File:Tf hungarian.txt

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Revision as of 01:16, 10 September 2016 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Updated tf_hungarian.txt for September 9, 2016 Patch.)
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Tf_hungarian.txt(file size: 1.45 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes

September 9, 2016 Patch (previous patches)

20852085"[english]TF_IM_Granary_Intro" "Granary is a Control Point map"
20862086"TF_IM_Badlands_Intro" "A Badlands ellenőrzőpontos pálya"
20872087"[english]TF_IM_Badlands_Intro" "Badlands is a Control Point map"
2088N/A"TF_IM_CP_ToWin" "A győzelemhez egy csapatnak kell birtokolnia mind az öt ellenőrzőpontot"
2089N/A"[english]TF_IM_CP_ToWin" "To win, each team must own all five Control Points"
N/A2088"TF_IM_CP_ToWin" "A győzelemhez egy csapatnak kell birtokolnia minden ellenőrzőpontot"
N/A2089"[english]TF_IM_CP_ToWin" "To win, each team must own all Control Points"
20902090"TF_IM_CP_Capture" "Az ellenőrzőpont elfoglalásához maradj annak elfoglalási zónáján belül, míg az ellenőrzőpont a tiétek nem lesz"
20912091"[english]TF_IM_CP_Capture" "To capture a Control Point, stand within the Capture Zone boundaries until you own the Control Point"
20922092"TF_IM_CP_TimeAdd" "Egy ellenőrzőpont elfoglalásakor a hátralevő idő meghosszabbodik"
52275227"[english]RI_c" ", "
52285228"Attrib_WrenchBuildsMiniSentry" "Lecseréli az őrtornyot egy mini-őrtoronyra"
52295229"[english]Attrib_WrenchBuildsMiniSentry" "Replaces the Sentry with a Mini-Sentry"
5230N/A"Attrib_SentryKilledRevenge" "2 bosszú-kritet kapsz az őrtorony minden\nöléséért és 1-et minden segítéséért, mikor elpusztítják azt.\nA bosszú-kritek halálkor elvesznek."
5231N/A"[english]Attrib_SentryKilledRevenge" "Gain 2 revenge crits for each sentry kill and\n1 for each sentry assist when your sentry is destroyed.\nRevenge crits are lost on death"
N/A5230"Attrib_SentryKilledRevenge" "2 bosszú-kritet kapsz az őrtorony minden\nöléséért és 1-et minden segítéséért, mikor elpusztítják azt."
N/A5231"[english]Attrib_SentryKilledRevenge" "Gain 2 revenge crits for each sentry kill and\n1 for each sentry assist when your sentry is destroyed."
52325232"Attrib_BuildingCostReduction" "%s1 fémszükséglet-csökkentés építéskor"
52335233"[english]Attrib_BuildingCostReduction" "%s1 metal reduction in building cost"
52345234"TF_Unique_Sentry_Shotgun" "Az Önbíráskodó"
95709570"TF_GameModeDesc_CP" "A győzelemhez foglaljatok el minden pontot."
95719571"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_CP" "Capture all points to win."
95729572"TF_GameModeDetail_CP" "Az a csapat nyer, amelyik birtokolja az összes ellenőrzőpontot.\n\nNéhány ellenőrzőpont zárolva van, míg másokat el nem foglaltok."
9573N/A"[english]TF_GameModeDetail_CP" "To win each team must own all Control Points.\n\nSome Control Points will be locked until others are captured."
N/A9573"[english]TF_GameModeDetail_CP" "To win, each team must own all Control Points.\n\nSome Control Points will be locked until others are captured."
95749574"TF_GameModeDesc_Escort" "A BLU tolja a kocsit a sínen. A RED-nek meg kell állítania őket."
95759575"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_Escort" "BLU pushes the cart down the track. RED needs to stop them."
95769576"TF_GameModeDetail_Escort" "A BLU csapat akkor nyer, ha eltolja a robbanótöltetet az ellenség bázisára. Állj a robbanótöltet mellé a mozgatásához.\n\nA RED csapat akkor nyer, ha megakadályozza, hogy a kocsi a bázisához érjen.\n\nAz ellenség blokkolhatja a kocsit, ha annak közelébe áll."
1483214832Egyéb megjegyzések:
1483314833Az ellenőrzőpontok zárolt állapotban nem foglalhatók el."
1483414834"[english]default_cp_description" "Objective:
14835N/ATo win each team must own all five Control Points.
N/A14835To win, each team must own all five Control Points.
1483714837Other Notes:
1483814838Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked."
1486614866"[english]cp_coldfront_description" "A community map created by \"Icarus\"
14869N/ATo win each team must own all five Control Points.
N/A14869To win, each team must own all five Control Points.
1487114871Other Notes:
1487214872Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked."
1490414904"[english]cp_fastlane_description" "A community map created by \"skdr\"
14907N/ATo win each team must own all five Control Points.
N/A14907To win, each team must own all five Control Points.
1490914909Other Notes:
1491014910Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked."
1493814938"[english]cp_gullywash_final1_description" "A community map created by Jan 'Arnold' Laroy
14941N/ATo win each team must own all five Control Points.
N/A14941To win, each team must own all five Control Points.
1494314943Other Notes:
1494414944Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked."
1836218362"[english]cp_process_final_description" "A community map created by Ian 'Scorpio Uprising' Cuslidge
18365N/ATo win each team must own all five Control Points.
N/A18365To win, each team must own all five Control Points.
1836718367Other Notes:
1836818368Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked."
1837318373"[english]cp_standin_final_description" "A community map created by Ian 'Scorpio Uprising' Cuslidge
18376N/ATo win each team must own all three Control Points."
N/A18376To win, each team must own all three Control Points."
1837718377"Attrib_AmmoPerShotMissed" "Elvétett lövésenként: -%s1 lőszer"
1837818378"[english]Attrib_AmmoPerShotMissed" "Per Shot Missed: -%s1 ammo"
1837918379"TF_tw_demobot_armor" "Robbantóbot Páncél"
1981719817Az ellenőrzőpontok zárolt állapotban nem foglalhatók el."
1981819818"[english]cp_snakewater_final1_description" "A community map created by Toivo Sawen
19820N/ATo win each team must own all five Control Points.
N/A19820To win, each team must own all five Control Points.
1982119821Other Notes:
1982219822Control Points cannot be captured while they are locked."
1982319823"TF_MvMScoreboard_Tour" "Turnus"
2591725917"TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining" "%s1 óra %s2 perc eltiltást \nkaptál meccselhagyásért vagy rossz viselkedésért.\nHátralévő idő: %s3 óra %s4 perc."
2591825918"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining" "You have received a %s1 hour %s2 minute \ncooldown for abandoning or poor behavior.\nTime remaining: %s3 hours %s4 minutes"
2591925919"TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining_Long_Penalty" "%s1 nap %s2 óra eltiltást \nkaptál meccselhagyásért vagy rossz viselkedésért.\nHátralévő idő: %s3 nap %s4 óra."
25920N/A"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining_Long_Penalty" "You have received a %s1 day %s2 hour \\cooldown for abandoning or poor behavior.\nTime remaining: %s3 days %s4 hours"
N/A25920"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining_Long_Penalty" "You have received a %s1 day %s2 hour \ncooldown for abandoning or poor behavior.\nTime remaining: %s3 days %s4 hours"
2592125921"TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining_Long_Penalty_Short_Duration" "%s1 nap %s2 óra eltiltást \nkaptál meccselhagyásért vagy rossz viselkedésért.\nHátralévő idő: %s3 óra %s4 perc."
2592225922"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining_Long_Penalty_Short_Duration" "You have received a %s1 day %s2 hour \n cooldown for abandoning or poor behavior.\nTime remaining: %s3 hours %s4 minutes"
2592325923"TF_Matchmaking_Ban_Duration_Remaining_Short" "%s1 perc eltiltást kaptál \nmeccselhagyásért vagy rossz viselkedésért.\nHátralévő idő: %s2 perc."
2617126171"[english]TF_War_Winner_PyroTitle" "Team Pyro has won!"
2617226172"TF_War_Winner_PyroDesc" "A Piró Csapat háborús erőfeszítéseiért a Piró egy későbbi frissítésben osztálycsomagot fog kapni!"
2617326173"[english]TF_War_Winner_PyroDesc" "Due to Team Pyro's effort in the war, Pyro will be receiving a class pack in a future update!"
N/A26174"TF_Weapon_Skullbat" "Koponya-ütő"
N/A26175"[english]TF_Weapon_Skullbat" "Skull Bat"
N/A26176"TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier1" "Hetyke Táborozó"
N/A26177"[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier1" "Jaunty Camper"
N/A26178"TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier2" "Hetyke Jótevő"
N/A26179"[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier2" "Jaunty Benefactor"
N/A26180"TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier3" "Hetyke Úttörő"
N/A26181"[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHatsTier3" "Jaunty Trailblazer"
N/A26182"TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2016_Desc" "Azok jutalma, akik hozzájárultak a Tip of the Hats 2016 jótékonysági eseményhez."
N/A26183"[english]TF_Medal_TipOfTheHats2016_Desc" "Awarded to those who contributed to the Tip of the Hats 2016 charity event"
N/A26184"TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN_2016" "Florida LAN 2016"
N/A26185"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN_2016" "Florida LAN 2016"
N/A26186"TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN_Description_2016" "Azok kapják, akik hozzájárultak vagy részt vettek a Florida LAN 2016 eseményen."
N/A26187"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Florida_LAN_Description_2016" "Awarded to those who contributed to or participated in the Florida LAN 2016 event"
N/A26188"TF_Wearable_Rose" "Rózsa"
N/A26189"[english]TF_Wearable_Rose" "Rose"
N/A26190"TF_RobotPart_Type" "Robotalkatrész"
N/A26191"[english]TF_RobotPart_Type" "Robot Part"
N/A26192"TF_CircuitBoard_Type" "Nyomtatott áramkör"
N/A26193"[english]TF_CircuitBoard_Type" "Circuit Board"
N/A26194"TF_FestivizerTool" "Ünnepiesítő"
N/A26195"[english]TF_FestivizerTool" "Festivizer"
N/A26196"Attrib_LoseRevengeCritsOnDeath" "A bosszú-kritek halálkor elvesznek"
N/A26197"[english]Attrib_LoseRevengeCritsOnDeath" "Revenge crits are lost on death"

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource.


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

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17:59, 4 November 2022 (1.31 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_hungarian.txt for November 4, 2022 Patch.
01:09, 21 October 2022 (1.3 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_hungarian.txt for October 20, 2022 Patch.
00:00, 19 October 2022 (1.3 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_hungarian.txt for October 18, 2022 Patch.
21:02, 13 October 2022 (1.3 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_hungarian.txt for October 13, 2022 Patch.
16:48, 11 October 2022 (1.28 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_hungarian.txt for October 11, 2022 Patch.
20:10, 5 October 2022 (1.28 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_hungarian.txt for October 5, 2022 Patch.
19:45, 26 September 2022 (1.28 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_hungarian.txt for September 26, 2022 Patch.
00:22, 12 August 2022 (1.27 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_hungarian.txt for August 11, 2022 Patch.
18:45, 29 July 2022 (1.27 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_hungarian.txt for July 29, 2022 Patch.
23:03, 7 July 2022 (1.27 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_hungarian.txt for July 7, 2022 Patch.
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