| “I built that.” This page contains information about a custom map that is not an officially released Team Fortress 2 map. All released Valve and Community-made TF2 maps can be found on the list of maps.
Basic Information
Variants: |
Developer(s): |
Map Overview
Sunshine is a community contributed map made by Phi. It is competitive focused, and was designed with 6s in mind. It features the standard 5cp layout with a mid, two seconds, and two lasts, with forward spawns for each point beyond mid owned. It is currently played in ESEA, CEVO, and UGC
Control point timing
RED First Point
RED Forward Point
BLU Forward Point
Blue First Point
Update history
- fixed cubemaps
- various little things
- Added new route to last, removed a route
- Hopefully made the announcer work
- Slight HDR
- 3d skybox
- Made valley less complex
- No more rocks
- Simplified bloating custom textures a little
- Optimization
- General fixes here and there and here and there
- More secret deer
- reworked lots of little tiny areas
- expanded lobby
- smoothed various portions of the map
- better clipping
- more optimization
- Detailed the entire map
- Rearranged various health pickups
- Added gully-like 'secret' area to last
- Expanded platform on side of last
- Changed geometry of lots of areas in general
- Tons of custom content (and deer)!
- detailing
- tons of other little things
- Reworked a LOT of the 2nd point overall
- Changed the flank route to a more open, available route
- Shortened main choke
- Simplified other routes from 2nd to mid
- Smaller capzone on mid
- Better and more smooth clipping and routes around and under point
- Pit at second moved closer to the point
- Underground route straightened out a bit
- Platform at last extended out a bit
- Spawntimes changed slightly
- More deer
- Various other little things
- General optimization
- changed mid entirely
- more OoB architecture
- changed lobby a bit
- added paths and ramps to previously inaccessible places
- tons of little other things
- detail sprites and alpha painting
- a little tighter choke between mid and 2nd
- a little brighter indoor areas
- marked capzones
- various little things
- signs
- made the map. wheeeee