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A Pyro, honest.
He could be in this very room! He could be you! He could be me! He could even be --
The BLU Spy speaking of the RED Spy, shortly before his head was obliterated by the BLU Soldier's shotgun

The Spy has the unique ability to disguise himself as any class of either team using his Disguise Kit.

Applying a Disguise

Class disguise masks

A disguise can be applied by opening the Disguise Kit and pressing the number for the class you want to disguise as (Scout = 1, Soldier = 2, etc. - the same numbers as on the standard class selection screen). You will disguise as an enemy player by default, but can also disguise as a friendly player to keep the enemy unaware of the fact that there is a Spy on your team.

Additionally, there are console commands that can be used to disguise yourself:

Class X Value Team Y Value
Scout 1 Enemy -1
Soldier 3 Friendly -2
Pyro 7 BLU 1
Demoman 4 RED 2
Heavy 6
Engineer 9
Medic 5
Sniper 2
Spy 8

Using the lastdisguise command, bound by default to B, will automatically reapply your last worn disguise.

Using the Simple Disguise menu allows one to disguised as any class using only the 1, 2 or 3 keys, but with two keystrokes. This means that one can disguise as an enemy Spy without moving their hand across the keyboard.

With Your Eternal Reward equipped in your loadout, you cannot use the Disguise Kit. To apply a disguise you must Backstab an enemy team member (normal, non-backstab kills do not count).

While disguising, a Spy will produce glowing particles of his team's color and a cloud of smoke. After about two seconds, he will stop emitting these particles, and be fully disguised.

The smoke and glowing particles will easily reveal your position to enemy players. You can avoid making them altogether by being cloaked to any degree before you select your disguise, and thus avoid immediately revealing yourself to any nearby enemies.

Gameplay While Disguised

HUD display showing current disguise, fake name, and weapon.

While disguised, the Spy's allies will see him wearing a cut-out mask of the class he's disguised as, and when they aim at him, his health indicator will display the team and class he is disguised as below his name (e.g. "Disguised as enemy Demoman" or "Disguised as friendly Sniper"). Enemies will see him as the class he disguised as on the selected team, and when they aim at him, he will appear to have the identity of an allied or enemy player also playing that class, wielding that team member's primary weapon. If the chosen team has at least one player of the chosen disguise class, the Spy will take on the identity of one of those players randomly; if the selected team has no player of the selected class, the Spy will take on the identity of any random player on the selected team regardless of class. When a Spy copies a player's identity, he takes on the name, hit points, and weapon loadouts of that player. If the chosen disguise class has a slower move speed than the Spy's, the Spy will reduce his speed to match that of his disguised class except while cloaked. His speed will not increase to match that of the Medic or Scout if disguised as either.

While disguised as an enemy, a Spy can be spotted when he picks up a healthpack, as the cross icon that appears above him will be his team's color and not the color of his disguise. Additionally, a Spy who is hurt may pick up a health pack while his disguise displays full health or appears to be Overhealed.

Actions While Disguised

Disguising as an enemy player:

  • Prevents you from defending control points and Payload carts.
  • Prevents you from capturing control points or pushing Payload carts.
  • Disables the appearance of Teleporter particles on your character from friendly Teleporters.
  • Allows you to use enemy Teleporters (will produce teleport particles of your team's color, potentially giving you away as an enemy).
  • Allows you to use enemy Dispensers (will not produce heal stream particles if cloaked).
  • Allows you to be healed and ÜberCharged by enemy Medics.
  • Allows you to be healed by and receive ammo from the enemy Payload cart.
  • Causes enemy Sentry Guns to not target you as long as you have not shown your team color to them since entering their vision (they have no vision of you while cloaked or behind surfaces/objects).

Disguising as a friendly player essentially causes all game mechanics to treat you as undisguised, except of course for your appearance as a different class to enemy team members.

There are several actions you can take that are specifically designed to make your disguise more convincing to enemy team members.

  • Changing your disguise weapon - Changing to your primary, secondary, or melee weapon and pressing B will cause your disguise to change to make you appear to be using the weapon in the same slot for the class you are disguised as (ex: holding the Knife while disguised as a Scout lets you appear to equip the Bat or equivalent). If the person you are disguised as has equipped an unlockable weapon in the chosen slot, you will appear to be wielding the same weapon in your disguised state.
  • Reloading - If your disguise weapon is one that reloads a clip or shells (i.e. Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, Scattergun, SMG, etc.), reloading your Revolver will cause your disguise to reload their weapon. This does not apply to weapons like the Flare Gun or Sniper Rifle, which load one shot at a time. You cannot fake-reload while your Revolver has all 6 shots loaded.
  • Voice commands - Any voice commands made while disguised will broadcast to your team as coming from you and to the enemy team as coming from the person you are disguised as. You can call for an enemy Medic to heal you in this way. This can, however, alert the person you are disguised as to your presence since they will see voice commands attributed to them but not coming from them, and they may tell their team.

Disguise Removal

While disguised, the following actions will remove your disguise:

The Electro Sapper is the only weapon that can be used while disguised that will not remove the disguise.


File:Disguised spy hitbox.jpg
Disguises don't have matching hitboxes. You can use this to minimize risk of headshot.
  • Disguises do not change your actual hitbox sizes, shapes, or positions. Using certain disguises can therefore reduce the risk of Headshot.
  • If you pick up health kits or get healed, your disguise will appear to gain health accordingly. This allows you to pick up health pickups even if your health is full so long as your disguise's health is not.
  • You cannot taunt while disguised.
  • You gain knockback immunity, regardless of disguise color.
  • Disguising does not change the fact that Spies can walk through team mates but not enemies.


  • A Spy disguised as a person wearing a hat with a particle effect (such as Unusual or Community hats) will have the appropriate hats, but with no particle effect.
  • It is possible for a disguised Spy to have the appearance of equipping two weapons that share the same slot. In the example above to the right, the Spy disguised as a Sniper is holding the Darwin's Danger Shield and the Submachine Gun, both secondary slot weapons.

Related Achievements


Master of Disguise
Master of Disguise
Trick an opposing Medic into healing you.


[[File:Template:Dictionary/achievements/scarechievements/costume contest-icon|64px|center|alt=Template:Dictionary/achievements/scarechievements/costume contest-title]] Template:Dictionary/achievements/scarechievements/costume contest-title
Template:Dictionary/achievements/scarechievements/costume contest-desc


I Fry
I Fry
Ignite 10 disguised Spies.


The Wrench Connection
The Wrench Connection
Kill a disguised spy with your Wrench.


FYI I am A Medic
FYI I am A Medic
Use your bonesaw to kill a spy who has been calling for 'Medic!'.

Hypocritical Oath
Hypocritical Oath
Kill an enemy Spy that you have been healing.


Counter Espionage
Counter Espionage
Backstab a disguised Spy.

FYI I am a Spy
FYI I am a Spy
Backstab a Medic who has healed you in the last 5 seconds.
Identity Theft
Identity Theft
Backstab the enemy that you're currently disguised as.

Insurance Fraud
Insurance Fraud
Kill an enemy while you're being healed by an enemy Medic.

Previous changes

November 07, 2007 Patch

  • Fixed Spies exploit enabling them to attack while disguising, without losing disguise.

April 29, 2008 Patch

  • Teleporter effect no longer shows up on invisible or disguised Spies.
  • Spies disguised as their own team can now capture control points.

May 21, 2008 Patch

  • Improved prediction of Spy's speed changes when disguising.

December 15, 2008 Patch

  • Fixed overheal particle effect showing up incorrectly on disguised or cloaked spies.

March 5, 2009 Patch

  • When disguising, Spies now always start showing the primary weapon in their disguise, and can then switch it with the last-disguise key.

March 13, 2009 Patch

  • Fixed client crash when determining which disguise weapon to use for a spy.

May 29, 2009 Patch

  • Fixed Spies disguised as their own team not drawing blood effects.

June 23, 2009 Patch

  • Fixed disguised Spies occasionally looking like they have invulnerability, instead of the correct fake Spy mask.
  • Disguised spies will no longer lose their disguise weapon when they interact with a weapon locker.

August 13, 2009 Patch

  • Disguised Spies no longer trigger On-Hit effects (like the Blutsauger's heal).

October 14, 2009 Patch

  • Fixed disguised spies not getting ammo from enemy dispensers.

December 7, 2009 Patch

  • Fixed Spies being able to disguise while performing a taunt.

December 17, 2009 Patch

  • The Spy now pretends to be carrying the weapons & wearables of the target he's disguised as.
  • Alternative Spy disguise menu, which lets you choose disguises using just the 1-3 keys.
  • Players no longer see the wearables that are a part of a friendly spy's disguise, fixing various graphical glitches

January 13, 2010 Patch

  • Disguise weapons copying weapons with special animation requirements (Sword, FaN) now look correct.

April 28, 2010 Patch

  • Fixed Spies disguised as Medics hearing the autocaller sound.
  • Fixed items that can be worn by any class having the wrong model when worn by a disguised Spy.
  • Fixed bug with disguised Spy sometimes seeing his own name in the disguise status HUD.

See also

  • Spy strategy for information on how to infiltrate enemy territory effectively using disguises.
  • Classes for details on the speed differences between classes.