Difference between revisions of "Team Fortress Wiki:Wiki Cap/Nominations/Approved/User:Gabrielwoj/Andrew360NominationTable"

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m (Forgot to add this note.)
m (Gabrielwoj moved page User:Gabrielwoj/Andrew360NominationTable to Team Fortress Wiki:Wiki Cap/Nominations/Approved/User:Gabrielwoj/Andrew360NominationTable: Seederat's and Tekinz' nomination tables were also moved, so I'm moving this up too)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 21:21, 24 August 2023


Refers to the main image on the article, found on the infobox at the right side of the article (left side if the article is in Arabic).
Class gallery:
Refers to the "Gallery" section where each class wear said cosmetic. Can be both for an all-class or multi-class cosmetic.
Paint variants:
Refers to both the "Painted variants" table and the Styles section.
Item set:
When it's a page for an Item set. These were omitted from the "All / Everything" table to avoid confusion that all HLMV-related work for all items from the set was also made by the same contributor.

Note: The table, as well its contents, was composed and curated from July 20, 2023 through July 31, 2023. The user may upload more images after this nomination has been made.

All / Everything
Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head
Combat Casual
Grenadier's Softcap
Misha's Maw
Firearm Protector
Drunk Mann's Cannon
Russian Rubdown
Tailored Terminal
Cold Blooded Coat
Ol' Reliable
(Important Note)
Infiltrator's Insulation
Cool Warm Sweater
Bandit's Boots
Moonman Backpack
Stocking Stuffer
Kringle Collection
Respectless Robo-Glove
Courtier's Collar
Area 451
Second Opinion
Killer Signature
Teufort Tango
Cranium Cover
Hog Heels
Flame Warrior
Hazard Handler
Cargo Constructor
Cranium Cooler
Head Doctor
Brimmed Bootlegger
Prohibition Opposition
Road Rager
Stealth Bomber
Shrapnel Shell
Glorious Gambeson
Killer Joke
Preventative Measure
Close Quarters Cover

119th Update Medals
Bronze Dueling Badge
(Important Note)
Gold Dueling Badge
(Important Note)
Soldier of Fortune
Grizzled Veteran
Primeval Warrior

Ghastly Gibus
Cozy Catchers
Brotherhood of Arms
Treasure Hat
Aperture Labs Hard Hat
Undercover Brolly
Monsieur Grenouille
Team Player
Kiss King
Battle Bear
Colonel Kringle
Beaten and Bruised
Festive Rack
Horrific Headsplitter
Brothers in Blues
Medical Emergency

Angel of Death Geisha Boy Détective Noir Coupe D'isaster
Copper's Hard Top Toy Tailor Criminal Cloak Night Vision Gawkers
Barefoot Brawler Lawnmaker Battle Bob Jumper's Jeepcap
Magistrate's Mullet Doctor's Sack Noble Nickel Amassment of Hats Hanger-On Hood
Pugilist's Protector Der Wintermantel Delinquent's Down Vest Officer's Ushanka
Chucklenuts Bombing Run Burning Bongos Brim of Fire
Snack Stack Combat Medic's Crusher Cap Heavy Artillery Officer's Cap Camper Van Helsing
(Item set)
Elf Ignition Magical Mount Pony Express High-Five!
(Important Note)
Grenade (taunt) Glasgow Bankroll Crosshair Cardigan Berlin Brain Bowl
B.M.O.C. Bloodhound Backbiter's Billycock Batter's Bracers
Tough Guy's Toque Director's Vision Balloonicorn Antarctic Parka
Apparition's Aspect Black Market Business
(Item set)
Archimedes the Undying Athenian Attire
Track Terrorizer Hottie's Hoodie Backstabber's Boomslang Beastly Bonnet
Baron von Havenaplane Athletic Supporter Humanitarian's Hachimaki Janissary Ketche
Planeswalker Goggles Star-Spangled Strategy Cleaner's Cap Blast Bowl
Brother Mann

Class gallery
Ghastlier Gibus#Gallery
Ghostly Gibus#Gallery
Photo Badge#Gallery Legendary Lid#Gallery
Civilian Grade JACK Hat#Gallery Killer Exclusive#Gallery
Rotation Sensation#Gallery
Amber's Rad As All Hell Hat#Gallery
Noble Amassment of Hats#Gallery
Full Head of Steam#Gallery
Gentle Munitionne of Leisure#Gallery Saxton Hale Mask#Gallery
Smissmas Sorcerer#Gallery Scaredy-cat!#Gallery
Shanty Shipmate#Gallery Starlight Sorcerer#Gallery Candy Cantlers#Gallery Handsome Devil#Gallery
Cabinet Mann#Gallery
Halloween Masks#Gallery
Match outcomes#Gallery
Hardy Laurel#Gallery
Voodoo-Cursed Scout Soul#Gallery
Voodoo-Cursed Soldier Soul#Gallery
Voodoo-Cursed Pyro Soul#Gallery
Voodoo-Cursed Demoman Soul#Gallery
Voodoo-Cursed Heavy Soul#Gallery
Voodoo-Cursed Engineer Soul#Gallery
Voodoo-Cursed Medic Soul#Gallery
Voodoo-Cursed Sniper Soul#Gallery
Voodoo-Cursed Spy Soul#Gallery
Versus Saxton Hale#Gallery

Paint Variants / item-skins / Styles
Tiny Texan
(Painted Variants)
Pest's Pads
(Only the Blank Style)
Bombard Brigadier
(Painted Variants for Both Styles)
Headhunter's Brim
(Painted variants)
Fire Breather
(Painted variants)
Alcoholic Automaton
(Painted Variants for Both Styles)
Dustbowl Devil
(Painted Variants)
Cranial Cowl
(Painted variants)
Road Rage
Painted variants)
Road Block
(Painted variants)
Horror Shawl
(Painted variants and
"No Mask" RED/BLU colors)
(Painted Variants for All Styles)
(Painted variants)
(Painted variants)
Plaid Lad
(Painted variants for All Styles)
Frostbite Bonnet
(Painted Variants)
Underminer's Overcoat
(Painted Variants for All Styles)
Trapper's Flap
(Painted Variants for All Styles / Classes)
Altruist's Adornment
(Painted Variants)
(Unused Painted Variants)
A Hat to Kill For
(Painted Variants)
Archer's Sterling
(Painted Variants)
Bare Necessities
(Painted Variants)
(Painted Variants)
Mr. Quackers
(Painted Variants)
Heartfelt Hero
(Painted Variants)
Pyro the Flamedeer
(Painted Variants)
Bacteria Blocker
(Painted Variants for Both Styles)
Sweet Smissmas Sweater
(RED/BLU colors)
(Painted Variants for all Class variants)
Le Professionnel
(Painted Variants for Both Styles)
(RED/BLU colors)
(Painted Variants)
Soho Sleuth
(Painted Variants)
Full Metal Helmet
(Painted Variants and every RED/BLU class variant)

Weapon First-Person Views
Big Kill Blutsauger
(except Australium variants)
Family Business
(Festivized variant only)
Crusader's Crossbow
(Regular and Festivized variants only)
Bonk! Atomic Punch
(except Festive variants)
Concheror Fishcake

File:Millstone.png File:Breadspace red resupply locker.png File:Breadspace red resupply locker open.png File:Breadspace blu resupply locker.png
File:Breadspace blu resupply locker open.png File:Breadspace cart.png File:Swiftwater Red Planet Chemicals DDT.png File:Chemical donotdrink.png
File:Caution critrockets.png File:Danger poisongas.png File:Noaccidents red.png File:Noblu1.png
File:Nored1.png File:Rpc chemicalprocessing faded.png File:Shifty smoking nosmoking.png File:Spinning blade 1.png
File:Videosurveillance 3 clean big.png File:Projector new panel1.png File:Projector new panel2.png File:Projector new panel3.png
File:Projector new panel4.png File:First aid station.png File:Pl swiftwater frc40011.jpg File:Wutville poopyjoemural.png
File:Sign pj projector.png File:Mvm danger01.png File:Mvm danger02.png File:Mvm danger03.png
File:Mvm danger04.png File:Mvm danger05.png File:Mvm danger06.png File:Mvm danger07.png
File:Muertos poster1.png File:Muertos poster2.png File:Muertos poster3.png File:Muertos poster4.png
File:Scout contract drawer.png File:Soldier contract drawer.png File:Pyro contract drawer.png File:Demoman contract drawer.png
File:Heavy contract drawer.png File:Engineer contract drawer.png File:Medic contract drawer.png File:Sniper contract drawer.png
File:Spy contract drawer.png File:Robot men working poster.png File:Sinthetic resupply locker closed.png File:Sinthetic resupply locker open.png
File:RED Bonesaw Bombcart.png File:BLU Bonesaw Bombcart.png File:Suijin Supply 1.png File:Suijin Supply 2.png
File:Doublefrost Intel RED Idle.png File:Doublefrost Intel RED Pickedup.png File:Doublefrost Intel BLU Idle.png File:Doublefrost Intel BLU Pickedup.png
File:Doublefrost Intel Neutral Idle.png File:Doublefrost Intel Neutral Pickedup.png File:Steamworkshop tf2 tailored terminal thumb.jpg File:Steamworkshop tf2 roasty toasty thumb.jpg
File:Steamworkshop tf2 russian rubdown thumb.jpg File:Chilly Cart.png File:Chilly Cart Unused RED.png File:Chilly Cart Unused Alternative.png
File:Resupplylocker.png File:Resupply locker open.png File:Pyroland Supply Closed.png File:Pyroland Supply Open.png
File:Medieval resupply locker closed.png File:Medieval resupply locker open.png File:Sniper huntsman quiver.png File:Soldiergrenadekill.png
File:Scouttaunt3.PNG File:Lollichop taunt.png File:Reserve Shooter.png File:Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol.png
File:Beggar's Bazooka.png File:Battalion's Backup Backpack.png File:Paintrain.png File:RedFlamethrowerTilt.png
File:Players talking.png File:Weapon Demonstration thumb drunk mann's cannon.png File:Weapon Demonstration thumb tailored terminal.png File:TF2LVL1SG.png
File:TF2LVL2SG.png File:TF2LVL3SG.png File:Backpack Heartfelt Hero.png File:Immortality machine.png
File:Pickup Fish.png

Non-TF2 Team Fortress Images
File:Scoutclassic.png File:Sniperclassic.png File:Soldierclassic.png File:Demomanclassic.png
File:Civilian tfc.png File:Medicclassic.png File:Heavyclassic.png File:Pyroclassic.png
File:Spyclassic.png File:Engineerclassic.png File:Conc tfc.png File:Frag tfc.png
File:Gl tfc.png File:Biosuit tfc.png File:Backpack tfc.png File:Reda tfc.png
File:Teleporter tfc.png File:TFC-Dispenser.png File:Rocketbox.png File:Civilian qwtf.png
File:Ring tfc.png File:Pent tfc.png File:Quad tfc.png File:Medkit tfc.png
File:Caltrop tfc.png File:Greena tfc.png File:Yellowa tfc.png File:V crowbar(classic).png
File:V medkit(classic).png File:Knife tfc.png File:Umbrella tfc.png File:Rifle tfc.png
File:Tranq tfc.png File:Railgun tfc.png File:Ssg tfc.png File:Nailgun tfc.png
File:Sng tfc.png File:Flamethrower tfc.png File:Rl tfc.png File:Minigun tfc.png
File:Nail Grenade TFC.png File:Mirv tfc.png File:Napalm tfc.png File:Gas tfc.png
File:Emp tfc.png File:Detpack TFC.png

April Fools Related
Moustachium weapons
Corolla Corral