Shooter's Sola Topi/es

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Template:Hat infobox

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El Salacot de Cazador (en inglés, Shooter's Sola Topi) es un sombrero para el Sniper que fue elegido por Valve para ser publicado en la primera ola de la actualización del 18 de marzo de 2010 proveniente del sistema de contribución para la comunidad debido a su extraordinaria calidad. Aparece como un salacot redondeado.

Variantes pintadas

Artículo principal: Bote de Pintura
Coloca el ratón sobre las celdas para ver el fondo en color negro. Haz clic en las imágenes para agrandarlas.
Colores individuales
Painted Shooter's Sola Topi E6E6E6.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi D8BED8.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi C5AF91.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 7E7E7E.png
Una Extraordinaria Abundancia de Tinte No. de Color 216-190-216 Tintura Peculiarmente Pálida Gris Bigote Anciano
Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 141414.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 2D2D24.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 694D3A.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 7C6C57.png
Distintiva Falta de Tonalidad After Eight Marrón Radigan Conagher El Color Rústico Y Anticuado
Painted Shooter's Sola Topi A57545.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi CF7336.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi E7B53B.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi F0E68C.png
Marrón de Musculitos Naranja Mann Co. Dorado Australium El Color de los Pantalones de un Hombre de Negocios
Painted Shooter's Sola Topi E9967A.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi FF69B4.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 7D4071.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 51384A.png
Oscura Injusticia del Salmón Endiabladamente Rosa Un Profundo Compromiso con el Púrpura Violeta del Sombrerero Noble
Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 2F4F4F.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 424F3B.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 808000.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 729E42.png
Un Color Similar a la Pizarra Codicia de Zepheniah Oliva Monótono Indudablemente Verde
Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 32CD32.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi BCDDB3.png
El Sabor Amargo de la Derrota y la Lima Menta Varonil
Colores de equipo
Painted Shooter's Sola Topi A89A8C.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 839FA3.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 3B1F23.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 18233D.png
Bata de Laboratorio Empapada (RED) Bata de Laboratorio Empapada (BLU) Pasamontañas para la Eternidad (RED) Pasamontañas para la Eternidad (BLU)
Painted Shooter's Sola Topi B8383B.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 5885A2.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 483838.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 384248.png
Espíritu de Equipo (RED) Espíritu de Equipo (BLU) Mono de Operario (RED) Mono de Operario (BLU)
Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 803020.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 256D8D.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 654740.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi 28394D.png
El Valor del Trabajo en Equipo (RED) El Valor del Trabajo en Equipo (BLU) Un Aire Elegante (RED) Un Aire Elegante (BLU)
Painted Shooter's Sola Topi C36C2D.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi B88035.png Painted Shooter's Sola Topi UNPAINTED.png
Espíritu Crema (RED) Espíritu Crema (BLU) Sin pintura


  • Better known as the pith helmet, the sola topi was introduced by the British colonial military in the late 19th Century. Popular amongst Westerners in tropical climates for its light weight, relative hardiness and its ability to cast shade, the hat was traditionally made from "pith": a type of Indian swamp plant.
  • This hat is a reference to the Sniper's former life as a hunter of dangerous game.
  • This may also be a reference to Van Pelt from the movie Jumanji, an English hunter of almost anything, including people.
  • When painted the grey strip's color is changed to whichever color paint used. The rest of the hat's beige area remains the same.
  • The hat description was written by G.I.R..