Obtención de Logros Powerhouse
< Obtaining Powerhouse achievements
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Obtención de los logros del paquete Powerhouse achievements, lanzado en la Actualización Gun Mettle en Parche del 02 de julio de 2015.
Equilibrio de poder Gana una ronda en la que el enemigo haya intentado capturar tu punto de control final. Dificultad: Media Cómo obtenerlo: After the enemy team has attempted to capture your last point, make a strong comeback. As Powerhouse has only three control points, compared to the five control points of other CP maps, this achievement may be easier and more common than the "Real Steal" and "Snakebit" achievements of Foundry and Snakewater, respectively. |
Apagón Mata a 15 enemigos mientras capturan un punto. Dificultad: Media Cómo obtenerlo: Target any enemy who is attempting to capture the center point or your final point. |
El poder y la gloria Gana 142 rondas. Dificultad: Fácil Cómo obtenerlo: This achievement will naturally be obtained after a very significant amount of time playing on Powerhouse. |
Trabajo sucio Mata a cinco enemigos mientras están en el agua. Dificultad: Media Cómo obtenerlo: If an enemy enters or is blasted into the water between the bases, target them while they are relatively trapped. |
Viaje relámpago Captura el punto de control final en menos de 15 segundos después de que tu equipo capture el punto de control anterior. Dificultad: Media/Difícil Cómo obtenerlo: Because Powerhouse only has three control points, the enemy team will likely take a defensive position as your team captures the central point. Instead of you charging in alone, your team should leave one or two members behind to capture the central point while the rest focus on clearing out the final point. If the enemy team aggressively counterattacks, it may be possible to sneak behind their lines as the Scout or Spy. |