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< Force-A-Nature
Revision as of 05:58, 29 November 2010 by NVis (talk | contribs) (Fixed a link, added Scout Nav/fi)
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Kuka tahansa metsämies voi kertoa sinulle, että turhauttavin osa metsästämisestä on kun peura vain KAATUU MAAHAN eikä LENNÄ TAKAISIN metsään..
— Luonnonvoiman mainoksesta

Luonnonvoima, jota myöskin FaNiksi (englannin kielisien nimensä perusteella) kutsutaan, on avattavissa oleva pääsijainen ase Scoutille. Se on kaksipiippuinen metsästyshaulikko jonka piiput ovat hyvin lyhyitä.

Unlike the Scattergun, reload speed and capacity have been greatly reduced, yet as a result the blasting power has been maximized. The key feature of the weapon is opponents will suffer knockback based on the distance between them and the Scout. Additionally, when the player fires the weapon while airborne, the recoil will act as a propellant depending upon the aimed direction. This can be used for an effective 'third jump' along with the inherent double jump ability. This will only apply to the first shot of the weapon and not the second.

While at first the Force-A-Nature appears to deal less damage than the Scattergun, it does in fact deal more damage spread over more pellets (0.9x damage per pellet times 1.2x amount of pellets is 1.08 times normal damage). Players will be required to approach enemies closely in order to fully use the knockback feature as well as deal considerable damage. The firing rate is also considerably faster, as the player can unload both shells in approximately half a second.

Like the standard Shotgun, the Shortstop and the Scattergun, the Force-A-Nature's first shell will fire at least one pellet straight down the crosshair before 'bullet-spread' takes effect. When random spread is disabled the pellets will land forming a three by three grid pattern.


Katso myös: Vahinko
  • Perus: 5.4 per hauli
  • Max Ramp Up: 175% (9.45 damage per hauli)
  • Max Fall Off: 50% (2.7 damage per hauli)
  • Haulien määrä: 12
  • Point Blank: ~92-113
  • Keskimatka: ~11-43
  • Pitkä matka: ~3-11
  • Mini-Crit: 7.29 per hauli
  • Critical hit: 16.2 per hauli

Keskimatka on määritelty pääresupplyn ovesta vastapäiseen seinään2Fort:in ylemmällä tasolla. Pitkä matka on määritelty taistelualueelta toiselle 2Fortissa. Perusvahinko on vahinko tehtynä 512:na yksikkönä ennen vahingonvaihtelua tai haulein leviämistä. Ramp up maxes out at 0 units. Fall off maxes out at 1024 units. Vahingot ovat likimääriä ja selvitetty yhteisön testaamina.

Function times

  • Attack Interval: 0.4267
  • Reload: 1.64

All times are in seconds. Times are approximate and determined by community testing.

Liityvät saavutukset

Torkkujalle yllätys
Torkkujalle yllätys
Tapa 50 vihollista takaapäin Luonnonvoimalla.
Aiheuta ympäristön tuottama kuolema tai itsemurha Luonnonvoiman potkaisun avulla.

As a Crafting Ingredient

Luonnonvoima Kierrätysmetalli Pysäyttäjä
Item icon Force-A-Nature.png + Item icon Reclaimed Metal.png = Item icon Shortstop.png


Viimeisimmät muutokset

June 23, 2009 Patch

  • The knockback effect no longer affects Disguised Spies.

June 25, 2009 Patch

  • The previous patch is reverted; knockback now affects Disguised Spies again.

August 13, 2009 Patch

  • Corrections made to the knockback dealt.
    • Knockback now only works in close range, similar to the Compression blast.
    • The effect no longer can be used to juggle enemies; knockback is only dealt by the first shot.
    • Self-knockback is altered to respect the Scout's view angle. Looking up while shooting will no longer propel the enemy upwards.
    • Knockback is now scaled by an indeterminate amount of damage done.

January 6, 2010 Patch

  • Further corrections to knockback.
    • Knockback now only occurs when the shots deal more than 30 damage and the enemy is in close range.
    • The angle of the weapon when fired determines the knockback.
    • It no longer effects grounded targets as much.

January 7, 2010 Patch

  • Fixed grounded players receiving falling damage from shots fired directly above them.

July 8, 2010 Patch

  • The Force-A-Nature gets its own unique kill icon.


  • The Force-A-Nature is manufactured in Portugal, (a dubious claim, considering that its "warranty" is actually written in Spanish, a common mistake for people unfamiliar with Portuguese language) and marketed towards the particularly sadistic outdoorsman.
  • Double jumping and then firing both shots may cause the Scout to yell one of four responses, signifying a successful "triple jump".
  • Reloading always ejects two shells, even after firing a single round.
  • Even though there is a shoulder stock on the Force-A-Nature, the Scout does not use it; instead he seems to hold the stock in his elbow.
  • The Force-A-Nature's name is a reference to what the Scout calls himself in Meet the Scout.


See also

External links

Template:Scout Nav/fi