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Informaţii generale
Pictogramă: Leaderboard class scout.png
Tip: Ofensiv
Viaţă: 125
(110 cu Moș Ene echipat)
(185 cu ajutorul unui Medic,
165 cu Moș Ene)
Viteză: 133%
Cunoaște-l pe Scout

Un baiat din Boston care vorbește și fuge repede, cu o înclinație spre baseball și vătămarea integrității corporale, Scoutul zboară ca un fluture și înțeapă ca o pușca în față . Cel mai rapid dintre clase, viteza si abilitatea lui de Dublu salt vor lăsa oponenții învârtindu-se. Asta, cuplat cu Scattergunul sau Forța Naturii, fac Scoutul ideal pentru tactici de lovire-retragere, acesta având posibilitatea de a da damage masiv de aproape, înainte să fugă spre siguranță. Nemulțumit cu doar un singur mod de a-și hărțui inamicii, Scoutul mai poate echipa și bâta sa demnă de încredere, Moș Ene, pentru a-și Ameți opponenții cu mingi de baseball de la mare distanță .

Scoutul e o alegere ideală daca ai nevoie de terminarea rapidă a unui obiectiv; capturarea punctelor, mutarea căruței de doua ori mai repede decât coechipierii săi și furtul inteligenței înainte ca inamicii să iși dea seama de el.


Strategii de Bază

Articole principale: Scout tips, Scout strategy
  • Sari in mijlocul unui salt pentru a schimba direcția, și a evita gloanțele inamicilor.
  • Capturezi punctele de control de două ori mai rapid decât coechipierii tăi.
  • Ești cel mai eficient când te miști, folosește-ți viteza ca un avantaj.
  • Mișcarea in diferite direcții(strafarea) mărește avantajul natural dat de viteza ta.
  • Atacarea flancurilor oponenților îți oferă o mulțime de oportunități de a provoca haos.
  • Scattergunul este letal la distanță redusă , de multe ori omorând inamici dintr-o lovitură sau două.
  • Pistolul tau este ideal pentru a omorî inamicii aflați la distanță.


Notă: Daunele armelor sunt trecute cu aproximare și cu valoarea minimă în listele de mai jos. Mai multe detalii despre arme și daune se pot găsi pe paginile lor individuale.


Weapon Ammo Loaded Ammo Carried Damage Range Special Ability
Scattergun 6 32 Base/Max: 60/105
Force-A-Nature 2 32 Base/Max: 65/113
Enhanced knockback effect: Propels enemies backwards when hit and/or propels the user in the opposite direction when fired while airbourne. With double the firing speed of the Scattergun the FAN has a clip size of only 2 shells, as opposed to the 6 of the Scattergun.


Weapon Ammo Loaded Ammo Carried Damage Range Special Ability
Pistol 12 36 Base: 15
Crit: 45 [6 rounds/sec]
Item icon Lugermorph.png
Sam & Max variant
Lugermorph 12 36 Base: 15
Crit: 45 [6 rounds/sec]
Same specs as Pistol.
Item icon Bonk! Atomic Punch.png
Bonk! Atomic Punch 1 ∞ (6sec duration, 24sec cooldown) N/A Makes user immune to all damage for a short while. Bonk! must recharge before it can be used again. Player can not attack while invincible. Player is still affected by knockback.
Item icon Crit-a-Cola.png
Crit-a-Cola 1 ∞ (6sec duration, 24sec cooldown) N/A During the 6-second effect, all attacks fired are Mini-Crits, and all damage taken by the player is Mini-Crit damage.


Weapon Ammo Loaded Ammo Carried Damage Range Special Ability
Item icon Bat.png
Bat N/A N/A Base: 35
Crit: 105 [about 2 hits per second]
Item icon Sandman.png
Sandman 1 ∞ (15sec ball respawn) Base: 35 (Ball: 5-15)
Crit: 105 (Ball: 45) [about 2 hits per second]
Launches a Baseball at enemy, Stunning them between 1–8 seconds (depending on ascending distance). -15 hp on wearer (110 hp total).

Taunt Attack

Attack Weapon Duration Damage
File:Item icon home run.png
Home Run Sandman 5 seconds 500 (Instant kill)


Articol principal: Hats
Original Classless Community Hatless
Batter's Helmet Bonk Helm Ye Olde Baker Boy Troublemaker's Tossle Cap Whoopee Cap Baseball Bill's Sports Shine
Backpack Batter's Helmet.png
Backpack Bonk Helm.png
Backpack Ye Olde Baker Boy.png
Backpack Troublemaker's Tossle Cap.png
Backpack Whoopee Cap.png
Backpack Baseball Bill's Sports Shine.png

Official class avatars

Pozele de profil oficiale ale clasei
Setul original Setul RED 'ÜberCharge' Setul BLU 'ÜberCharge'
Scoutava.jpg Buffed red scout.jpg Buffed blu scout.jpg
Obține poze de profil TF2 pe Steam: Original


Articol principal: Scout achievements

Scout pack: 35 Achievements, 3 milestones.


Hot Dog!
  • The Scout is voiced by Nathan Vetterlein.
  • The BLU Scout's Mother is in a relationship with the RED Spy. A file in the BLU base contains photos documenting their...activities.
  • The Scout is one of two classes with no emblem on their sleeves, the other being the Spy.
  • The excited Scout mascot in the Force-A-Nature ad [1] also appears in slightly altered form as the icon for the 'You'll Feel a Little Prick' Medic Achievement.
  • The Scout wears a left-handed Batter's Helmet, despite being a right-handed batter, most likely because he already wears the headset on his left ear.
  • The Scout's "No otha' class gonna do dat!" line is the only time a class has actually referred to themselves as a class.
    • The Scout's line "This map ain't big enough for the two of us" is the only time a class has referred to the battle ground they are on as a map.
  • The Scout's right eye is at the position 1.337 on the X-axis.
  • The Submachine Gun for the Sniper was originally intended for the Scout.
    • The Nailgun, a scrapped weapon carried over from Team Fortress Classic, was also intended for the Scout (the closest weapon to it now is the Medic's Syringe Gun). This makes the Scout the only class to have their primary weapon changed twice in production.
R.I.P. Crazy Legs
The Scout looks on at the PCs
  • After players noted a resemblance between the Scout and TV pitchman Vince Offer, several players requested that Valve add a reference to this in-game. With the release of the Scout update, lines such as "If you order now, I'll throw in an extra beatin', absolutely free" and "No other class is gonna do that" were added to the game files.
  • The Scout has the same voice actor as the "Church Guy" character in Valve title Left 4 Dead. The voices used by Nathan Vetterlein for both characters are strikingly similar.
  • For a very long time, there was a bug that would cause the Scout's legs to disjoint crazily during a Double-Jump. Valve finally fixed the "Crazy Legs" bug in January 2010. [2]
  • The Scout is (Besides possibly the Pyro) the youngest class in the game.
  • The Scout is the only class whose voice is unchanged when doing a domination response to a random class. For example, the Spy talks with a much darker voice.
  • The Scout repeatedly breaks the fourth wall, most notably when he tells his domination victims to rage quit.
  • According to the Jarate comic from the Sniper update, the Scout likes tacos.
  • The Spy claims the Scout is a virgin in his domination lines. Considering the nature and age of the Scout, this may be true.
  • The Scout and Pyro are the only classes without visible stubble.
  • The Scout's symbol- a shoe with a wing on it- is a reference to Mercury; the winged footed messenger in Roman mythology.

See also

External links