Arrow Stab

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Stabbin' time.
The Sniper

Upon taunting with the Huntsman equipped, the Sniper takes the arrow from his bow, spins it behind him, and then stabs it forward fiercely into anyone slow, unaware, or simply unfortunate enough to be in the way. It is necessary to kill someone using an arrow to gain the Shafted achievement. The kill is not caused by the arrow stab itself, which has a stun effect, but rather the Sniper yanking the arrow free; so even when the arrow does not stun an enemy, anyone unlucky to be in contact when the Sniper removes the arrow can still die. The taunt can still be used during Humiliation, to kill the winning team members, and during a Stalemate when both teams are unable to attack with conventional weapons but may still perform taunts. Keep in mind, this taunt has a huge invisible hit box, meaning even if the arrow never makes contact with the enemy, as long as it is close enough to strike the air 6 feet in front of them, they will still be affected by the taunt.

It should be noted that the stun effect of the taunt works on both ÜberCharged enemies and enemies under the effects of Bonk! Atomic Punch, but will not kill them. Stunning the Medic in this fashion will break the ÜberCharge connection to his buddy.


  • Initial Stab: None. Stun effect.
  • Removal: 500
  • Mini-Crit (Removal only): 675 (with Jarate)
  • Critical hit: N/A

Damages are approximate and determined by community testing.

Function times

  • Attack Interval: 4

All times are in seconds. Times are approximate and determined by community testing.

Related Achievements

Stab an enemy with an arrow.


  • The kill icon shows the Sniper's right hand with his glove on. However, the Sniper only wears one glove on his left hand.
  • Strangely enough, while stunned, you can still stun and kill others with this taunt. If you are facing another Sniper that has "Skewered" and stunned you, with the right timing, you can stun and kill them.
  • The Achievement Icon for the achievement, "Shafted," shows the Sniper thrusting an arrow with his left hand, while the taunt and kill icons both show him using his right hand.
  • It is possible to be rescued from the Skewer by a teammate if they are able to disrupt the taunt with knockback or by killing the enemy sniper before he is able to retract his arrow.

See also