File:Tf german.txt

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Revision as of 20:52, 25 April 2016 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Updated tf_german.txt for April 25, 2016 Patch.)
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Tf_german.txt(file size: 1.48 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes

April 25, 2016 Patch (previous patches)

43514351"[english]ViewUpdate" "View Latest Update News"
43524352"ReadAllAboutIt" "Lesen Sie alles darüber!"
43534353"[english]ReadAllAboutIt" "Read all about it!"
4354N/A"TF_Highlander_Mode" "Highlander\nModus"
N/A4354"TF_Highlander_Mode" "Highlander-\nModus"
43554355"[english]TF_Highlander_Mode" "Highlander\nMode"
43564356"TF_Teams_Full" "Die Teams\nsind vollständig besetzt."
43574357"[english]TF_Teams_Full" "Teams\nAre Full"
1161511615"[english]TF_TouchingStory_Desc" "Argyle. Pipe-smoking. Individually, they make you look like an idiot. Together, they make you look smart AND stylish! Just like Umberto Eco!"
1161611616"TF_AllFather" "Der Allvater"
1161711617"[english]TF_AllFather" "The All-Father"
11618N/A"TF_AllFather_Desc" "Durch die Geschichte der Zivilisation hindurch wurde der weiße Bart zum Symbol von Weisheit und Status. Zeigen Sie der Welt mit diesem Heavy- und Soldier-spezifischen Gesichtsnest, dass man bärtig UND dumm sein kann. Du kannst mich mal, Zivilisation!"
11619N/A"[english]TF_AllFather_Desc" "Throughout the history of civilization, the white beard has come to symbolize wisdom and status. Show the world it's possible to be bearded AND stupid with this Heavy- and Soldier-specific face-nest. Shove it, civilization!"
N/A11618"TF_AllFather_Desc" "Durch die Geschichte der Zivilisation hindurch wurde der weiße Bart zum Symbol von Weisheit und Status. Zeigen Sie der Welt mit diesem Gesichtsnest, dass man bärtig UND dumm sein kann. Du kannst mich mal, Zivilisation!"
N/A11619"[english]TF_AllFather_Desc" "Throughout the history of civilization, the white beard has come to symbolize wisdom and status. Show the world it's possible to be bearded AND stupid with this face-nest. Shove it, civilization!"
1162011620"TF_JingleHell" "Die Kling-Glöckchen"
1162111621"[english]TF_JingleHell" "The Jingle Belt"
1162211622"TF_JingleHell_Desc" "Glockengeläut wird in den langsam gegarten Ohren Ihrer Brandopfer erklingen."
2290622906"[english]TF_ActivatedOperationPass_desc" "The Gun Mettle Campaign ended on September 30, 2015.\n\nThe Gun Mettle Campaign Coin granted access to contracts and tracked stats during the campaign. You could level up the coin by earning Contract Points from completed contracts. The coin would level up at 1000, 2000, and 3000 Contract Points."
2290722907"TF_Tool_OperationSummer2015Key" "Gun-Mettle-Schlüssel"
2290822908"[english]TF_Tool_OperationSummer2015Key" "Gun Mettle Key"
22909N/A"TF_Tool_OperationSummer2015Key_Desc" "Wird benutzt, um die \"Heimlicher Mörder\"-\noder \"Powerhouse\"-Waffenkisten zu öffnen."
N/A22909"TF_Tool_OperationSummer2015Key_Desc" "Wird benutzt, um die Heimlicher-Mörder-\noder Powerhouse-Waffenkisten zu öffnen."
2291022910"[english]TF_Tool_OperationSummer2015Key_Desc" "Used to open The Concealed Killer\nor The Powerhouse Weapons Case."
2291122911"TF_Tool_OperationSummer2015Key_AdText" "-Wird benutzt, um die Heimlicher-Mörder- oder Powerhouse-Waffenkisten zu öffnen.\n-Kisten könnten Seltsame und Ungewöhnliche Waffen enthalten"
2291222912"[english]TF_Tool_OperationSummer2015Key_AdText" "-Used to open The Concealed Killer or The Powerhouse Weapons Case\n-Cases may contain Strange and Unusual Weapons"
2291322913"TF_ConcealedKiller_Case" "Die Heimlicher-Mörder-Waffenkiste"
2291422914"[english]TF_ConcealedKiller_Case" "The Concealed Killer Weapons Case"
22915N/A"TF_ConcealedKiller_Case_Desc" "Diese Kiste ist verschlossen und es wird ein\nGun-Mettle-Schlüssel zum Öffnen benötigt.\n\nEnthält einen Gegenstand aus der \"Heimlicher Mörder\"-Kollektion."
N/A22915"TF_ConcealedKiller_Case_Desc" "Diese Kiste ist verschlossen und es wird ein\nGun-Mettle-Schlüssel zum Öffnen benötigt.\n\nEnthält einen Gegenstand aus der Heimlicher-Mörder-Kollektion."
2291622916"[english]TF_ConcealedKiller_Case_Desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nGun Mettle Key to open.\n\nContains an item from the Concealed Killer Collection."
2291722917"TF_ConcealedKiller_Case_AdText" "-Verschlossene Gun-Mettle-Kiste\n-Könnte Seltsame und Ungewöhnliche Waffen enthalten"
2291822918"[english]TF_ConcealedKiller_Case_AdText" "-Gun Mettle Locked Case\n-May contain Strange and Unusual Weapons"
2291922919"TF_Powerhouse_Case" "Die \"Powerhouse\"-Waffenkiste"
2292022920"[english]TF_Powerhouse_Case" "The Powerhouse Weapons Case"
22921N/A"TF_Powerhouse_Case_Desc" "Diese Kiste ist verschlossen und es wird ein\nGun-Mettle-Schlüssel zum Öffnen benötigt.\n\nEnthält einen Gegenstand aus der \"Powerhouse\"-Kollektion."
N/A22921"TF_Powerhouse_Case_Desc" "Diese Kiste ist verschlossen und es wird ein\nGun-Mettle-Schlüssel zum Öffnen benötigt.\n\nEnthält einen Gegenstand aus der Powerhouse-Kollektion."
2292222922"[english]TF_Powerhouse_Case_Desc" "This Case is locked and requires a\nGun Mettle Key to open.\n\nContains an item from the Powerhouse Collection."
2292322923"TF_Powerhouse_Case_AdText" "-Verschlossene Gun-Mettle-Kiste\n-Könnte Seltsame und Ungewöhnliche Waffen enthalten"
2292422924"[english]TF_Powerhouse_Case_AdText" "-Gun Mettle Locked Case\n-May contain Strange and Unusual Weapons"
2456524565"TF_InactiveOperation2Pass" "Tough-Break-Kampagnenpass"
2456624566"[english]TF_InactiveOperation2Pass" "Tough Break Campaign Pass"
2456724567"TF_InactiveOperation2Pass_desc" "Bei der Aktivierung des Tough-Break-Kampagnenpasses erhalten Sie eine Tough-Break-Briefmarke, die während der Kampagne Zugriff auf Aufträge gewährt.\nGewährt außerdem ein geheimnisvolles Smissmas-2015-Geschenk.\n\nDie Tough-Break-Kampagne endet am 4. April 2016"
24568N/A"[english]TF_InactiveOperation2Pass_desc" "Activating the Tough Break Campaign Pass grants a Tough Break Stamp that grants access to contracts during the campaign.\nAlso grants a Smissmas 2015 Mystery Gift.\n\nThe Tough Break Campaign ends on April 4, 2016"
N/A24568"[english]TF_InactiveOperation2Pass_desc" "The Tough Break Campaign ended on April 4, 2016.\n\nActivating the Tough Break Campaign Pass granted a Tough Break Campaign Stamp that would grant access to contracts and track stats during the campaign."
2456924569"TF_InactiveOperation2Pass_AdText" "-Helfen Sie Kartenerstellern aus der Community\n-Erhalten Sie Aufträge und verdienen Sie sich exklusive Eventgegenstände als Belohnung"
2457024570"[english]TF_InactiveOperation2Pass_AdText" "-Contribute to community map makers\n-Access to contracts that reward event-exclusive items when completed"
2457124571"TF_ActivatedOperation2Pass" "Tough-Break-Kampagnenbriefmarke"
2457224572"[english]TF_ActivatedOperation2Pass" "Tough Break Campaign Stamp"
2457324573"TF_ActivatedOperation2Pass_desc" "Die Tough-Break-Kampagnenbriefmarke ermöglicht während der Kampagne Zugriff auf Aufträge.\nSie können sie hochstufen, indem Sie sich Auftragspunkte aus erfüllten Aufträgen verdienen.\nSie wird hochgestuft, wenn Sie 1.000, 2.000 und 3.000 Auftragspunkte erreichen.\nDie Tough-Break-Kampagne endet am 4. April 2016"
24574N/A"[english]TF_ActivatedOperation2Pass_desc" "The Tough Break Campaign Stamp grants access to contracts during the campaign.\nYou can level up the coin by earning Contract Points from completed contracts.\nThe stamp levels up at 1000, 2000, and 3000 Contract Points.\nThe Tough Break Campaign ends on April 4, 2016"
N/A24574"[english]TF_ActivatedOperation2Pass_desc" "The Tough Break Campaign ended on April 4, 2016.\n\nThe Tough Break Campaign Stamp granted access to contracts and tracked stats during the campaign. You could level up the stamp by earning Contract Points from completed contracts. The stamp would level up at 1000, 2000, and 3000 Contract Points."
2457524575"TF_ToughBreakCase01" "Pyroland-Waffenkiste"
2457624576"[english]TF_ToughBreakCase01" "Pyroland Weapons Case"
2457724577"TF_ToughBreakCase01_Desc" "Diese Kiste ist verschlossen und es wird ein\nTough-Break-Schlüssel zum Öffnen benötigt.\n\nEnthält einen Gegenstand aus der Pyroland-Kollektion."
2470024700"[english]pyroland_sniperrifle_rainbow" "The Rainbow Sniper Rifle"
2470124701"pyroland_stickybomblauncher_sweetdreams" "Der Haftbombenwerfer \"Süße Träume\""
2470224702"[english]pyroland_stickybomblauncher_sweetdreams" "The Sweet Dreams Stickybomb Launcher"
24703N/A"pyroland_wrench_torquedtohell" "Der Höllendrehmoment-Schraubenschlüssel"
N/A24703"pyroland_wrench_torquedtohell" "Der Schraubenschlüssel \"Höllendrehmoment\""
2470424704"[english]pyroland_wrench_torquedtohell" "The Torqued to Hell Wrench"
2470524705"gentlemanne_flamethrower_coffinnail" "Der Flammenwerfer \"Sargnagel\""
2470624706"[english]gentlemanne_flamethrower_coffinnail" "The Coffin Nail Flame Thrower"
2483324833"TF_ScoreBoard_AltClassIcons" "Alternative Klassensymbole in der Punktetabelle anzeigen"
2483424834"[english]TF_ScoreBoard_AltClassIcons" "Display alternate class icons on the scoreboard"
2483524835"MMenu_Update" "Das Tough-Break-Update"
24836N/A"[english]MMenu_Update" "The Tough Break Update"
N/A24836"[english]MMenu_Update" "Featured"
2483724837"Store_ViewMarket" "Im Markt ansehen"
2483824838"[english]Store_ViewMarket" "View On Market"
2483924839"Store_StartingAt" "Ab"
2504825048"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_11" "Headhunter"
2504925049"TF_Competitive_Rank_12" "Liquidierer"
2505025050"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_12" "Liquidator"
25051N/A"TF_Competitive_Rank_13" "Henker"
N/A25051"TF_Competitive_Rank_13" "Scharfrichter"
2505225052"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_13" "Executioner"
2505325053"TF_Competitive_Rank_14" "Beseitigungsberater"
2505425054"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_14" "Kill Consultant"
2527025270"[english]TF_AllFather_Style2" "Thunderstruck"
2527125271"MMenu_Stream_LiveStream" "LIVESTREAMS"
2527225272"[english]MMenu_Stream_LiveStream" "LIVE STREAMS"
25273N/A"MMenu_Stream_ViewMore" "MEHR ANZEIGEN"
N/A25273"MMenu_Stream_ViewMore" "WEITERE ANZEIGEN"
2527425274"[english]MMenu_Stream_ViewMore" "VIEW MORE"
N/A25275"MMenu_Stream_Loading" "Streaminformationen werden abgerufen..."
N/A25276"[english]MMenu_Stream_Loading" "Retrieving stream information..."
2527525277"TF_MM_LeaveParty_Title" "Gruppe verlassen?"
2527625278"[english]TF_MM_LeaveParty_Title" "Leave Party?"
N/A25279"TF_MM_LeaveParty_Confirm" "Wenn Sie diese Oberfläche verlassen, werden Sie aus der Gruppe entfernt. Fortfahren?"
N/A25280"[english]TF_MM_LeaveParty_Confirm" "Leaving this screen will remove you from the party. Proceed?"
2527725281"TF_MM_LeaveQueue_Title" "Suche abbrechen?"
2527825282"[english]TF_MM_LeaveQueue_Title" "Exit Search?"
N/A25283"TF_MM_LeaveQueue_Confirm" "Wenn Sie diese Oberfläche verlassen, werden Sie aus der Warteschlange entfernt. Fortfahren?"
N/A25284"[english]TF_MM_LeaveQueue_Confirm" "Leaving this screen will remove you from the search queue. Proceed?"
N/A25285"TF_jul13_koolboy_style1" "Teilen macht Freude"
N/A25286"[english]TF_jul13_koolboy_style1" "Sharing is Caring"
N/A25287"TF_jul13_koolboy_style2" "Teilen ist für Weicheier"
N/A25288"[english]TF_jul13_koolboy_style2" "Sharing is for Wusses"
2527925289"TF_jul13_koolboy_style3" "Krit-a-Kühler"
2528025290"[english]TF_jul13_koolboy_style3" "Crit-a-Cooler"
N/A25291"TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style0" "Gut"
N/A25292"[english]TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style0" "Good"
N/A25293"TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style1" "Schlecht"
N/A25294"[english]TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style1" "Bad"
N/A25295"TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style2" "Hässlich"
N/A25296"[english]TF_fall2013_brimfull_of_bullets_style2" "Ugly"
2528125297"TF_xms2013_sniper_beard_style1" "Stil 1"
2528225298"[english]TF_xms2013_sniper_beard_style1" "Style 1"
2528325299"TF_xms2013_sniper_beard_style2" "Stil 2"

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource.


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

(newest | oldest) View ( | older 10) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
00:00, 26 June 2011 (1.41 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)June 23, 2011 Patch (remainder of tf language files to follow when wiki isn't under significantly high load)
23:32, 10 June 2011 (1.35 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)up to date as of June 8, 2011 Patch
23:18, 3 June 2011 (1.35 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)June 3, 2011 Patch
05:58, 26 May 2011 (1.35 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)May 25, 2011 Patch
09:11, 19 May 2011 (1.32 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)May 18, 2011 Patch
15:27, 13 May 2011 (1.31 MB)BiBi (talk | contribs)12th May 2011 - Update
10:36, 7 May 2011 (1.29 MB)Seb26 (talk | contribs)as of May 6, 2011 Patch
02:35, 19 April 2011 (1.26 MB)BiBi (talk | contribs)Updated file from 18th April 2011
13:06, 16 April 2011 (1.23 MB)BiBi (talk | contribs)Updated to latest available version of the 15th April 2011
23:59, 31 August 2010 (742 KB)Picard (talk | contribs)
(newest | oldest) View ( | older 10) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
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