The Administrator manages the affairs of both the RED and BLU, as well as TF Industries and their mercenary troops. She's the enigmatic, disembodied female voice that gives orders and announces important events during rounds. The Administrator is a mature and thoroughly evil mastermind with a piercing gaze and the kind of voice that commands total and unwavering obedience... or else.
The Administrator possesses great authority and influence. She prefers to keep her operations hidden, managing events from the shadows, and any growth that may attract unwanted attention is quickly halted. Her general demeanor tends towards either slight anger or varying degrees of bitter disappointment.
- 2025년 1월 18일 - 팀 포트리스 2 공식 블로그 업데이트. 팀포2 SDK를 공개합니다! Valve가 Source SDK에 팀 포트리스 2의 클라이언트와 서버 게임 코드를 추가하는 큰 업데이트를 출시했습니다. 이 업데이트로 콘텐츠 제작자들이 팀포2를 토대로 한 완전히 새로운 게임들을 제작할 수 있게 되었습니다.
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