Borneo (competitivo)
< Borneo (competitive)
Revision as of 23:00, 22 June 2022 by WindBOT (talk | contribs) (Auto: EnforceCapitalization(Dispenser), EnforceCapitalization(Sentry Gun), EnforceCapitalization(Scout), EnforceCapitalization(Soldier), EnforceCapitalization(Pyro), EnforceCapitalization(Demoman), EnforceCapitalization(Engineer), EnforceCapitaliz...)
Borneo (competitive) | |
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Información básica | |
Desarrollado por: | Desconocido |
Información del mapa | |
Entorno: | Selva |
Escenario: | Día, nublado |
Borneo es un mapa de Carga Explosiva con una sola etapa de 4 puntos de control que el equipo BLU debe capturar. Es un valle conectado por un túnel que llega a una fábrica que el equipo BLU debe destruir. Es un mapa jugado en Highlander y Prolander en todas las ligas.
Punto de control 1
- Casa: Esta es la primera casa que se encuentra el equipo BLU. Hay un botiquín y caja de munición medianos. Desde el balcón se puede acechar al equipo BLU.
- Callejón: Es el camino izquierdo (yendo a base BLU) de la casa y suele ser útil para Snipers.
- Árbol: Suele ser un punto clave para los Snipers RED.
- Roca: Esta ubicación hace referencia a todas las rocas de la parte superior. Es una ubicación que suelen tomar los equipos para tener mayor control del enfrentamiento. Hay un botiquín y caja de munición medianos.
- Patio: Este es el patio conectado con la gran construcción de la derecha.
- Acantilado: Es el acantilado derecho (desde la perspectiva BLU) y es por donde el combo BLU suele ir hasta el primer punto.
Punto de control 2
- Casa: Esta es la casa que está conectada con el punto 1 y el patio. Está en el camino del combo BLU, en su avance hasta el granero. Hay un botiquín y caja de munición medianos.
- Granero: Es la casa situada a la derecha del camino. Tiene un botiquín y caja de munición grandes. Los Engineer RED suelen construir Armas Centinela para intentar frenar la vagoneta. Los combos RED y BLU se enfrentan aquí, protegiendo RED desde la sala con tres escaleras.
- Bajo: Es la parte inferior del puente, tras el granero. RED puede atacar por aquí y tras los muros junto al punto de control 2, con el objetivo de frenar la vagoneta. Hay un botiquín y una caja de munición medianas.
- Árbol: Es el árbol a la derecha del túnel. Buen punto para los Snipers RED.
- Túnel: Como su propio nombre indica, el túnel. También útil para los Snipers RED.
- Balcón: Se considera la segunda fortaleza, es una construcción de hormigón con dos alturas y un balcón, conectada a un túnel con acceso para el equipo RED.
Punto de control 3
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- Fortaleza delantera: Se encuentra sobre la primera base RED. Si RED hace un ataque agresivo, esta ubicación será su bastión. Hay un botiquín y una caja de munición mediana.
- Césped: This is the area with the trees and the right entrance to the three story warehouse that the third checkpoint is located in. The BLU and RED team's flanks play here and on the stairs inside the warehouse. There is a small ammokit and small healthkit here.
- Patio: This is the wooden area infront of BLU's last forward spawn point. BLU's combo plays here normally before attacking the RED team's combo inside the warehouse. There is a small ammokit and small healthkit located here.
- Alto: This refers to the third story platform overlooking the track and point. RED's combo holds here on the stairs and in the hallway to the right on the second story of this high point. The RED Engineer normally places a sentrygun here along with a Dispenser.
- Hallway: This refers to the hallway on the left side (from BLU's perspective) on the second story. RED's flank typically holds here as well.
- Escaleras: This is the right side (From BLU's perspective) of the warehouse. It has all the stairs. It is typically played on and contested by the flanks.
Punto de control 4
- Cajas 1: This is the area immediately to the right of Checkpoint 3. It is a very common aggressive hold location by RED team. The sentrygun will typically be located here or above the track on the roof. There is a medium ammokit and a medium healthkit here.
- Casa: This refers to the house behind the Upper warehouse hold. It contains a full healthkit.
- Hallway: This refers to the hallway to the left (BLU's perspective) that leads to the platform overlooking the final checkpoint. The RED and BLU team's combos will typically skirmish and fight for control over this location.
- Alto: This refers to the immediate area infront of RED's spawn, overlooking the final checkpoint. RED's Combo and Engineer typically play in this location. There is a small healthkit in this location.
- Cajas 2: This is typically what the RED Sentrygun will be built ontop of, with a Dispenser immediately behind it.
- Pasarela: This is the catwalk to the right (BLU's perspective) that leads to Upper. It has protection from the RED sentrygun and is a relatively common uberpush location for BLU's combo.
- Flanco: This refers to the entire first floor right side level (BLU's perspective) where the RED and BLU team's flanks battle each other. There is a medium healthkit and a full ammokit in this location.
- Puerta: This callout refers to the door the cart is pushed through. The RED and BLU team's flanks also commonly play in this location.
Primer punto
- The Soldier and Scout should play along the left flank to take control of Rock, this will give the combo the ability to fight over Patio. They should also attempt to destroy the Sentry Gun from Rock.
- The Spy should focus on backstabbing the Sniper.
- The combo should move along cliff and take control of the front of patio.
- The Engineer should push the cart up until he is being harassed. When he can safely push the cart again he should do so.
Segundo punto
- The Soldier and Scout should focus on pushing the cart, destroying the Sentry Gun, and playing the area under and behind 'Corn'.
- The Engineer should focus on pushing the cart and supporting his team however possible.
- The Combo should push through the right house and push the RED Combo and Engineer out of 'Corn'.
- The Spy should focus on killing the Sniper to open up the area for flank.
Tercer punto
- The Soldier and Scout should play along stairs with the goal of controlling the right side of the warehouse so that they can coordinate a push with BLU's combo on 'Upper'.
- The Engineer should push the cart as far as he can and then support his team.
- The Combo should play along the left side of the point, skirmishing until they are ready to push with their team to clear out 'Upper'.
- The Spy should focus on killing the RED Sniper, and should harass the Engineer and combo however much he can.
Último punto
- The Soldier and Scout should push the cart as far as they can and then play along the flank, with the goal of destroying the Engineer's Sentry Gun so that the BLU team can freely push 'Upper'.
- The Engineer should build a teleporter as soon as possible and push the cart and support his team.
- The Spy should prioritize coordinating with his team to destroy the RED sentrygun.
- The combo should play along the left side to take control of that hallway, if they control the hallway they can freely uber push onto 'Upper'.
Primer punto
- The first point of Borneo is typically defended with a sentry on Patio with the Heavy ontop of it, the Demoman infront of the Patio or on it, and the Pyro roaming between it and the Tree.
- The Engineer should build a sentrygun in the doorway of patio. He should also build a Dispenser behind the wall to the right. A teleporter is absolutely essential to holding this point.
- The flank should fight over House and Rock.
- The Spy should prioritize killing the enemy Sniper, pushing this point is difficult if the defending team has a Sniper with free reign.
Segundo punto
- The combo should hold corn, holding in the wide room with stairs and a drop down. The further away the BLU Combo has to use their Uber to push, the easier it is to save the sentrygun and Corn.
- The Engineer should build a sentrygun on the dropdown to under. It perfectly denies cart in this position. There should be a teleporter blocking the stairs, and a Dispenser blocking the stairs in the wide room behind the crates.
- The flank should play along the tracks and under, coordinating with each other to deny cart.
- The Pyro should roam between the combo and the Sniper, keeping the Sniper alive on this point is very strong to holding the path along tracks and harassing the BLU combo when they try to push Corn.
Tercer punto
- The Engineer should build a sentrygun on 'Upper' as soon as possible, with a Dispenser either blocking the stairs immediately behind it or in the corner. A teleporter is essential to holding this location.
- The flank should play along the stairs and the doorway, harassing the BLU combo on Patio when possible.
- The Combo should make it as hard as possible for the BLU combo to enter the hallway, with the Pyro protecting the sentrygun and Combo from the BLU Spy. The sentrygun is very important at this point.
Último punto
- The Engineer should build a sentrygun ontop of the Crates as soon as possible at this point, with a Dispenser immediately behind it.
- The combo should play along the right side of the point, denying hallway and the cart at the same time whenever possible.
- The flank should play along the flank and coordinate to keep the other team from being able to harass the sentrygun, the sentrygun is very important at this point.