File:Tf danish.txt
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Revision as of 06:44, 21 January 2016 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Updated tf_danish.txt for January 20, 2016 Patch.)
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Tf_danish.txt (file size: 1.37 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes
January 20, 2016 Patch (previous patches)
39503950"Attrib_CloakIsFeignDeath" "Usynlighedstype: spil død. \nEfterlad et falsk lig ved skade\nog få midlertidig usynlighed, hastighed og skademodstand."
39513951"[english]Attrib_CloakIsFeignDeath" "Cloak Type: Feign Death.\nLeave a fake corpse on taking damage\nand temporarily gain invisibility, speed and damage resistance."
39523952"Attrib_CloakIsMovementBased" "Usynlighedstype: bevægelsesfølsom.\nAlt-skyd: Bliv usynlig. Kan ikke angribe under usynlighed. At støde ind i fjender, gør dig en smule synlig for dem.\nAftapningshastighed for skjul er baseret på bevægelseshastighed."
3953N/A"[english]Attrib_CloakIsMovementBased" "Cloak Type: Motion Sensitive.\nAlt-Fire: Turn invisible. Cannot attack while invisible. Bumping in to enemies will make your slightly visible to enemies.\nCloak drain rate based on movement speed."
N/A3953"[english]Attrib_CloakIsMovementBased" "Cloak Type: Motion Sensitive.\nAlt-Fire: Turn invisible. Cannot attack while invisible. Bumping in to enemies will make you slightly visible to enemies.\nCloak drain rate based on movement speed."
39543954"Attrib_NoDoubleJump" "Slår dobbelthop fra"
39553955"[english]Attrib_NoDoubleJump" "Disables double jump"
39563956"Attrib_AbsorbDmgWhileCloaked" "Absorberer %s1% skade i skjul"
39623962"Attrib_MoveSpeed_Penalty" "%s1% langsommere bevægelseshastighed for bæreren"
39633963"[english]Attrib_MoveSpeed_Penalty" "%s1% slower move speed on wearer"
39643964"Attrib_Jarate_Description" "Gennemblødte fjender tager mini-kritisk skade\nKan bruges til at slukke ild.\nAt slukke en allieret reducerer nedkølingen med 20%"
3965N/A"[english]Attrib_Jarate_Description" "Coated enemies take mini-crits\nCan be used to extinguish fires.\nExtinguishing an ally reduces the cooldown by 20%"
N/A3965"[english]Attrib_Jarate_Description" "Coated enemies take mini-crits\nCan be used to extinguish fires."
39663966"Attrib_HealthRegen" "+%s1 helbred regenereret per sekund for bæreren"
39673967"[english]Attrib_HealthRegen" "+%s1 health regenerated per second on wearer"
39683968"Attrib_HealthDrain" "%s1 helbred drænet per sekund for bæreren"
42314231"[english]TF_CheatDetectedMajor" "Your account has been flagged for circumventing the item distribution system. We have removed all items in your inventory.\n\nFuture violations may result in your account being disabled."
42324232"TF_HonestyReward" "Tillykke! Din ærlighed er blevet belønnet med en ny hat!\n\n(Visse andre spillere havde ikke samme skrupler og har været mindre heldige)"
42334233"[english]TF_HonestyReward" "Congratulations! Your Honesty has been rewarded with a new hat!\n\n(Some other players were less scrupulous, and have been less fortunate)"
4234N/A"TF_medigun_autoheal" "MEDIC: Medi-geværet fortsætter heling uden at skyd-knappen holdes nede."
4235N/A"[english]TF_medigun_autoheal" "MEDIC: Medigun continues healing without holding down fire button."
4236N/A"TF_autozoom" "SNIPER: Snigskytteriflen zoomer ind igen efter affyring af zoom-skud."
4237N/A"[english]TF_autozoom" "SNIPER: Sniper rifle will re-zoom after firing a zoomed shot."
4238N/A"TF_autoreload" "Genlad våben automatisk, når du ikke skyder."
4239N/A"[english]TF_autoreload" "Automatically reload weapons when you're not firing."
4240N/A"TF_drawviewmodel_option" "Tegn visningsmodeller."
4241N/A"[english]TF_drawviewmodel_option" "Draw viewmodels."
4242N/A"TF_flipviewmodel_option" "Skift mellem venstre-/højrehåndede visningsmodeller."
4243N/A"[english]TF_flipviewmodel_option" "Flip viewmodels."
N/A4234"TF_medigun_autoheal" "MEDIC: Medi-geværet fortsætter heling uden at skyd-knappen holdes nede"
N/A4235"[english]TF_medigun_autoheal" "MEDIC: Medigun continues healing without holding down fire button"
N/A4236"TF_autozoom" "SNIPER: Snigskytteriflen zoomer ind igen efter affyring af zoom-skud"
N/A4237"[english]TF_autozoom" "SNIPER: Sniper rifle will re-zoom after firing a zoomed shot"
N/A4238"TF_autoreload" "Genlad våben automatisk, når du ikke skyder"
N/A4239"[english]TF_autoreload" "Automatically reload weapons when you're not firing"
N/A4240"TF_drawviewmodel_option" "Tegn visningsmodeller"
N/A4241"[english]TF_drawviewmodel_option" "Draw viewmodels"
N/A4242"TF_flipviewmodel_option" "Skift mellem venstre-/højrehåndede visningsmodeller"
N/A4243"[english]TF_flipviewmodel_option" "Flip viewmodels"
42444244"TF_viewmodelfov_option" "Synsfelt for visningsmodeller"
42454245"[english]TF_viewmodelfov_option" "Viewmodel field of view"
42464246"TF_ClassLimitUnder" "%s1 (maks. %s2)"
42494249"[english]TF_ClassLimitHit" "%s1 (Full)"
42504250"TF_ClassLimitHit_None" "(Fuld)"
42514251"[english]TF_ClassLimitHit_None" "(Full)"
4252N/A"TF_rememberactiveweapon" "Husk det aktive våben mellem liv."
4253N/A"[english]TF_rememberactiveweapon" "Remember the active weapon between lives."
4254N/A"TF_rememberlastweapon" "Husk det \"forrige våben\" mellem liv."
4255N/A"[english]TF_rememberlastweapon" "Remember the 'previous weapon' between lives."
4256N/A"TF_colorblindassist" "Slå farveblind-tilstand til."
4257N/A"[english]TF_colorblindassist" "Turn on colorblind mode."
4258N/A"TF_SpectateCarriedItems" "Vis ikke-standard-genstande for spillere, der kigges på."
4259N/A"[english]TF_SpectateCarriedItems" "Show non-standard items on spectated player."
4260N/A"TF_UseAdvancedTourneyGUI" "Anvend avanceret tilskuer-HUD i turneringstilstand."
4261N/A"[english]TF_UseAdvancedTourneyGUI" "Use advanced spectator HUD in tournament mode."
4262N/A"TF_DisableWeatherParticles" "Slå vejreffekter fra."
4263N/A"[english]TF_DisableWeatherParticles" "Disable weather effects."
N/A4252"TF_rememberactiveweapon" "Husk det aktive våben mellem liv"
N/A4253"[english]TF_rememberactiveweapon" "Remember the active weapon between lives"
N/A4254"TF_rememberlastweapon" "Husk det \"forrige våben\" mellem liv"
N/A4255"[english]TF_rememberlastweapon" "Remember the 'previous weapon' between lives"
N/A4256"TF_colorblindassist" "Slå farveblind-tilstand til"
N/A4257"[english]TF_colorblindassist" "Turn on colorblind mode"
N/A4258"TF_SpectateCarriedItems" "Vis ikke-standard-genstande for spillere, der kigges på"
N/A4259"[english]TF_SpectateCarriedItems" "Show non-standard items on spectated player"
N/A4260"TF_UseAdvancedTourneyGUI" "Anvend avanceret tilskuer-HUD i turneringstilstand"
N/A4261"[english]TF_UseAdvancedTourneyGUI" "Use advanced spectator HUD in tournament mode"
N/A4262"TF_DisableWeatherParticles" "Slå vejreffekter fra"
N/A4263"[english]TF_DisableWeatherParticles" "Disable weather effects"
42644264"TF_simple_disguise_menu_option" "SPY: Slå menuen Simpel forklædning til"
42654265"[english]TF_simple_disguise_menu_option" "SPY: Enable Concise Disguise Menu"
42664266"TF_CombatText" "Vis gjort skade som tekst over målet"
42714271"[english]TF_AutoMedicCallers" "MEDIC: Injured teammates automatically call out"
42724272"TF_AutoMedicCallThreshold" "MEDIC: Helbred i procent ved auto-kald"
42734273"[english]TF_AutoMedicCallThreshold" "MEDIC: Auto-call Health percentage"
4274N/A"TF_Hitbeeps" "Afspil en træfferlyd hver gang du sårer en fjende."
4275N/A"[english]TF_Hitbeeps" "Play a hit sound everytime you injure an enemy."
N/A4274"TF_Hitbeeps" "Afspil en træfferlyd hver gang du sårer en fjende"
N/A4275"[english]TF_Hitbeeps" "Play a hit sound everytime you injure an enemy"
42764276"TF_Arena_Team_Layout" "Dit hold"
42774277"[english]TF_Arena_Team_Layout" "Your Team"
42784278"TF_Arena_F4_ChangeClass" "Tryk 'F4' for at skifte din klasse!"
52395239"[english]TF_Unique_Robot_Arm" "The Gunslinger"
52405240"TF_Unique_Combat_Wrench" "Southern Hospitality"
52415241"[english]TF_Unique_Combat_Wrench" "The Southern Hospitality"
5242N/A"TF_UseGlowEffect" "Brug lyseffekter til Payload-mål."
5243N/A"[english]TF_UseGlowEffect" "Use glow effect for Payload objectives."
N/A5242"TF_UseGlowEffect" "Brug lyseffekter til Payload-mål"
N/A5243"[english]TF_UseGlowEffect" "Use glow effect for Payload objectives"
52445244"TF_Training" "TRÆNING"
52455245"[english]TF_Training" "TRAINING"
52465246"TF_Parasite_Hat" "Alien Swarm Parasite"
54905490"TF_TheHolyMackerel_Desc" "Det må være ydmygende at blive slået med en fisk."
54915491"[english]TF_TheHolyMackerel_Desc" "Getting hit by a fish has got to be humiliating."
54925492"TF_MadMilk_Desc" "Spillere heler 60% af skade gjort\npå en fjende dækket af mælk.\nKan bruges til at slukke ild.\nAt slukke en allieret reducerer nedkølingen med 20%"
5493N/A"[english]TF_MadMilk_Desc" "Players heal 60% of the damage done\nto an enemy covered with milk.\nCan be used to extinguish fires.\nExtinguishing an ally reduces the cooldown by 20%"
N/A5493"[english]TF_MadMilk_Desc" "Players heal 60% of the damage done\nto an enemy covered with milk.\nCan be used to extinguish fires."
54945494"TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_Jump_Desc" "En speciel raketkaster til at lære\ntricks og mønstre med rakethop.\nDette våben gør INGEN skade."
54955495"[english]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher_Jump_Desc" "A special rocket launcher for learning\nrocket jump tricks and patterns.\nThis weapon deals ZERO damage."
54965496"TF_ScoutBombingRun" "Bombing Run"
1034410344"BackpackShowRarities" "Vis kvalitetsfarver"
1034510345"[english]BackpackShowRarities" "Show Quality Colors"
1034610346"TF_FreezeCamHide" "Skjul HUD'et når der tages stillbillede-skærmbilleder."
10347N/A"[english]TF_FreezeCamHide" "Hide HUD during freezecam screenshots."
N/A10347"[english]TF_FreezeCamHide" "Hide HUD during freezecam screenshots"
1034810348"Store_Popular" "Topsællerter"
1034910349"[english]Store_Popular" "Top Sellers"
1035010350"Store_CGTradingSale" " "
1249812498"[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangeScoresTitle" "Reset Counters?"
1249912499"RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangeScores" "Ryd alle pointtællere på denne sære genstand? Dette vil sætte alle værdierne til 0."
1250012500"[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangeScores" "Clear all of the score counters on this strange item? This will set all of the values to 0."
12501N/A"TF_nocrosshaironscopezoom" "SNIPER: Skjul dit sigtekorn, når du er zoomet ind."
12502N/A"[english]TF_nocrosshaironscopezoom" "SNIPER: Hide crosshair when zoomed in."
N/A12501"TF_nocrosshaironscopezoom" "SNIPER: Skjul dit sigtekorn, når du er zoomet ind"
N/A12502"[english]TF_nocrosshaironscopezoom" "SNIPER: Hide crosshair when zoomed in"
1250312503"Tooltip_nocrosshaironscopezoomn" "Hvis valgt vil det normale og brugerdefinerede sigtekorn automatisk forsvinde og kun vise riflens sigtelaser."
1250412504"[english]Tooltip_nocrosshaironscopezoomn" "If set, when zoomed in with any sniper rifles, the default and custom crosshairs will automatically disappear leaving only the rifle targeting laser."
1250512505"TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo2" "Mystisk Promo 2"
1304613046"[english]Attrib_PyrovisionOnly" "Only visible in Pyroland"
1304713047"TF_Unique_Pickaxe_EscapePlan" "Escape Plan"
1304813048"[english]TF_Unique_Pickaxe_EscapePlan" "The Escape Plan"
13049N/A"TF_SpectatePyroVision" "Når du ser på, kan du se verden fra en Pyros øjne."
13050N/A"[english]TF_SpectatePyroVision" "When Spectating, view world from the eyes of a Pyro."
13051N/A"TF_ReplayPyroVision" "Gengivelser ses fra en Pyros øjne."
13052N/A"[english]TF_ReplayPyroVision" "Replays are viewed from the eyes of a Pyro."
N/A13049"TF_SpectatePyroVision" "Når du ser på, kan du se verden fra en Pyros øjne"
N/A13050"[english]TF_SpectatePyroVision" "When Spectating, view world from the eyes of a Pyro"
N/A13051"TF_ReplayPyroVision" "Gengivelser ses fra en Pyros øjne"
N/A13052"[english]TF_ReplayPyroVision" "Replays are viewed from the eyes of a Pyro"
1305313053"TF_GameModeDesc_SD" "Bring autralium-kufferten til affyringsstedet."
1305413054"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_SD" "Deliver the Australium suitcase to the deployment site."
1305513055"TF_GameModeDetail_SD" "Begge hold kæmper om en enkelt australium-kuffert og æren af at levere den.\n\nNår kufferten tabes af fjenden skal du forsvare den, indtil den vender tilbage til det neutrale landingspunkt."
1493914939Other Notes:
1494014940Players drop the Australium when they die. Dropped Australium returns to its home after 15 seconds."
1494114941"tc_hydro_description" "Mål:
14942N/AFor at vinde runden skal et hold eje alle seks territorier. Vind nye territorier ved at erobre fjendens kontrolpoint i hvert område.
N/A14942For at vinde runden skal et hold eje alle seks territorier. Vind nye territorier ved at erobre fjendens kontrolpunkt i hvert område.
1494414944Andre bemærkninger:
1494514945Der vælges nye områder indtil et hold ejer alle territorier."
1717817178"[english]TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_EntireServer" "Pile of Robo Community Crate Key Gifts"
1717917179"TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_EntireServer_Desc" "Når denne handlingsgenstand bruges, giver den én Robo Community Crate Key til højst 23 andre personer på serveren!"
1718017180"[english]TF_Gift_RoboKey2013_EntireServer_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives\none Robo Community Crate Key\nto up to 23 other people on the server!"
17181N/A"Attrib_Particle63" "Phosphorous"
N/A17181"Attrib_Particle63" "Fosfor"
1718217182"[english]Attrib_Particle63" "Phosphorous"
17183N/A"Attrib_Particle64" "Sulphurous"
N/A17183"Attrib_Particle64" "Sulfur"
1718417184"[english]Attrib_Particle64" "Sulphurous"
17185N/A"Attrib_Particle65" "Memory Leak"
N/A17185"Attrib_Particle65" "Hukommelseslæk"
1718617186"[english]Attrib_Particle65" "Memory Leak"
17187N/A"Attrib_Particle66" "Overclocked"
N/A17187"Attrib_Particle66" "Overclocket"
1718817188"[english]Attrib_Particle66" "Overclocked"
17189N/A"Attrib_Particle67" "Electrostatic"
N/A17189"Attrib_Particle67" "Elektrostatisk"
1719017190"[english]Attrib_Particle67" "Electrostatic"
1719117191"Attrib_Particle68" "Power Surge"
1719217192"[english]Attrib_Particle68" "Power Surge"
17193N/A"Attrib_Particle69" "Anti-Freeze"
N/A17193"Attrib_Particle69" "Anti-frys"
1719417194"[english]Attrib_Particle69" "Anti-Freeze"
17195N/A"Attrib_Particle70" "Time Warp"
N/A17195"Attrib_Particle70" "Tidshop"
1719617196"[english]Attrib_Particle70" "Time Warp"
17197N/A"Attrib_Particle71" "Green Black Hole"
N/A17197"Attrib_Particle71" "Grønt sort hul"
1719817198"[english]Attrib_Particle71" "Green Black Hole"
17199N/A"Attrib_Particle72" "Roboactive"
N/A17199"Attrib_Particle72" "Roboaktiv"
1720017200"[english]Attrib_Particle72" "Roboactive"
1720117201"TF_ImportFile_WorkshopIDLabel" "Værksteds-ID"
1720217202"[english]TF_ImportFile_WorkshopIDLabel" "Workshop ID"
1830018300"[english]Attrib_Particle74" "Spellbound"
1830118301"Attrib_Particle75" "Chiroptera Venenata"
1830218302"[english]Attrib_Particle75" "Chiroptera Venenata"
18303N/A"Attrib_Particle76" "Poisoned Shadows"
N/A18303"Attrib_Particle76" "Forgiftede skygger"
1830418304"[english]Attrib_Particle76" "Poisoned Shadows"
1830518305"Attrib_Particle77" "Something Burning This Way Comes"
1830618306"[english]Attrib_Particle77" "Something Burning This Way Comes"
18307N/A"Attrib_Particle78" "Hellfire"
N/A18307"Attrib_Particle78" "Helvedesild"
1830818308"[english]Attrib_Particle78" "Hellfire"
18309N/A"Attrib_Particle79" "Darkblaze"
N/A18309"Attrib_Particle79" "Mørkebrand"
1831018310"[english]Attrib_Particle79" "Darkblaze"
18311N/A"Attrib_Particle80" "Demonflame"
N/A18311"Attrib_Particle80" "Dæmonflamme"
1831218312"[english]Attrib_Particle80" "Demonflame"
1831318313"TF_SpellBook_EquipAction" "Tryllebog ikke udstyret. Accepter for at udstyre din tryllebog i handlingspositionen, så du kan samle besværgelser op."
1831418314"[english]TF_SpellBook_EquipAction" "Spellbook not equipped. Accept to equip your spellbook in the Action slot to pick up spells."
1834118341"TF_NineIron_Desc" "Giver øget hastighed og helbred\nfor hvert hoved, du afhugger."
1834218342"[english]TF_NineIron_Desc" "Gives increased speed and health\nwith every head you take."
1834318343"ItemNameNormalOrUniqueQualityFormat" "%s3%s2%s4"
18344N/A"[english]ItemNameNormalOrUniqueQualityFormat" "%s1%s3%s2%s4"
N/A18344"[english]ItemNameNormalOrUniqueQualityFormat" "%s1%s2%s3%s4%s5"
1834518345"MMenu_VirtualReality" "Virtual Reality"
1834618346"[english]MMenu_VirtualReality" "Virtual Reality"
1834718347"MMenu_VRMode_Activate" "Aktiver Virtual Reality"
1998019980"[english]TF_TAUNT_DOSIDO_MELLE_KILL_DESC" "Melee kill 10 players while they are doing the Square Dance taunt."
1998119981"TF_TAUNT_WHILE_CAPPING_NAME" "Blærerøv"
1998219982"[english]TF_TAUNT_WHILE_CAPPING_NAME" "Showboat"
19983N/A"TF_TAUNT_WHILE_CAPPING_DESC" "Udfør 10 partnerhån med en holdkammerat mens I erobrer et kontrolpoint"
N/A19983"TF_TAUNT_WHILE_CAPPING_DESC" "Udfør 10 partnerhån med en holdkammerat mens I erobrer et kontrolpunkt"
1998419984"[english]TF_TAUNT_WHILE_CAPPING_DESC" "Do 10 partner taunts with a teammate while capturing a control point."
1998619986"[english]TF_PYRO_IGNITE_PLAYER_BEING_FLIPPED_NAME" "Flip-Kabob"
2017820178"[english]Attrib_CrateGenerationCode" "Crate generation code: '%s1'"
2017920179"Attrib_Revive" "Genopliv holdkammerater"
2018020180"[english]Attrib_Revive" "Revive Teammates"
20181N/A"Attrib_Particle3001" "Showstopper"
N/A20181"Attrib_Particle3001" "Blændende præstation"
2018220182"[english]Attrib_Particle3001" "Showstopper"
20183N/A"Attrib_Particle3002" "Showstopper"
N/A20183"Attrib_Particle3002" "Blændende præstation"
2018420184"[english]Attrib_Particle3002" "Showstopper"
2018520185"Attrib_Particle3003" "Hellige gral"
2018620186"[english]Attrib_Particle3003" "Holy Grail"
2284022840"[english]KillEaterEvent_TauntsPerformed" "Times Performed"
2284122841"KillEaterEvent_InvasionKills" "Drab og assisterede drab under Invasion-begivenheden"
2284222842"[english]KillEaterEvent_InvasionKills" "Kills and Assists during Invasion Event"
22843N/A"KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap01" "Drab assisterede drab i 2Fort Invasion"
N/A22843"KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap01" "Drab og assisterede drab i 2Fort Invasion"
2284422844"[english]KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap01" "Kills and Assists on 2Fort Invasion"
2284522845"KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap02" "Drab og assisterede drab i Probed"
2284622846"[english]KillEaterEvent_InvasionKillsOnMap02" "Kills and Assists on Probed"
2326023260"[english]tough_break_case_collection_01_desc" "Items from the Pyroland Collection"
2326123261"tough_break_case_collection_02_desc" "Genstande fra Warbird-samlingen"
2326223262"[english]tough_break_case_collection_02_desc" "Items from the Warbird Collection"
N/A23263"Attrib_SingleWepDeployPenalty" "Dette våben trækkes %s1% langsommere"
N/A23264"[english]Attrib_SingleWepDeployPenalty" "This weapon deploys %s1% slower"
N/A23265"MMenu_Update" "Tough Break-opdateringen"
N/A23266"[english]MMenu_Update" "The Tough Break Update"
2326323267"Store_ViewMarket" "Se på markedet"
2326423268"[english]Store_ViewMarket" "View On Market"
2326523269"Store_StartingAt" "Starter fra"
2326823272"[english]Store_Market" "On Market"
2326923273"Store_MarketPlace" "FÆLLESSKABSMARKED"
2327023274"[english]Store_MarketPlace" "COMMUNITY MARKET"
N/A23275"TF_StrangeCount_Transfer_NotStrange" "Genstand sporer ikke nogle statistikker."
N/A23276"[english]TF_StrangeCount_Transfer_NotStrange" "Item does not track any stats."
N/A23277"TF_StrangeCount_Transfer_Self" "Genstand er allerede valgt."
N/A23278"[english]TF_StrangeCount_Transfer_Self" "Item is already chosen."
N/A23279"TF_StrangeCount_Transfer_NotEnoughMatches" "Ingen matchende genstande at overføre statistikker til."
N/A23280"[english]TF_StrangeCount_Transfer_NotEnoughMatches" "No matching items to transfer stats with."
2327123281"TF_Matchmaking_Show" "Åbn matchmaking"
2327223282"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Show" "Open Matchmaking"
2327323283"TF_Matchmaking_Title" "Matchmaking"
2327423284"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Title" "Matchmaking"
N/A23285"QuestLog_BadgeProgress" "%s1-frimærkefremskridt"
N/A23286"[english]QuestLog_BadgeProgress" "%s1 Stamp Progress"
2327523287"QuestLog_ContractsCompleted" "Kontrakter gennemført"
2327623288"[english]QuestLog_ContractsCompleted" "Contracts Completed"
2327723289"TF_Quest_FindServer" "Find server"
2328623298"[english]TF_bucking_bronco" "Taunt: Bucking Bronco"
2328723299"TF_bucking_bronco_Desc" "Engineer-hån"
2328823300"[english]TF_bucking_bronco_Desc" "Engineer Taunt"
N/A23301"TF_bak_caped_crusader_style1" "Selvtægtsmand"
N/A23302"[english]TF_bak_caped_crusader_style1" "Vigilante"
N/A23303"TF_Competitive_RankUpTitle" "Ny rang opnået!"
N/A23304"[english]TF_Competitive_RankUpTitle" "New Rank Achieved!"
N/A23305"TF_Competitive_Rank_0" "Rekrut"
N/A23306"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank_0" "Recruit"
N/A23307"TF_dec15_medic_winter_jacket2_emblem_style1" "Stil 1"
N/A23308"[english]TF_dec15_medic_winter_jacket2_emblem_style1" "Style 1"
N/A23309"TF_dec15_medic_winter_jacket2_emblem_style2" "Stil 2"
N/A23310"[english]TF_dec15_medic_winter_jacket2_emblem_style2" "Style 2"
N/A23311"Msg_PasstimeEventScoreDetail_NoAssist" "%subject%"
N/A23312"[english]Msg_PasstimeEventScoreDetail_NoAssist" "%subject%"
N/A23313"TF_dec15_a_well_wrapped_hat_style1" "Stil 1"
N/A23314"[english]TF_dec15_a_well_wrapped_hat_style1" "Style 1"
N/A23315"TF_dec15_a_well_wrapped_hat_style2" "Stil 2"
N/A23316"[english]TF_dec15_a_well_wrapped_hat_style2" "Style 2"
File info
Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource
Do not delete this file even if it appears as 'unused' by the Special:UnusedFiles list. It is externally linked (which does not qualify as "used" by the software) and deleting it without consultation will disrupt its use. |
This media is extracted from the game Team Fortress 2. The copyright for it is held by Valve Corporation, who created the software. |
File history
Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.
IMPORTANT: Thumbnails may not be displayed correctly.
Due to problems with the server-side caching system, new versions of images will not be displayed for up to several days. DO NOT REVERT this image to an older version if the current version is not showing correctly. Wait for the cached thumbnails to update instead.
Date/Time | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
11:07, 28 June 2011 | (1.13 MB) | Seb26 (talk | contribs) | June 27, 2011 Patch | |
11:29, 26 June 2011 | (1.12 MB) | Seb26 (talk | contribs) | June 23, 2011 Patch | |
23:30, 10 June 2011 | (1.09 MB) | Seb26 (talk | contribs) | up to date as of June 8, 2011 Patch | |
23:18, 3 June 2011 | (1.09 MB) | Seb26 (talk | contribs) | June 3, 2011 Patch | |
05:58, 26 May 2011 | (1.09 MB) | Seb26 (talk | contribs) | May 25, 2011 Patch | |
09:09, 19 May 2011 | (1.09 MB) | Seb26 (talk | contribs) | May 18, 2011 Patch | |
15:12, 13 May 2011 | (1.09 MB) | BiBi (talk | contribs) | 12th May 2011 - Update | |
10:35, 7 May 2011 | (1.09 MB) | Seb26 (talk | contribs) | as of May 6, 2011 Patch | |
02:26, 19 April 2011 | (1.01 MB) | BiBi (talk | contribs) | Updated file from 18th April 2011 | |
13:23, 16 April 2011 | (1,002 KB) | BiBi (talk | contribs) | Updated to latest available version of the 15th April 2011 |
- You cannot overwrite this file.
File usage
The following 19 pages link to this file:
- Localization files
- Localization files/de
- Localization files/es
- Localization files/fr
- Localization files/hu
- Localization files/it
- Localization files/ja
- Localization files/ko
- Localization files/nl
- Localization files/pl
- Localization files/pt
- Localization files/pt-br
- Localization files/ro
- Localization files/ru
- Localization files/sv
- Localization files/tr
- Localization files/zh-hans
- Localization files/zh-hant
- User talk:LiquidFire
Hidden category: