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Nihil/sandbox/Demoman Robot
Nihil/sandbox/Demoman Robot
기본 정보
체력: 175 (데모맨, 흑기사)
3000 (거대 속사 데모맨 (타입 2))
3300 (거대 속사 데모맨 (타입 1), 거대 흑기사)
40,000 (폭격자 소령)
50,000 (뉴커롯 경)
이동 속도: 93% (데모맨, 흑기사)
46.5% (거대 속사 데모맨, 거대 흑기사)
50% (뉴커롯경)
32% (폭격자 소령)


잘난 놈들, 눈알 가득 채운 채로 활보하는구나!
The Demo-bot

데모맨 로봇Mann 대 기계에서 적으로 나타나며, 가슴에 데모맨의 6개의 유탄이 아닌 배터리를 6개 달고 있는 데모맨의 로봇 버전입니다.

일반 변형


문양 이름 주무기 특성
데모맨 Grenade Launcher
유탄 발사기

유탄 발사기를 사용하는 데모맨 로봇의 일반적인 형태로, 단체로 몰려다니며 불운한 플레이어를 그들의 유탄 우박에 갇히게 하며 진격합니다. 유탄이 직격으로 닿지 않도록 먼 거리에서 공격하세요.

집중 사격 데모맨

문양 이름 주무기 특성
Demo burst
집중 사격 데모맨 Grenade Launcher
유탄 발사기
Pictogram plus.png 발사 속도 95% 증가
Pictogram minus.png 장탄수 50% 감소
Pictogram minus.png 재장전 속도 75% 감소
Pictogram minus.png 유탄 발사 각도 편차 +3도
Pictogram minus.png 완전히 재장전 할 때까지 발사하지 않음

이 데모맨 로봇은 일단 데모맨 로봇보다 훨씬 빠르게 유탄을 발사하지만, 재장전 하기 전 두 번 발사할 수 있으며, 흔히 나타나지 않고 많은 수로 나타나지 않습니다. 굉장히 빠른 재장전 속도 때문에, 플레이어는 일반 데모맨 로봇보다 훨씬 빠르게 죽거나 큰 대미지를 받을 수 있습니다. 하지만, 데모맨 로봇보다 원거리에서의 유탄 대미지가 더 약합니다. 집중 사격 데모맨과 관련된 버그로 유탄 발사기와 같은 크기의 장탄수를 가지고, 떨어지면 유탄을 4발 쏩니다. 집중 사격 데모맨은 방대한 도시의 방책제국의 확장에서만 나타납니다.

치명타 데모맨

문양 이름 주무기 특성
치명타 데모맨 Grenade Launcher
유탄 발사기
Pictogram plus.png 치명타 확률 100%
Pictogram plus.png 피해량 100% 증가
Pictogram plus.png 재장전 속도 180% 증가
Pictogram plus.png 투사체 속도 100% 증가

치명타 데모맨은 아무 저항도 개선하지 않은 플레이어에게 큰 위협이 됩니다. 빠른 투사체 속도와 강력한 유탄으로 인해, 치명타 데모맨은 모든 거리의 플레이어도 쉽게 죽일 수 있습니다. 또한 재장전 속도가 매우 빨라 쉴 새 없이 계속 유탄을 발사합니다. 하지만, 발사 속도 증가가 없기 때문에 파이로와 헤비가 유탄을 반사하거나 파괴 시킬 수 있습니다. 치명타 데모맨은 불확실한 범죄행위부서진 부품에서만 등장합니다.


문양 이름 보조무기 근접무기 특성
Demoknight Chargin' Targe
돌격 방패
Pictogram plus.png 3 seconds of 100% critical chance on kill

The Demoknight is a robotic counterpart of the human Demoman, described as a "sword-wielding maniac", and appears less often than normal Demoman robots. It uses the Chargin' Targe and the Eyelander, allowing it to quickly cover distances by charging with the innate ability of its shield. This makes them more dangerous up close, but still unable to attack from distances due to the lack of the Grenade Launcher because of this it isn’t too much of a threat, but if several players are close to it, it can go on a critical rampage, gaining three seconds of 100% critical chance upon killing a player. Similar in standard gameplay, a Pyro’s compression blast can nullify the shield charge and blast them away where they will be unable to do anything, although a much better option would be to just simply stay away where they will be helpless at range.

Demoknight (Type 2)

문양 이름 주무기 보조무기 근접무기 모자 특성
Demoman Ali Baba's Wee Booties
알리 바바의 조막만한 신발
Splendid Screen
경이로운 차폐막
Persian Persuader
페르시아식 설득 도구
Sultan's Ceremonial
술탄의 의식모
Pictogram plus.png 3 seconds of 100% critical chance on kill
Pictogram plus.png Attacks do not cancel shield charge while charging

This rare version of the Demoknight possesses the One Thousand and One Demoknights loadout, which makes it more dangerous than the common variant of the Demoknight due to more frequent shield charges and bashes. Although they equip the Ali Baba's Wee Booties, they will start off with the regular 175 health, as robots do not gain maximum health bonuses from items upon spawning. However, they can still gain up to 200 maximum health if there is a healing source (such as health regeneration from bomb buff). This variant only appears on Bavarian Botbash's wave 4 and Hamlet Hostility's wave 6.

Samurai Demo

문양 이름 보조무기 근접무기 모자 특성
Demo samurai
Samurai Demo Splendid Screen
경이로운 차폐막
Pictogram info.png 1.3x larger in size
Pictogram info.png Jumps every 10 seconds
Pictogram info.png Uses shield charge when in mid-air only
Pictogram plus.png 650 HP
Pictogram plus.png +2 seconds charge time
Pictogram plus.png +600% recharge rate
Pictogram plus.png +130% jump height
Pictogram plus.png +50% damage dealt
Pictogram plus.png Attacks do not cancel shield charge when charging

The Samurai Demo is similar to the Demoknight, with the exception that it possesses a Half-Zatoichi and a Splendid Screen. Their charge behavior consists of jumping high upwards, disorienting players and throwing off their aim. They then begin their charge, circling their target's head and making it even harder for them to retaliate. Their Half-Zatoichi will restore some of their health if they kill a player, though the majority of their kills are often with the shield bash itself. These robots are slightly larger than normal Demo-bots, but they are not considered giant robots, and so they will still receive buffs over time if they carry the bomb. They are also vulnerable to Sappers, which can stop them from jumping upwards. The snare upgrade for the Mad Milk and Jarate can stop Samurai Demos from using their charge. It can be killed in one hit by a player also wielding the Half-Zatoichi.

Samurai Demo (Type 2)

문양 이름 보조무기 근접무기 모자 기타 특성
Demo samurai
Samurai Demo Splendid Screen
경이로운 차폐막
사무라이 가면
Pictogram info.png 1.3x larger in size
Pictogram info.png Jumps every 4 seconds
Pictogram info.png Uses shield charge when in mid-air only
Pictogram plus.png 650 HP
Pictogram plus.png +6 seconds charge time
Pictogram plus.png +600% recharge rate
Pictogram plus.png +130% jump height
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance

A slightly different version of the Samurai Demo that has more charge time, leaps more often, does not keep charging if it attacks while charging and wears the Menpo. Although they do less base damage, they are critboosted to compensate for this. Their shield bash does standard damage, however. This version of the Samurai Demo does not appear in the game's template files and is only seen at the end of wave 6 of Hamlet Hostility on Rottenburg.

Giant Variants

Giant Rapid Fire Demoman

문양 이름 주무기 특성
Giant Rapid Fire Demoman Grenade Launcher
유탄 발사기
Pictogram plus.png 3300 HP
Pictogram plus.png +50% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png +25% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png +160% faster reload time
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded

Giant Rapid Fire Demoman are Giant Demoman bots that acts similar to Giant Rapid Fire Soldier as this bot reloads instantly and also shoots faster, though its fire rate bonus is a 25% increase instead of a 50% increase. The giant flurry of grenades is enough to kill most overhealed classes assuming all of the projectiles hit and the Medic has no overheal upgrades.

Giant Rapid Fire Demoman (Type 2)

문양 이름 주무기 특성
Giant Rapid Fire Demoman Grenade Launcher
유탄 발사기
Pictogram plus.png 3000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +50% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png +50% faster firing speed
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded

A variant of the Giant Rapid Fire Demoman. This variant fires 50% faster but has no reload bonus and also has 300 less health.

Giant Burst Fire Demoman

문양 이름 주무기 특성
Demo burst
Giant Burst Fire Demo Grenade Launcher
유탄 발사기
Pictogram plus.png 3300 HP
Pictogram plus.png +60% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png +90% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png +7 grenades in clip
Pictogram plus.png +35% faster reload rate
Pictogram plus.png +10% projectile speed
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png +5 degrees random projectile deviation
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded

A bigger, badder version of the Burst Fire Demo that can take out a teammate in a blink of an eye. Its stats are similar to its smaller counterparts and the Giant Rapid Fire Demoman, but its clip size is increased to 11 grenades instead of the normal 4, making it a very versatile robot. Don't forget to be aware of the grenades' knockback. They should be very vulnerable during their reload phase. Be very cautious when they're locked and loaded, however, as they are dangerous even at long range. Run for cover or a Medic’s shield, or get blown to smithereens.

Giant Demoknight

문양 이름 주무기 보조무기 근접무기 모자 특성
Giant Demoknight Ali Baba's Wee Booties
알리 바바의 조막만한 신발
Chargin' Targe
돌격 방패
Prince Tavish's Crown
태비시 왕자의 왕관
Pictogram plus.png 3300 HP
Pictogram plus.png +50% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png 3 seconds of 100% critical chance on kill
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed

Wielding the Eyelander, Chargin' Targe, Ali Baba's Wee Booties, and Prince Tavish's Crown, this is a slower, bigger, and tougher version of a regular Demoknight. They can still charge, but not as far due to their slower speed. Due to their large amount of health, blast and fire resistances and their ability to collect heads, they can be hard to kill for Soldiers, Demomen and Pyros. Do not let it collect heads or it will move much faster.


Major Bomber

문양 이름 주무기 모자 특성
Demo bomber
Major Bomber Grenade Launcher
유탄 발사기
Prince Tavish's Crown
태비시 왕자의 왕관
Pictogram plus.png 40,000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +30% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png +70% airblast knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png Extra +90% vertical airblast resistance
Pictogram plus.png Regenerates 200 HP per second
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png +80% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png +70% faster reload rate
Pictogram plus.png +200% clip size
Pictogram plus.png +50% faster projectile speed
Pictogram plus.png Provides 90% less rage
Pictogram minus.png -68% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded

Major Bomber is an extremely large Demoman giant that fires grenades that are always critical hits. Similar to the rapid-fire giants, this robot will not fire until it has a full clip reloaded. When it does, it will shoot out all its grenades in a rapid succession, killing anyone unaware or too close. Extreme caution is needed to take this robot down, as it has a massive pool of health, health regeneration, and critboosted grenades that can prove fatal. This robot appears as the boss of the mission "Disintegration" (Operation Mecha Engine, Decoy).

Sir Nukesalot

문양 이름 주무기 특성
Sir Nukesalot Loose Cannon
통제불능 대포
Pictogram info.png 1.9x larger in size
Pictogram plus.png 50,000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +60% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png +600% damage dealt
Pictogram plus.png +20% explosion radius
Pictogram plus.png +100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png Exploded cannonballs release huge smoke
Pictogram minus.png -65% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png -50% clip size
Pictogram minus.png -20% projectile speed
Pictogram minus.png -100% slower fire rate
Pictogram minus.png -80% slower reload rate
Pictogram minus.png +5 degrees random projectile deviation
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded

This mechanical monster is a Giant Demoman wielding a cannon that shoots out large grenades that have the same smoking effect as the Sentry Buster's explosion. The smoke is large enough to cloak this robot's large body. The robot's grenade deals enough damage to kill any class in one hit or fatally wound them. However, Sir Nukesalot's clip size is halved, reducing the amount of grenades it can fire at once. In addition, its grenades have a significantly increased fuse length and slower firing speed; an experienced player can time its shots and use the opportunity between its fire time to attack the robot or even Ubersaw it for a quick Uber. This robot appears as the boss of the 6th wave of Hamlet Hostility (Operation Two-Cities, Rottenburg), although it is not the final boss of that mission. It is accompanied by Spies and Engineers, so it is recommended to take them out first to prevent them from causing any trouble and complications.

Unused content

  • An unused Demoman Robot template exists for a "Chief Tavish" Demoman who possesses an identical loadout to the Giant Demoknight, but is larger, has 55,000 HP and regenerates 500 health per second.
  • There also exists an unused template for a "Giant Rapid Fire Demo Chief" robot who is similar to Giant Rapid Fire Demomen but has 60,000 HP, a permanent crit-boost, a bigger clip size and a faster firing speed.
  • There is an unused texture of a RED Demoman Robot in the game files.
  • Giant Demomen have an unused firing sound (named giant_demoman_grenade_shoot.wav).
  • Similar to other giants (except giant Medics), Giant Demomen have unused footstep sounds unique to them (named giant_demoman_step01-04.wav).


  • Demoman robots have a custom taunt in which they pump their left arm upward twice, then lift their crotch armor. This actually replaces the Decapitation taunt, and players can get instantly killed by it should they be standing in front of the Demoman Robot before they lift their crotch armor.
  • The crotch-smile on the Demoman Robot is the emoticon ":)" printed in a large font size onto a page of tractor-feed paper. This can be seen when the Demoman Robot does the Grenade Launcher taunt.
  • An early version of the Demoman Robot's head can be seen in the Engineer Update teaser.
  • The Samurai Demo (Type 2) in Hamlet Hostility is referred to as "Leaping Samurai Demo" by the devs.
  • The Demoknight Robot charge scream lacks a robot version. This is because Demo's charge voice lines are not associated with the Demoman in the game's files; instead they are associated with the shield items.
