< Sunshine
Sunshine | |
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インフォメーション | |
ゲームモード: | コントロールポイント |
ファイル名: | cp_sunshine
実装日: | 2016年7月7日 パッチ (Meet Your Match アップデート) |
Variants: | Sinshine |
製作者 | Rebecca「phi」Ailes Kimberly「iiboharz」Riswick Sebastian「Seba」Grus Mellowretro Tim「SediSocks」Brown Lees |
配置アイテム | |
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マップ俯瞰図 | |
マップスタンプ | |
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マップ支援者リスト |
「 | このレイアウトはいいと思うね。
— マップレイアウトについてPhi
」 |
SunshineはMeet Your Match アップデートで公式マップになり、マップのハロウィーン版はスクリームフォートレス 2015アップデートで、Sinshineという名前でリリースされました。
- ベル塔: ベル塔は中央のコントロールポイントとして役立ちます。これは攻撃のための正面と後ろの穴がある側面から行けます。
- 三つ目のスポーン: ベル塔の両側に三つ目のスポーンがあります。スポーンはコントロールポイント2か4のキャプチャーで有効になります。
- 灯台: 両チームは二つ目と四つ目のコントロールポイントとして役立つチームカラーの灯台を持ちます。
- スナイパープラットフォーム: 灯台の後ろはスナイパーの監視点として使えるプラットフォームです。
- 二つ目のスポーン: 灯台のすぐそばに二つ目のスポーンがあります。スポーンはコントロールポイント3のキャプチャーで有効になります。
- スポーン: スポーン部屋は左右に二つの出口を持ちます。中央には片道ガラスがあるので敵がいる場所を見ることができます。
- ミサイルプラットフォーム: プラットフォームは一つ目と五つ目のコントロールポイントを持ちます。それらはミサイルランチャーと壁に守られていますが、側面はむき出しです。
- 廊下: コントロールポイントへの廊下は地下の代わりの道を持ちます。
もっと詳しく: Sunshineの高度な戦術
コントロールポイント | キャプチャー人数 | 秒 | ||
コントロールポイント 1 と 5 | ×1 |
| ||
×2 |
| |||
×3 |
| |||
×4 |
| |||
コントロールポイント 2 と 4 | ×1 |
| ||
×2 |
| |||
×3 |
| |||
×4 |
| |||
コントロールポイント 3 | ×1 |
| ||
×2 |
| |||
×3 |
| |||
×4 |
- Blocked sightline from cafe to second
- Raised said door 8u
- Moved cover from cafe to mid in order to make standing on tetris unable to see players pushing through cafe
- Moved and raised doorways exiting cafe in order to support pushing through more
- Moved high ground next to lighthouse down by 48u, aligning it with the high exit from lobby
- Extended out high exit from lobby to make fighting easier
- Changed cover in flowers/valley in order to prevent players standing on fences, and seeing too much
- Moved barrel arrangement on shutter door side of last back 32u
- Raised fence between choke and second by 32u to block sightline
- Opened up the wall between left and right lobby
- Fixed visual glitch with one way windows in last spawn
- Simplified cubbyhole in bottom lobby
- Pushed upper side choke into last forward a bit, created new space for teams to play in – entrance is now closer to last
- Extended fence next to upper side choke to ceiling to prevent players from standing on top
- Major changes to shutter door side of last: if you enter shutter door, you can no longer be spotted from players in last and you have a safer entrance area around pack
- Moved shutter door over significantly, eliminating line of sight from shutter into last
- Shifted around geometry in shutter side lobby to better work with sightlines and encourage teams to use shutter side more
- Filled in useless area that used to connect to what used to be secret
- Edited displacements on mid to make the sightline under the church unusable
- Added planks underneath church to make sightline under church from choke to choke unusable
- Shortened openings on long sides of church to make visibility from shack more limited
- reduced file size drastically (repacking!)
- increased performance, optimization, and FPS across the map
- can't stand on wooden palette on last to see over boxes into lobby anymore
- clipping on structure behind last point refined
- aligned texture on metal beams above last
- changed all models/props_spytech/computer_wall03.mdl to *_wall04
- added one wooden palette to block slim sightline from last spawn
- moved medium ammo on low ground on last back to old spot
- refined displacements on mid
- removed two lights at flower in valley
- removed shadows on wood doors
- removed benches right outside of spawn
- clipped off a hiding spot in lobby
- extended high platform in valley towards mid slightly
- added box near high platform in valley to allow scouts to jump
- widened wooden ramp up to mid platform slightly
- expanded high ground next to lighthouse slightly
- filled in gap underneath wooden stairs next to mid forward spawn
- fixed a case where you could see the nodraw side of a brush
- extended the high ground near the staircase near choke on last by about 48 u
- fixed spectator cam on BLU last being linked to the RED last point instead of BLU
- added spectator cameras on second
- removed props in scaffolding under roof in lower lobby (above the healthkit used in rollout)
- removed tiled “brick” props on blu side near flowers and mid
- removed unnecessary brushwork on ceiling through cafe
- removed garbage props in cafe
- removed smaller arch doorway detail bits nearby pack on second and in flowers
- detailed the mid building some more – everything is blockbulleted and clipped, don't worry
- optimization pass, lots of hinting
- massive prop fade pass
- lighting changeups, less blinding whites now
rc8 (from rc7)
- removed double door
- instead, made it a single thin door
- pushed entrance point back a little bit
- eliminated sightlines to shutter
- lifted box up to protect against sightline that went over it
- added barrel on side of prop pile in order to prevent the corner sightline
- moved boxes in tile room over a slight bit to prevent sightline from spawn
- Tyler’s door, aka the small door situated at 45° off of tile room, has been moved slightly
- spawn changes
- moved resupply cabinets forward slightly
- angled doors perpendicular to the large wall on last rather than parallel
- lowered right door, staircase is now outside spawn instead of inside
- one-way windows à la snakewater
- eliminated secret
- subtly changed capzone on last
- removed computers you could stand on behind last
- fixed teleporter bugs
- extensive clipping pass and prop clippings
- extensive fps improvements, will not be perfect but it will run better than rc7
- occluders optimized
- hint brushes worked on extensively
- more prop fades
- prop optimization - removing certain poly-heavy props and various little clutter
- streamlined various roof edges
- fixed many texture bugs and lighting errors
- no more spinning lighthouse
- polish
- deer
- fixed cubemaps
- various little things
- Added new route to last, removed a route
- Hopefully made the announcer work
- Slight HDR
- 3d skybox
- Made valley less complex
- No more rocks
- Simplified bloating custom textures a little
- Optimization
- General fixes here and there and here and there
- More secret deer
- reworked lots of little tiny areas
- expanded lobby
- smoothed various portions of the map
- better clipping
- more optimization
- Detailed the entire map
- Rearranged various health pickups
- Added gully-like 'secret' area to last
- Expanded platform on side of last
- Changed geometry of lots of areas in general
- Tons of custom content (and deer)!
- detailing
- tons of other little things
- Reworked a LOT of the 2nd point overall
- Changed the flank route to a more open, available route
- Shortened main choke
- Simplified other routes from 2nd to mid
- Smaller capzone on mid
- Better and more smooth clipping and routes around and under point
- Pit at second moved closer to the point
- Underground route straightened out a bit
- Platform at last extended out a bit
- Spawntimes changed slightly
- More deer
- Various other little things
- General optimization
- changed mid entirely
- more OoB architecture
- changed lobby a bit
- added paths and ramps to previously inaccessible places
- tons of little other things
- detail sprites and alpha painting
- a little tighter choke between mid and 2nd
- a little brighter indoor areas
- marked capzones
- various little things
- signs
- made the map. wheeeee
2016年7月7日 パッチ その1 (Meet Your Match アップデート)
- Sunshineがゲームに追加された。
- 第2エリアの後部にある螺旋階段に防弾属性を設定した。
- 中央エリアに中サイズの弾薬箱を追加した。
- 第2エリアへの木製アーチ上部に設定されていた当たり判定を取り除いた。
- 木製アーチを小さくした。
- 最終エリアにある階段の下から数段に、投射物がぶつかるよう防弾属性を追加した。
- 最終エリアのはしごを取り除いた。
- REDスポーンの右側に"KR♡RA you are my sunshine"と書かれた隠しメッセージがあります。