Expert's Ordnance

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The Expert's Ordnance
Demoman Ordnance Set.png
Basic Information
Used by: Demoman
Contributed by: Inventory
Released: Australian Christmas
Items: Loch-n-Load, Ullapool Caber
Effect: +10% fire damage resistance on wearer

The The Expert's Ordnance is an item set for the Demoman. It was contributed and added to the game in the Australian Christmas Update.

The set includes the following items:

Equipping all two of these items increases Demoman's fire damage resistance by 10%.


Weapon Kill Icon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Killicon loch-n-load.png 2 16 Base: 103-147

Crit: 342-388

Pictogram plus.png Has +20% damage bonus than the Grenade Launcher.

Pictogram plus.png Has +25% projectile speed than the Grenade Launcher.

Pictogram minus.png Has -60% clip size than the Grenade Launcher.

Pictogram minus.png Launched bombs shatter on surfaces.

Pictogram minus.png Has +25% damage to self than the Grenade Launcher.

Ullapool Caber
Ullapool Caber
Killicon ullapool caber.png N/A N/A Base: 35 Explosion:149

Crit Base: 105 Crit Explosion: 300

Pictogram info.png First hit with the weapon will cause a massive explosion, which will also cause you to jump

Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits.


See also
