Obtención de logros del Soldier

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And that is how you do it, men!
El Soldier

No tengo tiempo para sangrar
No tengo tiempo para sangrar
Mata a 3 jugadores con el Ecualizador en la misma vida sin que te curen.
Dificultad: Media
Cómo obtenerlo: Contra más bajo este tu nivel de salud, más daño ara el Equalizador. Haga un salto con el lanzacohetes sobre un grupo de enemigos distraidos y mate al que tenga más cercano con la arma cuerpo a cuerpo. No es necesario que se realicen las tres muertes en un corto periodo de tiempo, solo tiene que hacerse en la misma vida y sin ser curado. Llevar encima el equalizador impide ser curado por medics, así que evita curarte por dispensadores o por botiquines. Tambien se puede realizar este logro de manera más sencilla con la Muerte Súbita, donde solo podran usarse armas cuerpo a cuerpo.

Pena por insumisión
Pena por insumisión
Mata a un Pyro que haya repelido uno de tus cohetes en los últimos 10 segundos.
Dificultad: Media
Cómo obtenerlo: Para desbloquear este logro, no hace falta que mates al Pyro con uno de tus cohetes, una vez haya reflectado un cohete es recomendable atacarle con la Escopeta, esto evitara que te devuelva los proyectiles. Puedes facilitar un poco el trabajo al Pyro usando cualquier lanzachoetes a excepción de Impacto Directo, ya que los proyectiles de esta van un 80% más rápido.

Esco-peta bombas
Esco-peta bombas
Destruye 10 bombas lapa con la escopeta en una misma vida.
Dificultad: Media
Cómo obtenerlo: El Demoman tiende a destruir sus bombas si detecta que se las estan destruyendo, así que no te acerques demasiado cuando te dispongas a destruirlas y no correr a ciegas por las esquinas. Una buena manera de realizarlo es cubriendo las construcciones del Engineer. En mapas de Atacar/Defender los Demoman suelen colocar múltiples stikies en la salida de puertas, esto nos permite destruir varias con un solo disparo.

Hermanos de armas tomar
Hermanos de armas tomar
Mata a 10 enemigos mientras te ayuda o ayudas a otro Soldier.
Dificultad: Fácil
Cómo obtenerlo: Trata de apuntar a los mismos objetivos a los que dispara tu compañero Soldier, si uno de los dos tiene el Estandarte de ánimo o el Refuerzo del batallón ara mucho más fácil la tarea.

¡Jo, los cohetes críticos están desequilibrados!
¡Jo, los cohetes críticos están desequilibrados!
Dispara dos cohetes críticos sin mejora seguidos.
Dificultad: Muy fácil
Cómo obtenerlo: Las posibilidades de que salgan cohetes críticos depende del daño hecho (con un máximo del 12%), así que causar grandes daños aumentara este porcentaje. Este logro es reduce mucho a la suerte, tarde o temprano lo conseguirá.

Muerte aerotransportada
Muerte aerotransportada
Salta con cohete y mata a 2 enemigos antes de aterrizar.
Dificultad: Media/Difícil
Cómo obtenerlo: Si en su equipo hay un Medic con una Kritzkrieg lista para la carga, procure que caiga sobre usted y aplique el salto con cohetes y dispare sobre un grupo de enemigos. Los cuellos de botella y los puntos de control enemigos capturandose son zonas donde suele haber grupos de enemigos, los que son buenos puntos para realizar este logro. La burla del Equalizador tambien completara este logro si matas a dos enemigos.

Muerte desde el suelo
Muerte desde el suelo
Mata a 10 enemigos en el aire con el Impacto directo.
Dificultad: Fácil
Cómo obtenerlo: No necesitas hacer grandes malabares para conseguir este logro. Solo necesitas infligir daño con el Impacto Directo en el aire y que alguien te ayude a impulsarlo al cielo, como un Pyro, Demoman o otro Soldier.

Consigue 3 dominaciones en la misma vida.
Dificultad: Media
Cómo obtenerlo: Con la ayuda de un Medic y su Kritzkrieg puedes lograr dominar a tres adversarios. Consiga una primera dominación, luego juegue de forma conservadora, cerca de base, de un Medic o dispensador. Ir con todo el equipo le ayudara a sobrevivir y a conseguir nuevas dominaciones ya que las asistencias tambien cuentan y puede ser más fácil todavía si utiliza el Estandarte de ánimo

Ya que estaba de paso...
Ya que estaba de paso...
Mata a un enemigo con el Ecualizador durante un saltas con cohete o justo después de aterrizar.
Dificultad: Difícil
Cómo obtenerlo: Una manera sencilla de realizar este logro consiste en hacer un salto con el lanzacohetes, disparar un par de proyectiles sobre el enemigo y atacarle con el Equalizador al tomar tierra, ya que no necesariamente tiene que realizarse en el aire. Tambien puedes hacerlo teniendo equipado el Estandarte de ánimo.

De Texas a la eternidad
De Texas a la eternidad
Mata a un Engineer mientras repara su centinela bajo el fuego enemigo.
Dificultad: Media
Cómo obtenerlo: Being on BLU on Attack/Defend maps will help you get this achievement, as Sentry Guns are much more common on the defending team. When your team makes a push at a Sentry Gun that is being fiercely guarded, circle around it, if possible, or fire at a nearby surface and use the Rocket Launcher's large splash radius to dispatch the Engineer as he repairs his Sentry Gun. Alternatively, if you have the Direct Hit and can get a good angle, you can shoot directly at the Engineer. With proper aim, killing him will require three rockets at most.

Cita en los cielos
Cita en los cielos
Lanza por los aires a un rival con un cohete y mátalo con la escopeta antes de que caiga.
Dificultad: Fácil
Cómo obtenerlo: Firing a rocket at an enemy's feet will bounce him or her into the air, at which point you need to finish your target off with the Shotgun. Classes with low health such as Scouts, Medics and Spies are prime targets for this tactic. One good rocket will propel such enemies into the air and reduce their health to around 40, making them easy targets for your Shotgun. It is easier to juggle enemies using the default Rocket Launcher due to its larger splash radius.

Algunos hombres muertos
Algunos hombres muertos
Revienta a 1000 jugadores.
Dificultad: Fácil
Cómo obtenerlo: Enemies will usually explode into gibs when directly hit and killed with your Rocket Launcher. This achievement is straightforward, but requires quite a bit of playtime as Soldier. Critical rockets will always gib an enemy no matter how far they are from the center of the explosion when killed. Note that the enemy must gib; ragdoll deaths will not count toward this achievement.

Infracción de Ginebra
Infracción de Ginebra
Mata a 3 jugadores indefensos después de que haya finalizado una misma partida.
Dificultad: Fácil/Media
Cómo obtenerlo: The difficulty of this achievement depends largely on luck and positioning. Try to make your way towards the enemy spawn room right before your team is about to win, then let fly with the Critical boosted rockets at common hiding places (being careful not to get taunt-killed as well). The default Rocket Launcher will help in killing fleeing enemies due to the larger splash radius, though the Shotgun can also do the job against enemies that are trying to actively dodge your rockets.

¡Tórax! ¡Tórax! ¡Tórax!
¡Tórax! ¡Tórax! ¡Tórax!
Pásale a un enemigo una instantánea burlándote de el sobre tres pedazos de su cuerpo.
Dificultad: Fácil
Cómo obtenerlo: Taunt every time you gib an enemy at close range and eventually they will get a freezecam shot of you with three of their body parts. If possible, try to gib an enemy in an enclosed room, as their body parts will not be able to travel far.

Los cañones de Navar0wned
Los cañones de Navar0wned
Destruye 5 centinelas de Engineer desde fuera de su alcance.
Dificultad: Fácil
Cómo obtenerlo: To unlock this achievement, simply fire rockets at enemy Sentry Guns from a distance. Take advantage of the fact that buildings do not suffer from falloff damage. It should not take more than three or four rockets (or two from the Direct Hit) to kill an unattended Sentry Gun. However, if there is an Engineer behind the gun, he or she will be able to repair the Sentry faster than you can damage it. Try aiming at a solid surface near the Engineer to dispatch him or her using splash damage. If the Engineer is using the Wrangler, take care of the Engineer first and wait for the Sentry’s shield to drop.

La Colina de la Hamburguesa
La Colina de la Hamburguesa
Defiende un punto de captura 30 veces.
Dificultad: Fácil
Cómo obtenerlo: This achievement will take some time but can be sped up by playing defensively and staying near points on control point maps. Defending any control point, Payload cart, or killing an enemy who is holding your Intelligence will contribute one point towards this achievement.

Medallas de honor
Medallas de honor
Termina una ronda como jugador mejor valorado 10 veces.
Dificultad: Media
Cómo obtenerlo: MVPs are the top three point scorers for the winning team of each round. Even if you are at the top of your team’s scoreboard, you will not be an MVP unless you still earn within the top three point scores for that round. This achievement can be done more quickly by excelling in Arena mode. To increase your points per round, try to carry the Buff Banner, capture or defend points, and lead your team’s charges whenever possible. Having a Medic provide you with Kritzkrieg ÜberCharges can also help you earn more points.

Destrucción mutua asegurada
Destrucción mutua asegurada
Mata a un Sniper enemigo con un cohete después de que te mate.
Dificultad: Difícil
Cómo obtenerlo: Snipers will regularly aim at Soldiers due to their bulky size and slow speed, but this achievement still requires a bit of luck. If you fire rockets at enemy Snipers from a distance, such as on the battlements of 2Fort, you might eventually meet the requirements for this achievement. An alternate way to obtain this achievement is to gib both a Sniper and yourself while he is attacking you. The Sniper will be credited with a "finished off" kill, unlocking the achievement.

Experiencia cercana a la muerte
Experiencia cercana a la muerte
Mata a 20 enemigos con el Ecualizador teniendo menos de 25 puntos de salud.
Dificultad: Fácil/Media
Cómo obtenerlo: General play with the Equalizer will eventually unlock this achievement. A more efficient way to get the kills necessary is to damage yourself with the Rocket Launcher, then hide and ambush opponents. Try hiding in dark corners, above doorways, or in areas that are not accessed frequently. Snipers make easier targets, as they are notoriously unaware of their immediate surroundings. They will go down in at most two hits, denying them the chance to counterattack.

¿Es un cadáver lo que veo ante mí?
¿Es un cadáver lo que veo ante mí?
Mata a 500 Demoman enemigos.
Dificultad: Fácil
Cómo obtenerlo: Target any Demomen that you see and kill them using any means necessary. Always try to use your class advantages to get the upper hand by attacking them directly, where their indirect-fire weapons can't hit you as easily. Always keep an eye out for sticky traps, using your Shotgun to remove them if need be. Use your Shotgun on Demomen using the Chargin' Targe, as it is more difficult to kill them with explosives. Having the Equalizer equipped will improve your chances of killing an enemy Demoman in close quarters.

La cabalgata de las valgonetas
La cabalgata de las valgonetas
Empuja la vagoneta durante 30 segundos.
Dificultad: Fácil
Cómo obtenerlo: On a Payload map, continuously push the cart for 30 seconds. Jumping on top of the cart can make it easier to stay on it, but will also make you an easy target for Snipers. You may have better luck with this achievement on larger Payload maps, such as Badwater Basin or Gold Rush stage 3, where it takes longer for the enemy team to regroup and make their way back to the cart.

Bombardero sin alas
Bombardero sin alas
Mata a 20 enemigos desde arriba.
Dificultad: Media
Cómo obtenerlo: You do not need to be airborne or rocket jumping to earn kills for this achievement. All that is required is that you kill an enemy from a higher elevation. This can be done when defending higher control points such as the middle point on Well, point C on Gravel Pit, and the spires on Badlands.

Semper Fritelis
Semper Fritelis
Mata a 20 enemigos mientras estás ardiendo.
Dificultad: Fácil
Cómo obtenerlo: When you are ignited by a Pyro, instead of picking up health or calling for a Medic, simply continue playing as usual, killing any nearby enemies. Pyros who are unskilled with the compression blast or using the Backburner are easy prey, so you may want to target them first. Using the Equalizer may help, as you will do more damage as the fire lowers your health.

Con la ayuda de un Medic, revienta a 5 enemigos con la misma Supercarga.
Dificultad: Media/Difícil
Cómo obtenerlo: The Kritzkrieg is far more effective for this achievement than the regular ÜberCharge, so be sure to ask for a Kritzkrieg charge whenever possible. Try to find a Medic who is after the "Blast Assist" achievement to help you. Using the default Rocket Launcher rather than the Direct Hit or Black Box is strongly recommended. The Direct Hit has a smaller blast radius, making it very, very difficult to kill multiple targets with a single rocket, while the Black Box only carries three rockets in its magazine, forcing you to reload after the third shot. It is also possible to get this achievement by killing players during the 10 seconds of Crit buff after an Intelligence capture, or the 5 seconds of Crit buff granted after picking up candy packets from dead players on Event Harvest or Mann Manor.

¡Mira cómo inmolo!
¡Mira cómo inmolo!
Usa una granada para reventar a un jugador.
Dificultad: Media/Difícil
Cómo obtenerlo: Taunting with the Equalizer drawn will kill both you and any nearby enemies, including those that are next to or even behind you, rather than only the ones in front of you. Like other taunt kills, the duration of this taunt is quite long. Unlike other taunt kills, it's a guaranteed trip to the respawn room. Distracted Snipers and Heavies make easy targets. Performing the taunt around a corner will allow you to catch enemies by surprise. Alternatively, you can shoot a Soldier that is performing this taunt and allow him to gib himself, crediting you for the grenade kill and the achievement. Currently, there is a bug where equipping the Rocket Jumper will cause no damage to yourself, allowing you to attempt this achievement multiple times in one life.

El arte del estandarte
El arte del estandarte
Dale un subidón a 15 compañeros con el Estandarte de ánimo en la misma vida.
Dificultad: Fácil/Media
Cómo obtenerlo: This achievement can be obtained by using either the Buff Banner or Battalion's Backup. If using the Banner, the greater splash damage of the default Rocket Launcher or Black Box will make filling the Rage meter significantly easier. The Battalion’s Backup requires you to take 175 damage from enemies for a full charge, allowing for it to be used several times in quick succession if you fight on the front lines with a Medic nearby to heal. Whenever you have a full charge ready, notify your teammates and have them gather around you. If your team cannot be organized together, try to activate the buff when your team is pushing through an enclosed area, such as the corridors in Gold Rush and Dustbowl stage 3. Your enemies will likely target you once your banner is raised, so play cautiously and conservatively to avoid being overwhelmed. Unless you somehow manage to round up all 15 of your teammates on a 32-player server, you will have to use the banner at least twice in one life to get this achievement.

5 del patíbulo patidifuso
5 del patíbulo patidifuso
Mata a 5 jugadores aturdidos o ralentizados.
Dificultad: Media
Cómo obtenerlo: Find a Scout buddy with the Sandman equipped and ask him or her to stun enemies, who you can kill at your leisure. Scouts who are trying to get the "Strike Zone" achievement may be more willing to help you. Alternatively, enemies scared by the Ghost on the event version of Harvest or the Horseless Headless Horsemann on Mann Manor will count as "stunned," and killing them will count towards the achievement.

Guerra de Trincheras
Guerra de Trincheras
Mata a tu némesis con una pala.
Dificultad: Media/Difícil
Cómo obtenerlo: This achievement requires you to get a revenge kill using the Shovel, so make sure to use it instead of the Equalizer. Try to perform this in an enclosed area, as the lack of speed boost granted by the Equalizer will make catching a fleeing foe difficult. If you want to weaken your nemesis with rockets or the Shotgun, be careful not to kill him or her prematurely and accidentally get revenge with the wrong weapon. Alternatively, ambush your nemesis after your teammates have weakened him or her and deal the finishing blow. If you are having trouble with this achievement, you can allow yourself to be dominated by a class that you are strong against, such as a Sniper, and then flank and kill your nemesis at your leisure.

Daño trilateral
Daño trilateral
Mata a 3 enemigos con un solo cohete crítico.
Dificultad: Media
Cómo obtenerlo: It is recommended you have an assisting Medic ÜberCharge you with the Kritzkrieg to guarantee Critical rockets. While this achievement requires a bit of luck, try to attack locations where enemies are more likely to be bunched up, such as near Engineer buildings, narrow corridors, or capture points. Remember not to use the Direct Hit due to its smaller splash radius.

Crimen (de guerra) y castigo
Crimen (de guerra) y castigo
En la misma vida, mata a 3 enemigos que hayan dañado a un Medic que te esté curando.
Dificultad: Media
Cómo obtenerlo: The criteria of this achievement require the Medic to have taken damage from an enemy while healing you at the same time. As long as you look out for your Medic teammate, you should unlock this achievement through regular play. This does not have to be done with single Medic; if your Medic dies, you can still attempt to complete the achievement with another Medic, so long as you do not die. Attacking while being ÜberCharged by a Kritzkrieg presents an opportune time to achieve this; enemies will focus on you and your Medic while you, in turn, will be able to kill them very quickly.

Tribunal de guerra sucia
Tribunal de guerra sucia
Mata a un Spy que acabe de apuñalar por la espalda a un compañero.
Dificultad: Fácil/Media
Cómo obtenerlo: You are basically guaranteed to see a teammate die from a backstab eventually. If you see one happen, target the Spy and kill him or her using any means necessary. Keep an ear out for Critical death screams and kill notifications in the top corner, and use them to discern the location of the Spy. You cannot immediately kill the Spy if he is using the Dead Ringer, so listen for the telltale uncloaking noise if you suspect a Dead Ringer user, and kill the Spy when he or she decloaks.

El desafío de las águilas
El desafío de las águilas
Consigue el máximo de elevación en un salto con cohete usando la combinación de salto y agacharse.
Dificultad: Fácil
Cómo obtenerlo: This achievement will be very simple for experienced rocket jumpers. For the inexperienced, read the rocket jump article to learn how to execute one properly. Contrary to the achievement text, the jump does not have to reach maximum height; it is based on the total distance traveled. Performing a rocket jump that sends you a large distance horizontally will also complete this achievement. It is possible to achieve this using the Rocket Jumper. If you are having trouble, equipping the Rocket Jumper and using the Equalizer's taunt will allow you to survive the explosion, sending you skyward and also earning you the achievement.

Alas gloriosas
Alas gloriosas
Mata a un soldado enemigo mientras tanto tú como él estáis volando.
Dificultad: Media/Difícil
Cómo obtenerlo: For this achievement, both you and the enemy Soldier only need to be in midair when he dies; note that the two of you do not have to be rocket jumping. Kill the airborne Soldier with any weapon practical for the situation. With good aim, the Direct Hit or even the standard Rocket Launcher should easily kill an airborne Soldier, due to him likely being damaged already. You can also use the Shotgun since it is a hitscan weapon that gives the enemy Soldier no time to dodge. Alternatively, if you can catch an airborne Soldier off-guard with a rocket that is sure to hit, quickly jump in the air. This may trigger the achievement.

Más que mil palabras
Más que mil palabras
Pásale a un enemigo una instantánea de tu saludo de las 21 salvas.
Dificultad: Muy fácil
Cómo obtenerlo: Simply kill an enemy and then taunt with the Shotgun equipped. You do not need to kill the enemy with the Shotgun, though doing so obviates the need to switch weapons. Be sure not to be killed before you complete the taunt.