ||||||||||
Notas |
†Inclui variantes Festivas, Antirrobôs e de Austrálio. |
Manobras básicas
Pulo agachado
Em qualquer momento durante um pulo, o jogador pode se agachar ao pressionar o botão designado por padrão. Isto faz com que as classes elevem suas pernas na visão de mundo e se movam uma unidade Hammer adicional para cima, assim como reduzam suas alturas em 27 unidades Hammer da parte de baixo de suas hitboxes. Isto permite que alcancem superfícies mais altas ou encolham suas hitboxes para se esquivar de fogo inimigo. Por padrão, um jogador só pode se agachar e se levantar duas vezes enquanto no ar a fim de prevenir vários exploits.
Pulos agachados também são usados para aumtenar o efeito de coices explosivos. Qualquer pulo que envolva um explosivo alcança maiores distâncias do que um pulo padrão.
Movimentação lateral aérea
Movimentação lateral aérea (air strafing) permite que os jogadores façam curvas no ar para mudarem suas trajetórias. Enquanto no ar, ela pode ser realizada ao mover-se lateralmente e virar suavemente para a mesma direção ao mesmo tempo. Tentar se mover para frente com as teclas de movimento (tal como segurar w) durante a manobra impede que o jogador se mova lateralmente, enquanto tentar se mover para trás também resulta em perda de velocidade.
Manobras avançadas
Surfe de coice (Knockback surfing)
Todas as armas causam um pouco de coice, o qual é praticamente nulo em terra. Entretanto, enquanto no ar, o coice é significativamente mais perceptível. Ao recuar sob fogo inimigo, pode ser uma boa ideia pular continuamente a fim de ganhar um pouco mais de coice de inimigos atirando em você (se feito no tempo certo). Um efeito similar pode ser obtido ao usar o coice de um explosivo inimigo para escapar, semelhante a um salto explosivo.
Pulos com Scout
O Scout é a única classe com a habilidade inerente de pulos duplos. Esta habilidade pode ser expandida com a Força da Natureza, o Batedor de Boston, a Ala ou o Atomizador, criando uma ampla variedade de variações de pulos.
Pulo duplo
Ao pressionar o botão de pulo uma segunda vez enquanto no ar, o Scout pode realizar um segundo pulo em qualquer direção. A altura e distância adicionais concedidas por esta habilidade podem ser usadas para acessar áreas inacessíveis para outras classes. Isto pode ser útil para evitar fogo inimigo e emboscar inimigos se aproximando. Um pulo duplo mal executado, no entanto, resulta em uma trajetória previsível, tornando o jogador um alvo fácil para jogadores competentes.
É possível executar um segundo pulo a qualquer momento enquanto no ar. Isto pode ser usado para anular dano de queda ao realizar o segundo pulo pouco antes de atingir o chão.
Pulo triplo
Equipar o Atomizador permite que o Scout realize um terceiro pulo quando for a arma ativa. Com esta habilidade, o Scout pode pular por vãos maiores que, do contrário, seriam inacessíveis com pulos duplos. Scouts com esta habilidade são distintos de outros Scouts, pois um segundo ou terceiro pulo emite uma nuvem roxa embaixo de seus pés.
Pulo Forçado
Com a Força da Natureza equipada, o Scout pode usar o coice de um tiro enquanto no ar para se empurrar para ainda mais alto, efetivamente realizando um terceiro pulo. O terceiro "pulo" produzido pela Força da Natureza possui mais força horizontal e é levemente mais difícil de mirar e prever do que um pulo duplo. Ao pular para frente e atirar a Força da Natureza para baixo, o Scout se empurra ainda mais alto do que um pulo duplo, mas ainda tem o segundo pulo disponível de reserva. Isto age como uma troca; inércia horizontal é perdida em favor de maior deslocamento vertical. Como disparar a Força da Natureza no ar empurra o Scout na direção oposta do tiro disparado, ele pode se arremessar em qualquer direção, até mesmo para baixo.
Pulo com Bonk!
Com Bonk! Pancada Atômica equipada, o Scout fica imune a todo tipo de dano. Com isto, o Scout pode usar o coice de fogo inimigo, tal como o de Sentinelas ou explosivos inimigos, para se lançar para o ar. Quanto mais próximo da fonte do coice, mais explosivos ou maior o nível da Sentinela, maior e mais rápido o pulo.
Pulo com o Batedor
Ao causar dano a si mesmo com o Batedor de Boston ou a Lâmina de Três Runas enquanto no ar, o Scout pode usar as propriedades de dano autoinfligido dessas armas para alcançar lugares geralmente inacessíveis. Tal manobra é arriscada, porém, já que são necessários apenas quatro golpes sem acertar um alvo para reduzir a vida de um Scout sem sobrecura para apenas 1. A altura média ganha também não costuma valer a pena, sendo significativamente menos eficiente do que usar o Atomizador. Uso extensivo de kits médicos é, portanto, necessário. De maneira muito semelhante a saltos com foguetes, agachar-se no ar aumenta consideravelmente a distância que um Scout pulando com o Batedor de Boston pode percorrer. O Batedor de Boston pode ser usado em conjunto com a Força da Natureza para alcançar altura ou distância máxima como o Scout em um único pulo.
Pulo quádruplo
Ao combinar o pulo triplo do Atomizador com o coice da Força da Natureza, um Scout pode realizar quatro pulos em rápida sucessão, permitindo-lhe alcançar lugares de difícil alcance e manter uma enorme vantagem de altura sobre seus inimigos. Esta técnica pode se provar extremamente útil para flanquear e encontrar rotas de flanco. O método mais seguro de realizar um pulo quádruplo é trocar de arma para a Força da Natureza logo após usar o Atomizador; o oposto é mais difícil devido à longa ativação do Atomizador e deixar o jogador segurando sua arma corpo a corpo ao invés de uma arma primária após um pulo.
Pulo com a Ala
Enquanto com a Ala como a arma ativa, o Scout ganha 25% de altura dos pulos. Isto é útil para pular em coisas que o Scout normalmente é incapaz de pular. Isto também combina bem com a Força da Natureza, aumentando a distância dos pulos ainda mais, porém é necessário trocar de armas no ar para utilizar os pulos adicionais da Força da Natureza.
Hype Jump
After filling and activating the Soda Popper's Hype meter, the player can perform up to five additional air jumps for a brief period. This allows for reaching areas normally inaccessible by Scouts, allowing players to cover much greater distances and reach much higher areas. The weapon is also good for flanking and heckling enemies, as five extra jumps can make the Scout much harder to predict. Note that Hype jumping replaces the Atomizer's third jump; however, the Winger, while deployed, can be used to increase the height of each jump, further increasing the Scout's mobility.
Pulos com Soldier
Salto com foguete básico
Um salto com foguete é qualquer salto assistido pelo coice explosivo dos foguetes do próprio Soldier. Um Soldier pode se arremessar através de grandes alturas e distâncias, geralmente ao custo de parte de sua vida. Esta técnica geralmente é usada para alcançar locais incomuns do mapa, cobrir terreno rapidamente, ultrapassar barreiras e pegar inimigos de surpresa. Para ajudar em saltos com foguetes , o Soldier tem uma resistência a dano de 40% de qualquer foguete que ele disparar que o acerte enquanto ele está no ar. Esta resistência entra em efeito até mesmo se um inimigo foi atingido pelo mesmo foguete usado para o salto, diferentemente das Canhoneiras. Acertos críticos não causam dano autoinfligido ou coice adicionais ao Soldier, logo eles não o lançam para mais longe. Soldiers saltando com foguetes ficam com as botas em chamas e soltando fumaça até aterrissarem, assim como o Demoman.
Para executar um salto com foguete, simultaneamente pule e atire um foguete no chão abaixo. O ângulo do disparo e a distância da explosão determinam a velocidade e a altura do salto. Saltar agachado antes de disparar o foguete lança o jogador significativamente mais longe. Quanto mais cedo a explosão ocorrer após pular, mais longe e mais rápido o voo do Soldier.
O Pá-raquedista causa acertos críticos letais (195 de dano) enquanto o usuário estiver saltando. Conectar um desses acertos pode ocasionalmente resultar em uma morte bastante impressionante e satisfatória. Foguetes, granadas e stickies inimigos contam para saltos explosivos se o jogador não for morto pela explosão. Jogadores experientes podem ocasionalmente usar isto para atingir acertos críticos em inimigos. Jogadores também podem usar bunnyhops no chão com muita precisão antes de atingirem alguém para garantirem um crítico. O Saltador de B.A.S.E. também pode ser utilizado para manter o jogador no ar enquanto ataca inimigos com o Pá-raquedista.
Para manter a consistência, dano autoinfligido causado por foguetes sempre usa o mesmo dano base e raio de explosão independente do lança-foguetes usado, resultando em força de lançamento consistente para todas as armas para saltos explosivos, com reduções de dano autoinfligido de armas como o Lançador da Liberdade sendo aplicadas posteriormente e não afetando a força do salto.
Overload jump
An Overload jump can be achieved by jumping while overloading the Beggar's Bazooka. This form of rocket jumping is unique in the fact that it can allow the Soldier to perform up to three rocket jumps in mid-air, without worrying about having a surface to propel from, and allows the Soldier to achieve heights often denied to other Soldiers. Practice is required to time when to jump and where to aim while Overloading, but the technique is not too difficult to learn. Due to the self-inflicted damage resulting from Overload jumping, especially if the Soldier plans on overloading three times per 'jump,' the Gunboats are highly suggested for this technique, as it decreases the amount of damage from overloads. Knowing where medkits are on the map is also a necessity, as the multiple overloads and fall damage often leave the Soldier at very low health.
Advanced rocket jump
There are multiple variations of the basic rocket jump. Most are regularly used on jump maps, but they can also be used in a normal game to gain great speed or height.
- Faster rocket jumps can be made off a combination of a wall and ground. Aim down at the corner where the wall intersects the ground, crouch-jump, and fire. These jumps tend to have a low angle and high velocity, and they often go farther than regular jumps.
- Wall jumps can be made while in the air and against a wall. Continue to hold crouch and fire down below yourself on the wall. The explosion produces a second jump. Rocket jumps and wall jumps can be chained together to gain great distance or height.
- Pogo jumps are secondary rocket jumps made against the ground to increase your airtime. The explosion should keep you airborne and potentially increase forward momentum. Skipping is the high speed variant. You must predict your location and sometimes aim ahead to ensure that the rocket lands directly beneath you, or you might fail and touch the ground. You must always be crouching during these jumps, as failure to do so makes your jumps far less powerful.
- Double rocket jumps, also known as sync jumps, require two rockets to detonate as you jump, and can only be performed on a few maps. If you fire a rocket downwards and fall after it, you eventually fall faster than your own shot. After landing, you then rocket jump as your first rocket strikes the ground. The combined explosions send you much farther and higher than is otherwise possible. Looking up at the rocket to see when it will reach you makes timing the jump easier. Using the Liberty Launcher or Direct Hit is inadvisable, as it makes this technique far harder, requiring a greater distance to catch up to your rockets.
- Triple rocket jumps are a harder variant of the jump described above. They use three rockets instead of two and can be performed by either shooting two rockets in quick succession after dropping down, or by shooting a second rocket after having caught up with your first, then rocket jumping as they hit the ground. The force obtained from a triple rocket jump is extreme and comparable to a double sticky jump, allowing you to soar through entire maps.
- Flicking is rapidly turning around and firing the rocket mostly behind you. This can be combined with any other technique to fine tune the direction and power of a jump. An easier equivalent is to face backwards while you make your rocket jump. Always turn in the direction of your weapon. Doing this results in a faster and more precise jump, as projectiles in the Source engine are spawned at the end of the player's viewmodel, not in the center of their screen. There are two other versions of this jump, called a Quad, in which you fire your rocket after your third one, which can lead into a Quint (five rockets) which propels you very high from the floor upwards into the air from the quad. There are many jumps like this in jump_sync.
- Water jumping is using the water physics of the Source engine to gain extra momentum. Players that are in the process of surfacing in deep water receive a minor boost upwards; rocket jumping during this time (likely against a wall) augments this force into a very strong jump. Well is the most likely place to find this kind of jump. Ctapping in shallow water results in an incredibly strong jump.
- No damage is dealt to the Soldier when rocket jumping if he has the Rocket Jumper equipped, although he still receives fall damage. To avoid fall damage when using the Rocket Jumper, the Soldier can launch a rocket just before landing the initial jump just in front of his feet. This does not launch him into the air again (as seen with a Pogo jump), but cancels out the momentum, thus stopping fall damage from being dealt.
- Rocket jumping off of enemies or buildings allows the Soldier to scale small barriers without going too high.
- Rocket jumping can be made more efficient with several items such as the Liberty Launcher and Gunboats, which decrease self-inflicted damage and allow for more rocket jumps without depending on health packs. When rocket jumping, the Mantreads increase air control and deal damage to enemies upon landing on them, while also nullifying any fall damage the Soldier would have gotten.
- A bounce is when a player touches a teleportation system on a floor or platform on the same frame that they shoot their rocket, launching them up and preventing them to be teleported back to the beginning of a level. This is similar to a Bouncehop, in which you use the same technique, but you only use Space and do not require the use of a Rocket Launcher. There are various maps that include this type of jumping method. Including jump_bounce, jump_bouncerific and jump_bouncehop. Another variation of a bounce is a powerbounce. This is when you bouncehop using a Rocket Launcher on a teleport surface. to rocket jump higher then a normal bounce.
- Edgebugging is when you land on the very edge of a block and you slide off it slightly. If done correctly, you maintain your falling state and horizontal velocity, but take no fall damage. You can also edgebug on surfaces with teleports on them. In addition to this, you can also edgeshot - which is when you shoot a rocket when you are edgebugging.
- Crouchtapping or Ctapping is when you tap crouch a split second before you jump. This makes you get extra height when you do a rocket jump. Ctap rocket jumps are higher than normal rocket jumps because crouching puts you closer to the ground (closer to the epicenter of the blast) and sends you further when you rocket jump. Some maps require this type of jump to be completed, such as jump_legion.
- Speedshots are done when you have a large amount of horizontal speed, you are close to the ground, and your rocket explodes 90 degrees below you. The timing is strict, but it allows for you to gain large amounts of speed and is necessary for certain rollouts and jump maps.
- Jurf, or jump surf, is an extension of Surfing, but it is done with the inclusion of rockets. Combining surf ramps and rockets allows for you to gain more speed and abuse ramp slides. Jurfing is necessary for certain jump maps such as jump_jurf, and is very helpful in certain rollouts.
Demoman jumps
Basic sticky jump
A sticky jump is any jump assisted by the explosive knock back of the Demoman's own stickies. Compared to the Soldier's rocket jump, the Demoman pays more health, but jumps much higher and farther. This technique is often used to reach unusual locations on the map, cover ground quickly, bypass barriers, and surprise foes. To assist with sticky jumps, stickies deal 25% less self-damage. Critical hits do not deal extra self-damage or extra knockback to the Demoman, so they do not propel him farther. Any sticky jumping Demoman displays burning, smoky boots until he lands, similar to the Soldier.
To execute a successful sticky jump, place a sticky bomb on the ground and wait for it to arm. Jump over the sticky and detonate it. Your distance from the sticky's wide explosive radius determines height, velocity, and damage taken to a significant degree. Crouch-jumping causes the explosion to launch you significantly farther.
Advanced sticky jump
Advanced sticky jumping techniques are similar to a Soldier's rocket jumping techniques, but the mechanics are somewhat different because of the sticky's arming period.
- Double sticky jumps begin by setting two stickies on the ground instead of one. You lose vastly more health, but you jump much farther and higher. It is best to only attempt this jump while a Medic overheals you or ÜberCharges you. In regular games, this is often used to leap across an entire section of the map.
- Triple sticky jumps use three stickies. They should not be done without an overheal, ÜberCharge, or the extra health from the Bootlegger/Ali Baba's Wee Booties. Because the player often lands with extremely reduced health, their destination should either be very high or far or have a Health Pack. No official maps are big enough to need this; a double sticky jump can get you to the same place with some health to spare.
- Like rocket jumps, more powerful sticky jumps can be made by launching the sticky at the intersection between a wall and the ground. These jumps generally give you more speed and distance at the cost of some height.
- Wall jumps can also be made with stickies. Because of the arming delay, the Demoman must launch a sticky at the wall and rapidly detonate the sticky under his feet before the wall sticky arms. Then he must detonate the wall sticky as he passes. The height and distance gained from this technique is extreme. It is possible but quite difficult to chain farther wall stickies together, but this can only be done on jump maps which heal you during your jumps.
- Pogoing is also possible with the Demoman. To pogo, you must fire a new sticky at your destination and detonate the old one beneath you just before the second one arms. You repeat this combination over and over to remain in the air. Pogoing can also lead into a wall jump by placing the second sticky onto a wall. This often propels the Demoman at great speeds and can be useful to transition into a surf (negating fall damage).
- Mid-air pogoing is one of the hardest Demoman jumping techniques. You place one sticky below yourself, fire another sticky upwards or outwards, and then jump after the airborne sticky. Alternatively, you can jump first and shoot the sticky in mid-air. If done correctly, you catch up to the sticky while it arms in mid-air, and you can detonate it for a further boost. While incredibly hard, it is possible to chain several mid-air pogos by continuing to shoot precise stickies in the air and detonating them, but is normally not possible outside of a jump map, as the Demoman sustains too much damage and dies.
- No damage is dealt to the Demoman when sticky jumping with the Sticky Jumper out, although he still receives fall damage unless you shoot a sticky at your landing spot and time the detonation correctly.
- By jumping over the sticky (whilst crouching) and detonating just before you hit the ground, you can sticky jump at a shallow angle with much forwards momentum. This is useful to speed through corridors with low ceilings - examples of such corridors include the sewers on 2Fort and the Payload tunnels on Hoodoo.
Grenade jump
Much like rockets, stickies, and other explosives, a Demoman's Grenade Launcher can be used to jump. The explosion has power and damage comparable to a rocket jump, but is far more difficult to time and execute. They are rarely used in actual play, but are a niche for Demomen wielding the Chargin' Targe, Splendid Screen, or Tide Turner, which can also give a boost while jumping and is similar to rampsliding. This allows for Demoknights to perform trimps without a ramp as they jump before charging and strafing (to recieve extra height). This form of jumping may also be preferable if you have stickies already placed and do not wish to detonate them to jump somewhere. Grenades deal 25% less self-inflicted damage.
There are three rules of thumb for executing a good grenade jump.
- Fire straight down or against a wall or corner to control grenade positioning. Firing it forward makes it very difficult to track, and it may explode before you have reached it.
- Crouch-jump over the grenade roughly two seconds after you fire it, absorbing as much of the explosion as possible. Jump too early, too late, or without good timing, and the jump has little power or control.
- Vertical jumps require you to crouch-jump without any lateral motion. Proper grenade placement gives you the proper momentum to bypass a high barrier.
- Shooting a grenade at an enemy if he is very close while jumping allows higher jumps.
To perfectly time a grenade jump, immediately reload after deploying the grenade and jump after the second audible click plays. A visual clue is to watch the rings around the grenade, which pulses increasingly faster as it nears detonation.
The Iron Bomber is useful for performing grenade jumps, as its projectiles do not move far from where they land. This lets you position yourself over your grenades much more easily.
Caber jump
The Ullapool Caber can be used to jump; by striking the ground or a nearby wall, the Demoman is launched directly upwards, making it useful to reach some high locations. However, caber jumps are more damaging than sticky jumps or grenade jumps and, while easier, are not as effective. It is also possible to use caber jumps in combination with sticky jumps and grenade jumps; by striking a wall while airborne, the Demoman gains a significant boost. In addition to this, it is possible to combine a surf (gliding over a ramp at high speeds) with a caber jump by crouching and striking the ground with the caber at the end of the aforementioned ramp. This often means that the Demoman has more airtime and momentum.
Cannon jump
Similar to the Grenade Launcher, the Loose Cannon can be used to perform explosive jumps without the detonation of sticky bombs, or to retain the use of a charge shield. Cannonballs deal 25% less self-inflicted damage.
- While burning the fuse with Loose Cannon, fire a cannonball and jump at the moment it is about to explode, while standing near and facing a wall; it shall send you airborne. This can also be done while running and facing the ground; however, the timing is tricky. If the jump is not made with proper timing, you do not achieve a high jump, and only move a few feet.
- While in the air, you can extend the length of your jump using the Chargin' Targe, Splendid Screen, or Tide Turner.
- An alternative way to cannon jump is to burn the fuse until the cannonball blows in the barrel, and crouch-jump in the precise moment of the blast, giving a more powerful boost. When doing so, the Demoman should aim approximately behind him, as the explosion of the cannonball takes place inside the weapon.
Rampsliding, or Trimping, uses the charging ability of the Chargin' Targe, the Splendid Screen, or the Tide Turner to propel the Demoman off of inclined surfaces.
- Approach the incline you wish to slide off of at full running speed. Depending on its steepness, this is sometimes required.
- Jump and charge at the slope simultaneously. If this surface would be too steep to walk on, you likely need to stand as close as you can to the surface before doing this.
- If you are jumping from a distance, attempt to mid-air strafe sideways into the ramp (this is best done with the Tide Turner). Due to how the Source engine handles air strafing, you gain a significant amount of speed.
- The strafe keys do not do anything while charging, nor can you crouch. Turn the camera left or right to navigate.
- Once the charge ends, you regain access to normal air strafing controls. This can be extra useful if you are not using the Tide Turner, since the other shields have limited turn control while charging. You can end the charge manually by swinging a melee weapon.
- Your speed can have an impact on whether or not the slide works. For example, you can slide a shallower ramp by going faster.
- Some ramps are a bit steep, but are still barely walkable. In these cases, the amount of speed required for a successful rampslide is not as high. Simply jumping and charging directly at the surface may work.
Pyro jumps
Deflected rocket jump
The Pyro can take advantage of the knockback effect of reflected projectiles to jump. By aiming the compression blast at their own feet, the Pyro can redirect incoming Soldier's or Sentry Gun's rockets into a powerful rocket jump. Because the Pyro has no resistance to self-inflicted damage, this jump generally sends the Pyro farther and higher than what a Soldier could do, but also means that the Pyro takes considerably more damage than a Soldier would in the same situation. Pyros can also jump with reflected grenades, though the reflecting force exerted by the compression blast in conjunction with the smaller window of time before the detonation make it very tricky to use properly. Sentry Gun rockets can also be used to jump; Sentry rockets launch the Pyro higher into the air than the Soldier's rockets, but also deal more self-inflicted damage.
Flare jump
The Pyro can use the explosive flares shot by the Detonator or Scorch Shot to gain additional jump height and distance. It can be used to clear gaps or jump to higher areas that are normally unreachable by the Pyro, which can prove useful for ambushing. The Detonator jump is significantly more powerful than the Scorch Shot jump. While incapable of damaging enemies, the explosion created by the Detonator's flare colliding with the world boosts the Pyro who shot it, preventing a necessity of timing a difficult manual detonation.
Due to a bug, the Flare Gun can also be used to flare jump when shot close to a wall under a specific angle.[1]
Thermal Thruster jump
The Pyro can use a Thermal Thruster's charge to launch themselves in the direction they are looking at. When activating the Thermal Thruster, the initial liftoff sends the Pyro up a short distance in the direction they are aiming. The weapon's mobility greatly outperforms that of the Detonator and Scorch Shot, but it lacks offensive capability outside of its stomp effect akin to Mantreads. Its slow switch speed makes it more useful for sneaking into higher levels of the map than for making quick escapes or jumping into an attack.
Engineer jumps
Building Step jump
The Building Step jump utilizes the Engineer's ability to stand on his own buildings in order to reach ledges that are at a medium height. It is executed by simply crouch-jumping on top of a building and using the height gained to crouch-jump up to the target ledge. While Sentry Guns are slightly taller than Dispensers, for this purpose, Dispensers are often more convenient to use due to a lower metal cost; there is almost no practical advantage to step jumping off of a Teleporter. Contrary to some expectations, the building does not have to be fully constructed or upgraded; the height it gives when stood on is constant, regardless of its animation and level.
Examples of potential locations for a Building Step jump include RED's advanced spawn on Dustbowl's stage 3 (which allows Engineers to return to spawn easily) and RED's right side of Gold Rush's stage 1 (which allows Engineers to reach a common setup location from an unexpected direction).
Note that savvy enemies are capable of using a Dispenser for a jump, just as its Engineer can. Disguised enemy Spies can also use Sentry Guns in this way.
Sentry rocket jump
There are two ways to Sentry Gun rocket jump;
- The easiest method is to wrangle your level 3 Sentry and fire rockets at your feet while you crouch-jump. Since the Engineer receives no resistance to self-inflicted damage, he loses a great deal of health but flies very far. Landing spots must be chosen carefully.
- A harder method allows the Engineer to jump and carry his Sentry with him. You must fire the rockets, switch away from the Wrangler, and pack-up the Sentry before the jump carries you out of range.
Scripting can automate the hard method, but the technique can be learned manually. While looking at your Sentry Gun, tap the following keys in rapid succession: Crouch-jump and fire rockets simultaneously, switch to your last weapon, then pack-up the Sentry Gun. If you want to avoid crouch-jumping, you can cut out that step by standing on your Sentry instead.
Using the hard method, you can rapidly relocate and redeploy your Level 3 Sentry in unusual and/or aggressive locations. The Rescue Ranger can also be used in place of this technique, as it allows you to haul buildings from a distance, if you have a line of sight to them. When using the Rescue Ranger, make sure that you are able to see the Sentry from your destination, and ensure you have 100 metal to haul it to you. You can also use the Rescue Ranger's building pickup ability in the air.
It is recommended that you jump in the direction the rockets were fired, as the launch angle can be hard to determine otherwise.
Sentry bullet jump
Sentry bullet jumps are more difficult than Sentry rocket jumps, but they can be performed with any Sentry and often do less damage to the Engineer. The Gunslinger's Mini-Sentry is especially useful for bullet jumping. It deals even less damage and fires faster, providing more knockback for the jump.
The technique is deceptively simple. Stand on top of your Sentry Gun, aim in the direction you want to go, crouch-jump, and fire. Your bullets should propel you high into the air. Most bullet jumps fail due to aiming too low or because the angle of the Sentry Gun's fire is not pushing you up fast enough to overcome gravity.
If you have difficulty bullet jumping at angles, a simpler technique is deploy your Sentry beside the location you want to reach, stand on it, and fire almost straight up. Once you are nearly at the height you desire, aim a touch in the direction you wish to go, and the last few bullets shall nudge you horizontally at your target.
Energy Orb jump
An Energy Orb jump utilizes the Short Circuit's self-inflicted damage when in close range of a enemy, giving almost the power of a Rocket Jump.
- This jump can deal less self-damage than that of the Sentry Rockets jump, as a Energy Orb jump only takes 15-20 Health points.
- How far the energy orb blast pushes you depends on how much self-inflicted damage the inital jump did to the enemy and you.
Other jumps
Quick-Fix jump
As a Medic using the Quick-Fix, when the player you are healing does an explosive jump, you are blasted with similar force in the same direction, but take no damage (although fall damage is still incurred). This only works with Soldiers, Demomen, and Pyros. It does not work with Sentry jumps. This is useful to get Medics to the front lines faster, to allow them to reach otherwise inaccessible locations, and to make up for the health loss of explosive jumps.
Enemy-assisted jump
While unlikely, it is possible to use opponents' attacks to make jumps. For example, Bonk! Atomic Punch Scouts or Dead Ringer Spies can use the knockback of a high-leveled Sentry Gun or a cluster of stickies to fly across a map, while any class could feasibly jump a fair distance using an incoming enemy rocket or grenade. Attempting to make enemy-assisted jumps often deals high damage and may result in being juggled.
Pumpkin jump
A Pumpkin jump uses Pumpkin bombs to launch the player into the air.
- Lighter classes should stand far away and crouch-jump while shooting the Pumpkin.
- Heavier classes can stand beside the Pumpkin and fire for a larger boost. The Heavy can jump farther than the Demoman's sticky jump for roughly half his health.
- The Demoman's shields reduce damage done by Pumpkin explosions.
- When using the Gunboats, using rockets to destroy a Pumpkin reduces the Pumpkin bomb's explosive damage.
- Could be also done with the Alien Walkers found on 2Fort Invasion and Probed.
Inability to jump
There are certain states a player can be in that prevent them from jumping;
- While charging with the Chargin' Targe, Splendid Screen and Tide Turner as the Demoman.
- While spinning a primary weapon as the Heavy.
- Drawing an arrow while wielding the Huntsman or the Fortified Compound as the Sniper.
- Taunting.
- Crouching.
- While stunned.
- There is something above the player (If the mentioned object does not allow a full jump, the player jumps, stops, and falls when the model reaches the object).
- They are underwater.
- They are in the air (with the exception of the Scout's double jump).
- They have already performed a double jump, triple jump, quadruple jump, or force jump.
Jump exploits
These jump exploits allow players to perform unusual and unintended behavior.
Needle boosting
Prior to the Atualização de 31 de dezembro de 2007, Syringe Gun needles pushed friendly players a small amount. With enough Medics using needle boosting, the player could be launched very high on a wave of needles.
Bunny hopping (speed)
Prior to the Atualização de 31 de outubro de 2007, you could jump repeatedly to preserve forward momentum. Rocket jumping, air strafing, and other techniques could be used to increase the momentum gained from bunny hopping, allowing players to move far faster than intended.
Despite this patch, you still get a small speed boost when air strafing.
Bunny hopping (airborne)
When the player jumps within a very short time span right after landing from an explosive jump, the falling sound continues to play and the player is still considered airborne; consequently, the player is still granted effects like guaranteed crits with the Market Gardener. This bug is not yet patched.
Conquistas relacionadas
Update history
- Added anti-bunny hopping code
Atualização de 20 de novembro de 2007
- Fixed jump/taunt exploit
Atualização de 31 de dezembro de 2007
- Fixed Syringegun projectiles sometimes pushing players high up into the air, allowing them to reach bad map locations
Atualização de 1º de abril de 2008
- Fixed crouch-jump exploit that allowed players to get outside of the world
Atualização de 11 de dezembro de 2008
- Added smoke to the feet of a rocket jumping Soldier
Atualização de 6 de março de 2009
- You can now duck twice in the air. Scout double jumps reset the in-air jump counts
- Added "
" convar, set to 1 by default- Setting it to 0 will remove all constraints on ducking while in the air. Useful for servers running RJ challenge maps
- Increased the jump velocity to account for the tuned bounding box sizes. Jump height should now match the prior-to-last-update heights
Atualização de 3 de junho de 2011
- Added new community contributed response rules for Scout's double jump
Atualização de 15 de dezembro de 2011 (Australian Christmas 2011)
- [Não documentado] Jumps made with the Detonator are now higher
Atualização de 28 de março de 2018 #2
- Fixed the Scout's double-jump failing when attempted immediately after switching to any weapon (instead of just The Atomizer)
Atualização de 8 de outubro de 2020
- Fixed players not being able to rocket jump or stickybomb jump during a truce
Veja também
Links externos
- Team Fortress 2 Mapper's Reference (em inglês) compara as alturas que podem ser alcançadas através de vários métodos de pulo.