End of the Line (vídeo)

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End of the Line
Información del vídeo
Fecha de lanzamiento: 8 de diciembre de 2014
Duración: 14:06

End of the Line es el título del vídeo que acompañó a la actualización End of the Line. En él se muestra cómo BLU ataca al equipo RED enviando un tren fuera de control lleno de bombas hacia su base.

El vídeo fue publicado por Violet McVinnie el 8 de diciembre de 2014 en YouTube y la web oficial de Team Fortress 2.



El vídeo comienza con unas escena de la base BLU. Es invierno y el Sniper BLU está congelado en la nieve. El Soldier BLU coloca una taza con la inscripción «Sniper n.º 2» junto al Sniper, lo que hace al Sniper moverse un poco.

Inside, the BLU team is putting the final touches on their train. Soldier and BLU Engineer go over the plans: the train is to leave the base, pick up speed, and then destroy the RED base at the end of the line. Meanwhile the BLU Heavy and Pyro are decorating two Conex cargo containers loaded on flat cars, with a threatening message for the REDs and a whimsical fantasy scene, respectively. Soldier, unimpressed with Pyro's contribution, removes the container from the train, but Pyro puts it back on when the Soldier's back is turned. Finally, the BLU Demoman sets the train on its course, and blows up the controls with dynamite.

Meanwhile, the RED Sniper and RED Scout are keeping watch at a snowy outpost. As Sniper goes in for a break, the ground starts shaking. They both go out to investigate, and the train blitzes past them.

At the RED base, the RED Heavy and RED Medic are trying to play a game of chess; the Heavy does not quite understand the rules of the game, much to the Medic's chagrin. Outside, RED Spy delivers a top secret folder to the RED Soldier, explaining the BLU team's plan. The "end of the line" detailed in the plan happens to be an explosive barrel storeroom, located right next to a kitten shop, an orphanage, and a kitten orphanage. The RED Soldier calls the rest of his team into action using an explosive Flare Gun.

Elsewhere, RED Sniper and RED Scout are trying to intercept the train, using Sniper's van to race after the train as it goes along a narrow mountain gorge. Scout manages to avoid heavy rocks falling and low signals, and successfully reaches the top of the train, uncoupling the train's last boxcar in the process. The Sniper is less lucky and ends up stuck in his van, perilously perched at a cliff edge.

Back at RED's base, RED Spy, Medic, and Heavy are discussing the news. Heavy tries to calm Medic down but is crossly waved off. He goes outside, looking at the mountain ranges in the distance.

After exiting a tunnel, RED Scout investigates the cars on the train. The car with Pyro's decoration is filled with rubber ducks, but the Heavy's car contains a large bomb. Scout manages to defuse the bomb, easily unlocking it (the key for the bomb is located under a doormat with "GO AWAY" written on it), and outsmarting the disarming mechanism (two buttons, both of them labelled "YES" underneath a "Disarm bomb?" sign). Scout is relieved and is about to leave the train, but decides to take a closer look at the container he is in. As he flips the light switch, a whole pile of bombs is revealed at the back of the boxcar.

At the RED base, the team is preparing for the train's arrival. The Medic has dejectedly resigned to twirling a pencil inside his office, with even the Spy unable to convince him to leave. Unable to communicate with Medic any other way, Heavy makes his way to the train tracks, outstretching both his hands gesturing in an attempt to stop the train. Medic notices this and manages to get his Medi Gun just in time, and he ÜberCharges the Heavy just as the train arrives. The impact is immense, destroying the railway tracks and derailing the entire train, but the impact pushes Heavy outside of the ÜberCharge's range. Scout jumps off the train and has to dodge flying debris, pushing Medic down just as a boxcar flies over their heads. The bomb container ends up exploding in the air as it is hit by the duck container. However, the explosive barrel storeroom is unharmed.

The RED team emerges from the wreckage, staring at the ruins of their old base. However, their relief is short-lived, as the boxcar that Scout uncoupled earlier rushes down the tracks. The car, revealed to be full of anvils, effortlessly plows through the other wrecked cars, and rushes down towards the end of the line, coming to a stop just short of the explosive barrels (and a kitten).

Yet again, the RED team's collective sigh of relief is interrupted by the RED Engineer, who reveals himself to be the BLU Spy and takes Medic hostage at knife-point. However, the Heavy emerges from the wreckage, and bends the barrel on BLU Spy's Revolver. He then throws the BLU Spy up in the air, and pummels him into the ground, leaving him in an extremely awkward-looking position. Heavy once again stares at the mountain range in the distance, and turns towards his team with a smirk on his face.

At the BLU base, a train car arrives, filling the main warehouse with smoke and interrupting the BLU Soldier and Engineer. The car is full of charred rubber ducks, covering a BLU bomb. The BLUs barely have time to react before the bomb explodes (although the BLU Pyro survives, distracted by a cat outside).

Over in RED's base, Soldier is taking stock of the damages, checking over the residents of the orphanage, the kitten orphanage, and the kitten store. Medic offers Heavy another game of chess. But during the game, Heavy's hesitation at making his first move causes Medic to angrily flip the table.

El vídeo acaba con una escena del Sniper RED, aún en su caravana. Despertándose y viendo unas palomas llevando la bomba de la carga BLU hacia la base RED...


  • El pedido del tren varía entre vídeos:
    • Al montarlo (~1:17) y el largometraje 7:38, los contenedores pintados son precedidos por dos vagones cisterna, mientras que en otras escenas (5:27 y 10:37) son vagones normales.
    • Se ve la marca Anvil Trading Company en un vagón en 4:57-4:58, otra vez en 5:29-5:30 y finalmente en el accidente. Pero en 5:37 se ve un vagón BLU normal en su lugar.
  • En 0:46, se ve un plan de paloma ladrona de bombas en la pizarra. A pesar de estar marcado como «fallido», al final del vídeo se puede ver que sucede.
  • En 1:00, el Engineer lleva Calzado Níveo. Pero en 1:04, ya no.
  • Las señales de ferrocarril del vídeo son acertadas en aspectos generales, pero en 3:10 y 3:32 las luces verdes, deberían ser rojas.
  • Cuando el Scout escala a la parte superior de la caravana del Sniper, rompe uno de los retrovisores, sin embargo, luego está arreglado de nuevo.
  • En 5:57, suena una campana de paso a nivel; sin embargo no hay ningún paso a nivel.
  • La llave de la bomba bajo el cartel «Go Away» es una referencia a Key under the doormat.
    • La llave usada para abrir el botón de desactivación de la bomba es la Llave de End of the Line, que se usa para abrir las cajas de la comunidad de End of the Line.
  • Cuando el vagón con patitos de goma golpea al vagón con bombas, se oye un sonido de patito de goma.
  • Muchos de los cosméticos que aparecen en el vídeo fueron publicados en la actualización. Sin embargo, la máscara de buceo del Pyro y sus flotadores (11:10) no se añadieron.
  • En 0:47, se puede ver un dibujo de un «Giant Magnifying Death Ray» en uno de los planes fallidos, muy similar al «dispositivo de Doomsday» en el mapa Nucleus.
  • En la cabina de la locomotora en 2:00, hay una foto del Spy RED con la madre del Scout BLU en el parabrisas, que también aparece en el Conoce al Spy.


  • La pose del Sniper BLU en 0:18 es una referencia a Jack Torrance en El resplandor.
  • El Sniper n.º 2 escrito en la taza que el Soldier BLU le da al Sniper BLU es una referencia a que el Sniper RED tiene una taza con Sniper n.º 1, dejando caer que el Sniper RED siempre gana al BLU en los Conoce al equipo.
  • En 2:00, hay una nota en el marco de la ventana, tras el Demoman, en la que pone: «Nueva contraseña: 1-1-1-2». Esto es una referencia a la contraseña «1-1-1-1», que ambos equipos usan en Conoce al Spy y Fecha de caducidad. Se puede ver la nota completa en la lista de modelos que Rebbaccus (trabajador para End of the Line) publicó en el Workshop de Source Filmmaker.


Dirigido por
Violet McVinnie
Animado por
Luke Murray
Modelado por
Rebecca Pursley
Arte de
Leri Greer
Efectos de
Daniel Escobedo
Música de
Lars Erik Fjøsne
Arslan Qureshi
Mike Hillard
Sonido de
Ed Harrison
John Dekker

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