Bonk! Atomic Punch/fi
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Template:Targeted Template:Weapon infobox
“ | Bonk! is fulla radiation, which as we all know is pretty great for givin' people superpowers.
— Bonk! Atomic Punchin mainos
” |
Bonk! Atomic Punch on saavutuksilla avattava toissijainen ase Scout-luokalle. Se näyttää pieneltä energiajuomatölkiltä, jossa on tiimin väria vastaava etiketti. REDin juoma on "Cherry Fission", kun taasen BLUn versio on "Blutonium Berry".
Kun se on juotu, sen vaikutus suojaa pelaajaa kaikenlaiselta vahingolta paitsi enviromentaaliselta vahingolta sekätelefrageilta. Pelaajan näkymä pakotetaan kolmanteen persoonan kuvakulmaan vaikutuksen ajaksi, joten he voivat juosta ja hyppiä miten mielivät, mutta eivät voi käyttää aseita. Kun minkäänlainen luoti tai projektiili osuu Scoutiin juoman vaikutuksen alaisena, Scoutin pään yläpuolelle ilmestyy sana "MISS!" jonka jälkeen Scout voi sanoa yhden monista ääniklipeistä. Scoutilla on Bonk!-tölkkeijä loputtomasti, mutta hän ei voi käyttää uutta ennenkuin cooldown on ohi.
Vartiotykit eivät vahingoita Scouttia Bonkin vaikutuksen alaisena, mutta luodit ja raketit puskevat häntä takaisin. Jos Scout on sytytetty tuleen kun hän juo Bonkin, hän ei kärsi vahinkoa liekinheittimen vahingosta eikä jälkipoltosta, mutta hän ottaa vahinkoa jos liekit palavat vielä kun Bonkin vaikutus on ohi. On mahdollista kastua Jarateen Bonkin vaikutuksen alaisena, mutta se ei aiheuta lisävahinkoa ennen kuin Bonkin vaikutus on ohi. Bonkia ei voi juoda kun Scout kantaa tiedustelutietoja.
Function times
- Drinking: 1.2 (interruptable)
- Buff Duration: 6
- Re-Use Cooldown: 24 (after bonus wears off)
All times are in seconds, and determined by community testing.
As a Crafting Ingredient
Kritzkrieg | Bonk! Atomic Punch | Krittikola | ||
+ | = |
Bonk! Atomic Punch | Toveri Voileipä | Suklaalevy | ||
+ | = |
Lyöjän kypärä | Bonk! Atomic Punch | Naps-kypärä | ||
+ | x2 | = |
Related Achievements
Previous Changes
- The ammo count can no longer be exploited through use of a resupply cabinet.
- The lack of phase effect on a Scout under the effects of Bonk! is fixed; it had previously been missing for a while.
- The slowdown disadvantage after using the weapon is removed as a balance fixture. A cooldown bar is added before it can be used, similar to the Sandman's Balls.
- Scouts will always switch to a melee weapon upon drinking Bonk!. This was done to fix the issue of players being able to fire their weapons immediately after drinking by holding the primary fire button.
- The ingredients of Bonk! and Crit-a-Cola are water, radiation, and sugar.
- An active adult's daily recommended sugar intake is around 90g. Assuming the drink really contained the advertised "several hundred times" worth of daily recommended sugar, the can's contents would have to weigh at least 9 kg, about 20 lbs.
- The Sandman's Home Run is the only attack the Scout can perform during the invulnerability period of Bonk! Atomic Punch.
- Currently, a bug with Bonk! results in the afterburn from the Flare Gun not being "dodged".
- Drinking a Bonk! and then walking into a Resupply Cabinet will cancel the effects of your Bonk!
- Drinking Bonk! with the Sandman results in a bug that removes the Scout's baseball. If the ball's recharge meter is full, the ball will not be returned in any way other than restocking at a resupply cabinet.
- A player under the effects of Bonk! and Mad Milk will still give health to anyone that hits them.
- An enemy Medic who hits a Scout under the effects of Bonk! with the Übersaw will still gain 25% ÜberCharge.
- Bonk! Atomic Punch 1st person blu cropped.png
BLU 1st person view.
- Bonk! Atomic Punch 1st person red cropped.png
RED 1st person view.
See also
External links