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{{Soldier Nav|coluncolstate=collapsed}}
{{Soldier Nav|coluncolstate=collapsed}}
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Voorwerpen aanpassen}}
{{main|Main menu/nl|l1=Hoofdmenu}}
[[File:Manage Items Menu.png|right|thumb|350px|Het voorwerpaanpasmenu]]
Het '''voorwerpaanpasmenu''' is een onderdeel van het [[main menu/nl|hoodfmenu]] in ''Team Fortress 2'' dat toegang geeft tot de [[#Uitrustings- en Bespottingsvakken|uitrusting-]], [[backpack/nl|rugzak-]], [[crafting/nl|ontwerp-]], [[Mann Co. Catalog/nl|Mann Co.-catalogus-]], [[trading/nl|ruil-]] en [[War Paint/nl|Oorlogsverfs]]sub-menus. Het statistiekenmenu geeft ook een aantal van de speler's persoonlijke statistieken weer. Het rugzakmenu kan direct via de "rugzak"-knop worden weergegeven, maar kan ook direct worden open gemaakt door op {{key|M}} te klikken (of door de {{code|open_charinfo_direct}}-commando in de [[Console/nl|console]] te typen) wanneer je in een server bent.
== Functions ==
By clicking any of the nine [[class]] portraits the player is taken directly to the loadout of the respective class. The five icons along the bottom – backpack, crafting, Mann Co. Catalog, trading, and war paint – will take the player to those submenus.
=== Uitrustings- en Bespottingsvakken ===
[[File:GUI Loadout.png|thumb|An example of the loadout screen.]]
The loadout menu enables the player to equip [[items]] and [[taunts]] for use with the nine classes.
The left of the loadout screen features the player's selections for [[Weapons|primary]], secondary, and melee weapons. The [[Spy]]'s loadout screen positions the secondary and melee slots in place of the primary and secondary respectively. The Engineer and Spy loadout screens also include a fourth slot for the [[PDA|Construction PDA]] and [[Sapper]] (PDA) respectively. The right four slots consist of three cosmetic slots for [[hats]] or [[Miscellaneous items]], and one for [[action items]].
Clicking the movie reel on the bottom allows you to switch to the taunt menu where you can equip any taunt you have in your inventory to a maximum of 8 at once. Pressing the box next to it will bring it back to the regular loadout. Pressing {{key|G}} while having one of the taunts equipped will bring you to a taunt HUD which allows you to select a taunt.
Mousing over any of the slots for equipped weapons will display the statistics and description pertaining to the item, in a similar format to the backpack. This information (and more) can also be seen at any time in the Mann Co. Catalog without having to own the item. At the bottom of menu, the player's net attributes from their equipped items are shown as an overview.
When a player changes their loadout mid-game, any changes made to the current class's loadout will only take immediate effect if the player is in the spawn area. Otherwise, they will not take effect until the player either [[respawn]]s, or touches a resupply locker.
=== Backpack ===
The backpack is a player's personal inventory, allowing for storage for all in-game [[items]]. Items are kept in individual slots and can be viewed, moved, customized or deleted from within the backpack interface. The backpack is divided in to pages, with each page displaying 50 items. The backpack can be automatically sorted by [[quality]], type, class or loadout slot.
=== Crafting ===
Crafting is the process that allows players to combine items they have in their backpacks in to new items. Through using specific crafting blueprints, more desired outcomes can be obtained, such as crafting a specific weapon through its designated blueprint. It should be noted that not all items can be used as an ingredient, nor can all items be obtained as an outcome.
=== Mann Co. Catalog ===
{{Main|Mann Co. Catalog}}
The Mann Co. Catalog contains a listing of (almost) every item in the game, allowing for a quick lookup of item appearances, statistics and descriptions. It will also displays a button leading to the listing of an item in the [[Mann Co. Store]] (if available), additionally a link to the item's page on the [[Team Fortress Wiki]] will be displayed.
=== Trading ===
The trading submenu will allow a player to exchange items with other players directly through [[Steam]] friends, current server players, or a Steam Community URL. However, this feature is partially disabled for all free to play players; they can receive items in a trade initiated by another player, but are unable to give any items in return.
=== War Paints ===
{{Main|War Paint}}
The War Paints submenu allows a player to preview every War Paint available for every applicable weapon. The menu contains drop-down menu for each War Paint, a drop-down menu for each weapon a given War Paint can be applied to, and a slider to change the [[Decorated#Wear|Wear]] of the War Paint – from Factory New to Battle Scared – as well as buttons to switch the team color. Additionally, you can select the Randomize button, or set the seed manually, to preview the position of the texture applied to the weapon, though this is not available when redeeming War Paints. You may also select the View on Market button to find the current weapon with the applied War Paint on the [[Steam Community Market]].
=== Statistics ===
[[File:GUI Stats.png|thumb|350px|An example of the statistics screen.]]
The statistics tab opens up the best records and playtimes of the player. Statistics tracked include:
* Most [[points]]
* Most [[kills]]
* Most [[assists]]
* Most captures ([[Control point (objective)|Control point]] or [[Payload]] cart push)
* Most defenses (Control point or Payload cart stop)
* Most [[damage]]
* Most [[Buildings#Destruction|destruction]]
* Most [[dominations]]
* Longest life
* Most [[healing]]
* Most [[ÜberCharge|invulns]]
* Most kills by {{botignore|[[Sentry]]}}
* Most [[Teleporter|teleports]]
* Most [[headshot]]s
* Most [[backstab]]s
* Playtime as each class.
Drop-down boxes will allow you to look at statistics for specific classes displayed as horizontal bar charts. A random [[Tips|tip]] will also be displayed on this screen, a new one can be forced by clicking the "Next Tip" button. These statistics can be reset by a button on the right (by doing this progress in locked [[achievements]] will be reset, but any unlocked achievements will not be reset).
== Update history ==
{{Update history|
'''{{Patch name|1|25|2008}}'''
* Removed the "Reset Stats" button from the Player Stats screen.
'''{{Patch name|3|20|2008}}'''
* Updated the Stats Summary screen to remember your previous selections each time you open the menu and while changing levels.
'''{{Patch name|4|29|2008}}''' ([[Gold Rush Update]])
* Added Character Info and Loadout to the main menu.
* The backpack was introduced.
'''{{Patch name|4|20|2009}}'''
* Reworked the character loadout screens to support [[hats|future features]].
'''{{Patch name|12|17|2009}}''' ([[WAR! Update]])
* Added item crafting.
'''{{Patch name|4|28|2010}}'''
* Backpack changes
** Moved Crafting button out to the root class/backpack selection panel.
'''{{Patch name|6|10|2010}}''' ([[Mac Update]])
* Overhauled the [[main menu]], and added help to Loadout, [[Backpack]], and Crafting screens.
'''{{Patch name|7|8|2010}}''' ([[Engineer Update]])
* {{Undocumented}} Added a second Misc. item slot in the loadout.
'''{{Patch name|9|30|2010}}''' ([[Mann-Conomy Update]])
* Added the Mann-Conomy.
* Added the Mann Co. Store & Catalog.
* Added Trading.
* Added Item customization.
* {{Undocumented}} The on-wearer attribute area was added to the loadout.
'''{{Patch name|4|14|2011}}''' ([[Hatless Update]])
* {{Undocumented}} Added option to hide duplicate items on loadout screen.
* {{Undocumented}} Class models presented in the loadout screen are now static and do not play idle animations.
'''{{Patch name|5|5|2011}}''' ([[Replay Update]])
* Fixed the [[Gloves of Running Urgently]] not using the correct skin in the character loadout screen.
* Fixed the [[Kritzkrieg]] not drawing the correct model in the character loadout screen.
* {{Undocumented}} Idle animations restored to class loadout screens.
'''{{Patch name|10|13|2011}}''' ([[Manniversary Update & Sale]])
* When selecting items from the loadout, weapons with different kill eater ranks will all show up.
'''{{Patch name|10|17|2011}}'''
* Fixed a client crash when opening the loadout screen.
'''{{Patch name|03|22|2012}}'''
* {{Undocumented}} Added [[PDA|Construction PDA]] slot and [[Sapper]] slot to the [[Engineer]]'s and [[Spy]]'s loadout screens, respectively.
* {{Undocumented}} [[PDA|Construction Tool, Demolish Tool]], [[Disguise Kit]], and [[Sapper]] now appear in [[backpack]] when viewing stock items.
'''{{Patch name|11|16|2012}}'''
* Fixed a crash in the class loadout panel for Mac users.
'''{{Patch name|6|6|2013}}'''
* Fixed a client crash related to the hatless hats and the [[Customize items#Loadout|character loadout screen]].
'''{{Patch name|12|20|2013}}'''
* "Head" and "Misc" slots for player loadouts have been converted to Cosmetic slots. All items that were previously Head- or Misc-slot-specific can now be equipped in any Cosmetic slot.
'''{{Patch name|2|11|2014}}'''
* Updated several [[cosmetic items]] that were missing an {{code|item_type}} description
* Updated several cosmetic items to count as assisters in [[Pyrovision]]
'''{{Patch name|3|5|2014}}'''
* Fixed an infinite healing exploit related to loadout presets.
== Bugs ==
* Some items will become semi-transparent or lit incorrectly when appearing in the loadout screen.
* It is possible to break "The customize items menu" by pressing the left mouse button on any menu object and moving the cursor in any direction while continuing to hold the mouse button. This will cause the menu screen to freeze.
* Occasionally, cosmetic items may unequip themselves.
* Classes that can equip Melee weapons for [[Weapons#.C2.A0All_classes|all classes]] will hold the weapon differently than how it's held in-game, an example for that is with [[Sniper]], which he holds the weapon straight up in the Loadout screen, while in-game, he holds way much lower and inclined.
* Switching between the classes will cause their mouths to open then quickly close.
== Demonstration ==
== Gallery ==
<gallery perrow="3">
File:Unusual Loadout Slider.png|The [[Unusual]] slider bar
File:Old_medic_loadout.jpg|A screenshot of the old loadout submenu.
== See also ==
* [[Main menu]]

Revision as of 22:44, 1 February 2024

The Soldier

Taunts are character-specific animations that can be manually triggered in-game. The Soldier has several taunts, all of which are listed below with applicable voicelines and a description of the animation. This does not include voice responses or voice commands.


Soldiertaunt1.PNG Bijbehorende wapens Omschrijving
The Soldier mock salutes by making a "loser" sign with his hand while saying:
"Leeeeft house!"
Soldierdhtaunt.png Bijbehorende wapens Omschrijving
The Soldier yells and beats his chest in a similar fashion to Tarzan.
Soldiermanglertaunt.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier jumps, stands erect, salutes, clicks his heels then quickly marches in place.


Soldiershotguntaunt.png Bijbehorende wapens Omschrijving
The Soldier salutes with the Shotgun, pointing it into the air and firing three times while the start of the song 'Taps' music plays (this consumes no ammunition, nor does it deal damage). He then gives a military salute and says "BOO-YAH!". There is an alternate, longer version of this music.
Soldiertaunt2.PNG Bijbehorende wapens Omschrijving
The Soldier juggles his grenades and a spare rocket laughing maniacally or shouting "Screamin' Eagles!".


Soldiertaunt3.PNG Bijbehorende wapens Omschrijving
The Soldier screams in one of four different ways and bangs his helmet with his weapon. The screams are identical to those he makes when killed by a non-gibbing critical hit or melee weapon. If the Soldier is in Pyroland, he will laugh before banging his helmet.
Soldiergrenadekill.png Bijbehorende wapens OmschrijvingDoodsicoon
Main article: Kamikaze

The Soldier tosses away his weapon, cracks his knuckles and says "C'mere, cupcake", takes a grenade off of his belt, sets it, thrusts his fist in the air and explodes, gibbing himself and any nearby enemies as well as destroying any nearby buildings.

If the Lumbricus Lid is equipped when this taunt is performed, the kill icon for this taunt changes to a Holy Hand Grenade, and this music is played.
  • Killicon grenade (taunt).png
  • Killicon hhg.png
Soldiertaunt2.PNG Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier juggles his grenades and a spare rocket laughing maniacally or shouting "Screamin' Eagles!".
Soldierdhtaunt.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier yells and beats his chest in a similar fashion to Tarzan.



Taunt Fresh Brewed Victory.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier will step on a bag of coffee beans and drink from a mug while saying:
"A big cup of kicking your ass!"
"A big mug of my foot up your ass!"
"I love the smell of a kicked ass in the morning!"

Associated sound effects

[bag swishes into existence]
[coffee can drops]
[coffee drips]
[sigh of contentment]
Taunt fubar fanfare.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier will pull out a trombone and play four low notes of failure (D, D♭, C, B).
Taunt Panzer Pants.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier stands at attention. A small tank pops up from the ground beneath and around him, which he then proceeds to drive, his head and shoulders peeking out from the top.

Pressing primary fire (default key: MOUSE1) will make him fire a shot and say a line. The shot is a purely cosmetic effect and does not cause any damage.

Ending the taunt causes the tank to explode; the Soldier jumps off with a back somersault.

The player will continuously move forward during this taunt, only being able to turn left and right. When turning, the Soldier will turn to face the side he is going together with the tank's cannon, allowing the player to shoot in approximately 45° to the side.
Taunt Soldier's Requiem.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier will take out a gravestone which says "Here lies maggot. I win. The end." and say:


Burstchester Soldier.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
A Bread monster partially comes out of the Soldier's chest. He tries to catch the monster with both hands, but it quickly goes back in; the Soldier then looks around in search of it.
Conga Soldier.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier bounces in rhythm to the Latin beats while saying:

Initiating a Conga line

"Ha ha ha!"
"Ha ha! Conga!"
"Single file!"

Dancing to the Conga

"Oooh, yeah!"
"Ha hah, conga!"
"Conga, maggots!"
"Get into it!"
"Conga you fools!"
"Love it!"
"[singing] Duh da da da!"
The player will continuously move forward during this taunt, only being able to turn left and right.
Soldier Director.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier extends his arms out and forms a square with his big hands, trying to visualize the scene in front of him in a frame or a screen.
Flippin Awesome Soldier.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier will bend his knees slightly with his hands interlocked to form a platform for players to flip themselves off. If he is being flipped, the Soldier will perform a somersault in mid-air.

Preparing to flip

"Flip is go!"
"Flip is go!"
"Flip is go!"
"Step up and get flipped!"
"In flipping position!"
"Do not keep me waiting!"
"Get over here, sky-meat!"
"Say your prayers and grab some air!"
"Operation: Soaring Eagle!"

Flipping another player

[strained]"Up you go!"
[strained]"Up you go!"
"Hut hut hut!"

Being flipped


After flipping

"Perfect landing!"
"Perfect landing!"
"Perfect landing."
"The Eagle has landed" (reference to Apollo 11)
"Duty. Honor. Flipping."
"Duty and honor!"
"Duty and honor."
"Well done!"
"Done and done!"
"Mission accomplished!"
"Mission accomplished!"
"Mission accomplished."
"Medals for everyone!"
"Stay frosty!"
"Stay frosty!"
Soldierhighfive.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier stands at attention and raises his hand while saying:
"Let's go!"
He then salutes, slaps the other player's hand, and pumps his right fist back and forth a few times.
Kazotsky Kick Soldier.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier puts one hand over the other in front of him while bending his knees and kicking forward. He looks left, makes a military salute, repositions his hands, looks right, then looks back forward, his helmet bouncing up and down the entire time. The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt.
Mannrobics Soldier.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier will go through an aerobics routine with the option of a class-specific animation.
"[panting] Ho, heh, huh, huh, uh!"
"Ooh! Ah! Hah hah! Hoo hoo!"
"Ah, hoo, heh, uh!"
"There's nothing more American than exercise!"
The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt.
Soldier rock paper scissors.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier engages in an intense battle of Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Initiating a throw

"Rock, paper, scissors!"
"Rock! Paper! Scissors!"
"Let's throw down!"
"Who wants some?"
"It's throw time!"

Starting the throw

"One, two, three!"
"On three..."

Win (Condition-specific)

"Paper wins!"
"Rock wins!"
"Scissors win!"


"Did I win?"
"I won! No, wait."
Soldier taunt laugh.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier slouches forward and wheezes, breathless with laughter. After righting himself, he then wipes a tear from his eye.
Second Rate Sorcery Soldier.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier takes out a staff with a skull on its top and a tag reading "99¢". He attempts to cast a spell, fails to create anything but green sparkles, and then angrily throws the wand on the ground before returning to his original position.
Soldier Shred Alert taunt.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier summons a guitar and plays an intense solo as flames and lightning spout from behind.
Skullcracker Soldier.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier will gesture towards his head and then perform a head butt with another player.

Initiating a head butt

"Heeead butt!"
"Head butt me!"
"Head butt time!"
"Butt my head, that's an order!"
"Let's do this!"
"Let's do this!"
"Let's go!"
"Come on!"
"Come on."
"I haven't got all day!"
"I haven't got all day!"
"Go go go!"
"Go go go!"
"Come on, maggot!"
"Let's go, maggot!"
"I got your six!"
"Come on maggots!"



After a head butt

"Ahhh uhhh ahn!"
"U. S. A.!"
"God, Guts, Guns!"
"Gaaawd, Guuuuts, Guuuns!"
Square Dance Soldier.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier will swing his partner 'round and 'round while saying:

Starting a dance

"Let's dance, maggot!"
"Dance-time, boys!"

During the dance

"Whoa! Ha ha ha!"
"Ha ha ha!"
"Ah ha ha!"
"Whaa, ho ho ha ha!"
"He he he he he hah hah!"
"Ha ha hah, I'm dancing!"

Dance's end

"Dance accomplished!"
"Dance terminated!"
Victory Lap Soldier.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier jumps into a team-colored bumper car. Pressing MOUSE1 will make him honk the car's horn. The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt.
Soldier yetipunch.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
A wooden cutout of a Yeti appears roaring in front of the Soldier. He closes his right hand into a fist, grabs the cutout over him, and smashes it against his head. He staggers for a moment, dizzy, then goes back to normal.
Soldier yetismash.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier turns into a Yeti, beats his chest while roaring, and slams the ground with his fist; he then turns back to normal and slightly rearranges his helmet back in place while standing back up.
Zoomin' Broom Soldier.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
The Soldier pulls out a witch's broom and proceeds to ride it, hovering above the ground. The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt.


Soldierrobottaunt.png Associated wearables Omschrijving
The Soldier performs the Robot dance while saying, "Beep beep boop. Maggot!"
The actual video demonstration can be seen here.

Unused content

Soldiershowtaunt.png Bijbehorende wapen Omschrijving
Geen The Soldier stamps his feet, crosses his arms then shows something off.

Update history

17 december 2009-patch (WAR! Update)
  • [Onbeschreven] Added taunts used by the Direct Hit, Shotgun and Equalizer.
  • [Onbeschreven] The Shotgun's original taunt (juggling taunt) was assigned to the Buff Banner.
  • [Onbeschreven] Added an unused "high-five" taunt.

26 augustus 2010-patch

  • Fixed the Worms gear not playing the correct sound during the Equalizer taunt.

30 september 2010-patch (Mann-Conomy Update)

  • [Onbeschreven] Updated the unused "high-five" taunt.

15 maart 2011-patch

  • Fixed the Soldier/Demoman taunts not working correctly when the Half-Zatoichi is the active weapon.

5 mei 2011-patch (Replay Update)

  • Added Director's Vision taunt.
  • [Onbeschreven] Added voice response for the Kamikaze taunt.

8 juni 2011-patch

  • [Onbeschreven] Added laughing animations.

23 juni 2011-patch (Über Update)

20 juli 2011-patch

  • [Onbeschreven] Added the Cocksure taunt, used by the Cow Mangler 5000.
  • [Onbeschreven] Added an unused "show" taunt.

22 juli 2011-patch

  • [Onbeschreven] The Soldier is no longer able to taunt while the Cow Mangler 5000 is charging.

13 oktober 2011-patch (Manniversary Update & Sale)

2 november 2011-patch

  • Added a robot taunt for the Soldier which plays when wearing The Tin Soldier set

6 september 2012-patch

  • Fixed the Escape Plan not using the same taunt as the Equalizer.

18 februari 2013-patch

18 juni 2014-patch (Love & War Update)

2 juli 2015-patch (Gun Mettle Update)

6 oktober 2015-patch (Invasion Community Update)

28 oktober 2015-patch (Scream Fortress 2015)

3 november 2015-patch

  • Updated taunts to prevent movement during the pre-round period when players are frozen

17 december 2015-patch (Tough Break Update)

7 juli 2016-patch #1 (Meet Your Match Update)

21 oktober 2016-patch (Scream Fortress 2016)

20 oktober 2017-patch #1 (Jungle Inferno Update)

19 oktober 2018-patch (Scream Fortress X)


  • The Cow Mangler 5000's taunt is officially named the "Cocksure" (Salute taunt).
  • Near the end of Soldier's Schadenfreude taunt, the voice director can be heard saying "Alright cut".

See also

Hoofdartikel: Hoofdmenu
Het voorwerpaanpasmenu

Het voorwerpaanpasmenu is een onderdeel van het hoodfmenu in Team Fortress 2 dat toegang geeft tot de uitrusting-, rugzak-, ontwerp-, Mann Co.-catalogus-, ruil- en Oorlogsverfssub-menus. Het statistiekenmenu geeft ook een aantal van de speler's persoonlijke statistieken weer. Het rugzakmenu kan direct via de "rugzak"-knop worden weergegeven, maar kan ook direct worden open gemaakt door op M te klikken (of door de open_charinfo_direct-commando in de console te typen) wanneer je in een server bent.


By clicking any of the nine class portraits the player is taken directly to the loadout of the respective class. The five icons along the bottom – backpack, crafting, Mann Co. Catalog, trading, and war paint – will take the player to those submenus.

Uitrustings- en Bespottingsvakken

An example of the loadout screen.

The loadout menu enables the player to equip items and taunts for use with the nine classes.

The left of the loadout screen features the player's selections for primary, secondary, and melee weapons. The Spy's loadout screen positions the secondary and melee slots in place of the primary and secondary respectively. The Engineer and Spy loadout screens also include a fourth slot for the Construction PDA and Sapper (PDA) respectively. The right four slots consist of three cosmetic slots for hats or Miscellaneous items, and one for action items. Clicking the movie reel on the bottom allows you to switch to the taunt menu where you can equip any taunt you have in your inventory to a maximum of 8 at once. Pressing the box next to it will bring it back to the regular loadout. Pressing G while having one of the taunts equipped will bring you to a taunt HUD which allows you to select a taunt.

Mousing over any of the slots for equipped weapons will display the statistics and description pertaining to the item, in a similar format to the backpack. This information (and more) can also be seen at any time in the Mann Co. Catalog without having to own the item. At the bottom of menu, the player's net attributes from their equipped items are shown as an overview.

When a player changes their loadout mid-game, any changes made to the current class's loadout will only take immediate effect if the player is in the spawn area. Otherwise, they will not take effect until the player either respawns, or touches a resupply locker.


Hoofdartikel: Backpack
Backpack case.png

The backpack is a player's personal inventory, allowing for storage for all in-game items. Items are kept in individual slots and can be viewed, moved, customized or deleted from within the backpack interface. The backpack is divided in to pages, with each page displaying 50 items. The backpack can be automatically sorted by quality, type, class or loadout slot.


Hoofdartikel: Crafting
Crafting anvil.png

Crafting is the process that allows players to combine items they have in their backpacks in to new items. Through using specific crafting blueprints, more desired outcomes can be obtained, such as crafting a specific weapon through its designated blueprint. It should be noted that not all items can be used as an ingredient, nor can all items be obtained as an outcome.

Mann Co. Catalog

Hoofdartikel: Mann Co. Catalog
Catalog book.png

The Mann Co. Catalog contains a listing of (almost) every item in the game, allowing for a quick lookup of item appearances, statistics and descriptions. It will also displays a button leading to the listing of an item in the Mann Co. Store (if available), additionally a link to the item's page on the Team Fortress Wiki will be displayed.


Hoofdartikel: Trading
Trading parcel.png

The trading submenu will allow a player to exchange items with other players directly through Steam friends, current server players, or a Steam Community URL. However, this feature is partially disabled for all free to play players; they can receive items in a trade initiated by another player, but are unable to give any items in return.

War Paints

Hoofdartikel: War Paint
War Paint icon.png

The War Paints submenu allows a player to preview every War Paint available for every applicable weapon. The menu contains drop-down menu for each War Paint, a drop-down menu for each weapon a given War Paint can be applied to, and a slider to change the Wear of the War Paint – from Factory New to Battle Scared – as well as buttons to switch the team color. Additionally, you can select the Randomize button, or set the seed manually, to preview the position of the texture applied to the weapon, though this is not available when redeeming War Paints. You may also select the View on Market button to find the current weapon with the applied War Paint on the Steam Community Market.


An example of the statistics screen.

The statistics tab opens up the best records and playtimes of the player. Statistics tracked include:

Drop-down boxes will allow you to look at statistics for specific classes displayed as horizontal bar charts. A random tip will also be displayed on this screen, a new one can be forced by clicking the "Next Tip" button. These statistics can be reset by a button on the right (by doing this progress in locked achievements will be reset, but any unlocked achievements will not be reset).

Update history

25 januari 2008-patch
  • Removed the "Reset Stats" button from the Player Stats screen.

20 maart 2008-patch

  • Updated the Stats Summary screen to remember your previous selections each time you open the menu and while changing levels.

29 april 2008-patch (Gold Rush Update)

  • Added Character Info and Loadout to the main menu.
  • The backpack was introduced.

20 april 2009-patch

17 december 2009-patch (WAR! Update)

  • Added item crafting.

28 april 2010-patch

  • Backpack changes
    • Moved Crafting button out to the root class/backpack selection panel.

10 juni 2010-patch (Mac Update)

8 juli 2010-patch (Engineer Update)

  • [Onbeschreven] Added a second Misc. item slot in the loadout.

30 september 2010-patch (Mann-Conomy Update)

  • Added the Mann-Conomy.
  • Added the Mann Co. Store & Catalog.
  • Added Trading.
  • Added Item customization.
  • [Onbeschreven] The on-wearer attribute area was added to the loadout.

14 april 2011-patch (Hatless Update)

  • [Onbeschreven] Added option to hide duplicate items on loadout screen.
  • [Onbeschreven] Class models presented in the loadout screen are now static and do not play idle animations.

5 mei 2011-patch (Replay Update)

  • Fixed the Gloves of Running Urgently not using the correct skin in the character loadout screen.
  • Fixed the Kritzkrieg not drawing the correct model in the character loadout screen.
  • [Onbeschreven] Idle animations restored to class loadout screens.

13 oktober 2011-patch (Manniversary Update & Sale)

  • When selecting items from the loadout, weapons with different kill eater ranks will all show up.

17 oktober 2011-patch

  • Fixed a client crash when opening the loadout screen.

22 maart 2012-patch

16 november 2012-patch

  • Fixed a crash in the class loadout panel for Mac users.

6 juni 2013-patch

20 december 2013-patch

  • "Head" and "Misc" slots for player loadouts have been converted to Cosmetic slots. All items that were previously Head- or Misc-slot-specific can now be equipped in any Cosmetic slot.

11 februari 2014-patch

  • Updated several cosmetic items that were missing an item_type description
  • Updated several cosmetic items to count as assisters in Pyrovision

5 maart 2014-patch

  • Fixed an infinite healing exploit related to loadout presets.


  • Some items will become semi-transparent or lit incorrectly when appearing in the loadout screen.
  • It is possible to break "The customize items menu" by pressing the left mouse button on any menu object and moving the cursor in any direction while continuing to hold the mouse button. This will cause the menu screen to freeze.
  • Occasionally, cosmetic items may unequip themselves.
  • Classes that can equip Melee weapons for all classes will hold the weapon differently than how it's held in-game, an example for that is with Sniper, which he holds the weapon straight up in the Loadout screen, while in-game, he holds way much lower and inclined.
  • Switching between the classes will cause their mouths to open then quickly close.



See also

Category:GUI Category:Gameplay